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Adapted from One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Ken Keasey)

Background Note: “One Flew Over the Cuckoo‟s Nest” is Ken Keasey‟s critically
acclaimed 1962 novel of the same name. The movie with same name is
Considered by some critics to be one of the greatest films ever made, and In fact,
it was only the second film in history to win all five of the most Important
Academy Awards---Best Movie, Best Director, Best Actor (Nicholson), Best
Actress (Fletcher), and Best Screenplay.


(Dim light on center stage. A glass window on one side. Two tables placed on the
either side of the stage with few chairs. Floyd‟s comfortably numb being played in
the background.
Now the music fades and a single spotlight on center stage. An old fragile looking
man appears on stage with a broomstick. He sits on floor, his hands are moving
as if he is trying to scrub the floor. His movements are awkwardly stiff as he is
any kind of mechanical device to perform the work. Suddenly he stops and
hesitating looks on the either side of the stage and straight towards the

Man: (holding a imaginary microphone, stands up and runs towards the

audience) ladies and gentle man!!! Welcome to the circus at the end of the
universe. It seems you people turned up for the show a bit early… you know I still
haven‟t cleaned this mess out here. But that‟s ok none of us are really clean
here. If you people are wondering what actually I am doing, then let me
explain…. I am cleaning my guilt, my incapabilities… my complexes, just like you
all respected august audience.
(He again goes back to his work, but with in seconds he moves away from the
audience with a scream).

Man: but why you people are listening to? I am not your handsome cowboy from
west, neither am I the wise man of east…. Thieves!!! You people must be

(He tries to hide himself with his arms and runs towards the tables. A young
woman appears on the stage from right wing of the stage)

Woman: but thieves don‟t come to circus with pan caked faces. You must be our
patrons. Now please, let me introduce my worse half and myself. We are your
host for the show. But don‟t tell anyone about this, it‟s just between you and me.

Man: yes, yes!!! It‟s a circus. My dear audiences please don‟t get fooled; today
there is no show. Actually we never had any shows; it‟s not even a circus. It‟s a
mental asylum, like rest of the breathing space around us…

Woman: shut up you old fool, (now towards the audience with a visible disgust
for the old man) excuse us for this inconvenience. Though some people feel this
place is a rehabilitation center, but it‟s not an asylum any given day…well let me
tell you the story of this place…

(Footsteps from the wings. The man goes back to his work while the woman
finds a place for herself among the chairs. There seems to be an obvious
envelope of fear on their face and on the stage it self. Two ticket collectors enters
the stage from the wings)

(Stage is again mutedly lighted; they enter with battery-operated torches in their
Gopal: again we are late for the show; I hope things are all right here….

(Both of them point their torchlights towards the audience)

Sharmaji: perfect!! As expected like always, really civilize educated people.

Gopal: I thought we would miss the show. I am really scared with this winter
coming up I don‟t think I can work like this.

Sharmaji: you right, I am also worried. I just hope madam never gets to know
about this late attendance thing we do.

(Both moves towards the audience. Suddenly Gopal stumble upon the old man
and trip on the floor)

Gopal: you old fool!!!

(He starts to beat him mercilessly, his companion laughs at this as if some kind
of joke is happening. Though he seems to be enjoying the act, he reluctantly

Sharmaji: come we have better work to do till this damm show ends.

(He pulls him away from the old and shows the woman sitting at the corner of the

Gopal: don‟t you get bored with the same one every day? She use to be good
when she used to be younger…I think that time she was around 14yrs?

Sharmaji: as per records she was 13years old when she came here and for your
kind information beggars can‟t be choosers. Now give me one damm!! Biri…
Gopal: (handing him a pack of biri) then today I will go first.

(Both moves towards the woman, she was motionless as if its expected and part
of her life. They drag her towards the wing and then out of the stage. Few
screams from the wing then a complete silence as if nothing happened. Spotlight
again on the stage. The old man ran towards the wing, then comes back to his
original position on floor)

Man: (towards the audience) I hope you are enjoying the show, that girl was our
trapeze artist. She is wonderful with her act, performing with every bit of her
flesh. How about applause for her? And please for me also, mine was the comic
act. I hope you found that funnier than those morning newspaper headlines.

(Few men and women enter the stage. „Friend of devil‟ by grateful Dead being
played on the background. The old man lying over the floor like a dead object.
They dance around him for a while, then settle down around the two tables).

Abdul: (looking at the old man) does anyone his name or anything about him?

Paul: no my friend, he is just like that. Old, deaf and dumb filthy man….

Roy: but Paul he is good for the show. There are hardly any jokers left in this

Paul: but why reacts in such a way after every performance by our trapeze

Renee: I think he finds her as competitor.

Tanya: nah! I think there is something going between them…you knows what I

(All of them look at the old man and then towards the wing where the ticket
collectors took the woman. The background music comes back to life, they starts
dancing around the old man)

(Suddenly the music stops with a woman‟s voice from the wing. All the people on
stage hurriedly settles down near the tables, except the old mad who is now
scrubbing the floor more vigorously. A well-dressed woman in suit enters the

Madam: Gopal… Sharmaji! Where are you? What the hell is happening? Why
there is no comic show happening here? Where is our star performer… our
grand old star?

(Both the men enter hurriedly and in a confused state biri in their hands).

Gopal and Sharmaji: (together) yes madam!

Sharmaji: Any problem? We here only, taking care of our guests.

(Madam looks at them carefully, towards the people sitting on chair on either side
of the stage)

Madam: you scoundrels! Idiots! Can‟t you see audience is getting bored? They
want entertainment. Get that joker perform some trick.

(Both the men start beating the old man. Somehow he manages to look towards
Man: now that‟s what I call entertainment! Don‟t you enjoy this?
(Madam leaves the stage and within few moment both the men also leaves the
motionless old man and moves out of the stage)

Renee: I don‟t really understand what problem this old man has? Along with
madam, Gopal and Sharmaji are the only people are our only well-wisher.

Tanu: you so correct! They are not only keeping this circus alive but also us.

Roy: you forgetting our accountant…

Abdul: these people really deserve an award for their honest and hard work for
providing entertainment to the society.

Paul: but whom you people are nominating for performer of the week? My vote
goes to Roy.

(Complete commotion on stage, everyone trying to say something. Lights on the

stage fades along with the commotion. The old stands up and looks towards

Man: here goes another weekly awards, don‟t worry you will also get to see that.
Our circus management really encourages its members to perform better. By the
way just for record between you people and me, I am not deaf and dumb neither
blind. I can see, hear and talk. But just like all you I pretend not to, so don‟t you
think I am smart like all of you?

(The old man goes back to his work, while others were voting. It seems that Roy
is the winner of this week‟s award. Few more join them on stage; new entrants
seem to be just out of bed and visibly sleepy).

Madam: Sharmaji!
(Both the men enter the stage)

Madam: what is noise is all about? Where the hell you two keep fooling around?

Sharmaji: nothing to worry about madam, these people are just voting for weekly

Gopal: (towards the people sitting on chair) so who is the winner?

(A faint voice comes up)

Roy: me!
Madam: congratulation Mr. Roy!!!

Sharmaji: congratulation sir!!

(By now both the men are dragging Roy mercilessly on the stage and takes him
out of the stage)

Madam: I don‟t think any one of is expecting any more awards today? So, please
clear the space and let the show go on.

(Madam leaves the stage. Everyone except the old man also leaves the stage
from the other side).

(Roy screams from the wing for few moments, then his voice faints. Gopal and
Sharmaji enters with Roy's motionless body, drops it on stage and picks up the
old man and leaves the stage with him).
(Woman previously taken away enters the stage. Though smiling, she seems to
be tired and physically abused).

Woman: (towards the audience) I hope you are enjoying the show? Well for your
information more of heavy-duty entertainment is still to come. Now by the time
our next performance begins let me get you audience get acquainted to our
circus and its pleasures. Madam treats us here as kings and queens, a controlled
diet so that we stay slim n trim. This weekly once used to be daily routine but our
accountant complained that company is loosing money on morphine injections
provided for the entertainment of the winner. Now wonderful news for all a new
member is joining us today, I heard he is a ringmaster….

(Suddenly a chilling sound of siren rises in the background and she immediately
leaves the stage. Curtain falls)

(Stage bright lit and everyone on stage including the trapeze woman, all sitting
around the two tables. The old man in his previous state of scrubbing the floor.
Slowly the voices rise over the stage)

(Doorbell rings)

Man: (to audience) I think it‟s the new one… now the fun begins.

Madam: (from background) Sharmaji! Can you please open the door?

Both: yes, madam!

Gopal: (from background, opening the door) yes?

Messenger: (from background) excuse me sir! I am here with the man you have
been waiting. Please sign the documents and help me….

Gopal: madam! Our new member.

Madam: sign the papers and bring him in.

(Gopal enters the stage with a young man. With his look it seems that he did
have the chance to have a proper shower for sometime).

Sharmaji: welcome sir! Welcome! By the way may know your name sir?

Alex: hello! I am Alex. Hmmm… not a bad place for an extended vacation, I think
you two are supposed to be bellboys?
(Sharmaji and Gopal visibly irritated with him tries to take him out of the stage.
But he moves towards others).

Alex: (towards all) hello everyone I am Alex… Alexzendar Firdaus. I think you all
are my fellow inmates. I will be here with you all for few days here in this mental

(Everyone seem to in a state of shock look at him with disbelief)

Abdul: my friend this place is not an asylum, it‟s a circus and we are
performers… please don‟t spoil the show.

(Before Alex could say anything more to them, Gopal and Sharmaji takes him out
of the stage forcibly).

(Alex screams in the background, he seems to be in pain. The members ignore

everything and continue with their game of cards as nothing happened).

Man: (standing and looking towards audience) I wish I could tell him the stories
of our circus, but like you all I am deaf, dumb and blind. Poor soul…I wish I could
tell him that once you are here you become part of this place… I just hope this
Alex don‟t really spoil this circus.

(As he keeps looking towards the audience, curtain falls)


(Curtain rises with „hotel California‟ by Eagles being played in the background.
Madam sitting in one of the chairs and doing some paper work. A nurse was
there arranging injections and medicines).

Nurse: (while preparing a injection) madam! What do you think about our inmate
Alex? I mean he seems to be nice, but he can be a problem for all of us here.

Madam: yes you are right! And I think he should remain in isolation for few more
days, what do you think about that?

Nurse: I don‟t think we really need to keep him isolated, I mean what he can with
a bunch of inanes. Moreover he himself is among them.

Madam: that‟s the reason, he can make this insane animals think and dream. By
the way with all my experience I can guarantee you that this chap is perfectly all
right. (She thinks something and smiles) you know many years back a same kind
of person was sent here. He was intolerable and a manipulator, but look what I
did with him (both look towards the old man scrubbing the floor).

(Someone knocks the door in background)

Madam: oh! It must be Dr. Bhole; can you please open the door?

(Nurse leaves the stage to open the door)

Doctor: (from background) hello! How are you?

Nurse: (from background) I am fine, thank you. Please come inside madam is
waiting for you.
(Both enter the stage)

Doctor: hello! Madam! I am extremely sorry that I could pay a visit here. Actually
an emergency case came up….

Madam: nurse can you please check that the inmates finished their breakfast.
And tell Gopal and Sharmaji to bring them here… including the new one.

(Within few moments all the Gopal and Sharmaji enter the stage with all inmates.
Alex was separated and was loitering in and around the stage)

Nurse: that‟s very good that everyone is here; now please take your medicines.

(Everyone gets into a single line to take his or her medicine)

Bose: wait a minute nurse may I ask you why are you giving me this new

Nurse: Mr. Bose it‟s a medicine and its good for you.

Bose: listen lady; I know this is a medicine. But why….

Nurse: Mr. Bose, please….

Bose: listen know your tricks, Alex is right…this place is no circus. Its an mental
asylum…leave me now.

Madam: Mr. Bose, we will really appreciate if you leave this place right now.

Bose: I was just….

Madam: you may leave now.

(Bose leaves the stage with Gopal and Sharmaji. Within few moments all can
hear him screaming. They enter the stage again with his motionless body and
throw it near the old man. Alex leaves his seat and sits besides them on floor)

Doctor: I think everyone is here, now we can begin our session.

Anand: I not feeling well, can I go?

Madam: someone help him….

Tanya: Anand please try to understand…I you don‟t shut up you will end up like
Mr. Bose.

Madam: ok let‟s start now. Day before yesterday we were discussing the
problems we face in life. Mr. Alexzendar Firdaus would you like to put your
thoughts on this?

(Everybody was silent except Alex… he seems to murmuring something on his


Alex: madam it Alex, and where to put what?

Madam: your opinion…your thoughts.

(She picks a file and instructs the nurse to read)

Nurse: Alexzendar Firdaus, age 32years. A compulsive gambler. Convicted for

Doctor: rape?

Nurse: girl is a minor, just 15years.

Alex: but she told me she was 18years and she agreed for everything that

Nurse: after her medical checkup it was found that, victim was raped multiple

Doctor: I think I really have to check this one. I feel there is something wrong
about him…

Alex: wrong? Can‟t you see I am mad…an insane lunatic.

(Voices fade…)

Man: I really want to tell this chap that, he should stay behind the rules…. but I

(By now doctor, madam, nurse and two attendants were out of sight)

Alex: is they way are helping you? With physical and mental tortures???

Paul: don‟t lie; madam is only to help us….

(Complete commotion on stage some are shouting against Alex while some for
his support. Suddenly both the attendants enter)

Sharmaji: shut up! I think we really have to start some more award ceremonies
for you people.
(Everyone silently sits on the floor, except Alex. Gopal forcibly makes him sit on
floor and then leave the stage along with all inmates. Right now old man and
Alex are only two people left on stage).

Alex: (looking towards the old man) do you know you are a pathetic spineless
creature; all of you deserve this life. But I will run away soon….

(Before Alex could say anything the old man gives him a broken brick and shows
him the window. Alex without thinking anymore throws the stone; the window
shatters with a loud noise. Both the attendants enter the stage with madam and
beat up Alex. Before leaving they pick him up and leave him on table near the
broken window. Now the old man stands up and looks towards Alex then towards
the audience and starts laughing violently like a mad man. He run towards the
table and stands over it with one foot over Alex‟s head another over his back. He
jumps towards the window as if he is running away. Then he leaves the stage.)

Man: (from background).

Always too eager for future, we
Pick up bad habits of expectancy.
Something is always approaching; every day
Till then we say,
Watching from a bluff the tiny, clear
Sparkling armada of promises draw near.
How slow they are! And much time they waste,
Refusing to make haste!

Yet still they leave us holding wretched stalks

Of disappointment, for, though nothing balks
Each big approach, leaning with brasswork prinked,
Each rope distinct,
Flagged, and the figurehead with golden tits
Arching our ways, it never anchors; it’s
No sooner present than it turns to past.
Right to the last

We think each one will heave to and unload

All good into our lives, all we are owed
For waiting so devoutly and so long.
But we are wrong:

Only one ship is seeking us, a black-

Sailed unfamiliar, towing at her back
A huge and birdless silence. In her wake
No waters breed or break.

(Man keeps on laughing in the background and fades slowly as the curtain falls


NOTE: poem by PHILIP LARKIN (Next, Please) 1922.
aPlot Summary
This film is the story of Randle Patrick McMurphy, a man who has been
sentenced to prison for having sex with a 15 year old girl. McMurphy is a
rebellious but almost comical person, who, in the summer of 1963, at the age
of 38, ends up in an Oregon state mental hospital because he refuses to work
while in prison. It is not clear if McMurphy intentionally tried to convince
prison officials that he is crazy, but regardless, he soon finds himself in a place
filled with men who most of society would consider insane or mentally ill.
Even more challenging for McMurphy is the fact that the hospital is run by
Nurse Ratched, who is determined to maintain absolute control over the
hospital and its patients.
Soon after his arrival, an increasingly tense battle grows between them.
McMurphy is determined to challenge the daily routine of these men‟s
generally sad and boring lives, but Nurse Ratched is equally determined to
keep the institution as peaceful and predictable as it had been before. Yet over
the course of several months, McMurphy begins to win over the hearts of
the various patients, and in their bitter struggle over such things as the
right to watch baseball on TV, it soon becomes clear that the hospital and
its emotionally repressive ways might be as insane as McMurphy, or any
of his supposedly crazy friends.

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