Azrael Anacleto Aka Cyranical Anime and Movie Reviews

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Hyouka Anime Review

By: Azrael Anacleto aka Cyranical [Screen Name]

[Review contains spoilers]

Have you ever decided that you want to watch a underrated anime? Well I've got great news for you, this
show that I will be reviewing today is exactly what you're looking for. Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to
Cyranical Reviews and today on this lovely afternoon, I will be reviewing Chivalry of a Failed Knight, let's get

Chivalry of a failed knight also known as the tale of worst one is the anime adaptation of the light novel
series Rakudai Kishi no Eiyuutan by Riku Misora. It tells the story of the failed knight Ikki Kurogane who
keeps on trying to prove himself as a worthy candidate to become a mage knight, despite being outcasted
by his peers and hated by his own family. After complications caused by his family influencing Hagun
Academy Ikki is forced to repeat a year, while also sharing a room with the transfer student that is also the
heir to the country of Vermillion, Princess Stella Vermillion. How will she affect his life and his conquest for
glory? Will it be for the worst or for the better?

Now this anime adaptation was actually good, it manages to remain true to the original source material
while also experimenting and changing things up a bit. As for the changes some of them work, some of
them don't. The main changes are mostly shuffling the order of the major events, for example instead of
Ayatsuji being the one to give advice to Stella on how she should progress her relationship with Ikki it is
instead replaced with Kagami the journalist girl since Ayatsuji was not introduced yet in this part of the
anime, now this change wasn't actually that bad if it didn't cut her screen time, now she feels like a random
throw away character after the end of her arc. The good change is probably the part where they made the
chairman lie to Ikki and Stella about what their trip is for, but that also cuts in the scenes where they get to
meet and familiriaze their self with the student council president Touda Touka, and when the scenes are
implemented back it just feels out of place, since it leaves the viewer scratching their head on why she is
only introducing herself now that their is only 2 episodes left of the freaking anime. One of the other things
that I also disliked is them cutting out some of the dialogue and interactions that I really liked from the light
novel like come on why did you deprive us of some sweet Stella and Ikki moments anime why?

Also I'm not against it or anything but their relationship seemed to have escalated very quickly with her
confessing her love to Ikki after his match with the hunter, and him only realizing that he loves her after the
said match, at least in the light novel they make up for it by having a shit ton of character development
dumped on their relationship, but here in the anime it feels like everything is all good and dandy. Now back
to what I was saying about them cutting out dialogue and character interactions, that just leaves a sour
taste in my mouth, like for example they cut out the part where the god of war explains how the battle
between Ikki and Touka is going to unfold, I loved that part now it's just suddenly gone and is only
compensated by them briefly discussing how he won, yeah sure man that totally makes up for it not.

Speaking of the last fight between Touka and Ikki, I know it's epic but I wasn't really a big fan of it,
especially in the light novel, because yeah the author tried to make sense by having it end in one strike
since Ikki is all battered up from the drugs and mistreatment he received while he was captive, but that
doesn't work if this guy has massive plot armor that just automatically makes everything he goes through
work out, this issue is even more worse in the light novel, but I would have liked to see how the anime
would have handled this problem, unfortunately we are not getting a season ova or any sort of visual follow
up to this, since the anime went under the radar and didn't sell well, if you want to continue being entangled
with the story then read the light novels like yours truly. Now onto the positives of the the anime, the op
and ed were great they weren't the best and personally weren't anything special for me one or two listens
would be enough imo, but that's just since some people might still be bopping the ed and op to this day.
Next up the animation and the artstyle are amazing, every single scene just looks visually pleasing,
incidentally the artstyle is great and feels modernized, while the characters look the same as they are in the
light novels.

-Stunning animation and good artstyle
-Good op and ED
-Decent soundtrack
-Adapts volume 1 to 3 of the light novels well
-Has the balls to make changes

-Makes changes but backfires since they cut out necessary dialogue and character development
-Too much fan service
-Some of the rearranged scenes just feel out of place
-Some characters now feel like throw-aways because their character exposition seems out place or
-The pacing of the anime feels forced and the story feels like it's just conveniently moving forward just for
the sake of it
-The relationship between Ikki and Stella has escalated too quickly, and unlike in the light novel they don't
develop it as much making it seem less forced
-MC has ultimate plot armor capable of overcoming situations that don't have a way for him to get out of
normally, but does so by believing in his promise to his girlfriend and himself

Overall Chivalry of the Failed Knight though somewhat inferior to its original source material is still a good
anime adaptation, unfortunately it is underrated and did not do well enough commercially in order to
warrant making more of it, but I would still recommend it to everyone looking for a fun underrated anime to
watch. I give Chivalry of the failed knight a 7/10 for my overall anime rating.

Babysitter Movie Review

By: Azrael Anacleto aka Cyranical [Screen Name]

[This review contains spoilers.]

Babysitter Killer Queen is the long awaited sequal to the horror comedy film The Babysitter
way back from 2017, this one is a little bit more focused on the comedy side than the horror
side. It tells the story of Cole a couple years later being labeled as a crazy kid because
police did not find evidence about the incident 2 years ago, the only person that talks to him
normally is Melanie but she denies all the killings and kinda just wants to forget about them,
when his parents decide to take him to a psychological highschool he takes up Melanie's
offer of going away to the lake for a week with her and her friends only to find out that the
cult that he killed back then are back for his blood. Now I don't think this sequal is as good
as the original, but I don't think the film is bad in its own right, it does have a lot more
comedy than horror tho, the kills are still gory, the references, funny humor and the
elements that made the first movie great are still here. I didn't really like the Melanie twist,
it was just so out of place for me that she suddenly is a part of the cult and it kinda threw
me off, and the ending I still don't know if I like it, we get Bee back and she apparently set
up everything so Phoebe can be safe, and everything looks good, now I think there might
be a sequal, but I personally think that this a good enough place to wrap up this franchise,
if they make a sequal it has to be really creative since they killed off the favorite characters
from the previous movies, they might even go for satan is going after Cole, even tho that
kinda feels too extreme, but hell this entire franchise is crazy. The pacing felt a little bit
rushed to me, since the plot conveniences just progressed the story really fast, it felt like
everything that needed to happen just happened, like I don't actually think grooming Cole
to get cornered again is that easy, but hey they made it happen I guess.


-Still funny, gory and a lot of great pop culture references

-Returning characters made the movie great -We get to see what happens if the ritual is
completed and that was kinda epic if only they had the blood of the innocent

-Samara Weaving returns at the end as Bee

-Very self aware -Its influence is in full swing -Very entertaining

Cons: -Too much plot convenience

-The ending and the Melanie twist are still meh for me

-Pacing wasn't great

-First part of the movie was lame as hell

Overall Babysitter Killer Queen is a pretty decent sequal, I still think it relies way too much
on plot convenience, since without it doesn't get going, but it does maintain the humor and
the other elements that made the first one great, while being inferior to it unfortunately.
This film was also really enjoyable and funny to watch, and I would recommend it to horror
fans out there. Imma give Babysitter Killer Queen a 7/10 for its overall movie rating.
Fruit's Of Grisai [Cocoon Of Caprice Anime Review]

By: Azrael Anacleto aka "Cyranical" [Screen Name]

[Review contains spoilers, read at your own risk]

Ever wondered how much can studios butcher an anime adaptation so badly, so did I. For the past years I
have not seen an anime adaptation worse that than Grisai trilogy, journey through me Cyranical as I relive
and retell all the pain and anguish I felt while watching the second anime adaptation of the Grisai trilogy
which is The Cocoon Of Caprice 0.

The Cocoon Of Caprice 0 is the continuation of 8bit's disaster of an adaptation for Grisai no Kaijitsu, it also
serves as a bridge for fruits and eden. It tells the tragic past of Yuuji's childhood, he was abused by his dad,
sexually and mentally abused by his own sister, and had an inferiority complex towards his sister Kazuki, he
also saw his mom get beaten and raped by her dad multiple times, he tried to stop him countless times, but
he would get beaten by his old man instead for prying into his bussiness. Yuuji's childhood was harsh and
unbearable for the average kid, but he somehow kept on pushing, after he mortally wounds his dad trying to
protect his own mother, she begs him to flee and when he returns he finds out his dad is dead and his mom
commited suicide. He is then taken by the terrorist Health Oslo and turned into his tool, until during a
Ichigaya mission he was retrieved by none other than his soon to be master Kusakabe Asako.

The Cocoon of Caprice 0 is a bad adaptation of the first parts of the Labyrinth Of Grisai's main course that
being the Cocoon Of Caprice in it's entirety. Now I don't know if this is a movie or a OVA but whatever it is,
it possesses the same problems that it's predecessor has, these types of stories are not meant to be
speedrun, there are a lot of aspects such as character development and pacing that need to be taken into
account when adapting stories like this, but the anime ignored all of that and butchered the execution. For
example Yuuji's childhood a majority of scenes that I consider important and necessary to the story have
been skipped here, he went through a lot as a child and went through a lot more after meeting Asako, like I
said before these types of stories should be adapted and paced properly, if you just go through stories like
this all willy nilly then it won't work out, furthermore you're going to dissapoint a lot of people tuning in from
the original source material like me.

Now Grisai is not one of my favorite VN's or anime hell it's far from it, but it certaintly s a lot better than
your average Harem anime, even tho yes it has a harem ending, and thank god it is adapted into the anime.
I would have enjoyed this adaptation a lot more if they actually just straight up adapted the entirety of
Cocoon Of Caprice, and just added new things to patch out Rakuen, but I'll talk about this more in the Eden
review. [ Rakuen is japanese for Eden btw and I love using it ]

-OP and ED is decent
-Did pretty well considering what it had to work with
-Rushed the story and cut out a lot of important scenes and details
-Skipped some interesting parts
-Maybe they coudn't expand on the abuse that Yuuji went through and just tried to fix it with a flashback
narration which I didn't like, but aye anime can only show so much, then again it came from a VN so it is
what it is
-Shit pacing

Overall The Cocoon Of Caprice O is a adaptation that was wasted potential since it didn't adapt Yuuji's
backstory fully, and instead just rushed through the first parts of Caprice which is a feat of itself since those
parts are already short AF, hell they were like 3 hrs of playtime for me.

Personally I would have liked this adaptation more if they just adapted Yuuji's backstory fully, allowing Eden
to be a better anime since it would have changes and more breathing room. Unfortunately if you're watching
the anime then you need to go over this since it serves as your connection to Eden, so sadly for you you're
going to have to endure this for 47 minutes and be left scratching your head after it since the story went by
too fast. I also would have just liked for Eden to have this on it, plus it be a little longer, if they were going
for the route of adapting the rest of Caprice and rushing the Seed Of Blank Isle anyway. I give Cocoon Of
Caprice 0 a 4/10 for my overall anime rating, plus I'm sorry for the anime only watchers that had to endure
sitting through this.

Halloween 4 Movie Review

By: Azrael Anacleto aka "Cyranical" [Screen Name]

"Halloween 4 The Return Of Michael Myers" is the fourth installment in the Halloween
franchise. After director John Carpenter's attempt to make the franchise into a holiday
theme anthology film series backfired, producer Moustapha Akkad decided to take the
franchise back to its roots and make the fourth installment all about Michael Myers again.
The fourth movie utilizes old tricks and formulas in order to bring back the Halloween feel
into this movie. Its works hook line and sinker and Halloween 4 is not only one of the best
films in the franchise it is also downright disturbing.

Set in the fictional town of Haddonfield Illinois where ten years ago Michael Myers -George
P. Wilbur terrorized the small town in search of his sister Laurie Strode- Jamie Lee Curtis,
the night of the tragedy ended with Laurie being rescued and Michael presumed burned to
death. A decade after the gruesome events Michael Myers suddenly comes back to life after
his ten year coma while being transported to a sanitarium, while making his way to
Haddonfield to continue his bidding long time nemesis and his former psychiatrist Dr. Sam
Loomis- Donald Pleasance tries to stop him at a gas station but fails miserably. When
Michael arrives at his hometown he finds out that his sister Laurie Strode died in a car
crash, but she apparently has a young daughter named Jamie Lloyd- Danielle Harris who is
living with the Carruther family and her foster sister Rachel Carruther- Ellie Cornell. Now
since Michael knows that Jamie is family he then sets his eyes on her, and will stop at
nothing in his way to eradicate his niece.

Dr. Sam Loomis is outstandingly played by Donald Pleasance, he's a natural in this role, by
this point in the franchise he's practically became Sam Loomis himself. The character's
psyche is between the edge madness and normality, Pleasance portrays that part of the
character really well. His acting nails the psychological aspect of the character well. Ellie
Cornell does a decent job of portraying Rachel Jamie's poster sister, her character has a
strong bond with Jamie, Cornell does a nice job of showing that her character really cares
about her poster sister and treats her no less than a real one, she also does a great job as a
pseudo final girl for the film, utilizing the clichés of that horror franchise she's managed to
make her character relatable and lovable. Danielle Harries keeps up with the rest of the cast
despite being on her first role along with a set of veteran actors like Donald Pleasance, she
makes the audience care for her and want to see her character survive till the very end,
with her role as Jamie being reprised in Halloween 5 and appearing in Rob Zombie's
halloween remakes her face has become one of the most beloved characters in this
franchise, she is definitely one of the better child actresses out there. George P. Wilbur is
one of the best Michael Myer's out there, his portrayal of the character made fans cower in
fear, he portrayed Michael as he should be portrayed a killing machine with no emotions
who stops at nothing to achieve his goals, on top of that his body and figure made the
character even more terrifying. Sadly enough Beua Starr, Kathleen Kinmont and Sasha
Jenson portrayal of their minor roles did not hold a candle to the rest of the cast.

Production rushed filming for this fourth installment of the franchise as a result the mask
does not fit Michael instead it ends up coming off as a hindrance throughout the film since
the mask looks too goofy for a character like Michael Myers. The gore and practical effects
were turned down for the kills in fear of the movie getting axed by the MPAA, it's a shame
that the end product are either off screen deaths or watered down kills. The movie is good
as a whole, but it feels like a remake of the original 1978 Halloween film, since it has the
same tone and atmosphere, follows the same formula, utilizes the same troupes and clichés
of the genre and doesn't change anything from the previous films in the franchise recipe
wise. Despite a couple of production issues and flaws, there are still a lot of good points
about this movie. The cinematography and lighting really compliments the films dark tone
and atmosphere, it gives the viewer a sense of paranoia and makes them feel like nothing
will go right for the main characters of the film. The pacing is really good for this film as
well, the events and the transitions don't feel rushed, and that makes the story flow really
nicely throughout the film. The score is always great since John Carpenter never disappoints
with his classic Halloween score, the score highlights the dark tone of the film, and makes
the audience feel like they are in the character's shoes since it matches perfectly with what
is displayed on screen and the film as a whole.

Despite this being a cookie cutter slasher film it actually has a moral lesson. That moral
lesson being that family members even if they're your poster family must always care and
be there for each other's side, since they're the only ones who can be there for them during
their times of need. Sometimes even horror movies have beautiful lessons and morals,
that's why it's important to never judge a film by its genre alone.

This film is a R-rating despite the gore being nonexistent which is disappointing in its own
right, since it might put off some long time fans of the horror genre. This film is only
suitable for adults and people over 18 according to its MPAA rating. The audience for this
movie are most likely going to be horror fanatics only since this film was made in 1988
which is a really long time ago. Long time fans of the horror genre will love this film, but the
new generation sadly won't. The average movie watcher should not let those factors get to
them though if they're looking for a good horror movie, since this film is still fantastic and
scary in its own right. Scale of 1-10: 8/10

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