Gender and Society Prelim Quiz 1

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The usual gonads for Female are testes.


XX chromosomes in Female is the usual sex chromosomes. 


Traditionally, Gender is viewed as being male or female. 


 Words such as “roles” and “relationships” are used to signify that Gender does not only include
the biological characteristics of a person but also the preference of an individual depending on
the role the individual view his/her gender. 

Human reproduction is the process in which human beings produce more human beings similar
to themselves.

The definition of gender now is tagged along with Biological Identity. 


Gender identity is defined as a personal conception of oneself as male or female (or rarely, both
or neither). 

Since the dawn of the new century, the view and idea of gender have evolved in a contemporary
understanding of psychology, sociology, and culture based on the human perception of sexual
urges and emotional attraction.

In the WHO definition, the term, gender is similar from society to society and cannot be

If a human shows signs in both sexes, the person is considered an intersex.


XY are not a usual chromosomes for Male.


An individual may refer him/herself as man or woman based on the biological characteristics
that he/ she has.
The usual level of sex hormones for male is testosterone.

In Oxford English Dictionary Gender means “The state of being male and female as expressed by
biological nature."

The term, gender, is also used more broadly to denote a range of identities that do not
correspond to established ideas of male and female.

 The development of sexual characteristics is affected by sociological development through a

relationship with other people.

 The World Health Organization released a definition of Gender in 2018 and it states that
“Gender refers to the biologically constructed characteristics of women and men, such as
genitals, body parts, and built.”

Usually both sexes do not have pubic hair and underam hair.

The usual gonads for Female are ovaries.


In lay man’s term, the traditional meaning of gender is “the thing between the legs” and/or the
psychological, emotional and sexual attraction towards a member of a different sex. 

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