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Verbal Ability

1. Synonyms:
1.1. Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
a. Convict
b. Gather
c. Information
d. Pious
Answer: c

1.2. Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
a. Regard
b. Cofound
c. Scorn
d. Sacrament
Answer: d

1.3. Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
a. Hail
b. Applaud
c. Tout
d. Rebuke
Answer: d
Admonish means to criticize (someone) usually gently so as to correct a fault,
i.e; Rebuke

1.4. Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
a. Dull
b. Cheerfulness
c. Delay
d. Apathy
Answer: b


1.5. Select the word or phrase which best expresses the meaning of the given word:
a. Noiseless
b. Calm
c. Ranting
d. Still
Answer: c

1.6. Select the word which is same in the meaning of the given word: DESICCATE
a. Exalt
b. Dehydrate
c. Expand
d. Reams
Answer: b

1.7. Select the word which is same in the meaning of the given word: ENTRALL
a. Lapse
b. Rivet
c. Disgust
d. Vague
Answer: b

1.8. Select the word which is same in the meaning of the given word: VERTIGO
a. Lightheadedness
b. Penetration
c. Languid
d. Bandit
Answer: a

1.9. Select the word which is same in the meaning of the given word: SLUGGARD
a. Rustler
b. Slouch
c. Toiler
d. Hummer
Answer: b


1.10. Select the word which is same in the meaning of the given word:
a. Birght
b. Mulish
c. Docile
d. Balky
Answer: c


2. Antonyms:
2.1. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word:
a. Handicaps
b. Obstacles
c. Obstructions
d. Hindrances
e. Secret
Answer: e
Handicaps : a condition that markedly restricts a person\\\'s ability to
function physically, mentally, or socially.
Obstacles : a thing that blocks one\\\'s way or prevents or hinders progress
Obstructions : a thing that impedes or prevents passage or progress, an obstacle
or blockage.
Hindrances : a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to
something or someone.
Secret : thing that are hidden normally
Only, Chronicle posses the opposite meaning of Secret.

2.2. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word:
a. Hoard
b. Tolerate
c. Forbear
d. Prescriptive Linguistics
Answer: d
Hoard : a stock or store of money or valued objects, typically one that is
secret or carefully guarded.
Tolerate : bear, forbear, forebear, abide.
Forbear : bear, forbear, forebear, abide.
Prescriptive linguistics : An account of how a language should be used instead of
how it is actually used; a prescription for the `correct' phonology and morphology
and syntax and semantics.

2.3.Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Panoramic
a. Implicit
b. Obnoxious
c. Circumscribed


d. Pedantic
Answer: c
mplicit : inherent, latent, ingrained, inherent, vested, latent, tacit.
Obnoxious : extremely unpleasant.
Circumscribed : mark carefully
Obscure : not discovered or known about, uncertain
Antonym of panoramic is Circumscribed.

2.4. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Neologism
a. Paleologism
b. Refulgent
c. Effulgent
d. Meek
Answer: a
Refulgent : shining very brightly.
Effulgent : shining brightly, radiant,
Meek : quiet, gentle, and easily imposed on, submissive.
Neologism :the use of new words
Antonym of Neologism is Paleologism.

2.5. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Hormone
a. Exocrine
b. Soft
c. Friendly
d. Unwise
Answer: a
Soft : easy to mould, cut, compress, or fold, not hard or firm to the touch,
soft, bland, malleable, moderate, tender, flaccid Friendly : kind and
Unwise : (of a person or action) not wise or sensible, foolish.
exocrine : A gland that secretes externally through a duct.


2.6. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Broth
a. Happy
b. Miserable
c. Disrepute
d. Rich
Answer: c
Rich : having a great deal of money or assets, wealthy.
Miserable : wretchedly unhappy or uncomfortable.
Happy : feeling or showing pleasure or contentment.
Disrepute : The state of being held in low stream.

2.7. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Nougat
a. Canday
b. Deprive
c. Retreat
d. Conceal
Answer: a
Retreat : digress, recoil, shrink back, retrograde, fall back.
Conceal : hide, secrete, conceal, stash, wrap.
Deprive : debar, shear, bereave, mulct, denude.
Candy : fruits or nuts
of a jury or the decision of a judge in a court of law.

2.8. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word:
a. Started
b. Closed
c. Terminated
d. Unlocked
Answer: b
Started : begin or be reckoned from a particular point in time or space; come
into being.
Finished : brought to an end; completed.
Terminated : bring to an end.


Unlocked : not locked

Closed : not opened.
Commissioned : bring (something newly produced) into working condition.
Antonym of Commissioned is Closed.

2.9. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word: Napkin
a. Hatred
b. Undress
c. Awareness
d. Avoidable
Answer: b
Avoidable: Able to be avoided or prevented.
Awareness: Knowledge or perception of a situation or fact.
Hatred: Intense dislike; hate.
Undress: not dress.

2.10. Select the word which is OPPOSITE in the meaning of the given word:
a. Aggravate
b. Allay
c. Alleviate
d. Mitigate
Answer: a
Abate: (Of something unpleasant or severe) become less intense or widespread.
Aggravate: Make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious
Allay: Diminish or put at rest (fear, suspicion, or worry).
Alleviate: Make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe.
MITIGATE : Make (something bad) less severe, serious, or painful.
Antonym of MITIGATE is Aggravate


3. Sentence Arrangements:
3.1. Recently
(P) containing memorable letters of Churchill
(Q) a book
(R) has been published
(S) by a reputed publisher
Answer: a

3.2. All religions are

(P) to advance the cause of peace
(Q) in a holy partnership
(R) justice and freedom
(S) bound together
Answer: d

3.3. It was true that

(P) the pet dog
(Q) would never sleep anywhere
(R) we once had
(S) except on the sofa
Answer: c

3.4. The Indian woman wants

(P) in a male dominated society
(Q) as an equal partner
(R) and it is not too much to demand
(S) her rightful place
Answer: c


3.5. Little
(P) that he had been let down
(Q) stood by all these years
(R) did he realise
(S) by a colleague whom he had
Answer: d

3.6. A policeman
(P) to abide
(Q) if he has to do well
(R) by the strict letters of the law
(S) cannot afford
Answer: d

3.7. The effectiveness of a film

(P) the needs of the audience
(Q) is judged by
(R) and its relation to
(S) Its theme
Answer: a

3.8. I read an advertisement that said

(P) posh, air-conditioned
(Q) gentlemen of taste
(R) are available for
(S) fully furnished rooms
Answer: a


3.9. The statement

(P) therefore you must listen carefully
(Q) what the speaker has said
(R) in order to understand
(S) will be made just once
Answer: c

3.10. The house

(P) about half a mile distant
(Q) that stands in front of us
(R) was built of stones
(S) which were dug out of its own
site a. QSPR
Answer: c


4. Sentence Formation:
4.1. In the question below a sentence broken into five or six parts. Join these parts
to make a meaningful sentence. The correct order of parts is the answer.
a) Snake
b) Grass
c) Eagle
d) Frog
e) Insect

a. 32145
b. 52143
c. 25413
d. 24531
e. 24513
Answer: c

4.2. 1. I 2. immediately 3. salary

4. my 5. want

a. 43152
b. 15432
c. 25143
d. 42351
e. 45132
Answer: b

4.3. 1. was 2. and 3. Suresh

4. kind 5. loving

a. 31425
b. 54213
c. 34251
d. 15243
e. 12345
Answer: a


4.4. 1. tea 2. have 3. that

4. some 5. before

a. 43251
b. 24315
c. 24153
d. 52431
e. 41325
Answer: c

4.5. 1. not 2. hotel 3. comfortable

4. was 5. the

a. 34521
b. 53412
c. 34152
d. 41352
e. 52413
Answer: e

4.6. 1. I 2. help 3. not

4. you 5. did

a. 24351
b. 15324
c. 45231
d. 43152
e. 52431
Answer: b

4.7. 1. not 2. Hari 3. away

4. run 5. did

a. 13542
b. 35412
c. 52431
d. 25143
e. 21345
Answer: d


4.8. 1. at 2. it 3. take
4. once 5. away

a. 23514
b. 14352
c. 32514
d. 53214
e. 42315
Answer: c

4.9. 1. him 2. the 3. to

4. charge 5. handover

a. 42531
b. 51342
c. 41352
d. 45231
e. 52431
Answer: e

4.10. 1. seen 2. going 3. you

4. him 5. have

a. 35214
b. 35142
c. 32514
d. 35124
e. 53124
Answer: b


5. Reading Comprehension:

5.1. Direction for(Q1-Q4)

The first systems of writing developed and used by the Germanic peoples were runic
alphabets. The runes functioned as letters, but they were much more than just letters
in the sense in which we today understand the term. Each rune was an ideographic or
pictographic symbol of some cosmological principle or power, and to write a rune
was to invoke and direct the force for which it stood. Indeed, in every Germanic
language, the word “rune” (from Proto-Germanic *runo) means both “letter” and
“secret” or “mystery,” and its original meaning, which likely predated the adoption of
the runic alphabet, may have been simply “(hushed) message.”
Each rune had a name that hinted at the philosophical and magical significance of its
visual form and the sound for which it stands, which was almost always the first sound
of the rune’s name. For example, the T-rune, called *Tiwaz in the Proto-Germanic
language, is named after the god Tiwaz (known as Tyr in the Viking Age). Tiwaz was
perceived to dwell within the daytime sky, and, accordingly, the visual form of the T-
rune is an arrow pointed upward (which surely also hints at the god’s martial role). The
T-rune was often carved as a standalone ideograph, apart from the writing of any
particular word, as part of spells cast to ensure victory in battle.
The runic alphabets are called “futharks” after the first six runes (Fehu, Uruz,
Thurisaz, Ansuz, Raidho, Kaunan), in much the same way that the word “alphabet”
comes from the names of the first two Hebrew letters (Aleph, Beth). There are
three principal futharks: the 24-character Elder Futhark, the first fully-formed runic
alphabet, whose development had begun by the first century CE and had been
completed before the year 400; the 16-character Younger Futhark, which began to
diverge from the Elder Futhark around the beginning of the Viking Age (c. 750 CE)
and eventually replaced that older alphabet in Scandinavia; and the 33-character
Anglo-Saxon Futhorc, which gradually altered and added to the Elder Futhark in
England. On some inscriptions, the twenty-four runes of the Elder Futhark were
divided into three ættir (Old Norse, “families”) of eight runes each, but the
significance of this division is unfortunately unknown.
Runes were traditionally carved onto stone, wood, bone, metal, or some similarly hard
surface rather than drawn with ink and pen on parchment. This explains their sharp,
angular form, which was well-suited to the medium.
Much of our current knowledge of the meanings the ancient Germanic peoples
attributed to the runes comes from the three “Rune Poems,” documents from Iceland,
Norway, and England that provide a short stanza about each rune in their respective
futharks (the Younger Futhark is treated in the Icelandic and Norwegian Rune Poems,
while the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc is discussed in the Old English Rune Poem).
While runologists argue over many of the details of the historical origins of runic
writing, there is widespread agreement on a general outline. The runes are presumed
to have been derived from one of the many Old Italic alphabets in use among the
Mediterranean peoples of the first century CE, who lived to the south of the Germanic


tribes. Earlier Germanic sacred symbols, such as those preserved in northern

European petroglyphs, were also likely influential in the development of the script.
The earliest possibly runic inscription is found on the Meldorf brooch, which was
manufactured in the north of modern-day Germany around 50 CE. The inscription is
highly ambiguous, however, and scholars are divided over whether its letters are runic
or Roman. The earliest unambiguous runic inscriptions are found on the Vimose
comb from Vimose, Denmark and the Øvre Stabu spearhead from southern Norway,
both of which date to approximately 160 CE. The earliest known carving of the entire
futhark, in order, is that on the Kylver stone from Gotland, Sweden, which dates to
roughly 400 CE.
The transmission of writing from southern Europe to northern Europe likely took
place via Germanic warbands, the dominant northern European military institution
of the period, who would have encountered Italic writing firsthand during campaigns
amongst their southerly neighbors. This hypothesis is supported by the association
that runes have always had with the god Odin, who, in the Proto-Germanic period,
under his original name *Woðanaz, was the divine model of the human warband
leader and the invisible patron of the warband’s activities. The Roman historian
Tacitus tells us that Odin (“Mercury” in the interpretatio romana) was already
established as the dominant god in the pantheons of many of the Germanic tribes by
the first century.
From the perspective of the ancient Germanic peoples themselves, however, the runes
came from no source as mundane as an Old Italic alphabet. The runes were never
“invented,” but are instead eternal, pre-existent forces that Odin himself discovered
by undergoing a tremendous ordeal.

Q1. The word “pantheon” in the passage refers to

a. A temple of all the gods

b. A monument or building commemorating a nation's dead heroes
c. All the gods collectively of a religion
d. A domed circular temple at Rome, erected a.d. 120–124 by Hadrian
Answer: c
Here, clearly, it refers to Odin being the dominant god amongst all gods of the
Germanic tribes.


5.2. Which of the following statements is incorrect?

a. The first runic alphabets date back to the 1st century CE.
b. Runic writing was probably first used in southern Europe and was carried north by
Germanic tribes.
c. Unlike the Latin alphabet, which is an essentially utilitarian script, the runes
are symbols of some of the most powerful forces in the cosmos
d. The word “rune” and its meaning was derived from the runic alphabet.
Answer: a

Indeed, according to the passage, the development of the Elder Futhark had begun
by the first century. So this statement is correct.

5.3. Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

i. Runic script was most likely derived from Old Italic script.
ii. Runes were not used so much as a simple writing system, but rather as
magical signs to be used for charms.
iii. In the Proto-Germanic period, the god Tiwaz was associated with war,
victory, marriage and the diurnal sky.
iv. The knowledge of the meanings attributed to the runes of the Younger Futhark
is derived from the three Rune poems.

a. All of the above

b. ii and iv
c. i and iii
d. i and ii, iv
Answer: c
Both I and III Statements are true.
I. The runes are presumed to have been derived from one of the many Old Italic
alphabets in use among the Mediterranean peoples of the first century CE, who
lived to the south of the Germanic tribes.
III. We understand from the passage that Tiwaz was perceived to dwell within
the daytime sky, had martial role and was associated with victory in battle.


5.4. Which of the following cannot be reasonably inferred with regard to the beliefs of
the Proto-Germanic people?
a. Odin came upon the runes after going through a lot of torment.
b. The name of a rune was almost always the first sound of a God’s name
c. The cosmological power represented by a rune was invoked by writing it.
d. Proto-German Gods were modeled on humans.
Answer: b
Statement a - Odin came upon the runes after going through a lot of torment.
True, stated in the last couple of paragraphs.
Statement b - The name of a rune was almost always the first sound of a God’s name.
False. Each rune had a name which was almost always the first sound of the rune’s
name. Though the example of the T rune and Tiwaz is given in the passage, it is not
stated as a general rule that the name of a rune is the first sound of a God’s name. It
is the first sound of the rune’s name.
Statement c - The cosmological power represented by a rune was invoked by writing
Statement d- Proto-German Gods were modeled on humans.
True. The passage gives the example of Woðanaz, the divine model of the human
warband leader.
So the correct answer choice is option b.
The question is "Choose the Correct option "
Hence, the answer is B
Choice B is the correct answer.


6. Contextual Vocabulary:
6.1. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
Danish is GOURMET guy. SO, in party every one was finding him.
a. Trencherman
b. Persuadable
c. Biddable
d. Docile
Answer: a
GOURMET means that connoisseur of wine, food etc.
Connoisseur means good and expert judge of taste
Trencherman- a person who eats in a specified manner

6.2. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
The whole home was painted Saffron.
a. Sour
b. Orange
c. Red
d. Lavisher
Answer: c
Saffron is orange colour. So, it is opposite is red.

6.3. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
After two months of learning the code he has become much Agile with the
a. Agile
b. Brisk
c. Bustling
d. Sluggish
Answer: c
Agile: able to move quickly and easily
Brisk: active and energetic
Bustling: move in an energetic and busy manner.
Sluggish: slow-moving or inactive. (OPPOSITE)
Nimble: quick and light in movement or action; agile.


6.4. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word. He
work in the office were all the person act and there behavior are like Toreador
a. Blot
b. Person
c. Good guy
d. Torero
Answer: c
Toreador general meaning is Bull Fighter.
So, clearly the option should be Good Guy.

6.5. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
I really love that Gooday Cooky since i have been eating from my childhood.
a. Meat
b. Vegetables
c. Chicks
d. Beastly
Answer: b
Cooky are small flat sweet cakes. In British language it is Biscuits

6.6. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
No one likes him since he has become the Symbol of Brotherhood.
a. Terrorist
b. Unfriendly Relationship
c. Greedy
d. Discrimination
Answer: b

6.7. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
In the Comradeship of general India won the Battle with Pakistan
a. Sargent
b. Relationship
c. Social Isolation
d. None of these
Answer: c
Comradeship warming leadership.


6.8. Select the option that is most nearly OPPOSITE in meaning to the given word.
In the Zoo the Hippo was the Yearling baby.
a. Decades
b. Unborn
c. History
d. None of these
Answer: b
Yearling means one year old baby
And nearest meaning to the yearling is unborn


7. Verbal Ordering:
7.1. 1 : A mere fifteen hundred years ago, English was afledging language spoken by
a few thousandpeople in Great Britain.
P : As a result of this remarkable flexibility, Englishis today’s international language.
Q : The English language can be divided into threemain periods—Old
English, Middle English andModern English.
R : English has achieved its global status because ofan unusual and amazing ability to
respond andchange according to the needs of its users.
S : Today English is a thriving, vigorous languagespoken by nearly one-fourth of
the population ofthe world.
6 : The separations reflect the impact of variouscultural and historical events on
the growth anddevelopment of English.

Answer: a

7.2. 1 : We think therefore, we are

P : Not just individuals, even nations do better thanothers because of the collective
ability to thinkbeyond.
Q : Thinking defines and distinguishes us from oneanother.
R : We evolve, because we think
S : Thinking alone propels us towards knowledge andright knowledge enables right
action which resultsin meaningful creation.
6 : History repeatedly reveals that nations withdeveloped thinking ecosystems have
always beenat the forefront of creating and innovating.

Answer: b


7.3. 1: Man, when first came, must have been surrounded by great animals and he must
have lived in fear of them.
P : He makes the animals do what he likes.
Q : But in those days, he was not the master but a poor hunted creature himself
trying to keep away from the great animals.
R : Today man is the master of the world.
S : Same he tames, same he eats and same he shoots for pleasure.
6: Gradually, however man raised himself and became more and more powerful till
he became stronger than any animal.

Answer: b

7.4. 1 : Timing is critical in finance, especially if you want to make a profit.

P : It was a lesson learnt well by Mumbai based Benny Abraham when he sold
his house in 2011within two years of purchasing it.
Q : Of course, you need to pick a good time to take advantage of the appreciation in
value, but it is equally important to keep an eye on the calendar to avoid paying a
hefty amount as tax.
R : Unfortunately, the 50 years old had no clue about the tax implication of his
hasty decision.
S : “The property was fetching me nearly 60% in profits on the initial investment, so
when I got an offer tosell it, I immediately agreed”, says Abraham, abrand
consultant. 6 : Not only did he have to pay a substantial amount as tax on the profit,
he also had to shell out the tax exemptions that he was availing of on the home loan.

Answer: b


7.5. 1: Our age is the age of the specialist.

P : Modern specialisation had led to the fragmentation of knowledge.
Q : Each one knows more and more about less and less.
R : We should not only be specialists but also have a sense of the meaning of life
and of social responsibility.
S : We concentrate on some narrow field and forget the larger context in which we
can see the meaning of our own specialisation.
6: We have to reckon with the spirit of science, understand its limitations and
an outlook which is consistent with its findings.

Answer: d

7.6. 1: He went to his friends, but none of them was ready to help him now.
P : He had to look after the farmer’s pigs.
Q : And when he was hungry he ate the food which was given to the pigs.
R : He went away from the city and wandered round the countryside looking for
food to eat.
S : In the end, he went to the house of a farmer and became his servant.
6: Now, the young man understood that he had made a mistake.

Answer: a

7.7. 1: So, we went on in the quiet and the twilight depeneding to night.
P : The ground grew dim and the trees black.
Q : The clear blue of the distance faded and one star after another came out.
R : Neena’s fears and her fatigue grew upon her.
S : I took her in my arms and talked to her and caressed her.
6: Then, as the darkness grew deeper, she put her arms round my neck and closing her
eyes rightly pressed her face against my shoulder.



Answer: d

7.8. 1: I sat at the table and ate.

P : My breathing became suddenly difficult.
Q : I concentrated on my food and I was convinced I had to eat.
R : I stopped, however any exhibition of the extraordinary.
S : But lungs have temperament.
6: I was just the normal Ramaswamy, husband Madeleine.

Answer: b

7.9. 1: Louis Pasteur had a very busy and interesting life.

P : Among the people whom Pasteur was able to help were brewers, breeders of silk
worms and cow keepers, all of whom were trying to carry on important industries.
Q : He worked hard in his laboratory with test tube sand all kinds of experiments. R
: He was working to help people who were suffering in some special way from
S : He not only made some exciting discoveries about germs but he was able to
use his discoveries in very practical ways.
6: He was always very proud of being able to help his country in this way.

Answer: d

7.10. 1: Todd borrowed this dollar last year on the 8th of April.
P : He needed a dollar to pay his taxi and I lent it to him.
Q : He merely said, ‘Let me have a dollar, will you’!
R : It happened quite simply and naturally.
S : I hardly realised it till it was all over.
6: And I said, ‘certainly’.
Answer: c


8. Identify Error:
8.1. Identify Error
(1) he science project
(2) /was equally successful as
(3) /the software project
(4) /they had presented.
(5) No Error

a. 4
b. 1
c. 3
d. 2
e. 5
Answer: d sentence 2 has error
The science project was as successful as the software project they had presented

8.2. Small businesses, which account for a major part of the export universe, are being
made to invest a disproportionate amount of time, money and resources on GST
a. Small businesses, which account for a major part of the export universe,
b. are being made to
c. invest a disproportionate amount of time,
d. money and resources on GST compliance.
e. No error
Answer: e
The statement is correct in its original form and has no error.
Hence, option E is correct.

8.3. The airline owes Rs 8,500 crore to (A) / banks and around Rs 25,000 crore in (B)
/ arrears to vendors, (C) / lessors and employers. (D) / No error (E)
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: d


The error is in fragment D. The word ‘employees’ should be used instead

of ‘employers’ to make the sentence meaningfully correct.
‘Employer’ means ‘a person or organization that employs people’
whereas ‘employee’ means ‘member of staff’

8.4. They A had went to the lake B without me C by the time D I got there,” said Jacques.
E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: a
The correct form for the past perfect tense of the irregular verb “to go” is “had gone,”
not “had went.” “Went” is only used as the past tense, without the auxiliary “had.”
The prepositional phrase (B) is correct. The two parts of the dependent clause (C and
D) “by the time I got there” are correct.

8.5. A Professor Lane, our B Computer Science teacher, was excited when he had the
opportunity to meet C Bill Gates, the D president of Microsoft, Inc.E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: a
There is no error in this sentence. Titles and proper names (A) are capitalized.
Academic subjects or departments are lower-case (e.g. department of computer
science) unless they are adjectives (Computer Science teacher) (B) or proper nouns
(English, French, etc.) Bill Gates (C) is a proper noun, i.e. a name, and is always
capitalized. “…the president” (D) is correctly lower-case both because it is used
after a name, and because it is a used as a description rather than a title here.

8.6. Do you think A they B will C except our plan D without an argument? E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: e


The verb is misspelled here. For the correct meaning, it should be accept, i.e. to
consent or agree to our plan. Except means other than, besides, but, etc. Used as a
verb as in this sentence, it would mean to make an exception of our plan, which is
incorrect as it contradicts the rest of the sentence (without an argument). They (A) and
will (B) are used correctly as subject pronoun and auxiliary verb. Without (D) is
correctly used as a preposition.

8.7. The A President and the B Speaker of the House found the C Congressional
Republicans’ filibusters to be D all together specious. E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: c
This is incorrectly spelled as two words. In this sentence, it should be “altogether,” a
one-word adverb modifying the adjective “specious” and meaning “entirely” or
“completely.” “All together” would be used for a different meaning, e.g. “The
family members were all together at the reunion.” The President (A), Speaker of the
House (B), and Republicans’ (C) are all correctly capitalized as they are titles. The
adjective congressional (C) refers to Congress (a proper name and thus capitalized),
but as an adjective it is lower-case unless part of a proper name.

8.8. The conversation with her A mother had a more profound B affect on her C than
D she expected. E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: d
The correct noun for this meaning is spelled “effect.” “Affect” when it is a noun means
mood or emotional state. e.g. “The patient presented with a depressed affect.” When it is
a verb, the meaning of “affect” is related to the meaning of the noun “effect;” e.g. “The
experience had a harmful effect on her, but it did not affect her brother the same way.”
“…her mother” (A) is correctly not capitalized as it is a noun, not a name/proper noun
(e.g. “Hello, Mother.”) The other underlined parts are correct.


8.9. A Either Lisa or Karen B will always volunteer C their valuable D time to serve
on our board. ENo error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: b
“Their” is incorrect because it is a plural third-person possessive pronoun, but the use
of “either (A)…or” indicates a singular form. It should be “her.” “Will always
volunteer” (B) is a singular verb phrase and is correct. “Time” (D) is correct
regardless of whether it is modified by a singular (“her”) or plural (“their”)
possessive pronoun, e.g. “They both volunteered their valuable time.”

8.10. Symptoms of this illness A that warrant a doctor visit B includes fever, C
vomiting, and diarrhea, as well as the D loss of appetite. E No error.
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
Answer: c
“Includes” is incorrect because it is the singular form of the verb, but the subject,
“symptoms,” is plural. The verb should be “include.” The subordinating conjunction
“that” introducing the dependent clause, and its plural verb “warrant,” (A) are both
correct. “…vomiting, and” (C) is punctuated correctly as the last in a series of three
or more words. The singular noun “loss” (D) is correct


9. Sentence Correction:
9.1. Just as every generation believes it’s better than the others, so too does every
a. believe they’re better than the others, every country believes it’s better too.
b. believe they’re better than the others, so too does every country.
c. believes its better than the others, every country believes so too.
d. No correction required
Answer: d
There are no errors in the given sentence.
‘Generation’ is singular. So, the pronoun and verb associated with it are ‘it’ and
‘believes’ respectively.
It’s, the contraction for ‘it is’, is the right word in the given context. The possessive
pronoun ‘its’ means ‘belonging to it’.
Note the use of inversion (placement of verb before the subject) in 'so too does very
country'. This often seen when using the phrase ‘just as…so too’, though it is not
mandatory. 'Just as every generation believes it's better than the others, every country
believes so too' is also correct.
The question is " Choose the grammatically correct option "
Hence, the answer is option D

9.2. Except for you and I, everyone brought a present for the little birthday
a. Except for you and I, everyone brought
b. With exception of you and I, everyone brought
c. Except for you and I, everyone had brought
d. Except for you and me, everyone brought
e. Except for you and me, everyone had brought
Answer: d

9.3. Being a convict of fodder scam, resignation from the post was expected from him.
a. Being a convict of fodder scam, he had been expected to resign from the post
b. He being a convict a fodder scam, resignation from the post was expected
from him.
c. Being a convict of fodder scam, he expected to resign from the post.
d. No correction required
Answer: d
Corrects the error of dangling modifier. Because, a participle is a verbal-adjective,
and it must be attached to a proper subject. In the sentence, being a convict of
fodder scam, is modifying ‘the resignation from the post’. ‘D’ corrects this error.
Hence, the option D is correct.


9.4. A good boss does not waste his valuable time finding faults with his subordinates.
a. finding fault with his subordinates.
b. to find faults with his subordinates.
c. to find faults in his subordinates.
d. finding faults of his subordinates.
e. no correction required
Answer: a
Corrects the error of idiomatic use. ‘Find fault with’ is an idiom meaning ‘to look
for mistakes or to complain about something’.
Hence, the option A is correct.

9.5.Her supporters rallied for her defence when the government brought the bill seeking
to bar any person of foreign origin from holding the high offices.
a. Her supporters rallied of her defence
b. Her supporters rallied in her defence
c. Her supporters rallied up in her defence
d. Her supporters rallied to her defence
e. No correction required.
Answer: d
When people rally to something or when something rallies them, they unite to
support it.
Ex. His supporters have rallied to his defence.
Ex. He rallied his own supporters for a fight.
The preposition 'in/at' is followed by the verb 'rally' only in a context of a place.
Ex. Ian Smith, a 24-year-old who works with adolescents in drug and mental health
rehab, showed up at the same Trump rally in suburban Southern California.
Ex. Fistfights broke out among protesters who were rallying at the JNU,
prompting the management to cancel the event.
Hence, the option D is correct.


9.6. But if you persist in asking me not to complain, I will complain against you.
a. If you keep persisting at asking me not to complain
b. But if you persist in asking me not to complain
c. But if you persist on to asking me not to complain
d. But if you keep persisting on asking me not to complain
e. No correction required
Answer: e

9.7. Attached to this application is an affidavit form and three sheets of blank paper.
a. are a affidavit form and three sheet
b. are an affidavit form and three sheet
c. is an affidavit form and three sheet
d. is a affidavit form and three sheet
e. No correction required
Answer: b
Corrects the subject verb agreement. The subject of the verb ‘are’ is an affidavit
form and three sheets (plural) not ‘the application’.
Hence, the option B is correct.

9.8. Considering the high demand for flights to Gulf countries airlines, can risen prices.
a. will raise up
b. could raise
c. should rise
d. may rise
Answer: d
As the context in the sentence suggests a possibility, use of the modal 'may' would
be appropriate and as it is followed by the base form of a verb, 'rise' instead of of
'risen' will be used here.
The underlined part 'can risen', therefore, must be replaced with 'may rise' to make it
a grammatically correct sentence.


9.9. The incident has clearly highlighted his knowledge and attentive of detail.
a. attended to detail
b. attentively on details
c. attention for details
d. attention to detail
Answer: d
In this sentence, the predicate part followed by "..his knowledge and ..." has to be
a noun phrase and hence the adjective 'attentive' must be replaced with the noun
And at the same time, it's more appropriate and common to use 'to' after 'attention'
and not 'of'. The correct formation, hence, will be- The incident has clearly
highlighted his knowledge and attention to detail.

9.10. Improving the educational system, which is one of the worst in the world,
requires commitment from the country’s politicians.
a. No change
b. among the worse
c. become the worse
d. from the worst
Answer: a


10. Questions on Grammar(Verb-Agreement):

10.1. The leader as well as his brothers ………………… to the same tribe.
a. Belongs
b. Belong
Answer: a

10.2. Samantha’s mother were kill in the car accident. Five months ago
a. Was killed
b. Is kill
c. Was kill
d. None of the above
Answer: a
Since the sentence is in simple past tense, therefore “was Killed’ will come in place
of were kill.

10.3. Tom imitates his father and do whatever his father was do.
a. Does
b. Did
c. Is doing
d. None of the above
Answer: a
Since the sentence is in simple present tense, therefore “does” will come in place
of “was do”
Hence Option A is the correct one.

10.4. Everyone -------to stand up when the Principal comes.

a. Needs
b. Need
c. Needing
d. None of the above
Answer: a
Although the sentence is in plural form but will be considered singularly.
Therefore singular verb “need” will come in the blank.
Hence Option A is the correct one.


10.5. The bananas now are perfectly riped to be plucked.

a. Ripen
b. Ripe
c. Riping
d. None of the above
Answer: b
Since the sentence is in the simple present tense, therefore “ripe” will come in place
of riped.
Hence option B is the correct one.

10.6. Either my father or my mother ----- going to attend the parent-teacher meeting
in school.
a. Is
b. Are
c. Were
d. None of the above
Answer: a
Since the sentence is in the singular form as the term either is used. Therefore “is will
come in the blank.
Hence Option A is the correct one.

10.7. Sam procrastinating for so long that he missed the job opportunity.
a. Procrastinated
b. Procrastinate
c. Procrastination
d. Procastinations
Answer: a
Since the sentence is in the past perfect tense, except the bold, italicized word.
And only option A fits the sentence structure.
Therefore Procrastinated is the correct word.

10.8. “We had been seen his performance already. “

a. Have
b. Had
c. Will
d. None of the above
Answer: a


Since the sentence is in present perfect tense except for the part of the sentence in
bold letters. Hence it has to be replaced, and only option A will take the sentence is
the same present perfect form.
Therefore option A is the correct one.

10.9. Sam washing the floor when the maid had gone.
a. Washed
b. Wash
c. Is washing
d. None of the above
Answer: a
Since the whole sentence is in past perfect simple tense except the block-lettered
word. Hence it will be replaced by washes, as it suits the sentence structure.

Therefore option A is the correct one

10.10. Today we ----------- Newton’s law of gravity

a. Are studying
b. Will be studying
c. Were studying
d. None of the above
Answer: b
Since the sentence is in future continuous tense, therefore “will be studying” shall
be coming in the blank.
Hence option B is the correct one.


11. Articles & Tenses:

11.1. This is ----- car I bought yesterday
a. a
b. an
c. the
d. No Article
Answer: c

11.2. The Earth moves round the Sun.

a. Simple tense
b. Past tense
c. Past future perfect
d. Simple present
Answer: d

11.3. Bolt from the blue

a. Thundering
b. A complete surprise
c. Inform something bad
d. No idea
Answer: b

11.4. When the Principal entered the class, a student………. on the blackboard.
a. is writing
b. writes
c. wrote
d. was writing
Answer: d

11.5. She………TV when her husband came.

a. Was watching
b. Watch
c. Is watching
d. Watched
Answer: a


11.6. He hopes to join —– university soon

a. the
b. an
c. a
d. No Article
Answer: c

11.7. On Friz Shah Kotla the Ball certainly did ____ more than usual.
a. Jumped
b. Bounce
c. Was bouncing
d. Bounced
Answer: b

11.8. Each and every one / was / present / at the / wedding.

a. Each and every one
b. was
c. present
d. wedding.
Answer: b

11.9. The newspaper ______ very bad news for people who supported the seperatist
a. interested
b. been interested
c. shown interested
d. interests
Answer: b

11.10. When I went back to my hometown three years ago, I found that a lot of
changes ______.
a. had taken place
b. have taken place
c. are taken place
d. were taken place
Answer: a


12. Prepositions & Conjunctions:

12.1. Select the correct option that fills the blank to make the sentence meaningfully
I'll be in London next week. I hope to see Tom ... there.
a. while I will be
b. during I am
c. while I am
d. during visit
Answer: c

12.2. I couldn't sleep ... very tired.

a. despite of being
b. despite I was
c. in spite of being
d. in spite I was
Answer: c

12.3. You should insure your car ... stolen.

a. if it is
b. in case it will be
c. in case it is
d. if it will be
Answer: c

12.4. ... it rained a lot, we enjoyed our holiday in Spain.

a. because of
b. because
c. inspite of
d. although
Answer: d

12.5. I'll be in Prague next week. I hope to see Simon ... there.
a. during I am
b. during visit
c. while I am
d. while I will be
Answer: b


12.6. Shikhar Dhawan has been playing well in the series against west indies, _____
of his inabilities to face a short ball.
a. Without
b. Despite
c. Inspite
d. Instead
Answer: b

12.7. Swimming has been his passion forever, ______ he plays football better.
a. Instead
b. However
c. Though
d. But
Answer: c

12.8. I accepted the job ... the wages, which were very good.
a. Inspite of
b. Because of
c. Because
d. Although
Answer: d

12.9. I hope you will have time to visit me in France, ... you come, you can sleep at our
a. If
b. Unless
c. In case
d. When
Answer: a

12.10. This parcel is for Tom. ... you see him, can you give it to him?
a. If
b. In case
c. Maybe
Answer: a


13. Voices & Speech:

13.1. I was pleasantly surprised when she showed up at the door unannounced.
a. Do insult the poor
b. Do not insult the poor
c. You ordered not to insult the poor
d. You are expected not to insult the poor.
Answer: b

13.2. Your kindness will never be forgotten by me.

a. I will never forget your kindness
b. I will forget your kindness
c. I will never forget your kind
d. Not improvement.
Answer: a

13.3. Someone pulled the bull violently.

a. Someone pulled the bull violently.
b. The bull had been pulled violently by someone.
c. The bull was to be pulled violently by someone.
d. The bull had being pulled violently by someone.
e. The bull was pulled violently.
Answer: d

13.4. Don't laugh at me.

a. Don't laugh at me.
b. Let me be laughed at
c. let me be not laughed at
d. I am laughed at
e. Let me be not laughed
Answer: b

13.5. The Government is spending too much money on Pulse Polio.

a. Too much money is spent by the government on Pulse Polio
b. Too much money is being spent by the government on Pulse Polio
c. Too much money is spend by the government on Pulse Polio
d. None of these
Answer: b


13.6. You must switch off the electricity supply while

changing the fuse.
a. The electricity must be switch off while changing the fuse
b. The electricity supply must be switched off while fuse is being changed
c. The electricity supply must switched off while fuse is being changed
d. None of these
Answer: b

13.7. We ought to have saved our environment.

a. Our environment ought to had been saved.
b. Our environment ought to have been save.
c. Our environment ought to have been saved.
d. Our environment ought to have saved.
Answer: c

13.8. They must keep their word.

a. Words must kept
b. Words must be kept by one
c. Words must be kept
d. None of these
Answer: c

13.9. He arrived at the conclusion.

a. The conclusion was arrived at by him.
b. The conclusion arrived at by him.
c. The conclusion had arrived at by him.
d. The conclusion have arrived at by him.
Answer: a

13.10. They have made a film based on this novel.

a. A film was based on this novel and made.
b. A film have been made based on this novel.
c. A film, based on this novel has been made
d. A film has been based and made on this novel.
Answer: c

Read the following Passage and select the best answer to questions(1-4) among the given choices

Routines are the unreturned algorithms followed by each one of us, every in life. Routine is a chain
of events, which never changes there order once it is prioritized. Following the routine is a schedule


of events. For a student it would it be assignments, attending schools, coaching classes or doing a
Project. For the business man, brandishing the tiniest mobile phone and shielded by the doctor than
black shade of Mercedes, schedule is restricted to attend meetings, presentations and entertaining
new Prospective clients.
Sometimes life begins so hectic that you feel as if you are the only person who is working harder
than all others. Such type of thoughts comes to us due to thinking about ourselves. Others may be
facing the same shade of destiny as you, but you think there are luckier than you. Yes, the grass on
the other side is always greener and fresher.

Maintaining your cool, at the times of the difficulty and in spite of hectic-schedules is the key to
a bright career and success in life. Because, unless we ourselves change the pace with the change
in times and keep ourselves abreast of the latest time table of our organizer, we will lag behind.

The more the things one has to do or one is into, more is his involvement in a mental, physical or
social way into these things. Due to this his own personal problems are out of sight because, all
time his mind is thinking of completing the task undertaking problems which are out of sight are
out of mind.

Each thing that we do adds to our personality. It shapes our thinking and makes us more organized,
experienced knowledgeable and creative. The time and effort that we put in every day into tasks is
the brick and mortar of our future life. So friends, it is always better to be busy rater then idle.
Hasn’t everyone heard that an idle mind is the devils work shop? Behind every successful man is a
devotedly followed schedule.

e. The author of the passage is of the opinion that

e. The world is merciless to a few persons
f. Behind every successful there is a women
g. All other people seem to be luckier than the author
h. We must keep cool even in difficult times

e. What is the general observation about human nature that the writer makes?
e. People generally hate to be tied to a schedule or routine
f. People generally feel that they can progress by following a schedule
g. People feel that they alone are overburdened and being treated crudely
e. People follow routines happily because they require less effort.

e. According to the above passage, we must

e. Not involve ourselves too much in the work that we do
f. Avoid keeping hectic schedules because they must harm our body.
g. Be loathing to put time and sweet into our bodies.
h. Run neck and neck with God’s timetable less we lag behind.


e. The result of many things we do results in-

e. Enhancing our personality
f. Bettering our organizational and creative ability
g. Giving us knowledge and experience
h. All the above

e. From the following sets of words, choose the word correctly spelt
f. Accomodate
g. Acommodate
h. Accommodate
i. Accommoda

e. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phrase. “
A rising star “
d. A star that rises the highest in the sky
e. A star which shines the most.
f. A person coming into prominence
g. A star that appears only once in a month.

e. Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of
the sentence as a whole. The recent nuclear threat is the ________________of 12 years of terrorist
attacks, which have inflicted on us more casualties both military and civilian than Iraq did on Kuwait
e. Culmination
f. Reflection
g. Dogma
h. Defiance

e. Select the option that can be substituted the given sentence

e. Condolence
f. Calumny
g. Obituary
h. Corrigendum

e. Given below are sentences which when arranged logically form a coherent passage? Choose
the given option which gives the correct sequence.
e. The alternative was a blitz by the health workers to popularize preventive measures.
f. The information was considered inadequate.
g. People have been reading about AIDS in the mass media
h. Nobody is sure as to low effective this would be.


i. People were also not being influenced enough to take preventive measures.
e. cbade
f. abcde
g. bacde
h. cdabe

e. chose the lettered pair that express a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed
in the capitalized pair HOBBLE ::WALK
(T) Gallop ::Run
(U) Stammer::Speak
(V) Stumble::Fall
(W) Sniff::Smell

e. Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of
the sentence as a whole. While there is hope in the one-day game, where Indian team has at last cast
aside the chains of________________thought, there is a very long journey to make in Test cricket
(T) Delinguent
(U) Delirious
(V) Decadent
(W) Disruptive

Select among the given choices the word or phrase to replace the underlined phrase ion
the following sentence Our departure from this place from now depends on they coming here.
(T) Depends on them coming here
(U) Depends on their coming here
(V) Depend on their’s coming here
(W) Depends on their’s coming here
e. Choose the lettered pair that express relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in
the capitalized pair. FRAYED::FABRIC
(T) Thawed::Ice
(U) Renovated::Building
(V) Frazzled::Nerves
(W) Watered::Lawn

e. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phrase
“ To wash one’s hand off “
(T) To wash one’s hand with water
(U) To wash one’s hand with soap
(V) To disclaim the entire responsibility
(W) To put one’s firm in trouble


(T) Given below are sentences which when arranged logically from a coherent passage. Choose
the given option which gives the correct sequence.
e. What is amazing is that resending of decisions does not seem to be one bit embarrass
the government.
f. “Rollback “appears to have now became an institutionalized decision making process of
the government
g. This is the certainly suggested by the frequency on prices and subsidies are announced and
them the status quo restored in part or in full.
h. It has well and truly functioning an integral part of the functioning of the government.
i. Even the word, “Rollback “, has became a permanent entry lexicon of political discourse.
(T) abcde
(U) bcade
(V) bcdae
(W) ebdca

e. Choose the lettered pair that expresses relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in
the capitalized pair. LACHRYMOSE::TEARS
(T) Effusive::requests
(U) Ironic::jests
(V) Morose::speeches
(W) Verbose::words

Select among the given choices that is most nearly opposite word “ AUTONOMY”
e. submissiveness
f. dependence
g. subordination
(T) slavery

Select among the given choices that is most nearly similar word “OCCULT”
a) Dreadful
b) Harmless
c) Amazing
d) Mysterious

f. Given below are words three of which belong to same category. Find the word which does
not belong to that category
a. Convulse
b. Soothe
c. Compose
d. Assuage


One of the words each set of four words is misspell . Choose the misspell word.
a. Effeminate
b. Endeavour
c. Exhilaration
d. Exhaustion

1.In the following sentence one important punctuation-mark is missing select the suitable signs
from the given alternatives. what a pity

a)"" b)? **c)! d):

2.Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the given idiomatic expression or phase.To
put up with

a)to stay with b)to tolerate **c)to deal with people d)to keep things up

3.For the following sentence,choose the most suitable word from the given options.In England
an Indian _____ does not actually enjoy the same rights as an Englishman.
a)emigrant b)emigrent c)immigrant d)immegrant

4.Select the word among the given choices that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the word

a)Decent b)fair **c)rational d)pure

5.Given below are words three of which belong to the same category.Find the word which
does not belong to that category

a)danger b)peril c)jeopardy **d)innocuous

6.Select among the given choices the word or phrase for each blank that best fits the meaning of
the sentence as a whole though business is in a ______ Indian corporates see it as a "learn and

a) Slump b)low c)lean d)soup

7.Select the word or phrase among the given choices that is most nearly similar in meaning to the

a)power b)wing c)small measure **d)Hanger-on



8)Choose the lettered pair that expresses a relationship most similar to the relationship expressed in
the capitalized pair CONTINENT: ISLAND

a)ocean:lake **b)isthmus: peninsula c)cape: cove d)river:canal

9)In the following sentence one important puntuation-mark is missing.Select the suitable signs from
the given alternatives Having been disappointed in love he took to alcohol.
**a), b). c); d)!

10)For the following sentence ,choose the most suitable word from the given options.In the____ of
quarrel,the cabuliwallah had struck him.

a) coarse b) curse c) course d) cause

In the following passage some of the words have been left out.First read the passage over and
try to understand what it is about.Then fill in the blanks with the help of the alternatives given.

Successful______(1)is about understanding people and setting them to share the_______(2)of the
organization.The manager must________(3)what is going on at all times and the ________(4)must
know what is_________(5)of them.

11. First blank is

A) leaders B)emotion **C) management D) managers

12. Second blank is

A)rewards **B)vision C) spoils D)profit

13. Third blank is

A)demand B)ink C)manage **D)know

14. Fourth blank is

A)employees B)laborers C)workers D) boss

15. Fifth blank is

A)expected B)nice C)wanting D)credible

16.which one number will complete the series?


a)20 b)21 c)22 d)24


17."the theoritical principal of democracy is majority rule,but at least in

presidential politics,majority rule has never triumphed.in every
presidential election,more people of voting age failed to vote than voted
for the eventual winner."none of the above" is evidently the perennially
favorite candidate of most citizens."
the conclusion of the passege is based on which of the following

A)NOn-presidential elections are less worthy of study than are

presidential elections.
b)people of voting age who fail to vote in presidential elections do so to
express their dissatisfaction with the candidates.
c)a presidential candidate need not receive votes from a majority of those who actually
vote in order to win an election.
d)the principal of majority rule has never been correctly defined

18.pallavi doesn't feel she is really a child anymore.ten years ago,her mother was
five times her age.now she is three sevenths of her mothers age,and in five years she will be half her
mother's age
.how old will she be when sheis half her mother's age.

a)18 b)20 c)22 d)28

19.a university acting classes is presenting a series of five

skits use six performers, m,n,o,p,q,r
1.each performer must perform in exactly three of the skit

2.only o and p will perform in the first skit

3.r and three others will perform in the second skit

4.only n will perform in the third skit

5.more people will perform in the 4th skit than in the fifth skit
for which of the follwing pairs of performers is true that if one
appears in a skit,the other must also appear?

a)m and n b)m and r c)p and o d)p and r

20.in a garden there are 10 rows and 12 columns of mango trees. the distance btween
each tree is 2 metres and a distance of one meter is left from all sides of the boundary of the garden
. the length of the garden is

a)20 m b)22m c)24m d)26m


21.in a row of boys anand is eleventh from the left and deepak is
fifteenth from the right.when anand and deepak interchange their positions,
anand will be fifth from the left,which of the follwing will be deepak's
position from the right?
a)seventh b)seventeenth c)eighth d)ninth

22.a watch ,which gains uniformly is 2min.show at noon on monday,and is 4min.48

seconds fast at 2pm.on the follwing monday.when was it correct?
a)2 days 6hrs b)2 days 2 hrs c)3days 1hr d)3days 6hrs

23.on the occasion of a certain meeting each member gave shake hand to
the remaining number.if the total shake were 1176,how many members were present for the

meeting. a)48 b)58 c)49 d)59

24.a multiple phtostat copier can create 120 copies in 30 seconds.how much time
would it take to from 2000 copies on two such machines working

a)4min 08sec b)4min 10sec c)4min 25sec d)4min 30sec

25 raj kumar started walking towards south and after walking 15 m turn to
his right and walked another 15m,turned to his left and stopped.which direction is he from the
starting point?

a)south b)south-west c)south-east d)west

26 some boys are standing in a row ,sunil is 10 th from right and

anant is seventh from left .if there are five boys in between sunil and ananth,
how many boys are there in the row?
a)20 b)22 c)21 d)23

27.as a COUNSEL is to BITIRAK,so also GUIDENCE is to


28.the number of bacteria in a test tube doubles every 3 mins.if at the end of

1 hour there are N bacteria in the test tube,at the end of how many minutes
were there exactly N/4 bacteria?
a)51 b)54 c)56 d)58


29.in a chess tornament 16 members played in tournament x and 20 played in

tournament y and 12 in both the tournaments,if each player played atleast one of these
tournaments,what is the total number of players?
a)24 b)36 c)32 d)48
30)"In a swampy area of south America, the highly poisonous coral snake and a much less
venomous kind of snake both bear red, black and white bands . Only 100 miles away on drier
ground, the local type of coral snake lacks the red bands. And there, the less poisonous species of
snake lacks the red bands too. The explanation is that in both habitants, close imitation of the coral
snake affords the less poisonous species a measure of protection it would not otherwise have."

Which of the following is most likely to be a major assumption underlying the explanation
in the passage above?
f. Coral snakes claim individual territories for themselves, which they defend against other snakes.

g. Red coloration is effective camouflage primarily in dry habitants, where natural reds
are much more common than elsewhere
h. The sight of a coral snake has a strange paralyzing effect on certain of its prey animals.

i. Predators whose diets include snakes tend to avoid those most poisonous and thus

most Technical

i. what is the output?


int i=0;


case 0:



case 1:


case 1:




A)..1..1..0 B) 0..1..1 C) 1..1..1 D) None of These

32) What will be the O/P?

struct xyz {

int i;


struct xyz *p;

struct xyz a;




A) 0
B) 10
C) Garbage Value
D) Compile Time Error

33)What is the storage required for the name "George"?

A) Six bits of storage B) Six Bytes of Storage C) Six Pixels of Storage D) One Kilo Byte of Storage

34)What is the part of compiler that keeps track of names and their attributes?

A) Compile Table B)Symbol Table C)Table D) Logical Table

Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded in C++?

: B)[] C) - D) None of These

36) Which constructor is invalid for class cat?

A) void cat :: cat() { feet=4;} B)cat::cat(int f){feet=f;}


C) cat::cat(void){feet=8;} D) cat::cat(int f){this->feet=f;}

Typical user defined signal handler functions perform actions such as

f. abort process immediately without further ado

g. Perform minor house keeping prior to resumption

h. Roll back process state to last checkpoint

i. Tidy up to process abortion

A)1&2 B)2&4 C)3 D)4

f. What is the name given to the process initizlizing a microcomputer with its OS?

Cold Booting B) Booting C) Warm Booting D) None of these

g. Desirable attributes for memory management include

Protection- such memory should be protected against being written on by other processes

Encryption- ability to encrypt data with a randomly selected key that is discarded after use
without being disclosed so that data can never read again.
C)Uniform access rates-ability to retard faster data fetch rates so that all data
fetches are uniformly performed at the least fast data fetch rate
D)none of these

40)Major expressions used with find command to select file is it has been accessed in more than 375

A)-a time +365 B) -m time +365 C)-a time -365 D) -m time -365

41)Which of the following is not a basic computer network topology?

A)Train topology B)Bus topology C)star topology D)ring topology

i. which file contains all permanent information and is updated during processing by transactions of


A) Master File B) Local File C) Parent File D) Primary File

f. Which set option is used with vi editor to display line numbers on screen?

nm B) nu C)ic D)li

g. Assuming you have the environment variable ENV=.kshrc set, what is the entry in ur .kshrc or
.profile that will save up to ur last 200 commands in a history list?

A) HISTSIZE=200 B) set history 200 C) HISTORY=200 D) setenv history 200

i. You have 1MB of memory left on the HDD and when booting the system crashes. What is
the reason?
Not enough synchronous buffer

Not enough contiguous memory in virtual memory

Not enough space on the hard drive for the swap file.

Not enough space on the hard drive for working memory.

j. How do I remove a file with the name '-something' ?

A) use the "--" flag to rm B) Use "##" flag to rm

C) Use the "-" flag to rm D) Use the "!" flag to rm.

f. The customer is an internet search engine with hits from global customers exceeding 10 million per
day. You identify Knowledge Management as the driving business issue. Which feature is most imp to
this customer solution?
A) Single system image B) Speed and performance

Very large memory, very large database D) H/W Partitioning

f. Unlike function templates, when instantiating a class template, you must explicitly instantiate
the class by giving?
A) The parameters for the class templates B) The arguments for the class templates C) The
variables for the class templates D) None

49) In private inheritance derived class members can access base class members that 1)
are Public 2) Private 3) Protected
A)1&2 B)1&3 C)2&3 D)1,2&3


50) The output of an OR Gate is LOW when

A) All inputs are LOW C)Any input is high D)
B) Any Input is LOW
D) All inputs are HIGH


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