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Curse Of Fake Rituals

Other day we were discussing the fake rituals of our

society. First of all what are fake rituals? Fake rituals are
those rituals which are not allowed in our religion or are
against our religion but people practice them as they are the
integral part of our religion. These rituals or customs are
presenting the negative image of Islam all over the world.
The main fake rituals that are practiced in our society are
the following:
 Karo-Kari (Urdu: ‫)کاروکاري‬
 Haal (Literally "state" or "condition", plural ahwal)
 Honor Killing (also called a customary killing)
 Marriage with the Quran (Also known as "Haque
Bakhish", "Haq-Baksh-Wai", "Haq Bakhshwan", "Haq
 Vanni
 Panchayat or Jirga
I think I don’t need to describe the fake rituals mentioned
above as we had discussed them earlier.
First of all as a Muslim seeing this rituals practiced in a
Muslim country breaks my heart. These rituals present the
ugliest picture of our noble religion Islam. The main
question that strikes in our in mind is why? Why these
rituals are practiced? According to what I think these are
practiced to show the male dominance in our society, these
rituals show the status of women in our society which is
weak and trembling. Is this what our religion teaches us?
Rights of women are clearly stated in Holy Quran and trust
me they are totally against the rituals mentioned above. So
first thing we are not following Islamic rules appointed on
us by Allah SubhanuTallah. And we call ourselves Muslim.
How hypocrite we are, we call ourselves Muslims and on
the other hand we arrogantly ignore the Islamic principles.
It’s quite humorous we present the ugly picture of our
society and then we blame the western media that they are
exploiting the Muslims all over the world. It’s our duty to
promote and support our religion. The question arises how?
According to what I think we can overcome these
problematic rituals by the following actions:
 Increasing the literacy rate especially in rural areas
 Studying our religion by reciting Holy Quran and
 Freedom of speech

As we know the overall literacy rate in our country is

very low. By increasing the literacy rate especially in
rural areas can change the mindset of the people,
woman’s specifically as most of the women are the
victims of these customs. Education will give them
broader view and the knowledge of rights given them
by the religion and society. Education is a step toward
the solution of these problems.

Secondly we have to study our religion because

solution of every problem is available in Holy Quran
and Hadees. In our society people blindly follow the
religious leaders of their sects, they don’t even bother
to check whether whatever the person is preaching
about is allowed in our religion or not. So it’s also the
duty of religious scholars to guide the society in right

We know our society is conservative and when

someone take a stand against these taboo rituals he or
she have to face criticism of every kind. We should
think a little with heart and more with brain. We
should support the freedom of speech we have to
develop the habit to listen what someone else have to
say. Not months ago Governor of Punjab was
murdered because his personal opinion was different
from others about the blasphemy law in our country.
Islam preaches peace not violence.


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