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North Dakota and South Dakota Sunflower Hybrid Trial Results for
2012 and Selection Guide

Hans Kandel (NDSU Extension agronomist); Kathleen A. Grady (SDSU agronomist); Blaine Schatz, Mike Ostlie, Bob
Smith and Steve Schaubert (Carrington Research Extension Center); Eric Eriksmoen, Angela Sebelius and James
Tarasenko (North Central Research Extension Center, Minot); Bryan Hanson and Richard Wilhelmi (Langdon Research
Extension Center); Brent S. Hulke (USDA-ARS, Fargo, Sunflower Unit); Lee Gilbertson and John Rickertsen (SDSU
Plant Science Department); and Adnan Akyüz (Soil Science Department, NDSU, Fargo).

In North Dakota, an estimated 840,000 acres of sunflowers were harvested in 2012. This was an increase of 279,000
acres, compared with 2011. Table 1 contains acreage data for the past 13 years as reported by the North Dakota
Agricultural Statistics Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. The USDA yield estimate in the October 2012 report for
all sunflowers produced in North Dakota during the 2012 season was 1,485 pounds per acre (lb/a).

Table 1. Harvested Sunflower Acreage in North Dakota and Yield Per Acre 2000-2012.
Year Oil Type Yield Non-oil Type Yield
(1,000 acres) (lb/a) (1,000 acres) (lb/a)
2000 965 1,410 300 1,260
2001 835 1,440 215 1,260
2002 1,105 1,310 210 1,200
2003 1,020 1,300 145 1,330
2004 660 1,040 130 810
2005 885 1,610 220 1,490
2006 740 1,260 120 1,520
2007 895 1,450 160 1,270
2008 930 1,430 150 1,210
2009 760 1,520 108 1,500
2010 685 1,460 177 1,440
2011 495 1,380 66 1,250
2012 755 ------ 85 ------
Source: National Agricultural Statistics Service.

2012 Sunflower Performance Trials

Information about sunflower hybrid performance can be accessed on the Web at This site has
all variety trial data from all NDSU Research Extension Centers for all crops.

The agronomic data presented in this publication are from replicated research plots using experimental designs that
enable the use of statistical analysis. The LSD (least significant difference) numbers beneath the columns in tables
are derived from the statistical analyses and apply only to the numbers in the column in which they appear. If the
difference between two hybrids exceeds the LSD value, it means that with 95 percent probability (0.05 level) or 90
percent probability (0.10 level), the higher-yielding hybrid has a significant yield advantage. If the difference
between two hybrids is less than the LSD value, then the hybrid yields are considered similar.

The abbreviation NS is used to indicate no significant difference for that trait among any of the hybrids. The
coefficient of variation (CV) is a measure of variability in the trial and is expressed as a percentage. Large CVs mean
a large amount of variation that could not be attributed to differences in the hybrids. In the tables, the “mean”
indicates the average of the observations in the trial. Only compare values within the table and look for trends for the
desired trait among different experimental sites and years.

Fargo, North Dakota 58108

December 2012 Page 1

Page 2
Oil and harvest yields were adjusted to 10 percent moisture. Oil values for NuSun and high-oleic hybrids were adjusted for oleic
acid content.

In the tables, the sunflower hybrids are arranged in alphabetical order of the company/brand. Most of the tables have footnotes
explaining, in more detail, information in the table under which they appear. Characteristics to evaluate for selecting a
sunflower hybrid include yield potential in your area, oil content (for the oil types), test weight, reaction to problematic
diseases and insects, maturity date and the weed control system. When selecting a confection sunflower hybrid, the seed
size also is of importance.

When selecting a high-yielding and good-quality hybrid, use data that summarizes several years and locations. Choose the
hybrid that, on average, performs the best at multiple locations near you during several years.

The presentation of data for the entries tested does not imply approval or endorsement by the authors or agencies
conducting the tests. A listing of seed companies entering hybrids and their brand name is provided in Table 2.

Research specialists and technicians helped with the field work and data compilation. The assistance given by many
secretaries in typing portions of this document is much appreciated.A special thank you goes to Lisa Johnson, Extension
Plant Sciences secretary, for assisting in the compilation of this publication.

Table 2. Full Company Name, Abbreviated Name Used in Tables and Website.
Company Abbreviated Web site
Agricol Agricol
Croplan Genetics Croplan
Dahlgren and Co. Dahlgren
DuPont Pioneer Pioneer
Genosys Global LLC Genosys
Integra Fortified Seed Integra
Legend Seeds Legend
Mycogen Seeds Mycogen
Nuseed Global Nuseed
Proseed Inc. Proseed
Red River Commodities R.R. Comm.
Seeds 2000 Seeds 2000
Syngenta Seeds Syngenta
U.S. Department of Agriculture USDA

2012 Growing Season Weather Summary for North Dakota

Table 3. April-September 2012 Average Temperature and Precipitation Rankings for Selected North Dakota Locations.
City Temperature Ranking Precipitation Ranking
Bowman The Warmest 21st Driest
Bismarck 23rd Warmest 52nd Driest
Cavalier 6th Warmest 28th Driest
Fargo 2nd Warmest 10th Driest
Minot Exp. Station 5th Warmest 14th Driest
Williston Exp. Station 21st Warmest 37th Driest
North Dakota Average 8th Warmest (118 years) 13th Driest (118 years)
Source: Adnan Akyüz, NDSU, North Dakota state climatologist.

Page 3
List of Tables
Table 1. Harvested Sunflower Acreage in North Dakota and Yield Per Acre 2000-2012.
Table 2. Full Company Name, Abbreviated Name Used in Tables and Website.
Table 3. April-September 2012 Average Temperature and Precipitation Rankings for Selected North Dakota Locations.
Table 4. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed Hybrids With Traits and Locations Where Tested.
Table 5. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed Hybrids With Traits and Locations Where Tested.
Table 6. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Wyndmere, N.D.
Table 7. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Wyndmere, N.D.
Table 8. 2012 Fatty Acid Composition of Selected Oilseed Sunflower Hybrids - Wyndmere, N.D.
Table 9. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Langdon, N.D.
Table 10. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Carrington, N.D.
Table 11. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Langdon, N.D.
Table 12. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Minot, N.D.
Table 13. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Minot, N.D.
Table 14. 2012 Climate Summary for Weather Stations Nearest to South Dakota Sunflower Test Sites and Departures
From Normal.
Table 15. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Bison, S.D.
Table 16. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Harrold, S.D.
Table 17. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Harrold, S.D.
Table 18. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Mound City, S.D.
Table 19. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Onida, S.D.
Table 20. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Onida, S.D.
Table 21. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Presho, S.D.
Table 22. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Averages Across Five Locations (Bison, Harrold, Mound City, Onida and
Presho, S.D.).
Table 23. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Means Across Two Locations (Harrold and Onida, S.D.).

Page 4
Table 4. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed Hybrids With Traits and Locations Where Tested.
Brand Hybrid Hybrid Type1 Harrold Onida Langdon Minot Wyndmere
CHS 10EXP01 CL x x - x x
CHS 12EXP01 EX x x - x x
CHS 12EXP02 CL x x - x -
CHS 12EXP04 CL - - - - x
CHS 12EXP03 - - - - x -
CHS RH1121 - - - - x -
CHS RH400CL CL - - - - x
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530 - - x x x x
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9569 - - x - x -
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9579 - - x - - -
Dahlgren-SunOpta 0089CL CL - x - - -
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530CL CL - x x x -
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9592CL CL - x - x x
Genosys 12GCF05 - - x x x x
Genosys 12GCF06 - - x x x x
Genosys 12GCF07 - - x x x x
Genosys 12GCF08 - - x x x x
Genosys 12GCF09 - - x x x x
Mycogen 8C451CP CL x x x x x
Nuseed 5009 - x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11901 DM,EX x x - - -
Nuseed NHW11902 - x x - - -
Nuseed NHW11903 DM x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11904 DM x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11906 - x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11909 - x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11914 - x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11916 - - - - - x
NuSeed NHW11917 - - - - - x
Nuseed NHW11921 DM x x - - x
Nuseed NHW11932 DM x x - - -
Nuseed NHW11933 DM,EX x x - - -
Nuseed NHW11936 DM,EX x x - - -
Nuseed NHW11944 DM,EX x x - - -
Nuseed X379 - x x - - x
Nuseed X4417 - x x - - -
Red River Commodities RRC 2215 CL x x x x x
Red River Commodities RRC 2215 CL CL x x x x x
Red River Commodities RRC 2217 - x x - x x
Seeds 2000 6946DMR - - - x x -
Seeds 2000 Jaguar CL x x x x -
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR CL x x -
Seeds 2000 Jaguar II CL x x - - -
Seeds 2000 Sundance DMR - - - x x -
Seeds 2000 X4334 CL x x - - -
Seeds 2000 X4337 CL x x - - -
Seeds 2000 X9180 EX - - - x -
Seeds 2000 x918022 - - - x - -
USDA 924 (check) - x x x x x
Hybrid type provided by companies.
CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant.

Page 5
Table 5. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed Hybrids With Traits and Locations Where Tested (Page 1 of 2).
Location in which the hybrid has been tested

Langdon REC
Mound City

Minot REC


Company/ Brand Hybrid Hybrid Type1
Agricol AGSUN 5264 Trad. - - - - - - - x
Agricol AGSUN 8251 Trad. - - - - - - - x
Croplan 3080 DMR NS NS,DM x x x x x - - -
Croplan 432 E DMR NS NS,EX,DM x x x x x x x
Croplan 460 E NS NS,EX x x x x x x x x
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421 ConOil - - x x - x x -
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421CL CL,ConOil - - x x - x - -
Genosys 11G04 HO - - x x - x x x
Genosys 11G08 NS - - x x - x x x
Genosys 11G12 HO,CL - - x x - x x x
Genosys 11G13 NS,CL - - x x - x x x
Genosys 12E12 HO,CL - - x x - x x x
Genosys 12E13 HO,CL - - x x - x x x
Genosys 12E14 HO,CL - - x x - x x x
Legend LSF 318NCL NS,CL x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 7813N NS x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 8560NCL NS,CL x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 9302HOCL HO,CL x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 9501 Trad. x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 9505NCL NS,CL x x x x x - - -
Legend LSF 9568NCL NS,CL x x x x x - - -
Mycogen 8D310 ConOil x x x x x x x
Mycogen 8D417 ConOil,SS x x x x x x - x
Mycogen 8H288CLDM N.A,CL,DM - - - - - x x x
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Mycogen 8N270CLDM CL,DM x - x - - x x x
Mycogen 8N358CLDM NS,CL,DM x x x x - x x x
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM x x x x x x - x
Mycogen 8N510 NS - x - x x - - -
Mycogen 8N678S SS - x - x x - - -
Pioneer 63HE60 HO,EX,DM x x x x x x x x
Pioneer 63ME70 NS,EX,DM x x x x x x x x
Pioneer 63ME80 NS,EX,DM x x x x x x x x
Pioneer 64HE01 HO,EX,DM x x x x x x x x
Proseed CL 7001 N.A.,CL - - - - - x x x
Proseed CL 8001 N.A.,CL - - - - - x x x
Proseed E-21 CL HO,CL x x x x x x x x
Proseed E-23 CL Trad.,CL x x x x x x x x
Proseed E-34 CL N.A,CL - - - - - x x x
Proseed E-362436 N.A. - - - - - x x x
Proseed E-85 CL HO,CL x x x x x x x x
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil, CL x x x x x - - x
Seeds 2000 Badger HO HO,CL,ConOil x x x x x x - x
Seeds 2000 Camaro II N.A. - - - - - x x -
Seeds 2000 Cobalt II N.A. - - - - - x x -
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL x x x x x x x
Seeds 2000 Defender Plus N.A. - - - - - - x -
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX x x x x x - - x
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX x x x x x x x x
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL x x x x x x - x
Seeds 2000 X5807 Dehull x x x x x - - -

Page 6
Table 5. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed Hybrids With Traits and Locations Where Tested (Page 2 of 2).
Location in which the hybrid has been tested

Langdon REC

Midge rating
Mound City

Minot REC

Company/ Brand Hybrid Hybrid Type1
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX,Dehull x x x x x x - x
Seeds 2000 X6814 HO,CL,DM x x x x x x - -
Seeds 2000 X6822 HO,CL,DM x x x x x - - -
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM x x x x x - - x
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM x x x x x - - x
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted HO,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted NS,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3845 HO HO x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX x x x x x x x x
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM HO,DM - - - - - x x x
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM x x x x x x x x
USDA 894 (check) Trad. x x x x x - x x
USDA cms HA465/RHA 439 (chk) NS x - x - - - - -
Hybrid type provided by companies. N.A. = not available (data not provided).
HO = high oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad. = traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield,
EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant, SS = short stature, HS = high stearic.

Page 7
Table 6. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Wyndmere, N.D. - Author, B. Hulke (Page 1 of 2).
Company/ Hybrid Days to Days to Plant Harvest Test Oil Seed Screen
Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower PM Lodge2 Moisture Wt. Content Yield Test3
(DAP) (DAP)4
(0-9) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Agricol Agsun 5264 Trad. 63 105 3.3 15.5 31.0 44.1 3,024
Agricol Agsun 8251 Trad. 67 106 2.7 19.3 32.0 37.7 3,471
Croplan 432 E NS 58 102 2.7 12.3 31.9 40.3 3,505
Croplan 460 E NS 65 105 2.0 16.9 29.0 46.0 3,947
Croplan 548 CL NS 61 101 2.3 13.8 30.2 41.4 3,285
Croplan 559 CL NS 65 106 3.0 18.0 29.3 43.0 3,387
Genosys 11G04 HO 62 101 2.0 14.4 31.2 39.0 2,760
Genosys 11G08 NS 60 100 3.0 14.4 31.2 42.0 3,545
Genosys 11G12 HO,CL 62 101 3.3 18.1 33.4 39.9 2,905
Genosys 11G13 NS,CL 63 102 2.7 14.0 30.1 41.0 3,140
Genosys 12E12 HO,CL 64 106 2.3 15.5 28.3 38.0 3,062
Genosys 12E13 HO,CL 63 101 2.7 13.3 29.0 38.2 3,338
Genosys 12E14 HO,CL 60 107 3.0 16.0 27.3 39.0 3,724
Mycogen 8D310 NS 60 100 3.7 13.2 28.6 37.7 3,303
Mycogen 8D417 NS 64 106 2.0 14.2 31.6 39.3 2,950
Mycogen 8H288CLDM HO,CL,DM 61 103 3.0 15.1 29.9 45.5 3,496
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM 63 105 2.3 18.5 31.3 46.5 4,106
Mycogen 8N270CLDM NS,CL,DM 60 101 3.0 13.0 30.6 43.7 2,967
Mycogen 8N358CLDM NS,CL,DM 63 103 3.0 15.9 28.7 45.3 3,241
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM 63 102 2.0 15.9 29.1 44.9 3,983
Pioneer P63HE60 HO,EX,DM 59 99 2.0 12.3 32.2 43.4 3,326 Avg.
Pioneer P63ME70 NS,EX,DM 61 100 2.0 12.6 28.1 44.5 4,178 Exc.
Pioneer P63ME80 NS,EX,DM 62 102 2.3 13.4 31.2 43.9 3,573 Exc.
Pioneer P64HE01 HO,EX,DM 60 102 2.3 14.3 32.9 43.4 3,252 Fail
Proseed 7001 CL NS,CL 64 106 2.0 17.0 27.0 38.5 3,689
Proseed 8001 CL NS,CL 62 104 2.0 14.7 31.2 42.1 3,436
Proseed E-21 CL NS,CL 62 105 2.7 14.6 28.8 38.9 2,911
Proseed E-23 CL NS,CL 63 107 2.7 17.3 31.0 39.6 3,064
Proseed E-34 NS 62 102 3.0 15.6 27.6 41.7 3,622
Proseed E-362436 NS,CL 62 104 3.0 17.0 31.0 40.7 3,600
Proseed E-85 HO 61 102 3.0 15.7 26.8 40.7 2,900
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil,CL 60 101 3.0 14.1 30.0 38.4 3,516
Seeds 2000 Badger DMR ConOil,CL,DM 57 100 3.0 12.3 29.5 34.3 3,446
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL 63 105 2.7 16.5 31.0 41.6 3,181
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX 70 105 2.3 19.0 29.0 40.2 3,437
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX 63 106 2.0 17.2 31.1 42.8 3,370
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL 63 105 2.7 21.8 30.6 42.3 3,702
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX 61 102 3.0 15.8 27.1 39.5 4,092
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM 65 106 2.7 15.6 28.2 38.1 3,674
Mean 62 103 2.6 15.3 30.0 41.8 3,470
CV % 2.8 1.3 22.9 8.9 2.6 1.9 10.2
LSD 0.05 3 2 1 2.2 1.3 1.3 579

Page 8
Table 6. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Wyndmere, N.D. - Author, B. Hulke (Page 2 of 2).
Company/ Hybrid Days to Days to Plant Harvest Test Oil Seed Screen
Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower Maturity Lodge2 Moisture Wt. Content Yield Test3
(DAP)4 (DAP)4 (0-9) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM 61 105 2.3 17.2 30.7 42.5 3,796
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 62 105 2.3 14.4 31.1 45.0 3,507
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM p NS,CL,DM 64 105 2.7 14.8 30.5 44.5 3,824
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 64 106 2.0 13.9 32.2 43.2 3,621
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM 63 102 2.0 14.5 29.3 45.2 4,201
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM pelle NS,DM 63 101 2.0 14.6 30.2 46.4 3,778
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 63 101 2.3 13.9 30.9 47.0 4,016
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 67 105 2.0 20.0 29.9 42.5 3,484
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX 62 102 2.7 14.1 29.7 40.4 3,191
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM HO,DM 60 102 2 15 29.8 43.9 3,123
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 60 103 2.7 12.8 31.9 40 3,402
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 63 106 3 14.9 28.8 40.2 4,163
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 64 106 3.3 14.4 28.3 43.3 3,557
USDA 894 Trad. 62 102 2.3 14.4 29.3 44.0 3,150
Mean 62 103 2.6 15.3 30.0 41.8 3,470
CV % 2.8 1.3 22.9 8.9 2.6 1.9 10.2
LSD 0.05 3 2 1 2.2 1.3 1.3 579
Planted June 4. Gramaxone applied as dessicant Sept. 28. Harvested Oct. 22.
HO = high oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad. = traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew
Description of lodging: 0 = perfectly upright stand; 1-3 = 10-30% root lodging, still easily harvested;
4-6 = 40-60% plants lodged, some severely; 7-8 = most plants lodged severely; 9 = all plants lodged severely.
Hulling screen test: Exc. = 65% of seed over a 14/64 inch screen; Average = 75% of seed over a 13/64 inch screen;
Fail = does not meet these criteria.
Days after planting.

Page 9
Table 7. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Wyndmere, N.D. - Author, B.S. Hulke.
Days Days
Company/ Hybrid to to Plant Harvest Test Seed Seed over screen Seed size Nut-
Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower
PM Lodge Moist. Wt. Yield 22/64 20/64 18/64 L W meat
(DAP)3 (DAP)3 (0-9) (%) (lb/bu) (lb/a) -------- % -------- -- (mm)-- (%)
CHS 10EXP01 CL 62 101 2.0 12.1 21.7 2,197 89 97 99 19 9 47
CHS 12EXP01 EX 65 107 2.0 15.0 20.9 2,307 92 97 99 18 10 49
CHS 12EXP04 CL 61 107 2.3 13.0 21.8 2,023 93 97 99 19 10 46
CHS RH400CL CL 62 102 2.3 12.4 21.6 2,365 87 96 99 20 9 49
Dahlgren-SunOpta D-9530CL CL 65 104 2.0 12.8 22.7 2,953 84 96 99 18 9 51
Dahlgren-SunOpta D-9592CL CL 65 105 2.0 13.8 21.3 2,055 86 95 98 18 9 52
Genosys 12GCF05 - 64 106 2.7 13.8 21.3 1,525 86 96 99 20 9 48
Genosys 12GCF06 - 63 107 4.0 14.2 21.1 1,373 89 96 99 24 10 50
Genosys 12GCF07 - 63 109 2.7 17.6 20.8 1,613 78 92 97 22 9 50
Genosys 12GCF08 - 61 105 3.3 12.4 22.2 1,335 82 94 99 20 8 52
Genosys 12GCF09 - 65 108 2.0 19.5 21.6 1,978 77 93 98 21 8 48
Mycogen 8C451CP CL 68 105 2.7 12.7 21.1 1,945 83 94 98 18 9 53
Nuseed 5009 - 67 108 2.3 15.4 22.0 2,241 81 94 99 19 8 48
Nuseed NHW11903 DM 59 108 2.0 14.4 21.7 1,756 76 93 98 20 8 47
Nuseed NHW11904 DM 58 100 2.7 13.2 20.9 1,792 87 95 99 20 8 50
Nuseed NHW11906 - 62 102 2.7 14.1 20.6 1,377 89 97 99 21 10 43
Nuseed NHW11909 - 61 101 3.3 14.1 21.7 1,619 89 97 100 20 9 47
Nuseed NHW11914 - 61 104 2.7 13.4 22.2 1,931 84 96 99 20 9 46
Nuseed NHW11916 - 65 109 2.0 14.5 24.3 1,939 59 84 96 22 8 47
Nuseed NHW11917 - 65 109 2.7 15.4 23.4 1,606 71 90 98 20 8 49
Nuseed NHW11921 DM 64 109 2.0 14.0 22.3 1,617 70 91 98 21 8 44
Nuseed X379 - 64 109 2.0 15.5 22.4 2,399 65 88 98 20 8 48
Red River Comm. 2215 - 62 102 2.0 17.3 22.6 3,074 90 97 100 18 9 50
Red River Comm. 2215CL CL 67 104 2.7 13.2 22.0 2,246 86 96 99 18 9 51
Red River Comm. 2217 - 67 103 2.7 13.8 20.5 1,829 90 98 99 19 9 53
USDA 924 - 58 103 2.7 12.6 24.0 2,151 52 78 93 16 8 50
Mean 63 105 2.5 14.3 21.9 1,971 81 94 98 20 9 49
CV % 3.5 1.4 23.8 14.4 2.7 15.0 -- -- -- -- -- --
LSD 0.05 4 2 1.0 3.4 1.2 486 -- -- -- -- -- --
Planted June 4. Gramaxone applied as dessicant Sept. 28. Harvested Nov. 2.
CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant.
Description of lodging: 0 = perfectly upright stand; 1-3 = 10-30% root lodging, still easily harvested;
4-6 = 40-60% plants lodged, some severely; 7-8 = most plants lodged severely; 9 = all plants lodged severely.
Days after planting.

Page 10
Table 8. 2012 Fatty Acid Composition of Selected Oilseed Sunflower Hybrids - Wyndmere, N.D. - Author, B.S. Hulke.
Fatty acids
Company/Brand Hybrid Type Palmitic Stearic Oleic Linoleic
% ± SEM % ± SEM % ± SEM % ± SEM
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM HO,DM 3.8 ± 0.19 3.68 ± 0.17 82.26 ± 2.93 8.86 ± 2.73
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 3.43 ± 0.08 4.09 ± 0.13 86.1 ± 0.75 4.42 ± 0.67
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 3.77 ± 0.05 3.36 ± 0.12 88.41 ± 0.21 2.56 ± 0.09
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 4.11 ± 0.14 3.77 ± 0.12 86.67 ± 0.36 3.48 ± 0.31
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM pelleted NS,CL,DM 4.43 ± 0.14 4.29 ± 0.14 64.48 ± 2.82 24.94 ± 2.71
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 3.47 ± 0.17 2.79 ± 0.17 89.05 ± 0.71 2.74 ± 0.47
Proseed E-21 CL NS,CL 3.69 ± 0.08 3.53 ± 0.13 86.13 ± 0.57 4.56 ± 0.53
Proseed E-23 CL NS,CL 6.6 ± 0.15 4.94 ± 0.11 16.27 ± 0.51 71.28 ± 0.4
Proseed E-34 NS 5.84 ± 0.08 5.13 ± 0.07 19.7 ± 0.89 68.27 ± 0.83
Pioneer P63HE60 HO, EX, DM 3.66 ± 0.2 4.74 ± 0.27 86.96 ± 0.67 2.34 ± 0.19
Pioneer P64HE01 HO, EX, DM 3.3 ± 0.06 3.61 ± 0.15 88.16 ± 0.8 3.12 ± 0.56
Pioneer P63ME70 NS,EX,DM 4.16 ± 0.13 5.37 ± 0.21 64 ± 4.35 24.8 ± 4.17
Pioneer P63ME80 NS,EX,DM 4.18 ± 0.1 4.57 ± 0.13 64.33 ± 2.35 25.22 ± 2.29
SEM = standard error of the mean.

Table 9. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Langdon, N.D. - Authors, B. Hanson and R. Wilhelmi.
Seed Yield
Company/ Days to Plant Midge Midge Test Seed over screen 3-yr.
1 2
Brand Hybrid Flower Height Incid. Sev. Weight 22/64 20/64 18/64 2012 Avg.
(DAP)3 (inch) (%) (0-9) (lb/bu) ----------(%)---------- ------(lb/a)------
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530CL4,7 79 72 16 3 22.1 80 93 95 1,861 2,030
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530 77 66 16 2 22.4 77 92 95 2,047 2,243
Genosys 12GCF05 83 71 61 7 23.1 75 90 95 1,004 --
Genosys 12GCF06 79 83 33 5 20.9 89 94 95 1,765 --
Genosys 12GCF07 81 78 29 6 22.1 78 92 95 1,183 --
Genosys 12GCF08 80 70 78 6 21.1 86 96 98 1,081 --
Genosys 12GCF09 82 70 25 6 24.2 72 90 94 1,311 --
Mycogen 8C451CP4 79 61 3 1 21.6 71 89 93 1,789 2,010
R.R. Comm. 2215 78 74 6 5 22.5 74 91 95 2,124 2,251
R.R. Comm. 2215 CL4 80 72 8 5 23.0 65 90 95 1,785 2,091
Seeds 2000 Jaguar4 75 68 5 3 21.9 63 90 95 2,297 2,372
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR4,5 74 62 2 0 23.2 59 91 97 2,489 --
Seeds 2000 Sundance DMR5 78 68 13 4 25.1 64 88 95 2,117 --
Seeds 2000 6946DMR5 77 67 12 3 24.5 23 64 90 2,335 2,280
Seeds 2000 x918022 6 76 65 21 4 23.4 60 88 94 1,804 --
USDA 924 77 64 35 4 24.1 32 62 90 1,413 2,068
Mean 79 70 24 4 22.9 65 87 94 1,750 2,179
CV % 2 6 47 43.9 4.5 -- -- -- 19.7 --
LSD 0.10 2 5.8 15.0 2 1.4 -- -- -- 484 --
Planted: May 16. Harvested: Oct. 2.
Incidence of plants that were infected by sunflower midge.
Midge severity: 0 = no symptom and 9 = head fully cupped.
Days after planting.
Clearfield hybrid, 5Downy mildew resistant, 6Express hybrid and 7Experimental.

Page 11
Table 10. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Carrington N.D. - Authors, B. Schatz, M. Ostlie, B. Smith and S. Schaubert (Page 1 of 2).
Company/ Days to Plant Test Seed
Brand Hybrid Flower Height Weight Oil Yield
(DAP)1 (inch) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Croplan 432 E 61 65 29.4 43.8 2,753
Croplan 460 E 68 71 25.5 45.1 2,322
Croplan 548 CL 67 67 26.9 42.8 2,085
Croplan 559 CL 69 72 25.8 43.4 1,876
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421CL 68 72 25.0 39.5 2,061
Genosys 12E12 65 74 24.6 38.2 1,920
Genosys 12E13 67 74 24.3 39.2 2,087
Genosys 12E14 68 75 23.5 40.6 2,114
Genosys 11G04 70 69 28.2 40.8 1,605
Genosys 11G08 68 72 27.6 42.6 1,970
Genosys 11G12 68 70 28.9 41.0 1,613
Genosys 11G13 67 68 27.2 39.5 1,490
Mycogen 8D310 64 69 27.6 41.2 2,138
Mycogen 8D417 66 52 30.2 42.3 1,873
Mycogen 8H288CLDM 62 67 28.2 44.8 1,759
Mycogen 8H449CLDM 66 67 28.7 45.3 2,407
Mycogen 8N270CLDM 61 63 28.4 44.6 2,009
Mycogen 8N358CLDM 64 65 27.3 45.4 1,884
Mycogen 8N421CLDM 66 71 27.5 44.8 2,115
Pioneer P63HE60 65 72 27.3 43.9 2,105
Pioneer P63ME70 67 71 23.6 43.5 1,910
Pioneer P63ME80 65 71 27.4 45.1 2,205
Pioneer P64HE01 65 70 28.2 43.3 2,032
Proseed CL 7001 70 75 25.6 42.3 2,355
Proseed CL 8001 67 68 28.2 42.4 1,775
Proseed E-21 CL 66 75 26.2 41.7 2,224
Proseed E-23 CL 68 78 28.2 42.7 2,266
Proseed E-34 CL 65 73 24.5 43.2 2,018
Proseed E-362436 64 75 28.6 45.2 2,864
Proseed E-85 63 70 25.7 43.4 2,200
Seeds 2000 Badger 65 72 25.5 38.8 2,687
Seeds 2000 Badger DMR 62 65 26.4 36.8 2,654
Seeds 2000 Badger HO 61 66 26.5 35.6 2,526
Seeds 2000 Camarro II 67 69 27.7 44.7 2,347
Seeds 2000 Cobalt II 63 62 27.8 42.7 1,985
Seeds 2000 Daytona 66 60 27.8 42.5 1,867
Seeds 2000 Durango 71 71 26.4 42.6 1,677
Seeds 2000 Falcon 67 66 28.5 44.3 1,640
Seeds 2000 Torino 69 68 27.9 44.6 2,129
Seeds 2000 X5807 67 70 20.9 37.2 2,020
Seeds 2000 X5870 66 73 22.8 38.6 2,141
Seeds 2000 X6814 63 72 27.2 42.2 2,365
Seeds 2000 X6872 65 73 25.6 41.2 1,980
Seeds 2000 X9180 64 67 28.5 42.9 2,002
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM 67 65 28.3 44.3 2,049
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted 67 68 28.4 42.3 1,908
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM 69 70 28.9 43.6 2,029
Mean 66 69 26.9 42.3 2,064
CV % 2 5 2.1 2.2 10.9
LSD 0.10 2 4 0.6 1.1 265

Page 12
Table 10. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Carrington N.D. - Authors, B. Schatz, M. Ostlie, B. Smith and S. Schaubert (Page 2 of 2).
Company/ Days to Plant Test Seed
Brand Hybrid Flower Height Weight Oil Yield
(DAP)1 (inch) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM 67 68 27.5 43.0 2,290
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted 68 67 27.2 44.0 1,990
Syngenta 3845 HO 65 70 27.1 43.0 2,122
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM 67 72 28.5 43.4 2,014
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU 68 71 26.5 40.5 1,704
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM 62 66 27.4 43.5 1,684
Syngenta NX24121 60 60 30.3 41.7 2,277
Syngenta NX24122 68 67 25.2 41.0 2,473
Syngenta NX24123 67 70 25.2 43.1 1,957
Mean 66 69 26.9 42.3 2,064
CV % 2 5 2.1 2.2 10.9
LSD 0.10 2 4 0.6 1.1 265
Planting Date: June 6. Harvest Date: Oct. 12. Previous crop: spring wheat.
Days after planting.

Page 13
Table 11. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Langdon, N.D. - Authors, B. Hanson and R. Wilhelmi.
Seed Yield
Company/ Days to Plant Test 2-yr. 3-yr.
Brand Hybrid Flower Height Weight Oil 2012 Avg. Avg.
(DAP)1 (inch) (lb/bu) (%) -------------(lb/a)-------------
Croplan 460 E 79 69 31.1 49.6 1,836 1,759 1,765
Croplan 432 E 76 67 33.1 46.6 2,184 -- --
Croplan 548 CL 79 63 29.0 44.4 1,377 1,509 --
Croplan 559 CL 79 68 31.7 49.4 1,769 1,604 1,869
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421 79 64 31.2 43.4 1,733 -- --
Genosys 12E12 79 73 29.7 42.0 1,421 -- --
Genosys 12E13 78 68 28.9 44.3 1,989 -- --
Genosys 12E14 80 71 27.9 46.1 1,521 -- --
Genosys 11G04 80 67 33.3 46.8 1,407 -- --
Genosys 11G08 79 67 32.1 48.0 1,642 -- --
Genosys 11G12 79 66 35.0 47.1 1,574 -- --
Genosys 11G13 80 67 30.9 42.8 1,674 -- --
Mycogen 8D310 79 68 30.6 43.4 1,577 1,677 1,818
Mycogen 8H288CLDM 77 66 31.4 47.5 1,518 1,515 1,697
Mycogen 8H449CLDM 80 63 32.6 48.7 1,689 -- --
Mycogen 8N270CLDM 76 66 31.6 48.3 1,781 1,878 2,007
Mycogen 8N358CLDM 78 62 31.0 49.3 1,522 1,623 1,735
Pioneer P63HE60 77 67 32.8 45.9 1,755 1,940 --
Pioneer P63ME70 77 66 27.6 45.8 1,997 1,949 1,929
Pioneer P63ME80 77 67 32.2 47.4 1,706 1,730 --
Pioneer P64HE01 78 62 33.7 45.6 1,454 1,507 1,718
Proseed CL 7001 80 69 30.8 47.8 1,879 -- --
Proseed CL 8001 79 63 31.2 46.8 1,821 -- --
Proseed CL E-21 80 71 29.5 43.4 1,512 -- --
Proseed CL E-23 81 74 33.4 48.6 1,635 -- --
Proseed E-34 CL 77 70 28.7 49.0 1,670 -- --
Proseed E-362436 79 77 33.2 47.7 1,989 -- --
Proseed E-85 78 69 28.5 44.0 1,577 -- --
Seeds 2000 Camaro II 79 66 31.9 50.0 2,160 -- --
Seeds 2000 Cobalt II 76 60 32.0 46.3 1,918 -- --
Seeds 2000 Defender Plus 80 60 31.8 46.6 1,620 1,668 1,761
Seeds 2000 Falcon 80 66 32.1 48.8 1,626 1,453 --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM 79 58 32.8 47.6 1,406 -- --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted 78 61 32.3 47.0 1,927 -- --
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM 80 69 31.7 47.4 1,997 2,086 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM 79 67 30.5 46.6 1,990 1,879 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted 80 66 32.1 47.8 1,546 1,857 --
Syngenta 3845 HO 81 64 31.1 47.3 1,455 1,442 --
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM 80 65 31.9 50.0 2,137 2,275 --
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU 79 66 32.4 45.1 1,552 1,405 --
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM 77 62 31.4 45.9 1,748 1,630 1,699
Syngenta NX24121 74 61 33.1 44.3 1,808 -- --
Syngenta NX24122 80 65 29.4 44.8 1,497 -- --
Syngenta NX24123 78 64 29.8 47.6 1,896 -- --
USDA 894 77 64 31.4 48.2 1,663 1,476 1,633
Mean 79 66 31.4 46.6 1,723 1,708 1,785
CV % 2 5 3.0 2.4 16.5 -- --
LSD 0.10 2 5 1.3 1.5 386 -- --
Planted: May 16. Harvested: Oct. 2.
Days after planting.

Page 14
Table 12. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Minot, N.D. - Authors, E. Eriksmoen, A. Sebelius and J. Tarasenko.
Company/ Days to Days to Plant Plant Test Oil Seed Yield
Brand Hybrid Flower Maturity Height Lodge Weight Content 2012 2-yr. Avg. 3-yr. Avg.
(DAP)1 (DAP)1 (inch) (%) (lb/bu) (%) ----------(lb/a)----------
Croplan 460 E 72 92 58 6 31.8 45.4 2,428 1,863 2,085
Croplan 548 CL 70 87 53 0 33.2 40.4 2,132 -- --
Croplan 559 CL 72 91 59 6 34.0 44.3 3,040 2,743 2,804
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421 66 92 61 1 28.4 34.3 1,831 -- --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421CL 68 91 60 0 26.5 34.7 2,370 -- --
Genosys 12E12 71 90 69 2 27.7 37.1 2,070 -- --
Genosys 12E13 71 90 65 0 30.6 37.4 2,572 -- --
Genosys 12E14 72 91 68 0 27.8 39.3 2,978 -- --
Genosys 11G04 74 91 63 3 28.2 38.2 1,471 -- --
Genosys 11G08 72 92 58 3 33.8 43.0 2,257 -- --
Genosys 11G12 73 90 58 11 32.9 40.2 1,709 -- --
Genosys 11G13 73 91 63 3 33.2 40.0 2,759 -- --
Mycogen 8D417 71 94 47 0 33.0 37.8 2,566 -- --
Mycogen 8H288CLDM 69 92 58 6 32.2 45.1 2,504 1,910 2,194
Mycogen 8H449CLDM 72 93 63 1 35.0 48.1 3,548 2,496 2,686
Mycogen 8N270CLDM 68 87 58 3 32.2 42.7 3,040 2,237 2,312
Mycogen 8N358CLDM 71 89 58 8 33.2 45.8 2,998 2,240 2,397
Mycogen 8N421CLDM 71 91 58 3 33.5 45.1 3,526 2,652 --
Mycogen 8D310 70 92 60 1 29.7 36.2 1,987 2,187 2,296
Pioneer P63HE60 70 91 58 3 32.2 39.4 2,391 -- --
Pioneer P63ME70 71 91 64 1 32.2 42.5 2,668 -- --
Pioneer P63ME80 70 93 59 3 32.0 41.3 2,557 -- --
Pioneer P64HE01 71 91 56 5 32.2 40.8 1,716 -- --
Proseed CL 7001 72 93 61 2 30.3 39.7 3,021 -- --
Proseed CL 8001 72 90 58 8 33.5 40.6 2,528 -- --
Proseed E 21CL 72 91 66 0 30.0 38.6 2,086 1,927 --
Proseed E-23CL 73 94 75 3 30.6 38.7 1,763 -- --
Proseed E-34 71 93 68 3 29.4 38.4 1,984 -- --
Proseed E-362436 70 91 67 3 33.9 40.3 2,647 -- --
Proseed E-85CL 73 92 66 3 30.9 39.7 2,626 -- --
Seeds 2000 Badger DMR 69 91 67 0 30.9 33.4 3,048 2,635 --
Seeds 2000 Camaro II 72 89 60 1 32.8 41.3 3,063 -- --
Seeds 2000 Cobalt II 70 90 52 1 31.3 40.7 1,930 -- --
Seeds 2000 Daytona 72 93 52 3 31.3 42.4 2,459 -- --
Seeds 2000 Falcon 71 91 55 0 31.7 40.8 2,460 2,175 --
Seeds 2000 Torino 73 92 60 5 32.8 42.5 3,020 2,483 --
Seeds 2000 X5870 72 93 65 1 29.6 38.1 2,427 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6814 69 89 61 6 33.1 40.0 3,127 -- --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM 71 93 56 13 32.4 43.3 2,536 2,233 --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted 71 93 58 9 32.6 43.8 3,400 2,671 --
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM 73 88 67 9 35.4 41.2 2,696 2,381 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM 72 94 60 11 34.9 43.4 2,886 2,505 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted 72 94 60 8 34.7 44.8 3,000 -- --
Syngenta 3845 HO 71 93 56 9 34.1 45.4 2,582 -- --
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM 72 91 62 4 32.4 40.5 2,710 2,190 --
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU 72 92 60 3 31.5 40.0 3,160 -- --
Syngenta 7120 HO/DM 70 93 52 15 31.8 42.0 1,655 1,793 --
Syngenta NX24121 65 89 55 1 31.7 37.2 1,768 -- --
Syngenta NX24122 72 93 62 0 29.5 39.2 3,414 -- --
Syngenta NX24123 72 92 61 1 28.4 40.9 2,859 -- --
Mean 71 91 60 4 31.7 40.7 2,559 2,296 2,396
CV % 1 2 5 264 2.7 2.9 10.7 -- --
LSD 0.10 1 2 8 7 1.0 1.4 321 -- --
Planted: May 22. Harvested: Oct. 16. Seeding rate of 22,000 PLS per acre.
Days after planting.
Page 15
Table 13. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Minot, N.D. - Authors, E. Eriksmoen, A. Sebelius and J. Tarasenko.
Seed Yield
Company/ Days to Days to Plant Test Seed Over Screen 3-yr.
Brand Hybrid Flower Maturity Height Weight 22/64 20/64 18/64 2012 Avg.
(DAP)1 (DAP)1 (inch) (lb/bu) -------------(%)------------ -------(lb/a)-------
CHS RH1121 71 94 61 25.0 93 97 98 2,486 --
CHS 10EXP01 72 94 60 23.2 91 96 98 2,552 --
CHS 12EXP01 71 95 61 22.3 97 98 99 2,231 --
CHS 12EXP03 68 93 58 22.3 94 98 99 2,145 --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530 69 93 63 24.2 90 98 100 2,292 2,735
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9569 69 94 62 23.8 92 97 99 1,930 --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 0089CL 71 96 68 21.5 84 93 97 1,530 --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530CL 71 95 61 24.7 91 96 98 2,295 2,515
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9592CL 70 93 60 23.1 95 98 99 2,200 --
Genosys 12GCF05 75 96 63 23.9 93 97 98 1,880 --
Genosys 12GCF06 75 93 75 20.7 97 98 99 3,055 --
Genosys 12GCF07 73 95 67 21.4 87 98 99 1,997 --
Genosys 12GCF08 71 93 62 21.9 90 97 98 1,526 --
Genosys 12GCF09 76 96 62 22.3 84 95 99 1,522 --
Mycogen 8C451CP 71 95 55 22.8 93 98 99 2,024 --
R.R. Comm. 2215 71 93 67 24.9 92 97 99 2,289 2,466
R.R. Comm. 2217 75 94 59 22.7 97 99 100 1,243 2,026
R.R. Comm. 2215 CL 73 95 63 24.1 91 97 99 2,409 2,372
Seeds 2000 6946 DMR 69 91 57 25.5 82 92 97 2,126 2,240
Seeds 2000 Jaguar 69 92 64 23.8 82 90 94 1,974 1,974
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR 66 91 59 23.4 90 96 99 1,847 2,282
Seeds 2000 Sundance DMR 70 91 61 25.5 78 94 98 2,048 --
Seeds 2000 X9180 69 93 58 24.1 87 96 99 1,992 --
USDA 924 (check) 68 93 52 24.2 63 82 95 1,058 --
Mean 71 94 62 23.4 89 96 98 2,027 2,326
CV % 2 1.1 6 4.2 4 3 2 13 --
LSD 0.10 1 1 4 1.2 4.0 3.0 2.0 316 --
Planted: May 22. Harvested: Oct. 16. Seeding rate of 18,000 PLS per acre.
Days after planting.

Page 16

Kathleen Grady, Lee Gilbertson and John Rickertsen

Plant Science Department
South Dakota State University

Locations and Hybrids

Oilseed hybrid sunflower trials were planted at five locations in South Dakota (Bison, Harrold, Mound City, Onida and
Presho) in 2012. Entries in the oilseed sunflower trials included traditional linoleic oil hybrids, NuSun (mid-oleic)
hybrids, high-oleic and ConOil hybrids. Non-oilseed (confection) sunflower trials were conducted at Harrold and Onida.
Test locations are indicated on the map in Figure 1. Trial sites for each of the hybrids tested in 2012 appear in Tables 4
and 5.

Experimental Methods

Plots at all locations consisted of four rows 30 feet long, with a 30-inch row spacing. The plot layout was in a randomized
complete block design with four replications at each location. The experiments were randomized for a nearest neighbor’s
statistical analysis, which removes effects of field trends (see Crop Science 34:62-66).

Seed of most of the hybrids entered in the trials was pretreated with Cruiser insecticide and at least one fungicide. All
trials were seeded no-till. The seeding date at Bison was May 29. Mound City was planted on June 7 and Onida on June
11. Harrold and Presho were seeded on June 12. The previous crop at Harrold was corn. At all other locations, the
previous crop was wheat.

Plots were overseeded and thinned to approximately 18,000 plants per acre. Stands were good at Bison, Harrold and
Presho, but Mound City and Onida had poor/variable stands in the first replication of the oilseed trials. Due to the variable
stands, the first replication of the oilseed trials at Mound City and Onida were excluded from the yield analyses. The
confection trial at Onida had variable stands throughout. Plots with stands less than 11,000 plants per acre were excluded
from the yield analysis.

Flowering was recorded at Onida as the number of days from planting to 50 percent ray petals extended. Plant height and
lodging notes were taken at all locations immediately before harvest. At all locations except Bison, the center two rows of
each four-row plot were harvested with a Gleaner Model K combine fitted with a two-row all-row crop header and
HarvestMaster HM-400 HarvestData System. Plots at Bison were harvested with a Wintersteiger Delta plot combine fitted
with a HarvestMaster GrainGauge. Seed yields were adjusted to a 10 percent moisture basis. A seed sample was collected
from each plot for oil analysis.

The oil content of oilseed hybrids was determined by NMR analysis using a Bruker minispec. Oil values for NuSun and
high-oleic hybrids were adjusted for oleic acid content. Hulling quality was measured at Onida on selected hybrids by
passing a 1-pint seed sample over 14/64 and 13/64 round-hole screens. A 1-pint subsample of seed from each plot of the
Harrold and Onida confection trials was passed over 22/64, 20/64 and 18/64 round-hole screens to determine percent of
large seed. The nutmeat percent was determined by weighing 20 whole seeds from each plot, dehulling the seeds and
weighing the 20 dehulled kernels.


The 2012 growing season was generally dry. The U.S. Drought Monitor showed 100 percent of South Dakota under some
level of drought from July 10 through the remainder of the growing season. A summary of climate conditions near the
sunflower test sites is presented in Table 14. The closest weather station to the Presho sunflower plots was at Kennebec,
the station closest to Harrold was one mile west of Highmore, and the station nearest to the Mound City sunflower plot
was in Selby.

The 2012 growing season began with above-normal temperatures in May through July at all locations. The average mean
temperature in August was close to normal near Bison and Harrold (Highmore 1 W), but slightly cooler than normal near
Presho (Kennebec), Onida and Mound City (Selby). September was considerably warmer than normal at all stations,
while October was cooler.

Page 17
Harrold, Onida and Presho had considerably below-normal precipitation throughout the growing season, ranging from 0 to
65 percent of normal. Bison was dryer than normal all months except July, and Mound City was dryer than normal all
months except May and August. The first killing frost (<24 F) occurred about Oct. 5 at all locations.


Data from each location and combined over locations are contained in Tables 15-23. Lodging was low at all sites for most
hybrids. Very little disease was observed in any of the plots, probably due to the dry conditions. Oilseed yields were
highest at Harrold, where 50 hybrids averaged 2,581 pounds per acre, with 39.6 percent oil (Table 16). The lowest yields
were recorded at Bison (Table 15), with 50 hybrids averaging 1,603 pounds per acre and 40.7 percent oil. Confection
hybrid yields were slightly higher at Harrold than at Onida, averaging 2,019 pounds per acre across the 28 hybrids tested
(Table 17). In the tables that follow, hybrids are listed alphabetically by brand.

Presentation of data in this report on the hybrids tested does not imply approval or endorsement by SDSU to the exclusion
of other varieties that may be suitable. South Dakota State University approves the reproduction of any table in this
publication only if no portion is deleted.

Figure 1. 2012 South Dakota sunflower trial locations.

* Mound City
* Bison

* Onida
* Harrold

* Presho

Page 18
Table 14. 2012 Climate Summary for Weather Stations Nearest to South Dakota Sunflower Test Sites and Departures
From Normal.
Location- 2012 Temperature Total Departure from Normal1
Month Avg. Max. Avg. Min. Mean Precip. Max. Temp Min. Temp Avg. Temp Precip.
----------------(°F)---------------- (inch) --------------------(°F)-------------------- (%)
May 70.5 42.4 56.5 2.16 1.7 -0.9 0.4 70
June 84.1 53.8 68.9 0.6 6.1 1.4 3.7 21
July 92.8 63.2 78.0 2.74 6.3 4.5 5.4 116
August 87.4 56.5 71.9 0.98 1.0 -0.5 0.2 60
September 81.9 47.2 64.6 0.00 6.6 0.6 3.6 0
October 58.6 32.4 45.5 0.54 -1.6 -2.5 -2.1 37
Highmore 1 W2
May 73.5 45.7 59.6 2.48 3.3 1.3 2.3 14
June 85.6 58.0 71.8 1.97 6.6 3.7 5.2 65
July 96.5 65.6 81.1 0.74 9.7 5.4 7.6 27
August 89.6 55.1 72.4 0.44 4.2 -3.4 0.4 20
September 83.1 46.1 64.6 0.00 7.6 -2.5 2.5 0
October 61.3 33.9 47.6 0.11 0.5 -2.2 -0.9 8
May 75.3 46.8 61.1 2.96 2.4 0.9 1.7 94
June 87.6 58.8 73.2 1.90 5.7 3.0 4.4 57
July 97.6 66.3 82.0 1.45 7.9 4.3 6.1 58
August 90.4 55.6 73.0 0.59 2.0 -4.4 -1.2 31
September 84.9 45.9 65.4 0.17 5.7 -3.4 1.1 10
October 64.1 34.5 49.3 0.35 0.3 -1.5 -0.6 23
Onida 4 NW2
May 71.7 44.8 58.2 1.94 1.7 0.7 1.1 63
June 84.1 57.1 70.6 2.10 4.4 3.1 3.8 63
July 94.3 64.5 79.4 0.06 6.4 4.7 5.6 2
August 87.3 54.5 70.9 0.56 1.4 -3.3 -1.0 24
September 80.7 46.0 63.3 0.02 4.6 -1.2 1.6 1
October 59.3 33.2 46.3 0.15 -1.2 -1.4 -1.3 9
May 69.6 44.2 56.9 3.18 1.8 -1.1 0.3 126
June 82.1 55.6 68.8 2.35 4.9 0.6 2.7 73
July 90.1 63.6 76.9 1.93 5.6 3.0 4.4 74
August 83.1 54.6 68.9 2.82 -0.2 -3.5 -1.8 128
September 77.9 45.2 61.6 0.00 5.3 -2.5 1.4 0
October 55.6 33.0 44.3 0.49 -2.5 -0.8 -1.7 31
Departures from normal were determined by comparing 2012 observations to 30-yr averages (1981-2010) for each site.
2012 climate observations are based on data from the High Plains Regional Climate Center, University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Observations are from sites as close to the actual test plot sites as available. Temperature and/or precipitation at the actual
test plot sites may have differed from the values shown above.

Page 19
Table 15. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Bison, S.D.
Seed Yield
Company/ Plant Harvest Plant Test Oil 2-yr. 3-yr.
Brand Hybrid Height Moisture Lodge Weight Content 2012 Avg. Avg.
(inch) (%) (%) (lb/bu) (%) -------------(lb/a)-------------
Croplan 3080 DMR NS 52 4 2 25.6 44.9 1,191 1,622 1,714
Croplan 432 E DMR NS 51 4 0 24.8 40.1 1,807 -- --
Croplan 460 E NS 61 4 1 25.1 41.3 1,832 1,840 1,708
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS 59 4 0 25.5 40.8 1,587 1,798 --
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS 59 5 1 25.8 42.1 1,956 1,984 1,847
Legend LSF 318NCL 52 4 3 25.2 39.9 1,597 -- --
Legend LSF 7813N 59 5 1 26.5 42.4 1,604 -- --
Legend LSF 8560NCL 59 5 0 24.3 39.1 1,800 -- --
Legend LSF 9302HOCL 50 4 1 25.9 40.0 1,469 -- --
Legend LSF 9501 59 5 3 25.6 39.1 1,882 -- --
Legend LSF 9505NCL 57 5 0 27.1 41.7 1,945 -- --
Legend LSF 9568NCL 50 4 0 25.1 39.5 1,554 -- --
Mycogen 8D310 55 4 1 24.4 39.9 1,572 1,531 --
Mycogen 8D417 45 6 0 25.9 38.5 1,635 -- --
Mycogen 8H449CLDM 53 6 0 27.8 46.2 1,633 2,020 --
Mycogen 8N270CLDM 52 4 2 26.4 45.1 1,491 -- --
Mycogen 8N358CLDM 55 4 1 25.1 44.0 1,862 1,721 1,648
Mycogen 8N421CLDM 58 5 0 24.9 42.8 1,854 1,922 --
Pioneer P63HE60 54 4 0 25.1 40.0 1,521 1,378 --
Pioneer P63ME70 55 3 0 21.8 38.7 1,490 1,336 1,437
Pioneer P63ME80 56 4 0 25.1 41.9 1,791 1,639 --
Pioneer P64HE01 51 5 1 26.0 40.7 1,706 1,658 1,651
Proseed E-21 CL 61 4 1 24.8 40.0 1,660 -- --
Proseed E-23 CL 60 6 0 28.2 40.6 1,859 -- --
Proseed E-85 56 4 0 24.1 39.4 1,707 -- --
Seeds 2000 Badger 55 4 5 24.9 37.9 1,618 1,594 1,564
Seeds 2000 Badger HO 57 5 0 22.7 36.4 1,594 -- --
Seeds 2000 Daytona 54 4 0 25.5 41.3 1,367 1,372 --
Seeds 2000 Durango 43 5 0 25.5 39.5 1,214 1,371 --
Seeds 2000 Falcon 50 4 1 25.9 40.4 1,422 1,603 --
Seeds 2000 Torino 59 5 2 27.5 42.2 1,680 1,779 --
Seeds 2000 X5807 57 3 1 20.8 37.6 1,616 -- --
Seeds 2000 X5870 59 4 0 23.3 37.0 1,518 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6814 59 4 1 24.9 40.8 1,832 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6822 54 4 2 26.3 39.7 1,063 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6872 58 4 1 24.8 39.2 1,305 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6878 55 4 2 27.0 41.5 1,890 -- --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM 49 4 1 25.9 41.2 1,431 1,727 --
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM 54 4 1 26.2 40.9 1,491 1,625 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM 49 4 1 25.9 41.4 1,633 1,846 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted 57 4 1 24.5 41.8 1,794 -- --
Syngenta 3845 HO 51 5 0 26.3 42.3 1,806 1,836 1,857
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM 53 4 1 26.0 41.9 1,797 1,774 --
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU 52 4 0 26.4 40.1 1,456 1,528 --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted 51 4 0 25.8 40.3 1,486 -- --
Syngenta NX24121 54 4 4 26.6 40.3 1,432 -- --
Syngenta NX24122 63 4 1 23.8 37.7 1,801 -- --
Syngenta NX24123 57 5 2 23.8 39.8 1,453 -- --
USDA 894 (check) 50 4 1 26.8 43.0 1,328 1,188 1,242
USDA cms HA465/RHA 439 51 4 1 27.2 41.4 1,325 -- --
Mean 55 4 1 25.4 40.7 1,607 1,654 1,630
CV % 7 9 204 3.1 3.2 16.8 14.0 14.6
LSD 0.05 5 0.5 2 1.1 1.8 377 233 193
Planted: May 29. Harvested: Oct. 15. Previous crop: wheat.

Page 20
Table 16. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Harrold, S.D.
Plant Pop. Plant Harvest Test Oil Seed Yield
Company/Brand Hybrid Height x1000 Lodge Moisture Weight Content 2012
(inch) (Plt/a) (%) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Croplan 3080 DMR NS 59 18 2 7 27.1 41.5 2,508
Croplan 432 E DMR NS 64 18 0 8 26.9 39.2 2,559
Croplan 460 E NS 63 18 3 8 25.6 40.4 2,759
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS 57 18 2 8 27.1 39.9 2,606
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS 61 18 3 8 27.1 40.3 2,477
Legend LSF 318NCL 57 18 4 8 26.4 38.7 2,558
Legend LSF 7813N 57 18 2 10 26.2 40.1 2,530
Legend LSF 8560NCL 64 18 3 9 25.8 39.1 2,133
Legend LSF 9302HOCL 53 18 2 9 26.0 39.3 2,806
Legend LSF 9501 66 18 1 9 25.8 39.0 2,836
Legend LSF 9505NCL 59 18 0 10 25.6 41.2 2,433
Legend LSF 9568NCL 60 18 0 8 26.7 38.9 2,487
Mycogen 8D310 59 18 0 8 25.3 38.6 2,544
Mycogen 8D417 44 18 1 9 26.0 38.9 2,342
Mycogen 8H449CLDM 57 18 1 8 27.1 39.8 2,425
Mycogen 8N358CLDM 58 18 1 7 26.5 41.3 2,546
Mycogen 8N421CLDM 61 18 1 8 25.7 40.2 2,541
Mycogen 8N510 59 18 1 10 25.3 39.6 2,579
Mycogen 8N678S 48 18 1 10 26.7 42.5 2,596
Pioneer P63HE60 61 18 1 7 25.2 38.5 2,384
Pioneer P63ME70 63 18 4 7 24.5 38.6 2,677
Pioneer P63ME80 63 18 2 8 26.1 39.8 1,897
Pioneer P64HE01 61 18 1 10 27.4 41.2 2,795
Proseed E-21 CL 64 17 2 9 26.6 39.2 2,535
Proseed E-23 CL 67 18 2 10 27.1 39.2 2,692
Proseed E-85 65 18 3 8 25.3 39.2 2,419
Seeds 2000 Badger 64 18 4 8 25.4 38.0 2,691
Seeds 2000 Badger HO 59 17 2 9 25.3 35.7 2,701
Seeds 2000 Daytona 55 18 1 11 26.7 39.8 2,969
Seeds 2000 Durango 57 18 1 12 26.5 38.7 2,526
Seeds 2000 Falcon 61 18 2 8 26.3 39.7 2,609
Seeds 2000 Torino 59 18 1 9 27.9 39.4 2,697
Seeds 2000 X5807 60 18 1 8 24.3 38.3 2,402
Seeds 2000 X5870 63 18 4 8 24.3 36.0 2,416
Seeds 2000 X6814 63 18 0 8 27.0 38.8 2,690
Seeds 2000 X6822 57 17 2 8 25.8 39.3 2,453
Seeds 2000 X6872 59 18 2 10 25.1 38.6 2,383
Seeds 2000 X6878 60 18 1 10 28.6 40.7 2,638
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM 61 18 3 8 26.3 40.9 2,995
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM 62 18 4 8 26.6 40.5 2,536
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM 61 18 1 8 26.0 42.3 2,873
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted 61 18 1 7 26.5 40.3 2,909
Syngenta 3845 HO 61 18 0 9 26.4 41.9 3,122
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM 62 18 1 8 26.8 39.6 2,651
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU 59 18 0 9 25.8 40.2 2,177
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted 63 18 1 7 27.6 41.2 2,827
Syngenta NX24121 55 18 0 7 26.0 38.1 2,510
Syngenta NX24122 63 18 9 8 25.1 38.6 2,449
Syngenta NX24123 63 18 1 8 25.0 39.9 2,402
USDA 894 (check) 55 18 0 10 26.3 40.6 2,540
Mean 60 18 2 9 26.2 39.6 2,577
CV % 5 3 122 13 3.1 2.7 11.6
LSD 0.05 4 NS 3 1.5 1.1 1.5 418
Planted: June 12. Harvested: Oct. 7. Previous crop: corn.
Page 21
Table 17. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Harrold, S.D.
Hybrid Seed Plant Test Pop. Seed Over Screen Nut-
Company/Brand Hybrid Type Yield Height Wt. Lodge x1000 22/64 20/64 18/64 meat
(lb/a) (inch) (lb/bu) (%) (Plt/a) -----------(%)----------- (%)
CHS 12EXP01 EX 2,333 59 19.6 1 18.0 60 81 88 47
CHS 12EXP02 CL 2,156 63 18.7 1 18.0 44 66 85 47
CHS 10EXP01 CL 2,337 57 18.9 3 18.0 57 78 88 48
Mycogen 8C451CP CL 2,063 61 18.2 1 18.0 53 73 86 49
Nuseed 5009 2,165 61 18.8 1 18.0 50 76 90 49
Nuseed NHW11901 DM,EX 1,919 55 17.8 1 12.9 45 71 84 47
Nuseed NHW11902 2,161 60 20.0 5 17.1 46 75 84 46
Nuseed NHW11903 DM 2,001 57 19.8 2 18.0 44 75 86 44
Nuseed NHW11904 DM 1,942 59 18.9 0 18.0 59 81 89 46
Nuseed NHW11906 2,366 59 18.3 0 18.0 54 78 88 46
Nuseed NHW11909 2,025 61 18.6 2 18.0 51 73 84 49
Nuseed NHW11914 2,160 65 18.2 2 18.0 53 75 87 51
Nuseed NHW11921 DM 1,966 67 19.1 3 18.0 45 72 86 44
Nuseed NHW11932 DM 2,045 58 18.4 0 18.0 48 77 85 51
Nuseed NHW11933 DM,EX 1,914 59 19.0 0 18.0 45 73 86 49
Nuseed NHW11936 DM,EX 1,878 54 19.1 3 18.0 54 79 87 50
Nuseed NHW11944 DM,EX 1,936 58 19.2 1 18.0 47 71 84 38
Nuseed X379 2,013 55 19.4 1 18.0 49 76 86 50
Nuseed X4417 1,930 52 17.4 2 18.0 55 72 85 46
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 2,228 60 19.5 3 18.0 33 60 74 53
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 CL CL 1,996 63 19.9 0 18.0 43 74 87 48
R.R. Comm. RRC 2217 965 56 17.0 1 2.8 60 76 85 48
Seeds 2000 Jaguar CL 2,115 59 19.4 2 18.0 50 73 85 50
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR CL,DM 1,856 56 18.7 3 18.0 54 77 85 48
Seeds 2000 Jaguar II CL 2,190 59 18.3 2 18.0 54 75 82 48
Seeds 2000 X4334 CL 2,237 65 19.0 4 18.0 45 68 79 50
Seeds 2000 X4337 CL 2,272 67 19.5 2 17.4 44 68 86 46
USDA 924 (check) 1,376 60 18.3 2 18.0 32 48 70 56
Mean 2,019 59 18.8 2 17.2 49 73 85 48
CV % 11.9 5.9 5.9 130 6.9 20.8 9.3 5.6 11.7
LSD 0.05 337 5 1.6 NS 1.7 14 10 7 NS
Planted: June 12. Harvested: Oct. 8. Previous crop: corn.
Type: CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant.

Page 22
Table 18. 2012 - Sunflower - Oilseed - Mound City, S.D. (Page 1 of 2).
Seed Yield
Company/ Hybrid Oil Plant Harv. Test Pop. 2-yr.
Brand Hybrid Type1 Content Height Moist. Wt. x1000 2,012 Avg.
(%) (in) (%) (lb/bu) (Plt/a) -----(lb/a)-----
Croplan 3080 DMR NS NS,DM 41.4 53 8.1 26.6 18.0 2,628 2,046
Croplan 432 E DMR NS NS,EX,DM 38.6 55 8.6 28.1 18.0 2,533 --
Croplan 460 E NS NS,EX 41.6 61 9.3 25.9 17.1 2,528 2,051
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 39.0 57 9.1 26.5 15.6 2,282 2,099
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 39.6 59 8.7 25.8 16.8 2,550 2,315
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421 ConOil 38.5 59 8.8 25.9 18.0 2,535 1,803
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421CL CL,ConOil 39.1 58 7.9 26.2 17.4 2,613 --
Genosys 11G04 HO 38.8 59 8.6 27.9 18.0 2,235 --
Genosys 11G08 NS 39.5 60 7.5 26.2 18.0 2,135 --
Genosys 11G12 HO,CL 38.6 59 9.8 27.1 18.0 1,953 --
Genosys 11G13 NS,CL 38.2 56 7.6 25.8 17.4 1,833 --
Genosys 12E12 HO,CL 38.4 61 8.9 27.3 18.0 2,448 --
Genosys 12E13 HO,CL 38.8 61 8.4 26.4 17.4 2,454 --
Genosys 12E14 HO,CL 37.8 67 8.4 26.8 18.0 2,796 --
Legend LSF 318NCL NS,CL 38.7 52 8.6 25.0 16.2 2,428 --
Legend LSF 7813N NS 39.3 57 9.6 27.8 18.0 2,733 --
Legend LSF 8560NCL NS,CL 38.6 64 9.5 26.5 17.7 1,927 --
Legend LSF 9302HOCL HO,CL 39.6 56 9.4 27.2 17.7 2,442 --
Legend LSF 9501 Trad. 39.5 62 8.4 27.4 18.0 2,692 --
Legend LSF 9505NCL NS,CL 39.9 61 8.8 26.1 17.7 2,284 --
Legend LSF 9568NCL NS,CL 38.1 54 9.8 25.0 17.1 1,849 --
Mycogen 8D310 ConOil 38.3 57 8.4 26.7 18.0 2,519 1,970
Mycogen 8D417 ConOil,SS 39.9 46 9.0 29.2 18.0 2,525 --
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM 41.8 55 9.8 27.1 17.7 2,465 2,196
Mycogen 8N270CLDM CL,DM 40.9 54 8.2 27.5 18.0 2,122 --
Mycogen 8N358CLDM NS,CL,DM 39.8 54 7.1 25.8 18.0 2,433 2,098
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM 40.4 57 8.7 25.6 15.3 1,855 1,739
Pioneer P63HE60 HO,EX,DM 40.3 60 8.4 26.3 18.0 2,519 1,951
Pioneer P63ME70 NS,EX,DM 40.5 60 7.9 24.5 18.0 2,365 1,945
Pioneer P63ME80 NS,EX,DM 40.5 62 8.0 27.4 18.0 2,193 1,832
Pioneer P64HE01 HO,EX,DM 40.0 57 9.7 28.1 17.1 2,182 1,800
Proseed E-21 CL HO 38.7 65 8.8 26.8 18.0 2,177 --
Proseed E-23 CL Trad. 39.1 70 9.5 27.7 18.0 2,542 --
Proseed E-85 HO 39.5 60 7.6 25.7 18.0 2,365 --
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil, CL 37.4 63 8.8 25.7 18.0 2,805 1,967
Seeds 2000 Badger HO HO,CL,ConOil 36.0 55 9.3 25.2 18.0 2,733 --
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL 39.0 56 9.0 27.0 18.0 2,174 1,702
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX 38.5 54 10.1 26.0 17.1 2,140 1,949
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX 41.0 61 9.4 26.2 17.1 2,405 2,129
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL 40.7 62 9.1 28.8 18.0 2,531 2,082
Seeds 2000 X5807 Dehul 38.7 57 7.6 24.3 18.0 2,402 --
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX,Dehull 35.7 58 8.8 23.4 17.1 2,543 --
Seeds 2000 X6814 HO,CL,DM 40.0 59 9.1 26.2 18.0 2,069 --
Seeds 2000 X6822 HO,CL,DM 39.4 52 8.4 25.5 18.0 2,361 --
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM 39.0 56 8.0 26.0 18.0 2,729 --
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM 40.1 57 8.4 27.1 18.0 2,201 --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 39.8 58 8.3 26.4 18.0 2,287 1,916
Mean 39.4 58 8.6 26.5 17.7 2,366 1,955
CV % 2.8 6.0 9.2 3.9 6.2 14 15
LSD 0.05 1.6 5 1.1 1.5 NS 524 322

Page 23
Table 18. 2012 - Sunflower - Oilseed - Mound City, S.D. (Page 2 of 2).
Seed Yield
Company/ Hybrid Oil Plant Harv. Test Pop. 2-yr.
Brand Hybrid Type1 Content Height Moist. Wt. x1000 2,012 Avg.
(%) (in) (%) (lb/bu) (Plt/a) -----(lb/a)-----
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 40.0 59 8.3 27.3 18.0 2,493 2,094
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM 40.3 59 8.1 25.8 17.4 2,467 1,960
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted NS,DM 41.5 53 8.8 27.4 18.0 2,288 --
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 42.1 59 7.8 27.7 18.0 2,942 2,227
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 39.3 58 9.2 27.0 17.4 2,131 1,757
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX 38.6 56 8.2 26.5 18.0 1,963 1,785
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted NS,CL,DM 40.2 61 7.7 25.3 18.0 2,703 --
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 38.4 51 8.3 27.9 17.4 2,044 --
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 37.7 61 8.8 25.3 18.0 2,656 --
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 39.2 60 8.2 25.8 18.0 2,820 --
USDA 894 (check) Trad. 40.7 49 8.3 25.8 15.7 1,633 1,290
USDA cms HA465/RHA 439 NS 39.8 54 7.7 26.3 18.0 2,070 --
Mean 39.4 58 8.6 26.5 17.7 2,366 1,955
CV % 2.8 6.0 9.2 3.9 6.2 14 15
LSD 0.05 1.6 5 1.1 1.5 NS 524 322
Planted: June 7. Harvested: Oct. 11. Previous crop: wheat.
Type: HO = high oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad = traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield, EX= ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew
resistant, SS = short stature, HS = high stearic.

Page 24
Table 19. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Onida, S.D. (Page 1 of 2).
Days Seed Yield Hulling
Hybrid To Plant Harvest Test Oil 2-yr. 3-yr. Screen
Company/Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower Height Moisture Weight Content 2012 Avg. Avg. Test

(days) (inch) (%) (lb/bu) (%) -----------(lb/a)-----------

Croplan 3080 DMR NS NS,DM 57 57 6 24.8 41.3 2,063 1,982 1,850 NT
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 61 61 7 24.9 40.3 1,952 1,930 -- NT
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 61 63 8 25.0 41.4 2,027 2,132 2,048 NT
Croplan 432 E DMR NS NS,EX,DM 55 60 8 24.9 39.3 2,363 -- -- NT
Croplan 460 E NS NS,EX 62 60 8 24.6 41.8 1,784 1,787 1,585 NT
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421 ConOil 58 61 7 24.6 39.3 2,054 1,875 1,758 NT
Dahlgren-SunOpta 4421CL CL,ConOil 57 62 7 24.5 39.5 1,745 -- -- Excel
Genosys 11G04 HO 60 63 8 24.5 39.3 1,672 -- -- NT
Genosys 11G08 NS 59 58 7 24.4 39.9 1,625 -- -- NT
Genosys 11G12 HO,CL 60 63 9 26.5 39.0 1,644 -- -- NT
Genosys 11G13 NS,CL 60 56 8 24.7 38.1 1,770 -- -- NT
Genosys 1.20E+13 HO,CL 59 63 9 24.9 38.7 2,057 -- -- NT
Genosys 1.20E+14 HO,CL 60 61 9 23.6 40.1 1,939 -- -- NT
Genosys 1.20E+15 HO,CL 61 65 9 23.6 39.7 2,251 -- -- NT
Legend LSF 7813N NS 60 57 9 25.4 40.6 2,322 -- -- Fail
Legend LSF 8560NCL NS,CL 60 67 9 24.5 38.7 2,555 -- -- Excel
Legend LSF 9302HOCL HO,CL 59 51 10 25.1 39.8 2,509 -- -- Excel
Legend LSF 9501 Trad. 61 64 8 25.5 40.6 2,385 -- -- Excel
Legend LSF 9505NCL NS,CL 62 58 9 26.5 39.7 1,994 -- -- Fail
Legend LSF 9568NCL NS,CL 61 61 8 24.8 38.5 2,201 -- -- Good
Legend LSF 318NCL NS,CL 59 56 7 23.7 39.8 1,832 -- -- Excel
Mycogen 8D417 ConOil,SS 60 45 8 25.4 39.7 2,478 -- -- NT
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM 58 59 8 26.2 41.7 1,954 1,887 -- NT
Mycogen 8N358CLDM NS,CL,DM 59 62 7 24.7 40.7 2,037 1,987 1,891 NT
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM 60 60 9 24.4 41.2 2,218 1,907 1,829 NT
Mycogen 8N510 NS 60 58 7 23.7 40.3 2,262 2,235 2,088 NT
Mycogen 8N678S SS 63 48 10 26.7 45.7 2,408 -- -- NT
Mycogen 8D310 ConOil 58 59 7 24.5 39.5 2,080 1,910 -- NT
Pioneer P63ME70 NS,EX,DM 59 61 6 23.0 39.4 2,129 2,037 1,837 Excel
Pioneer P63ME80 NS,EX,DM 58 61 7 24.6 41.3 2,181 2,214 -- Excel
Pioneer P64HE01 HO,EX,DM 59 60 9 25.1 40.9 1,827 1,809 1,677 Excel
Pioneer P63HE60 HO,EX,DM 58 62 7 23.4 41.1 2,035 1,818 -- Excel
Proseed E-21 CL HO 60 65 8 23.9 39.4 2,402 -- -- NT
Proseed E-23 CL Trad. 63 69 10 25.3 41.3 2,040 -- -- NT
Proseed E-85 HO 59 63 8 25.4 40.5 1,827 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil, CL 58 60 8 23.8 38.4 2,239 2,002 1,682 NT
Seeds 2000 Badger HO HO,CL,ConOil 57 57 9 23.2 37.2 2,079 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL 60 55 9 24.8 40.5 2,037 1,878 -- NT
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX 63 54 9 25.5 40.4 1,808 1,787 -- NT
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX 60 59 8 25.0 39.6 2,018 2,149 -- NT
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL 62 61 9 26.4 42.6 2,068 1,930 -- NT
Seeds 2000 X5807 Dehul 59 55 8 22.5 38.4 2,084 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX,Dehull 59 61 8 22.8 37.2 2,629 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 X6814 HO,CL,DM 58 62 7 24.3 39.9 1,918 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 X6822 HO,CL,DM 58 54 8 24.8 40.5 1,757 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM 60 55 8 24.6 38.5 1,876 -- -- NT
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM 59 61 8 25.2 40.2 2,347 -- -- NT
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 60 61 7 24.8 39.7 2,203 2,204 -- NT
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 61 63 8 25.8 41.3 1,973 1,960 -- NT
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM 61 56 8 25.5 41.2 2,397 2,499 -- NT
Mean 60 59 8 24.7 40.0 2,113 2,008 1,855 --
CV % 1.4 4.4 87 2.9 2.7 15.0 15.2 14.6 --
LSD 0.05 1 4 1.7 1.0 1.5 512 327 232 --

Page 25
Table 19. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Onida, S.D. (Page 2 of 2).
Days Seed Yield Hulling
Hybrid To Plant Harvest Test Oil 2-yr. 3-yr. Screen
Company/Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower Height Moisture Weight Content 2012 Avg. Avg. Test

(days) (inch) (%) (lb/bu) (%) -----------(lb/a)-----------

Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted NS,DM 60 59 7 25.1 39.7 2,480 -- -- NT
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 58 61 8 25.0 42.2 2,812 2,533 2,379 NT
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 62 60 9 25.0 39.2 2,482 2,014 -- NT
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX 60 57 8 24.8 38.7 2,082 1,919 -- NT
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted NS,CL,DM 60 59 7 24.6 39.3 2,374 -- -- NT
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 54 57 8 25.1 39.1 1,912 -- -- NT
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 60 65 9 24.0 38.0 2,096 -- -- NT
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 61 62 9 24.2 39.7 2,298 -- -- NT
USDA 894 (check) Trad. 59 49 7 24.9 40.8 2,095 1,810 1,633 NT
Mean 60 59 8 24.7 40.0 2,113 2,008 1,855 --
CV % 1.4 4.4 87 2.9 2.7 15.0 15.2 14.6 --
LSD 0.05 1 4 1.7 1.0 1.5 512 327 232 --
Planted: June 11. Harvested: Oct. 9. Previous crop: wheat.
Type: HO = High Oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad = Traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = Downy Mildew Resistant,
SS=Short Stature, HS = High Stearic.
Hulling screen test: Excel = > 65% of seed passes over a 14/64 screen; Good = > 75% of seed passes over a 13/64 screen; NT = not tested.

Page 26
Table 20. 2012 - Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Onida, S.D.
Days Seed Yield
Hybrid To Plant Test Plant Seed Over Screen Nut- 2-yr.
Company/Brand Hybrid Type1 Flower Height Weight Lodge 22/64 20/64 18/64 meat 2,012 Avg.
(DAP)2 (inch) (lb/bu) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%) -----(lb/a)-----
CHS 12EXP01 EX 67 66 17.8 2 76 89 93 44 2,484 --
CHS 12EXP02 CL 70 61 17.9 1 35 60 80 46 2,117 --
CHS 10EXP01 CL 62 59 17.0 3 60 80 89 45 2,310 2,068
Dahlgren-SunOpta 0089CL CL 61 55 16.4 0 60 79 88 47 2,121 --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530 60 61 17.5 3 44 69 84 47 2,417 1,996
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9530CL CL 65 64 19.7 3 37 64 85 48 1,882 1,829
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9569 61 61 19.3 2 38 64 82 49 1,880 --
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9579 62 68 18.0 1 42 70 85 45 2,162 1,774
Dahlgren-SunOpta 9592CL CL 65 64 18.9 1 41 63 81 53 2,192 --
Genosys 12GCF05 67 67 20.8 4 31 58 76 51 1,577 --
Genosys 12GCF06 65 72 17.5 10 39 61 75 52 1,653 --
Genosys 12GCF07 66 65 17.8 7 38 65 82 52 1,722 --
Genosys 12GCF08 59 58 18.7 1 39 69 86 48 1,349 --
Genosys 12GCF09 65 64 19.5 0 34 59 75 51 1,794 --
Mycogen 8C451CP CL 65 62 18.7 0 47 69 84 49 2,075 --
Nuseed 5009 64 58 19.7 2 24 59 84 49 1,915 --
Nuseed NHW11901 DM,EX 56 58 19.0 8 22 53 77 49 1,808 --
Nuseed NHW11902 60 56 18.2 3 39 68 85 49 2,303 --
Nuseed NHW11903 DM 61 54 17.9 1 38 64 82 49 2,137 --
Nuseed NHW11904 DM 55 57 20.5 5 27 59 84 49 1,764 --
Nuseed NHW11906 60 57 18.4 2 38 69 85 48 1,832 --
Nuseed NHW11909 59 55 19.1 3 47 74 88 48 2,012 --
Nuseed NHW11914 66 69 19.6 5 25 56 81 52 2,094 --
Nuseed NHW11921 DM 66 65 18.2 5 30 57 77 46 2,058 --
Nuseed NHW11932 DM 64 61 20.2 0 36 69 85 51 2,184 --
Nuseed NHW11933 DM,EX 59 57 18.9 7 40 70 86 49 1,784 --
Nuseed NHW11936 DM,EX 57 54 19.7 6 33 64 83 51 1,758 --
Nuseed NHW11944 DM,EX 59 56 20.1 2 24 59 83 50 1,985 --
Nuseed X379 64 54 19.4 2 29 62 82 50 2,171 --
Nuseed X4417 54 58 16.0 0 66 80 86 44 1,866 --
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 63 66 18.1 2 48 72 85 47 1,963 1,877
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 CL CL 67 69 20.0 0 30 61 83 48 2,375 2,080
R.R. Comm. RRC 2217 66 56 19.9 0 46 69 83 50 740 1,310
Seeds 2000 Jaguar CL 56 57 18.4 2 52 74 85 46 2,103 1,899
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR CL,DM 53 62 18.5 3 44 74 86 47 1,805 1,623
Seeds 2000 Jaguar II CL 58 63 17.2 5 54 77 86 49 1,896 1,703
Seeds 2000 X4334 CL 63 60 18.0 3 43 73 88 46 1,964 --
Seeds 2000 X4337 CL 61 64 17.5 4 23 51 77 49 2,050 --
USDA 924 (check) 60 63 19.5 3 17 34 64 54 1,339 1,132
Mean 62 61 18.7 3 39 66 83 49 1,940 1,754
CV % 1.4 6.4 7.3 126 26.5 13.4 6.0 4.8 17 18
LSD 0.05 1 5 1.9 5 15 12 7 3 470 306
Planted: June 11. Harvested: Oct. 10. Previous crop: wheat.
Type: CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant.
DAP = Days after planting.

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Table 21. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Presho, S.D.
Pop. Seed Yield
Company/ Hybrid x1,000 Plant Plant Harvest Test Oil 2-yr. 3-yr.
Brand Hybrid Type1 Plt/a Height Lodge Moisture Weight Content 2012 Avg. Avg.
(plants) (inch) (%) (%) (lb/bu) (%) --------------(lb/a)--------------
Croplan 3080 DMR NS NS,DM 18.0 53 2 5.8 27.0 42.7 1,894 1,855 1,779
Croplan 432 E DMR NS NS,EX,DM 18.0 51 3 6.6 27.3 40.6 1,918 -- --
Croplan 460 E NS NS,EX 17.8 53 3 5.8 26.6 41.8 2,248 1,931 1,849
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 18.0 53 2 5.9 26.8 40.9 2,134 2,212 --
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 18.0 53 4 6.7 27.6 41.0 2,387 2,367 2,216
Legend LSF 318NCL NS,CL 18.0 49 12 5.5 26.3 39.4 1,603 -- --
Legend LSF 7813N NS 18.0 50 5 7.5 27.8 41.9 2,060 -- --
Legend LSF 8560NCL NS,CL 18.0 54 6 6.3 26.5 39.4 1,996 -- --
Legend LSF 9302HOCL HO,CL 17.4 42 0 6.0 27.1 40.6 1,703 -- --
Legend LSF 9501 Trad. 18.0 52 2 6.9 27.0 40.4 2,176 -- --
Legend LSF 9505NCL NS,CL 17.4 52 1 6.6 28.4 41.8 1,955 -- --
Legend LSF 9568NCL NS,CL 18.0 52 1 6.3 27.2 38.9 1,903 -- --
Mycogen 8D417 ConOil,SS 18.0 41 1 8.0 27.0 39.9 2,504 -- --
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM 17.4 52 1 5.6 27.4 41.8 2,328 2,265 --
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM 18.0 52 1 6.9 26.3 40.4 2,351 2,090 1,958
Mycogen 8N510 NS 18.0 52 6 5.7 26.1 40.5 2,424 2,150 2,078
Mycogen 8N678S SS 18.0 44 1 7.1 26.8 43.1 2,092 -- --
Pioneer 63HE60 HO,EX,DM 18.0 55 3 7.1 25.5 40.3 1,787 1,764 --
Pioneer 63ME70 NS,EX,DM 17.6 55 5 5.9 25.0 39.6 2,176 2,112 2,048
Pioneer 63ME80 NS,EX,DM 17.4 54 2 6.9 27.4 40.8 2,051 2,034 --
Pioneer 64HE01 HO,EX,DM 18.0 54 3 7.8 27.5 39.5 1,864 1,768 1,677
Proseed E-21 CL HO 18.0 61 3 7.0 27.4 39.2 2,145 -- --
Proseed E-23 CL Trad. 18.0 64 6 7.7 28.5 40.3 1,934 -- --
Proseed E-85 HO 18.0 59 5 5.4 26.6 40.3 2,071 -- --
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil, CL 18.0 55 3 7.4 26.0 38.5 2,196 1,909 --
Seeds 2000 Badger HO HO,CL,ConOil 17.4 51 5 7.2 25.3 37.4 1,873 -- --
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL 18.0 45 0 6.2 26.2 39.5 2,009 1,889 --
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX 18.0 46 4 7.2 28.2 40.4 2,097 2,040 --
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX 18.0 52 2 6.2 27.2 40.5 1,888 1,871 --
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL 18.0 52 1 6.4 27.7 40.1 1,871 1,973 --
Seeds 2000 X5807 Dehul 18.0 50 6 7.0 23.9 38.6 1,731 -- --
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX,Dehull 18.0 57 7 6.1 25.2 38.6 1,583 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6814 HO,CL,DM 18.0 58 4 5.8 26.8 39.6 2,141 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6822 HO,CL,DM 18.0 45 1 6.4 25.8 39.2 1,768 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM 17.4 50 1 6.1 26.4 39.5 2,054 -- --
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM 18.0 53 4 6.2 26.7 40.6 1,870 -- --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 18.0 52 5 7.1 27.3 40.3 1,679 1,925 --
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 17.6 55 7 6.2 28.1 40.2 1,796 1,955 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM 17.6 50 3 6.2 27.5 40.3 2,009 2,082 --
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted NS,DM 18.0 49 1 6.5 27.5 41.4 2,268 -- --
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 17.6 51 1 6.0 27.3 42.5 2,199 2,089 1,933
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 18.0 54 0 6.1 27.1 41.2 2,048 2,125 --
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX 18.0 52 2 6.7 26.8 39.9 1,836 1,709 --
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted NS,CL,DM 16.9 54 4 7.0 26.9 39.3 2,001 -- --
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 18.0 48 0 6.3 27.2 39.3 1,831 -- --
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 17.4 53 8 6.6 26.9 38.7 1,701 -- --
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 18.0 55 12 6.8 26.6 41.1 1,890 -- --
USDA 894 (check) Trad. 16.5 48 4 6.0 26.9 43.2 1,830 1,655 1,523
Mean 17.8 52 3 6.5 26.8 40.3 1,997 1,990 1,896
CV % 3.8 3.7 77 9.9 3.2 2.8 11.3 11.6 11.2
LSD 0.05 NS 3.0 4 0.9 1.2 1.6 315 227 171
Planted: June 12. Harvested: Oct. 15. Previous crop: wheat.
Type: HO = high oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad = traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant, SS = short stature

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Table 22. 2012 Sunflower - Oilseed - Averages Across Five Locations (Bison, Harrold, Mound City, Onida and Presho, S.D.)
Hybrid Plant Plant Harvest Test Oil Seed
Company/Brand Hybrid Type Height Lodge Moisture Weight Content Yield
(inch) (%) (%) (lb/bu) (%) (lb/a)
Croplan 3080 DMR NS NS,DM 55 3 6 26.2 42.4 2,057
Croplan 432 E DMR NS NS,EX,DM 56 2 7 26.4 39.6 2,236
Croplan 460 E NS NS,EX 60 3 7 25.6 41.4 2,230
Croplan 548 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 57 2 7 26.2 40.2 2,112
Croplan 559 CL DMR NS NS,CL,DM 59 3 7 26.3 40.9 2,279
Legend LSF 318NCL NS,CL 53 6 7 25.3 39.3 2,004
Legend LSF 7813N NS 56 3 8 26.8 40.9 2,250
Legend LSF 8560NCL NS,CL 61 2 8 25.5 39.0 2,082
Legend LSF 9302HOCL HO,CL 50 1 8 26.3 39.9 2,186
Legend LSF 9501 Trad. 61 2 7 26.2 39.8 2,394
Legend LSF 9505NCL NS,CL 58 0 8 26.7 40.9 2,122
Legend LSF 9568NCL NS,CL 56 2 7 25.8 38.8 1,999
Mycogen 8D417 ConOil,SS 44 1 8 26.7 39.4 2,297
Mycogen 8H449CLDM HO,CL,DM 55 1 8 27.1 42.2 2,161
Mycogen 8N421CLDM NS,CL,DM 57 0 7 25.4 41.0 2,164
Pioneer P63HE60 HO,EX,DM 58 2 7 25.1 40.1 2,049
Pioneer P63ME70 NS,EX,DM 59 3 6 23.8 39.4 2,167
Pioneer P63ME80 NS,EX,DM 59 1 7 26.1 40.8 2,022
Pioneer P64HE01 HO,EX,DM 56 2 8 26.8 40.5 2,075
Proseed E-21 CL HO 63 2 7 25.9 39.3 2,184
Proseed E-23 CL Trad. 66 4 9 27.4 40.1 2,214
Proseed E-85 HO 61 4 7 25.4 39.8 2,078
Seeds 2000 Badger ConOil, CL 59 3 7 25.1 38.1 2,310
Seeds 2000 Badger HO HO,CL,ConOil 56 2 8 24.3 36.6 2,196
Seeds 2000 Daytona HO,CL 53 1 8 26.0 40.0 2,111
Seeds 2000 Durango NS,EX 51 1 9 26.3 39.5 1,957
Seeds 2000 Falcon NS,EX 57 2 7 26.1 40.2 2,068
Seeds 2000 Torino NS,CL 58 2 8 27.7 41.0 2,169
Seeds 2000 X5807 Dehul 56 2 7 23.1 38.3 2,047
Seeds 2000 X5870 NS,EX,Dehull 60 4 7 23.8 36.9 2,138
Seeds 2000 X6814 HO,CL,DM 60 2 7 25.8 39.8 2,130
Seeds 2000 X6822 HO,CL,DM 52 2 7 25.6 39.6 1,880
Seeds 2000 X6872 NS,CL,DM 56 1 7 25.4 39.0 2,069
Seeds 2000 X6878 NS,CL,DM 57 2 7 26.9 40.6 2,189
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 56 4 7 26.1 40.4 2,119
Syngenta 3495 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 59 4 7 26.8 40.6 2,058
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM NS,DM 55 1 7 26.1 41.1 2,276
Syngenta 3733 NS/DM Pelleted NS,DM 56 2 7 26.2 41.0 2,348
Syngenta 3845 HO HO 56 1 7 26.5 42.2 2,576
Syngenta 3990 NS/CL/DM NS,CL,DM 57 1 7 26.4 40.2 2,222
Syngenta 3995 NS/SU NS,EX 55 2 7 26.1 39.5 1,903
Syngenta 3158 NS/CL/DM Pelleted NS,CL,DM 58 4 7 26.0 40.1 2,278
Syngenta NX24121 HO,CL,DM 53 1 7 26.6 39.0 1,946
Syngenta NX24122 HO,CL,DM 61 4 7 25.0 38.1 2,141
Syngenta NX24123 HO,CL,DM 59 5 7 25.1 39.9 2,173
USDA 894 (check) Trad. 50 3 7 26.1 41.7 1,885
Mean 57 2 7 26 40 2,142
CV % 5 115 12 3.3 2.9 13.5
LSD 0.05 2 2 0.5 0.5 0.7 191
Type: HO = high oleic, NS = NuSun, Trad = traditional (linoleic), CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew
resistant, SS = short stature.

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Table 23. 2012 Sunflower - Non-oilseed - Means Across Two Locations (Harrold and Onida, S.D.).
Company/ Hybrid Plant Test Pop. Seed Over Screen Nut- Seed
Brand Hybrid Type Height Wt. Lodge x1000 22/64 20/64 18/64 meat Yield
(inch) (lb/bu) (%) (Plt/a) -----------(%)----------- (%) (lb/a)
CHS 12EXP01 EX 63 18.7 1 16.4 68 85 91 46 2,408
CHS 12EXP02 CL 62 18.3 1 18.3 40 63 83 47 2,136
CHS 10EXP01 CL 58 17.9 3 18.0 58 79 88 47 2,323
Mycogen 8C451CP CL 61 18.5 1 15.3 50 71 85 49 2,069
Nuseed 5009 59 19.2 2 17.2 37 68 87 49 2,040
Nuseed NHW11901 DM,EX 56 18.4 4 15.5 34 62 81 48 1,863
Nuseed NHW11902 58 19.1 4 17.5 43 71 84 47 2,232
Nuseed NHW11903 DM 56 18.9 1 18.0 41 70 84 47 2,069
Nuseed NHW11904 DM 58 19.7 3 18.0 43 70 87 47 1,853
Nuseed NHW11906 58 18.4 1 18.0 46 74 87 47 2,099
Nuseed NHW11909 58 18.9 3 18.0 49 74 86 48 2,018
Nuseed NHW11914 67 18.9 4 18.0 39 66 84 52 2,127
Nuseed NHW11921 DM 66 18.6 4 18.0 37 64 81 45 2,012
Nuseed NHW11932 DM 59 19.3 0 18.0 42 73 85 51 2,115
Nuseed NHW11933 DM,EX 58 18.9 3 18.1 42 72 86 49 1,849
Nuseed NHW11936 DM,EX 54 19.4 5 18.0 44 72 85 50 1,818
Nuseed NHW11944 DM,EX 57 19.6 2 18.0 35 65 84 44 1,961
Nuseed X379 54 19.4 1 18.0 39 69 84 50 2,092
Nuseed X4417 55 16.7 0 17.2 61 76 86 45 1,898
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 63 18.8 3 17.9 40 66 79 50 2,095
R.R. Comm. RRC 2215 CLCL 66 20.0 0 18.0 36 68 85 48 2,185
R.R. Comm. RRC 2217 56 18.4 0 3.1 53 73 84 49 852
Seeds 2000 Jaguar CL 58 18.9 2 18.1 51 73 85 48 2,109
Seeds 2000 Jaguar DMR CL,DM 59 18.6 3 18.0 49 76 86 47 1,830
Seeds 2000 Jaguar II CL 61 17.7 4 18.0 54 76 84 48 2,043
Seeds 2000 X4334 CL 63 18.5 3 18.0 44 70 83 48 2,101
Seeds 2000 X4337 CL 65 18.5 3 17.6 33 60 82 47 2,161
USDA 924 (check) 61 18.9 3 17.6 25 41 67 55 1,358
Mean 60 18.7 2 17.1 44 69 84 48 1,990
CV % 6.2 6.6 131 7.6 23.4 11.3 5.8 8.9 14.6
LSD 0.05 4 1.2 NS 1.3 10 8 5 4 287
Type: CL = Clearfield, EX = ExpressSun, DM = downy mildew resistant.

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