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Name: ​John Lesther Ellano Pabilonia​ Date Performed:​March 11, 2021

Strand:​ STEM​ Section: ​SC2C​ Group No.: _______ Date Submitted: _______
Teacher: ​Mrs. Irma Medrano​ Rating: ________

I. Using the image shown above, answer the following questions:

1. What are the names of the two elements shown? Calcium Oxygen

2. Are the elements shown on the left sides of the two equations neutral? How can you
Tell? Yes, each contains equal number of protons and electrons

3. What is the name of the energy needed to remove electrons from an atom, such as the
Ca atom shown? Ionization energy

4. What kind of charge does the Ca atom take on as a result of the reaction? What is the
name of an ion with that kind of charge? Positive, Cation

5. What kind of charge does the O atom take on as a result of the reaction? What is the
name of an ion with that kind of charge? Negative, Anion

6. Is the outer electron configuration of the Ca atom before the reaction a very stable one?
How can you tell? No, it is not a stable octet q e− .

7. Is the outer electron configuration of the O atom before the reaction a very stable one?
How can you tell? No, it is not a stable octet q e− .

8. Is the outer electron configuration of the Ca ion after the reaction a very stable one?
How can you tell?Yes, stable octet q e− .

9. Is the outer electron configuration of the O ion after the reaction a very stable one? How
can you tell?Yes, stable octet q e− .

10. What is the electron configuration of the Ca ion? What neutral atom has the same
configuration, and in what chemical family is it located in the periodic table?
1 s2 2 s2 2 p6 3 s2 3 p6 . Argon, a noble gas that has the same configuration.

11. What is the electron configuration of the O ion? What neutral atom has the same
configuration, and in what chemical family is it located in the periodic table?
1 s2 2 s2 2 p6 . Neon, a noble gas that has the same configuration.
II. Complete the table below by filling in the missing information.
Element No. of Valence No. of No. of Ion formed/
Electrons electrons to electrons to Name
gain lose

Li 1 0 1 Li+

N 5 3 0 N 3−

O 6 2 0 o2−

Ca 2 0 2 Ca2+

Br 5 1 0 Br​+

S 4 4 4 Si4+ or Si4−

Cl 5 1 0 Cl−

K 1 0 1 K+

Mg 2 2 0 M g 2−

Be 2 0 2 Be2+

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