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Draft HR Policy for Employees serving in SERP/IKP

I. Introduction:

1. There are multiple categories of employees recruited by Society for

Elimination of Rural Poverty (including the District units namely
DPMUs/TPMUs) working in IKP. Some of the project staff have been
recruited by the Zilla Samakyas and Mandal Samakyas, under the facilitation
support given by the project. These employees recruited either by the
project or by the Samakhyas are drawing their remuneration from the
project funds. SERP has formulated a draft HR policy for all such
In respect of the staff whose services are out sourced through man
power agency at SPMU and DPMU/TPMU, guidelines will be issued
separately. Similarly guidelines will be issued separately for CVs, and CFs
who are being paid from project funds in a months time. The HR matters
relating to DRDA borne employees will be dealt with separately.
Employees retired ( on super annuation and Voluntary retirement)
from Govt and Govt. funded organization and crossed 58 years age and who
got re-employed in IKP will not come under the preview of this HR policy.
They will be governed by individual contracts.
This document explains salient features of HR policy meant for
SERP/IKP employees at various levels. It contains the details of the
employees fitment at appropriate level and grades, provision of benefits such
as revision of remuneration, performance based annual increments, tour
policy, leave policy, personal at accident insurance, medical insurance , re-
imbursement of certain costs and career advancement opportunities available
after re-organization.

The provisions of the HR policy are applicable to all the SERP/IKP
employees mentioned below.
State Project Manager(SPM), Project Manager(PM), Project
Executive (PE), District Project Manager(DPM), Junior Project
Executive(JPE), Assistant Project Manager (APM), Livelihood
Associate(LA), Community Coordinator (CC), Community Coordinator
(HN), Community Coordinator (Disability), Mandal Youth Coordinator
(MYC)/MYEO, Botanist ,Master Book Keeper(MBK), Mandal Training
Coordinator (MTC), Dairy Coordinator(DC)-(pilot districts only),
Community Development Worker (CDW-Disability), Legal Coordinator
(LC), Para legal (PL),Community Surveyor(CS),Master Trainer (MT-
HN&D) and English Trainer(ET).

In addition there are certain Consultants and Resource Persons

working with IKP and providing specialists services for more than one year
duration. It is proposed to utilize their services on par with the SERP/IKP
employees after equating their positions with the Project Staff. The different
categories of resource persons working with IKP who will come under the
purview of this policy (after equating their positions) are listed below.
Consultants at SPMU & DPMU, District Resource persons(DRP), District
Micro Finance Group Members(DMFG), Mandal Resource Persons(MRP).

II. Grouping of SERP/IKP employees into various Levels and Grades.

1.The SERP/IKP employees who are covered under this HR policy are
grouped into 6 levels depending on the remuneration drawn by them and
the net designations in which they are working. SERP has a vertical
organogram. Within a level, employees are sub grouped into grades ( G0,
G1, G2, G3 etc) depending on the educational qualifications (for level 1
&2) and the no. of years of relevant work experience put in before joining
SERP (for level 4&5). As far as level 3 is concerned, grades have been
decided based on educational qualifications (for APMs) and experience
(for JPEs).
The details of grouping (Levels) and sub grouping (Grades) are given
in the following table.

Level Net Designation Grade

State Project Manager
Grade:3 PMs drawn from the feeder
category of Grade 3 DPMs/PEs
Grade :2 PM s drawn from the feeder
L5 Project Manager(PM)
category of Grade 2 DPMs/PEs
Grade:1 PMs drawn from the feeder
category of Grade 1 and Grade:0 DPMs/PEs

Grade:3 more than 10 years relevant
experience prior to joining SERP (present L3

Grade-2: 5yrs to 10 Years relevant

experience prior to joining SERP (Present-L2
Project Executive
L4 DPMs)
District Project Manager
Grade-1: 3 to 5 years relevant experience
prior to joining SERP (Present L1 DPMs)

Grade-0: below 3 years relevant experience

prior to joining SERP (Present L0 DPMs)
Assistant Project Manager Grade:2 Post Graduate APM with 3 years
relevant experience prior to joining SERP.
Livelihoods Associate of APM
Grade: 1 Graduate APM selected in UNDP-
SAPAP & DPIP before the years 2002 with
relaxation in educational qualification.
L3 ____________________________________
*Grade:2 Post Graduate with 3 years and
*Jr. Project Executive above relevant experience.
*Grade:1 Post Graduate with below 3 years
relevant experience

Community Coordinator Grade-3: Minimum PG, B.Tech.,

B.Sc.,(Ag) - Male candidates
CC(HN), CC(Disability)
LA of CC rank Minimum Degree - Female
Botanist candidates
MYC/MYEO Grade-2: Degree
Grade-1: Inter
Grade-0: SSC and below
Master Book Keeper
Grade-3: PG
Mandal Training Coordinator Grade-2: Degree
L1 Grade-1: Inter
Community Development
worker(Disability) Grade 0: SSC and Below 10th class

2.Special category designations
After considering the nature of duties preformed, the following
designations(evolved recently in piloting) are grouped in to a special
category, keeping them out side the hierarchical organogram. However for
the purpose of extending benefits such as allowances, entitlements and
reimbursements, they are equated with a relevant level on par with other
project staff.
Level Designation Grade
L3 Legal Coordinator Grade:2: Post Graduate or BL/LLB with 3 years
prior relevant experience at entry level
Grade:1: Post Graduate or BL/LLB with below 3
years prior relevant experience at entry level

L1 Dairy coordinator Grade:3: Post Graduate

Community surveyor Grade :2: Graduate
Paralegal Grade:1: Intermediate
Grade:0: SSC and below
Master trainer(HN)
English Trainer

Based on the details given in the tables, each SERP contract

employee can be identified with a level and a grade corresponding to his Net
Designation. For example a Community Coordinator with Post graduation
degree qualification will be identified as L2-Grade3 . A woman Community
Coordinator with degree qualification will also belong to L2-Grade 3, while
a male CC with degree qualification will belong to L2-Grade 2.

3.Net Designations(Valid designation as on the day):
The level and grade of an employee will be determined based on
his/her Net designation, irrespective of Present Designation. The Net
designation of a employee denotes the current valid designation as on the
day. The net designation will be the base to fit an employee at an appropriate
place in the organogram. Net designation for each employee was determined
by verifying the fulfillment of educational qualification, prior experience at
entry level and the selection procedure prescribed for that particular post.
The present designation of an employee may be different from his/her net
designation, when he/she is assigned a new designation, either in full
additional charge or in-charge, either in the same level or in a higher level
post. Arriving at a net designation helps to remove confusion in the
designation of an employee that occurred by virtue of handling multiple
positions, at different levels and grades. For example if a Master Book
Keeper (MBK) after one year had appeared in open recruitment and got
appointed afresh as Community coordinator (CC). Subsequently, after
6months he was kept APM in-charge and worked in that position for 1 year.
Then after he was taken as LA on hand picked basis and he is presently
working as LA. In this case the confusion arises, when the individual
claimed that his recent designation is LA and that he belongs to LA of APM
rank . But in fact he has been assigned that work on ad-hoc basis based on
contingency of work. So, a thorough verification of the employee’s
recruitment details will confirm that his recent valid appointment is CC only,
which will be his net designation.
The level and grade of an employee based on his/her net designation
will be used for all practical purposes such as fitment into appropriate level
and grade, revision of remuneration, career advancement opportunities,
allowances, entitlement and other benefits. In respect of consultants and
resource persons (DRPs, DMGs, MRPs etc) who have been continuously
working in the project till date, the appropriate level and grade of each
employee will be determined after equating their positions into APM,CC or
MBK depending on the per day honorarium received, educational
qualifications fulfilled and length of continuous and satisfactory service
rendered in IKP. This exercise will be taken up by SERP at regional and
SPMU level during April/May-2008.

Validity of Appointments and Net Designations

All the appointments made as per SERP’s laid down procedures are
considered as valid. The valid appointment holder must have fulfilled the
eligibility criteria in terms of prescribed educational qualifications and must
have gone through the process of selection comprising of written test as well
as interview, wherever prescribed The appointments are considered valid,
even if the employees are selected based on the merit in the written test
ignoring the interview requirement. In all other cases where equal
opportunities were not given and selections were made by hand picking of a
few individuals , the appointments are provisional. However the
provisional appointment holder will be continued in IKP. An exercise will
be taken up to validate such appointments duly following suitable procedure
during April and May 2008. The benefits such as revision in the
remuneration and career advancement opportunity will be extended only
when the provisional appointment is validated. In respect of those who do
not fulfill the prior experience criteria, their net designation will come into
effect only after completing the required experience. The net effective dates
were accordingly re-adjusted in such cases.

In respect of appointments made for L1 Positions such as MBKs and
MTCs, three different situations are noticed.

1. MBKs and MTCs selected by Project Director DPMU/TPMU by

conducting written test.
2. Project Directors gave notification and provided facilitation support,
but selections were made by Samakhyas
3. Selections were made by the Samakhyas through their resolution
with out involving the Project Staff.

In all the above three situations, the selections made for MBKs and MTCs
are held valid provided the following conditions are fulfilled.
1. The selected MBK /MTC should have completed a Degree
qualification. In exceptional cases, Intermediate people might be
considered on merits.
2. The selected MBK / MTC should have been drawing the remuneration
from the project fund as on 29th Feb,-2008.

There are certain MBKs and MTCs, working in various other

designations such as Community Facilitator, Community Volunteers, MS
Accountants, ZS Coordinator, Dairy Coordinator, EGS Coordinator etc. In
such case the Net designation of the employee will be reckoned as MBK /
MTC only.
Certain exemptions / Relaxations are permitted in respect of the
following cases. Considering the rich and valuable experience gained, the
CCs and APMs who got recruited in UNDP-SAPAP Mandals (during
SAPAP implementation) will be continued to work in their present
positions, in -spite of not having a Post Graduation qualification. However
the Degree holder APMs are granted permission to acquire PG Degree
within Two Years. Similar exemption is granted to CCs and APMs recruited
in DPIP Districts before December 2002.

III. Management and Regulation of Employees Contracts.

A). SPMU will enter into contracts with the employees belonging to Level
6,5,4 and 3 hence forth. DPMU under the overall supervision and control of
SPMU will manage the contracts relating to L2 and L1 employees.

B). The term of contract for each employee will be normally for 5 (five)
years. However the employer will review the contract at any time and take
suitable action to terminate the contract for the reasons to be recorded in
writing after serving a notice to the employee in question.

IV. Revision of remuneration Structure to SERP/IKP

In order to compensate the high cost of living due to inflation, the

SERP executive council has felt it necessary to revise the existing
remuneration of the SERP/IKP employees as proposed in the table given
Net Present
Proposed remuneration ation
Designation remuneration
Level Hike
Description of grade Proposed
Minimum – SPMs taken on direct ceiling of Rs Rs.5,000
L6 SPM (Protect existing recruitment from open 50,000
remuneration) market
Max: Rs.45,000
- SPMs from the feeder Min- -
category of PMs Rs.35000/- or
hever is
 Rs.16,000 (10 PM Gr-3 Rs.4,000
L5 PM years exp. PMs drawn from the Rs. 20,000
feeder categories of
 Rs.19,000 (15  DPM L3 with more
years exp) than 10 yrs of
(fast track) experience at entry
 DPM of DPIP with
more than 10 yrs of
experience at entry
level Rs.18,000
PM Gr-2
PMs drawn from the
feeder categories of
 DPM L1 ( with 3 to
5 years of entry
level experience)
 DPM L2(with 5 to
10 years of entry
level experience)
 PE with 5-10 years
of exp at entry Rs.16,000
 DPM of DPIP with
5-10 years of exp at
entry level
PM Gr-1
PMs drawn from the
feeder categories of
 DPM L0(with less
than 3 years entry
level experience)
 PE with less than 5
yrs exp at entry
 L0:Rs.7, 500 Grade :3 Rs.15,500 Rs. 3,500
 L1:Rs.8, 500 10 years and above
L4 DPM  L2:Rs.10, 000 prior exp. (Present L3
 L3:Rs.12, 000 and eligible DPIP
with 10 years Grade :2 Rs. 13,000 Rs.3,000
of entry level 5 to 10 years prior exp.
Exp. (Present L2 DPMs)
Grade :1 Rs. 11,500 Rs.3,000
3 to 5 years prior Exp.
(Present L1 DPMs)
Grade :0 Rs. 10,500 Rs.3, 000
Less than 3 years exp.
Prior to the date of
joining in to
SERP(Prsent L0 DPM)
PE(SPMU)  PE. Grade:3 Rs.16, 500 Rs. 3, 500
Rs.10,000(5 to More than 10 years
10 years exp ) experience
 Rs.13000/- Grade :2 Rs.13, 000 Rs.3, 000
(>10 years 5 to 10 years entry
exp.) level experience
Grade :1 Rs.11,500 Rs.3,000
With 3 to 5 years of
entry level experience

L3 JPE  Rs.5, 000 (0 Grade:2 Rs.9,000 Rs.2,000
to 3 years 3 to 5 years entry level
exp.) experience
 Rs.7, 000 (3 Grade :1 Rs.7,000
to 5 years (0 to 3 years entry
exp.) level experience)
• APM  Rs.6,500(6mo Grade:2 Rs. 9,000 Rs.2,000
• LA of nths (3 years and above
APM rank. probation experience at entry
period) level with PG ) Rs.8,500
 Rs.7,000 (7 – Grade :1
12 Months) With degree (UNDP
and DPIP before Dec
L2 • CC  Rs. 3,000/- Grade:3 Rs.4,500 Rs.1,500
• LA of CC (1st 6 months With PG qualification
rank probation) (men)
• Botanist With Degree
• MYC/MY  Rs.3,500, qualification (women)
EO (7 to 12 months) Grade:2 Rs.4,500 Rs.1,500
With Degree qualify.
Grade :1
With intermediate Rs.4,000 Rs.1,000
Grade :0
With SSC and below Rs.3,500 Rs.1,000

L1 • MTC Rs.2500 Grade:3 Rs.3,500 Rs.1000

With PG qualification
• MBK (men)
Rs.2000 With Degree
qualification (women) Rs.3,500 Rs.1000
• CDW Grade:2
Rs.1500 With Degree qualify.
Grade :1 Rs.3,000 Rs.1,000
With intermediate
Grade :0 Rs.3,000 Rs.1,000
With SSC and below

Consequent to the adoption of revised remuneration structure the

employees will get remuneration not less than the revised minimum rate

fixed for each grade in that particular level to which the employee in
question belongs. In respect of Level 1 employees, the revised minimum rate
will come in to effect only after completing 1 year experience in that post.
Till that time they receive their existing remuneration only.
For example:-1. An MBK (Grade: 3) drawing Rs.2,000/- at present will get
a hike of Rs.1,000/- per month, if he completes 1year experience as MBK.
The revised remuneration applicable after Rs.1000/- hike is only Rs.3000/-,
which is less than Rs.3500/- the minimum revised rate fixed for MBK
(Grade:3). Therefore the remuneration will be fixed at Rs.3500/- which is
the minimum prescribed for that grade (L1- G3).
Example:2- An MBK (Grade:3) drawing Rs.3000/- at present and
completed 1year experience will also get a hike of Rs.1000/- per month. The
revised remuneration applicable to him will be Rs.4000/-. He will be
allowed to draw a remuneration of Rs. 4000/- since it is more than the
minimum rate fixed for L1-G3.

Hike in remuneration will be made based on the net designation of

each individual employee and the rate of hike to each designation is given in
the tables. The employee wise details of present remuneration, proposed
rate of hike and the proposed remuneration after hike are given in the
employee data base annexed to this policy. Annexure -1

V .Annual Grade Increments.:-

As a General policy, all the SERP/IKP employees (All Six Levels) are
eligible for receiving performance based annual increments to their
remuneration @ 6% of Gross remuneration. The increment will be released
every year after performance appraisal.
Allowances, entitlements and other benefits to SERP/IKP employees.

VI .Tour Policy

The SERP/IKP employees are eligible for travel and daily allowances as
given below

A) Lodging & Boarding charges and Daily Allowance

Lev All municipal All District HQ Other places Mode of

el corporations in other than with in state travel
AP and out side Municipal
AP corporations
with in AP
Lodging DA Lodging & DA Lodging DA
& Boarding(* &
Boarding maximum) Boarding
(*maximu (*maxim
m) um)
L6, 1500 200 750 150 350 150 By train
L5 (with in II/III AC,
& AP) with special
L4 permission
3star hotel of CEO,
accommo 250 SERP they
dation can travel by
(actuals) air(Apex air
out side fare)
the state
L3, 500 (with 125 250 90 200 90 By train 2nd
L2, in AP) sleeper/
&L1 1500 (out 175 Non-AC bus
side the
*Note: Actual cost of Boarding & lodging will be reimbursed subject to the
maximum limits given in the table.

B). Fixed Travel Allowance (FTA) and vehicle maintenance allowances.

FTA: All the mandal and sub-mandal level employees making tours with in
the mandal are eligible to receive FTA as per the rates given below

Rs.1250/- per month if the jurisdiction is 1/3 of the mandal.

Rs.1500/- per month if the jurisdiction is ½ of the mandal.
Rs.2000/- per month if the jurisdiction is one mandal.

The FTA holder employees are also eligible for regular TA & DA,
corresponding to their level and grade, whenever they are called for official
meetings, training etc either to state, District, AC head quarters or any other
place out side their working mandal.

In respect of employees working in a jurisdiction with more than one

mandal no FTA will be allowed. They are eligible for TA & DA (actuals)

C. Vehicle maintenance allowance:

Employees who are using two wheeler motor vehicles(procured from the
loan provided or their own) are eligible for vehicle maintenance allowance at
the rates mentioned below.

Levels *Vehicle allowance

Present Proposed
L3 Rs.500/- 700 per month if field
duties are performed
L2 Rs.500/- 700 per month if field
duties are performed

VII. Leave policy
All employees (in all six levels) will be entitled to avail the following leaves
1. Casual Leaves: Besides Sundays and public holidays, employees can
avail 12 days of casual leave per annum, which is lapsable at the end
of each calendar Year.
2. Annual Leave: in addition to the casual leave the employees can also
avail 18 days of annual leave for annum. An employee can conserve
and carry-forward 10 days of annual leave per annum to the
succeeding academic year. (Provided he/she is in continuous service)
The total carry forward leaves shall not exceed 50 days at any given
point of time. The leave thus conserved can be spent by applying for
leave on medical purposes (with remuneration) or any other purpose.
3. Maternity Leave: Women employees are entitled for 120 days
maternity leave which is limited for two (2) surviving children in the
life time. The women employees are also eligible to avail a 6 week
leave on account of ill health due to abortions and miscarriages.
4. Paternity Leave: Married male employees are eligible for 15 days
paternity leave, which is limited to two (2) surviving children.

VIII. Employees Provident Fund(EPF).

All the SERP/IKP employees covered under this HR policy will be

eligible to get covered under the appropriate provident fund(EPF/PPF) as
per the their eligibility, based on the rules in vogue.

IX. Insurance Policy
SERP will have insurance policy to all six(6) levels of employees.
A. Personal Accident insurance
Sum assured will be Rs.5.00 Lakh for L6,L5 and L4 employees and
Rs.3.00 lakh for L3,L2 and L1 employees.

B. Medical Insurance
The coverage will be for Rs.3.00 lakhs for Level 6,5 and 4 per annum
for the individual and his/her dependent family members, in will be
Rs.2.00 lakhs for L3,L2 and L1 employees.
The detailed insurance coverage action plan will be worked out

X. Reimbursement of mobile phone connection charges
Considering the importance of communication facility for the project staff,
the following reimbursement provision is made for using mobile cell phones
Levels Cell phone charges
L6 1650 NA

L5 1350 NA
L4 1100 800
L3 825 600
L2 825 400
L1 600 400

CUG: As far as possible action will be taken to cover all the IKP employees
under the umbrella of a common user group (CUG).

XI-Re-organization of IKP staff structure:
Considering the Voluminous growth and diversified activities in IKP,
it is proposed to re-organize IKP staff structure at SPMU, DPM/TPMU
and Area coordinator level, with an emphasis on strengthening Area
coordinator units. New designations are envisaged to take up the emerging
challenges effectively.
The number of positions available after re-organization are given
level wise and designation wise at various locations such as SPMU,
DPMUs/TPMUs and Area Coordinator Units in the following table.
Level Designation after re- Numbers
TPMU cluster
L6 SPM (Grade : 3,2,1) 16 16 - -
- -
L5 Project Manager (Gr.-3,2,1) 100 30 35 35

L4 Project Executive(Gr:-3,2,1) 334 28 - -

DPM/ Area Coordinator - 149 195
(Gr:-3,2,1,0) - -
L3 Junior Project Exe.(Gr:2,1) 20 20 - -
APM(IB, MF & Insu) .(Gr:2,1) 230 - - 230
APM(MS cordina) .(Gr:2,1) 1097 - - 1097
APM (Live-stock & D.D) . 230 - - 230
APM(Mrkt, FS & NPM) 230 - - 230
APM(Jobs & Higher Education) 88 - - 88
APM(HN) .(Gr:2,1) 25 - - 25
APM (Dis) .(Gr:2,1) 55 55
L2 Community trainer (Book 1557 - - 1557
keeping) (Gr:3,2,1,0)
Community trainer (EGS) 550 - - 550
Community trainer (Dairy) 600 - - 600
Community coordinator/Botanist Nil Community coordinator/Botanist
/MYC/LA of CC rank /MYC/LA of CC rank (Gr-3,2,1,0)
designations will be continued till

all the incumbent employees
vacate the position either by
getting elevated to L3 position or
any other reason.
L1 MTC(Gr:3,2,1,0) Nil MTC/MBK/CDW designations
MBK(Gr:3,2,1,0) will be continued till the presently
CDW(Gr:3,2,1,0) working MTCs/MBKs/CDWs
vacate the position either by
getting elevated to L2 position or
any other reason.

The number of positions available in the special category designation

after re-organization is given below.
1). legal coordinator (L3 Grade :2, Grade :1) :22 at DPMU
2).Dairy coordinator (L1 Grade :3,2,1,0). : existing employees will continue
3).Community surveyor (L1Grade:3,2,1,0):existing employees will continue.
4).Para Legal (L1 Grade:3,2,1,0): existing employees will continue
5).Master Trainer (Health)(L1Gr:3,2,1,0):existing employees will continue
6).English Trainer (L1 Grade:3,2,1,0): existing employees will continue

All the positions available after reorganization will be filled up with

appropriate procedures. Career Advancement opportunities will be provided
to the eligible IKP employees in the process.

XII Conclusion
A). Effective date: The revision of remuneration for SERP/IKP employees,
will come in to effect from 1st January 2008, with a monetary benefit
from the same date. All other benefits (at revised rates) such as FTA,
TA&DA other allowances, EPF & insurance benefits, cell phone
reimbursement charges etc., will come in to effect form 1st April 2008.

B). Employees data base annexed to this policy document:

The details of employees in a proforma containing the educational
qualifications, social status, date of birth, experience prior to joining SERP,
positions held in SERP, remuneration particulars, present designation , net
designation, effective date from which the net designation is valid and etc..,
have been annexed to this document.

The SERP/IKP employees are therefore informed to study this policy

document and find out for the following information relating the individual

1. The level and grade in which the individual is positioned.

2. The correctness of the details given in the individual’s profile.
3. The Net designation and its effective date.
4. Present remuneration, proposed hike and proposed remuneration
with effect from 1st January 2008.
5. The eligibility for various allowances (TA&DA/FTA, vehicle
maintenance ) , entitlements (Leaves , EPF) and other
benefits(Insurance, cell phone reimbursement charges).

C).Suggestions and Grievances:
Individual employees may represent their opinions, suggestions and
grievances if any in writing to the Project Directors at district level or to the
cell created at SPMU before 31st March 2008. Address for correspondence is
HR cell, Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty(SERP), 4th Floor,
Hermitage Office complex, Hill Fort Road, Hyderabad-500 004.
The representations will be scrutinized and necessary changes if any
will be ordered by a high level committee consisting of the Principal
Secretary (RD) and CEO-SERP before formulating a final HR policy

Chief Executive Officer



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