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Survival of Faith in The Last

Cycle of Mankind

This is our last cycle, no revelation is coming after the Quran, our last chance from God.

In a world full of delusions and deceptions, true faith has been dropped to its lowest, that's if some still exist.

The reason why most people don't see anything wrong with humanity is because the majority have been
programmed to accept and normalize what keeps us away from God and weakens our faith.

Humans became so spiritually empty from the inside that they cannot survive without filling their emptiness with
futile things and people, without depending solely on their faith, which barely exists in our age.

We live in a time where the abnormal became normal, the truthful are called falsifiers, the honest are called
liars, the righteous and kind are called weak, the wise are called mad. When society starts perceiving you as mad
or crazy because of the knowledge you preach in which they don't understand, it’s not an insult but an honor.

Remember, all the prophets of God were called mad men for preaching the knowledge and wisdom of God that
most of the people who called them mad were only ignorant human beings. When you hold true wisdom, hold on
tight and be ready to accept that the majority of the world will not understand you.

Noah was the only right person in his time against the whole world.

Keep seeking knowledge & wisdom, let God elevate you, even if the whole world will not agree with you, that is
your only way to eternal success.

Remember, the majority are always wrong.

(And if you follow most of those upon the earth, they will mislead you from the way of God, they follow nothing
but assumptions, and they nothing but lie (S6:V116)

Wish you all the best.

CHAPTER I ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Understanding some important attributes of a true believer ......................................................... 4
It is not a burden as most people think, far from it .......................................................................... 10
Unshakable Faith in God ............................................................................................................................. 12
CHAPTER II ........................................................................................................................................................... 15
Every Single Moment ................................................................................................................................... 15
Real Devotion to God.................................................................................................................................... 16
The Real Zakat According to the Quran ................................................................................................ 25
Implementation of the Zakat..................................................................................................................... 26
The connection between Zakat and Salat ............................................................................................ 27
CHAPTER III ......................................................................................................................................................... 33
The illusion of this worldly life................................................................................................................. 33
Reflection against Distraction .................................................................................................................. 36
Free will............................................................................................................................................................. 46
CHAPTER IV.......................................................................................................................................................... 48
The Connection between Man and Woman ........................................................................................ 48
The Main influence of destruction between Man and Woman .................................................... 52
Friendships among Men and Women .................................................................................................... 54
CHAPTER V ........................................................................................................................................................... 56
Music and The Joy of Life ............................................................................................................................ 56
A Peaceful life of a True Believer ............................................................................................................. 60
Sins, Trials & Forgiveness .......................................................................................................................... 62
Knowledge Implies Responsibility ......................................................................................................... 70
Closure .................................................................................................................................................................... 83

Almost 2 years ago, God took me out of the cults which nowadays call themselves “religions”, to guide me
towards the right path, which is exclusively devoted to Him, the Exemplary Path of Abraham. And of course, this
did not happen overnight. Just as God gradually brings day into night and night into day, likewise He takes us out
of darkness, error, and falsehood, to bring us step by step, to light, righteousness, and truth. I never thought I
would be where I am today. I was blinded by the illusions of this world which caused me to deviate from the right
path into total darkness of mind and corruption of heart.
One night I woke up suffering unbearable pain, God rebuked me through a trial of extreme physical
pain and mental punishment because of where I was heading with my life. That was the time my
complete life shifted, I recognized where I was heading, and I remembered God after a long period of
no remembrance. A period of sin, transgression, and pride. It was that night that God forgave me
when I turned to him in repentance and recognized his signs despite having no knowledge of
anything from Quran, Torah, Gospel, and the wisdom behind them. That was the time God called upon
me and I chose to answer and run to him without limit. That was the time I realized all the blessings
that God gave me throughout my whole life that I was not being appreciative for. That was the time,
that God bestowed upon me the knowledge I needed to survive this test through trials of hardship,
his books, his kind inspiration, and his true guidance. That was the time, that I realized I have been
dead and empty from the inside my whole life, it was the time that God revived my faith and took me
into his path with open arms and made me feel alive like never before. God is the most gracious and
most kind if only people knew how to connect with him, they would never want to leave this path no
matter how tempting things can get in their way that could lead them to sin, and even if they do with
ignorance, he is always open to forgive as long as we strive not to repeat it and learn by getting closer
to him to face the harder trials. One thing I learned the most, is that the harder you go through trials
and pain, remember that God loves you and wants you to turn to him in order for him to elevate you
to a higher spiritual rank closer to him. All it takes is strong beautiful patience, good deeds, faith, and
belief that God will raise you after every hardship and put you into ease. This book should be an
example for every person who thinks it’s impossible to be faithful in this era, believe me the ones
who knew me in the past, would not even recognize me now because most people think it’s
impossible to become a true believer after a long period of sin & deviation, the things that became
the norm are the things that push the majority away from God, and this why you barely see any light
from people nowadays and only sin, transgression, disbelief, and hypocrisy. Below are some verses
that caught my heart since I have repented.

And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's Path.
They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie. (Quran 6:116)
Have We not uplifted your heart for you? And We removed from you your burden? which
weighed so heavily on your back, for indeed, with hardship will be ease, surely with
hardship comes ease. So, when you have finished your duties, then stand up for worship.
And to your Lord direct your hope. (Quran 94:1-8)
Did He not find you as an orphan then sheltered you? And He found you lost and guided
you, And He found you poor and made you self-sufficient. (Quran 93:5-8)
We shall show them Our Signs in the Universe and within their own selves, until it
becomes clear to them that this is the Truth. (Qur’an 41:53)
Remember, the Quran was sent down to Prophet Muhammed, but it applies to all mankind.
Verily, we have sent down to you the Book for mankind in truth. So, whosoever
accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self; and whosoever goes astray, he goes
astray only for his own loss. (Quran 39:41)
Understanding some important attributes of a true believer
A believer is someone who believes in Allah and the hereafter without a doubt, as well as His
revealed revelations to guide mankind, which are the Torah, Gospel and the Quran prevailing
over them. He is a human who uses most of the blessings that God gave him such as the brain,
eyes, ears, and reason in order to get closer to faith and wisdom, a human who is intelligent,
noble, modest, honest, productive, flexible, just, kind, and humble. It is the Quran that
provides all the required lessons, advice, and inspiration for a believer to reach an elevated
state of nobleness and high moral character and it is the only guide for mankind that exists
without any alterations. Therefore, the qualification of a believer is completely determined
by the study of the Quran and therefore it is important for us to draw all our points from the
And this is the Book (the Quran) which We have sent down with blessings. Follow it, and be
pious so that you may receive mercy (Quran 6:155)
Most people on earth just live their lives in the stream of everyday happenings. Due to their
lack of awareness of God, their decisions and responses to these events are not always
pleasing to Allah. However, this does not bother them. Mainly because, they are motivated
by their own interests and desires. All humans will find themselves at any time, in situations
where there is a decision they must make; there will be a narrow line between the best
response that is most pleasing to Allah and the one that is easier to carry out, but not the best
with Allah. The believer who truly fears Allah and hopes to reach heaven will have the
willpower to obey what his conscience commands even if it is against his will, and thus take
the best response to Allah.
(He is) Who created death and life, to test you, which of you is better in deeds. And He is
Mighty, Most Forgiving (Quran 67:2)
The above verse reveals an important purpose in the creation of man. Believers are those
who always try to do the best deeds mainly out of love and fear of Allah. In many verses, Allah
commands believers to do good deeds.
“Believers, bow down, prostrate yourselves, worship your Lord and do good deeds so that
you may succeed.” (Quran 22:77)
Those around a believer may find it strange to see his consistent righteous actions. This is
because only when a person understands the existence of Allah and the purpose of his life
and becomes a devout believer, does the true truth in his attitude and behavior make sense.
A person who has little or no belief in the afterlife cannot be said to have the willpower to
pursue the best attitudes, behaviors, and actions.
On the day (when) every soul gets (retribution) for the good that has been done before him,
(as well as retribution) for the evil he has done. He wished that there was some distance
between him and that (crime). And Allah warns you of Himself (torment). Allah is Most
Merciful towards His servants (Quran 3:30)
Since the Quran tells us that the afterlife is our permanent home, everything in life comes
second after Allah's 'approval', for the believer. For example, at work, earning money is not
the main goal. Or for example, work at the end of the study program is not the main goal. The
way a believer views life is that every moment of life is a 'means' to gain the pleasure of Allah
and hence paradise in the afterlife. Any worldly rewards are ultimately only worldly rewards
and are secondary to the goal of the afterlife. In fact, the believer sees himself as a servant of
Allah and on a mission to fulfill his goals stated in the Quran in this life and for the hereafter.
He saw it as his life goal, and not a worldly achievement because our life does not stop once
we die, it starts after our last judgement known as “Yawm al Qiyama”, either we go to hell, or
“What is with you runs out but what is with Allah goes on forever. Those who were steadfast
will be recommended according to the best of what they did. Anyone who acts rightly, male
or female, being a believer, we will give them a good life and We will recompense them
according to the best of what they did.” (Quran 16:96-97)
That is why on any occasion, the believer never compromises his best behavior, even if it
does not benefit his worldly goals. For example, he will find time to help people in need
despite being late for work and will never pretend to ignore people in need. Apart from its
truth in simple everyday events, true believers are on the 'steep path', which is defined in the
Quran as their (right) path that reaches heaven.
“Yet, he has not embarked upon the steep path. What will explain to you what the steep path
is? It is to free a slave. To feed people in days of shortage. To bring the orphans near as well
as the extremely poor. Only then he would become one of the believers, who exhorts people
to the truth and to kindness. These are the companions of the right". (Quran 90:11-18)

Let alone doing additional good deeds for the sake of Allah, the disbelievers are always open
to the whispers of Satan and the desires of their own souls. Without the protection of Allah
and the wisdom of the Quran, they feel free to act without limits and are open to all evil
impulses. All minor crimes such as lack of decency and bad language, to major crimes such
as theft and murder, all stem from a lack of faith in Allah and the day of judgment. Indeed,
that even disbelievers can be good in the world. But if a disbeliever abstains from some evil
deeds, or does good deeds, he does so for the following reasons:

1) It makes him/her feel good about doing the right thing.

2) It is the norm of society; people would reject him/her if he did this and that. Doing good
will make him/her look good in front of people too.
3) It will be detrimental to his/her long-term worldly interests if he/she commits a bad act,
for example (because it will be more difficult) to get a promotion or jeopardize the
relationship with his/her partner if he/she cheats on him/her.
People whose motives are only about this world can easily commit sins when these worldly
motives no longer suit their interests. For example, a person slacks off in his current job, if
he knows he will soon leave his position. This was because he no longer had the goals of
getting a coworker's approval or getting a promotion. Or a husband cheat on his wife because
she is no longer attractive and he no longer feels he has anything to lose if she leaves him,
even if she is the most loyal and caring partner.
Since worldly motives are not the motivation of the believer, but to gain the eternal Garden
of Heaven and avoid the Hellfire, neither loss nor gain in this world can justify even the
slightest wrongdoing. The believer understands that Allah will consider even the smallest
“On that Day, people will come forward in separate groups to be shown their deeds: whoever
has done an atom's weight of good will see it, but whoever has done an atom's weight of evil
will see that.” (Quran 99:6-8)
Thus, a person who resigns from a job will not be lazy in the slightest, because he must
remain faithful to God by not taking a salary for work that he did not do. The husband does
not treat his wife with the slightest violence, even when things are not going well because
Allah will account for all his actions.
Understanding and implementing the true religion in the Quran makes a person live with the
most superior morals in the world. The superior morality of the true believer, above and
beyond all disbelievers and hypocrites is identified in this verse:
“You are the best nation ever to be produced before mankind. You enjoin the right, forbid the
wrong, and believe in Allah.” (Quran, 3:110)
We have seen that a believer is a person of the highest morality in the world and has
unshakable criteria of right and wrong and who never wavers in doing the right thing. We
have also seen the wrong reasons behind the good deeds of the disbelievers. However, the
most important reason why even a disbeliever who does good deeds is guilty/considered a
criminal in the sight of Allah is because he arrogantly refuses to accept his Creator, Sustainer
and Who gave him everything. An infidel, no matter how good he may be from the outside,
commits grave mistakes before Allah at every moment of his life. He is guilty of denying his
Lord, who gave him hearing, sight, understanding, of all the delicious and wholesome food
that grows from the earth, spouses and children, homes, wealth, and career. One breath that
humans take is a miracle and a blessing from Allah. In the sight of Allah, being arrogant over
the fact that Allah is the One who gives a person everything, is an unforgivable crime.
That is because you wrongfully enjoyed and enjoyed on earth. Enter the gates of Hell, there
to remain – an evil home for the arrogant.” (Quran 40:75-76)
True believers know these are all gifts from God so that people may glorify and praise Him.
The person thus glorifies Allah endlessly and obeys His commands in the Quran; every
moment of his life becomes a means of earning Allah's reward in heaven, and according to
His purpose because He created them.
“Say, 'My prayers, sacrifice, my life and death are all for Allah, Lord of all the Worlds.” (Quran
I am not saying that a true believer is a perfect human with no faults or mistakes, no person
on earth is perfect and even true believers do commit sins either major or minor, but the
difference is that when they do, they repent immediately to God for their fault and strive not
to repeat it. Every person is under the control of God, despite that all humans have been
created with free will in order to be tested, otherwise what is the point of this life/test if
everything is automated right? There is a wisdom behind everything, and it is God who is
behind it and who is in control of all situations, and we will never be able to perceive this
level of wisdom, for God is infinite and he is the wisest. When we sin, its not that we want to
do it, but it is the devil who invites, and either we listen or we deny it, God has assigned
Angels for each human to protect them, and when we sin either intentionally or
unintendedly, it is God who allowed it to happen, because if we don’t taste evil, we will never
know the meaning of good or appreciate it, it is the hardship that teaches us wise lessons and
gets us closer to Allah. Remember the story of Adam and Eve, they were born in paradise free
of sins and pure until they disobeyed God and followed the advice of the devil, it is then when
they realized that they have lost the blessing of paradise and regretted it afterwards. The
same applies to all mankind, you never realize a blessing until you lose it, then after you
repent and do good deeds and remain patient, God will give you more and it is then when
you will appreciate it more. It is true that God removed Adam and eve from heaven, but he
has prepared for them a whole nation of sons and daughters in paradise which only they will
come to know once they get resurrected in the hereafter, because a person who is dead, will
not be resurrected until the last judgement and therefore does not have any idea on what is
going on.
When spending time among believing men and women, the disbeliever will witness some
unique attributes that he may not normally find in his circle of disbelievers. He will see that
they are not ordinary friends but are united by something extraordinarily strong – love and
fear of Allah. Believers behave in the most loving and caring way because they love each other
out of love for Allah, which is extraordinarily strong in their hearts. They are selfsacrificing
and consider fellow believers before themselves. The meaning of friendship is on a whole
new level, although the disbeliever cannot understand why, because he cannot understand
Disbelievers will also notice how believing men and women behave most politely to one
another. They do not do any inappropriate speech or behavior towards the opposite sex, nor
towards the same sex, nor will they do that behind someone’s back. This is because they take
the Quran as a guide. Men respect women as dignified fellow believers and view them only
in terms of their fear of Allah, good behavior, sincerity, and obedience to the Quran because
only these counts with Allah. Faithful women also view men of faith in the same way. Having
a goal to get to Allah's Heaven, all believers are very compassionate and considerate to one
another, love one another because of one another's love for Allah and a strong desire to do
good. Allah explains this unity in the following verse:
“The believing men and the believing women, they are the friends of one another. They
command what is right and forbid what is wrong.” (Quran 9:71)
“The friendship of the believer trumps all worldly reasons for friendship and is stronger than
any other basis on which most people rely such as language, culture, wealth, career, gender
or intelligence. The part of the verse regarding the inhabitants of Paradise, "And We will
remove all hatred from their hearts..." (7:43), indicates that Allah will remove all such
tendencies & prejudices from the hearts of the believers in Paradise. However, as we learn
from other verses, believers try to achieve the same state in this worldly life, as their prayer
in this world shows: “Our Lord, not plant envy in our hearts. against those who believe.”
Many people wonder why disbelievers are rewarded in this world for their efforts by Allah.
Why do they get good things while some believers remain lesser? These people do not realize
that the disbelievers are given wealth and children so that Allah can test them to see if they
are grateful to Him or will become ungrateful. It is because they always reject Allah as the
giver of all blessings, the disbelievers always increase their evil deeds in meeting every
blessing that is bestowed upon them.
So let not their wealth and children amaze you. Verily Allah's intention by that is to torture
them in the life of this world and later die in a state of disbelief (Quran 9:55)
Therefore, this is why they lose in the hereafter. But all true believers’ triumph in the afterlife,
regardless of whether they are poor or rich in this world. A poor believer is being tested to
see if he remains faithful to God in the face of his poverty and his loyalty is rewarded. A rich
believer is expected to give thanks to Allah and spend his wealth in the way of Allah selflessly
and will be rewarded well. All true believers get the best reward from Allah – Allah's
Paradise, but they may get it in a slightly different ways because they are tested in different
ways. Allah identifies this to those who believe as follows:
“If anyone desires the fleeting life, we readily grant him in it such things as We will it, but in
the end, we have prepared Hell for him to burn in. But if anyone desires the life to come and
strives for it with due striving, being a believer, his striving will be thanked. To both the latter
and the former, we give some of your Lord's bounty – your Lord's bounty is not restricted.
See how we have given some more than others – the Hereafter holds greater ranks and
greater favors!” (Quran 17:18-21)
Another important attribute that believers should have is that they are never bothered by
the inadvertence, delays, and mistakes of others on them, because of their patience and
general forgiving nature. Allah says: "...and let them forgive and be lenient. Don't you like that
Allah forgives you? And Allah is Forgiving, Most Merciful (Quran 24:22) In an unbelieving
society, it is quite common to see people lose their temper and get angry easily. For example,
a mother with her child, or a driver on the road with another driver. Patience and forgiveness
are some of the key attributes of a believer as stated throughout the Quran, which are truly
absent in our age.
“No misfortune can happen, neither in the earth nor in yourselves that was not set down in
writing before We brought it into being – that is easy for Allah. So, you need not grieve over
what you miss or be overjoyed by what you gain.” (Quran 57:22-23)
The believer depends only on Allah and relies only on Allah to guide him every second of his
life, while the others depend on each other and serve as guides to each other and provoke
collectively their own loss. The believer knows perfectly well that his guidance is not
acquired but must be earned every day, and for this he does not cease to contribute to good
works and to ask daily for guidance from God. While the others do not wonder about their
guidance and believe that it is acquired, which is a sign that they have never been well guided.
The believer does not rely on his own intelligence and knows that his fate is entirely in the
hands of God, while the others rely on their own intelligence and knowledge and believe that
they have their fate in their hands.
The believer knows when he has done something right and when he has done something
wrong, in which case he fully acknowledges his wrongs and repents to God. While others are
not lucid about what they do and commit evil without even realizing it, and if they do it, they
do not repent to God but act as if nothing had happened. The believer knows that he has
nothing to prove to others, while others desperately seek the esteem of each other, and want
to give others a high image themselves.
The believer is amply satisfied with having God as sole Master and knows that it is an honor
for him to be under the direct authority of God, while the others do not want to be satisfied
with God for sole Master and adopt other masters than Him, and they keep moving from one
master to another.
The believer does not need the help of anyone in this world except that of God. He has his
own reflection and knowledge from God, he directly enjoys the goods that God has given him
and benefits from the direct protection of God. While others need their peers to think and
acquire knowledge, to support themselves and to protect each other.
The believer is humble before God and men, he accepts willingly, regardless of source,
criticism, and advice when they are founded. While the others are filled with pride and accept
no criticism or advice from anyone, not even from God.
The believer is like a perfectly healthy tree with a robust trunk that grows straight, with roots
firmly anchored in the ground and branches raised up to the sky, producing good fruits in
their seasons and living thousands and thousands of years.
Have you not seen how Allah offers in parable a good word like a beautiful tree whose root
is firm, and its branches raised up to the sky? He gives fruit at all times, by the grace of his
Lord. Allah offers parables for people to admonish. (Quran S14:V24-25)
Indeed, the believer only evolves better throughout his life, because he is based on a pure
and unshakable faith in God, based on true and good beliefs. He is turned towards God and
the hereafter for which he does good works and constantly receives good things from God in
return for his actions, and he will obtain eternal life from God.

While the others are like the sick tree with a puny trunk which grows askew, with the roots
protruding from the ground and the drooping branches, which produces no fruit except sick
fruits, and which ends up falling by its own or being cut before it dies.
Indeed, others only deteriorate throughout their lives, due to their sick faith based on false
and bad beliefs. They are turned towards this earthly world and towards what is vile, and
they express it by their bad deeds which do not cease falling back on them. They end up dying
of disease or destroyed prematurely by God, to sink into hell without ever living or dying
The believer questions himself throughout his life, both in terms of his behavior and his
beliefs. He is attentive to the slightest sign of God and hastens to respond adequately to them
in order to become a better man and please God. While others believe they are perfect and
never question themselves, neither their behavior nor their beliefs. They turn away from the
signs of God and completely ignore them, and only worsen and displease God more and more.
The believer listens to the inspiration of God, sees His benefits on him, perceives His signs,
and spreads the wisdom and knowledge of God, while others do not hear the voice of God in
them, do not perceive His benefits, and speak only to spread their error.
The likeness of the two parties is as the blind and deaf, and the seeing and hearing. Are the
two equals in likeness? Will you then not be mindful? (Quran S11:V24)
These are the ones Allah cursed, made deaf, and made their eyes blind. S47:V23
It is not a burden as most people think, far from it
The current society have destroyed the true image and meaning of religion, indeed most of
the people view religion as a burden and something extremely hard to practice, therefore
the majority choose to remain ignorant and live their lives on a day to day basis with the idea
that being faithful to God and following his law is not easy, in fact the majority is wrong about
this not because what I just said is true, but because they never really tried to discover it on
their own but only choose to view it based on what they learned from their parents, friends,
scholars, education and the society as a whole.
You have to get used to the tolerant and clever approach of the True Religion of God, which
has nothing to do with the rigid and non-sense approach of the mainstream sects that call
themselves “religions “. God’s prescriptions always serve a specific purpose, and always
produce concrete benefits on us, AND on those around us.
It is normal that God’s True Religion is far better than the false religions of today, who is
more entitled to define the true rules than the One who knows everything in the heavens and
on earth?
Say: “What! Will you instruct Allah about your Religion?” But Allah knows all that is in the
heavens and on earth: He has full knowledge of all things. (Quran S49:V16)
God has not created Religion as an additional burden for us, but at the contrary, to relieve us
from our own burdens.
We have not sent down the Quran in order to place you in difficulty. (Quran S20:V2)
God wants to make your life easier and not to make it more difficult for you. (Quran S2:V185)
We will make it easy for you the easy way. (Quran S87: V8)
We are all full of inequities, and our hearts still persist in sin even after God has opened our
eyes and guided us to the right path, which makes our sins all the more intolerable to us.
Therefore, only Allah can break this vicious circle, and thus put an end to this unbearable
pain caused by the horrible obstinacy of our hearts which prefers the fulfillment of our will
rather than that of God. Only Allah can complete his blessings on us by giving us the peace of
mind and soul, by making us naturally reject evil without any effort, while finding immense
relief and pleasure in doing good, without the least embarrassment left in us to obey His
Commandments. True Healing is when our ego no longer has a reason to exist, and that we
become no more than a shadow of ourselves before God.
Allah commands us not to take associates apart from Him, meaning not to follow the
guidance of scholars, hoping that they will guide us instead of Him. And here I am not only
speaking of those who take guides in flesh and blood instead of God, but also of all those who
follow their writings and interpretations. Indeed, it is exactly the same to follow physical
persons as to follow their writings, because it amounts to taking up their interpretations at
face value without using one’s own reflection. Allah commands us to use our own reason, to
follow what He directly makes us understand from the Quran, and not to follow what others
understand from it. Allah also commands us not to blindly follow the beliefs of our ancestors,
whatever they may be, but rather to submit them imperatively to our own critical sense and
to concrete evidence, and to confront them for ourselves with what He sent down, i.e. the
In a general way, the right approach to the Quran is to add nothing to it and remove nothing
from it. One has to be extremely attentive to the slightest subtlety in its terms, conjunctions,
variations, and turns of phrases, and finally, one must be fully aware that nothing has been
omitted in it, not even the slightest detail. What is explicitly expressed in the Quran is on
purpose, and what is not expressed is also on purpose. Actually, what is not said is just as
important as what is explicitly said and is by no means negligence from God. Muslims say
they follow the Sunnah of the Prophet because they believe it provides details that the Quran
does not and deals with subjects that they believe the Quran does not address. Now, this is
precisely where their error lies because the Quran absolutely contains everything, and
nothing is missing in it. But only those who are under the guidance of God are convinced by
We did not neglect anything to write in the Book (Quran S6:V38)

Unshakable Faith in God

True faith is having the ability to deny your desires no matter how pleasing it may be to you,
because in the end it is the devil that is inviting us to do so. It is by having strong patience to
a point that whatever hardships you go through, you know very well that God intended it for
a very wise reason and that you know at the end of this road, you will find peace and
tranquility and ease, as mentioned as a reminded in the Quran “Indeed, with hardship, there
will be ease, with hardship there will be ease”. People do not realize that the devil is literally
everywhere, you find his traps in movies, music, logos, brands, social media, did humans
forget that he promised God the below?
Satan said, "Have You seen? This, whom you have honored above me, indeed if you delay me
till the Day of the Resurrection, I will definitely bring his offspring under my subjection,
except a few." (Quran 17:62)
God said, “And excite whomever of them you can with your voice, and rally against
them your horsemen and your foot soldiers; and be a partner with them in their riches
and their children and promise them!" and Satan promises not except delusion. "As for
My servants, no authority shall you have over them:" Enough is your Lord as a Disposer of
affairs. Your Lord is the One Who urges on for you the ships in the sea that you may seek of
His Grace; surely, He has been Ever Merciful towards you. When distress seizes you at sea,
those that ye call upon - besides Himself - leave you in the despair! but when He brings you
back safe to land, you turn away from Him. Most ungrateful is man! Do you then feel secure
that He will not cause a side of the land to cave you in, or send against you a squall of gravel?
Thereafter you will find no helper for you. Or even do you feel secure that He will not bring
you back into it on another occasion, and send against you a rumbling wind (and) so drown
you for that you have disbelieved? Thereafter you will find no helpers for you against Us.
(Quran 17:64-69)
Take the story of more than 100 fishermen in Bangladesh who went missing after at least 15
boats that sank in a storm in the Bay of Bengal.

The port authority in Chittagong, Bangladesh, issued an international maritime warning on

Sunday, advising fishing vessels and vessels to remain in shelters until further notice. Heavy
seas prevented rescue operations, but authorities said they would start the search as soon
as the weather improved.
Meanwhile, the fishermen who survived claimed to have seen several sunken boats. At
another Chittagong port, called Cox's Bazar, as many as 10 fishing boats with nearly 100
fishermen on board capsized. An estimated 80 fishermen made it back to shore.
Al-Jazeera English – News – Bangladesh Fishermen Missing at Sea
There are important lessons to be learned from the above. The people who crossed the
threshold of death and died in the sea were all experiencing phases. This phase is the most
helpless moment in one's life. When they realize that they have no other way but to ask Allah
for help, they are most likely sincerely seeking Allah's help in a way that they have never
done before.
At that time, they surrendered themselves completely to God's will. They know that they
have no protector, except Allah. The only savior is Allah. The only one who can hear their
cries is Allah. The only one who can bring them out of this life-threatening situation is God.
Even though they may have never done it before, they are forced to submit to the fact that
the only one who has control over their lives is Almighty God. This feeling of complete
surrender to Allah may have never been experienced by them before.
Allah asks us to draw lessons from this:
It is God who made you able to walk on land, (and sail) on the sea. So that when you are in
the ship, and it glides (the ship) takes them (those who are in it) with a good breeze, and they
rejoice over it; suddenly a storm came and waves hit him from all directions, and they
thought they were surrounded (danger), so they called to Allah, mukhlisina lahuddin/
(making their religion sincerely His/making their religion sincere for Him ). (Saying), "If You
had saved us from this (danger), we would have been among the grateful. But when Allah
saved them, they did injustice on earth without right. O people! Verily, your injustice is
against yourself; it is only the pleasures of worldly life, then to Us is your return, we will
inform you of what you have done (Quran 10:22-23)
Human tendencies are identified in the above verse. It was when God saved him that he went
back to his old ways. He forgot that it was he who begged Allah helplessly and promised to
be more devoted to Allah when he was in a life-threatening situation.
The Quran says " they make their religion sincerely His " when they face this threat at sea.
This means that this is the level of faith, closeness to Allah, and total submission that we must
always have for Allah, all the time, because religion must always be sincere only for Allah
alone. Therefore, we must always rely on Allah and know that He is the one who has the right
to test by placing problems before us, and He is the one who can bring us out of those
problems. We must remain surrendered to His will throughout our lives. We must remain
surrendered to Allah when we talk to others, when we do anything in life and when we pray,
Sadly, the current prayer of the majority of the Muslim nation is more mechanical than deep
and spiritual and has barely any devotion to God but became more like a routine. True faith
and devotion to Allah is as stated in Surah Al-An ‘am:
Say, “Verily my prayer, my sacrifice, my life and my death are for Allah, Lord of the worlds
(Quran 6:162)
When faced with a life-threatening situation, all the things in life, such as wealth, children,
education, spouse that most people regard as the reason for living become meaningless. Man
realizes that the only goal that deserves to be devoted/dedicated is Allah, and he has no giver
other than Allah. These are identified in the following Verse:

And when danger strikes you in the sea, all that (ordinarily) you call on will be lost, except
Him. But when He rescued you to land, you turned away (from Him). And humans are always
in denial. So, do you feel safe that He will not submerge some of the land with you or He will
blow (a strong wind carrying) small stones? And you will find no protector (Quran 17:6768)
It should be clear that the level of devotion and complete obedience that God asks of us is all
the time. We must not call, glorify, seek approval or praise from any creature, but only from
Allah. Once God removes the threat, we must remain in a state of submission to God, even
more so. We should be grateful that He has removed the danger/problem. Take new
opportunities to improve yourself and do what is more pleasing to God. Never forget that it
is God who takes the burden off you, and He can place you in a similar or greater burden, if
He wills.
And when a person is struck by danger, he prays to Us lying down, sitting, or standing, but
after We remove the danger from him, he returns (to the wrong path), as if he had never
prayed to Us to (eliminate) the danger that had been caused. befall him. Thus, is made
beautiful to those who transgress the limits of what they do (Quran 10:12)
On the other hand, the Quran identifies a second type of people who only serve Allah if He
gives them blessings and good things in this world. But they turn away from Allah as soon as
they are tested with difficulty or distress, revealing their weak faith and lack of true devotion
to Allah:
And among men there are those who worship Allah only on the margins; so, if he gains virtue,
he is satisfied, and if a trial befalls him, he turns back. He loses in this world and in the
hereafter. That is a real loss (Quran 22:11)
Therefore, Allah will test you with good and evil in this world, to see if you are His true
servant, or are one of the above types of people:
Do people think that they will be left alone by saying, "We have believed," and they will not
be tested? And verily, we have tested those before them, so Allah will surely know those who
are truthful and will certainly know those who lie (Quran 29:2-3)
Therefore, true believers are those who remain faithful to God in all circumstances in life.
Allah exists no matter what befalls them and deserves to be always worshiped. And they
know that they cannot run away from God. Everything they experience is a test of their faith.
Thus, they always serve Allah with true faith and pass every test that Allah gives them – in
good times, they give thanks to Allah and do not become spoiled, in times of bad/trouble,
they continue to serve Allah. and look to the afterlife for their patience and perseverance.
One can derive the true meaning of being a true believer by regularly & continuously
carefully analyzing the Quran and drawing lessons from it, and then can live life according to
the definition of “becoming a true Muslim/Believer” according to criteria from Allah instead
of the definitions given by the current society.
Indeed, we have made clear for you a Book (the Quran) in which is a Message for you
(mankind): Will you not then understand? (Quran 21:10)

Every Single Moment
When we look back on our past, everything seems like a single moment. Years spent doing
something seem to emerge as a moment in time. For example, many days you go to work,
thoughts go through your head as you are working. Or the many other things you have
thought and felt as you lived throughout your life, all the situations you have been through,
the pain, the suffering, the joy, loss of loved ones, the struggle, the successes, and failures.
All the things you do in your life from this moment to the beginning of your life, do not seem
to represent the effort it takes to live every moment of it. When you experience those
moments, you feel the stress, tension, and anxiety of the mental and physical demands that
each situation puts on you. However, it seems that all of that never happened now because it
was in the past and became a single point in memory, as if the whole thing never happened.
I personally had a long life full of major struggles, pain, obstacles, failures, and was
backstabbed by many but I hold nothing against any of them because it is God who will judge
each one according to what he has done, I remain faithful to God and put my trust fully In
him because without him, we would all be in total darkness suffering. I also cannot deny that
I was supported by many, lifted high by many, but in the end, it was always God who put me
back on the right track and it was God who supported me when there was nobody. Most of
us do mistakes either major or minor, but if we remain loyal and close to God, he will always
accept our repentance with open arms and support us if we sincerely repent and strive not
to do the same mistakes again, for God is exceedingly kind, merciful and the only forgiver of
The most interesting thing is that even though all your history is just a single point in your
imagination, every moment of your life will be carefully judged by Allah. The point is, are you
doing what you were doing at those times trying to seek the pleasure of Allah?
The following verses of the Quran draw our attention to the above:
“By (the passing of) time! The human being is indeed in loss. Except those who believe, do
good works, support one another with the truth, and support one another with
perseverance.” [Quran, Surah 103]
The thing to note is, Allah begins by saying 'By the Time!', drawing our attention to how time
passes as we noted above. Everything a person does in the time allotted to him in this life is
'totally at a loss'. However, the only exception is if the person is a believer who sincerely
strives to gain the pleasure of Allah in this world at every moment of his life. True believers
should always remember that these moments will happen very quickly, and only sincere
intentions and good deeds for Him done in those moments will be rewarded by Allah.
Therefore, what people should do is try to spend every moment of their life in the awareness
of Allah. Orient all practices such as goodness, justice, alms, humility, love, worship, etc.
purely to seek the pleasure of Allah alone. Otherwise, the individual may find nothing at the
end of his life to show Allah, and will become as the Verse states, one of those who lose as
time goes on.
Real Devotion to God
The definition of faith in the Quran is complete devotion to Allah and Allah alone. The afterlife
is unavoidable. A believer is devoted to Allah because he knows for sure, he will be
responsible for everything he does in the world. Everything that a person has in the world
such as health, intelligence, beauty, wealth, career, good standard of living, spouse, children,
and other blessings such as food and clothing all come from Allah and are ordained by Allah
down to the most subtle details. There is no provider but Allah. True believers understand
this undeniable fact and therefore love and glorify God endlessly. Surely, He who has given
everything deserves the greatest love and respect.
“Allah is most compassionate and most merciful to mankind” (Quran 22:65)
When people forget Allah and do not heed the true religion, they start to love and pursue the
things in their life thinking that they exist independent of Allah even if their mouth says
otherwise, most people feel that they are safe to lie to themselves when it is Allah who knows
exactly what is in their hearts. Allah is the Creator of all things; He knows what you reveal
and what you conceal.
"And Allah knows what you conceal and what you reveal." (Quran 16:19)
In Quranic terms, to devote oneself to worldly things means to associate partners with Allah.
“…Then, when We grant him a blessing from Us, he says, 'I have only been given this because
of my knowledge.' In fact, it is a trial but most of them do not know it.” (Quran 39:49)
For a believer, the good things in life that are given to him by Allah, are just a way to get closer
to Allah. He does this by praising Allah for every blessing no matter how subtle it is. For
example, a believer is grateful to Allah for the health of his heart and eyes, this leads him to
do more righteous deeds in his life as Allah asked him to do. If he 'loves' anything or any
creature in his life, he does so only so that he can increase his love for Allah and thank Him.
Indeed, that is the purpose of all the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon mankind. For
example, a believer may love his partner, this makes him more grateful while increasing his
love for Allah and it does not lead him to think this love comes from other than Allah. It is all
from God. In this way, everything on earth is given to us so that we can be more devoted to
Allah, and follow His commands as described in the Quran.
“He said, Mary, who gave you all this? She said, 'they are all from Allah' …” (Quran 3:37)
If a believer loses someone or anything related to this world, he really has nothing to lose if
he has love for Allah and continues to serve Him.
When a person's love for an object or a human being, living or dead, stands alone apart from
the love of God, that person's purpose in life is wrong because he is only following "vain
desires" and not God. For example, a person acquires material wealth without being grateful
to Allah or a person who 'idols' someone out of love for that person outside and without love
for Allah, for example to celebrities, influencers, football players, family, scientists, and
religious figures.
“Have you considered the one who has taken his own desire as his god? Allah has, knowing
him as such, allowed to be strayed? Sealing his ears and heart and covering his eyes – who
can guide such a person after Allah has done this? Will you not take heed?” (Quran 45:23)
The only motive of a believer on earth is to get the "approval" of Allah and only Allah's
pleasure, no one else.
After knowing the high understanding of the faith and the way of life of a true believer, it
becomes easier to see that disbelievers always make a big mistake when they consume
Allah's blessings without making it a way to increase their love for Allah and draw closer to
him. Indeed, they are arrogant about accepting him as the originator of blessings and are
completely denying Him. They begin to respect other humans and themselves for every
blessing they receive and pursue things that they think are beyond the power of Allah. Allah
explains this in the Quran:
“Yet, there are those who chose to worship others beside Allah as rivals to Him, loving them
as they should love Allah, but the believers have greater love for Allah” (Quran 2:165)
Knowing that Allah is the source of every blessing on earth, the true believer derives the
greatest pleasure from the worldly favors that Allah has provided for him, while also gaining
Allah's Paradise in the Hereafter.
The hidden idol worship practiced by most people is because their hearts rarely / do not
meditate on the Quran which calls them to the true faith, the Quran which provides the
necessary lessons and advice. Therefore, they do not give themselves the opportunity to lead
themselves to true faith. Because only the Quran explains to humans, the true "faith". Most
of the times when I tell people to read the Quran in the language that is easier for them, they
say no we have to read it in Arabic even though they do not understand the meanings of
words properly, do you really think that God would fail you in understanding the one and
only book that is unaltered when you really want to do so purely for his sake and guidance?
I do not think so, this is because the majority really do not know who Allah is truly, the most
kind and the greatest. As soon as you invite them to guidance, they instantly give you any
excuse without hesitation forgetting that Allah gave them a brain to think and reason, eyes
to read and ears to listen and he knows deeply what you think, did they forget that Allah
hears and sees everything?
Unfortunately, this hidden form of idolatry we are discussing is not confined to pagans as
most people think. Even many so-called Muslims, who think they practice the true religion,
also fall into this hidden idol worship. For example, some Muslims profess full love for the
Noble Prophet Muhammad by praising and glorifying the him. Amazingly, they do not do the
same for God. Upon closer analysis, we find that their case is no different from that of all
other ignorant people who fail to understand the true faith in Allah and fail to love and glorify
Allah regardless/without associating.
And when you recite the Qur'an, we put between you and those who do not believe in the
Hereafter a concealed partition. And We have placed over their heart’s coverings, lest they
understand it, and in their ear’s deafness. And when you mention your Lord alone in the
Qur'an, they turn back in aversion. (Quran 17:45-46)
Being a believer CANNOT be separated from understanding the Quran.
What I have explained so far is only a brief description of the definition of a true believer
taken from the Quran. I have only mentioned a few verses. Readers are encouraged to dig
more & not fall into the belief that being an ideal believer is a utopia or an impossible dream.
I myself was a major sinner throughout my life and most of the people who knew me in the
past, know me in that sense, but God guided me to his way and I have accepted this guidance
with gratitude and ran into him without any hesitation, just as the child runs to his father
when he comes back from a military period, of course I do not compare God to being our
father as God is infinite and does not beget nor is begotten, I am only giving an example of
the situation.

Say, "He is Allah, The Only One, Allah, the Eternal, Absolute, He has not begotten and has not
been begotten, and none is comparable to Him (Quran 112:1-4)
"Praise to Allah, who has not taken a son and has had no partner in [His] dominion and has
no [need of a] protector out of weakness; and glorify Him with [great] glorification." (Quran
Most of the people I knew in my life or even know until now, have either lost hope in the
mercy of God and are in total darkness literally running away from any truth or guidance just
to blind themselves because they do not want to bear any responsibility, but it is not far from
now that they will bear a heavier burden on the day of resurrection when they see all their
deeds lost and their destination is hellfire forever. Most people think that if they remain
ignorant, it is better for them, and almost everyone I knew had the mindset that when they
get old, they will get closer to God. but that is not how it works. Nobody knows when their
time of death is and if they do not choose God’s way when it comes to them, then it is indeed
the devil’s way that they desire, so they will remain with him eternally in the hereafter.
Remember, God once said in the beginning of creation that whoever receives his guidance
and follows it, he would not worry about anything nor would he grieve, but if he chose to
blind himself and ignore it, he will remain blinded forever until the day he will stand in front
of God and bite his fingers wishing he would go back to life to repent and do good works, but
by then it would be too late..
[Allah] said, "Descend from Paradise - all, your descendants being enemies to one another.
And if there should come to you guidance from Me - then whoever follows My guidance will
neither go astray in the world nor suffer in the Hereafter. (Quran 20:123)
And whosoever turns away and blinds himself from the remembrance of the Most Beneficent
(Allah) We appoint for him Satan to be an intimate companion to him. (Quran 43:36)
Why do I keep insisting that understanding the book of God the Quran is very important,
because it is the only book that contains the true words of God, pure guidance, but most
people always choose to follow other books than God and humans to guide them because it’s
easier for them to follow the crowd rather than their own intellect and reason and put in the
If you follow most people on the earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God, for
they follow only conjecture and they do nothing but lie. (Quran 6:116)
When I tell people go and read the Quran and judge with your own intellect, the answer is
always the same “I don’t have the enough knowledge to understand it, so I would rather listen
to Qualified Sheikhs, Ulemas as they have studied it their whole life, so they know better”. Even
when those Sheikhs or Ulemas don’t even follow the Quran but follow other books. They do
not realize that God gave an example about them in the Quran which says:
When it is said to them: “Follow what Allah hath revealed (the Quran)” they say: “Nay! we
shall follow what our fathers has transmitted to us.” What! even though their fathers were
void of wisdom and guidance? (Quran 2:170)
Religion is not supposed to be the exclusive property of Allah?
Verily it is We Who have revealed the Book to thee in Truth: so, serve Allah and dedicate to
him the whole religion. Is not Religion the exclusive property of Allah? But those who take
for protectors other than Allah (say): “We only obey them in order that they may bring us
nearer to Allah.” Truly Allah will judge between them in that wherein they differ. But Allah
guides not such as are false and ungrateful. (Quran 39:2-3)
This is exactly what the current Muslims say: “We only obey our scholars/oulemas in order
that they may bring us nearer to Allah “, which is precisely what Allah forbids: “that we take
intermediaries/relays between us and Him“. Those who do that are fated to hell and are not
genuine believers, because the real believers according to Allah’s model, the model of
Abraham, are the ones who make their own solitary path with Allah alone.
If those savants of Islam were truly well guided, they would never ever accept to play the role
of intermediary/relay that you’ve granted them. Yet, not only they have accepted this role
complacently, benefiting from all the advantages attached to it, but they have even gone
further by saying that those who follow their own path without passing by their conventional
way of traditional Islam, are no more than heretics. They have adorned themselves with false
titles on which Allah has not placed any authority, in order to justify their ascendancy on the
Muslims, whereas we have been commanded to accept only the authority of Allah.
If not Him you’ve given your obedience to nothing but people adorned with false titles
invented by you and your fathers, and for which Allah has sent down no authority: the
Command is for none but Allah: He has commanded that you give your obedience to none
but Him: that is the right religion, but Most people do not know. (Quran 12:40)
All the “religions “, including Islam, currently function on this basis: clergymen holding the
keys of Religion, promising paradise to those who follow them and accept their authority,
and hell to the others.
And those who have no faith say to those who have faith: “Follow our path, and we will bear
(the consequences) of your faults.” Never in the least will they bear their faults: in fact, they
are liars! (They will bear their own burdens, and (other) burdens along with their own and
on the Day of Judgement they will be called to account for their falsehoods. (Quran 29:1213)
It is certainly not the savants of Islam who will bear for you the consequences, during the
judgement day, of having followed them. Their promises are valueless and do not guarantee
you anything, except to end in hell with them if you’ve accepted their authority instead of the
sole authority of Allah.
The Quran blames the Jews and the Christians for having taken their rabbis and monks as
masters instead of Allah, and now the Muslims reproduce exactly the same behavior by
accepting the authority of their savants of Islam instead of the one of Allah.
They take their rabbis and their monks to be their lords in derogation of Allah, and (they take
as their Lord) Christ the son of Mary; Yet they were commanded to take Allah as their only
Lord: there is no god but Him. Praise and glory to him: (far is He) from having the partners
they associate (with him). (Quran 9:31)
Those who take other guides than directly Allah are what Allah calls
associaters/idolworshippers/‫ مشركين‬and are fated to hell, Allah says that they are not
genuine believers.
Say: “O people of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship
none but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect not from among
ourselves Lords and patrons other than Allah.” If then they turn back, say: ye! “Bear witness
that we (contrary to you) have subscribed to this.” (Quran 3:64)
Allah repeats this same command again and again from end to end in the Quran, so that
people cannot say that they are not aware of this. The fact that their savants of Islam think
for them, interprets the Quran for them, legislate laws for them, the fact that they consider
themselves as more legitimate than them in matter of religion, the fact that they consider
them as intermediaries/relays between them and Allah, the fact that they have accepted their
authority on them is enough to make them associators. Allah commands us to use our own
reflection and discernment, to follow His direct inspiration and guidance, to accept only His
authority in matter of religion, and not to follow other creatures like us.
“O my two companions of the prison! (I ask you): “are many lords differing among themselves
better, or Allah, the One Supreme and Irresistible?” (Quran 12:39)
Instead of following your self-claimed savants of Islam, who have their own different
interpretations, is it not better to follow your own interpretation, the one inspired to you
directly by Allah? Is Allah not enough as a Guide?
Allah sets forth the Parable of two men: one a slave under the dominion of another; he has
no power of any sort; and the other a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favors from
ourselves, and he spends thereof, (freely), privately and publicly: are the two equals? (By no
means); praise be to Allah. But most of them understand not. (Quran 16:75)
The one who adopts the savants of Islam as guides is this “slave” who depends on someone
else, and who is unable to do anything on his own, whereas the one who takes Allah as his
only Guide is a “free independent human” who has no one above him, who receives all what
he has directly from Allah, and who can use them like he wants for himself and for the others.
This is the difference between the sectarian traditionalist Muslim and the genuine believer,
it is like night and day in this current society.
Allah sets forth (another) Parable of two men: one of them dumb, with no power of any sort;
a wearisome burden is he to his master; whichever way he directs him, he brings no good: is
such a man equal with one who commands justice, and is on a straight way? (Quran 16:76)
Allah gives us this second parable comparing the one who follows the sectarian way of
traditional Islam as someone who says nothing good (“dumb “), and who is unable to do
anything without his masters (the savants of Islam), and who is completely dependent on
them, whatever he intents is a failure… is it not the sad situation of most of the Muslims
Compare this man to the one who takes Allah as his only Guide, this one is on a straight path,
depends only on Allah and speaks the word of Allah.
I insist on this point because today traditional Islam is based on the obedience to the savants
of Islam, the Ulemas, the scholars, the imams, the muftis, the sheikhs, the ayatollahs, … and
other invented titles. Allah calls these clergymen by the generic term of “associates “. It is
true that the majority of traditionalist Muslims, associate these people to Allah by perceiving
them as genuine representatives of Allah, by acknowledging that they bear the Word of Allah,
by placing them above themselves and by placing themselves below them when it comes to
religion, by making their bodies and their words sacred, by placing them in an intermediary
position between you and Allah. This is the very principle of association/shirk/‫شرك‬. Many of
the people today think that they are not concerned by this because they do not worship these
people, they do not follow them physically speaking, but indirectly they are committing
association by accepting their whole concept of traditional Islam based on man-made laws.
The majority’s perception of Islam is based on the exegesis their chain of transmission.
Whereas we are only commanded to take Allah as our sole and only guide, and the Quran as
our sole and only source of Law.
Shirk/association is the sole sin that Allah does not forgive if you die without stopping it,
because this sin is only the visible part of a much deeper perdition: the fact that you have no
direct relationship with Allah, that you actually do not know Allah directly, therefore that
you are not servants of Allah but of other masters. That’s why the punishment of such a sin
is the same punishment as the one promised to the disbelievers and to the
hypocrites/cheaters, because all these categories of people simply are not servants of Allah.
Allah forgives not that partners/associates should be set up with him; but He forgives
anything, else to whom He pleases; to set up partners with Allah is to devise a sin most
heinous indeed. (Quran 4:48)
Allah forgives not (the sin of) joining other partners/associates with Him: but He forgives
whom He pleases other sins than this: one who joins other gods with Allah, hath strayed far,
far away (from the Right). (Quran 4:116)
Be aware that the majority of the traditionalist Muslims and of the people following the other
religions are in fact associators.
And most of them believe not in Allah without the practice of association! (Quran 12:106)
They are today so numerous to be in this case that they do not even realize it anymore.
They tell themselves that they are like the others, therefore does not question themselves
further. They have forgotten that Allah says that the majority is always wrong.
If you follow most people on the earth, they will lead you astray from the path of God, for
they follow only conjecture and they do nothing but lie. (Quran 6:116)
Humans were created wise, noble, intelligent, but the devil keeps pushing humanity to their
lowest so he can gain dominance over them.
Do they not travel through the land, so that their hearts (and minds) may thus learn wisdom
and their ears may thus learn to hear? Truly it is not their eyes that are blind, but their hearts
which are in their breasts. (Quran 22:46)
Surely for those who have disbelieved, it is all the same whether you warn them or you warn
them not: they do not believe. Allah has set a seal on their hearts and on their hearing; and
on their eyes there is a covering, and for them awaits a mighty punishment. And among men
there are some who say, “We believe in Allah and in the Last Day”, yet they are not believers.
They try to deceive Allah and those who believe, while they are not deceiving anyone except
themselves, although they are unaware of it. In their hearts is a sickness. So Allah has
increased them in sickness, and for them is a painful torment for (that) they used to lie.
(Quran 2:6,10)
Or do you have any other books you are studying? in which you can find whatever you want?
(Quran 68:37-38)
These are the verses of Allah which We recite to you in truth. Then in what statement after
Allah and His verses will they believe? (Quran 45:6)
In what revelation, after this, will they believe? (Quran 77:50)
When God says “Hadeeth” in the Quran, it purely means “Speech” which is how the Quran
was preached to most of the Ancient Arabs in the past, which means whatever comes after
it, is purely corrupted.
Many ignorant people who profess to be Muslims live in a religion where they consciously or
unconsciously believe that only certain people in the past were truly believers, and no one
today can truly be like them in consciousness, behavior, and deeds. So, instead of trying to
understand the Quran, apply its teachings and become sincere believers, they only
superficially imitate the outward aspects of these past revered characters with a desire to
live the time they lived without developing true faith. based on the Quran. This tragic way of
life of “religious nostalgia” stems from a deeply flawed understanding of religion that is not
based on the Quran. Although these people will emphatically state that the Quran is the most
important Book in their lives, their understanding of religion is often inconsistent with the
Quran itself because in reality they are far from the verses of the Quran despite their claims.
This prevents them from becoming true believers as described in the Quran.
“When they are told: 'Follow what Allah has sent down to you,' they say: 'We are following
what we found our fathers doing.' (Quran: 2:170)
The Quran is Allah's Revelation and is the only Book that explains to believers: the true
meaning of faith. It is the only Book that explains to people about Allah's attributes, Allah's
favors, and ways of dealing with disbelievers, who are the kind of people that believers
"should not be like that". Only through direct study of the Quran can one know how to be a
true servant of Allah because any definition of a believer apart from the Quran, is bound to
be imperfection or is distorted.
The Quran describes the life after this world, the nature of death, and the Day of Judgment.
All matters of guidance have been explained in detail so that each believer can take lessons
from it and behave / act accordingly. By reflecting on the verses of the Quran, true believers
increase their faith in Allah and the reality of the Hereafter, an attribute of true believers
which is stated in the following verse:
“Believers are they whose hearts tremble with fear whenever Allah is mentioned, and when
His Verses are recited to them, it increases them in faith and on their Lord they depend.”
(Quran 8:2)
Without regularly exploring the Quran, the human soul begins to lose its closeness to Allah.
This is a very unfortunate situation for anyone who does not study the Quran but chooses to
stay away from it, including all disbelievers. When a believer listens to or reads the Quran
and understands its message, he feels closer to Allah's mercy and protection which is always
upon him and his heart surrenders to Allah. His “vision” is sharpened as he is reminded of
the details of the Hereafter and the greatness of Allah, as well as the proper way of viewing
and responding to the worldly affairs that Allah creates around him. He becomes convinced
of his purpose in life and is convinced that this world is temporary and cannot provide true
The closer he is to Allah, the more eager he is to learn what Allah says in the Quran, and the
more he learns the Quran, the closer he becomes to Allah. This is a positive circle of
“interdependent improvement” which increases his understanding of the Quran and faith in
God. With it, true believers reach the highest level of "uprightness" in this world, and Allah's
Heaven in the hereafter.
Faith in Allah and having knowledge of the Quran are related concepts just like Salat and
Zakat “Not the current image of Zakat but the real one”, one cannot be useful without the
other and both are interdependent. One cannot attain true faith in Allah if one does not
understand it from the Quran, and without true faith one cannot understand the Quran
properly. This means it is Allah Who initiates the path of guidance for whomsoever He wills:
“This (Quran) is a reminder. Let whoever wishes, take the way to his Lord. But you will only
wish to do so if Allah wills. Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise." (Quran 76:30)
The Real Zakat According to the Quran
Traditionalist Islam considers the Zakat as an obligatory charity or as an act of purification,
but the Zakat as defined by the Quran cannot refer to these concepts, and it is proved through
the use of the word “Zakat” and its different declinations, throughout the verses of the Quran.
Etymologically, “ZAKKA” means “rise “, “growth “, “development “, applied to a person it can
be translated as “a sane (physical and spiritual) growth “.
The Zakat according to the Quran is not the Zakat according to traditionalist Islam, which is
about obligatory charity and purification.
Piety is not to turn your faces towards the east and the west, but piety is one who believes in
God and the Last Day, and the angels, and the Scripture, and the prophets, and who gives
money (ATA AL MAL) out of love to the relatives, and the orphans, and the needy, and the
wayfarer, and those who ask, and to free the slaves; and who upholds the Salat, and who
gives Zakat (ATA AL ZAKAT); as well as those who keep their pledges when they make a
pledge, and those who are patient in the face of good and bad and when in despair. These are
the ones who have been truthful, and they are the righteous. Quran (2:177)
If we reflect on the above verse, we can see that God Almighty teaches us that piety is
believing in God, the last day, the angels, the books, and the prophets. Piety is also for those
who give money/alms and those who observe the Salat and ‘give Zakat’ and uphold their
Notice in the above verse, God distinguishes between ‘giving money’ and ‘giving Zakat’ as if
they are two separate and different things. This is clear evidence, with no doubt, that Zakat
does not include the payment of money as known in the current Islamic society.
The Quran is its own dictionary, and every word of the Quran finds its own definition in the
Quran itself. By gathering all the verses which contain declinations of the word “Zakat “, we
can easily guess the real meaning of this word and the not the deviated meaning of
traditionalist Islam. In the following verse, Allah uses a declination of the word “Zakat” and
its antonym, which allows us to deduce the meaning of the word “Zakat “.
By the Soul, and the proportion and order given to it, and its enlightenment as to its wrong
and its right. Truly he succeeds that elevates it/improves it/grows it/zakkaha/‫زكاها‬, And
he fails that deprecates it/damages it/declines it/dassaha/‫دساها‬. (Quran 91:7-10)
“Zakka” is the antonym of the words “deprecate/damage/decline/dassa/‫ ”دس‬, and therefore
can be translated as “to grow/to elevate/to improve (physically and spiritually)“. We have
the same declination in the words “Zakat” and “Salat “, the “at” is a form of superlative. The
word “Sala” which means “contact/relationship/link “, in its superlative form “Salat “, means
“the best in term of contact (with God) “, Zakat is translated as “the best in term of (physical
and spiritual) evolution “.
Implementation of the Zakat
It is a mistake to translate, like the traditionalist Muslims do, the word “Zakat” as
“purification” or “obligatory charity “. “To purify oneself” or “to give alms” is a clear way to
elevate our souls, but there are a lot of other ways, and the Zakat is not limited to these
concepts, but is something which is much more general, and which is about all what can be
implemented to make ourselves grow positively according to the Criterion of God.
Etymologically, the word Zakat, which is about a sane growth, has nothing to do with the
concepts of obligatory charity and purification. The proof in this verse which makes a clear
distinction between Zakat, purification, and obligatory charity.
Of their wealth take Sadaqa/alms/‫صدق ة‬, that so /toudahirouhoum/thou mightest purify
them/‫ تطهرهم‬and touzakihoum/elevate them spiritually/‫ ;تزكيهم‬and pray on their behalf.
Verily your prayers are a source of security for them: and Allah is One Who hears and knows.
(Quran 9:103)
This verse makes a clear distinction between alms, purification and Zakat, and the reason for
that is that these 3 concepts are completely different. Each time that God prescribes in the
Quran to give alms, it is through the word “sadaqa/‫صدقة‬/alms “, and never under the term
“Zakat “. And each time, it matters with purification, it is the word “tahara/‫طهر‬/to purify
oneself” which is used in the Quran and not the word “Zakat “.
Giving alms is certainly a way to implement the Zakat, but it is not the only way.
That which ye lay out for increase through the property of (other) people, will have no
increase with Allah: but that which ye give for the sake of the elevation of your soul/Zakat,
seeking the Countenance of Allah (will increase): it is these who will get a recompense
multiplied. (Quran 30:39)
The Zakat is about spiritual elevation, and we can see it through these verses in which a
declination of the word Zakat is used:
“As for the kid his parents were people of Faith, and we feared that he would grieve them
by obstinate rebellion and ingratitude (to Allah and man). So, we desired that their Lord
would give them in exchange (a son) ‫خ َۡي ً۬را ِّم ۡنهُ زَ ك َٰو ً۬ة‬/spiritually better and closer in
affection. (Quran 18:80-81)
Have you not seen those who think that they can elevate themselves spiritually by their own/
َ ‫?يزََ ُّكونَ أن‬
‫َفسَُ ہ ُم‬ ُ Nay, ― but Allah ‫يزََ كِّى‬
ُ /doth spiritually elevate whom He wills, but never will
they fail to receive justice in the least little thing. (Quran 4:49)
In the following verses, the Zakat is always associated to the “signs of God “, “books of God “,
and to “wisdom “. The direct consequence for those who are careful to the signs of God, those
who study the books of God, those who seek wisdom, is the Zakat, the spiritual elevation.
“Our Lord! send amongst them a Messenger of their own who shall rehearse Thy Signs to
them and instruct them in Scripture and Wisdom, and to elevate them
spiritually/youzakkihim/‫ ;يزكيهم‬for Thou art the Exalted in Might the Wise.” (Quran 2:129)
A similar (favor have you already received) in that We have sent among you a Messenger of
your own rehearsing to you Our signs, and spiritually elevating you/youzakkikoum/‫ يزكيكم‬,
and instructing you in Scripture and wisdom, and in new Knowledge. (Quran 2:151)
Allah did confer a great favor on the Believers when He sent among them a Messenger from
among themselves, rehearsing unto them the Signs of Allah, spiritually elevating
them/youzakkihim/‫يزكيهم‬, and instructing them in Scripture and Wisdom, while, before that,
they had been in manifest error. (Quran 3:164)
It is He Who has sent amongst the Unlettered a messenger from among themselves, to
rehearse to them His Signs, to elevate them spiritually/youzakkihim/‫يزكيهم‬, and to instruct
them in Scripture and Wisdom― although they had been, before, in manifest error, (Quran

The connection between Zakat and Salat

In various verses of the Quran, the Zakat is associated with the Salat, which shows that these
2 concepts are deeply connected. In traditionalist Islam, there is no connection between Salat
and Zakat. One can perform the Salat without paying the Zakat (as the Zakat is considered as
the obligatory charity in Islam), and one can pay the Zakat without performing the Salat. In
the Quran, the concepts of Zakat and Salat seem to form an inseparable pair, and seem to
deeply depend on each other’s, one cannot exist without the other.
Salat literally means “the highest connection “, ie the highest degree of connection to God. It
consists in a private moment with God, a momentary retreat from this world, a retrospection,
a focus on God. The true Salat is not as codified and as mechanical as the ways of the different
sects in our current society but is adaptable to any configuration and to any type of person.
The true Salat/prayer on the basis of the Quran is meaningful, intuitive, natural, simple,
adapted to each individual, to each place, to each situation. God reads inside us, God sees us,
God hears us, at any time and in any situation, therefore, connecting to God shall be a natural
and thoughtful act, and not something which is mechanical. In order to be focused, we all
have our own ritual and therefore each one shall organize his prayer according to his own
state of mind, in order to reach the maximum of concentration and of efficiency. The goal of
the prayer is to have God in mind permanently, in fact the prayer reflects our relationship
with God, so each one his own relationship with God, each one his own way of performing
the prayer.
And be steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat and bow down your heads with
those who bow down (in worship). (Quran2:43)
… And be steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat. then did you turn back except a
few among you, and you backslide (even now). (Quran2:83)
And be steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat: and whatever good ye send forth
for your souls before you, ye shall find it with Allah; for Allah sees well all that ye do.
Those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, and are steadfast in the Salat and
implement the Zakat, will have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear nor
shall they grieve. (Quran 2:277)
Hast thou not turned thy thought to those who were told to hold back their hands (from fight)
but be steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat? When (at length) the order for
fighting was issued to them behold! a section of them feared men as―or even more
than―they should have feared Allah: they said: “Our Lord! why hast Thou ordered us to fight?
Wouldst, Thou do not grant us respite to our (natural) term, near (enough)?” Say: “Short is
the enjoyment of this world: the Hereafter is the best for those who do right: never will ye be
dealt with unjustly in the very least! (Quran 4:77)
But those among them who are well-grounded in knowledge, and the Believers, believe in
what hath been revealed to you; and what was revealed before thee; and (especially) those
who are steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat and believe in Allah and in the Last
Day: to them shall We soon give a great reward. (Quran 4:162)
Allah did aforetime take a Covenant from the Children of Israel, and We appointed twelve
chieftains among them and Allah said: “I am with you: if ye (but) be steadfast in the Salat
and implement the Zakat, believe in My Messengers honor and assist them, and loan to
Allah a beautiful loan, verily I will wipe out from you your evils and admit you to Gardens
with rivers flowing beneath; but if any of you after this resisted faith, he hath truly wandered
from the path of rectitude.” (Quran 5:12)
Your (real) friends are (no less than) Allah, His Messenger, and the Believers, those who are
steadfast in the Salat and implement the Zakat, and they bow down humbly (in worship).
(Quran 5:55)
Is it that ye are afraid of spending sums in charity before your private consultation (with
him)? If then, ye do not so, and Allah forgives you then (at least) be steadfast in the Salat and
implement the Zakat; and obey Allah and His Messenger: and Allah is well-acquainted with
all that ye do. (Quran 58:13)
and also, in the verses S7:V156, S9:V5, S9:V11, S9:V18, S9:V71, S19:V31, S19:V55, S21:V73,
S22:V41, S22:V78, S24:V37, S24:V56, S27:V3, S31:V4, S33:V33, S73:V20, S98:V5
It is not by chance that the Salat is always mentioned in binomial with the Zakat. The Salat is
all what concerns our relationship with God, and the Zakat concerns all the actions that we’ve
done in order to prove our faith to God, these 2 concepts are the 2 main components of the
religion of God: our faith in God (Salat), and our good actions (Zakat). The Salat and the Zakat
are deeply connected: our relationship to God encourages us to make good actions in order
to please God, and as God is pleased by our good actions, He gives us the opportunity to make
better actions, it is a virtuous circle, which is the signature of the true path of God. Salat and
Zakat are indissociable, one cannot go with the other, they represent the 2 pillars of religion:
faith and good actions.
In the following verse, God defines the criteria of the good believer:
For the submitted ones, men, and women― for believing men and women, for devout men
and women, for truthful men and women, for men and women who are patient and
constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in
charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves) for men and women who
guard their chastity and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise― for
them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. (Quran 33:35)

God does not mention in this verse the Salat and the Zakat, yet they are supposed to be the 2
mains obligations which shall be observed by the true believer. This is because the true Salat
according to the Quran is not only the daily prayer, but is a much more general concept which
concerns all what makes our relationship with God, and this verse actually details what
defines our relationship with God: submission, faith, obedience, devotion, God’s praise …
For the submitted ones, men, and women― for believing men and women, for devout men
and women, for truthful men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant,
for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in charity, for
men and women who fast (and deny themselves) for men and women who guard their
chastity and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise― for them has Allah
prepared forgiveness and great reward. (Quran 33:35)
The other component of this binomial is the Zakat, i.e., all the actions that we have done in
order to prove our good faith to God, is also defined in this verse. Those who reach elevation,
i.e., those who implement the Zakat, are those who are truthful, patient, constant, chaste,
humble, generous, fasting.
For the submitted ones, men, and women― for believing men and women, for devout men
and women, for truthful men and women, for men and women who are patient and
constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give
in charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves) for men and women
who guard their chastity and for men and women who engage much in Allah’s praise― for
them has Allah prepared forgiveness and great reward. (Quran 33:35)
The following verse definitely confirms that the true Zakat is not the Islamic obligatory
Gardens of Eternity, beneath which flow rivers: they will dwell therein for aye: such is the
reward of those who implement the Zakat. (Quran 20:76)
Allah says that the reward for those who implement the Zakat is the paradise, but the Islamic
Zakat, ie the Islamic obligatory charity, is not enough to grant the paradise to anyone. But, if
we consider the true meaning of the word Zakat, which refers to all the good actions that can
be done in order to get closer to God, then yes, God has promised for those who seek all ways
to get closer to Him, ie those who actively practice the Zakat, the eternal paradise.
The true Zakat according to the Quran represents a half of the whole religion, and the other
half is the Salat. The Zakat is the implementation of any action which can get us closer to God.
Allah repeats again and again in the Quran that only our good deeds can give us our ticket
for the paradise, and the good actions are acquired by the implementation of the Zakat. Salat
and Zakat represent the entire religion: our faith in God, and our good deeds.
The Zakat according to traditionalist Islam is limited to the concept of obligatory charity and
is not about the accomplishment of any good action, in a general way, allowing us to get
closer to God. Basically, the engine of the believer is the search of any good action to please
God in his daily life, this is the true practice of the Zakat, and then, the search of the good
action has progressively disappeared and has been replaced by the accomplishment of the
Islamic rites forged by inaccurate books, rites which are non-sense, and which create issues
and do not solve problems. Today, the priority for the people of the religions is not the search
of the good action, but is in the accomplishment of religious rites, proper to each religion,
disconnected from good and evil, supposed to allow the access to the paradise.
Today, the only thing which has remained from the true Zakat in traditionalist Islam is giving
alms, and even their rule in this matter has been deviated and is not what God has prescribed.
God has never fixed in the Quran a fixed rate on our incomes, and I do not even mention that
at end with their 2.5% tax and their many other rules to calculate their Islamic obligatory
charity, the amounts which shall be paid are often extremely low. In short, nothing remains
from the true Zakat in traditionalist Islam.
The Quran prescribes to the believers to give alms, but the Quran does not impose any rate
on it. Each one is free to give whatever he wants, or not to give, each one receives what he
gives. The only recommendation in matter of alms in the Quran is that Allah advocates us to
give what is beyond our needs, and to choose the middle way: not to give too much, not to
give too few.
They ask thee how much they are to spend; say: “What is beyond your needs.” (Quran 2:219)
The Quran provides the list of all those who may benefit from our alms by order of priority:
It is not righteousness that ye turn your faces towards East or West; but it is
righteousness―to believe in Allah and the Last Day and the Angels and the Book and the
Messengers; to spend of your substance out of love for Him, for your kin, for orphans for the
needy, for the wayfarer for those who ask and for the ransom of slaves; to be steadfast in the
Salat and practice the Zakat; to fulfil the contracts which ye have made; and to be firm and
patient in pain (or suffering) and adversity and throughout all periods of panic. Such are the
people of truth the Allah-fearing. (Quran 2:177)
They ask thee what they should spend (in charity). Say: Whatever ye spend that is good is
for parents and kindred and orphans and those in want and for wayfarers. And whatever
you do that is good―Allah knows it well. (Quran 2:215)
The Quran says that it is not for us to judge those who receive our alms, God does not
command us to limit our alms to the believers, but to give it to all the needy ones regardless
of their beliefs, whereas the Islamic Zakat is a communitarian alms which is only limited to
the Muslims. Once again, God’s rule is perfect: by commanding us to give alms to any needy
one regardless of his beliefs, this allows some lost ones to come back in the path of God,
whereas the Islamic Zakat is a communitarian Zakat, and put a barrier between the Muslims
and the non-Muslims.
In Summary
The true Zakat according to the Quran concretely consists in any action, behavior, thought,
word, effort… which is done in order to obey God and therefore to get closer to God. This
explains why God insists so much on the Zakat in the Quran, the same insistence than for the
Salat, our relationship with God. The true believer shall be focused on the accomplishment
of the good action on a daily basis, this is what is concretely the Zakat, no need to be in a
religious background to make a good action, at any time, at any place, at any activity, there is
always a way to please God. The implementation of the Zakat also includes giving alms, but
the alms according to the Quran is free and depends on each individual’s choice. The Zakat
can be implemented in much various other ways such as studying God’s books, being careful
and responsive to God’s signs, seeking for wisdom, performing spiritual retreats, fasting, but
also through behaviors such as being truthful, enduring, humble, chaste, fair, good, generous,
forgiving, controlling our anger, seeking any action which is good for us and for the others.
The implementation of the true Zakat according to the Quran allows us to put at the center
of the religion the search for all form of good, whereas the traditionalist sects such as the
current Islam, Judaism, Christianity, focus on their own nonsense forged religious traditions.
Allah commands us the Salat and the Zakat: establishing a true relationship with God and
performing the good actions, these are the 2 engines of the religion of God, these are the 2
ways which allow us to truly elevate our souls and to get closer to God and become Noble
characters and true servants to him.
Just as I mentioned earlier, Salat and Zakat are like Faith and the understanding of Quran,
one cannot have faith without knowing the true rules of the Quran, and one cannot
understand the Quran if his faith is impure. Therefore, it is important to study the Quran with
precision and putting effort into learning its concepts rather than just reciting it without
knowing its true deep meanings and this is not limited to the Arabic language but is universal
to each individual according to the language he understands and it is God who guides and it
is he make you understand it, for God is never unjust with anybody and he guides whoever
strives for his cause sincerely with a clean heart. It is true that God sent down the Quran in
Arabic for a reason, because in the Age when it was revealed, most people were Arabs, and
the Arabic language was mastered. Now we have a translation of All languages and each one
will be able to understand it if they truly study it deeply, it’s really clear and straight forward.
Believers have a deep connection with the Quran. This is because they love, and fear Allah
and the Quran is the only Book in which Allah “communicates directly” to them. What is most
important at this point, is that all readers waste no time in making a sincere effort to start
making steps in this continuous cycle of spiritual enlightenment, guided by the Book of Allah.
This can be done only sincerely and by seeking Allah's help while studying all the verses of
the Quran from each other's point of view.
“Indeed, this Quran guides to that which is most right.” (Quran 17:9)
There is no reason for anyone not to study firsthand every verse that Allah revealed. The
Quran can be understood by sincere believers. Understanding the Quran is not a task
reserved for scholars and elite people and there are no scientific prerequisites for studying
the Quran. Studying the Quran is an obligation for everyone. Allah has revealed that He will
hold everyone accountable for their obedience to the verses of the Quran:
“Surely, the One who made the Quran compulsory for you will summon you to a
predetermined appointment. Say: 'My Lord is fully aware of who it is that brings the
guidance, and who has gone astray.' (Quran 28:85)
Therefore, without wasting time on the path without Allah's guidance, we should start
researching, studying, and most importantly applying the Quran for ourselves and become
Noble True believers as mentioned above, before the coming of a day when it will be too late.
If Allah were to seize the people for their transgression, He would have spared no creature
on earth, but He lets them go on up to an appointed time. So, when their time will come, they
will not be able to delay it for a moment, nor to bring it soon. (Quran 16:61)
Sadly, on the day of judgement, the noble prophet Muhammed will be a witness against his
nation which are mostly Muslims that they have abandoned the Quran and strayed away by
following other books just like the older nations of Jews and Christians when the adopted
other books than the Torah, Gospel and distorted their meanings.
Then the Messenger will say: "O my Lord! Truly my people have abandoned this Quran!
(Quran 25:30)
When the prophet clearly says “My People” it’s mainly directed at Muslims but can also apply
to all mankind in this age because they have the book between their hands in every language
and easy to be accessed from anywhere in the world, but they do not put the least effort to
read it and try to understand its verses.
Do not think that God is unaware of what the disbelievers do: He only gives them respite until
a Day when their eyes will stare in terror. (Quran 14:42)
Once Allah begins to enlighten the soul, one should continue to reflect on this Quran and
increase his/her faith without swaying from it. If one takes such a path, then with Allah's
permission he will soon find the most exalted path and will be on the way to becoming a true
believer, and worthy of Allah's paradise.

The illusion of this worldly life
One thing that I always wonder when I look at people who have so much attachment to this
materialistic world and the least consideration for the hereafter, have they forgotten what
they are here for?
Allah, the One who created death and life, so that He may test you as to which of you is better
in his deeds. And He is the All-Mighty, the Most-Forgiving (Quran 67:2)
And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives
and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient (Quran 2:155)
You can rarely find people nowadays who sincerely think and works for the hereafter, most
people are way too attached to this world that they have forgotten their true purpose in life.
Those who spend their lives devoted blindly to worldly goods, will realize that they
consumed all their lives chasing illusions. They will realize their ridiculous situation after
they die. Only then will the ultimate purpose of life, to be a sincere servant of Allah, will be
clear to them.
Every soul has to taste death. It is on the Day of Judgement that you shall be paid your
rewards in full. So, whoever has been kept away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has
really succeeded. The worldly life is nothing but an illusionary enjoyment. (Quran 3:185)
Allah in the Quran gives a considerable account of this "deep attachment" in the following
Fair in the eyes of men is the love of things they covet women and sons; heaped-up hordes of
gold and silver; horses branded (for blood and excellence); and (wealth of) cattle and well
tilled land. Such are the possessions of this world's life, But Allah, with Him is a more
excellent return. (Quran 3:14)
All the matters of this world – wealth, spouses, children, and commerce keep many busy in
this life. However, if they could acknowledge the power and greatness of Allah, they would
know that all the things granted to man are merely means of obtaining His good pleasure.
This way, they would also comprehend that the main aim of man is to be His servant. Yet,
those who do not have true faith and trust in Allah have a blurred vision and an extremely
poor understanding of their existence due to their worldly ambitions. They expect great
things from this flawed life.
I am not surprised to see how most people focus way too much on this life and totally
forgetting the hereafter, which is a perfect and an infinitely superior residence for them. If
someone does not have complete faith, even the existence of a slight "probability" of the
Hereafter should make him, at least, assume a more cautious attitude. It is due to their lack
of intelligence and reason; they are literally falling in every trap of the devil without even
realizing it. Satan’s main goal is to make humans focus way too much on this world and
neglect the hereafter due to the illusion of joy that he projects into their hearts which causes
them to keep delaying things until its too late.
And (We destroyed) ‘Ad and Thamud, and it is visible to you through their dwellings. And the
Satan had beautified for them their deeds, so he prevented them from the (right) way,
even though they were people of insight. (Quran 29:38)
Don’t people realize that every time they intend to do an evil deed whatever it might be, they
get a sense of excitement before it, and once they do it, they either regret or get a slight feeling
of guilt sooner or later. Why do you think that God specifically mentioned the below verse as
an example that can apply to all nations and not only that specific nation of the past? Every
verse has a wisdom behind it, all it takes is eyes to see and a mind to think.
And [remember] when Satan made their deeds pleasing to them and said, "No one can
overcome you today from among the people, and indeed, I am your protector." But when the
two armies sighted each other, he turned on his heels and said, "Indeed, I am disassociated
from you. Indeed, I see what you do not see; indeed, I fear Allah. And Allah is severe in
penalty." (Quran 8:48)
If you want to apply the above verse to the current situation, it is Satan that gives you that
sense of excitement by whispering into your heart to do an evil act, in that present moment,
you do not think, you do not reason, all you want to do is go for it because he keeps pushing
you and encouraging you while you don’t see or hear him. The moment you do it and get into
trouble sooner or later, he gets away from you and leaves you in guilt and despair.
Say: "I ask the Lord of humans for protection, the King of humans, the God of humans, against
the evil of the one who blows (the bad advice) and then disappears, which blows into
people's breasts, among jinn and men”. (Quran 114:1-6)
Devils, men, and jinn, stealthily whisper bad advice to people, letting them believe that the
idea comes from them originally, then disappears immediately, once their bad seed has
germinated in the minds of these people. This is why it is tremendously important to stay
connected to God at all times in order to get his protection and remain attentive to his signs
as it is even greater than Salaat, which prevents us from doing evil deeds but to remain
connected throughout the whole day is far greater in remaining protected by God.
Recite, what has been revealed to you of the Book and establish prayer. Indeed, prayer
prohibits immorality and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of Allah is greater. And
Allah knows that which you do. (Quran 29:45)
Believers, on the other hand, are fully aware that this is, by no means, a "probability" but a
reality. That is why their lives serve the purpose of eradicating the slightest possibility of
being sent to hell; their efforts are entirely designed to attain paradise. They know clearly
that the disappointment felt in the Hereafter after a life spent on vain desires will be bitter.
They are well aware that accumulated wealth, such as an overflowing bank account, luxury
cars or mansions, will not be accepted as a ransom from eternal punishment. Furthermore,
neither family nor one's dearest friends will be present to save one from eternal grief. On the
contrary, every soul will try to save itself. Yet despite all this, most people assume that this
life does not continue on to the hereafter, and greedily embrace this world. Allah states this
in the verse below:
The accumulation has distracted you, until you visit the graves. Certainly! You will know
soon! Then assuredly! You will know soon! Certainly! If you had a certain science, then you
would see the furnace, and then you would see it with the eye of certainty, and on that day,
you will be asked about all the blessings you have enjoyed. (Quran 102:1-8)
The accumulation of everything: activities, projects, material goods, passions, pleasures, etc.
Whoever does not have God and the Hereafter in mind will very quickly embark on this life
and will not have a single second for himself, to such an extent that he will quickly forget God
and one of the great visible signs of lost people is being busy all the time. There are no excuses
for this, for the righteous will organize their life in such a way as to make time for themselves
and for God. Whoever does not give time to God, God will reduce his own time to nothing,
causing him to run around without ever having time to enjoy anything. We will soon know
when we die, and therefore that we will visit the graves, and then when God will resuscitate
us for the Last Judgment. God will question us to see if we have been grateful for all the
blessings, He has bestowed on us in this life: our physical body, our soul, the air we breathe,
our food, our sleep, our home, nature that surrounds us, our wives, our children, our
relatives, our material goods, our good health, our security. Very few people today ask
themselves the questions on these subjects, and most think that it is a given, whereas we owe
this only to God who brings us all his benefits on a daily basis.
I am not saying that we are not allowed to enjoy anything in this life, God gave us so many
blessings to enjoy but he also gave us limits, Allah forbids what is bad for us and allows what
is good, it is not really as strict as most people view it today, it is quite simple, do whatever
you want to do as long as it’s not wrong which can be found in the Quran, as long as you
respect the limits
Attraction towards worldly possessions is, no doubt, the secret of the test. Allah creates all
things that He bestows upon man with great sophistication, yet they are also of short
duration. This is only to make people think and compare the things given to them in this
world with the Hereafter. Life in the world is indeed magnificent; it is quite colorful and
attractive revealing the glory of Allah's creation. To lead a good life and take pleasure in it is,
no doubt, something desirable and man, surely, prays to Allah to lead such a life. Yet this can
never be the ultimate purpose, since such a goal in life is not more important than attaining
the good pleasure of Allah and paradise. Therefore, man should never forget his main
purpose, while enjoying the benefit of these favors.

Reflection against Distraction

Have you ever stopped to look at a tall tree? How it began from only a small seed and then
became a tall tree that gives fruits? Have you looked at the sun sits in the sky? How it reflects
light on the moon in such a perfected measure? Look at yourself in the mirror, ever take a
minute to look at how you were perfectly shaped? How you have two eyes, one nose, and
lips? The reality is that most people do not take time to reflect. Rather, they walk with their
heads down focused only on the immediate moment.
There are signs of God all around us, but most people turn away. And there are many signs
in the heavens and the earth that they pass by and give no heed to. (Quran 12:105)
We live in a time when people are constantly distracted with electronics and rarely give
themselves a moment to reflect. Netflix, YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Tiktok, Facebook,
and other forms of media are all competing for your attention. It is easy to get caught in this
Satanic web and breaking free becomes extremely challenging and feels impossible.
However, this keeps one away from being present. It keeps one away from being in touch
with themselves, their feelings, their family, and what is most important, GOD. What is it that
most people look for when they keep themselves distracted? They may be looking to numb
their feelings of fear, anxiety, worry, concern, and stress. They think that electronics provide
real happiness, but we all know it does not.
I remember the days I was all over social media, during that time everything seemed normal,
to take pictures and videos of every single moment and showcase it to the public. I was too
blind to realize that I was just wasting my time watching other people’s lives instead of
actually focusing on my own, it was true poison. The day I left all platforms was the day I felt
like I broke free from a prison that I never knew I was in, it was a prison that only you are
able to free yourself from. Of course, it was God who saved me and pulled me out from all of
it and until this day, I am grateful, and I really hope that one day people could realize the
damage behind it and open their eyes to truly see the reality behind all of it.
God calls for a balanced life and an orientation toward what is most important. During our
prayers we are not allowed to communicate with others, eat, or look around. The main point
of prayer is to disconnect with everything that is worldly and reconnect with God and the
hereafter. It gives believers a break from the struggles of life and allows them to spiritually
connect with God. It is through the remembrance of God that hearts find a sense of peace and
tranquility. The problem is that, most people don’t really pray the way they should, and this
is the main reason why most of them are spiritually lost.
O you who believe, let your slaves, and those of you who have not come to puberty, ask leave
of you at three times (before they come into your presence): Before the prayer of dawn, and
when you lay aside your clothes for the heat of noon, and after the prayer of night. Three
times of privacy for you. It is no sin for them or for you at other times when some of you go
round attendant upon others (if they come into your presence without leave). Thus, Allah
makes clear the revelations for you. Allah is Knower, Wise. (Quran 24:58)
Those who have faith and whose hearts find peace in the remembrance of God – truly it is in
the remembrance of God that hearts find peace (Quran 13:28).
Interestingly, the Quran constantly speaks of “remembering” God. Remembering implies that
we already know and are simply being reminded. Humans were created with a natural
disposition to know God. This knowledge of God is embedded in the human soul. When we
become distracted, God calls us to reflect:
Have they not reflected within themselves? (Quran 30:8)
We all yearn for a sense of connection that brings peace, and that connection can only be
found with our eternal Creator, not a temporary or fleeting thing. This is because we are
naturally dispositioned to long for things that are eternal, we want to be forever young,
forever healthy, forever beautiful, and forever wealthy. That is why Satan tempted Adam and
Eve by promising them eternal life if they ate from the tree. It is when our inner faculties are
aware and are met with these distractions and temporary nature of this world that
something great can happen. These distractions can become an insight into our reality.
Realizing that we will all leave this world and return to God allows us the opportunity to
break free.
O Mankind be mindful of your Lord and fear a day when no parent will take the place of their
child, nor a child take the place of their parent, in any way. God’s promise is true, so do not
let the present life delude you, nor let the Deceiver (Satan) delude you about God (Quran
So back to the original question, what are people escaping from? Why are we constantly
distracting ourselves with gadgets and useless things? We are scared of taking a step back
and acknowledging that we are here temporarily, that everything will wither away, and that
what ultimately matters is our hereafter. If we do that, then we have to come to terms with
the fact that the joys and entertainment we experience in this life will not last forever. This
does not mean that one needs to be completely disconnected from this world, but one needs
to ensure that they break free from worldly distractions to connect with God. His signs are
all around us, calling us to reflect and remember him. It is essential to try and live in the
moment, reflect on ourselves, and on our Most Compassionate Creator, Allah.

In our world today, most people are proud and don’t even realize it, because pride has
become the norm today. All of them proudly display their lives on social networks, which the
Devil created for this purpose to increase their love of themselves. All put themselves on
stage in front of their smartphones and multiply the photos and videos, which is no more and
no less akin to the worship of idols proscribed by God. The proud people of this world have
become their own idols and seek by all means to stand out from others. They all share the
same high self-image and have become real tyrants, not tolerating the slightest annoyance,
and getting impatient for nothing.
Self-glorification, that’s what social media and smartphones are now being used for:

Criticizing such people is a crime of lese majesty, they become offensive and show a
completely different face than the smooth facade they are used to display, and suddenly they
become extremely violent and contemptuous with a black and unrecognizable face. The
people of this world always give themselves the right role and spend their time mocking
others, without even realizing that they are similar to those they are mocking. Today, you see
these one man shows becoming more and more popular, where people just make fun of
others unjustly while taking a pretentious and arrogant behaviour. There is reason why
these kinds of shows sprouted up like mushrooms, it is because it is exactly this kind of
haughty, contemptuous, and casual attitude, which is conveyed through these shows, that
the Devil seeks to cultivate in people. Because, the Devil knows very well that those who
behave like that have no hope of being guided by God. People today see nothing wrong with
these “comic” shows, but on the contrary find inspiration in them and reproduce their
This is the price of your exultation on earth, without reason, as well as your immoderate
joy. Go through the gates of Hell to stay there forever. How bad is the place of stay of the
proud! (Quran S40:V75-76)
If you look at the people today, you will find them crowded all-together in front of these one
man shows that only make them always more stupid and arrogant, in cinemas and theaters
that brainwash them with the Devil’s propaganda, in concert pits and stadiums to cheer on
their false idols. But, if you call them to God and His Scriptures alone, you find none to answer
your call.
Invite people to a free event on a morning, you will find everybody show up before time, but
try inviting them to God’s rites and worship, you’ll find no interest at all or all kinds of
excuses. Only the blind won’t agree with this because it goes against their comfort zone and
false beliefs, but it’s the solid truth most of the people don’t realize because they never take
the time to look in the mirror and reflect upon themselves.
Those which are the vast majority of people of this world, love the crowd and love when
there are people, because it gives them the impression of reviving, this is because most of
them are spiritually dead from the inside, far from the true path of God, they cannot survive
without being around people, it’s a sad reality.
Let’s look at the pretentious, mocking, and casual attitude of the below comedians, this is
precisely the despicable attitude that the majority of people in this world today adopt in
order to feel trendy and sophisticated.
Pretentious, sufficient, contemptuous, dumb, casual, this is the model that the Devil wants to
promote around the world.
God however prescribes us to be humble, respectful, simple, decent, thoughtful, serious,
while the Devil wants through these shows, that we become proud, self-sufficient,
pretentious, arrogant, casual, stupid, dumb, exuberant, futile, contemptuous, haughty,
everything that God hates and despises.
And turn not your face away from men with pride, nor walk in insolence through the earth.
Verily, Allah likes not any arrogant boaster. And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your
walking and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the braying of the ass.
(Quran S31:V18-19)
If these one-man shows are so successful today, it is because people are asking for more,
attracted by futility and turning away from Knowledge and Wisdom, the evocation of God,
and the accomplishment of good works. The majority of people in this world only want to
laugh without limit and have fun, like the simple-minded they have become. They absolutely
need a breath of fresh that makes them forget for a moment their life made of misfortunes
and disasters. But, behind their smiling and confident facade, people cry inside themselves
because of the injustice they have committed in their lives, as they know very well deep
inside themselves the misfortunes and humiliations that they must endure daily because of
their ignorance.
God is not a spoiler, but God has the most refined and hard-hitting humor that can be, not
based on the demeaning of others and on nastiness, but a perfectly appropriate and decent
humor that always hits the bull’s eye. Humor is a good thing but must be used in the right
way and without the will to hurt others. Today, we live in a society of bulimics of
consumption, people pay to laugh for two hours in a row, something which is indecent and
unnatural, because the real humor occurs naturally through situations of our daily life, and
not on demand.
Today, the majority of people in this world have taken Satan and the Pharaohs “Known as
the Illuminati or Masons nowadays” as models, without even realizing it, sinking endlessly
into their error and injustice, always more satisfied with themselves, become their own idols,
and creating in their mind a “god” custom made for them that only flatter their ego. For them,
the right guidance is necessarily theirs, the right behavior is necessarily theirs, the truth is
necessarily theirs, the good destiny is necessarily theirs, they are completely disconnected
of all reality, and have nothing to do with the truth and true precepts of God.
Free will
God gave free will to all the creatures he created and is not the tyrant that the Devil portrays.
God has no interest in creating puppets devoid of free will and personality, but God only
creates free beings, endowed with intelligence and discernment, who each have their own
personality and who freely decide on their own future. If God had not given us all free will,
then this life would not be worth living and we would only be robots devoid of interest. In
reality, neither God nor His creatures would have any interest in a world without free will.
God’s project is perfect: that of creating a universe devoid of all imperfection and evil, while
being composed of beings 100% free and autonomous, which seems a priori impossible. The
price to pay for this is the appearance of evil, which does not come from God, but comes from
the free choice of everyone to disobey God. For, God only commands good and created the
universe and its creatures originally perfect, and it is by disobeying God that we introduced
evil and became imperfect. To remedy this, God created this earthly trial which we are living
at this very moment, as a preliminary phase to access eternal life in the hereafter and to
permanently separate good from evil (Paradise or Hell). Thus, those who of their own choice
will obey and be grateful to God, will have access to eternal life with God and will have access
to the whole universe and much more. While those who choose of their own choice to disobey
God and be ungrateful, will be banished from the presence of God and His universe. Now,
apart from God and His universe, there is only nothingness, torments, darkness, and hell.
This earthly test is therefore not there to create chaos and spread evil as the angels first
thought. But this test is the essential step to arrive at the most perfect of worlds: that of a
perfect universe which contains no evil, inhabited by equally perfect beings and who do not
commit the least evil, while being perfectly free to their choice. While those who do not want
God’s rules will be banished from the perfect Kingdom of God and will be confined to a world
that is only evil: hell.
When Your Lord entrusted to the Angels: “I will establish a governor on earth”. They said,
“Are you going to designate one who will make disorder and shed blood there, when we are
there to sanctify and glorify You?” – He said: “Verily, I know what you do not know! “. (Quran
Thus, God gives a lesson to all His creatures, including the angels, so that they learn from this
temporary earthly trial and return to Him like the child who left the parental home to
experience the outside world, and who returns as a fully accomplished man, submissive and
grateful to his parents. As for those who have learned nothing during their earthly ordeal
and who have persisted in following their own path of self-destruction, these will never
return to their original place and will be forever lost in hell, very far from the presence of
God and His Light. So, this is the reason why God created Heaven and Earth and all those who
populate them: in order to create a perfect world without any evil, while being composed of
totally free beings, which a priori impossible to combine, but that God in His Immense
Wisdom still managed to do.
He created the heavens and the earth with good reason. (Quran S6:V3)
It is for good reason that Allah created the heavens and the earth. (Quran S29:V44)
And We only created the heavens and the earth, and what is between them, for a just reason.
(Quran S15:V85)
This earthly ordeal is only the gateway to real life, what this life here on earth has to offer is
ridiculous compared to what God promises us in the Hereafter. So do not be content with
this life, and work for the afterlife, otherwise, you will lose both this life and the afterlife.
O my people, this life is only temporary enjoyment, while the afterlife is truly the abode of
stability. (Quran S40:V39)
All that has been given to you is the fleeting enjoyment of life here on earth and its finery,
while that which is with Allah is better and more lasting … Do you not understand then?
(Quran S28:V60)
O you who believe! What did you? When you were told, “Soar in the way of Allah” you
weighed down on earth. Does the present life please you more than the afterlife? However,
the enjoyment of the present life will be little compared to the afterlife! (Quran S9:V38)
The Connection between Man and Woman
I was raised in a society where the man is either a tyrant taking his wife for a slave making
her obey him blindly without being the least of a good example to her or a man who lets his
wife be the man instead of him thus letting her take all the decisions either right or wrong
without his permission or authority. These two cannot be right at all, as if I let anyone from
this current era read this paragraph, the majority of the men who think they are well guided
by following the same path of their misguided fathers who thought the same thing will deny
this because it makes them feel like they are downgraded and that they should be the tyrants
in their homes, while the same type of women who will read it, will deny because they have
been deceived by the devil because of their weakness to think they are either equals to men
in full or even more dominant in authority, this is exactly what the devil wants, to make us
think we are equal in creation and destroy the main responsibility of each according to their
nature that was created by Allah. It is indeed how it all started, when Adam did not pay
enough attention to the protection of Eve, and Eve did not obey the commands of her
husband and Allah when he said, “Eat and drink from whatever you want in this heaven, but
do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrong doers”. God did not only blame Eve,
but he blamed them both because each one broke their line of responsibility by following the
footsteps of the devil, The woman not obeying her Husband’s commands, The man who did
not succeed in protecting his wife from any external threats as women are by nature weaker
than men. A husband and a wife should be allies to one another, supporting each other at all
times even when the situation does not encourage it. Unlike most marriages nowadays in
this world and mainly in our Arabian society, it is truly dismissed and absent.
To get out of topic for a moment, from my personal opinion, I would say until this day, nothing
has changed. That same tree that God warned Adam and Eve about applies nowadays to all
types of psychedelic drugs that the devil uses as a tool to mislead people making them think
that they will gain eternal life which is exactly what Satan did to Eve in paradise, he told her
that God forbid you this fruit because it gives you immortality and make you a Godlike being,
she fell for this trap and ate it and Adam followed her as he had no choice. If you research
deeply about psychedelics today, you will realize that the main thing which is promoted is
(Immortality, Astral projection, Awakening, Third Eye, Astral Travel, Communication with
other beings or what they call today “Spirit Guides” which are in reality the same fallen
angels/Jinn who disobeyed God and followed Satan. It is promoted all over social media and
is connected with the false spirituality which in reality is not even close to real spirituality,
real spirituality is Faith in God, real meditation is prayer, everything else is only misguidance,
false and brainwashing in order to keep people as far from God as possible using a good
image of “Spirituality of the new age”.
This is only one out of thousands of other websites promoting such things, it is mainly
composed of blind followers of Satan or Actual demons trying to mislead others who like to
browse through and are curious to know about unusual knowledge, exactly as I am, in fact I
can testify that I was one of the victims who once fell for this and was on the edge of going
astray forever, I was a victim of psychedelics at some point of my life, until God saved me and
guided me onto a straight path and took me out of this bubble and taught me how to be able
to differentiate between false and truth. By Allah, when you are in that state I promise you
that no matter how much you would think that you are guided, you are indeed sunken deep
into the dark hole of deception and delusion, you will never be able to realize that you are on
the wrong path, unless Allah guides you to the truth, then if you believe and do the righteous
deeds and prove to Allah that you truly repent, he will accept your repentance instantly for
Allah is the most forgiving and most merciful and I testify to that from the depth of my heart.
Getting back into the topic,
God has distributed the roles between men and women in the couple, and they are not
interchangeable as this Devil-shaped society seeks to instill in us through brainwashing. The
objective of the Devil is to alienate us as much as possible from our primary nature on which
God originally created us, because the further we are from this original nature and the more
it means that we are lost and more able to be easy to handle. Today, in many couples, it is the
woman who wears the panties while the reverse has been prescribed by God, or in the best
case, they share the decisions as equals, while there can only be one captain in a couple, and
that captain has been designated by God as man.
Women have rights similar to those of men equitably, although men have a degree ˹of
responsibility˺ above them. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise. (Quran 2:228)
It is today perceived as a sign of modernity that men and women consider themselves to be
totally interchangeable and equal to each other, and to promote feminism, because it is
through the most vulnerable and fragile element of the world, it is the couple that the Devil
operates his general attack on all of humanity. The Devil used Eve to bring down Adam and
all of mankind, and he continues that same method today. God does not just blame Eve in the
Quran, but both Eve and Adam, for their fault is shared. Indeed, Adam is just as at fault,
because he did not know how to occupy his role of guardian on Eve, which caused their
destruction to them both. After having encouraged for centuries a patriarchal society, harsh
and cruel towards women, which is contrary to the prescription of God who commands us to
be fair with women and to respect their rights, the Devil now seeks by compensatory effect
to reverse the trend by gradually shaping our society to transform it into a society
matriarchal (Matriarchy is a social system in which women hold the primary power positions
in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social privilege and control of property.
While those definitions apply in general English, definitions specific to the disciplines of
anthropology and feminism differ in some respects.). However, society according to Allah
should not be patriarchal or matriarchal (Patriarchy is a social system in which men hold
primary power and predominate in roles of political leadership, moral authority, social
privilege, and control of property. Some patriarchal societies are also patrilineal, meaning
that property and title are inherited by the male lineage.), but men and women must be
complementary to achieve the perfect balance. Man and woman according to God's
prescription are supposed to be allies, united in a virtuous relationship, while the Devil
constantly wants to oppose them to make them enemies, by pushing them into competition,
thus ensuring to the destruction of what human society rests on, namely the family unit
which depends only on the natural good understanding and complementarity that exist
within the couple. The real division of roles according to Allah is that the man should be the
head of his family, and the wife should be her husband's best ally and not a rebel in her own
home. As I said before, you must perceive a couple as a boat, and as we all know, there can
only be one captain at the helm, and Allah has appointed the man to play this role of made of
his increased physical strength, of what he spends on his household, and of his emotional
stability and ability to think rationally and calmly.
Men have authority (or are responsible) over women, because of the favors that Allah
bestows on them, and also because of the expenditure they make of their property. Righteous
women are obedient (to their husbands), and protect that which must be protected, during
the absence of their husbands, with the protection of Allah. (Quran S4: V34)
Women, because of their periods, which hormonally have a strong influence on their mood,
and because of their sensitive and fragile nature in the face of adversity and pressure, are
chronically affected by instability and hysteria (admittedly, they are not all equal in this area,
but all are more or less endemic to it), while this is not the case with men. This combination
is perfect, as women's mood swings and their natural prudence help men see more clearly
and not rush into their decisions, and on the other hand, men's stability helps women stay
the course. and not to take decisions on a whim that they might later regret. So, these are not
the flaws that I am quoting, but it is part of the nature of women, and therefore it is a blessing
of God that they are thus and that men are also as they are, for the creation of God is perfect.
Women are little princesses to their fathers and husbands, so they are pampered and put
into a cocoon, which is both their strength and their weakness.
What! the women? those which are raised in the midst of adornments (in the sense, raised in
a cocoon, pampered) and which when it comes to argue, do not know how to be decisive?
S43: V18
Thus, man is supposed to be the master of his home, but that does not mean that he should
behave like a tyrant as is the case with many Muslims, but rather he should seek to act with
kindness, justice, compassion, pedagogy, patience, and mercy, and be inspired by the way
Allah deals with us. Being in charge of one's household is therefore not an acquired position
as Muslims think but must be earned by exemplary behavior and a sense of responsibility.
Today, if society is gradually reversing to make way for the domination of women, it is
precisely because most men have failed in their mission and have failed in their roles as role
models and guardians and were therefore stripped of their rank. God has instructed man to
protect his family from external threats, to provide for his needs, and to be the keeper of His
precepts within his home. As for the wife, God charged her to be her husband's faithful ally
and to respect the authority that God has granted him over her. Where the role of the man is
above all exterior, that of the woman is above all interior and consists in raising their
offspring and administering his home, and in bringing the rest and the appeasement which
her husband needs so that he can remain strong in the face of the harshness of the outside
world. Thus, this combination is perfectly suited to the natural abilities that God has given to
men and women. To man, God has given strength and stability to ensure the survival of his
home and to stay firmly on course, and to women, He has given meekness, patience, and
ingenuity to bring peace and sweetness to the home, and to administer internal affairs. I am
not a chauvinist in saying all this, I am not promoting all the tyrants who take their wives for
their slaves, but I am only acknowledging the roles that God has assigned to each within the
couple. It is up to the man to set a good example, and to acquire his wife to his cause through
pedagogy and negotiation, and to the woman to know how to be reasonable and not to
oppose her husband unnecessarily out of pure spirit of rivalry or contradiction.
In a couple, when the situation allows it, the ideal is for the man to work and the woman to
take care of the children and the house, instead of both working and paying someone to take
care of the household. their children and their home, because looking after one's home has a
very high value which is today very little recognized. Indeed, when it is financially possible,
it is better for women to invest in their children and the well-being of their home rather than
running behind a career and losing comfort in life. But that does not mean that women should
not work at all if they want to and their situation allows it, simply their career is not a priority
over that of men, who are responsible for providing for them and their household’s needs.
Anyway, even if the woman works, you still have to manage the house and the children in the
evenings and on weekends, and this is more the task of the woman in the distribution that I
have defined for you, which does not prevent the man also to participate when he can,
knowing that he must take care of outside tasks as a priority. Whether a woman is working
or not, it is important that she studies, on the one hand for her own personal education, and
then for the education of her children and to enable her to find a job if necessary. In
supposedly modern couples, both spouses work and spend their time running from one place
to another, without ever having time for themselves or their children, neglecting their homes
and losing a lot of comfort in life, all this to be the slaves of the system and to earn a little
more money, and because they feel that they do not exist outside of work, which is a sign of
their spiritual emptiness. Taking care of her husband, her children, and her home is infinitely
better than any career, and is infinitely more enviable than having to work, but this only well-
guided women really understand.
Sadly, this is barely put into action nowadays as I mentioned in the beginning, and it is one
of the main reasons for the increasing amount of divorce every year...

Another important point is the difference of perception between man and woman, nowadays
there are men who barely use reason or have the least knowledge about things and vice versa
with women. Based on my personal experience throughout my life, I have been in many
different circles consisting of many different mentalities, ages, cultures, nationalities and
even languages. I have been surrounded by so many humans until the day I realized where
it was leading me, it became so hard to engage with people when all they talk about is parties,
fun, materialism, clubs, sexuality, celebrities, cars... it is an endless list of misguiding things
that do not benefit the soul or the mind. You can hardly find people who seek knowledge and
growth and can actually engage in a wise conversation about things that truly matter. This
was the main reason I distanced myself and I do not regret a second, because it was Allah
who has put me in all kinds of situations with different types of people to teach me all the
lessons that I needed to be where I am today, and I never knew the wisdom behind all of it
until I disconnected from everything for a while and took a long break. In the end if you think
about it, we were born alone, and we are going to die alone, and we will be judged alone, so
each one is responsible for his own actions towards himself and others.
It is an ongoing battle that Satan is waging against us, even within our households, and even
husbands who are well guided by God and who fully occupy their role, must permanently set
their wives straight as soon as the Devil uses their wives to reach them, and that they
suddenly become hysterical, totally unreasonable, and uncontrollable. But we must not leave
any room to the Devil and must wage a merciless war against him, by reacting to the slightest
alert. In these times when misguidedness has become the norm, Satan uses women who have
become his ambassadors, as the main weapon to lose all of humanity. The Devil’s weapons
are vicious and seem harmless: just turning on the TV, watching a series or a show, listening
to music, going shopping, meeting friends, … can be enough for the Devil to distance us from
God and plunge us back into his illusion if we do not keep God in mind at all times. In these
very dangerous times, we must therefore constantly remain connected to God and act
accordingly to his precepts, otherwise we would risk being caught up in the devil’s illusion
and moving away from the way of God forever.
O you who believe, enter Islam completely, and do not follow the footsteps of Satan. Surely,
he is an open enemy for you (Quran 2:208)

The Main influence of destruction between Man and Woman

Today we are in a real spiritual warfare that the Devil is waging against us every second.
Virtuous women wanting the salvation of God and the afterlife must be aware that danger
lurks everywhere, and as in any war, must anchor themselves on the way of God and stay
closely in the footsteps of their well-guided husbands, accepting their calls to order in
accordance with the precepts of God, and serving them as allies. As for men, they must obey
God as much as possible and watch closely over their wives and not abandon them as many
men do today. In case of error or rebellion, they must call them to order using patience and
persuasion and by forgiving them. Men shall stop the hemorrhage immediately before the
situation does become unmanageable, and therefore, shall be extremely careful and
responsive. Obviously, this has nothing to do with the horrible machismo practiced by people
of religions, the man is not there to make his wife his slave but is there to protect her against
the incessant assaults of Satan and shall not impose anything on her by force, but only by
showing the right model and through persuasion. If your wife continues to behave like a
tyrant animated by Satan, then ignore her injustice, forgive her, and continue to act according
to God’s justice, until God brings you a solution. I am not here to promote misogyny, but It
turns out that the Devil’s plan is truly to use women to destroy all of humanity, this is pure
reality and not mere delirium, take the example I gave above about how eve was the reason
both her and her husband Adam got expelled from heaven. It is therefore normal to be
warned about this, and to put in place the adequate defense strategy: By being allies for each
other, women by obeying God and their husbands, men by obeying God and watching over
their wives and children.
The reason why God created Eve directly from Adam is so that they can find their peace with
each other and thus be in total symbiosis. Contrary to what Satan says, this does not imply
any subordination of one over the other, but on the contrary, this relationship is based on a
perfect balance. Men bringing protection against the outside world to women because of
their physical advantage, and women bringing internal peace to men, which will give them
both the stability that will make their common strength in a perfect virtuous circle. Besides,
God, in his infinite justice and wisdom, balanced this relationship as woman is originally
extracted from man, and afterwards all men are extracted from women.
In reality, our wives are the feminine version of ourselves, and we are the masculine version
of them. Man and woman are the same being declined in its feminine and masculine version,
complementing each other because of the specificity specific to each sex, in a perfect
symbiosis. So, there is no alleged superiority of men over women, this is an old lie from Satan
used to weaken our most intimate structure, that which makes our couple, in order to
collectively weaken men and women.
Satan actually wants to encourage discord on both sides, on the one hand by pushing men to
machismo as he did with the alleged guilt of Eve in the fall of men, on the other hand by
pushing women through feminism cultivating the myth of the tyranny of men and their
alleged superiority on women. Thus, the Devil makes men and women enemies for each
other, which results in the destruction of their entire household: husband, wife, and
On a general way, The Devil wants to create intimacy, hatred, and discord between all the
creatures of God, and for that, he pushes wives to rebel against their husbands, children
against their parents, subjects against their leaders, the poor against the rich, the young
against the old, etc. All means are good for Satan to sow discord in order to weaken the whole
of humanity.
The majority of males and females nowadays focus way too much on appearance, indeed,
most men and women nowadays care about their image more than anything to a point where
they are forced to put on a fake image just to go with the trend and stay recognized in a
society that is spiritually dead and empty on the inside, they keep following until they
become the same. Just go and take a look at any social media profile of an average person
either man or woman, you see a clean polished profile that does not have the slightest
mistake, if you only knew the reality, you would deeply understand how dangerous it has
become that most people either follow the so called “Influencers” or celebrities that create
trends, and this does not only apply to general influencers, but also to religious influencers
and scholars, even doctors and philosophers. The devil targets all mankind, and to be able to
achieve that, he puts an ambush for all kinds of people either religious, young, old, male,
female and whatever is there exists, every way has an ambush and if a human stay ignorant
just for the sake of living and moving on they will definitely fall into Satan’s trap and be like
the others because they do not even know his ways.
And if you obey most of those on earth, they will mislead you far away from Allah's Path.
They follow nothing but conjectures, and they do nothing but lie. (Quran S6: V116)
Or do you think that most of them hear or reason? They are not except like livestock. Rather,
they are [even] more astray in [their] way. (Quran S25: V44)
Friendships among Men and Women
Apart from relationships between spouses, God obviously authorizes man / woman
interactions as long as they do not exceed a certain limit, unlike the false rules invented by
our current society which are not far from prohibiting them completely. As long as there is
no perversion or bad thoughts and that we keep a certain distance and restraint, it is quite
possible for men and women to mix and even have a relationship of friendship. Doesn't Allah
say that believers are like brothers and sisters? If we have relations with the opposite sex
without any ambiguity, as between brothers and sisters, and if we know how to keep the
right distance and not enter the vague zone, namely, not to go into a game of seduction or to
have a proximity inappropriate, then one does not commit any sin with regard to the divine
law. Current Muslims and other religious extremists exaggerate in this area and outright
prohibit any male / female relationship apart from their spouse and their own family, while
Allah has never imposed such rule. In doing so, Muslims only lie to themselves and increase
their own hypocrisy, perversion, and frustration, and many of them secretly engage in
relationships with women that do not conform to their false Islamic rules and think no less
inside themselves. God forbids evil and allows good, what God forbids in male / female
relationships is perversion, seduction outside the couple, provocation through attitude and
the way of dressing, and relationships intimate out of wedlock, apart from that, it is
completely allowed to discuss and share good times together, to kiss each other on the
cheeks in greetings and goodbyes respectfully, to shake hands, to rub shoulders and to
appreciate the other sex without exceeding the limits from Allah. We all know within
ourselves when we are approaching the red line and entering the gray area, when it comes
to our relationships with the opposite sex. The one who fears Allah knows when to stop and
Allah is more than enough for him as a guardian, while the one who does not fear him, will
exceed the limits, and like many Muslims, will only seek to have the appearance of godliness,
by keeping himself hiding from others regardless of whether Allah sees it.
The Arabs are more hardened in disbelief and hypocrisy, and more inclined to disregard the
precepts that Allah revealed to His Messenger. And Allah is All-Knowing and Wise. (Quran
Avoid apparent or hidden sin, (for) those who acquire sin will be recompensed according to
what they have committed. (Quran S6:V120)
God commands women not to be too enterprising in their attitude and language towards men
who are not in their direct entourage, so that the perverts among them do not imagine
anything else and do not start being harassing or harassing them or want to hurt them. Some
women are too tactile and display an inappropriate closeness to men, and then marvel that
some men covet them or seek to hurt them after being turned away. For example, most of
the women who are raped or harassed are often the ones who tease men with their
inappropriate behavior and dress, and their harsh way of reframing unattractive men, and
one day end up falling on an imbalance which makes them pay a dear price.
O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any other woman. If you are pious, do not be too
complacent in your language, so that he with a sick heart [the hypocrite] does not covet you.
And hold a decent language. (Quran S33: V32)
It is better to keep a minimum of distance, so as not to sow temptation through ignorance
and so as not to get into trouble unintentionally.
Those who launch accusations against virtuous, inattentive (who do not realize the
perversion of men, and therefore who do not take precautions in their attitude) and believing
women are cursed here below as in the hereafter; and they will have a huge retribution,
(Quran S24: V23)
It is above all in the attitude and the way of dressing that everything is played. God commands
men and women to avoid insistent gazes on the opposite sex and to lower their eyes, and
women not to seek to seduce men by dressing provocatively or seeking to bring out more
than their already appearing natural beauty.
Tell the believers to lower their eyes and keep their chastity. That is purer for them. Allah is,
of course, Perfectly Acquainted with what they do. And tell the believers to lower their eyes,
to keep their chastity, and to show off their finery only what appears from it and that they
lower their veil over their breasts; and that they show their finery only to their husbands, or
to their fathers, or to the fathers of their husbands, or to their sons, or to the sons of their
husbands, or to their brethren, or to the sons of their brethren, or to the sons of their sisters,
or to Muslim women, or to the slaves they own, or to the helpless male servants, or to the
pre-pubescent boys who ignore all the hidden parts of women. And that they do not strike
with their feet so that one knows what they hide from their adornments. And repent all of
you before Allah, O believers, that you may reap success. (Quran S24: V30-31)
It is not the false hypocritical and deceptively modest rules of Muslims that will put an end
to perversion and temptation, the proof is, perversion is the greatest scourge that affects
Muslim countries, much more than in non-countries.
Most people nowadays either male or female give too much importance about how they look
in front of others just to be respected in this society rather than earning this respect. People
are so empty nowadays that they demand respect by using a fake image of themselves to get
that feeling of praise from others. This has destroyed all the real connections between man
and woman, as all men want to please women with fake personalities and promises and same
applies to women who arouse men by their appearance and their fake promises when both
of them in reality are empty from the inside and are only showing each other what they want
to show and hiding the reality within them.

What really protects against vice is rather piety and fear of God, but this is something that is
sorely lacking in Muslims in general, otherwise they would have long ago ceased their
transgression and denial and would have come out of their invented sectarian ways, to rally
the true way of Allah and obey what He has sent down.

O children of Adam! We have sent down on you a garment to hide your nakedness and which
serves as your plumage, even if the best of clothing remains that of piety. This is part of the
signs of Allah in the hope that they will be remembered. (Quran S7: V26)


Music and The Joy of Life

One of the most misconceptions in our current society when it comes to religion, is that music
is forbidden, it is not. Listening to music, enjoying a song that makes one happy, or feeling
better by expressing one's emotions are among the countless signs of God's greatness. You
may have never thought about how that simple track you may be listening to right now in
the background as you read this is a sign from your Lord for His existence and His majesty.
Why has He made instrument sounds, melodies, vocals, and lyrics so appealing to you? Have
you ever wondered how your brain doesn't need to interpret sounds as beautiful, (just feel
it), while other sounds like the sound of a train are unattractive? God has designed your brain
to appreciate certain sounds, such as the sound of your favorite song. What does He want to
show you? Why did He create this mechanism in you? And why did He give people the ability
to play and arrange such songs and bless them with a voice to sing that in turn pleases your
mind and evokes feelings such as positivity, optimism, or determination?
For most people who don't think deeply enough about their purpose in life, they simply enjoy
the blessings that are given to them but fail to identify them as God's blessings. Exactly how
I was in the past when I was a musician/DJ, indeed I never appreciated the blessing that God
gave me which is the ability to make my own music, which is one of the reasons I had to let
it go, that does not mean that I completely abandoned it, I still listen to it and I am open to
play and create at any time if I wanted to, but I don’t transgress it as I used to in the past as
it was beyond extreme with no appreciation to God at all. Indeed, as soon as I repented, I
wasn’t aware either if it was forbidden or not, but what I did was let go of everything I do at
that moment in order to let God show me what’s right and what’s wrong and decide what’s
good for me and what’s not, until he showed me that its not at all bad, but its how we use it
and what we listen to, he showed me the balance that I needed, and today I enjoy it like never
before, all praise and thanks to Allah, The most generous, the kindest.
The secrets of the above questions are all revealed in the Qur'an, the Revelation of our Lord.
The Creator of every detail we see and cannot see. Now let's meditate on what God wants
from us. Listening to music, your mood may change, and you start to feel euphoric. This is
great, but is that all what God wants? You may miss the main goal that God has set for you
while enjoying the effects of these frequencies.
The secret revealed in the Qur'an is that a believer not only enjoys, but he also needs to
identify things like his ability to hear with his ears. Of course, if we can't hear, that will be the
end of the favor.
Say, 'It is He who has brought you into being and made for you hearing, sight and
understanding, how little thanks you give!' (Qur'an 67:23)
The “cochlear”/cochlea inside your ear is filled with fluid. This fluid is vibrated by a collection
of bones connected to the eardrum. The different points in this snail-like structure are
triggered by different pitches of the sound.
Notice how the width of the cochlea increases towards the center. This reason is in line with
the reason why tapping a glass half full of a spoon makes a lower pitch sound compared to a
full glass. Without the frequency-detecting feature of the cochlea, there would be no highs
and lows in a song, and no music either.
In addition to the ability to hear, is the ability to interpret and have emotions in the sound of
musical instruments and singer’s voices. The sound is a stimulant that evokes various kinds
of emotions, such as hope, acceptance, feelings of elevation and good energy. So, the sense of
hearing alone is not enough to enjoy music, we need to be programmed to find sounds that
are pleasant and captivate those emotions. And this feature has been bestowed upon us (God
says, He has given us “hearing, seeing and understanding”, in the above verse).
The lyrics in a song also express emotions in our spoken language. Language is a very
complex way of communication, but as humans we can interpret it instantly.
“By the Most Merciful One, who taught the Qur'an. Who created man, and taught him
eloquent speech”? (Quran 55:1-4)
But there are many different languages that can all express the same thing. This is another
gift of God, multilingualism:
“And among His Signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the variations in your
languages and your colors: verily in that are Signs for those who know.” (Qur'an 30:22)
When a lyric or poem is sung melodiously, we find that the meaning in it sounds much
stronger than it sounds when it is read. This is an extraordinary phenomenon designed so
that we feel this way. There is no doubt that our ability to listen to a song is indeed a miracle
from God. These are some of Allah's favors to us which we cannot realize easily, but we are
surrounded by them. About this Allah says:
And (He has created) horses, mules, and donkeys, for you to ride and use for show; and He
has created (other) things of which you have no knowledge. (Qur'an 16:8)
Allah wants you to identify His blessings, whenever you listen to a song and feel happy,
excited, or calm, remember Allah, think of His favors on you and sincerely thank Him from
your heart, because He has designed these blessings & favors for you.
Worship Allah and be among the thankful. (Quran 39:66)
Believers who enjoy the feeling that Allah's blessings bring and are appreciative of Allah for
everything, no matter how small, then increase their devotion to Allah more and more, will
find the best reward in the Hereafter.
Those who are mindful of their Lord will have Gardens with rivers flowing under them,
remaining in them timelessly, forever: hospitality from Allah. What is with Allah is better for
those who are truly good. (Quran 3:198)
But a terrible end awaits those who enjoy the good things in the world and fail to identify
them as God's blessings. Enjoying music and songs without appreciating and thanking Allah
for giving the ability to enjoy them only adds to the record of bad deeds of unbelievers, but
for believers it is the opposite.
That is because you [disbeliever] wrongfully enjoyed and enjoyed on earth. Enter the gates
of Hell, there to remain – an evil home for the arrogant. (Qur'an 40:75-76)
And we shall reward the grateful ones.” (Qur'an 3:145), “Is Allah not best aware of the
grateful ones? (Qur'an 6:53)
We can enjoy blessings rightly, or wrongly enjoy them. In everything that pleases our minds,
we must immediately remember Allah and feel awe of Him.
People should love Allah sincerely in return for all the favors he has bestowed in any way or
form. Of course, we will never be able to identify everything that God has lovingly given us,
especially when those blessings are hidden. But believers are those who at least try to see
God in everything they have, do, and see and hear around them. In everything that pleases
their souls, they appreciate God more and more. After realizing that there must have been
many missed blessings that they could not identify, people should always thank Him for the
unknown blessings and seek forgiveness for their wrongdoings and be appreciative and
If you tried to number Allah's blessings, you could never count them. Allah is Ever-Forgiving,
Most Merciful. (Qur'an 16:18)
This is how even music or songs can increase the believer's love for his Creator and the desire
to follow His path, to behave well, serve Allah and learn from the Qur'an. The pleasures &
good feelings that arise in us must be turned into a way of giving thanks to Allah. As Prophet
Solomon said in the Qur'an:
And he (Prophet Solomon) said: 'Truly do I love the love of good, with a view to remember
my Lord. (Quran 38:32)
Music is only for us to glorify and praise Allah, all enjoyments are ultimately meaningless.
Any feeling evoked by music or any pleasure in its pure form is a chemical reaction in the
mind that involves the release of hormones like dopamine & serotonin. This gives the listener
a feeling of happiness and excitement with no logical reason. Research reveals that from
birth, humans are designed to enjoy music even though they don't fully understand it.
In this capsule called “life of the world”, a person only deceives his mind into positive feelings
about his life when there really are no worldly things that make him feel comfortable,
because in reality, life/time is spent enjoying those pleasures is pointless & meaningless and
will inevitably end. Therefore, music is a beautiful form of deception that is not much
different from the real reality of this world's life.
The life of this world is nothing but the enjoyment of delusion. (Quran 57:20)
Therefore, the first thing to understand from music or other pleasures is to understand why
God created it. To use it as a means to glorify God. To remember that he has the power to
create, and to give you a sense of pleasure or relaxation through it, the least we could do is
be thankful.
One should not take this feeling of comfort & goodness from music or other things as genuine
feelings to fill the empty spaces of one's life, as almost everyone does. The only correct way
to deal with it is to accept & realize the "emptiness of life" from those pleasures so as not to
sink too deep then fill it as much as possible by remembering Allah, identifying and being
grateful for the blessings from Him, reflect on Allah's Revelations, the Qur'an, and if possible,
take lessons from those pleasures, in order to become a better human being, because only
those actions can “give meaning” to the pleasures of life.
A Peaceful life of a True Believer
It is stated in the Qur'an that whoever believes in Allah and does good deeds, whether male
or female, Allah will make them live a good life in this world. This is the promise of Allah in
Surah An-Nahl, Verse 97. Based on this verse, we will briefly see how true believers are saved
from the misery and futility of the daily life of the masses, and get a good, peaceful life in this
world, which is promised by Allah.
To whoever, male or female, does good deeds and has faith, we shall give a good life and
reward them according to the best of their actions. (Quran S16: V97)
A believer is one who has absolute belief in the existence of Allah and the Last Day. In every
moment of his life, his unique goal is to gain the pleasure of Allah. He knows he has to account
for every moment of his life. Unlike the others, he is aware that the purpose of his creation
was to worship & serve Allah by always trying to do what is right and avoiding the bad & evil,
and by fulfilling the rules & recommendations of the Qur'an. Therefore, the believer never
worries about what other people think of him, because his goal is not to please people, but
Allah. He always tries to do what is right, regardless of the people around him, out of fear and
love for Allah, and awareness of the afterlife. He is not too moved by other people's
perception of him because what really matters is the pleasure of Allah. Most ignorant people
worry about what others will think of them, but believers have no such worries, and their
actions are always sincere.
Say, 'My Lord, make my entrances to all affairs sincere, and make my departures sincere,
grant me lasting authority from your presence'. (Qur'an 17:80)
Another way believers achieve peace even during difficult times is as follows. He knows that
everything happens to him according to Allah's destiny for him. When he faces problems big
or small, he accepts that it is a destiny created by Allah and thus remains calm and patient.
Therefore, he retains his mental resources in a crisis or difficult situation and comes up with
an appropriate solution to the problem.
Say, 'only what Allah has decreed for us will happen to us. He is our Master: let the believers
put their trust in Allah. (Qur'an 9:51)
A Believer have no attachment to this world. His emotional separation from the world is
manifested in the fact that, if necessary, he would surrender his life in the way of Allah at any
time. Because he was willing to give up his life for Allah, all kinds of material wealth or other
favors taken from him would not make him lose balance in life. It is Allah who has given
everything, and it is Allah who has the right to take it whenever He wills. They "made peace"
with that fact. On the other hand, disbelievers or those who have doubts, can suffer from
depression, or even commit suicide after losing their possessions or loved ones.
There is no creature on earth which is not dependent on Allah for its provision. He knows
where it lives and where it dies. It is all in a clear book. (Qur'an 11:6)
The basic reason why other people lead restless lives compared to true believers is because
all their actions and thoughts in life do not carry the right motivation and intentions. Allah
created humans so that they could worship & serve Him. This worship is defined in the
Qur'an as covering every moment in one's life. This means that a believer should always aim
to serve Allah at all times by seeking and performing all acts purely for the pleasure of Allah.
Doing everything for the pleasure of Allah is the right intention and motive for everything in
life. The person who lives most of his life not according to Allah's purpose in creation, only
prepares for his troubles in this world and painful torments in the hereafter.
Such is the punishment (in this world), but the punishment of the Hereafter is even greater,
if only they knew. (Qur'an 68:33)
Death is when a person begins his life in the afterlife. For disbelievers, death is the end of this
life, a life in which they have desperately tried to find eternal happiness. The thought of death
alone fills them with fear, despair, and sadness because for them, death brings the absolute
end to everything and the beginning of the gloomy 'nothingness'. The believers, on the other
hand, have lived their lives seeking Allah's approval and waiting for heaven. They always
seek God's forgiveness and mercy. Death is the moment that believers look forward to,
because in the end, we will all die and nobody knows when their time is, and everyone should
be prepared.
Every soul will taste death. It is on the Day of Judgement that you shall be paid your rewards
in full. So, whoever has been kept away from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has really
succeeded. The worldly life is nothing but an ILLUSIONARY ENJOYMENT. (Quran 3:185)
When a believer overcomes the greatest source of fear and anxiety, death, all other stresses,
and anxieties become trivial. Every moment can only be a way to better conform to the moral
values of the Qur'an and draw closer to Allah.
The believer enjoys self-confidence and gets pleasure from Allah in the favors and good
things that Allah has in store for him. Having absolute trust in Allah, he is a very confident,
yet humble person. This belief is most evident in his strong sense of what is right and wrong,
his desire to do good, and in inviting others to follow this noble path described by the Creator
of man in the Qur'an.
But when the righteous are asked, 'What has your Lord sent down?' They say, 'all that is
good'. There is good in the world for those who do good, and the abode of the Hereafter is
even better. How excellent is the home of the righteous!” (Quran 16:30)
Sins, Trials & Forgiveness
Sadly, most people do not heed the slightest invitation to good or righteousness and only
incline to what is destructive for their souls. Every time I speak about God or the religion of
God or the books and the wisdom of God, they immediately either change the topic or show
no interest at all, I can’t deny that I was once in the same position, and it shivers my heart
when I remember myself in that sense, I thank God every single day for guiding me towards
him and pulling me out from a society that is leading itself to its own destruction and
madness. And I also thank God for making me go through all what I went through in my life
in order to be able to differentiate between evil and good. I promise whoever read this book,
that whatever sins you have committed, no matter how many, no matter how bad or major,
if you truly turn to God with a sincere heart, he will forgive you for everything and teach you
all the wisdom you need in order to survive and pass this test if you truly put in the effort
and prove that you are trustworthy to him. 2 years ago I had no knowledge of anything at all,
neither from the Quran, Torah, Gospel or anything related to God, in fact I barely knew how
to read Arabic and have only read the Quran few times in my life and almost lost hope at
some point, but it was God who taught me all what I know now, and gave me the ability to
understand his books, his wisdom, his divine inspiration.
Without him, I was in deep error and deviation and was almost at the edge of losing myself.
All humans were created inclining to sin, but only to become better people because of their
patience and effort to fix the errors that God has shown them in themselves.
Take the case of Jonah who did not want to warn his people and failed in his divine mission,
God then made him get swallowed by a whale and he would have remained there until the
Day of Resurrection if God had not saved him, out of pure mercy on his part, to accept his
repentance with regard to his past faith and devotion.
Jonah was certainly one of the Messengers. (When he fled to the crowded boat, He took part
in the draw which designated him to be thrown [overboard]. The fish swallowed him when
he was blameworthy. If he had not been Among those who glorify Allah, he would have
remained in his womb until the day when he was resurrected. We threw him on the bare
ground, as uneasy as he was. And We made a squash plant grow above him, and then sent
him as a prophet to a hundred thousand men or more. They believed, and we gave them
enjoyment of life for a time. (Quran 37: V139-148)
Also take the case of the prophet Muhammad who was repeatedly tried to alter what was
revealed to him from the Koran under the insistent pressure of the power of his clan. If he
had acted, he would then have received an exemplary sentence and would have ended up
They almost turned you away from what We revealed to you, [hoping] that instead of this,
you are making up something else and (imputing it) to Us. And then they would have taken
you as a close friend. And if We hadn’t firmed you up, you would have almost bowed a little
towards them. Then, we would certainly have made you taste the double [torture] of life and
the double [torture] of death; and then you wouldn’t have found a helper against Us. (Quran
17: V73-75)
It’s a revelation from the Lord of the Universe. And if he had forged a few words that they
attributed to Us, we would have seized him with the right hand, then, we would have cut his
aorta, and none of you could have served him as a bulwark. (Quran S69:V43-47)
Also take the case of the prophet Joseph, if God had not strengthened him, he would have
succumbed without the slightest doubt to the advances of his master’s wife, because their
love was in reality reciprocal. This shows that the messengers can also be subject to personal
failures and are not devoid of flaws.
The woman who had received him in her house tried to seduce him. And she closed the doors
tightly and said, “Come, (I’m ready for you!)” – He said: “May Allah protect me!” It’s my
master who gave me a good asylum. Truly the unjust do not succeed”. And she was in love
with him, and he was in love with her, and would have succumbed if he had not seen the
Evidence of his Lord, in this way we have removed evil and turpitude from him. He was
certainly one of Our elected servants. (Quran S12:V23-24)
The more God gives knowledge and brings his servants closer to him, the more God is
demanding and the harsher sentence for those who fail, like any monarch who would take a
close adviser in whom he would put all his confidence, any betrayal at this level of proximity
inevitably involves a punishment proportional to the confidence which was granted. A close
adviser to the King who betrays his King obviously does not receive the same punishment as
a simple man of the people who does the same. Even if the sentence for both is death,
however, both will not receive the same death. Likewise, traitors to God, whether they are
close to God as Satan was or simply lost from the crowd, will share the same fate in hell,
although they will not occupy the same place there.
It is like a child who, as a minor, receives a light punishment for his faults, because he does
not fully realize the scope of his acts, whereas for the same fault an adult would pay the high
price. In terms of justice, the same crime does not have the same gravity depending on its
circumstances and its perpetrator, there are what are called mitigating and aggravating
circumstances. It is therefore quite normal that for the same fault, the close ones that are the
messengers of God pay a higher price than the others because of the knowledge and the
proofs that they get from Allah, and that the others do not have. However, God strengthens
them so that they are better protected from temptation and error, but that does not make
them automata or saints, and they still remain fallible men.
However, this does not make God a tyrant who does not tolerate the slightest deviation, as
Satan spreads about him. On the contrary, God passes on most of our faults and lets them fall
on us only as an alert, to give us a chance to reform ourselves and learn from our mistakes
before it is too late for us, because death can approach anyone at any moment of their life
without them knowing.
Any misfortune that affects you is due to what your hands have acquired. And He forgives a
lot. (Quran S42:V30)
In reality, there is nothing that God cannot forgive, not even the greatest of sins, as long as it
is followed by sincere repentance.
Say, “O My servants, who have done excess to your detriment, do not despair of the mercy of
Allah. For Allah forgives all sins. Yes, He is the Forgiver, the Most Merciful. (Quran S39:V53)
The Devil accuses God of being an autocratic and intolerant tyrant, but the Devil has never
asked God for forgiveness for his faults, so he is not in good position to lay such an accusation.
For, forgiveness is reserved for those who fully recognize their wrongs and show sincere
repentance, and not for those who persist in their denial and only further push their crimes.
For these, only the gallows can stop them in their criminal course. God forgives all sins; this
does not mean that there is not a price to pay. Just as a criminal must go to prison before
being rehabilitated for his crimes, true repentance therefore implies that, in addition to
never repeating our fault, to accept God’s sentence with good grace whatever it may be.
Didn’t God forgive his prophet David (Dawud) despite his horrible crime of having slept with
Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, and of having deliberately sent him to certain death, when God
had him granted women by the hundreds?
And did you hear the news of the disputants when they climbed the wall of the sanctuary!
When they entered David, he was frightened. They said, “Don’t be afraid! We are both in
dispute; one of us hurt the other. So, judge in all fairness between us, do not be unfair and
guide us towards the right path. This is my brother: he has ninety-nine sheep, while I only
have one sheep. He said, “Give it to me” and in the conversation he put a lot of pressure on
me.” He [David] said, “He was certainly unjust to you in asking to join your sheep with his
sheep.” Many people infringe the rights of their associates, except those who believe and do
good works – however they are rare. And David thought then that We had put him to the test.
So, he asked forgiveness from his Lord and fell prostrating and repented. We forgave him. He
will have a place close to Us and a beautiful refuge. (Quran S38:V21-25)
One evening David got up from his bed; and, as he was walking on the roof of the royal house,
he perceived from there a woman who was bathing, and who was very beautiful. David asked
who this woman was, and they said to him, Is it not Bathsheba, daughter of Eliam, wife of
Uriah, the Hittite? And David sent people to look for her. She came to him, and he slept with
her. After cleansing herself of her defilement, she returned to her house. This woman became
pregnant, and made David say, I am pregnant. (Samuel 2: Chapter 11 Verses 2-5)
The next morning, David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it through Uriah. He wrote in this
letter: Place Uriah at the height of the battle, and withdraw from him, that he may be struck
and die. Joab, besieging the city, placed Uriah in the place he knew was defended by valiant
soldiers. The men of the town made an exit and fought against Joab; many fell among the
people, among the servants of David, and Uriah the Hittite was also killed. (Samuel 2 Chapter
11 Verses 14-17)
Despite this abominable crime in many ways, which in the eyes of every man would seem
unforgivable and punishable by death, God neither took David’s life nor disowned him as a
messenger. God certainly severely punished David up to the gravity of his sin, but God still
accepted his sincere repentance and kept him in his position.
Why then did you despise the word of the Lord by doing what is evil in his eyes? You struck
the sword Uriah, the Hittite; you took his wife to make her your wife, and you killed him with
the sword of the children of Ammon. Now the sword will never go away from your house
because you despised me, and because you took Uriah’s wife, the Hittite, to make her your
wife. Thus, saith God, Behold, I will bring evil from you out of your house, and I will take your
own wives before your eyes to give them to another, who will sleep with them at the sight of
this sun. For you acted in secret; and I will do this in the presence of all Israel and in the face
of the sun. David said to Nathan, I have sinned against the Lord! And Nathan said to David,
The Lord will forgive your sin; you will not die. But because you have made the enemies
blaspheme against the Lord by doing this, the son who was born to you will die. (Samuel 2
Chapter 12 Verses 9-14)
As they were on their way, rumor came to David that Absalom had killed all the king’s sons,
and that not a single one had remained. The king got up, tore his clothes, and lay down on
the ground; and all his servants were there, their clothes torn. Jonadab, son of Schimea,
brother of David, spoke and said: Let not my lord think that all the young men, the king’s
sons, were killed, because Amnon alone died; and it is the effect of a resolution of Absalom,
since the day when Amnon dishonored Tamar, his sister. Let the king my lord not torment
himself therefore in the idea that all the king’s sons are dead, because Amnon alone is dead
…. Absalom had fled, and he went to Talmaï, son of Ammihur, king of Gueschur. And David
cried his son every day (Amnon). (Samuel 2 Chapter 13 Verses 30-33 & 37)
Absalom says to Achitophel: Consult together; what do we have to do? And Achitophel said
to Absalom, go to the concubines that your father (David) left to keep the house; so all Israel
will know that you have made yourselves hateful to your father, and the hands of all who are
with you will be strengthened. A tent was put up for Absalom on the roof, and Absalom went
to his father’s (David) concubines, in the eyes of all Israel. (Samuel 2 Chapter 16 Verses 20-
Joab says: I will not stop by you! And he took in hand three javelins and thrust them into the
heart of Absalom still full of life in the middle of the terebinth. Ten young men, bearing Joab’s
arms, surrounded Absalom, struck him, and killed him …. Then the king (David), overcome
with emotion, went up to the room above the door and wept. He said while walking: My son
Absalom! my son, my son Absalom! Why am I not dead in your place! Absalom, my son, my
son! (Samuel 2 Chapter 18 Verses 14-15 & 33)
Thus, David lost in this story three sons and suffered the affront that one of his sons, Absalom,
betrayed him through a coup and slept with his wives in public, thus realizing the sentence
that God had pronounced against him. However, God is not so unjust as to punish the sons of
David for the crime of their father. In reality, the sons of David died only because of their own
As severe as his sentence was, David fully accepted it without complaining and did not rebel
against God at all, but on the contrary, he expressed real repentance and proved it over time
and through deeds. In reality, this crime that David committed represents a benefit for him,
because God thus brought out the evil which still resided in him and completed his healing
on him and made him one of His close servants.
We forgave him. he will have a place close to Us and a beautiful refuge. (Quran S38:V25)
For, apart from this crime, the prophet David was exemplary and praiseworthy in every way
and worked for God during his life more than most men put together. So don’t focus on the
one crime he’s been guilty of, but rather take an example from his repentance and praise the
excellent man he ultimately became. God shows us through his example that as great as our
sins may be, as unforgivable as we can judge them, if we accept God’s sentence without
flinching and take note of it by showing sincere repentance, then God will not only forgive us
of our sins but will replace them with good deeds.
Except the one who repents, believes, and does a good work; those Allah will turn their bad
deeds into good deeds, and Allah is Forgiving and Merciful (Quran S25:V70)
This is demonstrated by the fact that God replaced the dead baby he had illegitimately with
Bathsheba, the woman he stole from Uriah, and gave him through her Solomon, who will be
his successor and become the greatest King ever in the world. God therefore shows us
concretely how he replaced the evil that affected David into good, because he accepted his
sentence and became a better man through this episode.
David consoled Bathsheba, his wife, and he went to her and slept with her. She bore a son,
whom he called Solomon, and who was loved by the Lord. (Samuel 2 Chapter 12 Verses 24)
So those who have lost a child shall not feel sorry for themselves and shall not think that they
are martyrs but shall follow the example from David and realize that their loss is due only to
their own misdeeds and shall rather ask forgiveness from God and make amends. Because, if
they do not recognize their wrongs and do not put an end to them, then their loss would
serve for nothing if not to make them suffer all the rest of their lives and to aggravate their
case in the eyes of Allah. These people should rather use this hardship to elevate themselves
and become better men, and then God will erase their grief and compensate them for their
loss. Any harm that affects you comes from your own actions. Either you can use it to reform
and elevate yourself by learning the appropriate lessons, or you can choose to persist in your
denial and injustice, and thus make your case worse and therefore expect to receive even
more harm on you. We are all bound to make mistakes during our earthly ordeal, we are all
there to learn, whoever follows David’s example and knows how to learn from his mistakes
will come out of it. While the one who learns nothing from his mistakes, who does not repent
to God, and who does not accept God’s sentence, this one will only receive more and more
harm on him, until his final destruction.
Do not despair of God’s salvation
Did not God forgive the prophet Jonah (Younis) for having condemned his people in advance
by disobeying His Order to go and warn them on the pretext that their case was hopeless?
The word of the Lord came to Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, the great
city, and cry out against it! for its wickedness has risen to me. And Jonah arose to flee to
Tarsis, far from the face of the Lord. He went down to Japho, and found a ship going to Tarsis;
he paid the cost of transportation and set sail to go with the passengers to Tarsis, far from
the face of the Lord. (Jonah Chapter 1 Verses 1-3)
God gave him a lesson, and to all of humanity as well, by initially condemning him to remain
alive in the belly of the whale until the Day of Resurrection, in order to show us all the gravity
of such an act that to despair of His Mercy and to condemn people in advance without giving
them a chance to catch up.
The fish swallowed him when he was blameworthy. If he had not been among those who
glorify Allah, he would have remained in its womb until the day of resurrection. (Quran
But God then forgave him and made him realize that the injustice that lives in us is not
inevitable, and that we can fight against it and succeed in getting rid of it even in the most
desperate cases. We can spend our lives fighting our sins without succeeding, because it is
not, we who can overcome our sins, but only God who can end them, provided that we fully
recognize our wrongs and our limits and persist in resisting them until God saves us. The
more a sin persists, the greater the lesson to be learned for us and therefore requires decades
of learning to fully realize its evil. No matter how many times we fail, we must never stop
fighting our sins, varying the techniques to resist them, and trying to understand what drives
us to commit them, until the lesson is fully assimilated, and that God definitely take us away
from them.

We must try to get out of the fog of sin until God dissipates it
Indeed, God illustrated this lesson to us by making that the ONLY ever warned people who
took note of their warning, thus narrowly escaping their destruction, is precisely the only
people whose situation was so desperate that even their prophet (Jonah/Younis) did not
see fit to warn them and condemned them in advance. This story shows that one should
never despair of God’s mercy.
If only there were, apart from the people of Jonah, a city that believed and to which their
beliefs then benefited! When they believed, we took away the chastisement of ignominy in
this life and gave them enjoyment for a while. (Quran S10:V98)
Didn’t God forgive Prophet Job (Ayoub) who thought he was pure and refused to see his
own injustice, until he ended up blaming it on God, demanding from Him that He give him
an account of His Judgment?

Job could not realize for himself why God inflicted such a punishment on him, God ended up
sending him, out of pure mercy on his part, an angel in human form to make him realize his
injustice and thus to allow him to repent.
(Elihou, the angel in human form sent by God addresses Job)
You said before me, and I heard the sound of your words, “I am pure, without sin, I am clean
and free from fault. However, God makes pretexts against me, and he considers me his
enemy: he has put my feet in shackles, and he watches all my steps. In that, you are not right,
let me tell you, because God is much greater than man. Why are you suing Him? He is not
accountable for any of his actions. (Job Chapter 33 Verses 8-13)
Here is what Job said: “I am in my right, but God refuses me justice. While I am fair I pass for
a liar. I am pierced with arrows without having committed any sin. Also, listen to me, you
who are sensible: it is inconceivable that God does evil, and that the Almighty practices
injustice, because he returns to each man according to what he has done, and he treats each
according to his attitude. Oh, no in truth, God never does wrong, never the Almighty distorts
justice. (Job: Chapter 34 Verses 5-6 and 10-12)
Elihou continued by saying: Do you think you are in your right when you affirm: “Yes, I am
just in the eyes of God!” “? And you add: “What is the use of avoiding sin then?” And: “How
can God benefit from it?” (Job Chapter 5 Verses 1-3)
Then the Lord asked Job: Does anyone who sues the Almighty have anything to criticize?
Does anyone who disputes with God have anything to answer? (Job Chapter 40 Verses 1-2)
God wants to show us that it is not because we do not realize our own injustices and that we
sincerely think we are good men, that means it is truly the case. If even a prophet of God like
Job could not be lucid about himself, then this is even more valid for the common man. The
true believer is one who constantly blames himself for his mistakes and begs God every day
to enlighten him about his injustices which he cannot perceive by his own. When I talk to
people, everyone sees themselves as flawless and refuses to heed the least criticism. What
interest for God to make the innocent suffer?
What interest in Allah to make you suffer if you are grateful and have faith? Allah is grateful
and all-knowing. S4:V147
Whoever suffers a misfortune must immediately seek the cause in himself and keep a low
profile, because misfortune falls only on the one who commits evil. So do not add revolt
against God to your fault, but rather ask God to show you what you do not perceive of your
own evil.
Let a man say to God, “I have had my retribution, I will no longer be guilty. What I haven’t
seen, You, let me know. If I made mistakes, I won’t do it again” (Job Chapter 34 Verses 31-32)
He who is open to criticism and knows how to recognize his wrongs is the one who obtains
a healing from God, and the misfortune which touches him will then turn into a benefit.
And Job, recall what time he cried unto his Lord: verily hurt hath touched me, and Thou art
the Most Merciful of the merciful. So, we answered him, and We removed that which was
with him of the hurt, and We vouchsafed unto him his household and the like thereof along
with them, as a mercy from us and a remembrance unto the worshippers. (Quran S21:V83-

Knowledge Implies Responsibility

Just as God’s messengers & prophets are judged more severely on the basis of their
knowledge, this rule actually applies to everyone. So be warned that if you ask God for
Knowledge and Wisdom, and God gives you a share of it, then you will have to take
responsibility and expect to be judged more severely for your actions.
There are not many of you who want to become teachers because, my dear brothers and
sisters, as you know, we will be judged more severely. (Jacques Chapter 3 Verse 1)
Those who demand knowledge must be fully aware of the new responsibilities that come
with it. It is therefore up to each one to gauge what he is ready to assume, and not to ask too
much from God to not get into trouble. It is like the one who on this Earth seeks to reach the
summits, this one must be aware that the more he climbs, the more violent will be his fall if
he turns out not to be up to par. The best choice is to simply let God choose for us, and always
be content with what God gives us, and have for only prayer as asking God to make us please
Him. In which case, God will give us adequate knowledge according to our advancement, and
God Himself will determine our pace of learning. God is our teacher and knows better than
us what we need, so it is better to surrender completely between His Expert Hands and let
him decide everything for us, then all that remains for us to do is to implement what He
inspires us and to be thankful for what He gives us. Knowledge has an interest only if it is to
please God, whoever seeks knowledge for a different purpose is only running to his own loss,
like Faust who sought knowledge for his own prestige and who ended up losing his soul.
It is also necessary to be in an active approach to acquire the knowledge of God and to
provide the necessary efforts to assimilate them and to implement them on one’s own life.
Today, most people are not in this approach and are content to live as ignorant, and for the
few who seek to acquire knowledge, it is not with God that they will seek it or in His
Scriptures, but with false scholars as I have mentioned in the first chapters and in pseudo-
religious books devoid of any real science or reason.
The Major problem in our society is that people don’t strive for knowledge anymore, either
its about God or anything else, nobody likes to read and learn anything, I am not saying the
one must read all day, but we all know what most people do in their free time, either back-
to-back Netflix series, browsing on social media for hours, creating useless Tiktok videos and
many more. They don’t realize that it’s the devil who pushes them to do such things in order
to waste their time and keep them blind. Because the fact that they are entangled in the
Devil’s trap without even realizing it is only the visible sign of their deep injustice, their lack
of fear of God, their lack of consideration for Him relegating Him to the very last rank in their
list of priorities, their ignoble ingratitude towards Him in spite of His innumerable benefits
on them, and their complete disloyalty and unfaithfulness, adopting all kinds of guides apart
from Him. Most people in this world turn away from God, and to do what instead?
To run blindfolded in all the traps that the Devil sets for them, to indulge in all forms of
triviality without ever turning to what raises them, to seek all the means of laughing and
partying without ever showing proof of gravity and seriousness, to be brutalized by content
devoid of interest without ever seeking to leave their ignorance, to rush to all the novelties
that are emerging in the hope of filling their immeasurable emptiness, to push their vices
always further , their injustices and transgressions, without ever questioning or repenting,
to indulge in their miserable daily life without ever turning to God, to voraciously gorging
themselves on the benefits which God bestows on them without ever being satisfied or
grateful, to turn away from the signs that God sends them without ever attaching to them the
slightest importance.
I am not saying one should not engage in activities and enjoy their life, yes you definitely
should enjoy all of these blessings that God gave you, but as long as these things don’t push
you away from God and make you forget his remembrance because the moment you do is
the moment you start crossing the limit and transgressing and sinning without realizing it.
Do whatever you want to do, as long as your respect the limits that God gave you and
appreciate all of it and be grateful for it, then you are good.
Satan said, "Because You have put me in error, I will surely sit in wait for them [i.e., mankind]
on Your straight path. Then I will come to them from before them and from behind them and
on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them grateful to You. (Quran
This is the sad condition of the vast majority of people in this world today, and I do not
exaggerate their proportion in any way, as was also the case for all previous generations of
Noah, Ad, Thamud, Madyan, Pharaoh, Lot. In fact, our situation is even worse than those
before us because they have crossed the limits beyond bounds transgressing everything in
…and eat and drink without going to excesses. For Allah does not like those who
transgress. (Quran 7:31)
He gave you livestock for work and for meat, so eat whatever God has provided you. Do
not follow in Satan's footsteps: he is your sworn enemy. (Quran 6:142)

Where is the morality? The modesty? The nobleness? Self-Respect? People have truly lost
their minds, God created us in the most honorable manner and above all other creatures for
us to reach to this level? It’s truly shameful.
And We have certainly honored the children of Adam and carried them on the land and sea
and provided for them of the good things and preferred them over much of what We have
created, WITH [DEFINITE] PREFERENCE. (Quran 17:70)

Don’t people realize that they have made other humans like them, Gods?
In reality, there are 2 categories of people, the Satanist elites and the masses who serve as
their followers, are exactly the same kind of people, except that some have managed to gain
the upper hand over the others who accepted to be led by them.
And if you could see when the unrighteous will stand before their Lord, speaking to one
another! Those who let themselves be led will say to those who served as leaders: “Without
you, we would certainly have been believers”. Those who served as leaders will say to those
who were led, “Did we push you back from the right direction after it came to you? In reality,
you were already criminals.” (Quran S34:V31-32)
Evil is that for which they sell their souls: that they should disbelieve in that which Allah hath
revealed, grudging that Allah should reveal of His bounty unto whom He will of His slaves.
They have incurred anger upon anger. For disbelievers is a shameful doom. (Quran 2:90)
All of the above have taken Pharaoh, one of the most arrogant humans and an enemy of God
as a model taking themselves as Gods, and the majority are following them and taking them
as idols, being their number one fans, listening to their false guidance and copying their
attitudes. I have literally mentioned only a few, there are millions of others in all categories
and ranks that people are following blindly. All these illuminati, Masons, Devil worshippers
are indeed the same as the people of Pharaoh in the past.

But he [Pharaoh] denied and disobeyed. Then he turned his back, striving, then he turned his
back, striving, and said, "I am your most exalted lord." (Quran 79:21-24)

And Pharaoh said, "O eminent ones, I have not known you to have a God other than me.
Then ignite for me, O Haman, a fire upon the clay and make for me a tower (The Current
Pyramids) that I may look at the God of Moses. And indeed, I do think he is among the liars.
(Quran 28:38)
So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who succeed you a sign. And
indeed, MANY AMONG THE PEOPLE, of Our signs, are HEEDLESS. (Quran V10:92)

Indeed, most people today serve the pyramid without even realizing it

I really hope that you got all the benefits you need from the above, in fact it is not everything
and only highlights and I am always happy and open to share all the knowledge that I have
learned from God at any time, any moment without any limit. I know in some parts it was
harsh, but sometimes it is necessary to point out the truth out loud for people to actually
reflect and open their mind and actually question themselves and their ways life, otherwise,
they are prone to lose forever, but they will only realize it when it’s too late.

And brought [within view], that Day, is Hell - that Day, man will remember, but how [i.e.,
what good] to him will be the remembrance? He will say, "Oh, I wish I had sent ahead [some
good] for my life (Quran 89:23-24)

Trust me, the religion of God is not at all hard, its pure, perfect, adaptable to all kinds of
people, you do not need to change who you are as a person, remain the same person you are
to others, be kind and humble but remain within the limits of God by following his rules and
not the rules of the current sects which only cause burdens and issues rather than peace and

Yes, you will go through hard times even after you repent, you will go through trials of
extreme pain and hardship, but these are all essential for your growth, spiritual elevation,
and faith. Indeed, all the prophets of God who are known to be the closest to God faced
extremely harsh trials, but it did not lead them to lose hope in God or lose their faith but even
strengthened it more and made them better people, God will test us to bring out all the evil
inside us to show us where we went wrong in order for us to fix it and become better versions
of ourselves and spiritually elevate. God clearly said that with all hardships, there will be
ease, so we should put our full trust in him that no matter what happens in our life, is for the
better and that God loves us and wants to bring us closer to him in return that we remain
faithful and not lose hope during hard times.

Do you think that you will enter Paradise while you have not yet been visited by (difficult)
circumstances like those that were faced by the people who passed away before you? They
were afflicted by hardship and suffering, and were so shaken down that the prophet, and
those who believed with him, started saying: “When (will come) the help of Allah?” (Then,
they were comforted by the Prophet who said to them) ‘Behold, the help of Allah is near.’
(Quran 2:214)

And We will surely test you with something of fear and hunger and a loss of wealth and lives
and fruits, but give good tidings to the patient, (Quran 2:155)

May God bless you and guide you unto a straight path of peace and honor, A.M

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