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“The connection has failed” error in OBIEE 11g Admin tool

Got the “The connection has failed” error while trying to import database tables into repository (.rpd) using OCI call

1. Copy the tnsnames.ora from Oracle Database home (ORACLE_HOME\NETWORK\ADMIN\) to the following

o \OracleBI1\network\admin (Example: C:\OBI\Oracle_BI1\network\admin)

o \oracle_common\network\admin (Example: C:\OBI\oracle_common\network\admin)

2. Set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable value with one of the copied locations in the step 1 in user.cmd
or file depending on your OS. This file will be found under
\instances\instance1\bifoundation\OracleBIApplication\coreapplication\setup (Example :


Hi Usman,

Please check the following notes:

Note 1296370.1-OBI 11g Client Admin Tool Connection To Datasource In Offline Mode Fails With Error "The Connection
has failed"  
Note 1234535.1-Connection has failed error message when doing view data in OBIEE 11g rpd.
Note 1322160.1-OBIEE Client tool 32 bit install: The Connection Has Failed 
Note 1186365.1-Import Metadata Obiee 11g 

Hope this helps!

Thanks and Regards,


OBIEE 11g Client Admin Tool Connection To Datasource In Offline Mode Fails With Error "The
Connection Has Failed" [ID 1296370.1] worked for me.

2. For the Admin Tool installed with the new standalone installer:

2.2. Please edit the file %OBIEE_Client_Home%\\oraclebi\orahome\bifoundation\server\bin\bi_init.bat to

set %ORACLE_HOME%\bin as first entry in the PATH.

2.3. Please add TNS_ADMIN entry to the bi_init.bat file to point to your Oracle client tnsnames.ora home
directory path.

set TNS_ADMIN=C:\oracle\product\11.2.0\client_1\network\admin
NOTE:  While connecting from your standalone BI Admin Tool client in online mode, the Admin Tool will
use the TNSNAMES.ORA file on the BI server.  Ensure that your connection pool has the correct entries
for your Oracle DB and that the TNSNAMES.ORA file on the BI server has the corresponding TNS entry.

You may instead use the short format for database connection string in the Data Source Name field e.g.


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