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NAME: DAMIAN, Belle Kimberly C.

Activity #11


3. Use the resource below to answer the questions that follow.
A. What percentage of the air is nitrogen? How is nitrogen removed from the air?
B. What contributes nitrogen to the soil? What happens to soil nitrites?
C. How is nitrogen released from the soil?
D. Why this is called the nitrogen cycle?


A. 78%.
Nitrogen fixation by N fixing bacteria in the soil and in the root nodules of legumes.
B. Nitrogen is added to soil naturally from N fixation by soil bacteria and legumes and through
atmospheric deposition in rainfall. Additional N is typically supplied to the crop by fertilizers,
manure, or other organic materials.
Bacteria change nitrite in the soil to atmospheric nitrogen, which joins the atmosphere. Turns
urea fertilizers and manures on the soil surface into gases that also join the atmosphere.
C. There are two steps process. First, specialized soil bacteria covert ammonia and ammonium in
soil to nitrite ions which are absorbed by plants. Then, the plants can form amino acids, proteins,
and vitamins.
D. Because nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth’s Atmosphere. It makes 78% of the
troposphere. And this cannot be absorbed directly by the plants and animals until it is converted
into compounds they can use. This process is called the Nitrogen Cycle.

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