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Name: ______________________ Date: _________ Score _________


INSTRUCTION: Write all the given then solve the following problems. Round off your final
answers to the nearest hundredths.

1. A stone is dropped from a height of 25 meters. a) How long will it take for the stone to
hit the ground? b) What velocity does it have when it hits the ground?

2. A ball is thrown vertically upward and returns to its starting point 20 seconds later. Find
its a) initial velocity; b) the maximum height it has reached.

3. A stone is released from rest at a height of 122.5 m. a) What is its velocity after 2
seconds? b) How many seconds will it take for the stone to reach the ground; and c) With
what velocity will it hit the ground?
4. A ball reaches the ground in 5 seconds. a) From what height in meters was it dropped? b)
What would be its final velocity? c) How far has it fallen in the last second of its travel?

5. The acceleration of gravity at the surface of Mars is 3.7 m/s 2. If a stone is thrown upward
in Mars reaches a height of .01 km. Find its a) initial speed; b) the total time of flight; and
c) its location after 1.5 sec.

6. A stone is tossed upward at the moment a ball is dropped from a height of 25 meters. The
stone’s initial velocity is 25 m/s. At what height will the two meet?

7. Two balls are dropped from different heights. One is dropped 5 seconds after the other,
but they both strike the ground at the same time, 5 seconds after the second ball is
dropped. a) What is the difference in height from which they were dropped? b) From
what height was the first ball dropped?

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