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20 1 Passe of Carp aries Thr Mater 13 Rutherford Scattering 13.1 Derivation of Scattering Formula Here we are concerned with the A masie cn of assed tobe cent dicted alt pit nthe cen of cot parle. Rar supon at ate mest hare and hence practi al he mus of te toe ern the may lets whe volumes very muh shan taf the nom te * apts lave empy space only occupied by afew eecvons, Sampo pebble is fired agains te atm, then ts permed to pense dooce Arn ong decane ee ace icy sea {eatee defection and resede frm he niles nthe esto wily fgets A etestrons can be neleted. = = > cjePaicle of char +26 (or alpha frie, ¢= 2) at adn r om he ‘uclus of charge + Ze (Z being te atomic umber) exaiome eral ee S2ei/0"{Cgulomb’s inverse aque law) and th consponling petal ear, Wall be 2Ze?/r. When the isco (incoming) pace nats veh lage diene sulle 2, andthe energy i emtirely Kinetic de tothe moe scaring (deflection) of charged particles by force she fo of the particle. Jac the particle of charge +2e and mass m be incidem fom very large di tance from the nucleus (fr exile a pot A, Fig. 1.20), wih velocity men the absence of forces between the nucleus (henceforth called target nucleBa) i F and the incidem panicle, the particle would have continued to move along the Siraigh line AOB. Let FQ be perpendicular on AB. Then b = FQ is called limpact parameteraSince the target nucleus is considered infinitely heavy, it docs Re ‘ot move during the encounter. The analysis will therefore be made inthe lab gy {em. The force is repulsive and central. We shall prove tht under the influence of sd ‘Coulomb's force, the trajectory is a |hyperbola with the external focus F at the nue salad Condo Coe tre ois cnet in po coat Te al dcr fr Coubell uc. simescein acer rit 2 Male chosen. Wheo the patil is near the nucleus, willbe devited from te sectinesy—> M ander the aeion af elec Frcs and its typial pos nt ‘would beat some point P wi o-ordinaes (74) and velocity. Sine tie Knee Uz - [F.dy ep sive, u_< ty. Alter the complete encounter, the particle 1s deflected through os Jingle dp and would recede to a remote distance beyond which it would ‘continue slong the saight path OD, and at a distant point like DI would spin have the he, ‘at sit a = (#Be'AY eign sped vas he pti easy agin wn, Bt = oo Ef toe opin ath of he nce soto article Ties in a plane (here Plan fp) iP rbd then because angular momentum i conserved, the particle would continue its path 2 Vee ade | “ey, ae aL (1.33) Lewvy Veyw wd 2 vee | BaP een Pein * ere Hoy JS. sna mo ssn amnsrntnnr ms 2 OR Pasa as dy if “6 Y= JY Vo ¥ 18)"O vere dot means iferniaion with spect oti, Eliminating vbeween (H2L— = AY 2 Toe nem teas BIE Soro 1135) put via ¢ ZC Alin habeas oes angular momentum must be conerved. Take Lb = whe opal e ae Ncangla momen alan anspanng eupheileus ind perpendicular BP wa rb tothe plane Taal te omc mr inte Gein A and he eed sy tlre FQ is Teer te nal angular momentum ~ (nb, Atte ye 14618)" pot P the component of veely peed w FP ind, an the ditance +e ate 2 Fs eee, he spur momentum Ps m8) Coneration of unglr monet ie, wth 4 22Ze" nigh m4 or a3) dey aru 6 =wbjr? (37a) (137) Using (1.373) and (1.375 in (1.35) and dividing by 82, we Fin: daze fdr pe Be mger * ae) +2 hg 2are™ vt a a Ue L Kindest totreaangot wid ic Y 1 Iededl z-L dl i am 2s is deeded 4 dude urdo Bai a8 ate i or Be = 22e° aad we \ waver To Oe oe Nephi ptaommammteres mest | 4, dct rdf dex can) aes pase ere be sist yeah)t Gene vale ‘Above differenal equation can be solved easly if iis differentiated once with ‘espero and bearing in mind that bis a constant fra given encounter, 2 ube + ia! pay aut @udu__4,d¢_ Rade 0 Boe ea a a Canceling common ctr dd earning We fas) 1 wf fy | dice ee fess Bao aay ‘ishas te dvi lion andi 2 Rudd ea a5 0% She veseouo—9- 3 aay } where A and 8 are the constants of integration. We may choose 8=0 to make the at Uso eae Sake? a=W Re (145), | dor ae ; waited | ue A va Pee ate $e. Seat om Us Mus 5 sc Akt -1 qe > © eka lA / 7 eiga 1 sagt Chaps Pes Thewah Mater 7 x v we BR sh xh < Ye aheess-. , | fad: : ge atet-4) E> 4m parade E<4—> ebipee é- qh coh > hype és faut 13. Rutherford Scaring xz whee the cen and isthe aj ais We there, ety =m as) io cay (| ‘Using (144) and (1.45) in (1.42) and simplifying a aso) inating A between (49) and (150 and using (8) we can ind Usha mining A beeen (14) and (1.50) and sing (18 we can rr) 4b?7? = fe@ ef ee 51) Ge eat Vit agr yt aaa Seca 20 2-Kin® ster werneued ay Cums62 4 a al. as sete aeons ate> i heise nde a0 ein i alaye x hypeis and tron ‘BisselGerareptsie Coulomb oc (poste shee PU _- frto60. Satypatote inthe near the external focus F, whereas for atractive aS = Gane (ncgnvey charged ince prl) be an ety do the target nucleus at the inner focus F be iw As > 0. he denominator of height and sie of (7) heeones eo and theFiniing ange weaken in ye WD) SERRE ATE shh) ia i. * igs bo Bef vote fala * as) says ave co altering angle is equal to angle BOD and is given by 6 =7 ~2a or.a= § — 41. Hence % tan = cote = «13 here we have used (1,52) and (1.51), Forma (1.53) canbe derived by a shorter metho by assuming thatthe taj: ing the velocity» at the point C which is at ‘nucleus (Fig. 1.20); v being perpendicular to a" nergy conservation gives 2Ze pmd= jt ZS 1 ei | Lu e> Ge lP el 2 le 4 => e bie a(a-Re] ae beta 2 De at aRe Oly te ae = t-4) ieee Bs Cadi Hes Sil -4) Bae Fs Ra . sing iin, we ts (& -*) ng iin), we nd lt ' oda Waale—Ro) tabs = “Fang Fr Be pop ype we aw Eliminating ‘a’ between ii) and (HY 1 Passage of Charge Parties Toh Mater which yields Apnbe cTao (24) L a Angular momentum conservation gives 5 Ge sd * Ceca. sos at sate eng paneer eating —§— aoa Neo af bora ay ne redeem be arr aH = so smaller deflection is tobe expected.) 4? aor, in parr, b= oo, ps 8) = ad b =O ings, =x, Figure 121 ptominempclsaiagems Tyee et age) Og ra edn BE wn ae ede) (witha moter ae of ad (© fora very smal ae of. 4-¥ Pp 2 Kelg ‘mina ¢ between (1.45) and (48). ver aoe ot Re eaera RED Fer where wehwe wil (5) eE{-B) venby puting 6 = in (147) a a mm) 4b 2 Aen) A)_.¢:) © ig. 1.21, Rutherford scateving for thee differen parameters b Considering various scattering events with different b, r(min) will take on the least U3, ‘ value for b= 0, ic. for the head-on collision and in this case r(min) =: Re: thos chokes “Or the head-on collisic case r(min) = Ro. Thus 4 the sgnifeance of Ro piven by (ial) ae thas pres a e eT "bone closet arash Wi aso called Colston diameter THs rest as folsom 2.2 tr Sr simple conidrsons Ashe ancy Saeed po aa om : Saodeer ese Cane ulsion, it loses kinetic energy and when itis clos- re “7 est to the nucleus in ahead-on collision it would lose all ts Kinetic energy. Putting v= Oin (1.33) we get fs ee Lue s Lys 2Ze 22 reein = 222 Lg 2 ¥ L =” ve 2220" Ro We can find the numerical value of Ro in the scattering of 5 MeV alpha particles 4, tay ive sources) from a gold foil To=5MeV=5 1.6% 10" 1= 8x 10-93 To Reo SMeV ee R= 4s, Sf | (gppical alpha energy from the radioacti z=19 For units formula (141) becomes: Ro = 2 For numerical ealewlations, Ro (fm) = p-A&, = Lt2272 45 5 ty This value may be compared with the radius of gold nucleus which is 8 frm, ‘value which is smaller than the minimum distance of closest approach, This they ensures that the alpha particle of 5 MeV stays well outside the gold mucieus in any {ype of encounter including the ‘OF collision and that the inverse square law Wouldbe Valid Tor alle orbits. For much greater energy, in close encounters, alpha paiticles may able pencratc hep mules fue’ in which ee Square a would ne longs be slid and othr complaaions neg es ima hich we shal note ihe amen, eens MOU be nro “em Bo “Hom S51 oi SoS pact pmance , warng ae ‘8p can be determined. But, i tic tc the value of b. How- ye, we can comput he expected ent dseibae ee ee Ho Consider tuner beam of parca fred again ig aoe ee tess dtd as the number of paces conga a ea ab . 1 Passage of Caged Pariles Though Mater | ig. 122. Pauls passing Ugh he ingen 4 dh are cater the angler 4 hy aad \4t z = z lection per second Near te centre of face a beam parte bends around and as from the eld of force it once again describes a Sraight line. Because ela he is along the beam direction, Assuming tale scale is independent of the SERPS Trang cues d= bin, Comic a unflom beam paves ame cry Gel ovar afore cere ibimpactpamnces > 9 {JLT db + db, Sach prices are seen opus through a ing of rai D and b+ db, = the ring being perredicula othe bem ection and syametical about an ais 7% sg eg pena eh Sei ercesctgnne, ~ 24 Sm Is ee ee mc nevonqe mpececon eels gg) db Tanti pase ping Seg hang man toi de ba She egbwcn yal #12) Smet rae pcs ms sind. misaene Hoel Hirani go « we oo 039 Ede cats Er ‘The negative sgn is inodoced in (156 dv tte ict at an increase inbimples acces Reming (153) Ae y ay 67 tones Fe > 2b exc toa Moon Say ase ‘Using (1.57 and (158) in (16) and nosing that snd = 2sin cos, we get fe tte Sinpieston: oe be Bead & las igs b= — Ro Lester dl, ‘ 00a Noe 6, = tho whe Be tnetBe 40, \ 2 vide Ea ae : A, OE ty. — Boose 86 ey i. 2289) ali [ee al VG sun" 82 ib L to F sintBo a 2 1. Raeford Scateng Fig 1.23 paternal ‘arses TAT eK) a ution af seating angle ithe LS Sa = oC che ated tem) 055 This is the famous Rutherford’ scatering formula, Henceforth, the suffix 0 is ‘roped off in Oo. The expected diferentisleros-setion as a function of scat. tering angle given by (1.59) is shown in Fig. 1.23, Observe thatthe differ ‘toss-ection falls off rapidly with increasing angle the searing thas bet dominantly in direction. 159) also shows that o (6) will be greater fer targets and incident par ticles of higher atomic number and tha it willbe more important for low energy Particles. For the purpose of numerical calculations (1.59) can be written inthe form: 2z\P_ cmias(2) “ wmi2(Z) come a o 13.2 Darwin's Formula \ Rutherford's formula which takes into account the recoil of the nucleus is duc to Darwin (see Example 1.18) 2)? 1 feoso(1—ysistoy hp ner (28-35! 0 4 (= vinta! ial sink (= Pain?) Where M is the mass of the target nucleus and m isthe mass of the incident panicle, and y = m/M. If y <1, the positive sign should be used only before the square oot. If y > 1 the expression should be calculated for positive and negative signs and the results are added to obtain y(@), For y = 1 1c}? cose oo-[5] Se ae ® 1 Passage of Charged Particles Through Matter 1.3.3 Mott’s Formula ‘Whe scattered and the scattering particles are identical (Indistinguishable particles) the quantum mechanical exchange effects must be taken into account. The seatterin formula due to Mott is ag ene 1 1 (IL 1 cos y?Z7¢" ines?e]} ei) + srg | a1 | inte cos? Tw a ‘in 86 L=1} Lsin? a cos? eeeeate (1.63) ifthe particles “where h is Planck's constant. +2 is pt infront of the square brackets ifthe Pan hhave zero spin, and —1, if their spin is 4. ton testorval Of 14 Rutherford Scatering xs determining the angular distibution At Various e elements rev Tergies. But experiments with light oa eee Rony scat fom the Ruthertond seating aw at rg a ea nium distance of approach is Proportional to Z (charge clear radii are roughly proportional to Z4 for ater, therefore, decreases much slower than the 1d penetrate the nuclei of tight elements. It was larger energies were employed, a more rapid de- scattering was approached, the observed number former. Consequently, also observed that when alphas of than increas, and in this cas there will bea maximum angle of scattering. For very small values of b, the patcls may get scatered at andony and in some cases may get captured > Baample 1.7 18.0, is the geometical cross-section for uncharged particles for it. ‘ting a nucleus, show that for positively charged Particles, the cross-section will de- srease by the factor (1 — 42), where Ro = 2Ze?/negKoR —radi ofthe nucle, r= HR? and Rois thekinetcenry i w ue Vg= Lew2 Solution When the charge particle jus grazs he nucleus sous Pah fhe of V4 SE ek (min) = 1 e i a 155 pels 1+ zl ass) ‘whence we obtain b ?— RRo, enotng the cross-section by 0 = xB?, it follows that o/a = xb#/x R= Ro/R. Example 1.8 Alphas of 8.3 MeV bombard an aluminum foil. The seattered alphas ave aan angle of "Cale minim sansa it SO ac Meee ie epee | aed Re 48 Re (irae By % 1 Passage of Charged Particles Through Matter Solution 1B = tan ¢ = tan 2 = tan39° = “) abe Deg Ro 4 rin) = Bf ae 2 Using (1) in (2) (min) = 39/2 Rom AZ _ M2 oe To 83 r(min) = 1.5 x 4.51 = 6.76 fm <> Example 1.9 Find the probability of scattering of alpha particles of ‘energy 5 MeV. through an angle greater than 90° in their passage through a foil of gold of thik ness 4 x 10~* em. Given, Avogadro's number No = 6 x 103. A = 196; Z=79; electronic charge e = 1.6 x 10! C; 1 /47 60 = 9 x 10° NmP/C?, density of gold = 19.3 g/em?. Solution N = Number of atoms/cm? = (number of atoms/g) (g/cm?) _ 8 x 108 x 19.3 7 196 S RPNAZ YP 0144x2797 (poser) = 3-2) =3 3 ] = 1625 fm? = 16.25 x 10-4 cm? =5.91 x 107 If, is the mean-free-path, } = No = 5.91 x 10? x 16.25 x 10-4 = 0.961 cm~! Required probability p = 1/2 =4 x 10-5 x0.961 =3.84 x 10S. Inother words, ‘one alpha in 1/(3.84 x 10-*) or 26000, gets scattered at an angle greater than 90°, A fcample 1.10 If the radius of gold nucleus (Z = 79), is 8 x 10-'5 m, what is the minimum energy that the a particle should have to just reach it? Give your answer in MeV. Solution Set R=Ry=8fm Te ae 1.44 x2 x79 = 28.44 Mev 1s Rusherford Seaering > Example 1.11 The following countn “ aples Were seared hough 18am ann Tne vale forthe ads of gold mucus from hese rece 2 7) Be: Deduce Energy of parte § ee wey a) eh 2m oeeror so aal Counting rate 30300 13400 6000 4000 2800 35 404 Bate (in arbitrary units) were ob TinMev 8g ee ae ee Nea) 30300 131005990400 2867 2667 2157 1679 © Niobe) 3030013400 6000 40002800 3s 4 o4 Comparison between the calculated and observed counting rats indicates that de- Panam rom Rutherford scaring begins at 26 MeV. Since scaering angle io 4 = 180°, we are concemed wit head-on collisions. Hence a 1MeZ 14d 2x e875 8m iar os ‘Hence, the radius ofthe gold nucleus is 8.75 fm. WV fxampe 1.12 (a) gol fis bombarded by 54 MeV a particles, determine the stance of closest approach (b) what is the deflection ofthe alpha particle when the npact parameter is equal to this distance? Solution (@) Distance of closest approach 14drZ _ 144x279 =42.1 fm ya = 21fm ~~ o ” Y Passage of Charged P LOW ae esau nay Towh ) Uptot Poprvodtin da uy onaioon soa Mev wy Ze! recoil into account pas xZe Yao, Oye Solu We work out 1m the CM system. Equating clonest distance of c the poemial energy “approach Ry to thé initial KE, Diete De Zethotms Dr Ze lodrm) Nate 1a 1 mig? Tym Ores .w,\ Re tm ae wae VAMZ (mY Ade dea 4 20 (warm) y= A (+m) =! af (144) =n 9% YRC, My Ty, Brample 1-14" A varvow beam of alpha panicles with kinetic ene, Ta +2 £22. [ony) sna one ning = ng agg RY zee ( 1 tactono alpha particles scared though the angles «my ate Uicy leh Solution Given nt = 1.1 < 10! nuclei/em? 27,4 Nya fe B34 { o N= 1-2 Rote m= AN/ qhicor 5 ont 1 (144x279)? 420 a) co? 2, 9 5 19°28 = (At eS iiajar co ‘The factor 10-* has been introduced to convert fm? into cm? Example 1.15. narrow beam of protons with kinetic energy T normally on a brass foil whose mass thickness ‘of copper and zine in the foil is equal to 7:3, espe: Protons scattered through the angles exceeding @ = 30: 14 MeV falls 5 mglem?. The weight ratio, ly. Find the fraction of the Solution AN _ 7 107% 2/972} 0.323 8 =— x 1.442( 1 4 2 sot = EI at 22 82 ange! where Z; and Zz are the atomic numbers of copper and zine, My and Mg are their ‘molar masses, No is the Avagadro’s number. The factor 10-2 is introduced to ex press fm? as cm? BN WASP /OT 29% | O33) 5 10-9 06 x 10! Wa? | B55 65.38 : x (3.732)? x 10-26 = 14x 107%

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