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Thoughts on the webinar? The speaker for the webinar was none other than Dr.

Eugene Hontiveros, Dr
Hontiveros tackled on such a very delicate topic, mental health, Dr. Hontiveros stated that, everything
starts from the bedrock, which means your family, these are the people who are the foundation of your
mental strength, what makes a child grow up well is, whenever he/she has great memories with their
families, happy filled memories, where the child isn’t exposed to negative energy or scarring memories,
it’s just not just about how they take care of you how they mold you in your childhood, it may also come
with the genetics of your parents.
A big factor is also a person’s religious influence, being close to God or being religious is also a key
factor. I am faithful, but I do not usually go to the church, but I am always faithful to God.
My life was filled with these, I grew up with a loving family, they treated me well even as of today, what
Dr. Hontiveros said is very relatable and for me is the truth, I can say that I am mentally healthy, just
because of the things he said that reminded me of how I grew up.
This talked helped me to know more about what are some things that can or might help with people
mental problems, I know a few and me as a person wants to help them, because that’s the kind of person
my family raised me to be. This talk raised my awareness, about mental health, how important it is and
how it must be taken seriously.

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