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The NSTP law refers to the program

aimed at enhancing civic consciousness

and defense preparedness of the you.

NSTP consists of 3 Programs the youth

can take part in first is the ROTC, this is
designed to expose the youth to military
training through the course of their
tertiary years to mobilize them and let
them be candidates if any warfare shall
commence, The LTS, trains students to
become teachers of literacy to school
children or anyone who needs such
service, the CWTS will make the
students become members of the
community, they will take part in improving the state of such area that they are assigned to,
undergo cleanups, volunteer in programs for the people in need. Evert tertiary student will
undergo NSTP, it is not just a subject, it is a service to our country, in order to give back a little
for the sacrifices, our forefathers have made.
There are exemptions for this law such as listed in the ff.
 Foreign Students
 Students in line with the PMA, PMMA and PNPA
 Students who have already completed one of the 3 NSTP components but considered as
freshmen to the course they shifted upon.

The Duration of the course will be in 2 semesters of a tertiary student’s academic period and
when completed will be acknowledged with a certificate of completion.

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