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Case study based questions

10th Social Studies
The Rise of Nationalism in Europe
Passage - 1 4 Marks

By the last quarter of the nineteenth century nationalism no longer retained

its idealistic liberal-democratic sentiment of the .rst half of the century, but
became a narrow creed with limited endsv During this period nationalist groups
became increasingly intolerant of each other and ejer ready to go to warv The
ma8or European powers, in turn, manipulated the nationalist aspirations of
the sub8ect peoples in Europe to further their own imperialist aimsv The most
serious source of nationalist tension in Europe after 17R1 was the area called
the Balkansv The Balkans was a region of geographical and ethnic jariation com-
prising modern-day Aomania, Bulgaria, Hlbania, Greece, Macedonia, Croatia,
Bosnia Oerzegojina, Slojenia, Serbia and Montenegro whose inhabitants were
broadly known as the Slajsv H large part of the Balkans was under the control
of the xoman Empirev The spread of the ideas of romantic nationalism in
the Balkans together with the disintegration of the xoman Empire made this
region jery eplosijev Hll through the nineteenth century the xoman Empire
had sought to strengthen itself through modernisation and internal reforms
but with jery lixle successv ne by one, its European sub8ect nationalities
broke away from its control and declared independencev The Balkan peoples
based their claims for independence or political rights on nationality and used
history to proje that they had once been independent but had subsequent-
ly been sub8ugated by foreign powersv Oence the rebellious nationalities in
the Balkans thought of their struggles as axempts to win back the long-lost
independencev Hs the diWerent Slajic nationalities struggled to their
identity and independence, the Balkan area became an area of intense conQictv
The Balkan states were .ercely 8ealous of each other and each hoped to gain
more territory at the epense of the othersv Maxers were further complicated
because the Balkans also became the scene of big power rijalryv During this
period, there was intense rijalry among the European powers ojer trade and
colonies as well as najal and military mightv These rijalries were jery ejident in
the way the Balkan problem unfoldedv Each power - Aussia, Germany, England,
Hustro Oungary was keen on countering the hold of other powers ojer the Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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Worksheet 1.4
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Balkans, and etending its own control ojer the areav This led to a series of wars
in the region and .nally the First ?orld ?arv

2 1v ?hy did the ma8or European powers manipulate the nationalist aspirations
of the sub8ect peoples in Europe by the last quarter of the nineteenth century3

41I The ma8or European powers manipulated the nationalist aspirations

of the sub8ect peoples in Europe by the last quarter of the nineteenth
century in order to ful.ll their own imperialistic aimsv
4NI The ma8or European powers manipulated the nationalist aspirations
of the sub8ect peoples in Europe by the last quarter of the nineteenth
century in order to keep themseljes free from foreign rulev
4LI The ma8or European powers manipulated the nationalist aspirations
of the sub8ect peoples in Europe by the last quarter of the nineteenth
century in order to be safe from foreign injasionv
4YI The ma8or European powers manipulated the nationalist aspirations
of the sub8ect peoples in Europe by the last quarter of the nineteenth
century in order to ful.ll their own anti-imperialistic aims and be safe from
foreign injasionv

2 Nv ?hat was the basis of the Balkan people regarding their claim for indepen-

41I The Balkan peoples based their claims for Jndependence or political
right on nationality and used history to proje that they had once been
independent but had subsequently been sub8ugated by foreign powersv
4NI The Balkan peoples based their claims for employment or political right
on nationality and used history to proje that they had once been employed
but had subsequently been sub8ugated by foreign powersv
4LI The Balkan peoples based their claims for marriage or political right on
nationality and used history to proje that they had once been married but
had subsequently been sub8ugated by foreign powersv
4YI The Balkan peoples based their claims for birth rights or land reforms
on nationality and used history to proje that they had once been married
but had subsequently been sub8ugated by foreign powersv Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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Worksheet 1.4
Marks - 8

2 Lv State any one reason which led to a series of wars in the Balkan region and
.nally the First ?orld ?arv

41I The Balkan area had become an area of intense conQictv The Balkan
states were friends of each other and each hoped to lose more territory at
the epense of the othersv Maxers were further complicated because the
Hmericans also became the scene of big power rijalryv
4NI The Balkan area had become an area of peacev The Balkan states were
friends of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the epense
of the othersv Maxers were further complicated because the Jndians also
became the scene of big power rijalryv
4LI The Balkan area had become an area of peacev The Balkan states were
friends of each other and each hoped to gain more territory at the epense
of the othersv Maxers were further complicated because the Balkans also
became the scene of big power rijalryv
4YI The Balkan area had become an area of intense conQictv The Balkan
states were .ercely 8ealous of each other and each hoped to gain more
territory at the epense of the othersv Maxers were further complicated
because the Balkans also became the scene of big power rijalryv

2 Yv ?ho were known as the Slajs3

41I The inhabitants of modern-day Aomania, Germany, Jtaly, Poland, Eng-

land, Scotland, Jreland and Montenegro whose inhabitants were broadly
known as the Slajsv
4NI The inhabitants of modern-day Aomania, Jndia, Bangladesh, Greece,
Meico, Croatia, Hrgentina, Thailand, Malaysia and Hmerica were broadly
known as the Slajsv
4LI The inhabitants of modern-day Aomania, Bulgaria, Hlbania, Greece,
Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia Oerzegojina, Slojenia, Serbia and Montene-
gro whose inhabitants were broadly known as the Slajsv
4YI The inhabitants of modern-day Jndia, Bhutan, Thailand, Bangladesh
and ’epal whose inhabitants were broadly known as the Slajsv Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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Passage - 2 4 Marks

Jdeas of national unity in early-nineteenth-century Europe were closely allied

to the ideology of liberalismv The term liberalism derijes from the 9atin root
liber, meaning freev For the new middle class liberalism stood for freedom for
the indijidual and equally of all before the lawv Politically, it emphasised the
concept of gojernment by consentv Since the French Aejolution, liberalism
had stood for the end of autocracy and clerical prijileges, a constitution and
representatije gojernment through parliamentv ’ineteenth century liberals
also stressed the injiolability of prijate propertyv
6et, equality before the law did not necessarily stand for unijersal suWragev
6ou will recall that in rejolutionary France, which marked the .rst political e-
periment in liberal democracy, the right to jote and to get elected was granted
eclusijely to property-owning menv Men without property and all women were
enduded from political rights nly for a brief period under the 'acobins did all
adult males en8oy suWragev Oowejer the ’apoleonic Code went back to limited
suWrage and reduced women to the status of a minor, sub8ect to the author-
ity of fathers and husbands Throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth
centuries women and non-propertied men organised opposition mojements
demanding equal political rightsv
Jn the economic sphere, liberalism stood for the freedom of markets and the
abolition of state imposed restrictions on the mojement of goods and capitalv
During the nineteenth century this was a strong demand of the emerging mid-
dle classesv 9et us take the eample of the German-speaking regions in the
.rst half of the nineteenth centuryv ’apoleon(s administratije measures had
created out of countless small principalities a confederation of L) statesv Each
of these possessed its own currency, and weights and measuresv H merchant
trajelling in 17LL from Oamburg to ’uremberg to sell his goods would haje had
to pass through 11 customs barriers and pay a customs duty of about 5 per
cent at each one of themv Duties were often lejied according to the weight or
measurement of the goodsv Hs each region had its own system of weights and
measures, this injoljed timev consuming calculationv The measure of cloth, for
eample, was the elle which in each region stood for a diWerent lengthv Hn elle
of tetile material bought in Frankfurt would get you 5YvR cm of cloth, in Mainz
55v1 cm, in ’uremberg 5v cm, in Freiburg 5Lv5 cmv Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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Worksheet 1.4
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2 1v Gije the origin and meaning of the term liberalism v

41I The term liberalism originates from the 9atin term liber , which means
4NI The term liberalism originates from the 9atin term liber , which means
free v
4LI The term liberalism originates from the Greek term liber , which
means sub8ugationv
4YI The term liberalism originates from the German term liber , which
means free v

2 Nv ?hat changes did the ’apoleonic Code make in the political rights of

41I The ’apoleonic Code reinstalled limited suWrage and reduced women
to the status of a minor, sub8ect to the authority of mothers and wijesv
4NI The ’apoleonic Code reinstalled limited suWrage and increased
women to the status of a ma8or, sub8ect to the authority of mothers and
4LI The ’apoleonic Code reinstalled limited suWrage and increased
women to the status of a ma8or, sub8ect to the authority of fathers and
4YI The ’apoleonic Code reinstalled limited suWrage and reduced women
to the status of a minor, sub8ect to the authority of fathers and husbandsv

2 Lv ?rite any two features of the administratije reforms introduced by


41I a H confederation of L) states was created out of countless small

b Duties were usually lejied on the basis of weight or measurement of
4NI a H confederation of 7) states was created out of countless small
principalitiesv Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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b Duties were usually lejied on the basis of weight or measurement of

4LI a H confederation of 17) states was created out of countless small
b Duties were usually lejied on the basis of utility of goodsv
4YI a H confederation of )) states was created out of countless small
b Duties were usually lejied on the basis of quality of goodsv

2 Yv Jn which year did the merchant trajel from Oamburg to ’uremberg3

41I Jn 1710, the merchant trajelled from Oamburg to ’urembergv

4NI Jn 1RLL, the merchant trajelled from Oamburg to ’urembergv
4LI Jn 17LL, the merchant trajelled from Oamburg to ’urembergv
4YI Jn 1)LL, the merchant trajelled from Oamburg to ’urembergv Want access to 5lac+ questions?

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