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By: Brad Kuvin

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Monday, May 1, 2017

In today’s competitive marketplace, stamping-die designers and developers need the right tools to be successful. Die
design, development and simulation software automates the process while providing engineers with the control they

Catch up on all of the most recent developments in die-

design, development and simulation software at the sixth
annual Die-Design Software and Simulation-Technology
Experience, presented by MetalForming magazine and
the Precision Metalforming Association. Here’s some of
what’s on tap for this two-day event.

Tooli n g Te c h n o l ogies to Acceler ate

I nnov a t i o n s w i t h GigaPascal Ste els

Use of advanced high-strength and ultra-high-strength

steels is growing rapidly in the automotive industry, to
help meet stringent fuel-economy targets, enhance
occupant protection and improve crash performance.
While these steels provide optimal performance by
providing excellent strength and ductility, from the
perspective of die wear and tear, they require use of special die materials and surface treatments. Learn from John K.
Catterall, executive director of the Auto/Steel Partnership, (A/SP) about die-wear behavior when stamping higher-
strength steels, and how to avoid costly die repairs and press downtime. (Much of Catterall’s presentation is
highlighted in an article from the A/SP beginning on pg. 16 of this issue.)

Attention then turns to material properties and their influence on forming processes and die design. “TYE or YTE?
You may have heard of these terms but don't really know what they mean or where they come from,” says speaker
Danny Schaeffler, founder and president of Engineering Quality Solutions, Inc. “Even if you know that they are yield
strength, tensile strength and elongation, you may not know how they affect the sheetmetal-forming process much
beyond that higher elongation usually is better. These parameters can be obtained from a tensile test and usually are
provided on a mill cert that comes with the coil or lift of blanks. Although strength and elongation are important, a
tensile test can provide additional information—uniform elongation and the strain-hardening exponent (n-value)—that
can better-predict successful forming.”

Schaeffler will describe how a tensile test is performed, how the

results are generated and how these parameters are calculated.
He will cover the influence of Rockwell hardness on sheet
formability, and attendees will learn the importance of n-value
(no sheetmetal product has one singular n-value). He’ll explain
what goes onto a cert and the notations you should look for to
ensure that you are getting what you ordered. And, you'll learn
that while elongation may be reported on every cert, it may not
tell you anything about when the stamping will fail.

Finally, he’ll discuss different sheet-steel grades and aluminum

alloys, and highlight the characteristics that impact formability.

“After attending this talk,” he says, “you'll never again shout,

‘Gimme a coil with a 60 Rockwell B max! I can't make a crack-
free part if the Rockwell is higher than this!’”

Schaeffler supplements his materials-focused presentation with

a talk on forming limits and the forming-limit diagram (FLD). 1/4
10.12.2018 Articles - Die Development and Simulation Software | MetalForming Magazine
“A true understanding of simulation results and corrective actions is not possible unless the forming-limit curve is well
understood,” he stresses. While a tensile test characterizes how a material in the shape of a dogbone behaves in
tension, it doesn’t replicate the deformation experienced during the stamping of a particular part. The strains seen in
every location on the stamping can be measured and compared with simulation.

“Do you need to specify a more formable grade to make the part,” Schaeffler asks, “or can you make some material
or process changes that will lower the strains? To answer these questions and understand the capability of your
chosen sheetmetal, you need to know ‘how high is too high’ when it comes to the strains. That’s where the FLD
comes in.”

Schaeffler will describe how to create an FLD, and

the various techniques used to measure surface
and thickness strains in the laboratory and in the Special Roundtable Discussion: Methods
field. He’ll then present the different approaches to for Ranking Progressive-Die Strips
counter failing parts.
The first step in processing a progressive die is to
“Even if a part is safe today,” he says, “the inherent develop a strip layout. All too often only one strip layout
variability in the stamping process and sheetmetal is created. Even if several strips are developed, how
may result in future issues.” does one determine which is best?

The I n f l u e n c e o f Material Proper ties on This discussion, led by PMA technical director Peter
Die D e s i g n Ulintz, centers on how metalformers and die designers
can rank strip layouts so that the best possible strip
The discussion then turns to the impact that
design is chosen. Strip layouts directly affect the final
material has on a designer’s approach to die
size of the die, initial die cost, die maintenance and
design. Learn from Peter Ulintz, PMA technical
director, how material type, thickness, grade and repair cost, press selection, press maintenance and
temper specified for a given stamped part will repair costs, initial stamping cost, in-process reliability,
greatly influence how the die should be designed dimensional accuracy of the finished part, and the cost of
poor quality.
and built.
“Financial business decisions often rely on multiple
“While die designs can be efficiently completed
sources of data, such as financial statements, financial
through the use of modern CAD software and the
ratios, forecasting and investment analysis,” Ulintz notes.
application of standardized components, this often
“But mission-critical technical decisions, such as the
comes at the expense of a thoughtful evaluation of
selection of a strip layout, which can affect the bottom
the properties of the material to be formed,” Ulintz
line of a business for many years, often are based on a
notes. “When the influences of material properties
collection of opinions.”
on the forming system are not known or
understood, they cannot be properly controlled.”
Up for discussion: A numerical ranking system for
evaluating and selecting the best strip layout. Evaluation
It’s important to note that many rule-of-thumb
scores can provide die engineers and process engineers
guidelines used by die designers and toolmakers
with performance-based rankings for evaluating several
over the years may not be appropriate when
strip layouts for the same part. Because the evaluation
developing tools for newer steel grades.
scoring has relative meaning for different layouts
“For example, it has been a common practice for producing the same part, it can be used to find the best
designers and toolmakers to apply 8 to 10 percent solution for that particular part.
per-side cutting clearance for cutting and punching
processes,” Ulintz says. “This may be an ideal
clearance for mild steel, but it can be the worst
possible clearance for many other steel grades in terms of burr height. Materials with low yield-to-tensile strength
ratios, including many high-strength steels, require greater punch-to-die clearance to provide the mechanical
leverage required to cleanly break the slug with a minimum burr. This requires increased attention to slug retention
and scrap management in the die design.

“On the other hand,” he continues, “materials with high yield-to-tensile strength ratios (such as low-strength aluminum
alloys) require much tighter clearances, making chipping, wear and abrasion more problematic. Also, small variances
in cutting clearance—as little as 0.5 percent material thickness per side—can have a dramatic effect on burr height,
sliver production and tool wear.”

Springback compensation for high-strength steels

and aluminum alloys also deserves careful
attention, and Ulintz will address this during his
presentation. And, some product and addendum
geometry suitable for deep drawing of mild steel
will not work for many aluminum alloys.

“Simple things like draw-bead profile design

requirements can vary greatly between temper
grades within a single alloy,” he says.

I ntro d u c t i o n t o S imulation Technology

This presentation, by Jeanne He-Dubois, Dynaform

Product Manager, ETA—Engineering Technology
Associates, Inc., covers the two basic simulation
technologies: the inverse (one-step) method and
incremental methods. Up for discussion:

Simulation of drawing, springback, springback compensation, hydroforming, forging, trimline development,

superplastic forming and hot forming.
Advantages and limitations of simulation software.

Differences between incremental and one-step solvers. 2/4
10.12.2018 Articles - Die Development and Simulation Software | MetalForming Magazine

A discussion of the explicit and implicit simulation methodologies, and element/time-step/mass scaling/dynamic

“With increases in computing speed,” He-Dubois says, “the inevitable trend is the merging of simulation into the CAD
environment. Designers now use simulation technology directly as they design a tool. Some CAD packages already
have merged one-step analysis into their design flow, and it’s just a matter of time before incremental analysis will be
inside of every CAD package.

“Full time simulation-engineer positions are shrinking quickly,” she adds. “I will discuss the impact this trend will have
on the industry.”

Next- G e n e r a t i o n Simulation Lead s Engineering Beyond Just Vali d a t i o n

Adithya Ramamurthy, an application engineer at AutoForm Engineering USA, follows up with a discussion on using
virtual simulation to identify potential forming issues that might occur during tryout and production. A subsequent trial-
and-error approach can lead to identifying solutions to the forming issues encountered during evaluation of a

“The trial-and-error approach might work well for minor fixes or when a seasoned tooling engineer uses his vast
experience for known issues,” Ramamurthy says. “It is a well-established fact that the trial-and-error approach, both
in the toolroom and during simulation, can waste time and resources. Needless to say that the time consumption will
only increase if the user is trying to identify a complicated or a non-existent solution.”

Optimization might be one way to overcome the limitations of a trial-and-error approach. “Most of the optimization
tools run a loop of iterations until a good result is found,” Ramamurthy adds. “Optimization is selection of the best
input value with regards to some criteria (thinning of 25 percent, for example). It loops through several iterations of
the input to give an optimal value of thinning. If there are multiple results targeted, optimization becomes more time
consuming and complex; or a solution can never be identified. With multiple ‘sensitive’ inputs, it becomes increasingly
important to identify if there could ever be a solution associated to a simulation. Depending on the inputs, it’s possible
that the simulation might never have a solution if certain input parameters are flawed. So a bad result is as important
as a good one.”

Ramamurthy will describe the use of systematic process improvement (SPI) and a robustness check of a virtual
stamping process. Learn how new simulation software employs automated/manual issue detection to identify local
forming windows, and then proposes a combination of design variants to address these issues.

“An entire range of input variables can be checked for a feasible ‘green’ simulation,” Ramamurthy says, “and an
automatic combination of input variables can be configured for one or more issue types grouped simultaneously. A
quintessential scenario would be when splits and wrinkles are grouped together as issues to be resolved. Here, the
software will try to strike a balance between splitting and insufficient stretch on the panel.”

Die Q u o t i n g a n d Part Estimating

Eric Bragg, VP/sales engineer, TST Tooling Software LLC, then takes the stage to highlight software capabilities
associated with developing initial die costs and piece-part costs.

“Quoting and estimating play an important role in keeping a die shop running successfully,” Bragg stresses. “Precise
estimates are essential to maintaining a competitive and profitable edge.”

Bragg will describe the latest software features that help diemakers streamlines quoting, develop more accurate cost
estimates and generate professional-looking customizable quotes. You’ll learn how to quicken your quoting process,
produce more accurate estimates and better manage your quotes.

“The software also now allows shops to manage progression parameters and material utilization,” Bragg notes. “With
each step the software will provide the tonnage needed for each operation. It also can quickly and easily simulate a
realistic 3D strip with single or multiple parts; provide step-by-step unfolding information; and perform manual and
automatic nesting.”

Lastly, Bragg will demonstrate how to quickly turn quotes into jobs, with automatically generated bills of materials,
and with software fully integrated to work with existing CAD software.

Rever s e To n n a g e , Slide Tipping and More

This presentation highlights die simulation/animation technology and its application, including collision detection. Ray
Proeber, president and owner of Accurate Die Design Software, Inc., will describe how progressive and transfer dies
can be simulated in various press types such as conventional, servo and link-motion. Fineblanking, fourslide,
multislide and Bihler machines also can be simulated. Attendees also will come away with a good understanding of
slide-tipping prediction and reverse-tonnage loads.

“Reverse tonnage and slide tipping can wreak havoc on a punch press,” Proeber notes. “Unfortunately, they are
overlooked often, sometimes until the press needs to be rebuilt because of them. Reverse tonnage in particular—also
known as snapthrough or negative tonnage—can do significant damage to a press in short order. And, while slide
tipping is not as destructive on the entire press overall as reverse tonnage, it can easily be addressed so that presses
remain in good condition rather than suffering unnecessary, premature wear.”

When it comes to simulation, or looking at die kinematics, Proeber contends that a dozen years ago, die simulation
merely was animating what would happen in a die, without any true interaction between the die components or even
with the die components and the strip. Today, several simulation-software packages display very realistic die-
operating conditions.

“Some of the software,” Proeber says, “can duplicate the conditions taking place in a 20-ft.-long transfer die, right
down to predicting press speed for a given die, even before it hits the press. The tools within the software even
account for velocity and acceleration. 3/4
10.12.2018 Articles - Die Development and Simulation Software | MetalForming Magazine
“When people hear the word simulation, they often get nervous thinking that the software will be difficult to learn, to
set up and to pay for,” Proeber adds. “This definitely is not always the case. The time savings downstream typically
pays for itself many times over, based on the ability to detect collision problems and clearance issues before the die
ever enters the press—much more efficient than catching and fixing problems later.”

Case S t u d y : D e v elopment and O ptimization of a Deep-Drawn Tran s f e r - C a s e C o v e r

Last but not least, all of the lessons learned come together with this case study presented by Peter Ulintz.

“Problems such as wrinkling, excessive local thinning and springback were investigated when forming a
nonsymmetrical transfer-case cover,” he explains. “Wrinkling in the unsupported region between the punch and die
was eliminated by placing various shapes of draw beads around the part periphery.”

This case study demonstrates how draw beads can help constrain material flow locally during the forming process. In
addition, excessive thinning was observed where the vertical wall of the part was deep-drawn. In order to increase
the minimum thickness of the drawn part, the blank was trimmed where the flange remains large after forming, to
allow the material to flow more readily into the die cavity. At the same time, the blank was optimized by saving 35
percent from the original blank size. The minimum thickness was improved by 10 percent.

“Springback after forming also was investigated,” Ulintz adds. “Less springback was observed with proper draw-bead
positioning and optimizing the blank profile. An incremental finite-element code was used to conduct finite-element
computations to study the forming sequence and springback. The computational results were studied to determine
the draw-bead shapes and locations. Then, prototype tooling was used to produce experimental parts to validate
numerical results. The computation results showed good agreement with the experimental results.”

I nter e s t e d i n L e a rning More

…and attending the two-day conference? Visit MF

See also: Accurate Die Design Software, Inc., 3D Systems, 3D Systems/Cimatron Software, AutoForm Engineering
Gmbh, ETA Dynaform, TST Tooling Software Technology, LLC

Related Enterprise Zones: Software, Tool & Die

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