Vol. 1 - Main Report (Accompanying Measures)

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PLN/KfW Sustainable Hydropower Program

Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures

Needs Assessment and Inception Report

Volume I – Summary and Main Report
Presented in Jakarta on 16.11.2018

DRAFT PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
Implementing consortium
Document Information and Imprint

Client: Consultant:

PT PLN (Persero) | Uniper Kraftwerke GmbH | Luitpoldstrasse 27

| 84034 Landshut, Germany
Jl. Trunojoyo Blok M 1/135
Kebayoran Baru | AF-Consult Switzerland Ltd
Jakarta Selatan 12160 | GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Indonesia | PT Kwarsa Hexagon

Financed by

Document Information Date

Version Number DRAFT
Author/Responsible Name/Sign: Oliver Frönd 14/11/2018
Approved (Consultant) Name/Sign: Bernhard Miller 15/11/2018
Approved (Client) Name/Sign:
Implementing consortium

PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

2 Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
Index | 3 Volumes and Annexes

Volume I Summary and Main Report (this volume)

Volume II Training Needs Analysis
Volume III Knowledge Management System (KMS) and
Learning Management System (LMS)

Annexes: 1. Minutes of Pre-Kick-off Meeting on 19.07.2018

2. Minutes of Kick-off Meeting on 21.08.2018
3. Report: TNA Consolidation Workshop
4. Monthly Briefing Report August/September 2018
5. Monthly Briefing Report October 2018
6. Minutes of Meeting KMS/LMS on 02.10.2018
7. Memo: Evaluation of HSSE Status and potential fields of
cooperation within the project’s framework in Phase I
8. Training Modules: brief summaries/sheets

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3 Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
Management Summary

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General Project Background and Information

The Government of Germany supports the Government of Indonesia in strengthening the

power sector, emphasizing on renewable energy, through cooperation between KfW and PLN.

The objective of the Accompanying Measures Project (AMP) is to achieve improved capacity
of PLN in strategic and sustainable development and implementation of hydropower projects.

The service was contracted by PLN to a consortium of the German utility Uniper Kraftwerke,
consulting firms GFA Consulting Group and AF-Consult, supported by PT Kwarsa Hexagon.

The overall duration of 42 months is split in five phases with different core activities:
• Phase I: Project Inception and Needs Assessment (3 months)
• Phase II: Theoretical Training – Part 1 (6 months)
• Phase III: Practical Training – Parallel On-the-Job (15 months)
• Phase IV: Theoretical Training – Part 2 (9 months)
• Phase V: Independent Working Phase (9 months)

20 experts are assigned over the duration of 42 months: 8 key-experts (45 person months),
9 pool & backstopping experts (15 months) and 3 national experts (31 months).

The project aims at sustainable results through intense cooperation, needs-orientated

capacity building, and implementation of knowledge and learning management systems.

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Management Summary | Principal activities in Phase I
were completed as according to ToR/contract
Institutional and Training Departments in PLN involved in hydropower were identified
Needs Assessment and interviewed. à Volume II

Knowledge and learning Existing KMS and LMS were identified and assessed, incl.
management systems interviews with involved departments à Volume III

Technical English Courses Started on 15th October with 41 participants and will
continue until 21st December.

Technical Training Modules Proposal for topics and schedule for the first technical
trainings in Phase 2 was developed.

Trainer Courses A first trainer course was executed in November; a second

course for technical instructors is planned for February 2019

Template Projects Projects were selected for application in trainings jointly by

PLN and the Consultant.

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6 Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
Summary Volume II: Training Needs Assessment

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TNA | Nine technical departments were identified potential
beneficiaries of the project
Technical Departments Human Resource and Training
Technical (operational) departments directly Several departments, mainly under the
involved in the development, implementation Directorate Human Capital Management
and operation of hydropower plants: (DIRHCM), are very relevant stakeholders/
• DIVEBT (new and renewable energy) partners due to their direct involvement in
• DIVRKO (corporate planning) capacity building and monitoring:
• DIVK3L (health, safety, security and • PUSDIKLAT/CorpU (training and
environment) education center)
• DIVPPT (permits and land) • DIVTLN (talent development)
• DIVENJ (engineering) • DIVHCMS (human capital management
• DIVSIS (system planning) system)
• DIVPMO (previously DIVAKO) • DIVORG (organizational development)
(construction management and • DIVSTI (information system and
administration) technology)
• PUSENLIS (power engineering center)
• PUSMANKON (construction management

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TNA | Interviews with departments and internal training
institution led to detailed conclusions on gaps and needs
• Technical (operational) departments involved in hydropower project
Work with development, implementation and operation were interviewed and assigned
PLN key staff PIC’s to the Project. Most departments do not have specific staff assigned
members to hydropower projects, but work on different projects as required.
• Departments within DIRHCM, including CorpU, generally define and
facilitate capacity building measures in PLN.

• Competency gap and development plans. In this connection CorpU

Review conducted assessments with several departments, e.g. DIVK3L and
training Pusenlis, which are summarised in the Grand Design of Learning.
document- • Existing reports and statistics on capacity development measures
ation and were reviewed. However, existing course material was not yet provided,
tools at PLN whereby its review will be required early in Phase II (i.e. in the forthcoming
month), to avoid duplication of material already existing in CorpU.

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TNA | A course schedule was developed for Phase II
based on revealed basic capacity gaps
• Description of capacity development measures in general and with
particular focus on Phase II of the Projects:
- learning objectives are defined
- learners/target group (departments)
- content, formats, methods and duration of modules/courses are defined
in will be elaborated in the following two months
- training providers/trainers
• core trainers will be provided by the Project
• duplicators/long term instructors to be identified in CorpU (first ToT
course was implemented in November)
• technical instructors need to be identified in the (operative)
departments, general coaching (ToT) is scheduled for February 19
- A course schedule for trainings offered in Phase II was developed.

è A course schedule (training plan) was developed for Phase II, primarily aiming at providing
a solid basis for subsequent deepened trainings in Phase III (in-the-job) and Phase IV (2nd
theoretical training).

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PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

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TNA | A workshop was held at PLN in September to
consolidate the findings of the TNA
On 19th September a workshop was held at PLN Pusat to
consolidate the findings of the training needs analysis
to that date.

Participants of the identified departments were invited. The

workshop was moderated by Ms. Christine Froehlich (K2 –
Education Specialist).
Aims were to
• identify/verify capacity gaps
• match with existing courses
• definition of content and course packages for capacity
development measures to be implemented by AMP

Indeed the workshop led to confirmation of already

collected topics for training and provided further insight
in capacity and institutional gaps.

è Refer to Annex 3 for the detailed report of the workshop.

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TNA | Training modules (courses) proposed for Phase II
are based on identified primary capacity gaps [1/2]
A Technical English
• Ongoing since 15.10. until 21.12.18

B Technical Hydropower Courses

B1 Introduction to hydropower (for non-engineers)
B2 Hydropower for engineers (incl. site visits/domestic study tour)
B3 Contracts and Procurement Framework for Hydropower Projects
B4 Operation and Maintenance of Hydropower Plants (Hydro-mechanical and
hydraulic equipment)
Bx … further courses on hydrology, geology, topography, …)

B+ Special hydropower topics (up to 6 in Phase 2)

(Presentations and exchange of experience by various experts)
B+1 Dr. Klaus Engels (Director Uniper Hydro Operations Germany)
B+2 Dr. Hany Salem (NK01)
B+3 Oliver Froend (K1)
B+4 …

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TNA | Training modules (courses) proposed for Phase II
are based on identified primary capacity gaps [2/2]
C Environmental and Social Impact
C1 IFC Performance Standards and harmonization with AMDAL requirements in
hydropower project development and operation
C2 Environmental flow requirements (national, IFC)

C3 IFC PS7 (Indigenous Peoples) and PS8 (Cultural Heritage) in hydropower

C4 Hydropower and community relations
Cx Deferred to Phase VI: Hydropower, land acquisition and involuntary resettlement

D Health and Safety

D1 Behavior Based Safety: Development of general awareness material, 'toolbox
talks' and training of HSS officers
NB: Particular focus to HSSE planned in Phase IV, during the International Study Tour.

E Training of trainers and multipliers for CorpU (Interactive training methods)

• 1st course for CorpU instructors 14.-16.11.2018
• 2nd course for technical Instructors from departments in February

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TNA | The proposed training schedule for Phase II
requires PLN’s approval prior to detailed planning [1/2]

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14 Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
TNA | The proposed training schedule for Phase II
requires PLN’s approval prior to detailed planning [2/2]

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PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

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TNA | Several formats are proposed for the planned
capacity development measures
Format Participants Duration (example) Phase
- Lecture
lecturesand/or Open to anyone at PLN 1-2 hours, from time to II - IV
- Webinar
training courses (2-3- days face-to-face)
(w/ access to internet) time by project experts
- Workshop
blended learning (over Selected,
a longer max.
e.g. English)
3 hours II - IV
- E-learning workshop
- Training
Study tours to Face
course: GermanySelected, max 25 per 8 - 24 hours (1-3 full
to Face (F2F) training course days in a row)
Training on the job Selected (personal, Follow-up to other III-IV
small groups) activities or on demand
Blended learning Selected, to be defined 40 hours in 6-8 weeks IV
courses (mix F2F and
eLearning – MOOC Open to all e-literate, 40 hours in 4-6 weeks IV
Study tour Selected 3 weeks IV

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TNA | ToT approach recommended to allow sustainable
integration of the modules in CorpU
What is it?

• Training of
• Coach staff
• Develop &
pilot course
trainers Roll members
Dev ToT • Train • Training of
• Develop
trainer multipliers out staff
• .....

Why ToT?
• sustainability and local ownership: trainers at PLN need to internalize topics
continue provision of the trainings at a later stage without support
• too many: some relevant target groups (e.g. health and safety) are very big à need
for training of trainers for multipliers (limited outreach with eLearning)
• limited project resources: not all relevant target groups can be reached by project

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17 Consultancy Services for Accompanying Measures
TNA | Diversification of training methods and types of
exercises recommended to provide engaging courses
Use of activating methods for better learning
ü Brainstorming
ü Case studies
ü Simulations and role plays
ü Group work and exchange
ü Practical application at work
ü Visualization (permanent)
ü Metaplan technique (cards)
ü Energisers
ü Daily routines & volunteers (e.g. daily news show)

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PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

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Summary Volume III: Needs Analysis for
Knowledge and Learning Management System

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KMS & LMS | Requirements based on Project’s needs,
corresponding assessment of existing IT infrastructure
Definition of Project’s (initial) requirements towards KMS & LMS:
• Independent development but intended for embedment in PLN’s existing IT
Objective infrastructure.
• Training formats like Blended Learning, MOOC and project portal require
eLearning/LMS support to be provided by LMS.

• Since the development of the Project’s ToR (PLN and KfW, 2016) a KMS
was developed for corporate-wide use and a new LMS was rolled out by
CorpU in 2017.
• Both systems were centralised at DIVSTI in the third quarter of 2018,
Assessment coinciding with the start of the Project.
• Numerous meetings were held with DIVSTI, Pusdiklat LMS staff, DIVHCMS
and DIVORG, incl. joint meeting on 02.10.18
• A solid understanding of current IT system infrastructure (SAP HR,
centralization process) and current KMS/LMS was gained.

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KMS & LMS | Implementation of KMS & LMS in PLN is
progressing, the Project might provide selected contributions
Current KMS in PLN is based on MS SharePoint, but a tender is in process
by PLN to acquire a new system (decision pending). Independent selection of
KMS a KMS by the Project is therefore currently not reasonable.
à Further decisions/development should be deferred into Phase II and III of
the Project. Currently the existing system can be used by the Project, and
contents can subsequently be transferred to the new KMS.

In early 2017 a new LMS has been commissioned by CorpU, covering the
basic requirements of PLN and of the Project. Challenges for the Project to
LMS contribute as the different modules are developed from scratch by inhouse
staff. User requirements appear to be fluctuating and internal time schedule
time is not entirely clear.

A special area of interest is the LMS eLearning (Digital Learning) module.

CorpU is currently using the eLearning functions of corporate LMS
eLearning (DOKEOS), but has the plan to migrate these functions to open source
software Moodle. For the Project eLearning modules are anticipated for
Phase IV, providing for further preparation time.

è It is suggested that the Project’s IT consultants (K8 or NK08) carries out a mission to assess
further system development in April/May 2019 to re-access options for eLearning in Phase IV.

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Template Projects

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Template Projects with different maturity were selected
as suitable demonstration material for Phase III
Planning phase
• PLTA Bakaru II (supported by KfW)

Construction phase
• PLTA Jatigede
• PLTA Peusangan

Operational projects
• PLTA Musi
• PLTA Cirata
• PLTA Saguling
• PLTA Jatiluhur
• PLTM Dago Bengkok

All projects are known to the Consultant. For these projects under development or
construction latest reports were received from PLN.
Site visits to these projects are planned for early December 2018.

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Summary of further activities implemented or
commenced in Phase I

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Further activities in Phase 1 | Technical English Course
is taken by 41 participants from various departments
• The English language trainer (NK09) started her assignment on
10th September 2018 with placement tests (online tests and
individual interviews) and corresponding course preparation.
• 41 participants from various departments were placed in 5
classes (Monday to Friday). Each class session is 4 hours.
• Classes started on 15th October at CorpU and will continue
until 21st December (i.e. 10 weeks; 10 sessions per student).

Placement tests Technical English class at CorpU

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Further activities in Phase 1 | 1st Trainer Course
‘Interactive Training Methods’ carried out in November
• Theoretical elements about adult learning, communication and
visualization in training situations, introduction to typical action
oriented and experience-based exercises, and practical
application of diverse exercises.
• The first course was carried out for permanent instructors
at CorpU. A second course is planned to be held in
February for the technical instructors to be assigned
to the specific modules.

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PLN | KfW - Sustainable Hydropower Program

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