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Entrepreneurial Behavior

Name: Leziel Inalisan Date: September

Course: BSE1

ACTIVITY 4: Answer the following.

1. Discuss at least one way to develop your self-confidence.

= Surround yourself with positive people. You're more likely to acquire
empowering attitudes and experience life as happening for you rather than
to you if you surround yourself with positive individuals. Just as you gain
from being around people who make you happy, you suffer when
individuals in your professional or social circles are negative or narrow-

2. What must you do to be a moderate risk-taker?

= Entrepreneurs have a reputation for taking large risks. That is not entirely
correct. Big bets have a low chance of succeeding. Successful entrepreneurs
are risk takers who take reasonable risks. They do not avoid ambiguity if
they believe opportunity exists, but they research and calculate before
accepting the risk.

The same strategy for risk-taking may benefit me as a student. If I don’t

take any risks, I might never get ahead or be stuck in a job that I hate. I am
more likely to close transactions and enjoy my profession if I take sensible

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