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Quarter 1 Week 2 Science

Shanya Delloso 9 – STE

What I Know
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. A
9. B
10. A
11. B
12. B
13. D
14. A
15. A

 The respiratory system's principal job is to give oxygen to the blood so that the blood may carry
oxygen to all areas of the body. Breathing is how the respiratory system does this. We inhale
oxygen and expel carbon dioxide when we breathe; The circulatory system consists of blood
arteries that transport blood away from and towards the heart. Arteries transport blood away
from the heart, whereas veins transport blood back to the heart. The circulatory system
transports oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells while also removing waste products such as
carbon dioxide.
 Nose, Mouth, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea, Bronchi, Bronchioles, Lungs.
 The Circulatory System is composed of the heart, the blood, and the blood vessels.

1. Yes
2. Yes, smoking cause Lung Disease, Cancer, Heart Disease etc.
1. Atherosclerosis
6. Emphysema
8. Asthma
2. Tuberculosis
3. Hypertension
4. Lung Cancer
5. Bronchitis
7. Pneumonia
9. Stoke
10. Anemia

Activity 2
1. Asthma- Regular exercise, not smoke, avoiding smoke belching vehicle, avoiding everything that
may trigger asthma.
2. Hypertension- avoid eating fatty and unhealthy foods, no alcoholic drinks, have regular
exercises, eat healthy foods with protein and vitamins.
3. Anemia- get enough amount of sleep, don’t stay up all night, eat healthy foods, avoid eating
unhealthy and junk foods have regular exercise.
4. Stroke- avoid eating unhealthy foods, have regular exercise, eat healthy foods, avoid drinking
5. Covid-19- practice social distancing, always wear a mask, avoid people with symptoms, stay at

Activity 3
1. Asthma= shortness of breathing & chest tightness
2. Hypertension= raised pressure & pumps heart harder
3. Heart Attack= shortness of breath & aching
4. Stroke= paralysis & trouble walking
5. Chronic Bronchitis= wheezing & tight chest
6. Emphysema= coughing & wheezing
7. High Cholesterol= too much LDL cholesterol & shortness of breath
8. Pneumonia= fatigue & nausea
9. Exercise= being healthy & conditioning the body
10. Cigarette= bad & inhaled into the lungs

What I Have Learned

1. Cigarette smokes
2. Asthma
3. Lung Cancer
4. Tuberculosis
5. Pneumonia
6. Stroke
7. Hypertension
8. Go, Grow and Glow foods
9. 120 minutes
10. Information Dissemination

1. D
2. B
3. D
4. A
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. D
11. D
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A

Additional Activities
1. Do 6. Do
2. Do 7. Don’t
3. Don’t 8. Don’t
4. Don’t 9. Do
5. Do 10. Do

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