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Activity no.

The Integumentary
1) Observe the slides of scalp and palm
skin under LPO.

Scalp skin Palm skin

2) Inspect the skin of someone and

observe the following characteristics.
a. Color: areas of increased pigmentation, loss of pigmentation,
redness, pallor, cyanosis and yellowing of the skin

skin does
b. Moisture· areas of dryness. sweating, and oiliness.

Dryness Sweating

c. Types and descriptions of lesions.

Primary skin lesions

- are abnormal skin
conditions that can
be present at birth
or developed
during the course
of a person's life.

Secondary lesion
- are the result of
primary skin lesions
that have been
inflamed or altered. If a
mole is scratched until
it bleeds, the ensuing
lesion, a crust,
becomes a secondary
skin lesion.
3) Perform the following:

a. Temperature: use the back of your fingers to make this

b. Mobility and turgor. lift a fold of skin and note the ease with
which it lifts up (mobility) and the speed with which it returns into
place (turgor). Name conditions associated with increased mobility
and conditions associated with decreased turgor.

Increase Mobility Turgor Decreased Mobility Turgor

-Extreme Weight -Decrease Fluid

Loss Intake


-Diarrhea Diabetes
-Heat Exhaustion
(excessive -Extreme Weight
sweating without Loss
enough fluid
intake) -Vomiting
4) Observe the differences between
vellus and terminal hair based on the
following parameters.

Types of Hair
Parameters Vellus Hair Terminal or Androgenic Hair

Longer and
Hair Quality Fine hair
Head, thick patches of
Location Whole Body body hair in the pubic
region, under the
arms, and beard

Texture Light Darker

What is considered normal?
In general, our nails should be a delicate pink or mauve color. The color comes
from the tissue beneath the nails rather than the nails themselves. A healthy
nail will be pinkish or mauve in color because it mirrors the color of the nail bed
beneath it.

What is the significance of this test?

To determine if we are well hydrated and have adequate blood flow to our
tissues. By exerting pressure, we drive blood away from the tissues, and then
removing pressure enables it to return.

What are the 5 layers of the Epidermis? (from

superficial to deep)
1) Stratum Corneum
2) Stratum Lucidum
3)Stratum Granulosum
4) Stratum Spinosum
5) Stratum Basale

Function of the arrector pili muscle?

The erector pili muscle is located in the skin's inner layer. During temperature
regulation, this muscle regulates the lifting of the hair on the skin. When the
erector pili muscle contracts, the hair follicle is pushed, causing the hair to stand

What is the function/importance of

A healthy fingernail serves to protect the distal phalanx, fingertip, and
surrounding soft tissues from injury. It also helps to improve exact sensitive
motions of the distal fingers by applying counter-pressure to the finger pulp.
When the end of the finger meets an item, the nail acts as a counter force,
increasing the sensitivity of the fingertip, despite the fact that the nail itself lacks
nerve endings. Finally, the nail serves as a tool, allowing for a "extended
precision grasp" (e.g., drawing out a splinter in one's finger) as well as some
cutting or scraping motions.

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