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English 10: World Literature

Name: Laurence Yu


1. Choose two underlined terms to operationally define from this document ->
2. To define it, state its criterion, test and decision. Look at the examples below and
encode your answers on the space after them.
3. After identifying its criterion, test and decision, define the term in one sentence.


I. Definitions:

Operational Definition - gives communicable meaning to a concept by specifying how the

concept is measured and applied within a particular set of circumstances.

Criterion - Standard against which to evaluate results of the test

Test - Procedure for measuring a characteristic

Decision - Determination whether test results show the characteristic meets the criterion


II. Examples:
III. Your Answers:

1. Term: better athletes

Criterion: A person who is more athletically inclined (someone who has won at
least three more games) than another athlete in the same sports tornaument
and/or league.

Test: The athletic capability of a person is determined through the gathering of

data (obtaining and comparing information regarding athletes’ statistics
throughout said tornaument/event) that identifies the number of times an athlete
has won in their respective sport.

Decision: If an athlete has won at least three more times than another athlete in
their field, then that particular athlete is better than those who have won less
times than him. Black people are better athletes than white people since they
generally win more frequently in sports.
Its definition in one sentence: Better athletes are people who have won at least
three more times than other people in their respective sport.

2. Term: better school

Criterion: A high school that molds students better in becoming accepted into
high quality colleges.
Test: The superiority of both schools is determined by the gathering of data that
identifies and compares the number of students, in accordance to each
respective school, who are accepted into different prestigous colleges.

Decision: If a certain school has more students who are accepted into high
quality colleges than another school, it can be considered a better school.
Germantown High School is a better school than Homestead High School.

Its definition in one sentence: A better school is an institution that has a greater
number of students who are accepted into prestigious colleges than other

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