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Question words

Question word Usage Example

- What are you doing?
Dùng để hỏi về một điều
What - What do you think about the
gì, cái gì
- When will the meeting start?
When Dùng để hỏi về thời gian
- When are you leaving?
Dùng để hỏi về địa điểm, - Where’s my bag?
vị trí - Where do you live?
- Who do you love the most in
Who Dùng để hỏi về người your family?
- Who told you that story?

Question words
Question word Usage Example
Được sử dụng để hỏi về
- Whom is Jim talking to? He is talking
Whom người (đối tượng của
to Jack, his new roommate.
động từ)

- Which one do you choose?

Được sử dụng để hỏi về
Which - Of all the drinks in the menu, which
sự lựa chọn
one would you like?

Được sử dụng để hỏi về - Whose pencil is this? Is it yours?

sự sở hữu - Whose books are these?
Được sử dụng để hỏi về - Why do we have to do exercises?
lý do / nguyên nhân. - Why is he crying?

Được sử dụng để hỏi về - How can you explain this problem?

cách thức / quy trình - How can you get here? 29

I. With an auxiliary verb

Wh + an auxiliary verb (be, do, does or have) + subject
+ main verb?
Wh + a modal verb + subject + main verb?
Ex: When are you leaving?
Where do they live?
Where should I park?
Whom does she talking to?

II. Without an auxiliary verb

Wh + main verb / modal verb + object?

Ex: Who loves you most?

What makes him laugh a lot?

Who can lift this table?

Respond to Wh-question

Question words Question/Respond

What is it?
It’s a table
When will you leave?
On Monday
Where do you live?
I live in Saigon
Why don’t we visit him now?
It’s a good idea


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