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INTRO……The world we are living in is constantly changing and social studies is one of the pivotal

instrument for the development and attainment of success we are always aiming. Social studies is a
foundation for social development across the country. It acts as a catalyst for improvement of an
individual to be an effective citizen. The education is also continue evolving and as a student in this new
generation , social studies’ components provides opportunities to develop the attitudes, skills and
knowledge that will enable them to become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens.

BODY…..Social studies is the study of people in relation to each other and to their environment or the
world they are living in. It is an interdisciplinary subject that covers a broad range of disciplines such as
history, geography, economics, civic, culture and other social studies disciplines. The exploration of the
unique and dynamic relationship that humans have with the Earth’s land, places and environments
refers to geography. In geography, students can examine the impact of geography on the social,
political, environmental and economic organization of societies as well as they can also scrutinize how
human culture interacts with the natural environment .From this, as a student and future educator, my
perspective and understanding on the connections of humans to the land and vice versa can improve
and seeks to understand where things are found, why they are there, and how they develop and change
over time. The study of the various events that took place in the past in the realm of the human world
are discuss in history. Understanding the relationships among time, continuity and change is a
cornerstone of citizenship and identity. Historical context enables students to understand and
appreciate the social, cultural and political dimensions of the past, make meaning of the present and
make decisions better for the future. Studying the culture and community promotes students’
development of citizenship and identity and understanding of multiple perspectives, issues and change
through examining in their own sense the shared and socially transmitted values, belonging, traditions,
beliefs, traditions and languages. The concepts of power, authority, duties, rights and responsibilities are
tackle in civic and gov’t. It helps students consider how these concepts impact individuals, relationships,
communities and nations. It also broadens students’ understanding of related issues, perspectives and
their effect on citizenship and identity. Students can learn governmental and political structures, justice
and laws, fairness and equity, conflict and cooperation, decision-making processes, leadership and
governance. This examination develops a myself as a future educator in understanding of the
individual’s capacity in decision-making processes and promotes active and responsible citizenship. The
study of economics is essentially about dealing with human activities and constructions in environments
with scarce resources, and uses the scientific method and empirical evidence. As a student and future
educator, economics contributes to understanding of the effects that economics and resources have on
the quality of life around the world.

CONCLUSION…. Social studies develops the knowledge and understanding, values and attitudes as well
as skills that are necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens, engaged in the
democratic process and aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society and
Social studies fosters students’ understanding of and involvement in practical and ethical issues
that face their communities and humankind. Social studies is integral to the process of enabling students
to develop an understanding of who they are, what they want to become and the society in which they
want to live.

Social studies develops the key values and attitudes, knowledge and understanding, and skills and
processes necessary for students to become active and responsible citizens, engaged in the democratic
process and aware of their capacity to effect change in their communities, society and world.

Social studies provides opportunities for students to develop the attitudes, skills and knowledge that will
enable them to become engaged, active, informed and responsible citizens. Recognition and respect for
individual and collective identity is essential in a pluralistic and democratic society. Social studies helps
students develop their sense of self and community, encouraging them to affirm their place as citizens in
an inclusive, democratic society.

Geography: Exploring the unique and dynamic relationship that humans have with the land, places and
environments affects decisions that students make and their understanding of perspectives, issues,
citizenship and identity. Students will examine the impact of physical geography on the social, political,
environmental and economic organization of societies. This examination also affects students’
understanding of perspectives and issues as they consider how connections to the land influence their
sense of place.

Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their environments.
Geographers explore both the physical properties of Earth’s surface and the human societies spread
across it. They also examine how human culture interacts with the natural environment and the way
that locations and places can have an impact on people. Geography.

Economics :Exploring multiple perspectives on the use, distribution and management of resources and
wealth contributes to students’ understanding of the effects that economics and resources have on the
quality of life around the world. Students will explore basic economic systems, trade and the effects of
economic interdependence on individuals, communities, nations and the natural environment. Students
will also critically consider the social and environmental implications of resource use and technological

The study of economics is essentially about dealing with scarcity, resource allocation and the methods
and processes by which ch oices are made in the satisfaction of human wants. Economics studies human
activities and constructions in environments with scarce resources, and uses the scientific method and
empirical evidence to build its base of knowledge.

Culture and society:

Civic and gov't :Examining the concepts of power, authority and decision making from multiple
perspectives helps students consider how these concepts impact individuals, relationships, communities
and nations. It also broadens students’ understanding of related issues, perspectives and their effect on
citizenship and identity. A critical examination of the distribution, exercise and implications of power
and authority is the focus of this strand. Students will examine governmental and political structures,
justice and laws, fairness and equity, conflict and cooperation, decision-making processes, leadership
and governance. This examination develops a student’s understanding of the individual’s capacity in
decision-making processes and promotes active and responsible citizenship.

Civics is the studies of a way in how a Government works and the rights and duties of the people
( citizen) who lives in the country.

History: History refers to As a study, history aims to discover, collect, and interpret data or information
from the past. This may be people or artifacts that serve as proof of the human record. History can be
classified in many different ways: by period or time, geographical location, or by discipline. History can
also be recorded (usually written) or non-recorded (oral history and tradition).

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