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Question no 1:

Mission statements vary widely from one company to another. Mission statement better than
another? Using the Internet, find the mission statements of three different organizations, which can
be business or not-for-Profit. Which mission statement is best? Why?


Mission Statements Vary Widely

Mission statements vary widely from one company to a different . One mission statement might be
better than another. Using the web , find the mission statements of three different organizations, which
may be business or not-for profit.(They can often be found via a link on a company’s website ) Which
mission statement you discover the simplest among the three? Why? You’ll evaluate the mission
statement using the subsequent questions.( Write mission statements of three companies but evaluate
only the one which you discover best. )

Purpose Statement

What a corporation is currently seeking to try to to for its customers is usually termed the company’s
mission. A mission statement may be a statement of the company’s purpose. A mission statement is
beneficial for putting the spotlight on what business a corporation is presently in and therefore the
customer needs it’s presently endeavoring to serve. A mission statement deals with this and answers
the question “What is our business and what are we trying to accomplish on behalf of our customers?”
A mission statement may be a logical viewpoint from which to seem down the road.

A mission statement is like your Polaris . A Polaris , isn’t an area you go, it’s a hard and fast point
supplying you with perspective on where you’re going. Your mission statement keeps you headed within
the right general direction. A mission statement may be a very specific umbrella statement explaining
why you are doing everything you are doing within your organization.(Bobb Beihl)

A mission statement may be a statement of the organization’s reason for being, its purpose – what it
wants to accomplish within the larger environment. (Kotler p.49). It explains why the organization does
what it does. It says what, within the end, the organization wants to be remembered for. (Drucker). A
transparent mission statement acts as an “invisible hand” that guides people within the organization.
(Kotler p.49).

An effective mission statement clearly defines who the customer is and what services and products the
business intends to supply . It also is a guide for day-to-day operations and because the foundation for
future decision-making.

Contemporary strategic marketing perspectives indicate that a corporation should define a business by
the sort of consumers it wishes to serve, the actual needs of these customers groups it wishes to satisfy,
and therefore the means or technology by which the organization will satisfy these customer needs.
Thus the firm are going to be perceived and act more customer & market-oriented. (A customer-
satisfying entity, not a product-producing entity.) (Kerin & Peterson, p.2).

Criteria for an honest Mission Statement

Changing the mission or creating an organization’s first mission statement may be a process of gathering
ideas and suggestions for the mission and honing them into a brief , sharply focused phrase that meets
specific criteria.

An effective mission statement clearly defines who the customer is and what services and products the
business intends to supply . It also is a guide for day-to-day operations and because the foundation for
future decision-making. The subsequent are criteria for an honest mission statement:

Using the web

Using the web , find the mission statements of three different organizations, which may be business or
not-for profit. (Hint: Check annual reports and 10K forms. They will often be found via a link on a
company’s website or through

Question no 2

Competitive intelligence plays a crucial role in the attainment of competitive advantages. How far
should people in a business firm go in gathering competitive intelligence? Where do you draw the


Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence, sometimes mentioned as corporate intelligence, refers to the power to

collect , analyze, and use information collected on competitors, customers, and other market factors
that contribute to a business’s competitive advantage. Businesses analyze the knowledge to make
effective and efficient business practices.

Competitive Intelligence Works

Assembles actionable information from diverse published and unpublished sources, collected efficiently
and ethically. Ideally, a business successfully employs competitive intelligence by cultivating an in depth
enough portrait of the marketplace so it’s going to anticipate and answer challenges and problems
before they arise.

Competitive intelligence transcends the straightforward cliché “know your enemy.” Rather, it’s a deep
dive exercise, where businesses unearth the finer points of competitors’ business plans, including the
purchasers they serve and therefore the marketplaces during which they operate. Competitive
intelligence also analyzes how a good sort of events disrupts rival businesses. It also reveals how
distributors and other stakeholders could also be impacted, and it telegraphs how new technologies can
quickly render invalid every assumption.


The nature of competitive intelligence varies for various companies, counting on the industry,
circumstance, and a number of other factors; for instance , companies that are impacted by politics and
laws might require information about statutory changes that would affect the company’s operations.

Competitive Intelligence Works

By definition, competitive intelligence assembles actionable information from diverse published and
unpublished sources, collected efficiently and ethically. Ideally, a business successfully employs
competitive intelligence by cultivating an in depth enough portrait of the marketplace so it’s going to
anticipate and answer challenges and problems before they arise.

Competitive intelligence transcends the straightforward cliché “know your enemy.” Rather, it’s a deep
dive exercise, where businesses unearth the finer points of competitors’ business plans, including the
purchasers they serve and therefore the marketplaces during which they operate. Competitive
intelligence also analyzes how a good sort of events disrupts rival businesses. It also reveals how
distributors and other stakeholders could also be impacted, and it telegraphs how new technologies can
quickly render invalid every assumption.

Within any organization, competitive intelligence means various things to different people and
departments. For instance , to a sales representative, it’s going to ask tactical advice on how best to bid
for a lucrative contract. To top management, it’s going to mean cultivating unique marketing insights
wont to gain market share against a formidable competitor.

The character of competitive intelligence varies for various companies, counting on the industry,
circumstance, and a number of other factors; for instance , companies that are impacted by politics and
laws might require information about statutory changes that would affect the company’s operations.

For any group, the goal of competitive intelligence is to assist make better-informed decisions and
enhance organizational performance by discovering risks and opportunities before they become readily
apparent. In other words, competitive intelligence aims to stop businesses from being caught off guard,
by any oppositional forces.

Types of Competitive Intelligence

Competitive intelligence activities are often grouped into two main silos: tactical and strategic. Combat
intelligence is shorter-term and seeks to supply input into issues like capturing market share or
increasing revenues. Intelligence focuses on longer-term issues, like key risks and opportunities facing
the enterprise.
In either case, competitive intelligence differs from corporate or industrial espionage, which relies on
illegal and unethical methods to realize an unfair competitive advantage.

Special Considerations

While most companies can find substantial information about their competitors online, competitive
intelligence goes beyond grabbing such easily accessible, low-hanging fruit. Only alittle portion of
competitive intelligence involves trawling the web for information.

A typical competitive intelligence study includes information and analysis from various disparate
sources, including the journalism , customer and competitor interviews, industry experts, trade shows
and conferences, government records, and public filings. But these publicly accessible information
sources are mere starting points. Competitive intelligence also encompasses investigating the complete
breadth of a company’s stakeholders, key distributors, and suppliers, also as customers and

Question no 3

Should all CEOs be transformational leaders? Would you like to work for a transformational leader?
Think of the best manager for whom you have ever worked. What was it about this person that made
him or her such a good manager? Support your answer with precise examples and managerial


Transformational leadership

Growth and alter are inevitable in IT, but transformational leadership can inspire workers to embrace
change by fostering a corporation culture of accountability, ownership and workplace autonomy.

Transformational leadership may be a leadership style during which leaders encourage, inspire and
motivate employees to innovate and make change which will help grow and shape the longer term
success of the corporate . this is often accomplished by setting an example at the chief level through a
robust sense of corporate culture, ownership and independence within the workplace.

Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their workforce without micromanaging — they trust
trained employees to require authority over decisions in their assigned jobs. It’s a management style
that’s designed to offer employees more room to be creative, look to the longer term and find new
solutions to old problems. Employees on the leadership track also will be prepared to become
transformational leaders themselves through mentorship and training.
Have you ever been during a group where someone took control of things by conveying a transparent
vision of the group’s goals, a marked passion for the work, and a capability to form the remainder of the
group feel recharged and energized? This person just could be what’s called a transformational leader.

Transformational leadership may be a leadership style which will inspire positive changes in those that
follow. Transformational leaders are generally energetic, enthusiastic, and passionate. Not only are
these leaders concerned and involved within the process; they’re also focused on helping every member
of the group succeed also .

Quick Background

The concept of transformational leadership was initially introduced by leadership expert and
presidential biographer James MacGregor Burns. Consistent with Burns, transformational leadership are
often seen when “leaders and followers make one another to advance to a better level of ethical and

Through the strength of their vision and personality, transformational leaders are ready to inspire
followers to vary expectations, perceptions, and motivations to figure towards common goals.

Later, researcher Bernard M. Bass expanded upon Burns’s original ideas to develop what’s today
mentioned as Bass’s Transformational Leadership Theory. Consistent with Bass, transformational
leadership are often defined supported the impact that it’s on followers. Transformational leaders, Bass
suggested, garner trust, respect, and admiration from their followers.

Becoming an Inspirational Leader

Everyone respects Molly. Her team members are fiercely loyal, and they are highly successful – as
individuals, and as a team.

By contrast, other leaders within the organization report that their people seem disengaged. They
experience high staff turnover, and their results are often disappointing.

So, what does Molly do this other leaders don’t? Molly may be a transformational leader and, during
this article and video, we’ll check out how you’ll be one, too.

To begin with, Molly regularly reminds her team members of the aim of their work. And she or he knows
that she’s a task model for her team, so she demonstrates integrity altogether of her working
She sets high expectations, but “walks the walk” to demonstrate the standards that she expects. During
this article, we’ll explore what transformational leadership is, and we’ll outline how you’ll become a
transformational leader.

Inspiring Vision

People need a compelling reason to follow your lead, and this is often why you would like to make and
communicate an inspiring vision of the longer term .

Your vision sets out your team or organization’s purpose – why you all rise up within the morning to try
to to what you are doing . You develop this partly by understanding the values of the people you lead,
partly by understanding the capabilities and resources of your organization, and partly by conducting an
intelligent analysis of your environment, and selecting the simplest way forward within it.

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