Think 4 Students Book 66-130

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CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: First DE THIN EXAM S eS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Part 7: Matching > 1. Youare going to read an article in which four teenagers talk about how they met their best friend. For ‘questions 1-10, choose from the teenagers (A-D). The teenagers may be chosen more than once. Which teenager feels that they met their best friend at the perfect time? has changed their attitudes to best fiends several times? has known their bes friend for mast oftheir life? felt an instant connection with their bestfriend? thinks that distance helps keep a relationship healthy? made bes friends withthe new kid in class straight away? 0 A Dom ‘My best friends Liam and tve only known him for about three months. I met Liam ata youth club and knew Immediately that he was going to be a great friend, We share exaety the same sense of humour, We like the same bands. m quite interested in politics and he shares exactly the same concernsas do. Itwas great to finaly bbe able to talk about something other than football and ars, Don't get me wrong, stil ke talking about those things butit: good to have a change. Alco, Because Liam doestit go tothe same school as me, it means that we don't waste time talking about other friends. 6 Janice Frehad alot uf best fie. Lrenenibes bret was a hd havea new bast friend every week. Then when Iwas abitolder, thought it was silly to have one best friend and just ried to have as many friends as I could, Recently though. | realise that although it’s 00d to have lots of fiends, i's good to have one or two extra special ones that you know will akvays be there for you no matter what, I guess at the moment Chloe would be that friend, {really haven't known her very long, probably about a year atthe most She was the new kid in school and at fist | wasnt very fricaaly te her atl probably because already had my gang of friends, But she was in lots of iy classes andl stated to get to know her better and realised she was rally coo ‘thinks ie gad thing that thei hect friend cnexn't knnw their ather friend? thinks ican be a good thing to have a small number of very close friends? _gets on with their best friend because they can discuss diferent topics? feels that their bestfriend alsv helped them to get un beter with peuple at scout? © Anna {stil remember the first time | met Robin. Imust have been about tenor eleven. Iwas at schaol when the teacher introduced him asthe new student and told him to sit next tome. We started chatting immediately and have hardly stopped taking since. Mum says | didnt have alot of friends at that age and | found it difficult to get Con with the other kids. She says that Robin helped me find Ue confidenie I needed to make new friends, Now swcte at racondary school and we stl spand ots of tina together. Ofcourse, tend to hang out with the girs and Robin hangs out with the boys but we often meet up alter school or a the weekend, 2 Colin tveknown my hest fiend Tom since | wastwo OF course, [dont remember hin from then but we met because our dads took ust the same parkto play when wwe were toddlers, Tey became best friends and we grew up almost as brothers. When I ras about seven, ‘Mum and Dad moved away but they kept in touch with Toms parents so Tom and | would stil see each other ‘most holidays. These days we keep in touch on Facebook and we text each other loads. its great having someone ‘whe knows you so wll and think th fact that we lve ‘more than 100 km apart has meant that we've become even better fiends because we realy value the time we have together. We don't get tired of each other because wete nut lvingin each oilers pockets, TEST (AOUPSIEILE UNITS 5&6 VOCABULARY 1 ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are four extra words. stream | backup | 2ip | upgrade | craze | split | introduced | going recommendation | confessed | access | startled | complained | lens 1_Jake is feeling really down He's just up with his grfriend. 2. My friends Alex and Nancy have been out together for overa year 3 Lasked him four testo give me my watch back, and then he that hei lost. 4 know who Pauls but 'veneverbeen toh, 3 The file wes so big that | had to itto send it by email & My computer runs my new graphies program very slowly. need to it 7 Lalmast lost everything when my computer crashed, but luckily Ihada___of mastof. 8 Theold lady was 50 \when the dog jumped up at her that she dropped her shopping, 9 Theneighbours about the novse at our party. 10 Steve sl this tablet was greats boughc ton his Ww GRAMMAR 2 Complete the sentences with the phrases in the list, There are two extra phrases. succeeded in | needn't have | been able | managedto | nowhere near as wasnt allowed to | even though | didn't need to 1. I've never visited the museum Hive very dose toit. 2. Myunde had loadk of lassons, but ha nover learning to drive 3) Mymum. {20 out with friends until she was 16. 4 Thesequelis good. the first fm. 5 Dave had already asked Mum about the trip, so! asked her, 6 My quit hurt esha last nent, She es Ww play Ure pian since the 3. Find and correct the mistake in each sentence, FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 ‘We ran as fasts we could but we didn't manage ger therein time. Despite eats youd salty, Mari vas Ine ere ss raul ue Nicole's parents weren't as striet with hr brother than they were with her. Nevertheless Barry's French isn't prea, he understood allot ofthe film: leis very kindof you, but you don't need pick me up at my house can walk tothe restaurant. James always does welin tests, although never studying a Choose the correct options. 1A think Paolo Nutini latest album is far and away! miles the best album he's ever released. | agree. I's or/ even beter than their second album, Loust/ aged go home now, [sill have homework to finish for tomorrow, No, don't be silly! You mustn't / don’t need fo doit for tomorrow — t's holiday. Do your parents let/ allow you stay out aslate as you want? Yes, but only at the weekends and | have / must to tell them what time Il be home. love this game —it's easily even the best game I've ever played No way! Prince of Shadows’ sa whole / good lot better than ths, MY SCORE er erere ad 68 READING 1 5 Louk at the photos. What do they me relate them to area life situation? Ww yuu? Can you Read statements A and B. Discuss the differences in their reactions, in class. Then say who is more like you: the person who wrote statement A, or the one who wrote B. A My Lest fiend lias nuved tw athe county. Mever get overt. won't find anybody that | like as much a her, so wont even try to find a new friend, Imagine I found one, and she moved away too! My best friand has moved ta another cauntry. That's grant for he. definitely pot wo stay touch atid Hin lvokg forward to hearing stores of her newlife, And who knows, ‘one day I might even be able to wst her. Read through the blog quickly and answer the questions. 1 What does the blogger call her character? 2. What does he do for aiving? 2. Ishean optimist or a pessimist? FA Read the blog age and listen. Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). Then work with a partner and correct the false statements. 1 The blogger is concerned with her avn attitucos and those of her frends 2. The main reason the blogger writes this posts to share an exciting story 3. Themain character ofthe story sa man whose attitude tolife changed after he was attacked 4 Therrobber got into the shop intending to kill the man who worked there. 5 Onthe way to hospital, the man was feeling calm because ofthe support he got from the paramedics. & When the man arived in the operating theatra, the staff didrit seem hopeful 7 Theman made ajoke but ne one found it funy. & Theblogger thinks that the positive attitude the man shown ina dificult ctuation helped to cave his if Work in pairs, Discuss the questions. 1 Did youl the story the blogger used? Do you agree that Jim's positive attitude helped save his fe? 2 Doyouthinka story lke ths could change people's attitudes? Say why (not ‘onjecTives runcrions: cheering CcRaMAr: ways of rlerrng tothe future (review); future continuous; future perfect. vvoeasutants phrases te tlk about the Future: abou onthe pointof feelings about future ne up LRU My Take om uly World 7 ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE ‘oday’s take i ll about attitude. So many of my fiend are often pessiseti. Vou low, the kind of people who alvays dink, “heres ‘dark cloud up there. Its going to rain soon!” Guys, we all need to work on our attest matters how we see things! Tread a etory recently that | want to share with you, and i you'te a pessimist, maybe il change your atinide a hittan, I about thie ‘guy, oe fongotter his nae lets call hi Ji He was kind ofa bom optimist, always in a geod mood stim owned a shop, and a customer once _acked him how he managed to stay co friendly and postive all the time. His answer was: ‘When | wake vpn the moming, | knew that Use day wl have oud ard Lad womens forme, but whatever happens, 'm going to choose ta be in a good mood. then one day, something terible happened, An armed robber came in, held him ‘upat qunpoint and made Jim apan the safe, ‘che wns tying tn apen i, inte hand clipped The robber saw this, probably though Hes about to attack me!” and panicked and fired, dim was ail conscious when the ambulance arrived, anche was rushed ta hospital. fn the ambulance, he'd flt fine because the paramedic kept telling him, ‘Don’t worry. 'm Sa youl be OK. As scan as we get tothe hospital, the doctors wl take care of you" But once lim weer he operating test and he Sew the faces of doco andres, he had the fealing that people thought he was mote oles ded andy. He knew he needed todo something Thora wen tro We was alg hi let of estos, er fast One questo was Ave gosta trying? Moat tm esl wey Sl wen btsy septal ha Ue wae cg There was total slence. ‘Bult Jim sid, and al the doctors and murses burst out laughing ‘Ane then Jn acted, ease operete ote thnking hat ive and nt thot Md Sim suned, hanks to the sl of the droueeuctrieae Rerakie hpedl ee se that arayel torent opunit eve the most dramatic moment of isi So Iisten up dear feces Letty and thnk postin ore often, Ach ft on the pont of doing height nom Im hang 3 plato lesson late today Not my hole real Raeg paren shana geet teereatn Weard nel ove Buti bes yuod ai. i keep an open mind. choose f fn Something postive about plying the pono. ‘Anyway, beter go, My bus loaves five minute. Oh, ap in off Span on Tuseday fora family holley soi guess post my next Uat ti wes em ene HETRAIN TO THiNK Learning to see things from a different perspective How we see situation influences how we feel about it and how we behave int. Leaning to look at things from a more ‘ptimisic perspective can have u positive iluence on the outcome of asituation, 1. Read what these people have experienced when trying to look at things from a different perspective. Say what and who helped them change their attitude. Ltended not to ble myself. abonys thought everbody elo wns bthr ha me, One day Iwo cout with a group of friends, and we met this guy sample ile stark oak ar ofthe things aid. became Alscassion class, aon of my teachers ald as sade hed ah lf When ayn Vee nga iin bad Ik tomy bt fod aera se st sd ‘realy bpd te chnge my aba basicaly Sp uthat? That mys strange bt tha’ him, nat says, Yor every prolen under te sun, thers ether jos Sel daa gars Ea gaya leaon a soldi oer is mone f er is one, Oknk tll “ppd making fn ome. Mote portal fle For alo time use lo worry abou everythi illthe ine. even nae tower abd al deg anything to worn about. Then we had this yo find i If there te none, then never mind 8! belo about ns 2 Think ot any dithcult situations where you could usetully apply either ot the two perspectives above. Discuss with a parties. o 68 GRAMMAR Ways of referring to the future (review) 1. Lookat the sentences from the blog. Then complete the rule with be going to, wil, the ‘Present continuous or the present simple. 1 There's. dark cloud up there: I's going to ran soon! 2 mhaving a piano lesson later today. 3. Assoon as we get tothe hospital, the doctors vill lata of youl Fl port my next upclate two wes From naw ‘My bus eaves in five minutes. Don't worry. sure youll be OK Whatever happens, 'm going te choose to be in 1 good mood. 8. Whon take pin the marning, Lene thatthe clay willhave good and bad moments for me VOCABULARY Phrases to talk about the future: about to, off to, on the point of 1 Allof these sentences refer to the future. Which sentence talks about: 5 fature travel plans? bb the very immediate future 622) 1) He's about to attack me. 2. moff toSpainon Tuesday. 3. mon the point of doing this right now. Look! © beobout to + infinitive + booff te + infinitive noun © beon the pointof +verb +-ing RULE: We use: 1 to tak about future facts 2a tall about events that are part of a timetable or schedule, 2 “tommake evidence-based predictions, + to make predictions based on thoughts and opinions 5 "to tak about plans and intentions. 4 twrefer weenie aaangennents. 7 immediately ater time expressions ke when, before, ater, until, ane as soon as when referring to future events 8 “To reer to spontaneous decisions and offers. 2 Complete the sentences using the most appropriate form of the verbs in brackets. ‘Sometimes more than one form is possible. 4) Mydod ‘on the eight ofc Hight from Mexico City tomorrow. arrive) 2 Carefull You've filled that glass too full You it Gpill) 3. Ithinkit probably weekend. Its thattime of year (ain) 4 We friends on Saturday afternoon. (see) 45 Fmsorry, have ro fnsh now. The fl intwo minutes. (art) 6 Wellstop atthe market before we alotthis home. (go) 41 When tget pal, mnyselfanew camera, oy) 8 Today's lunch break five minutes shorter than usual (be) > 2. Choose the correct options. 1 Although thisisa serious situation. lemiferlooks as if she's about tof oft start laughing. 2. moffto fabout to the supermarketin five minutes. Doyou wantanything? 3. Careful! Youre offto {about to knock the glass over. 4 Myfriendsare offto/ about to get a big surprise! 5 They're offto/ on the point of France on holiday next nwt, 5 Its 2-0, there's only one minute left wow, welre ‘on the point of about to winning the match! = LISTENING 1 Listen to the radio show Silver Linings and answer the questions. 1 Complete the phrase:"Every huerlining, 2. Explain this phrase in your own words. asa 2. CEBREE Listen again and note down Dan's and Anna's answers for each round. Round 1 Dar ‘nna Round 2 Dan: Anna 3. ESE Work in pairs. Who would you give the points to in each situation (Anna or Dan) and why? 7 ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE GRAMMAR 4. Choose the correet tense to complete i the sentences. Future continuous 1. By the time Mum comes back from | Look at the examples from the recording. Then choose work, | will be finishing / have finished my: the correct option in the rule and complete with be homework and ing. 2. By 2030, psychologists wil be finding 1 On Tuesday afternoon my friends will be playing football +have found ways to help pessimists feel more optimistic, 2. Illbe sitting in tha now ico cream shop naar schocl, Pome bs 2 Dent call after 10 pm. will bo sleeping ! enjoying a delicious ce cream, have sept 4 Thistime tomorrow morning Iwill be = Fsumetomorow orn wile ‘round specifi future ime, we use the future continuous: Tand in the afternoon, eee eee 5 When leave this school, Iwill be Illbe sitting in the new ice cream shop. spending | have spent sixyears there, 6 You ean find Miss Green in classroom 2, 2 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the She wil beteaching have soughirthera vert in brackets future simple or future continuous. til mide 7. Were going to watch films all day JESSIE This time tomorrow, my dad and |! (si) on Saturday. By the end of the day, we will atrain bbe watching / have watched more than PAULA Really? Where are you going? Anywhere nice? five fms! JESSIE Yes, Dausinvited me to go le London wth him on 8 The band willbe rounng have toured Saturday. for sic months later ths year to promote PAULA Wow! their new album, JESSIE. Tomorrow nosing we? (al) aroun Ue > city doing a bit of hopping PAULA Gre (phone) you on Saturday afternoon, JESSIE Well, that’s not really a good time. On Saturday afternoon SPEAKING vet ___rat heft atc cesses 4 Woy in groups of four and play Siher rsenal can't wait! You know how much | ke footbal ‘ Linings. Read the situations and think PAULA Aye (comerhome happy and reared, Se opraniadebolatid Mabe nee JESSIE Wel hope Wan important gpme for Chelsea ‘+ Student A: Your bestfriend completely PAULA. Itall sounds wonderful. So what time's your train forgets your birthday, tomoront ‘+ Student : Someone pours orange juice esse Gated Cover your new I-shir PAULA Alight At 420,1° (think) of you ‘+ Student C:You fail your History exam, JESSIE And (7 (put some photos from our weekend ‘+ Student D: Your country doesrit qualfy ‘on Facebook ~if remember, forthe foothall World Cup, tr Future perfect 2 Take turns to talk about the ‘silver linings’ in your situations. Give a point 2 Look at the example sentences and complete the rule for each correct use of the future with have, past participle and will continuous or the future perfect. ‘Avrard five points for the most 1. By the time the planc leaves London, a lot of snow will hhave fallen on our ski resortin Italy 2 Anna will stil be shopping in Heathrow and she'll have missed her flight, imaginative answer. RULE: To talk about an action that will nish some time between now and a specified time in the future, we use the future perfect. We often use it with the preposition by: By thon, tl have become a big basketball star. READING 1. Read this website page. Who isit for? What are the two worries mentioned by people who've posted on the website? 2 Read again. Match the answers with the worries. There is one extra quote. 3. Read again. Answer the questions. 11 What does the writer have in common with the two worries? 2 Whats the difference between the writer and the fun wneriee? 3. Are the twoworriers equally pessimistic? Why (rot? 4 Whats the writer referring to in the third answer by saying’And remember the rainbow!"? x 70 QUOTATIONStorWORRIERS “You'll never find a rainbow if you look down!" Who sald that? No, itwasn’t me. It was Charlle Chaplin, and I ove it. You must know that, wasn't exactly born an optimist myzelf, Iwas actually quite a worrier until discovered the power of inspirational quotes. Try me. Send me a worry, and I'll end you a quote. For free. If you like the quote, please let me know, Positive messages help me too. A shalllstayorshalllgo? Hi, [don't know what to do. ve get an uncle in the USA. and he and his wife have invited me to go there next summer. Sounds cool, doesn't It? But Im worrled there won't be anyone my age to hang out with. They livein a emalizh zort of town, and they haven't gat any kids themselves. It may sound weird, but I fee! ‘that whatever I decide, Il probably regretit later! 6 Drummer boy Help needed! | got this drum kit for my 16th birthday. ‘There's a band at my school. They're great, but their ‘drummer, Keith, is leaving atthe end of the school year his family is moving to another town. The band have asked me if| want to audition and Keith has offered to teach me. But Im not sure I'l be good ‘enough. Idont think! should get my hopes up. Ie be 0 disappointed if didn't get. 4 1 ‘What kind of person is the owner of this website? ‘Would you like to get to know them? Why (not)? De you think quotations can cheor you up when you're down? How would you react you were in the situation of one of the two wocriers? Discuss in class. Which ofthe three quotes da yon ike mast? Why? Look at the extra quote. What kind of problem could this quote be an answer to? Mmb. Yes, |understand that’s not an easy situation ut dant think that meane you chau just sit araund ‘complaining that everythina's gloomy. Maybe what Anne Fiank said will help you to be more optimistic ‘How wonderful itis that nobody needs to waita single moment hefore carting tn improve the wold” Look, this sfor you, and it's by Mahatma Ghandi say no more. It's all in the quote. ‘Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. It keep on saying to myself. ‘that cannot do a certain thing, Its possible that| may ‘end by really becoming incapable of doing it.On the contrary ifthave the beliof that can do it | shall suraly acquire the capacity to doit even if may not have itat the beginning, My quote for you is by Winston Churchill’ possimist sees the difficulty m every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty’ Even ifyou are right, there are probably about a million things you can do thara that you ean't da at homal Sad cay, go And emember the rainbow! VOCABULARY Feelings about future events 1 Workin pairs. Make alist of five situations or events which can make you feel worried. 2. Read the following extracts from quotationsforworriers. What event do you think each extract refers to? {A It'sa big game and I'm feeling quite apprehensive. ifwewin, well he top of the league. 'm excited but Fm also.a bit unsure about our chances. mean, they’te a good team, B mrreally looking forward tot nd eel quite positive about it fim honest, Ill probably be old enough to be the other students’ mother and that ill fel a bit odd but overall don't care. I've gota really good feeling ‘about this Any suggestions for how | ‘ean bridge the age gap with my new classmates? © rmabsolutely dreading cand 'm sure tim going to fal. haven't done any revision and Ijust don't know where tostart It’s anightmare~ I'm really worried about it. D Idon't know why tm getting so ‘worked up. ve seen him loads of ‘times before and he's relly good but Fvejust gat a bad feeling about it this ie: think Ineed to have one of my teeth taken out, 3) Look at the words in bold and use them to complete each list. Ifneeded, use a dietionary to help you with meaning. expressing. optimism expressing _ pessimism / worry Tim realy ooking | t'm dreading forward to 4 Match the expressions in Exercise 3 with the events you listed in Exercise 1 in which you might feel them. 7 ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE FUNCTIONS Cheering someone up 1 ‘Complete the sentences with the words in the list. Then listen and check. down | cheer | light | hang | bright 1 Up! Things will sem better after a good night's sleep. 2 ___inthere, Your exams will be over soon, 3 Dontletit get you It’s not the end of the world, 4 Ian sce that losing the match i relly bothering you, but try tolook on the side -it'early inthe season. 5 know tis var of high school can be realy cifcut, but there. is atthe ond of the tunnel. We've got holidays next month 2. Work in pairs. What would you say to each person A-D in Vocabulary Exercise 2? Use the phrasesin Exercise 1. [drat Intonation: Encouraging someone Goto page 171 oo MTHINK SELF-ESTEEM What cheers me up 1 Which of these things help you feel better when you are down? Think of two more of your own. doing something chocolate ansdests warcung a good film talking with family shopping hating with a fiend sleep going toa party 2. How do each of these things help cheer you up? Make notes. doing something outdoors — forget about problems. 3 Work in pairs. Discuss your answers. When Pvhad we argument with my mum, | abc ke ung [eakey mh pape Mhdhaie olla eeeiey. WRITING A short story You are going to write a story (140-190 words) which finishes with the words, ‘Every cloud has a silver lining’ Think of ‘© anunfortunate incident 4 anunexpected positive outcome. how it changed the main character's life. n PHOTOSTORY: episode 3 1. Look at the photos and answer the questions. 1. What do you think Liam wants to do? 2 What does Emma think of his idea? 2 Now read and listen to the photostary. Check your ideas. LIAM So, what abuue dhs ate, Lunia? the sunset outside aur honse yesterday. What do you tink Prey amazing isu’ it EMMA Um. Yes,’ prety... um. Is pretty! Is the best one you've shown mie so fa LIAN 'm really getting into photogeaphy. And 'veonly been doing it for ovo months oro, Is amazing what great phatos yout can got just using your phone. EMMA Voc, os, [guoce co. Liam Anyway, there's. photo competion next ‘month atschool that 'm thinkingof entering. Ist prize tsa tablet. [think Fve gota really good shot hats Goort. PMMA Thon ho tolls me he's thinking of ‘entering dheschual photo competition, Ton’ want ta he negative but there's no way he's good enough, JUSTIN Yeuh, he showed me some of his photos the other day too -pletures of hat he thought looked cool, Duct wasn’tthat impressed. They were ‘out offoeus fora start! NICOLE: He nasmt shown me any ot his [Photo yot. Are they really that bad? JUSTIN Fm atraid so. Ihey're the sort of thing you might post online and get afew likes’ but they're certainly not going towin any competitions. IMA. But that’s just it. He thinks he's got a ‘good chance. Idon'twanthim t get his hopes up, JUSTIN He's goto chance ata. NICOLE So, what are we going to de? We con'tlechia make afoul uthimself EMMA Tye got un ide PMMA Tdon't know: Tried tell himthey | NICOLE What? ‘weren' dhat good, gently ofcourse, but | EMMA. Well, You sald he hadn't shown you his photos yet. Why don't you know Liam, you ask o see them and then ll him the truth? JUSTIN Yes, ttcan be dificuleco tel him, NICOLE Oh thanks. So [get tobe the bad guy? And Ihaven'teven things sometimes. He's always so seen them! Maybe I wont think they're ba. centhuslaste EMMA Fair enough. Buti you do agree with us, ten you've got 10 NICOLE Wall, we have to do something stop him! I's too late forus to say anything. JUSTIN Yeah. we can tell him now. You have to try atleast n 17 ALWAYS LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE DEVELOPING SPEAKING 3. Work in pairs. Discuss what happens next in the story. ‘Write down your ideas. WordWise We think Enema helps Liam by giving him some of her eee taee te shat tact Expressions with so 4 EXISEI Wate to find out how the story continues. eo te rear keer phrases Mark the statements T (true) or F (false). ee 1 Nicole talks to Liam but doesn’t tell him: sofar ate et} ‘what she really thinks, erento] lentes 231) 59; 2. Liam thinks Emma really likes hit photos. oO 1. IUSTIN Lams photos are really good! 3 Nicole thinks Justin didn't try very hard. ! 7 4 Emma, justin and Nicole decide to go to the EMMA No you didn't! photography exhibition separately. 2 fama __whatarewe going to 5 Justin claims that he had previously said that oot Liam was a erat photographer. g 3 NICOLE Ave the pisos realy Ut bad? 6 Liam took the winning photos with his phone. y JusTIN 4AM Its amazing what great photos you get just using your ph PHRASES FOR FLUENCY cn nerprpes 1. Find these expressions in the photostory. Who says. 5 LIAM Ive only been taking photos for ‘them? How do you say them in your language? two months 1 Anyway, 4. goth) hopes up 6 an Mhsisthe bes photo youve 2 Fair enough. © Goforit, shown m 3 ...ora start, & make afool of himself) 2. Use expressions from Exercise 1to 2. Match the expressions in Exercise 1 to these meanings. complete the sentences. an boat 1A shave you decided what ty’ re you want? bb have high expectations 0 Snore «the fistreasonis. ee 4 appear ridiculous to others co ae «understand why you said / dd that O 2A Howlong dost tke to get ther? £ So,let me change the subject U Not lnag Twenty minutes. 3 Use the expressions in Exercise 1, in the correct form, 4-& How's it going? i to complete the mini-dialogues. BOK. I've answered six questions : 1A Wall thare arate of rasan doit want to go —— Onl aaa Ho i there. ts very expensive, 5 lelack running ate? 8 ‘Well have to think of another place to go, 8 ___-he said held he here by then. now, 2A There'sa singing competition at school next month | 6 A This place shorible Ura Hnigh 3 Well, __butyou die stent 8 Well don't ; Susan Kenny’s bound to win it, = 2A Sohave you decided to go forthe school football team tral? 6 No, I decided not to, I'm not good enough and I'd only : A That'sashameand fm ure that wouldnt happen 8 ,evenif I id getin, they play on Saturday mocnings and like to lie in on Saturdays. READING Look at the photos. In pairs, think of: 1 three ways in which the jobs are different 2. three things the jobs have in common 3. something that connects all of the pictures ‘Then compare your ideas with others in the class. Read the book review quickly. What does ‘Atul Gawande recommend using to ensure procedures are followed? ead the review again and listen. ‘Match the paragraphs with the titles. There is one extra ttle. 1A Lives can be saved B_ Ie'snotjust for the medical profession © Mistakes don't really matter D_Holesin the system E Not everyone agrees F Abook tor everyone OBJECTIVES runecrionss saying "Yer and adding conditions Cexamaans conehtionale (review) rmnied conditional vveeanuiany, phrasal verbe (2; alternatives tof suppose, provided, as long as, otherwise, unless Answer the questions. 1 What surprised the doctor who went into the ‘operating theatre? 2. What was the result of an experiment in an Important American hospital? 2. What avamples das Cawande give nf what cru happen if engineers and pilots didrit follow checklist? 4. How did many ofthe doctors react tothe idea of using checklist? Why do you think they reacted this way? Why does the writer ofthe review recommend the book? Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 Canyou thik of any other jobs where checklists should be compulsory? 2 When have you made checklists for yourself?” What for? Were they useful? 1. Dn your agrae with the last santanca in the roviow? wy noo? a Sy Fey) Pum UD The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande 41 Adoctor in a targe opital walked ita an perang eave were a opera was Ue psformed. Eventhing ered to be going wall, butte doctor nonce that no one was weanng 2a foce mask He was suprised ~woarng a face mask is basic hasital procedure. But he did't ay ann. The operation was a success but a ‘on days later the paint came down with 2 fever Ietwmed out mat she nasa serous infection, probably becauce the doctors and nurses hadnt followed a simole ue. they'd wom their masks. ne yin would have Lee infect 2 Someune wiv ve unerested Ua SONY A Gavande, who wot a book called The Checist ‘Maneso: How to get tings net. wane 6 8 doctor ims and in his book he suggests ‘hati surgeons run through a simple checklist before every operation then es wil be sored, And he got tho number to prove it In 2001, aan mponantamencan nospta, mee was an cmpeiment thot roquied doctors to use a fe ointcheckst before they cared out soectic procedures The chockist was jus Est of rote ‘things doctrs shoul normaly ca without thinking = for example, wearing rubber goves, washing hands before and after every pation and 9 on. By making sue thatthe checks was fold, there were almost no infections over the 27 rmantheaf the experiment and thoy eck that tou egie mes wees. wm ute cect ‘was tsted again in hospitals in Nchigan, USA, Intectons went down by 6 percent LO 8) MAKING LISTS 3. Inhis honk swan inks at ater pnfesion, (uy, to supports anument tia ceca reuuce | aceldonts and improve svecee ates. He points out at people ke engneer and pits use checssallthe ime, and he comes up with some 00d examples. Just imagine that an aeroplane [ashed because the pit had fale to olen basi procedures. Suppose a shyseraper fll down Decause me engineers hac ememered m9 00 ‘ome important calculations. There would be an Immediate inquiry ta ook it these events. So Ganane's question pits end enginees | ge ehecdte, uty dont actin se them? 4 Butuhen Gawande taled to doctors at ‘et nospta abou a checks tat ne nad developed, he found that alto thom weet very enthusiastic. Twenty percent ofthe doctors that Ganande ted o Sai that the Ist was too dict to usa and that @ would halp to 626 Ines. But wnen ey were sown te statement, "Ahad ourgong I want he surgeon to use thi | list. 93 percent of the same doctors agreed witht | So shard to work out wty they dont want to use Iethemsahes, '5 The Cheest Manfosto sa realy introsing and welLwntten book, reminds ws odo vas things to avoid probs.’ leant for al of us, nt jst for actors. We snl al use chess wa aga, UWS we eRe SLRS, HETRAIN TO THiNK The ‘goal setting’ checklist When you goon ajourney, you wouldnt soy to youre, ‘Ident know whero te got, but start myjourney anyway! Vou wil never know if your destination is where you wanted tobe if you dont set yourself goals. This i important for al of our journeys inf. The ‘goa! sting’ checlist helps you think larly about what its you want to achive and how you're going to achieve it 1 ‘Martin has a new project. He wants to learn to play the guitar. Look at these ideas that Martin has written ‘and match them to 1-5 in the checklist below. (Some include more than one idea and some could go in more than one place in the checklist.) a I'll be able to play about 20 songs approach cas someting tobe enjoyed feel eally good abut my achievement learn to phy the guitar 2 Think of something you want to achieve. Create a checklist to help you define your goals more clearly. Compare with a partner. © positive comments from family and friends 1 a friend whowill each me discipline w practise dally lessons streamed fram the Internet ‘ach or behave in order to axhieve this goal felt me | have achioved thie geal 15 76 GRAMMAR Conditionals (review) 1 Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets and check in the book review on page 75. Then complete the table. 1 fsurgeons (run througha simple checklist before every operation, thenlives (be) saved. 2 they (wea) their moss, the patient (not be) infected. 3. Ifpilotsand engineers why doctors 4 IL Chave) surgery, surgeon to use this ist. (use) checklists, (use) theme (and the RULE: ypesf foumplé [tina | Maly rections |sentce ae ha 3 simple First a a . ; woulda’) me le ‘ in + infinitive i = The ae VOCABULARY Phrasal verbs (2) 1. Use the phrases in the list to complete the sentences. Then check in the book review on page 75. run through | points out | lookinto | work out came dewnwih comes up with | turned cut carried out 1 Thepatient__a fever. 2 It thatshe hada serous infection 3. Hfsurgeons___a simple checklist before every operation, then lives will be saved 4 There was an experiment that required doctors touseal...Jchecklist before they specific procedures 5 Gawande __ that people lie engineers and pilot use checklists all the time, 6 He some good examples. Unete would be an immeckate inquiry to it 3 Wahine wi they cha at to ani [achecklst themselves Match the four sentences a doctor might say to a patient with the situations a-d. 1 Ifpeople take this medicine they don't get headaches, 2. youtake this medicine, you wor't get belaches Ifyou took this medicine, you wouldn't pet headaches. 4 Ifyou had taken this medicine, you wouldn't have got headaches. ‘The patent take the medicine ‘The doctor is telling the patient a general fact about the medicine. ¢ [he patient ist taking the medicine, and gets headaches. d The doctor is telling the patient about a furure resultof taking the mecline. Write conditional sentences. 1. Reading books isa greaticdea. (0 conditional) IF you read books, you [learn things about fe 2- I think you should buy the book. (st conditional) You J discoworinterating things about pilots and doctors if you [read it. Gawande’s a doctor. (and conditional) I Gawance not bea doctor, he / not understand so muchabout this 4 read ths hooka week o two ago. (3rdcondltonal) | not find out about the importance of checklists iFI/ not read it ra Work in pairs. Discuss the meaning of the phrasal verbs in Exercise 1 Use the correct form of one of the verbs in Exercise 1 to complete each sentence. 1. Thepolice are ‘why the accident happened 2. My sister did't goto school last week —she avery bad cold why he doesntlike me, some tests to sce what wos 3 Ijustcartt 4 Thedoctors wrong with me, 5 Falke to thatthe capital of Brazil isn't Sao Paulo it's Bras. 6 Lots the names to make sure we haven't forgotten anyone. 7 [thought André was French, but he to be Canadian. 8 tried to think of some ideas forthe weekend, but Idi ‘any pood ones ap LISTENING Why do we make lists? 1 EERSSRE Workin 1. What's the purpose ofeach list? 2 Why do people make lists like these? z Listen to an interview with a social psychologist. Which of the reasons for lists that you gave in Exercise 1 does she mention? a iten again and complete the information below. Use one or two words tocomplete the spaces. Katy’ five reasons for making lists: ttm information, 2 toaid your 3 to your mind ‘ 5 todeuease romake you about yourself to some of the reasons in Exercise 3, Compare your ideas with a partner. 5 Which of these kinds of ists do you make? Do you agree with the psychologist about why you make them? GRAMMAR Mixed conditionals 1 ‘Complete the sentences from the interview with the words or phrases in the list. Listen and check. had | were | would have | mould 1 1___more organized, |_made a list of them I suppose, 2 IL made alist then |_know what tobuy, 2. Lookat the sentences again. Find the second and third conditional parts in each one. Then match them to the sentences in the rule. RULE: Sometimes, we mix second and third ‘conditional forms sa that we can eannect present and past actions, ‘© Totalk about the present result ofan unreal or imagined past acton we use: f+ had + past, participle, woulda) + inftive, Sentence '_ ‘© otal about the past result ofan unreal or hypothetical present situation or fact, we use: f + past simple, would (a) have + past participle. Sentence” - Look at these lists and discuss the questions. apples vegetables —ae¥. chicken ‘Thoworlds tp fe capital F salt + tc fr gopyearsulons vw p new shoes! 8) MAKING LIS IS eygs we BS New Work gaetl REET Yop Five action fle of alltime onion STE oe tard Cape Town De Hard 2 ‘Rio ve Janel Pie Hard with a Vengeance Die Hard 4.0 Mission Impossible ‘ask suzanna to bring music send out invitations decorate Une living room (balloons?) cask Mum about food 3. Write mixed conditional sentences to describe these situations. © Idonit have any money. | didn't buy that phone. {ff thad some money, ('d have bought that phone. 1) Annaand fan had ig argument They arent talking toeach other. 2. We did't leave early: That's why welre late now 2. Idon'thavea good memory. orgother birthday 4 Ididniteat breakfast. Now I'm hungry. 55 He didi pay atention, He cat do the homework 4 Workin pairs. Use the gapped sentences, How many different mixed conditional examples can you make intwo minutes? 1) i thadh't___ yesterday, wouldnt be___now. 2 Hlwas would have 3 Iwouldn'thave if itlike__ 4 Iwould___ if thad_at school Weak forme with conditionale Go topage 121. 7 READING 1. EES! What ‘top ten’ lists have you seen (or written) recently? 2. Read the blog. Answer the questions. 1 Whyis Adrian posting his own ist this week? 2. Whore can you se the complete lit? oo 1 Top ten uses for a potato ‘This isnt about cooking potatoes, 5 Top ton bad scfence fiction films JImacine spending a whole weekend it’s about using them for things ‘watching reolly bod se-f films. My like making electricity or improving favourite is Plan 9 from Outer Soace your skint but perhaps you have other ideas, 2 Top ten strange museums Here are some really weird museums you can visit (as long as you have the noney to Level all urer le world, of cours). {6 Top ten actors who don't like watching their own films ‘Apparently Johnny Depp avoids viewing Is ow flu. He prefers to walk away with the experience of having made the film rather than focussing on the end product and he’s not alone. 3 Top ten worst countries at football TF you'ee into football, you might {ike this Uist, unless you're from eomawhare like San Marino of American Somos (they're on the 7 Top ton unexplained mystorioe ‘uronisinaly, the Nazca tines tn Peru ‘and the Eacter Ieland statues do not appear on this list, but there are ten sy, other wally stiange mysteries fiom an oui) around the werld creatures 8 Top ten stupid criminals Tho hanle rahhar who wrata “ive ma Ue monet” on an envelope wt tis namo and address on it? He's just ‘one of the hopeless criminals on thie great list. There ara come great polos here iat Tm sure you'l ove, provided you like seriously ualy fish ‘and animals! 3 Which list do each of these sentences come from? ‘Write a number (1-10) in the boxes. ‘The dog withthe longest ears is Tigger ~his ears are each about 30 centimetres long. This place, in Avanos in Turkey, has a huge collection of har from over 16,000 people and, i alin a smal cave If youcut one in half and rub it on your shoes, your shoes will look great “There are some beautifulanimalsin Africa ~but the warthog isn't one of them! ‘Near the button of tet arte Turks and Caitus Islands, where crchat is much mare papular 4 5 b 78 Tella partner. 3. What does Adrian want his readers to do? What's the world record for the number ‘of Tshirts being worn by one person at the same time? And more things like that, (The answer, by the way, 1s 245.) 10 Top ten signs in badly written English ‘Suppose you were in another country and caw a eign ina chop that zai “Wee spikInglish hear. You'd laugh out loud! If you tike that kind of thing, you'll ove this list! So, that’s me done for thie wook. You can find these tists in my ‘archive. Lastly ~ please send me alist, people, otherwise I won't have anything for next week. ‘Which five lists would you like to readin full? Compare your ideas with a partner. Choose one af these sentence stems, add a word or words atthe end and make a lst. Or, make a different list altogether. Write your list and then discuss with the class. ‘My top five most interesting... My top five worst My top te strangest My top five funieat BTHINK VALUES Lists 1. Tick tho sontoncos you agroo with. 1 never waste my time reading top ten lists 2 Top ten ists aren't meant tobe taken seriously ~just enjoy them! 45 Some top ten ists can be very useful 4 People who write top ten lists must have very high opinions of themselves 2. KERNEN Compare your choices with others Inthe dass. 3. Which of these top ten lists would interest you? Put tick (/)or across (X), Add one more thing of your own that you think would make for an interesting top ten list. someone’ favourite songs things todo at the weekend in your town books to read [ things todo bafora you're twanty ways to make money things todo to relax and be happy VOCABULARY Alternatives to if: suppose, provided, as long as, otherwise, unless Look! ‘© to hypothesise about the present: suppose + past simple, would infinitive total about a future possibility and its results as ong as / unless + present simple, wll «infinitive 1 Match the sentence halves from the blog, 1. Suppose you werein another country and _ saw this signina shop ‘You can vist these museums, You might lito ths list, post your list, Please send mea list, provided it hasn't boon dene bafora, as ong as yous have the maney to travel ~ you'd laugh out loud. ‘otherwise | won't have anything for next week, unless you're from San Marino or American Samoa. a 8) MAKING LISTS Which of the words in bold in Exercise 1 means: 1 butonlyif as long asf 2 imagine 2 faa not 4 becauseifnot Choose the correct options. 1. I don't mind going to the cinema alone unless/ provided otherwise it’s a him | really want to see. 2. [think | should go home now, unless/ provided / otherwise my parents will be worried, 2. You!l do fine in the exam unless / provided I suppose you study enough, 4 inever speak to you again otherwise /unless/ provided you say sorty right now! 5 OK, tell you what happened, as lang as/ suppose / tnles you promise not to tel anyone else! 6 Suppuse (Provided / Uso you were a slioul ‘today. What would you do? ISISED) FUNCTIONS Saying ‘Yes’ and adding conditions 1 Work in pairs. Read the sentences and diseuss who istalking to whom and what they are talking about. 1. You can borrow tit you drive realy carefully. as long a) 2 Yes, you can goto the party ifyou promise to be home by 11 dclock. (provided) 3 Mfyou dont help me, i gt really bad marks. (unless) 4 llfixitif you letme play games onit. (as longas) 5. Close the door, or itl get colin here. (otherwise) 6 Yes, you can practise iFyou don't make alt of nose (provided) 7 Imagine you could play the gurtar ~ what kind of music ‘would you pay? uppose) Now rewrite the sentences in Exercise 1, using the words in brackets, AA friend asks you these things. For each one, on what conditions would you say yes? Make notes. 1. Can fuse your phone to make-a cal? ‘no international phone calls / nv lony phone calls 2. Willyou come shopping with me? 3. Please come tothe football match with me. 4. Can Lhorraw your jacket, please? Use your notes in Exercise 3. Write your answers. ‘Then work with a partner and act out the ‘conversations for the situations Yes, all vight — as long as J provided yo do ma ry ingle ont 1. Centuries ago, there was a list ofthe ‘Seven Wonders of the Ancient World Do you know any of the things or places that were on that list? ) Read and listen to the article about the New Seven Wonders of the World, Which one is: © theoldest? a © thenewest? * a) a || The New Seven Wonders of the World Rocontly, an online poll was hold to choose the New Seven Wonders of the World. Qver 100 million people voted. Here are the seven winners ~in no particular order Ghichén Itza, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico This wes an imoortant city for ‘he Mayans between about ‘800 and 1200 ce. A symoo of Mayen cisation, twas a centre fr trade in things ke cloth, honey and sal. Most photographs of Chica tz sow a 24-met high pyramid called El Cato, Theres aso aun Jou as El Caracol ich the Mayans use as an observatory ~ veo Un igh shy Ue ous ea Christ the Redeemer, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Bul Lee 1922 and 1981, Une ‘Chiu Reka ‘on Mount Corcovado has become a were icon of Braz Conatrcted of eonerete and soapstone, th statue is abou tity imate high (an stands onan eigh-metre pedestal andthe ‘outstretched arms measure 28 metes endo end, Designed by @ Frenchman aod built by Het da Sia Ca, ata thesands of vistors every yea. ‘The Golosseum, Rome, Italy Ini move amphitheatre, bit between 70 ce and 80 ce, was used bythe Romans for about 500 yeas foals of public spectacles. Now tis almost ‘.complct un, aa arcout of earthquakes an th paceago cof time, but some pats canbe vised. The Colosseum has become cof hs st Fans aly 3 Which place or thing: isinadesert? Great Wall of China, China This amazin structure was bit ove @veriod of more than two thousand years, ending inthe 18h cont, twas but n order to keep out the nose tribes of Mongo onthe oer ste, The Great Wal isnot actualy jst one voriouous wal but a succession of many cfferent ones. At arcund 650 klametes, t's the lngest ‘man-made structure onthe pane Machu Picchu, Peru Sting up high in the Andes, th Inca city of Machu Pech fs baved to nave been a sacred place or the inabtants of nearby Cusco. The Incas but inthe mi 1400s, hough we dont really nw ow, Tae ns inne the tay ad fu ay yea, nly a peoole knew aboutit, unt it was rediooorored in 1911, Many outa go there, most by train from Cusco, Potra, Jordan The oy of Pata frshed trom rine oF 40.0 Uw le capil te Nabil Fis The ly was ht in a desert area by he neni his cision, who wee very sled at finding and storing water, There are many bilings caved out of stone, an amphitheatre tat nla 4000 people and a ‘monastery. Pea became a Word Hetage Stein 1085, Taj Mahal, Agra, India Bult of white marble between 1652 and 1648, the work-arnous Taj Mahal sought af as one ofthe mast bau birings in the word's a mixture of Persian, Islamic, Turkish and Indian sts. was bit by Emporor Shah Jahan asthe place ta bury his te Mumtaz Mahal when she dod. Inside, thre are tower (gardens ano pools. 5 was builtin ways we don't really understand? hasarchitectue from different places mined together? 6 took nine years to cansteuct? 1 2 has heen clamaged hy natural events? 7 was used ta lank atthe stars? was designed to protect the people who built it? 4 RESEMMUENEY Match the highlighted words in the article 8) MAKING LISTS SPEAKING to the definitions. Discuss in pairs or small groups. 1 lefethe place for ever and never went back Se eee eee 1 Imagine you could choose one of the seven P 6 6 ‘wonders to go and see. Which one would it 3 grow, develoned very successfully beand why? 4 unfriendly and aggressive, wanting to attack 2 Think of two things from your country that 5 afamous thing or person that represents a group or country you could campaien to be included in a 6 xu public shows oF events Ist of seven wonders ofthe workd, Give 7. one thing coming after another Teasons to suppart your choice 8 made by cutting WRITING Essay 1 Read Javed's essay. Why does he think the Simplon ‘Tunnel isa madern wonder of the world? Read the essay agai. Ten things are underlined. Five of the things are mistakes, the other five are correct. A Modern Wonder of the World: The Simplon Tunnel My choi for a modern wonder ofthe world isthe ‘Simplon Funnel lat Switzerland. Ie sotally two ‘tunnels ~rauway traoks run threw Doth of them. ‘They're each almost bwentylulometes long, 80 ‘they're not #__ longest tonnels inthe world now, Dut they were when they were Du, back nthe beginning "af tho twentieth century Phe Brot ono was stata in 1808 and opened in 1908. The athar ‘oe was started in 1912 and was opened in 1821, s0 ‘ach one “hac takan about eight yore to construc ‘Tho fot tunnol wao bull by dling in both ‘rections - when the two driHnols me in 1905, they were ony imo oenlimetres cut of alignment. In thoee dae, that was a fantasti chievement. Find an example af ‘+ a spelling mistake a mistake with the verb tense ‘a mistake with the wrong choice of connecting word ‘a prepostion mistake a mistake which isa missing word 3 Correct the mistakesinJaved's writing. 4 Look again at the list of kinds of mistakes in Exercise 2. ‘While it ° was baing bullt, about 3,000 people oe " mene anemestotescog iene cc cco ete cee ee tea ry bt ae a8 a ety you have sometimes made in your writing so far using this boold IF you've made other kinds of mistake, what were they? 3 Make a checklist for yourself of Mistakes I should try not tomake when | write in English ‘the tunnel joins Swzeriand and Italy, "and nas helped to make"... travel between the two countries aloteasier * then it was before. Now, people oan put ‘thelr car onthe train and take 1 tarougn the tunnel, ‘and go they don't have te drive over the Simplon Modern Pass 5 You're going to write an essay entitle ‘Wonder of the World’. 1. Lookat question inthe Speaking exercise above. Choose one of the things that you discussed there. 2 Make notes abut wy you Wink this thing is « youd choice for a modern wonder of the world’ ‘think this was a great thing to build all those years ago aud as ae big dierenice Wo ve oe of 6 Write your essay in 150-200 words. 1+ Mako sure you state clearly what your choice if and say where ang what itis. ‘+ Givereasons for your choice being a ‘wonder ofthe world! ‘© When you have written your tex, read it through agin and use your checklist of personal mistakes (Exercise 4.3) to make as sure as possible that there are no mistakes in ‘your writing CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH: First DE THIN EXAM S eS READING AND USE OF ENGLISH Part 2: Open cloze => 1 For questions 1-8, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Reais w be cheerful Despite" _whaé__ youmayhear on theres, the futures locking bright for teenagers. According toa ‘government report, the economy is_____the point of making a dramatic recovery. And?___the report's correct, those who will benefit mostare the young. Infact, predicts that the time todays thirteen-year-olds leave school, unemployment will fallen to an alltime low. The report, which was armed bya leading employment agency. predict that this growth will principally bein IT technology It strongly cecommends * increase in the funding of science and technology and points Cut tat failure to do ths will mean that the UK wil fall behind its competitors. The message is lear-as 7 asthe country continues to ake education seriously, tomorrow’ scliool leavers © enjoy a prosperous future, SPEAKING Part 2: Individual lang turn => 2 Here are two photographs. They show different ways of making lists. Compare the photographs, and say what the differences are and what you think are the main advantages of making listsin these ways. 22 TEST (AOUPSIEILE UNITS 7&8 VOCABULARY 1 ‘Complete the sentences with the wards in thelist. There are four extra words. about | flourishes | down | worried | up | deead | forward aslongas | through | worked | point | succession | uness | on 1_John had lots of problems, but he didn't let them get him He stayed cheerful 2. Sallyis excited. She's 0.g0 paragliding forthe first time. 3. When we were planning the trip, Leo came with some pood ideas 4 Mum said we couldnt goto the concert ‘we gota tan home, because itd be late, 3 He seems so down all he time. 'm really about him. & My auntisa great gardener. Everything she plants 7 The palice are investigatinga____of Past Office robberies 8 The organisers wanted torun the arrangements for the president’ vist again 9 mtired,'m realy looking tothe holidays tw Kare was on the of leaving the house wien Mr Hill phoned v0 cancel the meeting, mm GRAMMAR 2 Complete the sentences with the words in the list. There are two extra words. won't | would be | wouldhave | are going | willhave | will | willbe | don't 1 IfJenny had accepted the ob offer, she lvingin New York now. 2 Bytheend of the festival seen about fifteen films 3 Watch out! You tohit that cyelst! 4 Dorit stay on the computer all night, or you feel exhausted the next cay. 5 Hf were taller, been chosen forthe basketball team, ‘6 While my parents are away on holiday | looking after the dog 3 Find and correct the mistake in each sentence. FUNCTIONAL LANGUAGE 4 Its Dianas birthday next Friday and she will have a party on Saturday. would have been happy ihe would have come, IF Liguit mae 90 many snitakes, I would wir he tris atl This time tomorrow, I'm lying on a beach in the sun. IF had been taller, wouldn' need the ladder, ‘We must finish cleaning the kitchen afore our parants are arriving, 8 ‘Choose the correct options. 1A Oh dear, hava nn / avery chance of saving enough manay tafly to Mavicn ‘Come on, ook onthe better bright side. I you don't, you can buy that new phone you want. ‘Yes, you can use my computer unless provided you finish before sixo'lock. That's fine! There's any Fu good chance I only need it for half an hour ‘Mum won't let me watch the match unless ang as | tiky my room frst ‘Oh, cheer/hang up. Tidying your room won't take long -I!l help you! Yes, you can barraw my video camera if. long | can use your computer for acouple of hours, MY SCORE B_ Ok,as/ong | provided as you don't spill anything on it. rerere

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