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WELCOME A GETTING TO KNOW YOU Asking questions 1 Put the words in order to make questions. 0 are /from /where you Where are you from 1 you! 15 fare 2 doing / you / are / what 3 do/dolyou/ what 4 do/like I doing / you/ what 5 like / you TV [watching /do 2. Write the questions. OA Areyou 8 Yes, | am, Last Saturday was my 13th birthday. India, but Ilive in the UK. Yes, | do, especially football. cy e>erere Hanging out with my friends. That’ my favourite thing => Vm a teacher. 3 Answer the questions in Exercise 2 so that they are true for you. I'm just finishing my homework. | wor't be long The weather Match the pictures and the sentences. Wsdryandcloudy. —[F It’s warm and sunny. Its cold and foggy. Ishot and humid. Irs wet and windy. Its rainy and freezing Families 1. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list. wife | grandad | father | cousin | mother husband | sister | grandma | aunt | uncle © Mymotheris my father’s wife. 1 My is my mother's mother. 2 My y aunt's child 3) My uncle is my aunt's 4 My aunt is my cousin’ 5 My auntis my father's . 6 My is my grandmother's husband. 7 My y cousin's father. 8 My is my mother's husband. ° My mother’ sister is my 2 CIDA Listen and complete the table. Relation Age Nationality Job toZo8 Jess student Tom Karen 3. Choose three people from your family. Write one or two sentences about each one. My aunt's name is Laura. She's from Brasilia. She's $4 and she's a businesswoman, SUMMING UP doing? B__ 'myriting an email to my ‘cousin / sister Gabriel in Buenos Aires. ‘A In Buenos Aires? What *does he do fis he doing there? Is he there on holiday? B_ Yes. His mother ~ my aunt / uncle - married an Argentinian man. They're there on holiday, Visiting the family. ‘A. That'snice. Is the weather good there right now? B Yes, Gabriel said it was “hot and sunny / freezing. A Hot? Butit's January! Bin Argentina, January is summer, remember? ‘A. Ohy right. Listen. SAre you / Do you like watching, films on TV? B Yes, why? A There's a great film on this evening, Come and watch it with us. 8 OK, thanks. But'lfinish my email rst! WELCOME B EXPERIENCES Meeting people (tense revision) 1 Match the pictures and the sentences. 1 She's met lots of famous people. 2 She met the president last night. 3. She was having dinner with the president when her phone rang. B Tae ee 2. Complete the sentences. Use he and the verb eat in the tenses in brackets. 0 Heate _areally good curry lastnight. (past simple positive) 1 any breakfast this morning (past simple negative) 2A allhis vegetables? (past simple question) 8 (negative short answer) 3 when I phoned him. (past continuous statement) 4a Japanese food? (present perfect question with ever) 8 (positive short answer) 3. Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of the verbs. ‘A Have youever®_been B Yes.!! (be) late for a big concert last year. It was Florence and the Machine. ‘A What? (happen)? B Well, |? (iss) my train, So 4 (get) to the concert hall at 9 o'clock, not 8 clock 5 (be) late for a concert? you (Gee) the show? (tart) at 8.45, so of e> Yes. The concert * course, when I? (0) in the band i: (play). But |? (ee) about 75 per cent ofthe show. Andit’s the best concert ve ever Gee)! Irregular past participles 1 Write the past participles of the verbs. 1 think 6 g0 2 ride 7 see 3 have 8 win 4 drink 9 eat 5 read 10 wear 2. Complete the sentences. Use the verbs from Exercise 1. 0 Someone has drank my orange juice! 1 Thisbook’s great. I've itive times. 2 thavent the film yet. Is it good? 3 ove motorbikes, but ve never one. 4 Ive got a suit, but 've never it 5 She sn'there. She's tothe park 6 tWenever aprize, Complete the sentences. Use the correct forms of the verbs. © Noice cream, thanks. Ive eaten _ (eat) enough. 1 Oh, you're from Peru? | (think) you were Spanish. This book is great. Have you (read)iv? Ive (lose) my keys. Have you got them? We (cur), but we still missed the tain 1 (g0) 0 bed late, som tired today. know Ive (Gee) that man before, but | carvt remember where it was 71 (wear) this dress to the party last week. 8 We (ide) 30 km on our bikes yesterday. Losing things 1 Put the conversation in order. JACK What did you lose? JACK So what did you do? Did you find it? JACK What?! That's not losing something — that’s just a story about being untidy! Have you ever lost anything really important? JACK How did you find it? Where was it? JACK That's terrible! How did you feel? DANA My mobile phone. It wasn't expensive, but ithad all my friends’ numbers on it. DANA Well | got my mum's phone and I rang ry number. l heard it ringing, It was somewhere in my bedroom. | looked in the wardrobe. It wasr't there. Then | looked under the bed and there it was. 1] Jack DANA. Horrible. It was like losing my whole life. DANA. Yes, Ihave. DANA. Yes, happily, I did Read the conversation again. Answer the questions. © What did Dana lose? She lost her mobile phone. 1 How did she feel about losing it? 2. Why did she feel this way? 3 How did she find i? 4 Where did she find it? 5 What does Jack think about her story? Furniture Put the words in order to make items in a house. 0 keds desk 1 elvsesh pretac reshwo tite oreoke foas archmira bedrarow 10 nustaric 11 palm Which of the items in Exercise 1 might you find in each room? Some items might be in more than ‘one room. 1 bedroom wardrobe 2. living room 3 kitchen 4 dining room 5 bathroom SUMMING UP lethe correct words. ‘A Why didn't you come to the match yesterday? 8 Oh, | was busy. | painted /@@as painting my bedroom. | still ‘haven't finished Tad finish ‘A. Are youjust changing the colour of the walls? B No I've got some new things, too. Last weekend \bought ! have bought anew desk and some 2shelves / curtains for the window. | want to get anew lamp, too. But | “didn't see / haven't seen anything like yet. ‘A There's anew shop in town. | sawit when we Sshopped / were shopping. They've got nce lamps. 8 Thanks. Ill goand have a look EATING AND DRINKING Buying and talking about food 1 Complete the questions using the words in the list. gotany | everything | Howmany | else How much | Would youlike | help you © Have you got any — of those Spanish oranges? 1 sthat ? 2 Cant 2 3 would you ike? 4 some of those? 5 Anything 2 6 isthat? 2 ‘Complete the conversation with the phrases from Exercise 1. Then listen and check. ASSISTANT Good afternoon. °__Gavt Lhelp you? CUSTOMER Yes, id like some apples, please. ASSISTANT. 1 CUSTOMER Six big ones, please. ASSISTANT. OK,? CUSTOMER Yes.? ASSISTANT. I'm afraid we haver't got any. We've got some really nice ones from South Africa 4 CUSTOMER Sure. Il have three. ASSISTANT 5 CUSTOMER Yes, itis. ¢ ASSISTANT That's £3.80 altogether. CUSTOMER Here youare. ASSISTANT. And £1.20 change. Thanks! WELCOME 3 Gircléthe correct words. © Ithink there are Goma / any eggsin the fridge. 1. don't want some / any cake, thanks. 2. 'dlike 500 grams of cheese and some / any ham, please. 3. msorry. There isnt some / any pizza left. 4 haven't got some / any butter in my sandwich 5 This soups really good. Try some / ary. Ina restaurant Put the words in order to make sentences. ‘Write W (waiter) or C (customer). © I/the Iplease fan /menu,/ see Can I see the menu, please 1 ready /you /are forder /to 2 OK everything /is 3 much/to0 / chicken / the / salt /on / there's 4. can/ please f have /bill,/the / we 5 a/please / four, for/ table 2 Complete the sentences with much or many. © There are too many _ small children in this restaurant. 1 Thereistoo salt in this soup. 2. There are too things on the menu, 3. There'stoo noise in here. 4. There are too chairs at this table. 5 That'stoo ‘money. 3. Match the sentences from Exercise 2 with. the replies. a Lagree. It's disgusting b Iltake some away. How many do you need? Yes, really don't know what to choose, d_ That'sno problem. It's your birthday and | want you to choose whatever you want, ‘© Well itisa family restaurant. £ Yes, let's go somewhere quieter. O.OLO% O.0

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