Developing Materials For The OSG Materials Drive

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Developing Materials for the Materials Drive

When developing Materials for programming, please always upload them to the materials drive.

1. Click on “Materials” in your drive and choose the corresponding folder for the materials you are
going to create.

2. In ABLLS – R and AFLS folders, find the corresponding letter target. For example, if you are
developing materials for G35 – Prepositions, click on file G.

3. If there is no file for the target, right click and choose “new folder.” Title the folder with the target
letter and number and a brief description. For example, “G35- Prepositions.” Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive

If using Google Docs…

4. Go back into the Materials folder and click “Materials Templates.”

5. Choose a template based on the number of pictures per target (i.e. 10, 8, or 6 or less). There will
be one page per target.

6. Right click, select “make a copy”.

7. There will now be a Google Doc titled “Copy of Template…” Right click on this document, select
“Move to” and select the folder you created. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive
8. Return to the folder you created and open the Google Doc. Fill in the table of contents using the
target list. Begin at number 2. Number 1 will be the Table of Contents.

9. Above the table, type in the target with the corresponding Table of Contents number (e.g. “ 2.

10. Highlight the target. In the toolbar select format, paragraph styles, Heading 5, and Apply
“Heading 5.” This will bold the heading.

11. Insert the pictures for the target. Input one picture per box in the table. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive

12. Complete steps 9-11 for all targets in the Table of Contents.

13. Go to the table of contents. Highlight the first target and select the link button in the toolbar.

14. Select “Headings” and the corresponding heading for that target. Press Apply. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive
15. This will create a hyperlink. When you click on the target in the table of contents, it will now take
you to the corresponding page in the document.

16. Complete steps 13-15 for all targets.

17. In the top left-hand corner, change the name of the document to include the task code and
brief description. If there is another task code which this document could be used for, include it in
the name. For example, both G35 and C51 target prepositions.

18. If there is another task code that this document could be used for, make a copy. Right click,
select make a copy. Move the copy to the corresponding task code folder. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive

19. Once the materials for this target have been completed, change the colour of the target folder
to green. Right click on the folder and select “Change color.” Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive
If using Google Slides…
4. Right click and select “Google Slides.” Select “Create and Share”

5. Title the first slide “Table of Contents.” Create a list of all of the targets that will be included in the

6, Create a title slide for the target. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive
7. Add a slide for the target picture(s). One slide per picture is preferred.

8. Complete steps 6 and 7 for each target. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive

9. Return to the table of contents. Highlight the target and click the insert link button.

10. Select “slides in this presentation.” Then select the corresponding title slide.

11. Select apply.

12. Clicking on the target in the table of contents will now bring you to the corresponding slides.
Complete steps 9-11 for all targets. Creation with OSG by: R. Young

Developing Materials for the Materials Drive
13. In the top left-hand corner, change the name of the document to include the task code and
brief description. If there is another task code which this document could be used for, include it in
the name. For example, both G35 and C51 target prepositions.

14. If there is another task code that this document could be used for, make a copy. Right click,
select make a copy. Move the copy to the corresponding task code folder.

15. Once the materials for this target have been completed, change the colour of the target folder
to green. Right click on the folder and select “Change color.” Creation with OSG by: R. Young

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