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Topic 1

Moral Agent

Agency refers to the persons capacity to act according to his

understanding of things, events and circumstances.
Persons, individuals, and society are govern by an unseen
hand of rules and regulations.

The person(me, them, us) is a positive actor. He/she thinks

and act according to his knowledge of the circumstance.


It is an organized body and system of holdings to persons, things, action, etc. It defines
what are “acceptable” and “unacceptable” conduct.

Conduct pertains to the ACT of the person and its intended OUTCOME. i.e. going to school,
playing Mobile legend, Outcome is the EFFECT of what the person had done whether
consciously or unconsciously.

Rules are predictable. It serves as guide to interactions of human and punishments for its
violation it SET limit on every activity for the orderly functioning of SOCIETY.
Ethics is concerned with OTHER people’s interest,(Judgment, Preference, Choice) with that
of society.

Confirmation of ACTS that PRODUCES positive responses are so desired, and avoidance of
WRONG which imposes penalty. It sets NORMS of BEHAVIOR, where people in a society
oblige, observed and respect.

Chaos persist because of absence of ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOR which produces order for an
effective functioning of society.
Rules as aspect of Life

A person without a vision for himself (“pangarap”) is confuse on what he/she wish to do in
LIFE, hence it is imperative that all people has its own set of rules on how TO ACHIEVE

House chores teaches a person on the necessities of living alone and away from the family,
without knowledge of doing things at home is CHAOTIC. House chores is an example of a

How to manage time is another example of RULE, a person who does not manage his/her
time is wasting other people’s time.
Rules as a SHARED Value

Value refers to all things that a person, society, institution, etc as A WORTHY endeavor that
produces pleasurable results and enjoyment. i.e. passing this course, courting a girl, playing
computer games, doing nothing.

Moral Rules are shared (You and I) observed. People does not share passions in life, but they
share a vision of a peaceful society away from war, chaos, dirt, and every negative, agonizing
and bleak future. Example; A child answering back his parents; a student of spent load to play
mobile legends but is not interested in reading and studying his lessons.
Rules as a SHARED Value

I don’t know you! And neither you know me. Yet, we are sharing time to this media to fulfill a
task; for me to teach you, and you to learn from me. This is a SHARED VALUE and

Hence, the relationship of DOING, DOER, DONE is a continuous cycle of life and value.

Value is not about MONEY; there are things that are VALUABLE but are not MANIFESTED in a
physical realm. i.e. Why do you enroll in your course? What do you expect of yourself 4 years
from now? Is the person you value today really worth your time? Why do you spend time
playing games does it provide you income or mere enjoyment?
Rules as an element of human need
No one is an island, no country is govern by individuals but by LAWS. Order is necessary
because without it there is CHAOS and ANARCHY when each and every one of us desire to
do what we want and we no one telling us what is “right” and “wrong”.

Man is chained every where he go. This chain is not a physical one, but a mental chain it
sets us apart to animal that act based on INSTINCT,

Doing without knowing produces wrongful acts and maybe permissible, but doing with
KNOWLEDGE an act that produces harm is NOT.

It may fail you, but I cannot harm you physically because it is against the LAW AND
Ethics simply is a study of moral JUDGMENTS. Defining what is morally right and wrong; good
or bad. Ethics uses mental process and sentiment; Actions always has consequences either it
produces good or bad; right or wrong.
A person should know what is right and wrong, good and bad for his own sake, safety
and happiness.
We learn ethics from various sources but the most common are;
1. Family
2. Church
3. Friends
4. Environment
Morality can be defined as the standard that an individual or group has about what is right
and wrong, or good and evil. It is within a persons mind either unconscious.
Morality is not imposed outside but within. People by nature has a view of good and bad,
without necessarily understanding the society of which he/she is in (OFW). Morality is an
informal public system as this is OBSERVED by members of the community, societies,
association etc.
Morality is anchored on various principles and advocacy. A persons judgment of his act whether
it produces good or bad is related to his understanding what is bad and good. Doing an act and
its implication is judged by society.
Conformity is an element of morality. It acts as a strong bind for all to ACCEPT limits of action
and EFFECT of an ACT to others. A personal judgment may not necessarily confirm with that of
the society, hence it is called PREFERENCE, in societal lingo, AN OPINION.

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