Gec-103-Lesson 4

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Science and Technology and Nation


Aim High!

At the end of this lesson, you can:

 discuss the role of Science and Technology in Philippine nation building;
 interview identified persons who have taken advantage of actual science
and technology policies and programs of the government


What is Nation Building?

According to Harris Mylonas in his paper Nation-Building, nation-building can

be defined as follows:
 as the process through which the boundaries of the modern state and those
of the national community become congruent
 the desired outcome is to achieve national integration
 a structural process intertwined with industrialization, urbanization, social
mobilization, etc.
 as the result of deliberate state policies that aim at the homogenization of
a state along the lines of a specific constitutive story—that can and often
does change over time and under certain conditions
 as the product of top-bottom processes that could originate from forces
outside of the boundaries of the relevant state; and as the product of
bottom-up processes that do not require any state intervention to come
 had an impact on patterns of State Formation and Social Order, Self-
Determination Movements, War Onset, and Public Goods Provision.

How S&T help in Nation Building?

DOST Science For Change Program

The Science for Change Program (S4CP) was created to accelerate STI in the
country in order to keep up with the developments in our time wherein technology, and
innovation are game-changers. Through the Science for Change Program (S4CP), the
DOST can significantly accelerate STI in the country and create a massive increase in
investment in S&T Human Resource Development and R&D.

S4CP focuses on Accelerated R&D Program for Capacity Building of R&D

Institutions and Industrial Competitiveness, which is composed of the following four (4)
a. The Niche Centers in the Regions for R&D (NICER) Program
 capacitates Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the regions to
make a significant improvement in regional research by integrating
its development needs with the existing R&D capabilities and
 provides institutional grants for HEIs in the regions for R&D
capacity building to improve their S&T infrastructure
 was established in consultation with the academe and industry, and
endorsed by the Regional Development Council (RDC)
 NICER is a Unique center for collaborative R&D to address specific
S&T needs of local communities and industries, thereby accelerating
regional development.
 Currently, there are 18 existing NICERs across 14 regions for total
funding of P641M.

b. R&D Leadership (RDLead) Program

 a collaborative R&D to Leverage PH Economy (CRADLE) for RDIs
and Industry Program,
 complements the establishment of R&D Centers thru the NICER
 provides the mechanism to bring in experts and highly skilled
professionals with strong leadership, management and innovative
policy-making proficiencies to be in charge of strengthening the
research capabilities of the HEIs, National Government Agencies
(NGAs) and Research Development Institutions (RDIs) in the
 Together, the RDLead and NICER Programs will capacitate HEIs to
help improve and hasten the use of research results that will
contribute to the socio-economic development of the country and
help address pressing challenges

c. The Collaborative Research and Development to Leverage Philippine

Economy (CRADLE) Program
 designed to foster collaboration between academe and local
companies to improve competitiveness and catalyze innovation.
• aims to improve the country’s innovation ecosystem by facilitating
the smooth transition of new technologies from universities and
research and development institutes (RDI) to industries - from lab to
• a trihelix partnership between the government, the industry, and the
academe wherein the government finances the collaboration of the
private company and the partner university or RDI.
• aims to address the problem of a Filipino company using R&D to
develop innovative solutions. To date, the DOST has already
provided almost Php 125 M of funding to 29 academe-industry
collaborations all over the country.

d. The Business Innovation through S&T (BIST) for Industry Program aims
to level-up the innovation capacity of the Philippine Industrial Sector
through R&D by:
• helping private companies and industries acquire novel and strategic
technologies, such as state-of-the-art equipment and machinery,
technology licenses, and patent rights, among others.
• The program will cover up to 70% of the total eligible cost of the
needed technology at zero percent interest.
• To date, the BIST Program has approved one project from an herbal
company, Herbanext Laboratories Inc., providing total financial
assistance of Php11.7M.

ASEAN Integration requires competitive technology

Science and technology help us understand nature and the world and enables us
to lead full lives through new and innovative means. It, therefore, requires that we, as
Filipinos, expand our science and technology base to enable us to compete in an
integrated ASEAN.

Two major approaches:

1. Stronger Research and Development in the regions, not just Manila
Expand research and development initiatives by providing more grant
support for R and D through the DOSTs sectoral planning councils such as
PCIERD, PCAARD, and ASTI in cooperation with universities in the
regions. The science initiative must be distributed to the regions, especially
those where food production needs to be improved, the industry needs to
grow, and where innovation needs to be developed. This is critical in light of
climate change and expensive electricity, and the need to disperse industry
and economic activities.

2. Strategic projects in five areas

a. Renewable energy- we need new technologies to enable high electricity
yields in limited space with less dependence on natural resources to enable
us to meet our COP 21 commitments while lowering the price of electricity.
b. S and T for industry development- we need stronger participation of our
scientists and engineers if we want to revitalize our basic industries such as
the steel industry.
c. Faster and cheaper internet – we have Asias slowest internet, yet our
archipelago needs it bridge gaps and build networks.
d. Increased food production- given limited lands, technology is needed to
expand yields while increasing the quality of output and being less
dependent on foreign inputs like fertilizers.
e. Climate change adaptation- We need cutting edge technology to enable our
farmers to adapt to changing climates and the need to do away with
technologies that destroy the capacity for good healthful yields.
f. Enabling mechanisms and specifics:
 More Research grants through the DOST and its sectoral planning
councils and institutes
 Strengthen the Balik Scientist Program and retention program for
current young scientists- our young scientists must be engaged
through actual research projects. Many of our scientists and engineers
are OFWs who support our candidacy. We need their help to uplift
our country’s technology, and we hope they come back.
 S and T cooperation within ASEAN- especially on the space
program and climate change adaptation.
 Cooperation between industry and the science community by
involving them in the sectoral planning councils. DOSTs programs
for SMEs (Such as SET-UP) needs to be replicated further.

Smart and Techie Student’s WAY

More About DOST and Scholarships

Role of Science and Technology during Pandemic

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