wHERE PEACE-making Is Life Giving

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Heart Diocesan Scho

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School year 1950-1951 a new school housed in a building constructer

under the supervision of Mr . Claudio Potestas . The founder , Msgr .

Cronin was the director with the able to support of Fr . James

Murloy as assisstant director

History of Sacred Heart

Diocesan School, Inc

First Teachers

There were six teachers who devoted their

time to two classes of first year and one

class of second year . They were Mr .

Guillermo Cabezon - the principal , Mr .
Zacarias Revil , the registrar , Mrs . Candida

Revil , .
Mrs Dolores Ag Villondo , Mrs . Regina

Galupo and Mr . Margarito Dujali .

School Population

The population had grown to three classes of

first year , two classes of second year and one

class of third year . New faces were added to

the teaching force : Mrs . Perla Peralta , Mrs .

Remedios Calope , Mrs . Nester Ponce and Mr .
Melanio Ponce . From then on the students

increased to one class every year .

The Sisters

The Since then Sacred Heart High School has

never stopped growing in the able hands of

Mother Perpetua , Sr . Felicitas , Sr . Teresita

Bernad , Mother Bernad , Sr . Kathleen McGrath ,

Sr . Elizabeth Moran , Sr . Patricia McGuiness . Sr .
Julie Dowling , Sr . Rose O ’ Mahoney , Sr . Maura

Gallahue , Sr . Maureen Donohue , Sr . Kathleen

Melia , Sr . Margareth Murphy , Sr . Clement , Sr .

Clarita Lachica , Sr . Mercedes Ventenilla , Sr .


Time have changed , the Columban Sisters turned over this

institution to the Diocese in 1992. Upon the invitation of

Msgr . Antonio Tobias , the Local Ordinary of Pagadian

Diocese , the Brothers for Christian Communities

administered the school with Brother Fermin Amodan as

director from 1992-1995. Fr . Rey Mutia became the first

diocesan priest who courageously accepted the call to

administer the school . During that year the Kindergarten

School of the parish , a brainchild of the bishop , was

affiliated to and is now under the supervision of the school .

This is the reason why the name of the school is changed to

Sacred Heart Diocesan School
to include the pre-school which is also performing well.

Gayziel Drew A. Basay Sacred Heart Diocesan School, Inc. | Facebook

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