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Multiplicative updates for the LASSO

Mørup, Morten; Clemmensen, Line Katrine Harder

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Citation (APA):
Mørup, M., & Clemmensen, L. K. H. (2007). Multiplicative updates for the LASSO. In 2007 IEEE International

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Morten Mørup and Line Harder Clemmensen

Technical University of Denmark

Informatics and Mathematical Modelling
Richard Petersens Plads, Building 321
DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
email: {mm,lhc}

ABSTRACT factor analysis with non-negativity constraints imposed

Multiplicative updates have proven useful for non-negativity on all variables [2, 3]. This has recently been extended
constrained optimization. Presently, we demonstrate to semi-NMF, i.e. where the parameters under consid-
how multiplicative updates also can be used for un- eration are non-negative while the data in itself is un-
constrained optimization. This is for instance useful constrained [4, 17]. We will presently advance the mul-
when estimating the least absolute shrinkage and selec- tiplicative updates to unconstrained optimization, i.e.
tion operator (LASSO) i.e. least squares minimization problems where the parameters can both take positive
with L1 -norm regularization, since the multiplicative and negative values. We demonstrate, that these types
updates (MU) can efficiently exploit the structure of of updates are useful to solve least squares problems
the problem traditionally solved using quadratic pro- with L1 -norm penalty also referred to as the LASSO
gramming (QP). We derive two algorithms based on [5].
MU for the LASSO and compare the performance to The least absolute shrinkage and selection operator
Matlabs standard QP solver as well as the basis pursuit (LASSO), is a shrinkage and selection method for lin-
denoising algorithm (BP) which can be obtained from ear regression. It minimizes the usual sum of squared The algorithms were tested errors, with a bound on the sum of the absolute values
on three benchmark bio-informatic datasets: A small also named the L1 -norm of the coefficients [5], i.e.
scale data set where the number of observations is larger 2
than the number of variables estimated (M < J) and β = arg min{kY − βXk F } s.t. |β m | ≤ t, (1)
two large scale microarray data sets (M  J). For
small scale data the two MU algorithms, QP and BP which is equivalent to the minimization
give identical results while the time used is more or less 1 X
of the same order. However, for large scale problems β = arg min{ kY − βXk2F + λ |β m |}. (2)
2 m
QP is unstable and slow. both algorithms based on MU
on the other hand are stable and faster but not as effi- That is, there is a one to one correspondence between t
cient as the BP algorithm and converge slowly for small and λ [5, 6]. LASSO has connections to soft-thresholding
regularizations. The benefit of the present MU algo- of wavelet coefficients, forward stagewise regression,
rithms is that they are easy to implement, they bridge and boosting methods [7] and forms a framework to
multiplicative updates to unconstrained optimization solve the Basis Pursuit [8, 9] with noise (Basis Pursuit
and the updates derived monotonically decrease the Denoising) [6]. The attractive property of the L1 -norm
cost-function thus does not need any objective function is that it penalizes the non-sparsity of β without vio-
evaluation. Finally, both MU are potentially useful for lating the convexity of the optimization problem. Fur-
a wide range of other models such as the elastic net or thermore, the L1 -norm is known to mimic the behavior
the fused LASSO. The Matlab implementations of the of the L0 norm, i.e. to attain as many zero elements
LASSO based on MU can be downloaded from [1]. as possible [10] giving the simplest and often also the
most parsimonious solution to account for the data.
1. INTRODUCTION The equivalent minimization problems given in equa-
tion (1) and (2) have been solved by quadratic pro-
Multiplicative updates were introduced to solve the gramming (QP). Since |β m | cannot be handled by regu-
non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) problem, i.e. lar QP the problem has been recast in the non-negative
variables β + and β − such that β m = β + −
m − β m . Then, Notice, when α → 0 only very small steps in the nega-
 can be stated in standard QP form by tive gradient direction are taken. The attractive prop-
X e = β + , β − subject to the con-
  erty of multiplicative updates is that they automat-
Xe = and β
−X ically enforce non-negativity while given values of α
straint βe ≥ 0. We will currently explore the structure have been proven to monotonically decrease various
of this reformulated problem to form two algorithms cost functions. For NMF the Kullback-Leibler diver-
for the LASSO based on multiplicative updates. Using gence and least squares cost functions are monotoni-
multiplicative updates has the following benefits: cally decreased for α = 1 [3] while semi-NMF based
on least squares as defined in [4] is monotonically de-
1. The non-negativity constraint of βe can naturally creased for α = 0.5 [4]. Another form of multiplica-
be enforced. tive updates for semi-NMF is given in [17] derived in
  the framework of quadratic programming with non-
2. The fact that X =
e can be used to avoid negativity constraints.
Presently, we will demonstrate that multiplicative
doubling the size of the problem compared to
updates can also be used for unconstrained optimiza-
standard QP-solvers.
tion, that is Y ∈ <I×J , β ∈ <I×M and X ∈ <M ×J are
3. The algorithm based on multiplicative updates is unconstrained. Notice, this problem can be trivially
easy to implement, has low computational cost solved by matrix inverses. However, it is relevant to
per iteration and is proven to monotonically de- solve the problem by multiplicative updates when con-
crease the cost-function. straints such as sparseness by the L1 -norm is imposed
since a closed form solution no longer exists. Further-
4. The multiplicative updates form a general op- more, such constraints are traditionally imposed when
timization framework which can potentially be the problem is over complete (M  J) and matrix in-
used for a wide range of problems. verses become unstable. Without loss of generality we
will consider β ∈ <1×M . We now have the LASSO
2. METHOD problem as stated in equation (2)
1 X
β = arg min{ kY − βXk2F + λ |β m |}. (5)
Multiplicative updates (MU) were introduced in [2, 3] 2 m
to solve the non-negative matrix factorization (NMF)
which corresponds to If β is P
unconstrained the gradient of the L1 -term, i.e.
P = λ m |β m |, gives ∂P ∂β = λ · sign(β) (β 6= 0) such
Y ≈ βX, (3) that the contribution from the constraint gives a step of
same length regardless of the value of β. Consequently,
I×J ×J
where Y ∈ <+ , β ∈ <I×M
+ and X ∈ <M + are for large scale sparse problems oscillations around zero
all non-negative. This was extended to semi-NMF [4] of small elements of β makes a simple gradient search
where Y ∈ <I×J and X ∈ <M ×J i.e. for β non- get stuck in small step-sizes in order to keep decreasing
negativity constrained while Y and X are unconstrained. the cost function. However, by reformulating the prob-

Given a cost function C(β) over the non-negative vari- lem in the variables β m = β + m − β m and constraining
∂C(β)− + −
ables β, define ∂C(β) β and β to be non-negative elements can no longer
∂β i,m and ∂β i,m as the positive and
cross zero. Furthermore, the non-differentiability at
negative part of the derivative with respect to β i,m .
β = 0 is no longer a concern as β only goes to zero
Then the multiplicative update has the following form
from one direction. Presently, non-negativity can nat-

α urally be enforced by multiplicative updates. Consider
∂β i,m again the reformulated LASSO problem cast in the
β i,m ← β i,m  ∂C(β)+  . (4)
non-negative variables β + and β − to be solvable by
∂β i,m
1 e 2 +λ
A small constant ε = 10−9 is added to the numerator CLASSO = kY − βeXk F βem , (6)
and denominator to avoid division by zero or forcing β m
to zero. If the gradient is positive ∂C(β)
∂β i,m > ∂β i,m ,
and βe = β + , β − . The gradient
where X e =
hence, β i,m will decrease and vice versa if the gradi- −X
ent is negative. Thus, there is a one-to-one relation of the cost function is given by
between fixed points and the gradient being zero. α is ∂CLASSO e T + λ1
= −(Y − βeX)
e X (7)
a "step size" parameter that potentially can be tuned. ∂ βe
Notice further, that Matlab for quadratic programming (QP) and the basis
e = Y − (β + − β − )X = Y − βX (8) pursuit denoising (BP) algorithm described in [6] which
Y − βeX
is available from Three
YX e T = [YXT , −YXT ] (9) data sets were considered: One small scale and two
eT = XX −XX large scale problems.
XeX . (10)
Using multiplicative updates (MU) as given in equa- 3.1. Small scale data set (M < J)
tion (4), we now get (for β ∈ <I×M ) The first example is a well known study performed by
r [11] also used as an example in [12], where M < J. The
([YXT ]+ +β + [XXT ]− +β − [XXT ]+ )i,m study examined the correlation between the level of
β+ +
i,m ← β i,m ([YXT ]− +β + [XXT ]+ +β − [XXT ]− )i,m +λ specific prostate antigen and 8 clinical measures (M =
8). The clinical measures were taken on 97 men (J =
− − ([YXT ]− +β + [XXT ]+ +β − [XXT ]− )i,m
β i,m ←β i,m ([YXT ]+ +β + [XXT ]− +β − [XXT ]+ )i,m +λ 97) who were about to receive a radical prostatectomy.
For the data set, we see that the solutions of MU,
where [M]+ and [M]− denotes the positive and neg- MUqp, QPqand BP are equivalent in standard error
PJ e j )2 ), see figure 1 (a).
ative part of M. Based on the approach of [17] the (given as J j=1 (Yj − (βeX)
following multiplicative updates (MUqp) can also be The cpu-time usage is of same order for MU, MUqp,
derived BP and QP although QP is slightly faster than the
other three, see figure 1 (b).
2 + T + + T −
+ + −Pi,m + Pi,m −4(β [XX ] )i,m (β [XX ] )i,m
β i,m ←β i,m 2(β + [XXT ]+ )i,m
2 − T + − T −
− −Ri,m + Ri,m −4(β [XX ] )i,m (β [XX ] )i,m 3.2. Large scale data sets (M  J)
i,m ← β i,m 2(β − [XXT ]+ )i,m

where P = −YXT − β − XXT + λ1 and R = YXT − The two large scale data sets consist of microarray
β + XXT + λ1. A proof, that the first type of updates data taken from [13] of studies performed by [14] and
(MU) monotonically decrease the cost function is given [15] of colon data and breast cancer data, respectively.
in the Appendix, see section 5. An equivalent proof The microarrays contain expressions of 2000 and 3226
for the second type of updates (MUqp) follows directly genes.
from [17]. Thus, the algorithms formed by the updates The first data set represents a study of the gene
above do not need to evaluate the objective function. expression for 40 tumor and 22 normal colon tissues.
Notice, for both algorithms all that is needed in mem- The samples were divided into a training set with 13
ory is the precalculated values YXT and XXT while normal samples and 27 tumor samples and a test set
each iteration requires computations of size βXXT . with 9 normal samples and 13 tumor samples.
Consequently, the computational complexity is given The second data set considers gene expressions for
as O(IM 2 ). Furthermore, the problem is in theory carriers of BRCA1 mutation, BRCA2 mutation, and
convex and therefore not prone to local minima. How- sporadic cases of breast cancer. Here, we will consider
ever, one problem is to estimate when the algorithm the separation of BRCA1 mutations from the tissues
has converged. Presently, we defined the convergence with BRCA2 mutations or sporadic mutations. The
as a small relative change in β less than 10−8 or when training set consists of 4 samples with BRCA1 muta-
20000 iterations had been reached. To speed up the tions and 10 without. The test set consists of 3 samples
algorithm, we used active sets to disregard very small with BRCA1 mutations and 5 without.
elements in β + and β − . Furthermore, for λ = 0 the The results obtained from the colon data set as well
activity of β + and β − is arbitrary for fixed difference, as the breast cancer data set are given in figure 2 and
i.e β = β + − β − . Thus, if an element in β changed figure 3, respectively. For small values of λ both MU
infinitesimally between each iteration the complete ac- and MUqp have not fully converged however for large
tivity of this element was placed in either β + or β − values of λ the solutions are equivalent to BP. Finally,
depending on the sign of the element in β to further QP is unstable and have problems finding the minima
reduce the problem size. regardless of the values of λ.


We tested the two types of multiplicative updates presently The present algorithm for the LASSO based on two
derived for the LASSO against the standard solver in types of multiplicative updates performed equally well
(a) Std dev (a) Std dev

(b) Cpu-time (b) Cpu-time

Fig. 1. The standard deviation and the cpu-time as Fig. 2. The standard deviation and the cpu-time as
a function of λ for the prostate cancer data. The so- a function of λ for the colon cancer data. While QP
lutions found by QP, MU, MUqp and BP are identical is unstable and slow, MU and MUqp are more stable
while the time-usage is of more or less the same order. than QP. However, for small values of λ the multiplica-
The time usage of MU and MUqp reduces for large val- tive updates are slower than QP and does not fully
ues of λ due to occurence of zero elements which can converge. For large values of λ MU and MUqp is faster
be disregarded in the updates. The error bars denotes than QP and the solutions of MU and MUqp are equiv-
the standard deviation of the mean of 10 runs. alent to those obtained by BP. The error bars denotes
the standard deviation of the mean of 3 runs, due to
the large computational time for QP only one run of
for small scale problems as QP and BP. However, for QP has been included.
large scale over complete problems BP was much faster
than both QP, MU and MUqp. For large values of λ
BP, MU and MUqp had same quality of solutions but such as the BP algorithm [6]. The present multiplica-
for low values MU and MUqp did not converge. While tive updates were based on two different approaches, [4,
QP was unstable for large scale problems this was nei- 17]. Despite their different nature their performances
ther the case for MU, MUqp nor BP. Although, mul- were for the present analysis very similar.
tiplicative updates suffer from slow convergence when Other algorithms for the LASSO than the present
λ is small they are simple and easy to implement and QP and BP exist, see for instance Osborne et al. [16].
clearly outperform QP for large scale problems. How- Also, algorithms not based on directly minimizing the
ever, they are not as good as state of the art algorithms LASSO cost for a specific value of λ such as least an-
strained problems and can easily be generalized to other
cost-functions and additional constraints. Presently,
we demonstrated that multiplicative updates can be
used for unconstrained minimization where β takes both
positive and negative values and how this could be used
to form two simple algorithm for the LASSO. Recently,
the LASSO has been advanced to the so called "elastic
net" which apart from a L1 -norm penalty has an addi-
tional L2 -norm penalty on β. This encourages a group-
ing effect, where strongly correlated predictors tend to
be in or out of the model together and improves the sta-
bility in the M  J case for small values of λ [19]. Fur-
thermore, the LASSO has been advanced to the fused
LASSO where the L1 -norm is imposed on both the co-
(a) Std dev
efficients and their successive differences. This encour-
ages local constancy of the coefficient profile and also
improves stability in the M  J case [20]. It should be
possible to advance the present multiplicative updates
to both accommodate the elastic net as well as the fused
LASSO. This will be the focus of future work. Further-
more, in [21] it was demonstrated that multiplicative
updates easily can accommodate missing values - this
might be relevant to consider when modeling data us-
ing the LASSO. Hence, it is our strong belief that the
present multiplicative methods can be extended to form
simple algorithms for a wide range of data as well as

(b) Cpu-time CONVERGENCE FOR MU α = 0.5

Fig. 3. The standard deviation and the cpu-time as

The proof is based on the use of an auxiliary func-
a function of λ for the breast cancer data. The same
tion [3] and follows closely the proofs for the conver-
tendencies are observed as for the colon cancer data in
gence of semi-NMF given in [4]. Briefly stated, an
figure 2. Namely, For small values of λ MU and MUqp
auxiliary function G to the function F is defined by:
have not fully converged. Furthermore, QP is again un-
G(B, B0 ) ≥ F (B) and G(B, B) = F (B). If G is an
stable and slow. MU and MUqp is faster and for large
auxiliary function then F is non-increasing under the
values of λ equivalent to BP in quality of solutions ob-
update B = arg minB G(B, B0 ).
tained. The error bars denotes the standard deviation
of the mean of 3 runs, due to the large computational Let B ∈ <+ . In [4] the following relations are
time for QP only one run of QP has been included. proven to hold

X ([XXT ]+ B0 )i,m B2i,m

gle regression selection (LARS) [7] and the Homotopy T r(B[XXT ]+ B) ≤
method [18, 16] have recently been proposed. How- X
ever, these algorithms are based on successively intro- T r(B[XXT ]− B) ≥ [XXT ]− 0
m,m0 Bi,m Bi,m0
ducing or removing variables rather than directly min- i,m,m0
imizing the cost-function for a specific value of λ hence Bi,m Bi,m0
do not directly compare to the present algortihms for (1 + log )
B0i,m B0i,m0
the LASSO based on multiplicative updates. 2
X B2i,m + B0i,m
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