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Final Review B Class ..........................................................................

2 Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences.

Use of English: Grammar There are two mistakes in each sentence.
1 If had I seen Marco, I would told to him you
1 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the wanted to speak to him.
verbs given.
A: Hi, Carrie. I haven’t seen you since your party.
(1) __________ (you work) hard or maybe 2 I enjoy to study subjects where I mustn’t do
playing all those computer games you got as homework every night.
B: Neither! I wish I’d had time to chat to you 3 The teacher asked to us who had finished the
before, but everything happened really quickly. exercise the more quickly.
After we (2) __________ (clear) up after the
party (thanks a lot for the books by the way,
I’ve nearly read them all!) we went on a 4 No sooner he came home that he made a
surprise holiday. We (3) __________ (spend) sandwich and switched on the TV.
two weeks in New York!
A: Wow! What a great place to go!
B: Yeah. Apparently Dad had been trying to find 5 The celebrity was been filmed for an
somewhere to take us for ages. It was my advertisement when it started to raining.
birthday present. He (4) __________ (browse)
through some last minute holiday deals when
he found one for New York. So we went!
A: Some birthday present! I expect I’ll go for a
meal in town for my birthday! (5) __________
(you be) back long?
B: No, just two hours! I’m hoping to see Mr
Browne to give him my project, which I
finished in New York. Is he around?
A: Well, his timetable (6) __________ (change) a
bit. At two o’clock he’ll be teaching Year 10,
so I suggest (7) __________ (go) to Room 11
just before. He’ll be pleased you’ve done it.
B: I hope he’s still pleased when he
(8) __________ (read) it!


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3 Complete the sentence so it means the same as the 4 Complete the text with one word in each gap.
first, using the word given. Do not change the
James Martin has been involved in film-making
word given. Use between two and five words.
(1) __________ his early teens. He was initially
1 Sally said that she had painted the words on the interested in photography and he was encouraged
wall outside school. (2) __________ his father, who gave him an
ADMITTED expensive camera for his eleventh birthday. James
mastered (3) __________ skill of taking both
Sally _________________________ on the
artistically and technically pleasing photographs
wall outside school.
and went on to win several local competitions.
2 I haven’t spoken to Maria for three days. (4) __________ he had never shown any interest
LAST in film-making, he was asked to help out a friend
I ________________________________ three (5) __________ was making a short film as part of
days ago. a media studies course he was taking
3 I’m sure the teacher has marked all the essays (6) __________ college. He knew about James’
because I saw the pile of books on her desk. expertise with a camera. James showed real talent
and discovered that he loved taking moving
HAVE pictures. He later decided to follow the
The teacher _________________________ all (7) __________ course as his friend. Now, ten
the essays because I saw the pile of books on years and five Oscar® nominations later, James
her desk. has proved to be one of the (8) __________
4 People say that learning Japanese is difficult, talented film-makers of his generation.
but I’ll try.
TO /8
_________________________ to be difficult,
but I’ll try.
5 I didn’t watch the news, so I don’t know the
result of the football matches.
If _________________________ I would know
the result of the football matches.
6 Some shops employ extra staff during the
Christmas period.
_________________________ extra staff
during the Christmas period.


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6 Complete the definitions with the correct words.

Use of English: Vocabulary You are given the first letters.
5 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the 1 Another word meaning disadvantage is a
sentences. d__________.
1 It takes a long time to get ___ an illness like 2 A part of a film or a play is called a
that. s__________.
A off 3 Something that shows you have an illness or
disease is called a s__________.
B over
4 If something is good for your physical or
C away mental health, it is t__________.
2 I think we ___ on technology too much these 5 If you borrow money, you now have a
days. d__________.
A depend 6 If a bone in your body is not in the correct
B lean position, it is d__________.
C support
3 The firefighters had a lot of trouble ___ out the /6
fire at the hotel.
A taking
B splashing 7 Complete the text with words formed from the
words given.
C putting
4 My dad makes a(n) ___ to two charities every Who says young people are less inventive these
month. days than they used to be? Seventeen-year-old
Aseem has proved that we (1) __________
A gift
(estimate) young people far too often. He has just
B donation won a major award for a young engineer of the
C aid year competition with an (2) __________ (believe)
5 After the heavy rainfall, the river ___ its banks invention. He has designed a pair of jeans that you
and flooded the town. can play the drums on. Yes, you didn’t
misunderstand! Apparently, Aseem was given the
A burst
(3) __________ (inspire) to design the jeans
B collapsed because he plays in a band and he was fed up with
C destroyed having to transport a heavy drum kit around all the
6 I’ve used ___ most of my phone battery, so I’ll time. His special jeans contain various
have to recharge it soon. (4) __________ (sense) that the wearer taps in
A at different places. When he taps the things in one
place, you hear one drum beat and when he taps in
B off another, you hear cymbals clashing. It’s amazing!
C up The only disadvantage at the moment is that you
have to plug in your jeans to an energy source.
/6 However, Aseem is working on a (5) __________
(wire) version. He will be demonstrating his ‘drum
jeans’ at an international (6) __________
(compete) in the near future. So, good luck


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8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

I’ve realised I haven’t (1) ___ my blog since I 9 Read the article from which some sentences have
went to Cambridge for my interview, and that was been taken out. Choose the correct sentences A–F
a week ago. So, here’s what happened on that to fill the gaps 1–5. There is one sentence you do
dreaded day! I’d been preparing for the interview not need.
for a few weeks but the night before I was really
(2) ___ and had a more or less sleepless night, so I How Did They Make It?
wasn’t in a very good (3) ___ the following What’s the key to success? We all want to
morning. My dad gave me a lift to the station know! So, we asked a couple of people who have
(that’s what dads are for!), and somehow I made it to the top of their chosen professions what
managed to miss the London train (4) ___ ten they think is the secret.
seconds. Can you believe it? I caught the next one Ben Salter, winner of two Olympic gold
and had to sit listening to a one-way phone call medals for running:
from a businessman to a work colleague for most How did I make it to the top? If I had a pound
of the journey. I took the underground (5) ___ for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d be
London, but it was so crowded I had to stand all really wealthy. If I could give a simple answer, I
the way and by the time I was on the Cambridge would be even wealthier! My success has been in
train, my shoes were dirty, my coat was creased athletics. People often wonder whether it is down
and I felt a mess. (6) ___, in Cambridge the sun to my genes. (1) ___ Or is it because I started
was shining, and I immediately started to feel training at a young age? To be honest, I think my
better. It’s amazing what a bit of sunshine can do, own success has been a result of a combination of
isn’t it? I walked to the college, going through factors. I have parents who are keen on sports and
possible questions they would ask me in my head. encouraged me to take up running quite early on.
Cambridge is such a lovely town (7) ___ loads of (2) ___ Not because I had to, but because I loved
old buildings, pretty gardens and ancient churches. it. That’s what they gave me – a love for the sport,
And of course the river’s great too; all the punts and that was very important. However, when you
were full of students. Shouldn’t they have been at start talking about success itself, it’s important to
lectures? I felt much more (8) ___ when I finally remember that there are a lot of talented sportsmen
arrived for the interview. And how did it go? Well, out there, particularly runners. So why did I make
I’ll write about that next time. it to the top over those other excellent sportsmen
1 A upgraded B updated C uploaded D upended who were no doubt equally as dedicated as I was?
2 A reserved B brusque C nervous D assertive That’s where I think luck comes into play. And my
3 A atmosphere B feeling C mind D mood luck was living in an area which had a magnificent
sports club that offered free coaching to children
4 A for B by C of D over
who showed promise. My parents could never
5 A across B away C by D under have afforded to pay a top coach to train me.
6 A Therefore B Although C However (3) ___ As it was, I received coaching from one of
D Providing the best coaches in the country. He inspired me to
7 A of B by C with D surrounding push myself to the limits. Quite honestly I can say
that without him, I would never have made it right
8 A calmed B relaxed C distressed D light
to the top. Thanks Mac!
/8 Dave Myers, entrepreneur:

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You know, some people can have all the talent

in the world and never really get the success they
deserve. In my opinion, to be successful,
particularly in the business world, what is really 10 You are going to hear an extract from a radio
required is determination and perseverance. If programme. Listen and decide if the statements are
you’re a young entrepreneur like I was, you have true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
to have a goal and then really work towards it.
(4) ___ You need to come back from a failure, 1 Mark Pearson usually talks about T/F/NM
fighting. That’s where the perseverance comes in. unusual recipes on the programme.
Don’t give up! In my case, I knew very early on
2 The restaurant The Red Imp is T/F/NM
that I wanted to have my own online business and
popular because of a new style of
so, even when I was still at school, I’d get up early
food it produces.
and put in an hour’s work on the computer before
a day’s studying. In the evening I’d be on the 3 Mark Pearson prefers the cuisine of T/F/NM
computer again. (5) ___ And it certainly wasn’t other countries to that of the UK.
plain sailing. There were many times when things
went wrong and I was tempted to change track. In 4 Mark likes being able to see the food T/F/NM
the end, however, all the hard work paid off and that he is ordering.
my business has done extremely well. Some
people have said that my success is down to my 5 At The Red Imp, impatient customers T/F/NM
having a gift for spotting lucrative deals, or, as my will not have a problem.
mother maintains, the ability to persuade anyone to
do anything! But I definitely believe that in the /5
end, what gives you that extra edge is working
hard and never losing sight of your goal.
A I used every spare minute I had.
B Being good at something isn’t enough on its
own. 11 You see this notice in a local magazine:
C It’s not easy because you have to take chances
and there are a lot of disappointments along the We would like to publish some reviews of
way. places of local interest for our readers. Write a
review of an interesting place you have visited
D The cost was way out of their league. recently, and we will publish the best three in our
E I remember training regularly from about the next edition.
age of six.
F Did my talent come from my parents? Write a review for the magazine. Write 180–250
/5 _____________________________________



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