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Review 1 Test A Class ..........................................................................

3 Rewrite the sentence so it means the same as the

Use of English: Grammar first, using the word given. Do not change the
word given.
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of 1 In the past, people believed that the earth was
these verbs. flat.
hear live like run wait travel be
see get take ______________________________________
1 Hurry up! We __________ out of time! The
2 I go to the dentist every six months.
taxi __________ here any moment.
2 Ten seconds after the space shuttle __________
off, spectators __________ black smoke ______________________________________
coming from the engines. ______________________________________
3 By the time Rita __________ here, we 3 The last time I saw William was on Tuesday.
__________ for more than an hour. I hope she SEEN
arrives soon. ______________________________________
4 While I __________ to work this morning, I ______________________________________
__________ some interesting news on the
radio. 4 It’s my dream to go on a space holiday.
5 I really __________ watching the stars at night GOING
when we __________ in the country, but of ______________________________________
course, in the city the skies aren’t so clear. ______________________________________
5 I didn’t answer my phone because the film
/5 hadn’t finished.
2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
sentences. ______________________________________

1 My dad likes to catch/catching an early train

because he avoids the rush hour.
2 Most of the students in my class aren’t keen on
to read/reading long texts in English.
3 I don’t remember to invite/inviting Harry to the
party, but he’s here.
4 I don’t mind to wait/waiting for you for a
couple of minutes.
5 To eat/Eating cabbage makes me feel sick!


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4 Complete the text with one word in each gap. 6 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the
How punctual are you? I have to say that when I
was younger, (1) __________ on time didn’t use 1 I applied to the University of London, but they
to be important. I used to keep people waiting all turned me off/down.
the time and never considered how impolite this 2 Unfortunately, I disunderstood/misunderstood
was. I was often late for lessons because I the question and got no marks.
(2) __________ set the alarm and then switch it
3 I made/did several mistakes in the letter, and
off when it went off and simply go back to sleep. I
the teacher told me to do it again.
made arrangements with friends and then I would
turn up half an hour late. I’m amazed people still 4 A lot of workers at the factory were made
invited me to things because I was never fired/redundant because of the lack of new
(3) __________ time. Now that I’m older I’m orders.
nowhere near (4) __________ irresponsible as I 5 You need to have good qualifications if you
used to be. Thank goodness! I think it’s being at want to get/go ahead in business.
work that (5) __________ changed me. If I’m late
now, my boss gets angry, and I risk losing my job. /5
I’ve also lost so many girlfriends in the past
because of my time-keeping that now I’m really 7 Complete the sentences with words formed from
careful about (6) __________ the house in time to the words given.
get somewhere. And also, I think I’ve learned to
appreciate other people arriving when they say 1 We had to take a different flight because the
they will. I don’t like waiting for someone for ages original one had been __________ (book).
and so I need to be more reliable myself. Mind 2 Seven students in my class failed the exam and
you, (7) __________ up on time can still be a had to __________ (sit) it the following month.
problem sometimes as I often forget to set the 3 People often __________ (estimate) the
alarm! importance of a good education.
4 Our last baby sitter was __________
/7 (responsible) and didn’t look after the children
5 Students who __________ (obey) the exam
Use of English: Vocabulary rules are sent home.

5 Complete the definitions with the correct words. /5

You are given the first letters.
1 G__________ is the force that attracts objects
to the earth’s surface.
2 An u__________ is a student who is studying
their first degree at university.
3 A p__________ is what you get when you
progress to a better position at work.
4 S__________ work is the sort of work which
involves working at different times of the day
or night.
5 A c__________ is a job you have to do that
may be boring.


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8 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the

My dad (1) ___ from his job last week. It’s a pity 9 Read four people’s comments about a recent
because he’d been working as a teacher for 20 TV series called Wonders of the Universe. For
years but he hasn’t been happy with recent questions 1–5 choose from the people A–D. The
changes at the school he’s been teaching at. people may be chosen more than once.
Apparently, they’ve completely changed the
teaching system. Whereas in the past people used A
to want classes to be as small as possible, this I just want to say how amazing I think this
school has decided to go in the (2) ___ direction recent TV series is.
and have enormous classes of 70 or more students! I’ve seen three of the programmes so far and in
I can’t imagine it. Of course, they don’t have just those three hours I learned more about science and
one teacher dealing with the whole class, there are the universe than I did in my whole time at school.
several teachers working together with different Somehow Professor Cox brings science to life in a
groups. The authorities say that this means they way none of my teachers could ever manage. Mind
can (3) ___ with different levels within the same you, he does have the advantage of a lot of special
class and target those who are weaker or those that effects to illustrate his points. I suppose it’s also
need to be given more (4) ___. I was in a class of the sort of language he uses; it’s really accessible.
30 students when I was at school and I remember At school, the terminology was so difficult to
how noisy it used to be, especially when we were follow that I used to switch off immediately, and I
trying to work in small groups. The school insists know I wasn’t the only one.
that the children in these classes (5) ___ much B
more progress than they do in smaller ones. They What I like about this series is that the
say that another benefit is that newly-qualified presenter doesn’t talk down to his audience, even
teachers can learn a lot from watching and though he knows a huge amount about his subject.
working with more (6) ___ colleagues. Whatever, When I listen to him talking about space and the
my dad doesn’t enjoy working there now and has universe, I don’t feel like a kid at school, I feel that
left. I don’t think he’ll regret it. he’s treating me like an adult. But he does seem to
1 A retired B resigned C left D redundant have a vast knowledge, and you can tell he enjoys
2 A opposite B different C another D wider sharing that knowledge. I’ve recorded the whole
3 A organise B behave C teach D cope series but only managed to see the first two last
night. I particularly liked the programme about
4 A competition B challenges C difference D
gravity where he explained so well how the
galaxies are attracting each other. It made me
5 A do B get C acquire D make realise how limited my knowledge was, and also
6 A clever B developed C experienced D got me thinking about what scientists still don’t
examined know or understand. It’s pretty scary to think
about how small a piece we really are in the giant
/6 puzzle of existence.

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Having watched the first programme of the 6 Which person believes the professor avoids
series The Wonders of the Universe I can’t wait patronising the people who watch the
until the next one. I’m particularly impressed by programme? ___
the visuals. They add a great deal to the 7 Which person comments on the professor’s
professor’s explanations, and that’s something age? ___
close to my heart. I enjoy playing around with
computer graphics and I’ve done some work on /7
amateur films but watching this has opened my
mind up to the possibilities of other career paths;
perhaps television work would be something I
could aim for. Obviously, special effects are
getting cleverer and cleverer, and in a series like
this they are used to the very best. Overall I think
it’s one of the best science series I’ve ever seen,
and it’s a great marriage between science and art. I
also love the way the professor sets his
explanations against things we can see and
understand, like when he was talking about the
dark core of a dying star and the camera followed
him into the darkest cell of a condemned prison in
Mexico. Just brilliant!

I missed the first couple of programmes, and
then a friend said I simply had to watch it. I’ve
never enjoyed science programmes very much;
I’m much more of an arts person. Give me a series
about books or galleries and I’m hooked, but for
me, science programmes are usually quite dull,
and I lose concentration quickly. However, I must
admit that this one is a bit special! I think it’s the
combination of a compelling personality (the
professor looks much too young to be so clever,
doesn’t he?) and some really interesting science. I
mean, I’d never thought about how elements are
produced or where, or what a red dwarf is. Now I
know. Mind you, how long I’ll remember is a
different matter!
1 Which person believes the programme has
opened his mind to wider scientific issues? ___
2 Which person has enjoyed the programme more
than he expected? ___
3 Which person has seen more programmes in
the series than the other contributors? ___
4 Which person has been inspired by the
programme to consider a particular line of
work? ___
5 Which person has a critical opinion of those
who previously taught him? ___

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Listening Writing
10 You are going to hear people talking in 11 Write an opinion essay with this title:
five different situations. Listen and choose the It is more important to spend money solving
correct answers. problems here on earth rather than on developing
1 You hear two students talking at school. Why is space travel. What do you think?
the girl not feeling too good?
Write 180–250 words.
A She has caught flu.
B She has to resit her biology exam. _____________________________________
C She hasn’t done well in a test. _____________________________________
2 A teacher is talking to her students. What does _____________________________________
she want her students to do before their _____________________________________
tutorial? _____________________________________
A Discuss their careers ideas with the careers _____________________________________
B Be prepared to discuss any weaknesses they
think they have.
C Bring their marks for all exam subjects with
them. _____________________________________
3 You hear a TV presenter talking about a _____________________________________
programme. What can we learn from watching _____________________________________
the programme? _____________________________________
A the cost of space tourism _____________________________________
B the space experiences of three people _____________________________________
C the way people get ready to go into space _____________________________________
4 A businessman and a businesswoman are _____________________________________
talking about a student who is going to do work _____________________________________
experience at their company. Why is the man
worried? _____________________________________
A The student can’t follow him because he’s _____________________________________
going to be away.
B The student could see private papers.
C There might not be enough work for the
student to do. /65
5 You hear two friends talking about the
weekend. Where is the science exhibition being
A Manchester
B London
C Cardiff


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