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Career Studies Assignment
Please submit to your Brightspace Career Studies course by
Monday, September 13, 2021 at 8:30am

Full Name:
20ha:S Pervez
First ​ ​ ​ ​ Middle ​ ​ ​ ast

Zo hair
Preferred first name: ___________________________ House:

Date of birth: ________________________ Citizenship (list
Month ​ ​ ay
D ​ ear

Please answer ALL the questions thoughtfully and with candour.

We need this information in order to help you plan your post-
secondary applications. Your replies are confidential.


When did you enter UCC? (Include the Prep) _____________ 9
​Grade Level at entry ______
Which school(s) did you attend prior to UCC?

Olive Grove
Name: __________________________________School Mississauga
City: _________________ Grade Level(s):
Janet McDougald PS Mississauga
Name: __________________________________ City: _________________ Grade Level(s):


Which subject(s) did you enjoy the most prior to Year 11? Why?
Science I've

Always Enjoyed learning


the way things work in our bodies

____________________________ ,

around Us , In chemicals, etc

_______________________________________________________ .


Math : New
____________________________ ways to do
New things enlighten me and allow
gain an appreciation for things that
I Didn't know Before



Which one(s) have you found the most challenging? Why?

French : specifically
____________________________ I am not
to learn
languages It
one new

takes A lot of Time and effort for

me to ream



On what types of assessments do you feel you perform best? (Where
appropriate, check more than one)​

Exams ​

Discussions In English
Other (specify):

How do you learn best? (Where appropriate, check more than one)​
Lecture ​ Reading
-Small group discussion -One-on-one Other
(specify): ____________________

On average, how many hours do you spend on school work outside

of class time?

1- 2 hours
Each school day: _________ ​ ​Each weekend: 1- 3
_________ hours

What do you consider to be your most significant academic

achievement thus far? Why?
8 in Math



Please describe any outside circumstances (including, but not

limited to, COVID’s effects) that have negatively affected your
academic performance.
Covid : Time Management



Activities and Interests:

List your main extracurricular interests and activities and years of

involvement (including those you plan to start in Year 11). These
should include the things you do both inside and outside of UCC.
Once complete, please rank your entries in order of their
importance to you.

Activity UCC Non- Type of Involvement/Position/Duration Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Ra

UCC nk

Horizons x Tutor, School Year x x x 2

Baseball x x Pitcher, Captain, Spring term & Summer x x x 3 s

Key Club x Treasurer, All Year x 1

Hockey ✗ Center xx ✗ 1
BIFF ✗ For fun ✗ ✗✗ ✗ 2

What have you gained or learned as a result of your involvement in

these activities? Be specific.
Physical Strength ,
____________________________ Agility




List any of these types of activities (or others) you plan to pursue
after high school.
Football , Hockey ,
____________________________ volunteering wook







How did you spend your last two summers?

Vacation Netflix
, Physics
, ,











What aspects of your high school experience have you enjoyed the
most? And the least? Please explain why in each case.
Networking with others and






What do you consider to be your most significant contribution to the

UCC community? Why?





Which adults, including teachers, have influenced you the most, and
Mother , Father Advisor
____________________________ ,





What has been your most remarkable life experience? How has this
shaped or influenced you?
Getting Into Ucc , It has
____________________________ helped Me Manage My
time better




Your Post-Secondary Plans:

It is important to know WHY you want to pursue a post-secondary

education. In considering your goals for that time, rank the
following values from 1 (the most important to you) to 11 (the least
important to you).
2 Provide me with a place to learn and study
___ Provide me with opportunities to interact with teachers in and

outside of the classroom
___ Allow me to be with my friends
4 Prepare me to make a lot of money
9 Permit me to continue a particular extra-curricular interest.
(e.g.: sport, fine arts, debating)

___ Allow me to better humankind
___ Prepare me for a career
___ Enable me to be more independent
___ Provide me with a variety of new experiences
___ Give me a degree from a prestigious school
___ Other (please specify)

(Adapted from: Steven R. Antonoff)

Using the lists below, please describe the type of undergraduate environment that you believe will
provide the best fit in terms of your aptitudes, goals, and personal qualities. Feel free to check more
than one choice.
Enrollment: Location:
Very small (fewer than 1500) ✓ Ontario ​ ​ ​
Small (1500-10,000) Another province ​ ​
Medium-sized (10,000-20,000) United Kingdom ​ ​
Large (more than 20,000) ​ United States ​ ​
- No preference Elsewhere (please specify):
No preference
Environment: ​
-Large city
Small city or suburban area
Small town or rural area
No preference

List any post-secondary institutions which Please specify

the reasons for these preferences:
are of interest to you at this stage:

McMaster : Health
____________________________________ Sci
​ ​___________
_________________________ ​
____________________________________ ​ ​___________
_________________________ ​
____________________________________ ​ ​___________
_________________________ ​
____________________________________ ​ ​___________
_________________________ ​

Are you considering applying to universities outside of Canada?







Have you had an opportunity to write either the ACT or SAT

standardized tests? If so, when?





Are you considering a Gap Year in which you pursue other interests
between high school and post-secondary study?




Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions!

UCO 2021

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