The United Nations Is An Organization

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this alliance met in San Francisco to

the United Nations is an organization draft a charter for a post-war

that depending on your perspective is organization of the same name the United
either a pointless waste of money Nations of today would officially come
the harborage are the Antichrist in the to existence on October 24th 1945 with
New World Order or an organization for 51 members as decolonization occurred
the peace and stability of the modern over the course of the 20th century more
world but what exactly is the UN after and more nations would be admitted there
World War one President Woodrow Wilson are six main bodies that make up the
tried to stop an organization called the United Nations the face of the UN is the
League of Nations it was designed to be General Assembly whenever you hear
an organization to stop international about
conflict before it starts and when it some random country saying something
did occur to end it swiftly however this crazy it usually comes out of this body
didn't work out so well as Wilson this body is similar to the lower house
underestimated the diplomats and heads of Congress and that it creates budgets
of state of Europe and failed to consult and approves new members to join they
the US Senate who would be the ones are also responsible to elect the
ultimately voting for it the league administrative head of the United
would be created but without the United Nations to Secretariat the secretary is
States joining it it would be seen as a headed by the UN Secretary General who
failure after it failed to prevent the is elected to five-year terms their job
Second World War is to administer the various bodies of
despite the league failing the idea of the UN and serve as the public face of
an international body that strove for the organization the true core power for
peace among nations was still desired by the United Nations
many countries especially after World in the Security Council which is a body
War two the United Nations originated of 15 Nations that are responsible for
out of a declaration drafted by maintaining peace and security
President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the council has five permanent members
Prime Minister Winston Churchill the which originally contained the United
members of the United Nations were to States the United Kingdom France the
pledges itself to employ its full Soviet Union and the Republic of China
resources military or economic against the Republic of China was replaced by
those members of the tripartite pact and the People's Republic of China in 1971
its adherence with which such government and the Russian Federation succeeded to
is at war it began its life as a the Soviet Union seat in 1992 the other
military alliance 26 nations signed this ten members of the Security Council are
initial declaration as world war ii drew elected by the General Assembly for
to a close nations around the world two-year terms with five new members
scrambled to join the United Nations out being elected each year countries that
of fear that they would be left out of are terming out are not eligible for
the biggest military alliance in world immediate reelection these 15 members
history in April 1945 the members of are divided between five groups the
African the Asian Pacific Eastern trials against dictators and human
European the Latin American and rights abusers the court has 15 judges
Caribbean and the Western European and elected for nine year terms with the
others group the five permanent members same regional distribution as the UN
of the Security Council are divided Security Council there is all
amongst these groups the u.s. the UK and the UN Economic and Social Council which
France are included in the Western attempts to promote and regulate
European and others group leaving two cooperation between member states and
rotating seats Russia occupies one of areas of social and economic issues and
the Eastern European seats leaving one as 54 members that are elected by the
rotating and the People's Republic of General Assembly to three-year terms the
China occupies one of the three last major body of the UN is the
asia-pacific seats the Security Council trusteeship Council this body was
has its own president which rotates originally designed to manage the former
between members on a month-by-month League of Nations mandates this body has
basis each member getting to hold the been inactive since the last mandate
presidency once every 15 months the Palau gained independence in 1994 so
council votes on potential military there you have it six bodies two
actions and is the only body of the UN legislative one administrative one
that has the ability to pass binding judicial one policy and one defunct all
resolutions it is also one of the most part of the United Nations if you would
highly criticized organs of the UN like to see more content than you can go
though all 15 members of this council ahead and check out the videos I've
have a vote the five permanent members curated over here if you would like to
each have a veto and therefore can know when new videos come out then you
prevent any action made by the committee should go ahead and click Subscribe and
this is why there are so few major leave your thoughts down in the comments
military operations by the United below thanks for watching kids want to
Nations and none of these operations are be like the real un or you just want to
made directly against any permanent squabble and waste time
members this deadlock became inevitable English (auto-generated)
after the Korean War when the Soviet
Union protested the actions of the
Security Council by not showing up to
vote this led to the only UN action
against a permanent member when they
approved a us-led invasion of Korea to
stop the Soviet backed North against the
South since then the Soviet Union
followed by Russia never abstained from
using their veto then there is the
International Court of Justice which
arbitrates disputes between different
nations as well as hold international
by an unhealthy lifestyle it could also
understanding the dimensions of be influenced by other factors such as
sustainable development by endorsing poverty or air quality to develop this
agenda 2030 and its 17 goals the world approach a step further to critical
community has reaffirmed its commitment dimensions that will drive agenda 2030
to sustainable development to ensure were adopted by member states
sustained and inclusive economic growth partnership and peace partnerships that
social inclusion and environmental strengthen the capacities of all
protection and to do so in partnership stakeholders to work together peace
and peace agenda 2030 is universal justice and
transformative and rights-based it's an institutions are essential for
ambitious plan of action for countries improvements in the three core areas
the UN system and all other development genuine sustainability sits at the
actors the agenda inspires us to think center and it will be important to
creatively about the sustainability consider each of the SDGs through the
challenges of today so we can develop lens of these five dimensions of course
the right partnerships and take the we can't consider every possible angle
right actions at the heart of the agenda of a single challenge that's why it's
are five critical components people crucial to build partnerships to share
prosperity peace partnership planet knowledge and expertise to learn how we
these in turn underpin the 17 can jointly address challenges this
sustainable development goals and are requires new ways of working together
applicable in all countries agenda 2030 focused on co-creation national
and the SDGs are not simply items on a ownership is fundamental to address
checklist they represent a holistic challenges properly many organizations
approach to understanding and tackling and actors have an important role to
problems by guiding us to ask the right play their involvement ensures long-term
questions at the right time to achieve engagement and guarantees that no one is
this we need to consider several left behind the universal nature of
challenges in order to work out how they agenda 2030 also asks us to look at the
connect with and impact upon each other planet as one every country every
finding these in dependencies helps us community has issues to address and
to address the root causes of problems everyone shares the responsibility and
and to create long-term solutions so how ownership to address the challenges that
does this work face us collectively to move forward we
sustainable development is usually must develop the right capacities for
viewed through a lens of three core agenda 2030 we need to invest in
elements economic growth social lifelong learning to be able to advocate
inclusion and environmental protection for change
but it's important to remember that foster action for implementation measure
these are not just categories or boxes progress and to identify and empower new
they are connected and have aspects in partners to support agenda 2030 we all
common for example a health challenge need to lead the way towards the vision
like tuberculosis is not only determined of a better world within our lifetime
because only if we ask the right
questions and seek the right answers and
only if we take our responsibilities
seriously will we be able to achieve a
truly transformational agenda leaving no
one bite

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