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n VOL.
Wednesday, September 01, 2021
Wednesday, September 01, 2021
n VOL. XCVII NO. 208

No more US boots on
ground in Afghanistan
Yashwant Raj
WASHINGTON: The United States
has concluded its military mis-
sion in Afghanistan, ending its
longest war and bringing down NEW DELHI: Al Qaeda on Tues-
the curtain on a 20-year-old day called for the “liberation”
sketchy campaign that ended of Kashmir and other so-called
with a frantic last-minute rush of Islamic lands from the “clutches
evacuations and a suicide bomb- of the enemies of Islam” in
ing that killed 13 Americans and a message congratulating the
170 Afghans. Taliban for its victory in Afghani-
The last US military plane stan. A statement issued by al
took off from the Kabul airport Qaeda hours after the Taliban
at 11.59pm local time on Monday, declared Afghanistan had gained
said General Frank McKenzie, “full independence” after draw-
commander of the US Central down of US forces referred to the
Command. On the last C-17 out terror group’s long-standing calls
was the chief US diplomat in for the so-called liberation of
Afghanistan Ross Wilson. regions such as Palestine, the
The US has now left Afghani- Major General Chris Donahue, the last US Army soldier to leave Levant, Somalia and Yemen. →P8
stan completely, barring an esti- Kabul airport, steps aboard the final evacuation flight. REUTERS
mated 200 Americans still trying
to leave, and scores of Afghans
who worked for it and want to
leave, fearing reprisal from the
Indian ambassador to Qatar meets
Taliban. The American embassy
in Kabul was shut down a few
days ago and its diplomats were
Taliban leader for first formal talks
operating from the Kabul airport NEW DELHI: India raised the safe head of the Taliban’s political tory towards India, came after
before the exit. The mission will return of its citizens still in office in Doha. The meeting was months of backchannel contacts
now conduct diplomatic opera- Afghanistan and concerns about held at the Indian embassy in between the Indian side and the
tions with the Taliban govern- Afghan soil being used for anti- Doha “on the request of the Tali- Taliban that were first reported
ment and consular operations India activities and terrorism ban side”, the external affairs by HT in June. “Discussions
out of Doha, Qatar. during its first officially ministry said in a statement. focused on safety, security and
“Our 20-year military pres- acknowledged contact with the The meeting between Mittal, early return of Indian nationals
ence in Afghanistan has ended,” Taliban on Tuesday. who earlier headed the Pakistan- stranded in Afghanistan. The
US President Joe Biden said in a India’s ambassador to Qatar, Afghanistan-Iran desk in the travel of Afghan nationals, espe-
statement as he thanked military Deepak Mittal, flagged these external affairs ministry, and cially minorities, who wish to
personnel for completing the issues when he met Sher Stanekzai, who has issued sev- visit to India also came up,” the
continued on →13 Mohammed Abbas Stanekzai, eral messages seen as concilia- statement said. →P8


August best month for India’s jab drive

Jamie Mullick least one shot of the vaccine has
Vax pace continues to rise
surpassed 500 million.
In August, India averaged 5.9mn shots administered every day - the highest ever Tuesday’s record means that
NEW DELHI: With over 12.8 mil- in the month of August, the
Average dose administration 5.92mn

shots of the vaccine 3.98mn
lion shots of the vaccine admin-
istered across India on Tuesday,
according to data available at
11pm on the Co-WIN dashboard,
country administered a total of
183.5 million doses, translating
to a daily average of 5.9 million
doses in the month. This average
administered across 3.02mn India’s Covid-19 vaccination administration is a jump of 1.6
India on Tuesday drive set yet another single-day million doses a day over the pre-
1.97mn record for doses delivered, wrap- vious monthly best recorded in
ping up August as, by far, the July (average of 4.3 million jabs
best month (yet) of India’s mass a day). With more vaccine doses
234,928 357,075
inoculation programme. (at least 250 million) available in
January February March April May June July August The number of people across September, the number could
India who have now received at increase even more. →P11

SRINAGAR: The first-ever parlia-
mentary outreach programme
for Jammu and Kashmir pan-
chayat bodies on Tuesday saw a
face-off between National Con-
ference president Farooq Abdul-
lah and lieutenant governor
Manoj Sinha, with Abdullah say-
ing, “If we are with the country,
the country should also take care
of us.” Advising Sinha to work
“honestly”, Abdullah said, “...our
binding factor is the resolve that
we can come together to create
this country.” In his speech,
which was almost entirely a
response to Abdullah, Sinha rec-
ollected his battle with “legacy
issues” and said, “Under the new
dispensation, every penny is
accounted for.” →P9

BENGALURU: Seven people,
including the son of a Tamil
Nadu lawmaker, were killed on
Tuesday after their “overspeed-
ing” vehicle slammed into road-
side structures in the Koraman-
gala area here, police said.
Six people died on the spot
and the seventh died on the way
to hospital, officials said, identi-
fying one of the victims as the
son of Hosur MLA Y Prakash.
According to joint commis-
sioner of police (traffic) B Ravi-
kanthe Gowda, the incident took
place at around 1.45 am. “The
Audi with seven occupants was
completely mangled in the acci-
dent. None of the passengers
were wearing seat belts, so the
airbags did not open,” Gowda
said. All of the victims were
between the age of 20 and 30 and
an investigation has been
opened to determine if it was a
case of drunken driving. →P9
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

Number Theory
How did corporate India
perform in June quarter?
By Vineet Sachdev
India’s GDP grew at 20.1% in the quarter ending June, according to the first estimates issued by
the National Statistical Office (NSO) on August 31. This is 1.3 percentage points less than the RBI
estimate of 21.4%. Given the fact that India’s GDP contracted by 24.4% in the quarter ending
June 2020, this also means that output is still not back to pre-pandemic levels.
To be sure, any such conclusion must be seen in the context of economic disruption caused
by the second wave of Covid-19 pandemic, which, in terms of seven-day average of daily new
cases, peaked on May 9, 2021.
In addition to the GDP numbers, another question is worth asking. How did the second wave
of Covid-19 affect corporate India? Quarterly results for 2,546 companies, which are now
available in the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy’s (CMIE) Prowess database, can be used
to answer this question. Here are the main takeaways from the June quarter corporate results.

1 Sequential contraction in sales and an annual

growth driven by base effect
A normal year-on-year comparison in
inflation-adjusted sales of
Growth in inflation-adjusted corporate sales
companies shows a healthy 36.6% Yearly growth Quaterly growth (YoY and QoQ)
growth. However, this needs to be
read with the 34% contraction in 35 36.6
sales in the quarter ending June 30
2020, which was a result of the
68-day-long national lockdown 25
imposed on March 25, 2020. 20
In absolute terms, inflation-adjusted 15
sales in the June quarter were lower
than June 2019 levels. To be sure, the
June quarter’s performance was 5 -0.3
affected by the second wave of 0
Covid-19 infections and therefore a
better question to ask is what -5
impact did the second wave had on -10 -3.4
the ongoing sequential economic
recovery. After having fallen by 27% -15 -9.2
in quarter-on-quarter terms in the -20
June 2020 quarter, corporate sales -25
increased in the three subsequent -27.3
quarters of 2020-21. This trend was -30
disrupted in the June quarter with a -35
quarter-on-quarter fall of 9%. Sep 2016 Jun 2020 Jun 2021
Source: CMIE Prowess

2 Cost-cutting led to higher than pre-pandemic profits

Even though sales did not cross the June quarter 2019 levels in the quarter ending June , net profits of these 2,546 firms were higher than
those in pre-pandemic levels. Part of the reason for this could be the fact that the government announced a cut in corporate tax rates in
September 2019, which gave an exogenous boost to profits. However, an HT analysis of the Prowess database shows that cost-cutting by
firms has also played an important role in boosting profits. The numbers speak for themselves.
While income (sales) of selected firms contracted by 9.5% between the June quarter of 2019 and this June quarter, costs contracted by 9.3%
during this period. This played an important role in net profits increasing by 26%. Cost data is available only for 2,536 companies. A simple
year-on-year comparison of costs will be misleading because of the lockdown last year.

Two-year growth in sales, costs and net profits Sales Costs Net profit (in %)
Will rising inflation put pressure
79.8 on costs going forward? Experts
50 do not think so. Madan Sabnavis,
40 chief economist at Care ratings
30 25.8 said that there were no signs of
13.4 7.7 absorption of raw material cost
0 by the firms as prices across
-10 different industries have gone up
-20 with the rise in input costs. “It
-40 looks like with pent up demand
-50 surfacing, consumers will pay
-60 higher prices and companies can
-70 -72.0 -77.4 pass on higher raw material
Mar 2020 Jun 2020 Sep 2020 Dec 2020 Mar 2021 Jun 2021 costs”, he added.
Source: CMIE Prowess

3 Smaller sized firms continue to suffer more

Which category has borne the
maximum brunt during the current
An analysis by size, based on total
Sales growth by firm size
Sales in June 2021 (in %) SALES

sales, helps understand this. Sales by -70 < ₨10 crores

firm are divided into five categories:
less than ₨10 crore; ₨10-25 crores; -55 ₨10-25 crores
₨25-100 cores; ₨100-500 crores; and
above ₨500 crores. While the total
inflation-adjusted sales in the June
-29 ₨25-100 crores
quarter fell for all segments
compared to the June quarter of -16 ₨100-500 crores
2019, the biggest fall was seen in
small firms with sales less than ₨10 -8 >₨500 crores
crores. Total sales by small firms
contracted by 70% from that in the
June quarter of 2019 thereby -10 Overall
indicating the higher pressure they -80 -70 -60 -50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0
are facing.
Source: CMIE Prowess

4 Non-financial sector suffers more even as

expenses fall across firms
Which sectors have performed well from their
pre-Covid period? An analysis by sectors
Sales and profits of various firms
shows that out of the three major ones, Sales Growth Profit Growth (in %)
non-financial, financial and diversified, only 177
companies involved in diversified businesses
have shown growth in total sales by 10%
compared to the June quarter of 2019. Within
the non-financial sector, firms belonging to
construction and real estate saw the biggest
contraction in total sales by 25% in the June 100
quarter compared to 2019, while others in
businesses such as manufacturing, mining and 50
services saw a double-digit decline in their 50 40 40
total sales.
Total inflation adjusted profits have also
grown only for firms in the diversified and -4
financial sectors in June from the correspond- -7 -10 -11 -7 -11
ing quarter of 2019 while non-financial sector -25
-50 -35
firms saw contraction by 18%. Expenses across -53
all sectors and sub-sectors in the June quarter
Diversified Financial Electricity Manufac- Mininig Non-finan- Construction
have fallen compared to 2019 with the sector Services turing cial services and Real
smallest fall seen in financial sector firms. Estate
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n VOL.XCVII NO. 208 n PRICE ₹5.00/WITH HINDUSTAN ₹ 9.00 (₹ 7.50 IN FARIDABAD)/WITH MINT ₹ 9.50 n 22 PAGES + 6 PAGES OF HT CITY + 6
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

GDP growth 20.1% in   

Q1 after Covid slump
Roshan Kishore INDIA’S GDP GROWTH Putting GDP stats in context
NEW DELHI: India’s GDP grew
at 20.1% in the quarter ending

20.1% While a simple year-on-year comparison shows a high growth in
GDP, a comparison with March 2021 quarter shows the impact of the
June — in line with expecta- second wave on the economy. A comparison with June 2019 numbers
tions — although the high num- 10 shows that there is no V-shaped recovery
ber is the result, not of a 5.4% % change in June 2021 numbers from Jun 20 Mar 21 Jun 19
V-shaped recovery in the econ- 5
omy, but a favourable base GDP 20.1 -16.9 -9.2
effect. Compared to the last Pvt final consumption expenditure 19.3 -17.4 -11.9
quarter of 2020-21, the coun- -5 -4.8 -7.6 7.4
Govt final consumption expenditure
try’s GDP actually contracted
by 16.9%, although this can be -10 Gross fixed capital formation 55.3 -23.6 -17.1
attributed to the bruising sec- Net exports -282.2 -52.9 -63.6




ond wave of the pandemic in -15
GVA 18.8 -13.3 -7.8
April and May. And compared -20
to the first quarter of 2019-20, it Agriculture 4.5 -10.7 8.2
contracted 9.2%. -24.4%


-25 Industry 46.1 -17.1 -6.2
The growth was largely the
result of a 68-day long nation-
Jun 19 Jun 20 Jun 21 Services 11.4 -11.8 -12.5
Source: CMIE
wide lockdown imposed on
March 25, 2020, that led to an
unprecedented contraction of
24.4% in GDP. Indeed, eco-
nomic activity did not regain
forecast of 19.6%.
“The fact is that the latest
GDP numbers show a large
Sensex at new high,
pre-pandemic levels (in the sequential contraction and,
June 2019 quarter) in the first
quarter of the current fiscal
when compared to June 2019
levels, show the enormity of the
economic challenge. Even these
Nifty zooms past 17k
RBI’s Monetary Policy Com- numbers could see significant NEW DELHI: Equity benchmarks an all-time intraday high of
mittee (MPC) projected a downward revisions as there galloped to record highs for yet 57,625.26 on Tuesday, the last
growth rate of 21.3% and a might have been an overesti- another session on Tuesday, trading session of August, a
Bloomberg poll of 45 econo- mation of informal sector activ- with the Sensex closing above month that has seen the stock
mists, 21% for the quarter. ity in these estimates,” said 57,000 for the first time while market making many new
Gross Value Added (GVA), Himanshu, associate professor the Nifty scaled the 17,000-mark records.
which captures the actual pro- of economics at Jawaharlal as investors remained in buying The 30-share index closed
duction (GDP numbers also Nehru University. mode amid growth optimism with a gain of 662.63 points or
include taxes) grew at 18.8%, However, chief economic and bullish global cues. 1.16 per cent at 57,552.39, its
again lower than a Bloomberg continued on →16 The blue chip index reached record close. →P15


SC orders demolition ON JALLIANWALA
of Noida twin towers NEW DELHI: The revamp of the
Jallianwala Bagh Smarak in
Amritsar, inaugurated by Prime
Minister Narendra Modi last
Utkarsh Anand weekend, seems to have divided the Congress with former party
president Rahul Gandhi con-
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court demning the government’s
on Tuesday ordered demolition project, even as Punjab chief
of two 40-storey residential minister Amarinder Singh
towers of Supertech’s Emerald backed the renovation.
Court project in Noida over “I am the son of a martyr — I
grave violation of building will not tolerate the insult of
norms, which, the court said, martyrs at any cost,” Rahul Gan-
was a result of “nefarious com- dhi tweeted in Hindi on Tuesday.
plicity” between the Noida
authority and the real estate The two towers facing demolition have 915 flats of which 633
Hours later, the Punjab CM
said, “I don’t know what has INSTANT ACTION
A bench of justices Dhanan-
were booked. SUNIL GHOSH /HT PHOTO been removed. To me it looks
very nice.” The apparent disa- AGAINST ILLNESS-CAUSING
jaya Y Chandrachud and MR
Shah directed that Supertech
under the supervision of the
Noida authority and an expert
that Supertech will refund
money to all the existing home-
greement comes amid a tussle
for control of the party in Punjab
shall carry out the demolition at body such as the Central Build- buyers in Emerald Court’s Apex between Singh and the state unit
its own expense and will com- ing Research Institute. and Ceyane towers within two chief Navjot Singh Sidhu. →P8
plete it within three months Further, the court ordered continued on →16

History in the making ROADS AS HEAVY
NEW DELHI: Delhi’s roads were
flooded yet again on Tuesday
when heavy morning rains
brought the city to a halt, with
commuters across the city
struggling as key stretches
were inundated, exposing the
pathetic drainage system, the
failure to prepare for the mon-
soon, and the lack of a compre-
hensive plan to rid the city of
the annual waterlogging
menace. According to the India
Meteorological Data (IMD),
Delhi on Tuesday received
84.1mm rain between 8.30am
and 2.30pm. Flooded roads led
to traffic snarls on several key
stretches such as ITO, Vikas
Chief Justice of India (CJI) NV Ramana administers the oath of office to justice BV Nagarathna, who Marg, Ring Road near IP Estate
is in line to become the country’s first woman CJI in September 2027. HT PHOTO flyover and Dhaula Kuan. →P4


India’s path-breaking surge enters double digits                  !    

TOKYO: The Indian juggernaut alympic performance. attempt. Kumar took the bronze
medalstally at the Paralympics showed no Shooter Singhraj Adana (10m
signs of slowing down as three air pistol SH1) produced a
with an effort of 1.83.
The third Indian in fray and
COUNTRY more medals ensured that the bronze-winning effort in the 2016 Rio Paralympics bronze- # "  
! $   ₹  

01. China 62 38 32 country hit the double morning before Mari- winner, Varun Singh Bhati
digit mark for the first yappan, who won a gold ended seventh out of nine com-
02. Great Britain
03. RPC
33 time ever with Mariyap- five years ago in Rio, petitors after he failed to clear   !             
04. USA 24 24 15 pan Thangavelu’s high and Sharad Kumar fin- the 1.77m mark.
05. Ukraine 15 33 19 jump silver being the ished with a silver and Early in the day, 39-year-old
high point on Tuesday. bronze respectively in Adana, who is afflicted with
06. Brazil 14 11 17
India’s medal count
Tokyo the T42 men’s high polio and was making his
07. Netherlands 14 9 9 Paralympics
08. Australia 13 21 20 stood at 10, including jump competition. Games debut, shot a total of
09. Italy 11 18 14 two gold, five silver and Mariyappan cleared 216.8 to finish the event in the
10. Azerbaijan 10 1 4 three bronze medals at the end 1.86m while American gold win- third place after qualifying for
30. INDIA 2 5 3 of day 7, continuing to better ner Sam Grewe succeeded in the eight-man final as the sixth
what is already its best ever Par- soaring above 1.88m in his third best shooter. →P16
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

Page One Plus


BCCI invites bids for Navy pact with BEL Pinky Chaudhary cedes to Focus on big fish, SC DU gets over 260k
two new IPL teams for anti-drone tech cops in hate slogans case tells bank on NPAs applications for UG

The next edition of the Indian Premier League Delhi University received 261,661 paid
(2022) will feature 10 teams. Eight months after the applications till 7.30 pm om Tuesday as registrations
Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) gave its The Indian Navy on Tuesday signed a contract The Supreme Court, on Tuesday, said public for merit-based admissions to over 70,000
approval to add two more teams to the league, bids with Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) for India’s first sector banks should focus their energy on recovering undergraduate seats edged to a close. The university
have been invited through a tender process on locally made naval anti-drone system (NADS) with The chief of Hindu Raksha Dal Bhupinder Tomar alias Pinky loans from “big fish” and “big corporate debtors” officials expect the number to increase as the
Tuesday to kick-start the league’s expansion plans. both “hard kill” and “soft kill capabilities”, the Chaudhary surrendered before the Delhi Police on Tuesday in connection instead of running after those who have petty loans registration portal will stay open till midnight.
“The Governing Council of the IPL invites bids to ministry of defence said in a statement. The deal with the Jantar Mantar hate sloganeering case, ending a 22-day manhunt of a few thousand rupees. “You should focus on University officials had earlier said that the first cut-
acquire the right to own and operate new teams comes two months after small drones were used to launched to nab him. Chaudhary has been evading arrest since a case of catching big fish. If you are really concerned about off will be released on October 1 and admissions to
proposed to be introduced to take part from IPL 2022 target the Jammu air force station on June 27. BEL will promoting enmity between different groups and defying Covid-19 rising NPAs (non-performing assets) of the public UG courses will begin on October 4. Last year, the
season,” a BCCI statement said. The Invitation to sign similar contracts with the army and the Indian guidelines was registered on August 8, hours after videos of an event — sector banks, concentrate on big corporate university had received 351,974 paid applications in
Tender has been made available for purchase till Air Force, the statement said. The anti-drone system which organisers claimed was held that day near Jantar Mantar to push debtors...not on such small loanees,” a bench, headed the three-month registration window which was
October 5. Though the bidding regulations have not will give the military both “soft kill” and “hard kill” for the abolition of “colonial-era laws” — showed people shouting anti- by Justice DY Chandrachud, told Canara Bank. The 100,000 more than the corresponding figure in 2019.
been made public yet, it is learnt that the base price options to tackle the new and fast-emerging aerial Muslim slogans. The Delhi high court on August 27 and a sessions court bench was hearing an appeal by Canara Bank against Till 7.30pm on Tuesday, the university recorded a total
for the new teams has been set at ₹2,000 crore. This threat. The Defence Research and Development on August 21 rejected Chaudhary’s plea seeking interim protection from a judgment of the Madras high court that had of 438,696 registrations, a marked drop from the over
is a big jump from the ₹850 crore that Sunrisers Organisation said its counter-drone technology could arrest in the case. Chaudhary is the ninth person to be arrested in the repelled an attempt by the public sector bank to hold 550,000 registrations on the admission portal last
Hyderabad, the last team to join IPL via a tender provide the forces with the capability to swiftly case. Chaudhary reached Mandir Marg police station around 2.30pm, a social service society from Tiruchirapalli, Tamil year. Students appearing for compartment or
process, paid in 2012. The base amount reflects the detect, intercept and destroy small drones that pose where over 100 of his supporters lifted him on their shoulders, and took Nadu, liable for repaying an amount of ₹48.8 lakh, improvement exams will be allowed to upload their
latest benchmark set by Rajasthan Royals. →P17 a security threat. →P8 him inside the police station.chanting slogans such as “Jai Shri Ram”. →P5. which was given to 1,540 individuals as loans. →P15 documents after their results are declared. →P6.


2nd husband of
cyanide killer Nine new Supreme Court justices take oath
Chief Justice of India NV Ramana on Tuesday administered the
files for divorce oath of office to nine new judges. Three women judges, includ-
ing justice BV Nagarathna, who is in line to be the first woman 33/34
HT Correspondent Kumar and K Manoj, a former Chief Justice of India (CJI) in September 2027, were sworn in SPOTS IN APEX The appointments come following
CPI(M) leader, who was expelled
from the party in 2019. COURT FILLED the first collegium in 21 months,
second husband of the alleged
The first victim was
Anamma Thomas, a retired
THE NEW APPOINTEES After their swearing-in,
the strength of the
when the five most senior judges
could arrive at a consensus in
forwarding names to the Union
serial killer Jolly Joseph, Shaju teacher in 2002. Then came her Three out of these nine — justice Vikram Nath, Supreme Court now goes
government for appointments in
Zacharia, on Monday filed husband Tom Thomas, also a up to 33, including the
divorce papers in a court in Koz- retired teacher, in 2008. Their justice BV Nagarathna and justice PS Narasimha — CJI, out of the sanctioned
the top court.
hikode (north Kerala) citing her son Roy Thomas (the first hus- are in line to become the Chief Justice of India strength of 34. This is the THE COLLEGIUM
most number of sitting
criminal past and mindless cru- band of Jolly) died in 2011 and
judges in the top court
elty. In the petition he said was another relative Mathew, the
not aware of her past and that he brother of Anamma, died in JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE JK JUSTICE since November 2019
could no longer live with some- 2014. In 2016 Cily, Zacharia’s first AS OKA VIKRAM NATH MAHESHWARI HIMA when then CJI Ranjan CJI NV
one accused of murdering six wife and their one-year-old child Formerly: Chief Formerly: Chief Formerly: Chief KOHLI Gogoi retired RAMANA
justice, Karnataka justice, Gujarat high justice, Sikkim high Formerly:
people of her (and his) family, died under mysterious circum- Chief justice,
high court court court
including his first wife and child. stances. Zacharia was Roy In line to become Telangana
She is believed to killed them all Thomas’ cousin and Cily and CJI in February 2027 high court JUSTICE UDAY
over a span of 14 years by giving Jolly were close friends.
them food laced with cyanide. All deaths were believed to be
Jolly married Zacharia, her natural until 2018 when Roy
first husband’s cousin in 2017 Thomas’ brother Rojo Thomas
after allegedly killing his wife insisted on an investigation JUSTICE AM
and daughter. She is currently in based on the post mortem KHANWILKAR
jail and Zacharia, a school reports of Roy Thomas’ death (it
teacher, is the main witness in showed death by cyanide poi- JUSTICE BV JUSTICE CT JUSTICE MM JUSTICE BELA JUSTICE PS
two of the murders of which she soning) and documents provided NAGARATHNA RAVIKUMAR SUNDRESH M TRIVEDI NARASIMHA JUSTICE
Formerly: Judge, Formerly: Judge, Formerly: Judge, Formerly: Judge, Formerly: Senior
is accused. Two years ago Jolly, by Jolly to the revenue depart-
Karnataka high court Kerala high court Madras high court Gujarat high court advocate and former DHANANJAYA Y
49 slit her wrists in jail but this ment authorizing transfer of the CHANDRACHUD
was noticed by jail officials who family’s property in her name. In line to become additional solicitor
CJI in Sept 2027 general
rushed her to the hospital. The six bodies were exhumed
In line to become CJI
Jolly was arrested with three and traces of poison were recov-
in Oct 2027
others in 2019 for allegedly kill- ered two of them after an intense NAGESWARA
ing six of her family . The special forensic examination. RAO
investigation team (SIT) that Among the witnesses are her
probed the sensational case filed two children whose statements
charge sheets in six murder were recorded before a magis- FILLING UP THE
cases last year. trate. She was charged with VACANCIES
The SIT arrested her on char- murder, conspiracy, destroying Since the retirement of Justice Ranjan
ges of killings six members of the of evidence and forgery. Gogoi as the CJI in November 2019, the
Ponnamatam family in Koodat- collegium had not sent a single
hai (Kozhikkode district) in a

w BRIDGING The appointment of three women judges is a key l The nine new appointments include justice BV Nagarathna l The Supreme Court currently has recommendation for appointments in
span of 14 years. These killings step in bridging the gender gap in an institution from the Karnataka high court, could become the country’s only one woman judge, justice the top court, which meant the top
which took place between 2002
and 2016 were planned and car-
THE GENDER which has seen only eight women judges in 71 years.
With this, the apex court now has four sitting
first woman CJI in 2027. She is the daughter of former CJI
Engalaguppe Seetharamiah Venkataramiah, and will
Indira Banerjee (appointed in
August 2018), who is set to
court had 10 vacancies out of 34.
Out of these 10 vacancies, nine
Fourteen years,
ried out with clinical precision.
The other accused are her
six deaths, one DIFFERENCE women judges – the highest ever in its history become the CJI in September 2027 for little over a month. retire in September 2022 judges have now been appointed
suspect, and a trace of cyanide
accomplices M Mathew, Prachi


Police identify two
more victims from Many Qs, few As in unclear future for Af
serial rapist’s phone Bloomberg number of Americans remain-
ing in the country totals in the
impose order within their own
ranks of young, often poorly-ed-
would depend on whether the
Taliban upheld international
Divya Chandrababu sub jail on Sunday. “low hundreds” and that the ucated fundamentalists. obligations and prevented ter-
An investigation officer, he departure of the last State Department would under- But there’s some incentive for rorist groups from taking hold.

speaking on condition of ano- US military plane from take a “diplomatic sequel” to the the Taliban to attempt a different The first formal recognition of
CHENNAI: Police have identified nymity, said that the police are Afghanistan left the military effort to evacuate U.S. approach. Ethnic and religious the Taliban government by a
two more victims of an alleged now planning to seek Perumal’s region facing uncer- citizens. conflicts have defined politics in major power is likely to come
serial rapist of minors in Chen- custody for further interroga- tainty, with the Taliban seeking “We will keep working to help Afghanistan, and a viable power- from China, which has previ-
nai, officials said Tuesday, a day tions. “We are also planning to to cement control of a nation them,” secretary of state Antony sharing agreement has long ously welcomed Taliban repre-
after five other girls were res- freeze his bank account,” the shattered by two decades of war Blinken said Monday evening eluded the country’s rulers. To sentatives to Beijing and hinted
cued. officer said. and an economy long dependent after a Pentagon briefing. avoid yet another civil war, the at the possibility in recent public
The two girls, aged 15 and 17, The five girls, aged 4, 9, 11, 13 on foreign aid and opium sales. The more complicated ques- largely Pashtun leaders in the statements.
were identified after an analysis and 15, rescued on Monday, are Now the US, its allies, and tion is the fate of those Afghans Taliban will need buy-in from
of the phone of the accused, A now at a government-run home adversaries including Russia and who worked for the US govern- the ethnic Uzbeks, Tajiks and Can Afghanistan’s
Perumal, deputy commissioner for children in the city. “They China must all regroup and ment and military and the coun- Hazaras that wield regional economy advance?
R Karthikeyan said. (the five girls) are doing fine for assess how they’ll approach the try’s US-backed government, as power. Afghanistan’s economy is on the
“We have identified two more now,” chairperson of Chennai’s Taliban, which swept to power well as people who may be sub- That task becomes even taller brink of collapse, and the biggest
children but we are yet to find child welfare committee, Tamil- with stunning speed as Ameri- ject to oppression and reprisals with the Taliban facing terrorist challenge for the Taliban govern-
their location,” he said. “We sus- selvi, said. According to officials, can and NATO troops withdrew by the Taliban -- women and threats of their own from a local ment will be averting further
pect that there are more victims. mothers of two of the girls con- over the summer. The chaos of girls, ethnic and religious minor- offshoot of Islamic State. And in shocks that would result in spik-
We need to interrogate him nived with the accused and were the American withdrawal fol- ities, educators, employees of Taliban fighters arrive inside the Hamid Karzai International a digital age where mobile phone ing prices and a humanitarian
more to proceed further.” paid between ₹1,000 and ₹2,000 lowing the collapse of Ashraf charities and other non-govern- Airport in Kabul on Tuesday. AP cameras put atrocities in the full crisis.
The case unravelled on Satur- each time. Ghani’s government only under- ment organisations and others. view of the world, a reign of ter- The US-led war left large
day when the police, who raided The two women, who have scores the country’s fragility and “I think the number of drawal. new government. ror could again isolate Afghani- swaths of the Afghan economy
Perumal’s shop as part of a also been arrested and are the daunting challenges that Afghans who worked with us “The Taliban has made com- In press conferences and stan from the world, destabilis- dependent on foreign aid and
crackdown on the sale of chew- lodged at the Puzhal prison in await. and other coalition forces for the mitments on safe passage and interviews with Western media, ing the Taliban government. financing. The economy has
ing tobacco (gutka), seized his the city, are seen in the videos on After evacuating some last 20 years are going to be few the world will hold them to their Taliban representatives have been thrown into further peril
phones for the details of his sup- Perumal’s phone engaging in 120,000 people, the US says it and far between getting out,” commitments,” President Joe said their government will be Will the world recognize after the US froze nearly $9.5 bil-
plier. The case, however, took a sexual acts with him. “The two will look to help any Americans former national security adviser Biden said in a statement on more inclusive to women, the Taliban? lion in Afghanistan central bank
horrific turn when they discov- women had an affair with him who remain in the country. Less John Bolton said. As for the Monday. offered amnesty to those who For the US and its allied part- assets and stopped shipments of
ered videos clips of the alleged (accused) and later when he certain is the fate of the tens of remaining Americans, “I’m very fought against them, and vowed ners, a decision about how or if cash to the nation.
assaults of the minors girls and demanded their daughters, they thousands of Afghans -- civil worried that they’re not coming A Taliban government to battle corruption. to recognise the Taliban govern- Zahid Hamdard, the deputy
other pornographic videos he brought them without any hesi- society workers, women and out,” he said. The decisions the Taliban make Many in Kabul and most out- ment is a high-stakes diplomatic finance minister in the recently
had downloaded from the inter- tation... in exchange for money,” girls, minorities -- who may still The US and European allies in the days following the US side the country are sceptical, quandary wrapped in political deposed Afghan government,
net. the deputy commissioner said. want to flee but couldn’t make it have said they will continue to withdrawal will reverberate long suspecting a rapid return to the dynamite. On Monday, a senior urged the global community to
Perumal was arrested under A forensic team is analysing through the crush of people at help facilitate evacuations from into Afghanistan’s future. brutality that defined Taliban state department official said US continue providing aid to the
relevant sections of the Protec- the phones of the accused to Kabul’s airport this month. Afghanistan, and on Sunday the The militant group has rule in the late 1990s that some recognition of a new govern- country, saying it would help get
tion of Children from Sexual check if he shared the videos of state department and 97 other engaged in talks with Afghan Afghans initially welcomed for ment wouldn’t come anytime the new Taliban government
Offences (Pocso) Act, 2012, and the children he had filmed, offi- What Will Happen to countries announced they had power brokers -- including bringing order in the wake of a soon. “addicted to aid”.
Section 378 (rape) of the Indian cials said. People Left Behind? reached an agreement with Tali- Hamid Karzai, the first president bloody civil war. And with even The White House so far has Navigating the short-term cri-
Penal Code, and the Information Police are yet to ascertain how General Kenneth “Frank” ban leaders to allow them to after the US invasion, and Abdul- the Taliban surprised at how largely sidestepped the issue. sis will be essential to the Tali-
Technology Act and sent to judi- long Perumal has been carrying McKenzie, head of US Central continue removing people from lah Abdullah, No 2 in the ousted quickly they seized power, it’s Biden has said the legitimacy of ban’s hopes of profiting from
cial custody at the Chengalpet on with his crimes Command, said Monday that the the country after Monday’s with- administration -- on forming a unclear if the group’s leaders can the government in Afghanistan Afghanistan’s minerals wealth.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

My Delhi

Rain nightmare for Delhi, once more

HT Correspondent ANAND PARBAT Anonna Dutt

NEW DELHI: Delhi’s roads were

Heaviest spells of August Rainfall (in mm)

NEW DELHI: Delhi has reported

flooded yet again on Tuesday an uptick in dengue cases with 97
when heavy morning rains 73.2 of rainfall deficit of August (normal patients registered by the munici-
brought the city to a halt, with
commuters across the city strug-
gling as key stretches were inun-
83% rainfall of 232.5mm) was covered in
just three of these three-hour rain
spells, according to IMD data
pal corporations so far. Of these,
45 cases were recorded in August,
officials said.
dated, exposing the pathetic 50.4 The city reported 78 cases dur-
drainage system, the failure to ing the same period last year,
prepare for the monsoon, and the when Delhi was also witnessing a
lack of a comprehensive plan to surge in Covid cases. There were
rid the city of the annual water- 92 cases reported in the same
logging menace. 15.0 14.0 period in 2019. No deaths due to
According to India Meteoro- the infection have been reported
logical Department (IMD) data, 5.0 5.0 4.8 4.5 4.2 so far. Municipal officers have
Delhi on Tuesday received been reporting uncontrolled
84.1mm rain between 8.30am and breeding of mosquitoes in several
2.30pm. According to officials of 2.30am to 8.30am to 5.30am to 11.30am to 11.30am to 8.30am to 11.30am to 8.30am to 5.30pm to 11.30pm to areas with short and intense spells
the traffic police and the public 5.30am 11.30am 8.30am 2.30pm 2.30pm 11.30am 2.30pm 11.30am 8.30pm 2.30am of rain causing heavy waterlog-
works department (PWD), heavy 21-Aug 31-Aug 21-Aug 31-Aug 08-Aug 20-Aug 20-Aug 07-Aug 21-Aug 21-Aug ging across the city.
waterlogging was reported under Note: Rainfall data pertains to 3-hour time periods as recorded by IMD; shown here “We have reported a lot of mos-
the AIIMS flyover, ITO, Ring Road are 10 of the largest 3-hour recordings in the month of August quito breeding across the city. The
near Hyatt Hotel, both sides of the uncontrolled breeding means we
Savitri flyover, Maharani Bagh, need to do fogging along with anti-
Dhaula Kuan to 11 Murti carriage- A DTC bus pushes on through AIIMS larvals to prevent the adult mos-
way, Shahjahan Road, Lala Lajpat a waterlogged road at Anand quitoes from spreading the infec-
Rai Marg, and Moolchand under- Parbat, after heavy rainfall on tion,” said a senior official from the
pass, among others. Tuesday. According to IMD, east Delhi municipal corporation.
Waterlogging was also seen in the city received 84.1mm rain He said the problem could be
residential colonies such as Jang- in six hours. SANCHIT KHANNA/HT compounded if there is a surge in
pura extension, Defence Colony, Covid-19 cases again. “All our
Maharani Bagh, Malviya Nagar, so that such level of waterlogging things, to the fact that the city has address issues during the mon- manpower gets deputed on vari-
Garhi village, Sangam Vihar, Vig- doesn’t occur!” Ramesh Kush- no single agency to manage and soon. But, so far, it does not seem Short, intense rain spell ous Covid-19 related activities. If
yan Lok, and Laxmi Nagar, they waha, a resident of Patel Nagar maintain drainage. However, the to be working. IMD officials said that Delhi, for there is a surge again, we will not
said. said. plan was not implemented. The scenes visible on Tuesday, the past few years, receives show- be able to carry out breeding con-
Flooded roads led to traffic Uday Verma, a resident of Hari A multitude of agencies being when Delhi got 84mm of rain in a ers in short and intense spells trol activities,” the official said.
snarls on several key stretches Nagar who travels to Uttam responsible for maintenance of short span, were also visible on rather than being uniformly City doctors have confirmed
such as ITO, Vikas Marg, Ring Nagar daily, said, “This has storm water drains that leads to a August 21, when Delhi received spread across the monsoon receiving dengue patients. “We are
Road near IP Estate flyover, Meh- become a recurring issue. When- blame game between the munici- 138.8mm rain -- the highest in a months. now seeing a few cases of dengue;
rauli-Badarpur Road, Dhaula ever it rains, it becomes a head- pal corporation and the Delhi single day in over 14 years. “The rainfall received on with good rains now it might go
Kuan, near Bhikaji Cama Place on ache to step out of home. A lot of government over which drains PWD officials said pumps were August 21 was too intense for a up. Last year, we did not see many
Ring Road, Narayana, Rohtak promises are made by the agen- were not cleaned on time and used to drain out water from heav- 24-hour period. Even 100mm dengue cases but that could also
Road, Peeragarhi and Nangloi, cies every year, but it’s the same which were not cleared of silt. ily waterlogged stretches. They rainfall within three hours is too ITO be because people weren’t going to
among others, as commuters story that is repeated after rains.” The Delhi government has said said 1,500 suction pumps and much. Ideally, this amount of rain hospitals and getting tested. In
uploaded videos of waterlogged A senior traffic police officer it has started work on fixing a CCTVs are being installed at vul- should be uniformly distributed most cases, dengue can be man-
streets in different parts of the city said they diverted traffic on vari- drainage plan for the city. Last nerable locations for timely action. over the month. More than 100 aged at home,” said Dr Surajit
on social media. ous stretches due to heavy water- week, after chairing a review “We are keeping an eye on the mm rainfall must happen over a Chatterjee, senior consultant of
PWD officials said around logging. meeting on the Delhi drainage situation and ensuring that peo- period of a week to 15 days,” an internal medicine at Indraprastha
30-40 waterlogging complaints masterplan, chief minister Arvind ple do not face much inconven- IMD scientist said. Apollo hospital.
were received till Tuesday even- Collective failure Kejriwal said the design of city ience due to waterlogging. We are IMD has forecast thunder- Dr Rommel Tickoo, director of
ing. According to municipal offi- The last drainage master plan drains will be changed according dealing with waterlogging com- showers and heavy rain at iso- internal medicine at Max hospital,
cials, nearly 10 incidents of trees was drafted by the Delhi adminis- to the suggestions by an expert plaints on priority basis,” a senior lated places on Wednesday. Saket, said, “We are now seeing
falling were reported. A portion of tration in 1976. To be sure, Delhi team from IIT-Delhi to ensure PWD official said. The city recorded a maximum sporadic cases of dengue. Even
a wall also collapsed near Sainik was administered by a metropoli- smooth flow of water during and A south Delhi municipal cor- temperature of 28.9 degrees Cel- with the rains, hopefully there
Farms. tan council between 1966 and after heavy rains and resolve the poration alleged much of the sius, five degrees below the nor- wouldn’t be a surge. We are
“Getting stuck in a traffic jam is 1990. In 2016, the Delhi govern- problem of waterlogging on roads waterlogging took place on roads mal for this time of the year, and a already at the end of August, den-
a nightmare whether it is due to ment commissioned a study of during monsoon. that are managed by PWD. “The minimum temperature of 25.4 gue usually peaks in September
waterlogging or poor roads. I was the city’s drainage system by IIT- According to a senior PWD complaints received from resi- degrees Celsius, one degree below and starts going down in October.
stuck in a traffic jam for on Roh- Delhi. Following the study, a official, they have also cancelled dential areas were attended by the normal. On Monday, the Flooded roads at AIIMS and ITO, two stretches which reported Even if we start seeing cases in the
tak Road near Peeragarhi. drainage master plan was com- leaves across the department to civic officials and water was maximum temperature was heavy waterlogging on Tuesday. Various residential colonies in next two weeks, there wouldn’t be
Authorities should do something piled which pointed, among other ensure everyone is on duty to drained with pumps,” he said. recorded at 34.6 degrees Celsius. the Capital also reported waterlogging. SANJEEV VERMA/HT too many cases.”

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SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 My Delhi 05

Twin towers: Buyers rejoice as Noida

authority vows action against officials
Ashni Dhaor Supreme Court with its plea.
For residents of Supertech

Demolition order
Emerald Court, the apex court’s
NOIDA: Soon after the Supreme Tuesday ruling spelled the end of
Court on Tuesday ordered the a decade-long legal battle, one in
demolition of two 40-storey resi- which they emerged victorious.
dential towers of Supertech’s The Emerald Court Owner The Supreme Court says the two 40-storey
Emerald Court in Noida over Resident Welfare Association each towers were built as a result of
gross violations of building (RWA) led the legal battle
rules, the Noida authority said it against the twin towers and on
“nefarious complicity” between the Noida
will act against its officials who Tuesday its members congratu- authority officials and Supertech

14 held in police
were found guilty of violating lated each other and distributed
rules to aid and abet the builder. sweets in celebration. FACTS ABOUT THE PROJECT
In a statement issued after the RWA president Rajesh Rana
verdict, the authority said it will said, “We are thankful to the Two 40-storey towers: APEX AND CEYANE
ensure full compliance of the
Supreme Court order to demol-
ish the two towers.
“After a detailed study of the
judiciary for passing the judge-
ment in favour of homeowners.
We plan to hold a social event in
the society soon to celebrate this
LOCATION : Noida Sector 93A along Noida Expressway
APARTMENTS : 857, of which 627 sold crackdown on
order... every point mentioned in
the said order will be followed by
the authority. Tower numbers
T-16 and T-17 will be demolished
victory, while adhering to Covid
norms.” UBS Teotia, who was the
president of the RWA in 2014,
said homebuyers have won over
JUNE 2005: Original plan sought to build 14 towers
each with nine floors and 550 flats in total
cyber fraudsters
under the supervision of expert the builder’s malafide intentions. DECEMBER 2006: Plan modified to 15 towers with 11 HT Correspondent pital in west Delhi was duped of
body within three months as “When we bought a flat here floors each and 689 total flats. Supertech argued that these ₹10 lakh while searching online
prescribed by Hon’ble Supreme from our life savings in 2009, we plans were governed by Noida building byelaws of 1996 for the customer care of a private
Court,” the authority said. were told that the complex will NEW DELHI: In a crackdown bank. “She came across the fake
NOVEMBER 2009: Plan revised to include two more
In its 140-page judgment, the have just 600 flats. However, the against cyber frauds based in website of the bank created by
towers - Apex and Ceyane - with 24 floors. Construction
top court said the twin towers builder’s malafide intention was begins
Jharkhand’s Jamtara-Deoghar- the cyber criminals, who con-
were constructed as a result of to make fools of us and fill the Giridih-Jamui belt, Delhi Police’s vinced her to install a remote
the “nefarious complicity” complex with 1,500 flats,” said MARCH 2012: Total floors increased to 40 in the cyber crime cell on Tuesday said access app, and subsequently
between the Noida authority Teotia, a retired government offi- two towers. These were under 2010 Noida building they have arrested 14 people of a siphoned off ₹10 lakh from her
officials and the developer. cial. regulations, Supertech argued. cheating syndicate following account. Due to our prompt
In this regard, the authority When asked about the impact DECEMBER 2012: Emerald Court Owners Residents multiple raids conducted in action, ₹8 lakh was blocked and
statement said, “Strict action will the judgement would have on Welfare Association approaches Allahabad high court Jharkhand and Uttar Pradesh returned to her immediately. A
be taken by the authority against buyers who invested in the twin claiming the towers violated UP Apartment Owners Act, between August 23 and 26. case was registered and investi-
the builder and the then officers/ towers, Apex and Cayene, Teotia 2010 that required sanction of homebuyers for changes in Police said the suspects used gation was taken up,” said Roy.
employees who were found said, “It is a victory for them as plan. They said the towers came up over an area marked as different modus operandi to During the probe, Roy said,
guilty, as per rules.” well as the builder has to refund a garden in brochure. SC was told the towers were built at dupe over 2,500 people from investigators found that the
Noida authority chief execu- them the principal amount at less than the mandated 16m distance between them Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Maha- fraudsters were operating from
tive officer Ritu Maheshwari 12% interest.” APRIL 2014: High court ordered demolition of the rashtra, West Bengal, Rajasthan, the Jamtara-Deoghar-Giridih-Ja-
said a few days ago, a depart- SK Sharma, a flatowner and a towers, and refund to buyers with 14% interest. It Odisha, Jharkhand, Telangana mui belt. During one of the sub-
ment inquiry was initiated member of the legal team that observed that officials of Noida Authority colluded with and Delhi in the last two years. sequent raids, Ghulam and four
against an authority official “for fought the case, said his faith in builder to construct the towers; towers sealed Among those arrested are Altaf associates was arrested from
not informing senior officials the judiciary has been restored. Ansari, the kingpin of the syndi- Loni in Ghaziabad on August 23.
about the Emerald Court case”. “It has been a tiresome fight MAY 2014: Noida Authority and Supertech cate, and Ghulam Ansari. “Ghulam had jumped from
move Supreme Court claiming no norm was flouted.
“This official was attending the since 2012 but we have finally Police said that the suspects the first floor of a building to
Homebuyers too move court seeking refund, regularisa-
court hearings for seven years. emerged victorious. Many peo- allegedly created fake websites avoid arrest, but the police per-
tion of towers or order to shift them to another project
Department action has been ini- ple told us that we will lose to of popular e-commerce plat- sonnel chased him and eventu-
tiated against the official after such a big and strong builder. AUGUST 2021: Supreme Court slams Noida Authority forms and promoted them ally caught him and his associ-
the top court’s scathing com- However, we did not quit and for its "shocking" misuse of powers to sanction the two online using Google Ads and ates. Their interrogation led to
ments about the authority were remained undeterred in our towers, upholds high court’s demolition order search engine optimisation. the arrest of nine others, includ-
reported in the media,” she said. fight,” said Sharma, who is also a They also allegedly imperson- ing Altaf Ansari, from the four
Maheshwari was referring to retired government official. ated bank employees and districts of Jharkhand on August
the court’s comments on August RK Arora, chairman of the SUPREME COURT'S DIRECTIONS The record of this case is replete with instances
induced people into download- 24 and 26,” said Roy.
4 when it said, “You (the author- Supertech Group, said his group Demolition Flat owners of which highlight the collusion between the officers ing remote access applications Police said the suspects also

₨2 crore
l l

ity) reek of corruption”. will file a review petition seeking should be done the two towers of Noida with the appellant and its management. disguised as banking apps. The revealed that they duped preg-
In 2012, the Allahabad high a reconsideration of the order to in three months, to get refund The case has revealed a nefarious complicity of the victims were reportedly tricked nant and lactating women --
court ordered the demolition of demolish the two towers. paid for by @ 12% interest to be paid to RWA planning authority in the violation by the developer into making UPI transactions in after getting their contact details
the twin towers on a petition by To this, Rana said, “We are not within a month of the provisions of law.. —SUPREME COURT the guise of welfare benefits. from anganwadi workers
Supertech in two months
residents, but in 2014, the aware of the builder’s intentions Citing one such example, through fraudulent means -- by
builder secured a stay on the to file a review petition. We are Anyesh Roy, DCP (CyPAD), said a promising them ₹5,000 under a
order and approached the sure that the truth will prevail.” doctor working at a private hos- government scheme.

117k new streetlights CYCLOTHON TO

installed in two years NEW DELHI: As part of the Azadi
ka Amrit Mahotsav celebrations
-- a nationwide campaign to cele-
Sweta Goswami Reports showed that north installed. More funds are in the brate the 75th year of India’s
and northwest Delhi areas got process of being approved,” said Independence -- the Delhi Fire
the highest number of street- a senior official of the state Services (DFS) on Monday orga-
NEW DELHI: The Delhi govern- lights, where Tata Power Delhi urban development department. nised a seven-kilometre-long
ment has installed over half of Distribution Limited (TPDDL) Under the project, each of cyclothon in central Delhi to
the intended 210,000 LED street- installed 68,121 streetlights. “We Delhi’s 70 assembly constituen- spread awareness on fire safety
lights across the city under the have nearly completed our tar- cies is supposed to get 3,000 measures among the public.
“Mukhyamantri Street Light” get of setting up and energising such streetlights. An official Led by the DFS chief Atul
scheme announced by chief 70,000 streetlights. With this, from the power department said Garg, nearly 150 fire department
minister Arvind Kejriwal in Sep- areas under TPDDL, primarily the remaining LED lights will be officials and fire fighters cycled
tember, 2019, as part of the gov- north and parts of west Delhi, installed by the end of this year. to Gol Dak Khana from their
ernment’s larger plan to address have the least dark spots, ensur- “At least 90,000 more LED headquarters in Connaught
concerns regarding the safety of ing a safe travel experience for streetlights will be installed by Place and returned.
women in the Capital. pedestrians and motorists,” said the end of this year, ensuring Addressing the participants,
Data submitted by the state a TPDDL spokesperson. that each assembly constituency Garg said, “Many departments
power department to the Delhi BSES Rajdhani Power Limited gets 3,000 of them. Lights ran- were formed in independent
assembly showed that until last (BRPL), which provides power to ging between 20 and 40 watts India and each of them was
month 117,314 streetlights were south and west Delhi, installed are installed as part of this pro- assigned various responsibili-
installed under the scheme. The 30,080 streetlights, and BSES gramme. These lights have sen- ties. The fire service department
Delhi government has out- Yamuna Power Limited (BYPL) sors and turn off automatically was given the best responsibility
sourced the task to the three pri- managed to set up only 19,113 in daylight. They usually come – to save lives and property of
vate power distribution compa- street lights so far. BYPL supplies with a five-year guarantee,” the citizens from fire and other
nies in the city, each of which are power to east and central Delhi. official said. emergencies.” Garg said that it
supposed to set up at least When asked about the slower The 210,000 streetlights are was a matter of pride that all the
70,000 streetlights in the areas pace of installation in these over and above the 700,000-odd brave fire officials are tirelessly
under their jurisdiction. areas, the power department, in street lights set up on electric working to uphold the motto --
In 2019, a survey commis- its written reply to the assembly, poles that are currently func- “We serve to save”. HTC
sioned by the Delhi government stated that the urban develop- tional in the city. Under the
found that Delhi had at least ment department is yet to scheme, lights are installed out-
2,000 dark spots, mostly in release the remaining funds to side residences and on the
unauthorised colonies, regular- the discoms for the scheme periphery walls of neighbour-
ised colonies, villages, slum clus- because of which the work is hoods. The power bills of the
ters and markets. No fresh sur- currently not being expedited. LED streetlights are to be borne
vey has been conducted since “So far, the department has by households, which the gov-
then to ascertain if the number approved ₹45 crore for street- ernment then reimburses in
of such spots has been reduced lights due to which around their monthly power bills, the DFS chief Atul Garg flagged off
as a result of new streetlights. 117,000 of them could be official added. the cyclothon. SOURCED

Suspect in hate slogan case surrenders

Karn Pratap Singh sions court, on August 21, rejected After Chaudhary released a police station. It was all part of
Chaudhary’s plea seeking interim video on Monday claiming to sur- our strategy to ensure the police
protection from arrest in the case. render at the Connaught Place did not arrest him while he was
NEW DELHI: The chief of Hindu Chaudhary is the ninth person police station around Tuesday on his way to the station,” said
Raksha Dal Bhupinder Tomar to be arrested in the case. The oth- noon, several police personnel Amit Prajapati, an office bearer of
alias Pinky Chaudhary surren- ers are BJP leader Ashwini Upad- were sent to his home and office the Hindu Raksha Dal.
dered on Tuesday afternoon hyay, Uttam Malik, Preet Singh, in Ghaziabad to arrest him. Police The Hindu Raksha Dal is a
before the Delhi Police in connec- Deepak Singh, Deepak Kumar, personnel in uniform and in civ- right-wing organisation which
tion with the Jantar Mantar hate Vinod Sharma, Vinit Bajpai and vies were deployed outside the had claimed responsibility for the
sloganeering case, ending a 22 Sushil Tiwari. Upadhyay has been police station and all routes lead- violence on JNU campus in Janu-
day-long manhunt that the city released on bail. ing to the station to foil Chaud- ary 2020.
police launched to nab him. Chaudhary reached Mandir hary’s surrender plan. A senior police officer, who did
Chaudhary has been evading Marg police station around The teams checked every four not want to be named, said,
arrest ever since a case of promot- 2:30pm on Tuesday, where over wheeler halting near the police “Chaudhary came outside the
ing enmity between different 100 of his supporters lifted him station. Mandir Marg police station with
groups and defying Covid-19 on their shoulders, and took him However, Chaudhary reached his supporters. He was appre-
guidelines was registered on inside the police station. The sup- the Mandir Marg police station hended and taken to the special
August 8, hours after videos of an porters stay put outside the sta- riding pillion on a bike. staff’s office in the station prem-
event — which organisers tion for around half an hour and “We left with Pinky Bhai in a ises. Chaudhary was arrested and
claimed was held that day near chanted slogans, such “ Jai Shri Scorpio car from our Ghaziabad later shifted to the Connaught
Jantar Mantar to push for the Ram”, and “Pinki Bhaiya tum office and stopped near the Regal Place police station.”
abolition of “colonial-era laws” — sangharsh karo, hum tumhare building in Connaught Place, Police said they will produce
showed people shouting anti- sath hain.” Some also recited the where our supporters were wait- Chaudhary before the court on
Muslim slogans. The Delhi high ‘Hanuman Chalisa’ before leaving ing on a bike. Pinky Bhai rode pil- Wednesday and seek his custody
court, on August 27, and a ses- the place lion and went to the Mandir Marg for further investigation.
06 My Delhi
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

Top Delhi University body’s final NHAI PROPOSES

seal of approval for FYUP’s return ON DELHI-MEERUT
Peeyush Khandelwal
Kainat Sarfaraz funding and expansion issues will be conducted for lateral
are there and the university entry of students from other uni-
should be vigilant in implement- versities registered under the GHAZIABAD: The National High-
NEW DELHI: Delhi University’s ing NEP in such a way that the ABC system, whereas re-entry ways Authority of India (NHAI) Kitty Kumaramangalam was killed during a robbery at her house
executive council (EC), the var- number of teaching positions will be allowed for students of on Tuesday rolled out tentative in Vasant Vihar in July. SANCHIT KHANNA/HT
sity’s highest decision-making and funding is safe ,” he said. DU and its own colleges. The toll rates for the Delhi Meerut
body, on Tuesday passed a slew
of academic reforms (AC) rati-
fied by the academic council last
week, including reintroducing
In 2013, the university had
introduced FYUP but following
stiff opposition and protest from
students and teachers, it was
entry will be subject to the avail-
ability of infrastructural capacity
in the institute.
Calling for a wider consulta-
Expressway (DME) between
Sarai Kale Khan in Delhi and
Meerut in Uttar Pradesh, and
invited bids from interested
Cops ready charge
the four-year undergraduate
programme (FYUP), which was
scrapped in 2014 amid protests
eventually rolled back in 2014.
On August 24, the university’s
academic council passed -- amid
tion process with stakeholders,
DU teachers’ association (DUTA)
president Rajib Ray also said,
agencies to serve as toll collec-
tor. The DME was opened for
commuters in April but no toll
sheet in murder of
ex-minister’s wife
by teachers and students, and dissent from 16 elected repre- “The FYUP structure with MEES is levied currently.
moves to implement the 2020 sentatives -- the agenda to start will increase expenditure As per the tentative rates, a
National Education Policy FYUP along with multiple entry- towards the undergraduate pro- car travelling the full 60km
(NEP) from next year. exit scheme (MEES) and aca- gramme. Students leaving the length of the DME will have to
Further, the university will FYUP was first introduced in 2013 but following stiff opposition demic bank of credits (ABC) system without finishing the pay ₹140 as toll fee. Prawesh Lama ellery that the suspects robbed
also scrap MPhil from next year from teachers and students, it was rolled back in 2014. HT PHOTO from the next academic session. programme will always be “The NHAI has invited bids from Kitty and Mithila, and
-- as per the NEP 2020 provisions Under the FYUP programme, treated as dropouts by the job for toll operators and proposed which was recovered from their
-- and offer one- and two-year PG leading public funded universi- pline in a four-year UG course interested applicants will be markets. MEES will only the toll rates. The Union Minis- NEW DELHI: The Delhi Police possession, is also a key evidence
programmes from next year. ties of India… It will adversely remains what it is today in a allowed to choose from three UG increase attrition rate giving a try of Road Transport and High- have prepared the charge sheet against them. “The three
“The one-year PG programme affect the workload of teachers three-year undergraduate hon- options next year: a three-year false sense of a degree.” ways will finalise the toll and in the murder of Kitty Kumara- accused snatched Mithila’s neck-
will be for students who have leading to further contractuali- ours course,” he said. honours programme, a four-year During the zero hour on Tues- then issue a notification to this mangalam, 70, against the three lace, nose ring and earrings,
opted for four-year UG course. sation and retrenchment of However, Negi, who is a mem- honours in a discipline or a four- day, the EC members held dis- effect,” said Mudit Garg, project prime suspects who are in jail, which we have seized from
Students with three-year UG teaching faculties,” said the dis- ber of the right-wing teachers’ year honours in a discipline with cussion on various matters director from NHAI. “The notifi- and may submit it to a city court them. The recovery of stolen
programme can opt for a two- sent note issued by the three group National Teachers’ Demo- research. The MEES-ABC combi- including the delay in the release cation process may take a fort- next week, a senior police officer property is admissible as evi-
year postgraduate programme members. cratic Front, pointed out that the nation will allow students to exit of grants in 12 Delhi govern- night. Once the rates are privy to the details said dence under the Indian Evidence
from next academic session,” Advocate Ashok Agarwal, one NEP was “passed by the AC and the course at the end of any aca- ment-funded colleges and the approved, we will move forward Kitty, a resident of Vasant Act. Mithila had also mentioned
said EC member VS Negi. of the EC members who dis- accepted by the EC”. demic year with credits in their subsequent problems in disbur- to select the agency. For some Vihar, was the wife of former in the FIR that the three men fled
Three of the 20 members in sented, said it was “unfortunate” “It is an avenue for expansion “academic bank account” and sal of salaries, absorption of routes, we are yet to decide on Union minister PR Kumaraman- with her three pieces of gold jew-
the EC disagreed with the pro- that a major restructuring was of higher education, aiming at an later redeem those credits to ad-hoc and temporary teachers, the toll and that will be rolled galam and lived alone in her sec- ellery. She has also identified the
posals on implementing NEP- passed without responding to increase in gross enrolment pursue the course at any other and demand for health card for out later.” ond floor apartment in A-block. three stolen items,” said an offi-
based reforms on Tuesday. important issues raised by the ratio by introducing flexibility in university which comes under all the teachers. The toll, he said, will be She was found murdered inside cer, who asked not to be named.
“NEP is blueprint for privati- members. “The merits of FYUP the curriculum. The university the ambit of the ABC system. Meanwhile, DUTA held an charged as per the distance her house on the evening of July According to the first officer,
sation and commercialisation of are not clear. Why should stu- has enough time for preparation According to the policy docu- online demonstration to protest travelled and will be deducted 7, the police said. police have attributed the mur-
education, its implementation in dents pay for an additional year and implementation of the NEP- ment placed in the statutory against the e-learning promoted from the FASTag system linked The police said the colony’s der to robbery, and named laun-
DU will lead to destruction of if the in-depth study of a disci- based provisions. Workload, bodies in DU, an entrance test through these reforms. to the vehicle. In case of non- laundry man Raju Lakhan Kano- dryman Raju Lakhan Kanojia as
FASTag vehicle, the authority jia, 24, and his accomplices the main accused. In the charge
will recover double the toll at Rakesh Raj,34, and Suraj, 24, sheet, police have said that Kan-
the exit point and the driver will murdered Kitty before robbing ojia was lured by a small detach-
260k register for admissions at DU
also be penalised, he added. valuables from her house. able locker that he often saw
For the purpose of calculat- As one of the most important inside Kitty’s almirah in the bed-
HELD FOR SEXUAL ing the distance travelled, the pieces of evidence against the room. “That mini locker has also
NHAI has installed the auto- three men, police have attached been retrieved. We also have
ASSAULT ON MINOR matic number-plate readers at the statement of Kitty’s help, CCTV footage of the three men
HT Correspondent received 351,974 paid applica- aspirants had around a month Though UG registrations all entry and exit points. Mithila Devi,33, who was also entering the building where
NEW DELHI: A four-year-old girl tions in the three-month regis- to register for UG courses so we ended on Tuesday, students According to NHAI, the assaulted by during the robbery. Kitty lived. They also drank
was sexually assaulted, alleg- tration window which was are hoping that the interested appearing for their compart- annual toll collection potential One of the three suspects stran- liquor at a roadside vend in PVR
edly by a 28-year-old factory NEW DELHI: Delhi University 100,000 more than the corre- candidates applied during this ment or improvement exams -- on the Expressway is estimated gled Mithila and left her for dead Priya. The CCTV camera from
worker in central Delhi’s Bapa received 261,661 paid applica- sponding figure in 2019 period,” said a senior DU offi- the exams will continue till to be about ₹111.39 crore with after she fell unconscious. She near the vend shows their faces.
Nagar near Prasad Nagar, on tions till 7.30pm as registra- (258,388). Till 7.30pm on Tues- cial requesting anonymity. September 16 -- will be allowed cars/jeeps/light motor vehicles woke up about an hour later and They did not have helmets,” the
Thursday. The girl’s family tions for merit-based admis- day, the university recorded a Officials also noted that of to upload their documents like accounting for about 82% of the informed the police. officer quoted above said.
caught the alleged accused and sions to over 70,000 under- total of 438,696 registrations, a the 438,696 registrations, marksheets and certificates traffic and buses,trucks and Police said Mithila is the sole A second officer aware of the
beat him before handing him graduate seats edged to a close drop from the over 550,000 around 261,661 were paid appli- after their results are declared. other heavy vehicles accounting eyewitness and also a victim in charge sheet details said, “The
over to the police. He was on Tuesday. The university offi- registrations on the admission cations because of various fac- With around 220,000 stu- for 14%. the case. About 10 days ago, suspects planned the murder
arrested on Friday and sent to cials expect the number to portal last year. tors, including duplicate regis- dents scoring 90% and above The 59.77km 14-lane DME Mithila identified the three men outside the PVR Priya market
jail, police said on Tuesday. increase as the registration “Last year, due to multiple trations by the same candidate. marks in CBSE Class 12 results has three phases — phase 1 links in a test identification parade just hours before they commit-
A police officer said that the portal will stay open till Tues- reasons, the registration portal Online registrations for the this year, and around 70,000 of Sarai Kale Khan and UP Gate, inside Delhi’s Tihar jail. ted it. All three of them were
arrested man, identified as day midnight. was open for more than two postgraduate, MPhil, and PhD them scoring 95% or more, the phase 2 connects UP Gate and In her statement, Mithila said drunk. Raju confessed that he
Dipesh, worked in a jeans man- University officials had ear- months. In comparison, regis- courses took place between undergraduate cut-offs are Dasna, and phase 4 connects around 8.30pm on July 7, the did not know Mithila too would
ufacturing factory in Baba lier said that the first cut-off trations were open for a July 26 to August 21, with the likely to soar this year as well. Dasna and Meerut. Phase 3, doorbell rang. When she opened be in the house. Mithila started
Nagar. The minor girl lives with will be released on October 1 shorter duration this time -- university receiving over Every year, DU receives around which is a six-lane 32-km the door, Raju Kanojia along working for Kitty 4-5 days before
her family close to the factory. and admissions to UG courses from August 2-31 -- because the 183,815 applications for 20,000 80% of applications from stu- access-controlled alignment with two men forcibly entered the incident. They were confi-
Dipesh was known to the girl’s will begin on October 4. dates for DU entrance tests PG seats and 30,019 registra- dents graduating from CBSE between Dasna and Hapur, does the house. dent that Kitty would be alone
family, the officer said. HTC Last year, the university had have also been announced... DU tions for MPhil/PhD. affiliated schools. not come under DME. The police added that the jew- and did not carry a weapon.”

´Fbd»FÀF ¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F, ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF, ·Fû´FF»F
Ii ¸FFaI ´Fb.¸Fb./2-¨F¹F³F/ÀF-1/ /2021 ·Fû´FF»F, dQ³FFaI : / /2021
15th Death Anniversary ´Fbd»FÀF ¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F ¦FÈW (´Fbd»FÀF) d½F·FF¦F, ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF VFFÀF³F IZ Aa°F¦FÊ°F ¸F²¹F ´FiQZVF ´Fbd»FÀF (C°IÈ ¿M
SHRI O.P. RANDEV d£F»FFdOÞ ¹FûÔ I e d³F¹Fbd¢°F) d³F¹F¸F-2021 IZ Aa°F¦FÊ°F ¸F²¹F´FiQZVF ´Fbd»FÀF ¸FZÔ C´F d³FSeÃFI /AFSÃFI -
20.11.1929 - 01.09.2006
d½FÀF¶F»F WZ °Fb ·F°FeÊ ½F¿FÊ-2021 ¸FZÔ 10 C´F d³FSeÃFI E½Fa 50 AFSÃFI ´FQûÔ WZ °Fb d½FÄFF´F³F E½Fa AF½FZQ³F
A simple noble soul, whoselife ´FÂF ¸F.´Fi. ´Fbd»FÀF I e ½FZ¶FÀFFBÊ M A±F½FF
was full of compassion, sincer- ´FS ªFFSe dI ¹FF ¦F¹FF W` Ü
ity, determination, honesty &
intergrity. A loving and a doting
AFG³F»FFBÊ ³F AF½FZQ³F ·FS³FZ I e ´FiFS¸·F dQ³FFaI 27.08.2021 E½Fa AFG³F»FFBÊ ³F AF½FZQ³F ·FS³FZ I e
father. I pray to almighty to give Aad°F¸F dQ³FFaI 27.09.2021 W` Ü AF½FZQ³F ¸FZÔ ÀFaVFû²F³F I S³FZ I e ´FiFS¸·F dQ³FFaI 27.09.2021
his soul eternal peace. Deeply E½Fa AF½FZQ³F ¸FZÔ ÀFaVFû²F³F I S³FZ I e Aad°F¸F d°Fd±F 04.10.2021 W` Ü Helpline-desk cell no.
missed & remembered by: Puneet Randev 9811188896
9424417934 (Timing : 9.30 am To 5:30 pm),
(ÀFaªFe½F VF¸Fe, ·FF.´Fb.ÀFZ.)
ªFe-16257/21 Ad°FdS¢°F ´Fbd»FÀF ¸FWFd³FQZVFI (¨F¹F³F/·F°FeÊ)
MeI F IZ Qû Oû¬F ´Fc¯FÊ, I ûd½FO ÀFZ ÀFbSÃFF ÀF¸´Fc¯FÊ ´Fbd»FÀF ¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F, ·Fû´FF»F

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SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 My Delhi 07
DDA getting approvals for
Delhiwale Mayank
Austen Soofi

walk plans at six key areas EXPERIENCE YOUR CITY LIKE NEVER BEFORE

HT Correspondent movement of high-speed traffic, shall be provided ensuring seam- division at CSIR-Central Road
especially at ITO junction, on less, safe and secure pedestrian Research Institute, said, “Pedestri-
Aurobindo Marg near INA, Ring movement from one mode to the an-friendly infrastructure around
NEW DELHI: The Delhi Develop- Road and Outer Ring Road. other.” mass transit is the need of the
ment Authority (DDA) is in the As part of its walk plans, DDA The subway or a pedestrian hour. There is a need to connect
process of taking approvals from has proposed traffic-calming crossing is proposed near the all the modes of public transit to
various stakeholders for the measures, wide pedestrian path- junction of Aurobindo Marg and provide seamless connectivity.
implementation of its six walk ways, and cycling lanes in a radius Pandit Bhagwan Sahay Vats Marg. The proposal to connect the sky-
plans that were drafted as part of of 500m around Metro stations. “The plan will be finalised after walk with the foot overbridge will
the walkability policy approved in At INA Market and the Metro we get all the necessary approv- benefit pedestrians a lot, as it will
2019. station, DDA has proposed con- als,” the spokesperson said. connect two modes of transport.
The six walk plans — for ITO struction of a subway near the DDA officials said the pedes- There should be a provision for
junction, INA Market and Metro Barapullah flyover or a crossing to trian footfall is very high at ITO travelators on skywalks.”
station, Hauz Khas-IIT-Delhi, ensure smooth pedestrian move- due to offices and other institu- The walk plans have proposed
Delhi university’s north and south ment between the Metro station tions. It is also well-connected a pavement width of 1.8m to 2m in
campuses, Lajpat Nagar, and and the Kidwai Nagar complex. with Metro, railway, and other all the six areas. Areas such as
Kamla Nagar market — were According to a senior DDA offi- modes of public transport. Delhi university campuses (south
given in-principle approval last cial, a proposal in this regard is A large number of people, and north), ITO , and popular
month by the Unified Traffic and being processed by the National mostly living in nearby towns, use markets such as Lajpat Nagar and
Transportation Infrastructure Capital Region Transport Corpo- the suburban railway service for Kamla Nagar have very high
(Planning and Engineering) Cen- ration (NCRTC) — INA Market is daily commute, and for them, pedestrian footfall. DDA officials
tre (UTTIPEC). one of the main transit hubs Tilak Bridge near ITO is an impor- said that there are problems due
A senior DDA official said: “We planned by NCRTC for its Delhi- tant station. UTTIPEC has to encroachment in Lajpat Nagar
have asked the consultant to Alwar RRTS corridor. approved the plan to connect the and Rao Tula Ram Marg and
incorporate the changes sug- The NCRTC spokesperson said, ITO skywalk, which was made Benito Juarez Marg in South Cam-
gested by UTTIPEC, take the nec- “Multimodal integration is central operational in 2018, with the foot pus area.
essary approvals from various to the planning and implementa- overbridge at Tilak Bridge railway At Lajpat Nagar, DDA has pro-
stakeholders, and prepare the tion of RRTS. The INA RRTS sta- station. posed a separate hawking zone to
drawings. This will be submitted tion is one of the significant sta- A senior UTTIPEC official said, address the issue of encroach-
to UTTIPEC again for final tions on the Delhi-Gurugram-SNB “This will provide thousands of ment. “The consultant will

Here lies Akbar’s foster brother

approval and shared with execut- corridor. It will be integrated with people hassle-free access to ITO address all the issues in the final
ing agencies. The process to final- the existing INA metro station, and Pragati Maidan Metro station. drawings,” said an official.
ise the drawings will take around which caters to two Metro lines The consultant (roped in by DDA) DDA officials said walk plans
two months.” through an underground subway. will take all the necessary approv- are being prepared for 21 more
DDA officials said the six areas The scheme of integration is being als and submit the final draw- locations such as Nehru Place, A little -known and yet very visible On climbing the steps, and reaching up to the
taken up in the first phase have planned taking all stakeholders ings.” Bhikaji Cama, all ISBTs and the tomb, the visitor lands amid the quiet charms of
high pedestrian volume and on board. Like other RRTS sta- S Velmurugan, chief scientist, Karol Bagh market, among oth- monument in Mehrauli street life. Idle boys snooze against the pillars, old
safety is a serious concern due to tions, here also the integration traffic engineering and road safety ers. men talk politics atop the boundary wall, giggling
You want to lose yourself? Okay, come couples playfully hide from each other, and stray

HC to hear petitions against COURT MAY ADMIT { PUBLIC

INTEREST } here then.
This is Delhi’s only known Bhool
Bhullaiya, a knotty labyrinth where one
may easily get lost, as its thick walls
dogs prowl in the corridor. In the evening, fami-
lies from the neighbourhood gather to enjoy the
breeze. Many play ludo on the mobile phone.
The monument offers a panoramic view of the
CHARGE SHEET IN enclose a maze of passageways — indeed a perfect Qutub Minar. In rainy afternoons, the centuries-
place to play hide and seek. Curiously, it isn’t very old stone tower looks like the last soldier alive in
Asthana’s appointment today RAPE-MURDER
well known, although perched on the top of an
easily visible, and accessible, hillock in south
Delhi’s Mehrauli. Officially, this monument is a
the battlefield.
The two mithai shops (Siya Ram Sweets and
Aggarwal Sweets), down the stairs, add their con-
HT Correspondent was filed by NGO Centre for Pub- his petition. NEW DELHI: A Delhi court is tomb, and is believed to be the resting place of tribution to the Adam Khan experience. The
lic Interest Litigation (CPIL) “We have filed an intervention likely to take cognisance of a Adam Khan. Mughal-era aficionados might recall cooks are always busy churning out fresh rounds
through advocate Prashant on behalf of CPIL. Something charge sheet filed by the city this quarrelsome “doodh-shareek bhai” (milk- of deep-fried jalebis in sooty black cauldrons. Con-
NEW DELHI: The Delhi high court Bhushan after the Supreme extraordinary has happened in police in the alleged gang rape sharing foster-brother) of Akbar who was exe- sume the crispy sweets inside the tomb for full
on Wednesday will hear a plea Court, on August 25, asked the the matter. The petition is a total and murder of a nine-year-old cuted by the emperor by having him hurled twice effect. The edifice is also special for being one of
challenging the appointment of
Rakesh Asthana as the commis-
sioner of Delhi Police along with
an intervention application filed
high court to take a decision on
the plea challenging Asthana’s
appointment within two weeks.
The apex court also permitted the
copy-paste... The court may list it
tomorrow or whenever...,” said
Appearing for Sadre Alam, the
Dalit girl at a crematorium in
Delhi Cantonment area, on
The matter was to be taken
from a parapet in Agra — you may watch a recrea-
tion of that death in all its blood-curdling details
in the 2008 film Jodhaa Akbar.
Today, the memorial feels bleached of its past,
Delhi’s few Akbar-era monuments (another note-
worthy souvenir from that time is the Athpula
stone bridge that runs over the duck pond in
Lodhi Gardens). The dome is crowned by a red
For more
in the matter by an NGO. CPIL to move the high court with petitioner in the high court, BS up on Tuesday but it was not totally distanced from the compromised figure it sandstone finial. Eight arched entrances opens
“We are keeping the matter for its challenge. Bagga opposed the submissions heard because of some proce- commemorates. The stones are permeated in into the dark chamber. This cloudy afternoon the stories by
hearing tomorrow (Wednesday). Appearing for the NGO, and said this petition was his hard dural formalities. serene quietude even though surrounded by the stone floor is littered with bird feathers. Adam Mayank
Intervention application (by the Bhushan argued that the earlier work and that such insinuations Earlier, on Saturday, the city chaos. The octagonal monument, circa 1562, Khan lies in the centre, his grave absurdly narrow. Austen
NGO) will be listed tomorrow petition filed by Sadre Alam in the should not be made. police filed a charge sheet nam- resembles Jerusalem’s Dome of the Rock. It looks It is said that his mother — Akbar’s chief wet Soofi,
along with the writ petition,” a high court was a “copy-paste” of Additional solicitor general ing four accused, including a onto a bazaar and a bus terminal, the parts of the nurse Maham Anga — was also buried here; she scan the
bench of chief justice DN Patel his plea before the SC. He said Chetan Sharma said the present priest, for the sexual assault historic district of Mehrauli that seems least his- died shortly after her son’s gory end. Her grave is QR code
and justice Jyoti Singh said. that even the punctuations have instance was a case of competitive and subsequent murder of the toric. missing.
The intervention application been placed at the same places, as PIL. minor. HTC

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1 81940 Upgradation and Renewal of Rajnandgaon 2032.47
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SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

My India

Safe return of Indians, terror in Af soil mustn’t be used

focus at 1st India,Taliban meet to attack nations: UNSC
assured the ambassador that
Rezaul H Laskar
tance of upholding human
rights, especially of Afghan
Rezaul H Laskar
these issues would be positively women, children and minorities, addressed,” the statement said, NEW DELHI : The United Nations an inclusive negotiated settle-
without giving details. Security Council asserted on ment and humanitarian assist-
NEW DELHI: India raised the safe Tuesday’s meeting was the Tuesday that Afghanistan’s soil ance to Afghanistan.
return of its citizens still in first time that India officially shouldn’t be used to attack any “Over the last two decades, we
Afghanistan and concerns about acknowledged any sort of con- country or to shelter terrorists, have extended over $3 billion of
Afghan soil being used for anti- tact with the Taliban since the even as foreign secretary Harsh assistance to Afghanistan in
India activities and terrorism group was formed in the 1990s. Shringla highlighted the impor- infrastructure development,
during its first officially Experts said it was significant tance of combating UN-desig- Harsh Shringla capacity-building, education,
acknowledged contact with the the meeting was sought by the nated terror groups such as agriculture – areas that are
Taliban on Tuesday. Taliban’s political leadership just Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and Jaish- leave the country at any time important for the people of
India’s ambassador to Qatar, about a fortnight after the group e-Mohammed (JeM). they want via any border cross- Afghanistan,” he said.
Deepak Mittal, flagged these assumed power in Kabul on In a strongly worded resolu- ing “with no one preventing Shringla didn’t comment on
issues when he met Sher August 15, following the collapse tion adopted at the close of them from travelling”, and said it the abstentions by China and
Mohammed Abbas Stanekzai, of the Ashraf Ghani government. India’s presidency of the Security expects the Taliban “will adhere Russia, saying only that the
head of the Taliban’s political Ahead of the meeting in Doha, Council for the month of August, to these and all other commit- Security Council had been une-
office in Doha. The meeting was Prime Minister Narendra Modi the UN’s highest body pointed to ments, including regarding the quivocal and the resolution
held at the Indian embassy in directed a high-level group, the Taliban’s commitments safe, secure, and orderly depar- reflected the views of council
Doha “on the request of the Tali- which includes external affairs regarding combating terrorism ture from Afghanistan of members.
ban side”, the external affairs minister S Jaishankar and and allowing the safe and Afghans and all foreign nation- People familiar with develop-
ministry said in a brief state- National Security Adviser Ajit orderly departure of Afghan and als”. ments said on condition of ano-
ment. Doval, to focus on India’s imme- foreign nationals. The UN Secu- Shringla, who presided over nymity that China abstained
The meeting between Mittal, diate priorities against the back- rity Council resolution 2593, the Security Council meeting after it failed to have a reference
who earlier headed the Pakistan- drop of the rapidly evolving situ- tabled by permanent members that passed the resolution, told to the East Turkestan Islamic
Afghanistan-Iran desk in the ation in Afghanistan. France, the UK and the US, was the media that the UN and the Movement (ETIM) included in
external affairs ministry, and Among these priorities are the backed by 13 of the 15 council international community had the text of the resolution. China
Stanekzai, who has issued sev- safe return of Indians stranded Taliban fighters take out a rally celebrating the US withdrawal of troops, in Kabul on Tuesday. AFP members. Permanent members sent out a “strong signal” on its also wasn’t keen on the resolu-
eral messages seen as concilia- in Afghanistan, travel of Afghan China and Russia abstained. expectations regarding Afghani- tion being passed while India
tory towards India, came after nationals, especially minorities day, and international reactions are still in Afghanistan. Another and has close ties to Pakistan’s The resolution demanded stan. held the rotating presidency of
months of backchannel contacts such as Sikhs and Hindus, to to the latest developments, such 140-odd Afghan Sikhs and Hin- security establishment. “that Afghan territory not be Referring to the resolution the Security Council for August,
between the Indian side and the India, and assuring that Afghan as the resolution passed by the dus were also barred by the Tali- India for the first time opened used to threaten or attack any underlining the importance of the people said.
Taliban that were first reported territory is not used in any man- UN Security Council on Tuesday. ban from entering Kabul airport channels of communication country or to shelter or train ter- combating terrorism, he said: The Russian side, which has
by HT in June. ner for terrorism directed In the resolution adopted at the to take a military evacuation with several Afghan Taliban fac- rorists, or to plan or to finance “In that context, I may mention been working closely with China
“Discussions focused on against India, people familiar end of India’s presidency of the flight on August 25 and efforts tions and leaders, including Mul- terrorist acts”, and reiterated the that the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the on Afghanistan, abstained on
safety, security and early return with developments said on con- UN Security Council for the are underway to get them out. lah Abdul Ghani Baradar, last “importance of combating ter- Jaish-e-Mohammed are UN similar lines, the people added.
of Indian nationals stranded in dition of anonymity. month of August, the body On the security front, India’s year. Stanekzai, seen as the rorism in Afghanistan, including Security Council-proscribed ter- The resolution was discussed
Afghanistan. The travel of The group, which has been demanded that Afghan soil greatest concern is the reported number two in the Taliban’s those individuals and entities ror entities that need to be called by external affairs minister S
Afghan nationals, especially meeting regularly over the past shouldn’t be used to attack any presence in Afghanistan of up to negotiating team, has apparently designated pursuant to resolu- out and condemned in the Jaishankar with his US counter-
minorities, who wish to visit to few days, includes senior offi- country or to shelter terrorists. 10,000 fighters from Pakistan- taken on a key role in foreign tion 1267 (1999), and notes the strongest possible terms.” part Antony Blinken and there
India also came up,” the state- cials from key ministries and The external affairs ministry based terror groups such as relations, including the Taliban’s Taliban’s relevant commit- The reference to terrorist indi- were high-level contacts with
ment said. Mittal “raised India’s security and intelligence organi- acknowledged at a briefing last Lashkar-e-Taiba, Jaish-e-Mo- outreach to regional countries. ments”. viduals and entities designated other Security Council members.
concern that Afghanistan’s soil sations. week that at least 20 Indian hammed and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi. In a video posted on social The Security Council pointed by Security Council resolution The resolution also addresses
should not be used for anti-In- The group is monitoring the nationals had missed a military There are also concerns about media platforms on Saturday, to a Taliban statement of August 1267 is of “direct importance to India’s key concerns pertaining
dian activities and terrorism in ground situation in Afghanistan, evacuation flight from Kabul on the Haqqani Network, a key fac- Stanekzai said, “India is very 27, in which the group made a India”, he added. to Afghanistan, such as facilitat-
any manner,” it added. where the US completed the August 25 but didn’t give an tion of the Taliban that has tar- important for this subconti- commitment that Afghans will Shringla noted that the reso- ing travel from Kabul airport,
“The Taliban representative drawdown of its troops on Mon- exact number for Indians who geted Indian interests in the past nent.” be able to travel abroad, and lution also recognises the impor- the people said.


Al-Qaeda calls for

Amarinder, Rahul differ on Rawat meets Sidhu PUNE WOMAN
Jallianwala Bagh revamp amid Punjab tussle IN-LAWS FOR SON,
Kashmir ‘liberation’ Gurpreet Singh Nibber
Shalaka Shinde
HT Correspondent
HT Correspondent that the Afghan militant group
should sever its ties with all terror CHANDIGARH: Congress general PUNE : Two people were
groups, particularly al-Qaeda. NEW DELHI: The revamp of the secretary Harish Rawat met the arrested after a 31-year-old
NEW DELHI: Al-Qaeda on Tuesday However, reports issued by the Jallianwala Bagh Smarak in party’s Punjab unit chief Navjot woman was allegedly stripped
called for the “liberation” of Kash- UNSC’s sanctions monitoring Amritsar, inaugurated by Prime Singh Sidhu in Chandigarh on and smeared with ashes by her
mir and other so-called Islamic team in recent months have Minister Narendra Modi last Tuesday to resolve a bitter tussle husband and mother-in-law in
lands from the “clutches of the stated that there is no evidence weekend, seems to have divided between the latter and chief min- order to get her to give birth to a
enemies of Islam” in a message the Taliban has cut or reduced its the Congress. While former ister Amarinder Singh for con- son after the birth to two daugh-
congratulating the Taliban for its links with al-Qaeda. party president Rahul Gandhi trol of the party. ters in Pune’s Pimpri Chinch-
victory in Afghanistan. “We praise the Almighty, the condemned the government’s During the roughly three- Harish Rawat and wad, police said.
A detailed statement issued by Omnipotent, who humiliated and project, Punjab chief minister hour-long meeting, Sidhu Navjot Singh Sidhu “We arrested the mother-in-
al-Qaeda hours after the Taliban defeated America, the head of dis- Amarinder Singh backed the Rahul Gandhi, Amarinder Singh offered to quit his post if he was law and the godman identified
declared Afghanistan had gained belief. We praise Him for break- renovation. given “no say in party affairs”, He is likely to meet Singh on as Baban Dagdu Pawar (55) on
“full independence” following the ing America’s back, tarnishing its “Such an insult to the martyrs ocratic protest. slammed the government for the said people privy to details of the Wednesday. Saturday from a remote village
drawdown of US forces referred global reputation and expelling it, of Jallianwala Bagh can only be But as images of the renovation and said it was dam- meeting. The closed-door event Rawat’s visit is aimed at near Kamshet near Lonavala.
to the terror group’s long-stand- disgraced and humiliated, from done by those who do not know revamped passage to the memo- aging “our collective history”. was also attended by Sidhu’s restoring the fragile peace in the The husband is absconding,”
ing calls for the so-called libera- the Islamic land of Afghanistan,” the meaning of martyrdom. I am rial were circulated on social Hitting out at Gandhi, BJP associate, Jalandhar Cantt MLA state unit that was shattered last said inspector Dashrath Wagh-
tion of regions such as Palestine, the al-Qaeda message said. the son of a martyr — I will not media on Monday, there was general secretary Tarun Chugh Pargat Singh and two of the four week with the chief minister mode of Mahalunge police out-
the Levant, Somalia and Yemen. “Afghanistan is undoubtedly a tolerate the insult of martyrs at outrage about alterations done said “The Congress leader co-presidents of the party in the holding a show of strength and post on Tuesday.
“0’ Allah! Liberate the Levant, graveyard of empires and an any cost,” Rahul Gandhi tweeted to it. Several other Congress should explain as to what his state, Kuljit Singh Nagra and Sidhu delivering an ultimatum On August 21, woman’s hus-
Somalia, Yemen, Kashmir and the impregnable fortress of Islam. in Hindi on Tuesday. “We are leaders, including the party’s party did for the famous memo- Pawan Goel. to the party leadership after a band and her mother-in-law
rest of the Islamic lands from the With the defeat of the Americans, against this indecent cruelty.” deputy leader in the Lok Sabha, rial... during its rule. When the The people quoted above said key adviser was forced to quit took her to a godman in Kha-
clutches of the enemies of Islam. this is the third time that the But hours after Gandhi’s Gaurav Gogoi, and spokesperson memorial is now being Sidhu conveyed his displeasure over controversial comments. lumbre village in Khed Taluka
0’ Allah! Grant freedom to Mus- Afghan nation, within a span of remark, the Punjab CM called Jaiveer Shergill, also tweeted on expanded and modernised, then to Rawat and said fulfilling poll Bitter rivals Sidhu and Singh of Pune on August 21, according
lim prisoners across the world,” less than two centuries, has suc- the revamp “very nice”. “I don’t the issue. the Congress is rattled.” promises was key to winning the have vied for control of the party to the complainant. “They took
said the message titled “Congratu- cessfully defeated and expelled an know what has been removed. Shergill alleged that the Bhar- The revamp has also been 2022 assembly elections. Sidhu since May; the Congress leader- me to meet a godman who
lations to the Islamic Ummah on invading imperialist power.” To me it looks very nice,” Singh atiya Janata Party (BJP)-led cen- criticised by historians, who has been alleging that Singh’s ship brokered a truce in June handed me some ashes and
the victory granted by Allah in The defeat of the “American said. The apparent disagreement tral government’s renovation of have accused the government of government failed in keeping and appointed Sidhu as the state asked me to eat,” read the com-
Afghanistan!”. Empire of Evil” is a “tremendous comes amid a tussle for control the passage “is not to preserve “Disneyfying” a sombre memo- key manifesto pledges. unit chief in July, overriding the plaint. The godman also gave
Following the Taliban takeover source of inspiration for the of the party in Punjab between but erase the marks of atrocities rial to the hundreds who fell to Rawat asked Sidhu and other CM’s objections.But neither some ashes to her mother in
of Afghanistan on August 15, one oppressed of the world”, the state- Singh and the state unit chief committed by General Dyer dur- British bullets at Jallianwala leaders to maintain party disci- leader backed down. law to be smeared on the
of the greatest concerns of ment said, and offered al-Qaeda’s Navjot Singh Sidhu. ing British rule”. “Call me a tra- Bagh on April 13, 1919. Indian pline and not take issues into the On Tuesday, Sidhu tweeted woman’s body, it read.
regional analysts and security congratulations to the Taliban On Saturday, at the launch of ditional Indian but I am not a fan historian Syed Irfan Habib called public arena, the people quoted alleging that state government The woman has also submit-
officials has been the victory ener- leadership, especially its chief the memorial through video- of installing disco lights on insti- it an example of “corporatisa- in the first instance said. had failed to nab drug traffick- ted that she found pictures offer
gising terror groups active across Haibatullah Akhundzada. conferencing by the PM in which tutions of importance and dig- tion” of monuments and asked “If there is an issue, it will be ers. Later in the day, Singh said husband during a wedding cere-
South Asia. “These events prove that the Singh was also present, he had nity,” Gogoi said. The outrage the government to look after resolved. I’m in Chandigarh for that 90% of the poll promises mony with another woman.
One of the conditions of the Way of Jihad is the only way that said it must serve as a reminder was also shared by other opposi- them without meddling with the few days. Those who want to made in 2017 were already ful- The accused have been
peace deal signed by the Taliban leads to victory and empower- for future generations about the tion political parties. Shiv Sena “flavours of the periods these meet me, are welcome,” Rawat filled and the rest would be done booked under relevant sections
and the US in February 2020 was ment,” the message said. right of people to peaceful, dem- leader Priyanka Chaturvedi memorials represent”. told reporters after the meeting. soon. of the IPC along with section 3
of Maharashtra Prevention and
Eradication of Human Sacrifice
and other Inhuman, Evil and

‘Fortified rice not enough for malnutrition’ Navy, BEL ink contract for 1st Aghori Practices and Black
Magic Act, 2013.

Zia Haq
indigenous anti-drone system of Nutrition, Hyderabad.
Officials, however, say the
government’s pilot programmes
NEW DELHI: India wants to for- have shown promising results. Rahul Singh THE ANTI-DRONE statement said. MLA JOINS TMC
tify all rice with iron and vita- In Maharashtra’s Gadchiroli, The Jammu drone attack
mins distributed under various rice fortified with iron had SYSTEM WILL GIVE was a watershed in asymmetric IN WEST BENGAL
subsidised food-security shown a reduction in anaemia NEW DELHI: The Indian Navy THE MILITARY warfare and underlined the
schemes, but experts are divided prevalence by 10% and improved on Tuesday signed a contract BOTH ‘SOFT KILL’ need for the armed forces to KOLKATA: In a fresh setback to
on whether the move will solve average cognitive scores by 11.3 with Bharat Electronics Lim- build capabilities to counter the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)
the country’s notoriously long- points, official provisional data ited (BEL) for India’s first
AND ’HARD KILL’ the aerial threat, experts previ- in West Bengal, Biswajit Das,
standing malnutrition problem reviewed by HT showed. locally made naval anti-drone OPTIONS TO DEAL ously said. the party’s MLA from Bagda
among women and children. A meta-analysis by World system (NADS) with both “hard WITH THE FAST- The system was deployed for constituency in North 24 Parga-
The government currently Health Organization showed rice kill” and “soft kill capabilities”, VVIP protection duties during nas, joined the ruling Trinamool
runs a pilot programme to dis- fortified with vitamins and min- the ministry of defence said in a
EMERGING THREAT Republic Day 2020, the visit of Congress (TMC) on Tuesday.
tribute nutrient-enriched rice, erals, including iron, reduces the statement. The deal comes two US President Donald Trump to Das is the second BJP legisla-
covering a period of three years Children have mid-day meal at a government school in Jaipur. HT PHOTO risk of iron deficiency by 35% (16 months after small drones Motera stadium in Ahmeda- tor to have switched sides in
beginning 2019-2020 with a bud- studies having 14,267 partici- were used to target the Jammu has been developed by the bad, Independence Day 2020, two days and the third since the
get of ₹174.6 crore. try as having a “serious” level of Nutrition Mission are yet to be pants). air force station on June 27, the Defence Research and Develop- Republic Day 2021 and Inde- Mamata Banerjee-led party
On August 15, Prime Minister hunger. According to the 2016 achieved. Since its launch, the According to Arun Kumar, a first-ever offensive use of ment Organisation (DRDO) and pendence Day 2021. DRDO returned to power for a third
Narendra Modi, during his Inde- National Family Health Sur- mission aims to reduce stunting nutritionist and a medical doctor drones to target an Indian mili- manufactured by BEL. The demonstrated its counter- consecutive time in May this
pendence Day speech, vey-4, which provides the latest and wasting by 6% by 2022 (2% who works on health ethics and tary facility. DRDO said its counter-drone drone technology to different year, after a sweeping victory in
announced a major expansion of data on health and nutrition, per year) among children, and conflict of interest, the govern- BEL will sign similar con- technology could provide the security agencies at the Hindon the assembly elections.
the programme. “Will give rice 38.4% of children in the country anaemia by 9% (3% per year) ment ought to take into account tracts with the army and the armed forces with the capabil- air force station in January A former TMC legislator
fortified with nutrients to the were stunted (low height for age) among children, teenage girls the latest recommended dietary Indian Air Force, the statement ity to swiftly detect, intercept 2020 and at the National Secu- from Bongaon in North 24 Par-
poor. Be it the rice available at and 21% were wasted (low and pregnant women. intake of various micronutrients, said. and destroy small drones that rity Guard (NSG) campus in ganas, Das had sided with the
the ration shop, the rice pro- weight for height). “An emphasis on fortification which have lowered the daily The anti-drone system will pose a security threat. Manesar in August 2020 and BJP in June 2019, a month after
vided to the children in the mid- The survey showed that the alone may do little to improve intake quantity of nutrients, give the military both “soft kill” “The NADS can instantly January 2021. the party had won 18 of Bengal’s
day meal, or the rice available prevalence of anaemia among anaemia because from a nutri- such as iron. “This means a sim- and “hard kill” options to tackle detect and jam micro drones Both the static and mobile 42 Lok Sabha seats.
through every scheme, all of it Indian women had seen only a tion point of view, absorption of ple diverse diet is still the best the new and fast-emerging aer- and use a laser-based kill versions of NADS will be sup- “There was some miscom-
shall be fortified by 2024,” Modi small decline from 55% in iron depends on the availability option.” ial threat. The first refers to mechanism to terminate tar- plied to the navy shortly. munication which had led to
had said. 2005-06 to 53% in 2015-16. of other nutrients that can come Locally prepared, hot cooked jamming the hostile drone, gets. It will be an effective, all- DRDO is also ready to trans- change. It shouldn’t have hap-
India ranks 94th among 107 The government’s rice fortifi- only from a diversified diet,” said meals are still the preferred while the second involves a encompassing counter to the fer technology to private com- pened. I have come back,” he
nations on the Global Hunger cation push is important given Veena Shatrugna, former deputy option to boost the nutrition sta- laser-based kill system. The increased drone threat to stra- panies to produce the anti- told reporters at the TMC head-
Index, which classifies the coun- that targets under the National director at the National Institute tus of malnourished children. indigenous anti-drone system tegic naval installations,” the drone system. quarters here. HTC
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 My India 09

Farooq, LG spar MLA’s son, 6 others die in car crash

at J&K meeting HT Correspondent

BENGALURU: Seven people,

so we were uncertain. We soon
decided to pour water on the car
and pull the bodies out,” he said.
Adugodi traffic police have
filed a case under section 279
Pranab Mukherjee

Saubhadra Chatterji
War of words
including the son of a Tamil
Nadu lawmaker, were killed in
(rash driving on a public way)
and section 304 (causing death
“If we are with “Now, under the new
the early hours of Tuesday after by negligence) of the Indian PAY TRIBUTES TO
SRINAGAR: The first-ever par- their “speeding” vehicle Penal Code. “As per preliminary
liamentary outreach pro- the country, the dispensation, every slammed into roadside struc- investigation, this is a case of EX-PRESIDENT ON
country should also penny is accounted
gramme for Jammu & Kashmir
panchayat bodies on Tuesday take care of us.” for. No one can usurp
tures at the Koramangala area,
police said.
over-speeding and negligent
driving. We will know if the
saw a face-off between former -FAROOQ public funds like Six people died on the spot driver was under the influence of HTC and Agencies
chief minister and National ABDULLAH, they did earlier.” and the seventh died on the way alcohol after the post-mortem
Conference (NC) president National -MANOJ SINHA, to hospital, officials said, identi- analysis,” Gowda said.
Farooq Abdullah and lieuten- Conference J&K lieutenant fying one of the victims as the The deceased were identified NEW DELHI: Hailing Pranab
ant governor (LG) Manoj Sinha. chief governor son of Hosur MLA Y Prakash. All The wreckage of the Audi Q3 car which crashed at Koramangala as Karuna Sagar, Prakash’s son, Mukherjee as a visionary and
In the course of his com- of the victims were between the in Bengaluru on Tuesday. PTI Karuna’s fiance Bindu, Ishita, statesman, Prime Minister Nar-
ments, Abdullah, who spoke ages of 20 and 30 and an investi- Dhanush, Akshay Goyal, Utsav endra Modi has said that during
before Sinha, said: “If we are gation has been opened to deter- group consisted of four men and 150km per hour,” the officer said, and Rohit. the former president’s outstand-
with the country, the country
should also take care of us.”
Birla asks House panels to visit mine if it was a case of drink-
three women.
An officer from Adugodi traf-
asking not to be named.
A resident in the area, Vish-
Tamil Nadu chief minister
and DMK president MK Stalin
ing public life, his administra-
tive skills and acumen always
The NC chief was referring
to terrorist attacks on pancha-
far-flung areas of J&K, Ladakh According to joint commis-
sioner of police (traffic) B Ravi-
fic police station said the group
was on their way from Sony sig-
wanath, said he rushed out after
he heard a loud noise. “When I
condoled the death of his party
legislator’s son in the accident.
shone through various respon-
sibilities that he shouldered.
yat officials and demanded SRINAGAR : Lok Sabha kanthe Gowda, the incident took nal junction towards Forum came out, there were some The MLA was in Chennai In a message that was read
security for them. He also speaker Om Birla on Tuesday place at around 1.45am. “The Mall when their vehicle crashed. autorickshaw drivers who were when he learnt about the acci- out at the first Pranab Mukher-
advised Sinha to do his work announced that parliamen- Audi with seven occupants was “CCTV footage from a nearby standing around the spot. There dent and left for Hosur, news jee Memorial Lecture on Tues-
“honestly” and cautioned that if tary panels will be “encour- completely mangled in the acci- building showed the car passing was a lot of smoke coming from agency PTI reported. His elder day to mark the first death anni-
India can’t protect its diversity, aged” to visit far-flung areas dent. None of the passengers was through in a fraction of a second. the vehicle and even though we brother Chandrappa arrived at versary of the former president,
it can’t prosper. “Srinagar and of Jammu & Kashmir, wearing seat belts, so the airbags Looking at the footage, we sus- wanted to check on them, some- St John’s Hospital here to receive Modi said that blessed with
Chennai are so different. But Ladakh and northeastern did not open,” Gowda said. The pect the car was going over one said the car could explode, the body after the autopsy. unparalleled intellectual capa-
our binding factor is the states in their study tours for Om Birla bilities, Mukherjee, who was
resolve that we can come better outreach and under- conferred the Bharat Ratna,
together to create this country.” standing of grievances of gating grievances of the local made remarkable contributions
LG Sinha’s speech was
almost entirely a rebuttal. The
J&K LG recollected how he had
local people.
At the end of his week-
long tour of J&K and Ladakh,
people,” he added.
Birla, who planned the
parliamentary outreach pro-
Digital media’s reach wider, can to the nation’s progress.
“A distinguished parliamenta-
rian, his speeches and interven-
to battle “legacy issues” and
said “now, under the new dis-
pensation, every penny is
Birla said: “I will ask the 16
House panels under the jur-
isdiction of Lok Sabha to fre-
gramme for J&K panchayat
bodies, urged all democratic
institutions to “work
CASE HELD: POLICE threaten democratic rights: Govt tions were of the finest quality,
reflecting his grasp over a range
of diverse issues,” the Prime
accounted for. No one can quently visit these far-flung together” to “improve peo- HT Correspondent well-organised commercially Minister said in his message.
usurp public funds like they did areas and interact with local ple’s lives.
Richa Banka CENTRE SAYS oriented news publishers or OTT Former prime minister Man-
earlier,” in an apparent refer- people and grass-root level “If the panchayati raj is DIGITAL MEDIA platforms may not be legally ten- mohan Singh, who also spoke at
ence to the tenure of earlier bodies and administration.” strong, we can improve our MYSURU: The sixth accused CONTENT ‘PUBLIC able,” the document read. the event, said he depended a
J&K governments when devel- “The aim of these visits governance and delivery sys- allegedly involved in the gang NEW DELHI: The government has
COMMUNICATION’ It said digital media was “for- great deal on Mukherjee’ saga-
opment funds allegedly didn’t would be to understand the tem and create atma-nirbhar rape of a medical student in said that digital media content is mat agnostic” and its reach was cious advice and guidance on
reach the people. ground realities and suggest (self-reliant) villages,” he Mysuru has been arrested from “public communication” that AND CAN BE wider than traditional media as various issues. Singh said Muk-
Lok Sabha speaker Om Birla, possible solutions for miti- said. HTC Tirupur in Tamil Nadu, police can be rapidly shared with sev- USED TO SHARE it can be accessed “both by the herjee had a long and illustrious
who convened the programme, said on Tuesday. eral people, is more permanent MISINFORMATION literate and illiterate”. political career spanning over
urged all democratic institu- According to the police, Vijay- in nature compared to TV news, Citizens, the government five decades during which he
tions to “work together” to lence”, trying to draw a parallel now on the path of peace and akumar (26) was arrested from with an ability to spread disin- added, cannot be treated as pas- held several important portfo-
“improve people’s lives. “If Pan- between the earlier elections prosperity and said that while his relative’s residence in Ala- formation that can pose a threat tions such as emails are private sive consumers without partici- lios in several ministries of the
chayati Raj is strong, we can and the recent ones. India has a lot of diversity, it is thur near Avinashi following a to democratic rights, defending communications, publishing pation in the accountability central government.
improve our governance and Abdullah also “regretted” democracy that holds the coun- tip-off late on Monday. in court new rules that expanded content on social media, digital process. “To all positions he occupied
delivery systems and create that NC didn’t participate in the try together. “If democratic The Karnataka Police have its ability to regulate the domain. news portals and OTT (over-the- The petitions say the IT Rules he brought his immense wis-
atma-nirbhar (self-sufficient) grassroots-level elections — the institutions are strong, we can already arrested Murugesan, The government made the top, such as streaming services) impose government with “vague dom, deep knowledge, extensive
villages,” he said. panchayat elections in 2018 and reach out to the last person,” he Joseph, Aravind, a 17-year-old stand in an affidavit filed in the platforms is essentially a “public conditions as good taste, decency experience of life and leader-
While Abdullah underlined the block development council said. boy, and Boopathi for allegedly Delhi high court on Monday, communication”. and prohibition of half-truths” in ship skills spearheading critical
that during National Confer- polls in 2019. “Tourists want to explore the raping the 22-year-old woman opposing a bunch of pleas by a And due to “transcontinental regulating news media. decisions of the government on
ence’s tenure, elections could Both Sinha and Abdullah lesser-known places in J&K. To near Mysuru and assaulting her number of digital media plat- nature of digital news”, the par- The petitions contend that the a wide range of issues,” Singh
be held with great difficulty in agreed with Birla’s vision of the find national or international friend on August 24. Police offi- forms challenging the Informa- ticular media can be used as a rules will lead to over-regulation said.
two tiers of the three-tier pan- key role of panchayat leaders in markets for J&K produce, the cials said that a search operation tion Technology Rules 2021. The tool for information campaigns due to onerous obligation to “Pranab da was a key partici-
chayat system, Sinha hailed the J&K. Sinha also announced panchayat institution must has been launched to nab one petitioners have called the new by state and non-state actors to respond to complaints, which pant for over 50 years in the
implementation of the entire that J&K has received business perform,” he added. more accused in the case. rules unconstitutional and said influence opinion, it said. will also require diversion of 74-year journey of independent
three-tier system under the proposals worth ₹25,600 crore, “If grassroots-level institu- According to the FIR, the they amount to an overreach by “Therefore, it is submitted resources. The need for pub- India… From remote ‘Mirati’ vil-
Narendra Modi government. and in the coming years, at tions are not strong, we can’t accused have been booked under the executive. that an argument which claims lisher to defend themselves lage in Bengal… an Upper Divi-
The LG also claimed that the least ₹50,000 crore worth of make a strong India. People sections 376D (gang-rape) and In an affidavit filed before a that the scope of the IT Act before multiple levels would also sion Clerk in the Posts and Tele-
recent District Development investments will come into the want to work. They want their 397 (robbery or dacoity with bench of Chief Justice DN Patel includes content published by lead to self-censoring and a chill- graph Office, he rose to become
Council elections were “impar- Union Territory. areas, villages to be at the top,” attempt to cause death or griev- and justice Jyoti Singh, the gov- ordinary users, but does not ing effect on free speech, the the President of India,” Vice-
tial” and “without any vio- Birla maintained that J&K is he said. ous hurt) of Indian Penal Code. ernment said while communica- include content published by petitioners said. President Venkaiah Naidu said.


4 ¸FSX»FF IYû ½F¿FÊ 2021-22 IZY d»FE dQ³FFaIY 31.08.2021 IYû ´FiF°F: 11.00
“STOP CORONA; Wear Mask, Follow Physical Distancing, Maintain Hand Hygiene”
PRESS N.I.T. No. 28 SW-I (2021-22)
S. Name of Work Estimated Date of release of Last date/time of receipt
No. Cost tender in e- of tender through
(in Rs.) procurement solution e-procurement solution
1. Improvement of water supply by Replacement and 45,67,994/- 2021_DJB_207719_1 16.09.2021
Providing Laying 100 mm dia and 150 mm dia 28.08.2021 UP TO 3.00 PM
water line in Dashrath Puri A-Block (Gali No. 1, 2,
3) and main connecting lanes in Dwarka Assembly
Constituency AC-33 under EE(SW)-I
Further details in this regard may be seen at (
ISSUED BY P.R.O. (WATER) (Munish Kumar)
Advt. No. J.S.V. 345 (2021-22) EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (SW)-I

I F¹FFÊ»F¹F ¸Fb£¹F Ad·F¹Fa°FF

»FûI À½FFÀ±¹F ¹FFadÂFI e d½F·FF¦F
ÀFZ ´Fi´FÂF kkEll ¸FZÔ ´Fid°FVF°F QS ´FS A³Fb¶Fa²F WZ °Fb d³F¸³Fd»Fd£F°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FÊ
WZ °Fb AFG³F »FFBÊ ³F d³Fd½FQF AF¸FadÂF°F I e ªFF°Fe W` :- NIT No. 62 / Date 27-
08-2021 / System Tender No. 82352 Name of Work- Design, Drawing,
Construction, Testing, Commissioning of Intake well 6m dia height
19.22m, 2.5 HP Raw water pumps and motors with 16 M Head of
50% standbye, 1 MLD Unconventional type Water Treatment Plant,
5.5 HP Clear water pumps and motors with 41 m Head of 50%
Stand Bye, Providing, laying, jointing and testing & commissioning
of 150 mm Dia 604 m Raw water & 10089 m Clear water pumping
main DI K-9, 100 mm Dia to 150 mm Dia with all required valves
& specials, all allied civil works including boundary wall around
WTP campus, CC road to faciliated for movement of goods and
materials, Providing and fixing Bulk flow meters including trial run
of Entire scheme for 6 month after completion of all components
of the scheme including chemicals, staff, O & M of entire scheme
for 5 years with defect liabilities period of 1 year under Kharway
Multi Village Water Supply Scheme of Block Kasdol, District
Baloudabazar-Bhatapara (C.G.) Under Jal Jeevan Mission, Probable
amount of contract Rs. 574.55 Lacs, Class of contractor Class
“B” & above under Unified Registration System, E-Registration.
1st Call. Schedule of Date- Bid Start Date - 03.09.2021, Pre Bid date-
16.09.2021, Bid Due Date- 24.09.2021, PHY Sub Date- 29.09.2021,
Open Date- 29.09.2021.
³FûM :- C´FSû¢°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FûË I e d³Fd½FQF I e ÀFF¸FF³¹F VF°FFZË, ²FSûWS
SFdVF, d½FÀ°FÈ°F d³Fd½FQF d½FÄFd´°F, d³Fd½FQF QÀ°FF½FZªF ½F A³¹F ªFF³FI FSe BÊ -
´Fiû¢¹FûS¸FZÔM ½FZ¶F ´FûMÊ »F A±F½FF d½F·FF¦Fe¹F
½FZ¶FÀFFBÊ M ¸FZÔ dQ³FFaI 03.09.2021 ÀFZZ
QZ£Fe ªFF ÀFI °Fe W`Ô Ü ¸Fb£¹F Ad·F¹Fa°FF
»FûI À½FFÀ±¹F ¹FFadÂFI e d½F·FF¦F
G-63234/5 SF¹F´FbS ´FdSÃûÂF, SF¹F´FbS
10 My India
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021


OF YOUR CITY JAIPUR: Twelve pilgrims were
killed and six others were
injured in a collision between a
651,214,767 11,312,945
jeep and a truck on Tuesday in TOTAL DOSES ADMINISTERED ON TUESDAY
The all-new HT city aims at bringing the
best in entertainment and lifestyle straight Nagaur district of Rajasthan,
to your doorstep and fingertips. police said. Rajasthan chief
minister Ashok Gehlot also 43,015 NEW CASES ON
TUESDAY 350,593,091 People who have
got one dose 150,310,838 People who have
got both doses
Punjab Government Initiative under Ghar Ghar Rozgar offered condolences to the fami-
lies of the deceased.


n 6 PAGES.

TOTAL COVID CASES (New cases on Tuesday) TOTAL DOSES ADMINISTERED (Doses administered on Tuesday)
2021 I want to
Thursday, April08
myself andmy

KritiSanonwishe theatres
audience. I’ve
never slotted
myself into any
category. I’ve
chosen very
different roles.
The incident occurred near
Sri Balaji temple on Bikaner-
Tuesday, April13 SENGUPTA, Actor

‘HOPE City , 2021

UT Ladakh Chandigarh Himachal Sikkim
n 8 PAGES.


Jodhpur highway. According to







City GuruRandhawa

police, the victims, all residents 20,555(+4) 65,105(+6) 29,878 (+37)



(Regd. Office: PSEB Head Office, The Mall, Patiala-147001, Punjab, India)

ClooneyandJu ket
ai now: a al
of Ujjain district in Madhya Pra- 213,548(+207)
Roberts’movie easein

in MuandmbRishentoguIrrfa
ToParadise,wi ember.
1,115,455(+7,612) 673,738 (+1,080)

UStheatresnextSept le

rnaS i Kapoor
Rishabh Suri
Theyplaya div eir

Ritupa E
tryingtostopth ting

hooting, travelling,andlife is all about
again — Kriti such as

Corporate Identity Number: U40109PB2010SGC033814

hostof biggies and
that. With a

Titas Chowdhury

desh, were returning after offer-

Bhediya irector ChloeZhao’s
Bachchan Pandey, kitty, she is of
their mistake. has emerged Nomadland
Ganpath inher also recently mind now.I

as titas.chowdhury@hind
this year’s thebig winner at
And it was a more open churned out GuruRandhawa
2021, baggingfourBAFTA Film Awards want to keep
course excited. will join Prabhas

Scan the code

including Best majortrophies,that the kind of content todayis revolu-
announced thatshein Adipurush.
and Saif Ali
in Covid cases
and Actress awardwas Film. Eventhe
Best the Hindi film
wonby itsactor,in
Rituparna Sengupta.
The ismissing thejoy
tionary,” says is all set to

Frances McDormand,whil
Despite the rise reimposed, e Zhaoher- Award-winning actor with Bansuri: ofcelebrating
Pulkit Samrat
Juhi Chakraborty
self walked
several restrictions theatres, away National virus on a daily
The Father withBest Director. film industry
won theBest return to the Hindi awaiting the
safe and follow basis, be
including shuttingof withit, she is
Baisakhi with
award forAnthony
would prefer Actor
The Flute. Along of other films, one of
them ment protocol,” govern-
Sanon says she all her films. gory inwhich Hopkins, a cate- e wanted to
cele- adds the
Gourav was Indian actor Aadarsh release of a couple ShabanaAzmi. brate Baisakhiin singer known

rical releasesforan actoryou want the

and subscribe to
familyin Punjab; big way this a such asLahore, songs

the lockdow e
the OTT
in TheWhite nominated for hiswith veteran actor in the Bengali film indus- year Gabru High
beyondjust great Tiger. role for with his andPatola. Rated

ing prayers at Ramdevra temple

duced by Priyanka The filmwas pro-A prominentname Gurdaspur, family in

Public Notice
film to reach inBollywood

course, theyare Chopra
try, she is best
remembered Woh (2005). Punjab, but He maynot
audience. Of everyone ishooked on
was alsoin
attendanceat Jonas, who Patni Aur meatier singer GuruRandhawa beable to
have thecelebration
and as oneof its her role in Main,Meri
theceremony and

made him valu

in the OTT space
platforms, great presenters, understands wanted, he
time to
platforms have
to it and the an actor you want it
husband, singerNick alongwith
Father alsowon Jonas. The
With the boom she believes nowis the in
for women, projects. “Back
beattheVaishno done.
pandemic, little given the fond butRandhawa has
can be memoriesof
ing the festival celebrat-
content. But don’t play BAFTA. theadapted screen-roles varied roles in Hindi
theones who to concen-
Devishrine “Since thepandemic “Baisakhi is as a child.
to reach even platforms,” says explore So, I decided

Hindustan Times now

these The mostemotional I was too busy. also doing films in started, most celebrated asa
harvest festival,
really go on whose filmMimi, in evening sawtributes momentof thethe day,

work more
of us have
films.I was


want to been celebratingfestiva farmers cuttheirwhen

the 30-year-old, mother, Indian actorsIrrfan being paid to latetrate on Bangla ButI would A lot home. Considering ls at And onthis crops.
a surrogate who passedaway and Rishi Kapoor,Bangladesh
andKerala. career now.
which sheplays a release. on my Hindifilmbeing made. rent situation, the cur- ind SinghlaiddayGuru Gob-
for inApril 2020,
is alsowaiting time since the film was I’ll mostlyspendthis year too tion of


BAFTA’s memoriam in concentrate is the founda-
segment, along- of unconventional content she says. the
It’s been some been shot. Askwhat’s with actors
in Mumbai now,” at homeand Baisakhi kids, PanthKhalsa. As

wick Boseman. Connery and Chad- Maybe, Iam needed says she always wants visit we’d enjoy spending
announced andhasfront, and Sanonsays wara, ifpossible,” the gurd- time withfamily

near Pokhran when their jeep

that superstar myself he says,
happening on on the last The latter’sfilm The Bengali “I wantto surprise into adding, “Unfortunately, the gurdwarato andgo to
wrapped upwork Bottom was Ma Rainey’s
Black to do something new:

myself do seva.
she recently a film needsto reach the named
costume design awinner in the I’ve never slotted very differ-
in Delhi and
I’m We’d
as my audience. miss being definitely the village.go tothe mela in
scene. “Mimi on surrogacy, it’s a categories. and make-upand hair and category. I’ve
chosen in
during this the village It’s

masses. Itis and made in a very enter-
Riz Ahmed, any particular rolesfor myself.” that brings afestival

whoalong time.
Boseman, hadbeen
and challenging for Sengupta? “For every day, I’m But like ness.” a lotof happi-
unique subject is something thatwill nominated with ent (Above)Rishi
Actor aswell, for Best option remember Godgoing to
taining manner.Itmake you cry, laugh,
and his film Sounddidn’t bag theaward, but Kapoorand So, is OTT an opportunity to reach a global Him forfulfillingand thank vest festival,
Since Baisakhiis

good direct-to- ahar-
touch your heart, BAFTAs inthe of Metal baggedtwo actors, it’sa

It should
PHOTO:TEJAS (right)Irrfan demanding my the
food for thought. are wishes.” a special messagesingerhas

Regarding refund of Application Fees of candidates who had applied against

leave you with gories. audience. Audiencesare arereleas-
who sound cate- PHOTOS:TWITTER/
more people now. Producerstoo The 29-year-old “May God bless forthem.
be watchedby where OTT isn’t watched,” digital releases digital platforms as they’re urges thefarmers
everyone to as we eat
on be
ing their films mightturn staleif not protocols and safe,follow May this becauseof them.
rooted inareas not indulge year bringgrowth
worried theirfilmsOTT platforms are turningoff.
dates until
she says. in grand Baisakhi and prosperity,”he
raining release pandemic to reach time. tions involving celebra- adding,
In fact, it was released on forall,” she signs

collided head-on with a truck.

you want a film
“May Waheguru
many film out tobe quiteprofitable erings. “Covid huge gath- bless
recently in Bollywood,

againand forced“We are As an actor OTT audience.... reach everything, has impacted and prosperity. growth

reared its head the notjust
postponed again.
beyond just who don’t really go on
tival. We need this fes- sakhi Happy
releases to be Mimi to release. The times to fightthis to everyone. Bai-

for and happy!” Staysafe
very excited
we are in, it’simportant
fora film like
are normal even the ones “Hit aur flop

I hopethings hit and flop. hai. Agar hit deke
to get a release. so many films waiting to these platforms.

CRA-07/2021 (ALM) & CRA-09/2021 (ASSA)

marking the

are kuch nahi rakha lockdown mein time
vestof winter of har- betterment,
soon. There does too, soon,
bhi main ghar main kya hi ukhad crops.
Rawal andthe
hopingMimi feelallfestivals “I others.Apneliye will to help
release. I am mid 2021. I don’t know KRITI SANON,
Actor togetherfor
toh sugandha.rawal@hindus
parties in future,” sense ofhopeandcouraggive us a
baitha hoon, observes, before karta hai,lekin to haraadmi
sometime around aredeciding. It should

M adds. he sakhimotivates
raha hun,” Samrat his definition of eetingfriendsand e. Bai- doosron kimadad
producers Thisyear, the us,and keliyekhadahona
what the says Sanon. singer will cele- honsladetihaijeen humko
going on to explain ilytocelebrate—t fam- brate thefestivalattheV arethingsetchedi chahiye. These
get what it deserves,” theessenceofBaishat’s Devishrine whoyouare—afa e ka,nomatter
withmemories n my mind,

Eight people died on the spot,

happiness. is about aishno
of the day, it
rmer, or
However,singer akhi. luckythatI’llbeathisfamily. “I feel farmer.Wealllive and a non- Mehndi,knownof langar,” recalls
“At the end and not attaching Mehndi isn’ Daler MataVaishno the holy the supportofthesup yearn for forhitssuchas
you being happy,to a condition ki yeh t missingitthisyear
cave of power,”explainsth reme BoloTa Ra Ra,TunakTunakT

to curb Covid
. Devi. I have
that happiness khush ho jaunga, ya the needof ial distancing formanceat the pilgrimage aper- Dardi RabRab,
Growing up, e 53-year-old. Balle,andNaNa Ho JayegiBalle
Sugandha Rawal is firstdayofNavratr

17,542,007 (+254,906)
the hour,

Night curfew ing plans

on he
hoga toh main udas ho jaunga. ondwaveofCovid with the sec- onBaisakhi,”hesa i, whichstartsthe parentsparticipatewatched his Na
Hefeelsthebest NaNa Re.

nahi hua toh if you have a good
-19here. gurdwarasforBais in kirtans at
“Beingcautiousto Thefestivalisespeys. brate Baisakhiis place to cele-
of 2021, thefestivalhasalw akhi. Forhim,
ce the beginningbeen shoot- You areblessed
daywill at home. “I think
every morn- ensurewe get tantfor farmers, ciallyimpor- ays been about (if we follow alltheprotocols
Scan the code has you wake up gerofhope as it is aharbin-
being gratefulforeveryth
ulkit Samrat projects, be family, all the people you know properly)2021-end

surge hits wedd

and prosperity whatheplans ing.It’s

Public Notice regarding cancellation of recruitment against above said advertisements has
toreadmore for his ing, and actor, ondoing thisyear kibeemariko takCovid naam

well,” says the
ng nonstop or Agra. The while
about how aswell.“It’sall bhool
umbai, Delhi new are alive and for the third about hope, saysthesinger,wh jayenge log,”
has found a
couples and love, outwith orecently
is prepping
r says work emic. who ment of the Fukrey franchise. hissingle,Ragda. came
Plagiarism row:

Why IsabelleKaif

and four others succumbed on

vendors are rat made his in the pop-

feel insignificantItmade me
trying tofind as Lakshya ViraniBhi Kabhi
how, Kyunki went on to
a wayoutin
is nowused to 2006. He
Ba u Thi, in Bittoo Boss (2012),
such as
powerless, says and

w do films Bangistan (2015),

been issued by Punjab State Transmission Corporation Limited on dated 05.04.2021. Online
Fukrey (2013), and Fukrey

being compared Sanam Re (2016),


Returns (2017). as a
soon be seen

Next, he will from Delhi” in

to sister Katrina
“happy go lucky Khushaama-
the film, Suswagatam roles
are other diverse
deed. “There he adds.

the way to the hospital, police

he considers the pipeline,”
n fact, now, of in
from the concept

ade ago
o be detached

Portal for fees refund for the posts advertised against CRA-07/2020 (ALM) & CRA-09/2021
Rishabh Suri play on me too much
more. Aboutexpectation any-

like a dec
Covid took
off some of s,

that pressurefrom

S y seems
he’s the sister my
Thedate is so
of one of Bolly- first film,as
wood’s biggeststars, thecircum-
stances are

h birthda
yet she auditioned Katrina Kaif, so
It has allowed different. might
near and venues Scan the code
film. Isabelle
for her first
acting debutwith recentlymade her enjoy themoment as
meto just
n, I’llensure
‘My 30t
for his wedding to read more
say they need job inPoland
avenue inSuraj- on Saqib “I had auditionedTimeTo Dance. Kavitaunfolds,” Awaasthisays the
it have a partyandeventhe ccine certif-
everyone getstheirCovidvaactor.
and booked for a few
check availability Sanchita Kalra anges willbe Saleem’s and this one
camethrough. films,

theRangbaaz from

(ASSA) has been prepared for refund of fees for which last date for filling of bank details is
kund,Haryana,ch dancer as a The bestpiece icates,”quips
nochance of to Mumbai

om kid, I was a kavita.awaasthi@htlive of and
for day timings. tough. “There’s birthday plans is a big partof and dancing,of course, advice Isabellehas birthdays Saleem,whocame he has
to tie the everSaleemloves
receivedwas artieson hisspe- Delhi 10 years ago, admitsDelhiboy who

It’s apassion aqib
evenswitching for me. So IthoughtBollywood.
ouplesplanning rein a postponingor ill be diffi-

C lenging and it would be oftenthrowsbigp

given to her
byher will be my
second “Iwasa typical rodemycar
AKHIL NARANG, knotthismontha o- to dayfunctions.Itw who willattend fun,” chal- elderday.“Butthis 9,” changed. SudhanshuSariaa
cult forguests the way from The 30-year-old,shetells us. cial sister. “[She
spoiledbyCovid-1and lovedto getinto Sugandha
I came to
bind followingtheimp who just advised] in atorow c.But since his2015film nd(farleft)poster
few from wedding all up theshoot
forher second wrapped birthday 33 today
just been softheupcoming
sitionofnightcur 8pm the Noida,”hesays. focus on my who turns that he withblaringmusih ometimeback Delhi boy has I’ve webshowand(left
says theactor,
NOTETO Suswagatam film, .
inDelhiand Delhi or
10pm to5am i, to stem but Khushaamadeed, keepmylittleheartbroken
work,heisa Mumbai,thebraslearningeverydayI was money to hirethem, ) Padukoneon

READERS:Some that Bollywoodhas admits admits country thatIexist, told bymy wantto.Yousimpl
replaced byone hto
I am a bitirritated head down. meet friends.
Plannersfeel been a butyou don’t
to7aminMumba the ofthecoverage ence in her
growingup big influ- won’tbeableto are strength,beitmy when ywant to canni- tweetedastatemen
have gonedownAanchal thatappearson theNationalFilmA At I got balise other’swork.That Monday

Covid-19in bothcities.decidedto efforts at the ing led to acting.I years.“Danc- Anyone whohas hatparties a gonefromstrengt as aperson,” “My
he says.ward. theincident.“The t apologising for
We’ve received sed
also looking don’t “Ihaveforgottenw
inthe film day party seems
orweekslater,oneof Two

’s not
Whilesomehaveagain,others drain.Mumbai-ba
Soul, paidforbythe growing up, watched been
and I’vehad Hindi films like.My30thbirth
actingability peoplehismind
to takeany 33, is marriageon in myindustry I
themostsenior okay,”heasserts.
at all? blance andsimilarity uncanny resem- announced she
Bagaria,of TheWedding choosing afavourite. ahard time industry givesButsimi- Idon’t want
queries from
postponethedate solu-
alternate three-day affairs concerned larger picture.I (2007). Lagaan I love Jab We decadeago.
lar advice,” birthday
rahethetoh aur me, so she mum asksmeabout
nothingIdo shaadi everyday.
avoid andques-
if to expresshisanguis ok to Twitter writtenoffas amere
cannot be
coincidence... hasresigned
being whohad in April says, “Now it’s brands.No as

“Twelve persons were killed

Zindasays ble andaysto I’m invisi- Forthiswe
couples for a
areweighing Met insignificant,”
want to takeany toh many timesas (2001), I’vewatched so actor, risks. adding, thatthemakers h, claiming apologise...We’ve
tions,with dayweddings it planned to be wrapped up in sponsored ateenager,” ishere with
“I’m just amfindingneww SudhanshuSaria
never saynever.
copiedtheposterof theweb series
poster from thechairperson
“The moment What about she shares. starting
now,there mmybiryani.We he feltwhen reflecting on what allour
brunch and toutedas one. e received a all going withalunch.” But he found “ridiculously dently,bothprojecofhismovie.Inci- platforms,”the statementread.
risks. Zindarahe

son withher the inevitable compari- sowillmakesomeyu many types are heconcludes. ofMAMIMumbai
offilmscelebration at home
to wasannounced,w to move the oneevent unjabi, shallappearin
honge. sister?Is
pressure ofexpectationsshefeeling the I want
fullysometime,” esbetweenthe jectof same-sex tstacklethesub- However,Saria, currently
they’re trying
to do. I’d love
willhaveaquiet posterof
call fromthe
it Mumbai’sVishalPding Filmer, anypartofHT aur birthday know it. People already?
have been doing “I
do an action
withthenewnorm ora
to alof videocallsand anupcomingweb
HisStoryy, backed show,
iswonderingif relationships. Saria
lifted some themakersalso
unconvincedbyth Covid-19, is FilmFestival
function totheday,but Sau- founder,TheWed slikethis period film.It’s Katrina
keep gatherings
Actor years, and I’ve
got used toit. it for the beginning, just Kaif andhis2015filmL byEktaKapoor, scenesfrom wishestheplatformestatement.He
says,“Whenthing us to value declaredassuch SAQIB SALEEM, which exploresthe his film,
might bedifficult,”says It doesn’t “I’mnotlooking oev. “acknowl-
edged the authorsofthepost
s getting happen, theyteach
toourvalued everything there’s PHOTO:VIRAL sexualrape.“Thos issue of homo- commitments.
intimate. rabhAswal,whoi25. have. Awedding readers. leftto do.” moneyfrom
to recover
blywereshownare actorsproba-
andclaimedthat er”
married on AprilPateria, who whatwe tobe a bigparty.” justwant them or sue them. I “...this was a
, Creative to know topose.So,everyb eferenceimage decision, not an accident”.More-
SHIVAN GUPTA For Abhishek ff from his doesn’thave niceand not that it’s not over,Sariawants

For more information visit PSTCL website


okay,” theywere plagiarising,”
director, AmaaraFarms tooktwomonthso
sponsoredcontentdo meofthecoverageth
pointed Saria. saysa disap-
says the accountableforthpeopletobeheld replaced
esorshallappearinanatappearsonourpag director, who
tureare we “Whatkindof acul- like I’madding eiractions. “I feel Scanthecode
ypartofHTwithouti esispaidforbytheco in whereyou FilmAward won theNational to the chain. filmmakerKiran

and six others were injured in

tbeingdeclaredassu ncernedbrands.No marketingmeeting canhave a for next time someoneGoogles
directionin best non-feature The to readmore
bodyelse’sidea?Y andtakesome- Raotobecome
March thisyear, willcome up. it, this onwhy
ouhave the film, KnockKnockKno forhis becomeharder And eventually,it
Soonafter hispost, ck. will Sudhanshu
ALTBalaji themto pretendand harder for
as if it’s not
Sariawas thechairperson
thing,”he concludes. a anguished by
theincident ofthefestival

Dated: 31.08.2021 Sd/- Chief Engineer/HIS & D the accident. All are residents of
HTcity htcity 7318 PSTCL, Patiala
Ujjain, MP,” Nagaur superin- Haryana
770,486(+20) Uttar Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh
tendent of police (SP) Abhijeet 1,709,288(+19)
Singh said. 16,376,355 53,031(+71)
The Centre has approved an (+160,008) 73,086,557 969,288 (+7,296)
ex-gratia of ₹2 lakh each from
the Prime Minister’s National Rajasthan Nagaland
Relief Fund (PMNRF) for the 954,095(+2) 725,708(+8) 30,083(+80)
next of kin of those who lost 44,779,186 37,768,718 856,923(+6,697)
their lives in the accident. HTC (+870,245) (+2,229,343)

BEATEN TO DEATH 46,360,447
PATNA: A 40-year-old man was Dadra and 1,532,050(+7,606)
beaten to death by a mob, alleg- Nagar Haveli Mizoram
edly over a relationship with a 59,119(+1,157)
married woman in Bihar’s Jamui 907,747(+2,178)
district late on Monday, police
said on Tuesday. 347,855 NA Tripura
I F¹FFÊ»F¹F, ³F¦FS ´FFd»FI d³F¦F¸F, ·Fû´FF»F This was the third incident of
mob lynching within 72 hours in 6,464,876(+4,196)
¹FFadÂFI d½F·FF¦F (¸Fb£¹FF»F¹F) ¦Fûd½FaQ´FbSF (¶Fe.E¨F.BÊ.E»F.) the state. A case under Section 59,050,133(+853,247)
302 (murder) of the Indian Penal West Bengal
Ii . 134/¹FFa.d½F./2021 d³Fd½FQF AF¸FaÂF¯F §Fû¿F¯FF-´FÂF ·Fû´FF»F, dQ³FFaI 27/08/2021 Code has been registered against 1,548,604(+546)
d³F¸³Fd»Fd£F°F d³F¸FFʯF I F¹FÊ WZ °Fb Qû d»FR FR F ´Fðd°F IZ A³FbÀFFS ¸F.´Fi »FûI d³F¸FFʯF d½F·FF¦F ¸FZÔ IZ ³ýieIÈ °F ½¹F½FÀ±FF IZ Aa°F¦FÊ°F ´FaªFeIÈ °F 20 people, but no arrest has been
173,955(+105) Madhya Pradesh 41,055,031 (+1,221,361)
NZ IZ QFS ´FSÀFZ³MZ ªF ¸FûWS ¶FaQ d³Fd½FQF¹FZÔ d³F²FFÊdS°F ´Fi´FÂF ´FS AF³F»FFBÊ ³F AF¸FadÂF°F I e ªFF°Fe W` Ü made so far, police added.
According to Amit Kumar, 1,586,566(+9,715) 792,175 (+10)
S. Tender Work Probable Earnest Money Completion Odisha
No. No. Amount Deposit (EMD) Period SHO of Gidhdhaur police station, 46,499,322
(In lakhs) (In Rs.) (Months) Manoj Pandit was brutally
Karnataka (+938,671) 1,007,750(+638)
thrashed after his hands and legs 2,949,445 (+1,217) 22,299,858(+288,305)
1 UAD_ FROM BASKHEDI SHAMSHAN GHAT TO 80 FEET Rs. 938.31 Rs. 938312/- including were tied by nearly two dozen 42,398,721(+646,471) Puducherry Chhattisgarh
157204_1 CULVERT WARD NO. 83 ZONE NO. 18 rainy season men at Nichli-Seva village. 123,572(+115) Andaman and
1,004,451(+31) Nicobar
1. Interested Bidders can view the NIT on website “Villagers alleged that the vic- Lakshadweep 825,478
13,245,844 (+61,707)
2. The Bid Document can be purchased only Online from 28.08.2021 10:30 Hrs A.M. to 28.09.2021 05:30 Hrs. P.M. tim, who was a medical practi- 10,347(+2) (+4,065) 7,565(+1)
3. The Pre-Bid Meeting shall be held in the office of the I/c Chief Engineer (Civil), Near Tatpar Petrol Pump, Smart City tioner, entered into relationships 76,315 (+424) 363,166(+2,385)
Campus, Govindpura BHEL Bhopal (M.P.) at 11:30 A.M. (Time) on 13.09.2021 (Date) to answer question of intending with some of his patients,” the
bidders, if any. The I/c Chief Engineer (Civil) reserves the right not to answer a question raised by a bidder. SHO said.
4. Amendment to NIT, if any, would be published on website only, and not in newspaper. Kerala Tamil Nadu Andhra Pradesh Telangana
The victim’s family rushed
The initial period of 3(Three) year after completion shall be treated as Defect Liability Period (DLP). 4,057,233(+30,203) 2,614,872(+1,512) 2,014,116(+1,115) 658,054(+338)
him to a nearby community
IN. CHIEF ENGINEER 29,089,339(+454,457) 32,609,417(+507,865) 30,534,164(+1,208,572) 17,998,318(+117,780)
health centre, where he was
declared “brought dead”. HTC



Entire Freehold Property
The U.S. Embassy
No.D-429, Defence Colony, E-Auction sale
New Delhi-110024, E-Auction of York Millennium
Measuring 397.22 Sq. Yds. E- Auctionchillers
centrifugal forms withare 465Tonnage
invited for
Be it known to all that Mr. Avinash Disposal
capacity of 2 Cyclone
Nos. and Water theAffected
Kirpal and Mr. Arun Kirpal, both 9973.37
towers make Kgs BALTIMORE
of Cotton Hank AIRYarnCOIL- &
sons of Late Maj. Gen. P.N. Combed
USA, model & Semi Combed Cotton
# VT1-415-R with a
Kirpal, representing themselves Hosiery
capacity of Yarn
415on “As Is2Nos.
Tonnage Where will Is”
to be the absolute & lawful basis,
held onbelonging
Monday, theto13th M/s.Gulabroy
2021 at 02:3056,
Mahadeo, P.M.,Strand
Inspection Road,can
owner/s and in exclusive
only be done
Kolkata with pre-registration
-6 Inspection can be done on
possession of the Subject
A u c t i o n e e r s Contact:
till:29/06/2020 w e b s i t eMr.t i lAyush
l 3rd
Property, have agreed to sell the September. Inspection Will only be
Subject Property to my Client, Poddar Mobile No.
allowed to Pre-Registered
9831003000.Date bidders on
of E auction is
free from all encumbrances, 9th & 10thfromSeptember-2021
charges, lien, mortgages etc., 30/06/2020 2 pm onwards. at
Forms GateNo.7,
with Earnest Main
vide written Agreement To Sell Building, Deposit
Chanakyapuri NewtoDelhi,
Money (EMD) be
and have also received from 10:00 latestto 1:00byhrs. Pre-E.M.Dup of
submitted 29/06/2020
substantial advance money from Rs. 2,00,000/- is required to
to 5 PM at the auctioneer's address
my Client. It is also to inform that participate
OR at seller'sin E-Auction Should reach
address.E-Auction P
the original/s Relinquishment well before the auction, through NEFT
Deed executed by Mrs. Anjana inAuctioneer'sAccount.
Kirpal, regd. as Document Terms: Full payment within 3 working
No.3016, on 05.05.1998 and days, GST will be charged extra. In
CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME also the Relinquishment Deed case of Non-Payment, security will be
executed by Mrs. Meena forfeited. Bid validity is of bid is 30
Carippa, regd. as Document No. days, and material will have to be
I, RAHUL Verma R/o Flat No. F-131, I, KARTHIK Sundar, S/o 1121, on 03.11.1998, both removed within 10 working days after
2nd Floor, Nar Vihar-II, Sector-34, S. Padmanabhan, R/o C-24, First registered in the office of the the payment and invoice. E-waybill be
CHANGE OF NAME Noida, UP have change my son's Floor, Gulmohar Park, New Delhi- Sub-Registrar, New Delhi, in responsibility of the buyer. The Items
name Kavya Verma to Kabir Verma 110049, have changed my name respect of the subject property, are sold on “As is Where is” basis. The
for all future purposes. from 'Padmanabhan Karthik Sundar' are misplaced/lost and are not highest bidder will take his own
I KM Priya D/O, Om Prakash R/o / 'P. Karthik Sundar' to 'Karthik -108, Gram And Post Dehari, traceable and a report in this arrangement to lift the material and
Sundar' as per affidavit dated take proper precaution not to harm
Jaunpur, Uttar Pradesh - 223103 I, AHTESHAM S/o Manzoorul 17.06.2021 for all future purposes. regard has also been lodged with
have changed my name to Priya the PS Crime Branch, Delhi, SO building structure and repair the site
Hasan R/o H.No.D-98, St.No-4 South
Maurya for all purposes. Anarkali, Delhi-51 have changed my No. 430/2014, LR No. 586961, from where the material removed. The
name from Ahtesham to Mohammad on 17.08.2021. highest bids will be subject to
I PARVEEN Kumar s/o Shri Ram Ahtesham for all future purposes LOST & FOUND Any person(s), Association, approval.
Kishan R/O B-17/18, Gali no 22, Old
Gobind Pura, Krishna Nagar Delhi-51,
so I hereby assume the name of Company, Firm, Bank, Financial Govt. Auctioneers:
Mohammad Ahtesham in all records, LOST ORIGINAL Mutation/ Institution and any Legal Entity Accurate Auctioneers
Hereby declare that Parveen Kumar deeds,documents & writings and in having any sort of right, claim,
And Parveen Gogia is the same all proceedings.
Transfer Letter issued by DDA in
respect of MIG Flat No. 188, 3rd Flr, title or interest in the Subject
9868215515, 8076863359
Person. I shall be known As Parveen
Block C-7, Safdarjung Development Property under or on the basis of
Kumar for all future purposes.
I, NEHA Bajaj W/o Sunil Bajaj R/o Area, N.D. in favour of Mrs. Neena the said lost/misplaced original
6/72, First Floor, Old Rajinder Sood & Mrs. Manju Bahl, vide Letter misplaced documents or
I, KRISHAN Pal Singh S/o Subhash No. M/6(70) 71/Gen./SG/1126, dated
Chand R/o H.No. 84, SF, Sector-17, Nagar, New Delhi - 110060, declare
24.10.2016. Finder please contact
otherwise, may put forth his/
Faridabad have changed my minor that in my Passport No. T5290342
7827996796 her/its claim to the undersigned
daughter name Bhumika Singh to my father and mother's names have with supporting documentary
Tiya Singh for all purposes. been wrongly written as Narender proof, within 15 (fifteen) days
Behl and Kailash Behl whereas their I, JITIN Choudhary, S/o Tule Ram, from the publication of this
correct names are Narinder Kumar H.No-20, Kondli Delhi-110096,
I, DINESH S/o Sh. Shri Pal Gupta Bahl and Kamlesh Bahl respectively. have Lost C.B.S.E (10th) & (12th)
notice, failing which it shall be
R/o 29-B, Pocket-L, Dilshad Garden,
Marksheet (Roll no- 6112356 & presumed that the Subject
Delhi- 110095 have changed my
5666701) In Delhi. If Found Please Property is free from all sorts of
name to Dinesh Gupta for all future I, SANJAY S/o. Shri Rajinder encumbrances, charges, lien
purposes. Call at : 9540889999.
Prasad, R/o 8614, Rattan Nagar, etc. and my client shall proceed
Gaushala Marg, Karol Bagh, New
I, GANENDRA Kishor Sarkar S/o to complete the transaction, free
I, PRAVEEN Vashistha S/o. Late Delhi - 5 have changed my name to from all encumbrances as
Sh. Murli Dhar Sharma, R/o. 2202, Sanjay Srivastava for all purposes. Late Girindra Chandra Sarkar R/o
Block C-2, 21st Floor, Cleo County, I-1806 F/F, CR Park New Delhi -19. bonafide purchaser and further
Sector -121, Noida, Gautam Buddha Have Lost original Lease Deed any such claim raised thereafter
Nagar, Uttar Pradesh - 201301 have 26.04.1991, ATS dated 01.08.1993 shall not be binding upon my
changed my name to Praveen
I, MOHAMMAD Rashid Death certificate of Girindra Chandra client in any manner whatsoever.
Mohammad Amiruddin S/O Sarkar of Property No. 125 F/F, Pocket
Vashisth for all purposes. Amiruddin born on 12-07-1992 AMIT V. AWASTHI
K-1, Kalkaji CR Park New Delhi-19
residing at Union Tola Ward No 4 Finder may Contact 9810069818 Advocate, Supreme Court of India
I VIJAY Kumar S/O, Bias Dev R/o Jayanagar Madhubani (Bihar), R-296-A (Basement), G.K.-1,
House No-91, Block C6, Sector-31, have changed my name to New Delhi-110048.
Noida, U. P. 201301 have changed Mohammad Rashid Amir vide I, BALVEER Singh S/o Jagat Singh Ph. 45532238, 9891317238
my name to Vijay Kumar Dogra for affidavit No(AC 826390)dated (14 R/o RZJ-229 Street No-2, Back Side
all purposes. Aug, 2021) at (Jayanagar, Bihar) Raj Nagar-1 Palam Colony Delhi-45,
Have lost my Passport No-M-8044903
I, AIWIN Chacko Abraham S/o. Somebody found call 8826949096
K.C.Abraham R/o 91-D Block A3, I, R. R. Mathur S/o Late Shri Babu Ram
Jagriti Appartment, Sector -71, Mathur R/o I-76, Nanakpura, ND-21
Noida UP-201301 have changed my
name to Aiwin Abraham & both are
hereby declare that both name R. R. PERSONAL
Mathur & Radha Raman Mathur
one and same person. pertains to one and the same person
I, RAVINDER Singh S/o Sh. Tara
I MANOJ Shah S/o. Shri Ram Chand R/o Vill. Maheshwari, Distt.
Bahadur Shah R/o. Plot No.37, I HAVE changed my name from Rewari (HR) declare that my wife's
A-1 Block, Om Vihar. PH-V, Uttam Jitin Kumar to Jatin Kumar, R/o correct name is Babita Sahrawat &
Nagar, New Delhi-110059 have 36U/G/F, Gyan Park, Krishna Nagar, my daughter's correct name is Priya
changed my name to Manoj Kumar East Delhi-110051, for all future Sharawat (DOB- 29.04.2007)
for all future purposes. purposes. for all future purposes.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 My India 11
Record 12mn vaccines Govt suggests district-level
panels to vaccinate teachers
administered in a day Fareeha Iftikhar
September and those who have
already received the first dose
should be followed up rigor-
Rajnath Singh

Jamie Mullick NEW DELHI: The Union govern- ARE PARTIALLY ously for the second dose,” a RAJNATH PRAISES Daily vaccination rate continues to rise ment on Tuesday asked states
and Union Territories (UTs) to REOPENING THEIR
senior ministry official said on
condition of anonymity. CM ADITYANATH,
NEW DELHI: With over 12.8 mil- Tuesday’s record single-day jabs mean that in the month of August, the country create a district-level action SCHOOLS FOR The meeting was held in the
lion shots of the vaccine admin- administered an average of 5.9 million doses every day – the highest ever plan to speed up the vaccination PHYSICAL CLASSES backdrop of the Union govern- LAUNCHES 180
istered across India on Tuesday,
according to data available at
of schoolteachers and ensure
that all teaching and non-teach- AS THE SECOND
ment’s decision to provide at
least 20 million additional Cov-
11pm on the Co-WIN dashboard,
India’s Covid-19 vaccination
drive set yet another single-day
record for doses delivered, wrap-
12,869,300 shots administered till 11pm on
Tuesday, according to data from the
health ministry’s Co-WIN dashboard
ing staff employed across
schools receive at least the first
dose of the Covid-19 vaccine in
the month of September, people
id-19 vaccine doses to states and
UTs to vaccinate teaching and
non-teaching staff employed in
schools (both government and
HT Correspondent

LUCKNOW: Praising the “tough

ping up August as, by far, the Daily doses aware of the development said. tracker. private) on priority. stand” taken by Uttar Pradesh
best month (yet) of India’s mass Monthly average The move comes as most “During the meeting, educa- The announcement came chief minister Yogi Adityanath
inoculation programme. 6000000
5,919,641 states are partially reopening tion secretary Anita Karwal dis- ahead of Teachers’ Day on Sep- on law and order in the state,
The total number of people their schools for physical cussed the plans of teachers tember 5. defence minister Rajnath Singh
across India who have now 3,979,893 4,349,331 classes as the second wave of vaccination with the states and India has fully vaccinated 150 on Tuesday said: “The heartbeat
received at least one shot of the the pandemic continues to ebb UTs. She advised all state/UT million people and partially vac- of criminals stops when they
vaccine has surpassed 500 mil- 3000000
3,016,511 and the country’s vaccine drive education secretaries to work cinated another 350 million till hear the name Yogi.”
lion, data shows. 1,632,317 1,966,595 gathers momentum. with their health secretaries the end of August. Singh, along with the UP chief
Tuesday’s record single-day During a virtual meeting with and design a roadmap at district Several states and UTs such minister, laid the foundation
jabs means that in August, the 234,928 357,075 education secretaries of states level for vaccination of all teach- as Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Haryana, stones for 180 projects that will
country administered a total of 0 and UTs on Tuesday, Anita Kar- ing and non-teaching staff Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, come up at an estimated cost of
183.5 million doses, translating January February March April May June July August wal, secretary, school education engaged across their schools. Telangana, Uttar Pradesh and ₹1,710 crore, in a programme at
to a daily average of 5.9 million and literacy, asked them to She has asked the officials to Assam, among others have Jyotiba Phule Park in Lucknow.
doses throughout the month. update the ministry about the ensure that all teachers should either reopened schools or are They also inaugurated the
This average administration is a single-day dose administration. daily doses has been adminis- doses of the vaccine. When seen vaccination status of teachers at least receive the first dose of reopening them from Septem- Victoria Street-Charak Flyover.
jump of 1.6 million doses a day A total of 12,869,300 doses had tered across India – the highest alongside the country’s projec- twice a week through an online vaccine during the month of ber 1. Singh, who is also the Lok
over the previous monthly best been administered till 11pm on pace ever recorded in the coun- ted adult population of 940 mil- Sabha MP from Lucknow, said:
recorded in July (average of 4.3 Tuesday, according to data from try, as per to HT’s dashboard. lion (according to the Census of “Had Yogi Aditynath not been
million jabs a day). At its lowest the Union health ministry’s The recent jump in pace India’s National Commission on the chief minister, then I would
since the drive was thrown open
to all adults, this pace had
dropped to under 2 million doses
Co-WIN dashboard, bettering
the previous high of 10,064,376
doses set on Friday. On August
comes less than a week after
India touched the milestone of
covering half the country’s adult
Population), this means 53.3% of
people above 18 years of age have
received vaccine – 37.3% have
Ramacharyulu named not have been able to work so
much for Lucknow.”
“If we want to ensure good
a day through May, data shows.
With more vaccine doses (at
least 250 million) available in
16, 8.82 million jabs were admin-
istered across the country.
Buoyed by these daily records,
population with at least one
shot. Till Tuesday night, a total of
651.2 million doses of Covid-19
been partially vaccinated and
16% have received both doses.
While the pace of the drive
BSF, ITBP CHIEFS RS secretary general governance in the state, it is not
possible without better law and
order. Development is also not
September, the number could the country’s pace of vaccina- vaccine have been administered has seen progress, data shows NEW DELHI: Pankaj Kumar HT Correspondent possible without it. He should be
increase even more. tion, which was patchy for across the country to 500 million there is still a long way to go if Singh, a 1988-batch IPS officer, appreciated for the strict action
Tuesday marked the third months, appears to have finally people with 350 million people India wants to achieve its stated on Tuesday took over as the new taken by him,” Singh said.
time in the past 15 days that the settled into high gear. In the past partially vaccinated and 150 mil- target of vaccinating its entire director general (DG) of the Bor- NEW DELHI: Rajya Sabha chair- Adityanath said Uttar Pradesh
country has set a new record for week, an average of 8.3 million lion people having received both adult population by 2021 end. der Security Force while his man M Venkaiah Naidu on had changed and the state was in
batchmate Sanjay Arora Tuesday appointed Dr Para- second place in the ease of doing
assumed charge of the Indo-Ti- saram Pattabhi Kesava Rama- business rankings. “That’s why it
betan Border Police (ITBP). charyulu as the new secretary has attracted investment of

Another tourist found dead in Goa, 3rd in a month Singh, from the Rajasthan
cadre of the IPS, has been serv-
ing as the special DG of the coun-
general of the Upper House of
Ramacharyulu has been
Dr Parasaram Pattabhi Kesava
₹65,000 crore during the corona
period. From 2003 to 2017, the
state governments ensured a
HT Correspondent respond to calls and messages, As is the practice, the police her rented apartment in Siolim try’s largest border guarding working as secretary in the steep fall in economy, law and
police said. are required to contact the while Ekaterina Titova was force that mans over 6,300 km of Rajya Sabha Secretariat since 1983 after serving in the Lok order, but today everything is
The room in which the body respective consulate before pro- found dead in her flat in the Indian boundary with Pakistan 2018 and succeeds Desh Dipak Sabha Secretariat for a year ear- looking up,” he added.
PANAJI: A 66-year-old Irish was found was also locked from ceeding with post-mortem exam- same area. and Bangladesh and has about Verma, who demitted office lier. He served as Special Secre- Describing the Victoria Street
woman was found dead in her inside, they added. The police ination, should the consulate While the police initially said 265,000 personnel. after serving for four years. tary, Andhra Pradesh Legisla- flyover “a historic work”, Singh
rented flat in North Goa on believe the woman may have choose to depute a representative there was no evidence of foul IPS officer from the Tamil As per the Rajya Sabha Secre- ture in 2017,” a statement issued said it earlier took an hour to
August 30, the third death of a been dead for several days to be present during the same. play, Titova’s death was later Nadu cadre, Arora, took charge tariat, Ramacharyulu is the first by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat cover the 4km distance, but now
foreign national in the state in before her body was discovered The incident comes nearly attributed to murder after the of the 90,000 personnel strong ever Upper House employee to said. commuters would be able to
one month, police said. but are awaiting the post-mor- two weeks after two Russian post-mortem report revealed she ITBP that guards the 3,488-km have risen to the secretary gen- A Bachelor of Laws and Mas- cross the stretch in 3 minutes.
Mary Gertrude McNamara tem exam report. women, including an actor, were was smothered to death. Her Line of Actual Control (LAC) eral’s post. Nine employees have ter of Arts (Political Science) He appreciated the CM for
was found dead in her flat in “We will carry out further found dead, in separate inci- friend, Denis Kruichkoy, was with China. become the secretary general of degree holder, Ramacharyulu providing over 250 acres on
Candolim, where she lived alone. investigation as per the autopsy dents, in their apartment in arrested in the case. Singh is considered an archi- Lok Sabha so far. was awarded Doctor of Philoso- lease of ₹1 for a facility to manu-
Her body was discovered by her report and statement of her North Goa. The cause of Djavi’s death is tect of police reforms in the Born in 1958, Ramacharyulu phy (Ph.D) by the Jawaharlal facture Brahmos missiles in Luc-
friends who broke open the door friends,” North Goa superintend- On August 19, actor Alexan- yet to be ascertained pending country. After his 1996 petition has about 40 years of experi- Nehru University for his work know under the defence corridor
of the flat after she did not ent of police Shobit Saksena said. dra Djavi was found hanging in examination of the viscera. in the Supreme Court, the gov- ence of handling various on ‘Committee Systems of project.
ernment started giving a fixed aspects of the functioning of Indian Parliament and the US He added, “Every household
two-year tenure to the chief of Parliament. Congress: A Comparative Study’ in Lucknow will get piped natu-
IB, CBI, and R&AW. PTI “He joined the secretariat in in 2005. ral gas (PNG) connection...”


No. 22/3/2021-E.I(B) - The Commission’s Programme of Examinations and Recruitment Tests (RTs) for the year 2022 is
given below for the information of candidates.The annual calendar has also been placed on the Commission’s website
( Aspirants and candidates are advised to retain this advertisement for use as a ready reckoner for
applying for the Commission’s Examinations in 2022.
S. Name of Examination Date of Last Date for Date of Duration of
No. Notification receipt of commencement Exam
Applications of Exam
1. Engineering Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022 22.09.2021 12.10.2021 20.02.2022 1 DAY
2. Combined Geo-Scientist (Preliminary) Examination, (SUNDAY)
3. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 16.01.2022 1 DAY
4. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 20.02.2022 1 DAY
5. CISF AC(EXE) LDCE-2022 01.12.2021 21.12.2021 13.03.2022 1 DAY
6. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 13.03.2022 1 DAY
7. N.D.A. & N.A. Examination (I), 2022 22.12.2021 11.01.2022 10.04.2022 1 DAY
8. C.D.S. Examination (I), 2022 (SUNDAY)
9. Civil Services (Preliminary) Examination, 2022 02.02.2022 22.02.2022 05.06.2022 1 DAY
10. Indian Forest Service (Preliminary) Examination, 2022 (SUNDAY)
through CS(P) Examination 2022
11. I.E.S./I.S.S. Examination, 2022 06.04.2022 26.04.2022 24.06.2022 3 DAYS
12. Combined Geo-Scientist (Main) Examination, 2022 25.06.2022 2 DAYS
13. Engineering Services (Main) Examination, 2022 26.06.2022 1 DAY
14. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 03.07.2022 1 DAY
15. Combined Medical Services Examination, 2022 06.04.2022 26.04.2022 17.07.2022 1 DAY
16. Central Armed Police Forces (ACs) Examination, 2022 20.04.2022 10.05.2022 07.08.2022 1 DAY
17. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 21.08.2022 1 DAY
18. N.D.A. & N.A. Examination (II), 2022 18.05.2022 14.06.2022 04.09.2022 1 DAY
19. C.D.S. Examination (II), 2022 (SUNDAY)
20. Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2022 16.09.2022 5 DAYS
21. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 09.10.2022 1 DAY
22. Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2022 20.11.2022 10 DAYS
23. S.O./Steno (GD-R/GD-I) LDCE 13.09.2022 04.10.2022 10.12.2022 2 DAYS
24. Reserved for UPSC RT/Examination 18.12.2022 1 DAY
Note 1: The dates of notification, commencement and duration of Examinations/RTs are liable to alteration, if the
circumstances so warrant.
Note 2: Civil Services (Main) Examination, 2021 will be conducted on 7, 8, 9, 15 & 16 January, 2022.
Note 3: Indian Forest Service (Main) Examination, 2021 to commence on 27.02.2022 and will continue for 10 days till
Candidates are advised to visit the Commission’s website regularly for updates, detailed information, and frequently
asked questions regarding the Commission’s Examinations and Recruitments, as well as for making online
applications and downloading e-admit cards and e-summon letters.
Government strives to have a workforce which reflects gender balance and women candidates are encouraged to
davp 55101/14/0001/2122
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021


E STA B L I S H E D I N 1 9 24
Why Hindutva is
The battle Hindu modernity
over reforms Hindutva emerged as a
response to imperialism,
a powerful polity and State. While and changing social and economic
India had been invaded and colonised structures favoured them.
in the past, the challenge posed by The tantra movement in the medie- It is striking that all segments of the Hindu polity, from the Left to the Right,
Farm protests are set to intensify. The re-imagined the past and British colonialism was unique. We val period and the Bhakti movement argued for a modern nation despite rooting their positions in the
often discount the traumatic and ter- in the early modern period infused civilisational antiquity of India REUTERS
State’s high-handed attitude isn’t helping dreamt of a modern rifying experience of the non-western Hindu society with the ideas of social
democratic State world in its encounter with western and gender equality. From the Nath looking towards the West or the gas? The coming together of various
colonialism, which was backed by Sampradaya and Vachana Sahitya to Soviet Union, the other was looking pagan traditions under the umbrella

ith the Haryana government deploying

ith the rise of a modern industry, a new economic Ravidas and Kabir, Hindu society towards Japan and Korea to create a of Hinduism is a centuries-old proc-
force to crack down on farm protests in medieval Taliban structure of capitalism, and a new already had what could be called pro- modern Hindu nation. ess. But Hindutva consolidated it by
Karnal on Saturday, a movement that regime, some lib- political structure of nations and to-modernity. Popular and highly Hindutva was the Hindu response welding Hindus into a political com-
was alive but relatively passive has assu- erals have argued nation-States. Coupled symbolic oral epics such to western colonialism and resurgent munity and as a nation by emphasis-
that the return of with emerging modern as Manteswamy Kavya Islamic imperialism in the Indian sub- ing the commonalities of a highly
med a new lease of life. As this newspaper reported the Islamic Emir- academia, it also posed a even argued how technol- continent, and emerged under the diverse Hindu society.
on Tuesday, farm unions plan to hold a mahapan- ate to Afghanistan is somewhat akin formidable intellectual ogy must ultimately be lib- new economic order based on indus- Hindutva is both a product of the
chayat at Muzaffarnagar in western Uttar Pradesh to the rise of Hindutva in India. This is challenge. erated from its hereditary try and capitalism. Hindutva inher- modern world and an argument for
a mischievous and illiterate compari- Hindu response to west- practitioners, i.e the prac- ited the legacy of the Hindu proto- Hindu modernity. It sees itself as the
(UP) on September 5 to broaden their agenda. From son. Unlike the undemocratic and vio- ern imperialism emerged tice of a birth-based caste modernity and contemporary social protector of India’s religious and cul-
opposing the new farm laws, these unions will lent Taliban, Hindutva envisages a in the 19th century in the system determining occu- and religious reform movements to tural diversity, which has been deci-
now oppose the government’s economic policies, democratic society based on equality form of social and reli- Prakash Singh pation needed to go for the imagine a modern-industrial Hindu mated in areas no longer part of India.
and universal rights. Hindutva gious reform movements progress of civilisation. nation. It sought to dismantle the Economic transformation dilutes
including the recently unveiled asset monetisation dreams of a modern future, the Tali- and political mobilisation In the absence of corre- caste system, and create a democratic caste and regional lines. Industrialisa-
programme. There is politics, economics and geog- ban dreams of a regressive past. Hin- seeking to draw inspiration from sponding social and economic condi- State with individual rights, freedom tion and urbanisation are the precur-
raphy enmeshed in the new round of farm activism. dutva works within a constitutional antiquity and Hindu philosophy. But tions, these ideas remained largely of expression and religion. Hindutva sors of modernity. And since Hin-
framework, while even the Taliban, reformers were not only imagining confined to the respective Hindu argued for a modern Hindu nation dutva embodies the modern values
First, the politics. A simple rule in dealing with a unlike its apologists, won’t describe the future but also re-imagining the sects. But under colonial rule, with with primacy to science and technol- and modern vision of Hindu society,
mass movement — and there is no doubt that the itself as constitutionalists. past. They argued that modern values changing socio-economic structures ogy. It imagined a centralised State the appeal and legitimacy of Hindutva
farm agitation is a mass movement — is not to do But fundamentally, the comparison such as social equality, political and the import of newly emerging with strong defence capabilities, yet have been increasing as India
is based on ignorance of the roots, democracy, liberty, and the idea of the western, modern ideas, such views part of the world commonwealth in becomes more industrial and urban-
anything to aggravate it. The Centre has been clear evolution, and values of Hindutva. nation are all rooted in Hindu tradi- entered the mainstream of Hindu pursuit of stability and peace. Hin- ised. The rise of a “Hindu Rashtra”
that it would not revoke the farm laws, but it has also One of the most important develop- tion and philosophy. Hence, Hindu political thought. dutva always confined itself to the aim and an industrial-urban developed
been careful in not using force even when farm ments of the last century is what Giri- society and polity are naturally at It is striking that all segments of the of a Hindu Rashtra (nation), and, at no India are two sides of the same coin.
lal Jain termed as “The Hindu Phe- home in the modern era. Hindu polity, from the Left to the point, did it argue for a Hindu Rajya And this phenomenon is the opposite
protesters choked Delhi’s entry points or a segment nomenon”. It was a widely held belief These views were propagated by Right, argued for a modern nation (State). Even the Hindu Mahasabha of what the new rulers of Afghanistan
turned violent on Republic Day. This is because in a that the destiny of the Hindus was to Hindu thinkers, writers, poets, reli- despite rooting their positions in the proposed a secular State based on the have envisioned for their Emirate.
volatile situation, there is always possibility of exces- fade away in the modern era and their gious leaders, and social and political civilisational antiquity of India. None principle of one-man, one-vote.
homeland absorbed within the leaders throughout the Indian sub- of them wanted a return to the past, The main intellectual challenge for Abhinav Prakash Singh is assistant
sive force; this alienates protesting groups, adds to Islamic and Christian world. Yet, continent. The fact that these views unlike their counterparts in the Mus- Hindus was to justify their existence professor of economics at SRCC
anger, and makes a resolution harder. Given the despite repeated attempts at ethnic found rapid and widespread accept- lim polity, but wanted to learn from as a society. Who were they? Tamil, and national vice-president, Bharatiya
fusion of class and identity (Sikhs and Jats are at the cleansing over recent centuries, Hin- ance demonstrate that these ideas the values of a past and reinterpret it Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, Jat, Brah- Janata Yuva Morcha
dus not only survived, but also created were not alien to the Hindu society in a modern image. If one side was mins, Ahirs, Pasi, Rajputs, Vokkali- The views expressed are personal
forefront of the protests), using force is also an
invitation to social turmoil. That is why the video of a
Haryana bureaucrat (Karnal sub-divisional
magistrate Ayush Sinha) telling policemen to “break
the heads” of protesters — an uncceptable As states roll out NEP, { HARSH VARDHAN SHRINGLA } FOREIGN SECRETARY

instruction by any standard — has become an P

instrument of further mobilisation.
This moment then has got enmeshed with address its twin deficits Each of our initiatives [during the
geography and electoral calculations. The expansion
s states begin rolling out the 2020 Nagaland and Andhra Pradesh have either
UNSC presidency] were designed
of the farm movement from Punjab to Haryana and
then to west UP, and from primarily Sikh farmers to
Jat farmers, lent it more weight. Now, in the run-up
to UP elections, expect an anti-government offensive
A National Education Policy (NEP), begun, or will soon start, teaching all subjects
they need to engage with two impor- in English. Other states are selectively expand-
tant issues that NEP did not address. ing such English-medium government
One, Muslims, India’s most educationally dis- schools. Now more than 20% of all Indian stu-
advantaged group, were not mentioned in the dents, which comes to roughly 50 million stu-
to produce .... consensus-based
substantive .... outcomes. This is a
testimony to the constructive role
in west UP in a bid to mobilise farmers in general, 2020 NEP. Two, the use of English merited dents, are attending low-cost private and gov-
... that India attempted to play

and Jats in particular. But beyond the political only a few lines of scant attention, despite the ernment English-medium schools.
calculus, there is an underlying political economy
massive bottom-up demand for English skills. The tragic irony is that several studies,
Muslims comprise about 15% of India’s including an NCERT report, indicate that the
during its presidency.
battle developing in India now. The government is population, and are among the most econom- vast majority of students, mostly from poor-
committed to economic reforms — agricultural laws, ically, socially and politically disadvantaged and lower-middle class families, acquire very
groups in India. What makes their omission limited English skills in these schools. This is
privatisation and asset monetisation are examples of even more striking in the 2020 NEP is that principally because their teachers’ own
this push. And while this newspaper believes that
CAA is flawed. Devise a
their education participation rates in schools knowledge of English was significantly sub-
these are sound ideas, it is but natural that they will and colleges are the lowest in India, more so standard too. The standards of teaching and
than even Scheduled Castes and Scheduled learning in regional-medium government
invite a backlash from those stakeholders who feel Tribes. However, while Dalits and tribals were schools, where English is taught as a subject
they will lose out as a result of the reforms. The farm
groups are attempting to weave a wider narrative to
collaborate with the Opposition, trade unions, and
highlighted in the 2020 NEP as requiring spe- in most states from Class 1 onwards, are
cial attention, as indeed they should be, Mus- equally depressing.
lims were not.
Among other reasons, this omis-
Nearly all schools in countries
where English is not the main lan-
new refugee policy, set
others. All of this makes it even more important for
the government to stay the course on reforms, but
with sensitivity, not high-handedness.
sion does not bode well for achiev-
ing one of the main goals of the 2020
NEP — that all Indian students
should receive 15 years of quality
guage teach in their own languages.
Similarly, reinforcing previous policy
recommendations, the 2020 NEP
correctly advocated the teaching of
up a national panel
school education. Without special John all school subjects in the mother ecent developments in Afghanistan, HISTORICALLY, THE

Covid: Lessons from

attention to vulnerable groups, espe-
cially Muslims, achieving this goal
even by the end of this century will
be impossible.
tongue and regional language. What
it failed to highlight was that if
regional-medium government
schools had to survive, let alone
In the case of English, the 2020 NEP flourish, the teaching of English as a subject
R with the withdrawal of American
troops and rise of the Taliban, have PEOPLE OF AFGHANISTAN
led to a grave humanitarian crisis. HAVE ENJOYED A GOOD
This has serious implications for India. True RELATIONSHIP WITH INDIA.
to its ancient maxim of Vasudhaiva Kutum-
avoided discussing the English-medium had to be improved significantly. The alterna- bakam (the world is one family), India’s soil SEVERAL STUDENTS ARE
has historically been a home away from home ENROLLED IN UNIVERSITIES
Kerala’s experience schooling tsunami in India, where both gov- tive is the continued precipitous decline in
ernment and private schools are increasingly government school enrolment and the recent
teaching all school subjects in English. More spectacular rise of private schools, as high-
for persecuted minorities. But India does not HERE. THEY MUST BE
have a singular policy for dealing with refu-
importantly, it failed to address why improv- lighted in the recent Central Square Founda- gees and crises of this nature.
any held Kerala up as a national and global

ing the teaching and learning of English as a tion report on private schooling. The June 2021 factsheet of the United
example on how to manage Covid-19 during subject in government regional-medium Therefore, in the rollout of the 2020 NEP by Nations Human Rights Committee (UNHCR)
the first wave of the pandemic. But, as a schools needs to be prioritised, and did not states, an important focus of educational states that 2,08,065 refugees reside in Indian try, it is necessary that we draft a refugee pol-
articulate what pedagogical initiatives are reforms should be the teaching of English as territory. Of these, 95,829 Sri Lankan refugees icy inspired by the best practices included in
Covid-19 column this newspaper ran for a little over required. a subject in regional-medium government and 73,404 Tibetan refugees are registered those laws. As a first step towards drafting
a year pointed out, this was more smart PR than With new employment opportunities that schools, still attended by the majority of and assisted by the Government of India. India’s refugee policy, I recommend that the
anything else. Now, Kerala accounts for 68% of reward English skills, the importance of Indian students. The top priority should be to Meanwhile, refugees and asylum-seekers Union government set up a national commis-
English-medium education has increased sig- ensure that their English teachers have a basic from Myanmar (22,459), Afghanistan (15,217) sion for refugees at the earliest. This commis-
cases (in terms of the seven-day daily case average nificantly in the last three decades. Earlier command over English and know how to and other areas (3,639) are registered with sion should draft an inclusive policy on refu-
on August 30). There are multiple theories about restricted to upper and middle classes, poor teach it. UNHCR India. The agency plays a significant gees with respect for the rule of law. It should
what’s happening in the state with the best social and disadvantaged groups have been at the A sustainable solution to declining enrol- part in verification, registration and grant refugees legal protection and
forefront of the new and unprecedented ment in regional-medium government resettlement of refugees in India. should be based on the principles of
development indicators in India. Based on demand for English-medium schooling. This schools is improving their quality of teaching The Citizenship Amendment Act non-refoulement and non-discrimi-
statistical and scientific evidence, it can be safely resulted in low-fee, English-medium private and learning in all subjects in general, and the of 2019 is the closest that India has nation. The policy should also
surmised that Kerala’s crisis is caused by a mutant schools mushrooming in India’s villages and standards of English in particular, and not come to enacting a policy on refu- account for physical protection such
towns. expanding English-medium instruction, as is gees and illegal immigrants. But the as secure accommodation and
strain of the original virus, and an extremely poor To stem the unabated migration of the poor currently practised by all states. It may be Act is highly inadequate for refugees access to food and sanitation, and
containment and home quarantine policy. from regional-medium government schools desirable to curtail English-medium school- and is severely flawed. It neither
Gogoi ensure that family unity among refu-
As evident from Delhi’s experience during the to private low-cost English-medium alterna- ing, but politically unfeasible given the enor- offers a definition for who is a refu- gees is prioritised. Provisions for
tives, all government schools in Kashmir, mous public demand. gee nor applies universally to refu- durable solutions for refugees such
peak of the country’s second wave, a localised However, states such as Uttar Pradesh gees from all countries. In addition as voluntary repatriation, local inte-
lockdown, stringent restrictions, and an effective should, at the very least, reverse their retro- to being discriminatory on the basis of reli- gration, or resettlement in a third country
containment policy are all that are needed to grade decision to convert existing government gion and country of origin, CAA also has a must be incorporated into the policy.
preschool centres, teaching in local languages cut-off date of December 31, 2014. It offers no The people of Afghanistan have historically
sharply reduce the number of cases. If Kerala is and Hindi, to kindergarten classes conducted guidelines on how to deal with future refugee enjoyed a good relationship with India. Sev-
unable to do so, it is because the state doesn’t have in English. The guaranteed outcome of such or immigration issues. The Act is also in clear eral Afghan students are enrolled in universi-
adequate restrictions; it is ineffective at monitoring an early start is not better English, but the sti- violation of the right to equality and the right ties here. At a time of crisis, they must be
fling of children’s language skills, founda- against discrimination, enshrined in articles treated with dignity. They shouldn’t have to
even what restrictions are in place; and people are tional development and creativity. 14 and 15 of the Indian Constitution. wait at the mercy of an ad hoc policy that dis-
not self-isolating when they test positive. As India States must, thus, comprehensively address Meanwhile, India is not party to interna- criminates on the basis of religion. The Gov-
opens up even more, and as many states reopen both the glaring omissions of NEP — pay spe- tional best practices either. It is not a signa- ernment of India should come up with a refu-
cial attention to provide all Muslim students tory to the 1951 UN Refugee Convention or its gee law that supports the people of Afghani-
schools, it is important that everyone learn from with 15 years of quality school education and 1967 protocol. Even though there are no offi- stan and promotes India’s reputation as a
Kerala’s experience. If there is a silver lining, it’s strengthen the standards of English in region- cial explanations as to why India has not champion of human rights. A policy that
Kerala’s case fatality rate, which stands at 0.5% in al-medium schools. Both are critical to any signed the Convention, the country’s porous addresses Indian concerns and, at the same
agenda for transformational educational borders and resultant security concerns are time, offers respite to refugees is, without
comparison to the country’s 1.3%. Clearly, the state’s reform. cited as a major reason. There is also the con- doubt, the need of the hour.
superior quality of public health care has helped — ventional logic that India’s reputation of being
another lesson for other states. A good public Pay special attention to provide Muslim open towards refugees negates the need for
students with 15 years of quality education John Kurrien has been working in the field of educa- signing any formal international agreement. Gaurav Gogoi is deputy leader of the
health care system can lessen the impact of even an and strengthen the standards of English in tion for disadvantaged groups for four decades If existing international refugee laws do Congress in the Lok Sabha
enduring wave of infections. regional-medium schools P KUMAR/HT PHOTO The views expressed are personal not cater to the particular needs of our coun- The views expressed are personal

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SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 13

Afghanistan braces for Taliban 2.0

BRUSSELS: European Commis-
20 YEARS OF OCCUPATION Afghans woke up
to a new reality on
sion president Ursula von der
Leyen said on Tuesday that 70%
of adults in the European Union

Counting the costs in numbers

US planes have airlifted the last US service members and diplomats from Kabul airport, ending
Tuesday as Taliban
leaders walked across
the runway in Kabul,
We expect that a
were now fully vaccinated
against Covid-19, hitting an end-
of-summer target that the bloc
set for itself in January.
America's longest war. Here’s looking back at the US-led 2001-2021 occupation of Afghanistan marking their victory consensus govt will “Today, we reached an impor-
tant milestone in our vaccina-
over foreign forces
be formed in the tion campaign. Seventy percent
Oct 7, 2001 Date on which US military, with British support, began a bombing
campaign against Taliban forces in response to the 9/11 terror attacks
“[Taliban's Agencies coming days in
of adults in the EU are now fully
vaccinated and that means 250
million people are fully immu-
47,200+ 66,000+ 2,461 51,100+
nised,” Von der Leyen said in a
is a lesson for KABUL: The Taliban group were video posted online.
in full control of Kabul’s interna- Moderna’s Covid-19 vaccine
Total number of Afghan national American service Number of Taliban other invaders,” tional airport on Tuesday, after generated more than double the
Afghan civilian military and police members killed and other opposition - Zabihullah the last US plane left its runway, antibodies of a similar shot
fatalities personnel deaths in Afghanistan fighters who died Mujahid, Taliban marking the end of America’s Taliban spokesman Zabihul- will be paid their dues, roadside made by Pfizer and BioNTech in
spokesperson longest war. lah Mujahid addressed the gath- vendors will be relocated, and research directly comparing
Vehicles carrying the Taliban ered members of the Badri unit. corrupt elements in the city will immune responses to the anti-
raced back and forth along the “I hope you be very cautious in be dealt with in accordance with Covid inoculations.
‘DEMILITARISED’ A US Marine near Hamid Karzai International Air- dealing with the nation,” he said. Sharia law. The Taliban have A study of almost 2,500 work-
The US military Forward Operating port’s runway on the military “Our nation has suffered war been projecting a less orthodox ers at a major Belgian hospital
Base Edi in Helmand side of the airfield. Before dawn and invasion and the people do picture from its previous rule, system found antibody levels
disabled aircraft,
on June 9, 2011. AP broke, heavily armed Taliban not have more tolerance.” between 1996-2001. among individuals who hadn’t
armoured vehicles fighters walked through han- Taliban members draped When the Taliban last ruled been infected with the coronavi-
and a high-tech gars, passing some of the seven their white flags over barriers at the country, from 1996 to 2001, rus before getting two doses of
rocket defence CH-46 helicopters that the US the airport as others guarded the they banned television, music the Moderna vaccine averaged
system at Kabul state department used in its civilian side of the airfield. Inside and even photography, but 2,881 units per milliliter, com-
airport before it left evacuations before rendering the terminal, several dozen suit- there’s no sign of that yet. TV sta- pared with 1,108 units/mL in an
on Monday. The them unusable. cases and pieces of luggage were tions are still operating normally equivalent group who got two
demilitarised Taliban leaders later symboli- left strewn across the floor, and the Taliban fighters them- jabs of the Pfizer shot. The
equipment cally walked across the runway, apparently left behind in the selves can be seen taking selfies results were published in a letter
marking their victory while chaos. Clothes and shoes also around Kabul. to the Journal of the American
flanked by fighters of the were scattered. Medical Association.
regime’s “Badri” special forces On Tuesday, after a night that Person filmed dangling Israel recorded 10,947 new

unit. The elite Taliban unit later saw the Taliban fire trium- from helicopter: Report cases on Monday, the highest for
aircraft posed for pictures as journalists phantly into the air, guards A shocking video has been circu- a single day since the start of the
at airport documented their arrival. blearily on duty kept out the lating on social media reportedly pandemic. The country began a
“Afghanistan is finally free,” curious and those somehow originating in Afghanistan’s booster drive at the beginning of

27 Humvee
800,000 $2 trillion 123,000 2,000+
Number of troops Estimated amount Number of civilians Estimated
Hekmatullah Wasiq, a top Tali-
ban official, told The Associated
Press. “The military and civilian
side are with us and in control.
hoping to catch a flight out.

New Kabul mayor brings

Sharia law, claims report
Kandahar in which an American
Black Hawk chopper is seen fly-
ing with what seems to be a body
dangling from it.
the month, and eligibility has
been gradually expanded to
include the entire population
aged 12 and over. AGENCIES
deployed to Afghani- of direct cost of the evacuated by US number of Hopefully, we will be announc- The ANI news agency reported A week earlier, media reports

70 IS-affiliated
MRAP stan across 20 years of wars in Afghanistan and coalition ing our cabinet. Everything is on Tuesday that Hamdullah had claimed that the Taliban had

fighters currently
armoured combat, many of them and Iraq as of 2020, aircraft, according peaceful. Everything is safe.” Nomani, the newly-appointed captured the US military’s bio-
vehicles more than once, as per the Costs of to Al Jazeera in Afghanistan Wasiq urged people to return mayor of Kabul city who is also metric devices compromising
according to CNN to work and reiterated the Tali- the head of the Taliban’s munici- crucial data of the US military
War Project

C-RAM rocket ban pledge offering a general pality commission, has enforced and local Afghans who played South Korea bans
18mn Number of people in the country
requiring urgent aid, as per UN 40% Share of Afghanistan’s GDP
in 2020 that came from aid
amnesty. “People have to be
patient,” he said. “Slowly we will
get everything back to normal. It
will take time.”
Sharia law in the capital.
In an interview with Pajhwok
Afghan News, Nomani report-
edly said contractual companies
crucial roles during the war. The
White House has said that it
believes the Taliban won’t return
US weapons it has captured.
Big Tech’s grip on
payment systems
SEOUL: South Korea’s
National Assembly on
Tuesday approved a law
that bans app store
Britain ‘ready’ to attack
operators such as
Google and Apple from
US strike wiped DOOMED TO FAIL,
forcing developers to
use their in-app
payment systems. South
Islamic State terrorists
Korea is reportedly the

out my family, CHINESE OFFICIAL

first country in the
world to pass such a bill,
which becomes law

rues Kabul man

Sutirtho Patranobis when it is signed by the Agencies president. AP
BEIJING : The US policy in Bank robbers dash
Afghanistan is “unworkable” LONDON/KABUL: The UK has
Agence France-Presse and doomed to fail, China said said that it is “ready” to launch off with hostages
on Tuesday, hours after the last strikes at the Islamic State-Khor- after heist; 3 die
American troops left the war- asan (IS-K) terror network in RIO DE JANEIRO: Bank
KABUL: When Ezmarai Ahmadi torn country. Afghanistan after the Pentagon robbers armed with
returned home from work on “The US withdrawal shows revealed that there are at least explosives and high-
Sunday evening in Kabul, the that the policy of arbitrary mili- 2,000 fighters of the outfit in the powered rifles plunged
usual gaggle of squealing chil- tary intervention and imposition war-torn country. a city in Sao Paulo
dren were waiting to greet him - of one’s values and social sys- The Islamic State’s Afghani- state’s interior into
his sons and daughters, and a tems on other countries is stan affiliate had claimed terror early on Monday,
slew of nieces and nephews. doomed to fail,” Chinese foreign responsibility for a deadly blast taking civilians hostage
His brother, Aimal Ahmadi, ministry spokesperson, Wang at the Hamid Karzai Interna- and even putting some
said Ezmarai pulled his white Wenbin, said. tional Airport in Kabul in which on their cars while
sedan into the driveway of a “Afghanistan has gotten rid of nearly 200 people were killed on making their escape. At
modest house in Kwaja Burga, a A destroyed vehicle is seen foreign military occupation. The Thursday. least three people were
densely populated neighbour- inside a house after a US drone Afghan people have ushered in a Britain’s Chief of the Air Staff, killed in the clash with
hood in the northwest of the strike in Kabul. AP new starting point for national Mike Wigston, told The Daily police, two of whom
Afghan capital, and handed the peace and reconstruction. The Telegraph newspaper on Mon- were civilians. AP
keys to his eldest son to park. car full of kids inside our house,” history of Afghanistan has day that the UK government
Youngsters piled into the vehi- he said. “It killed all of them.” opened a new page,” Wang said. could be involved in strikes Sri Lanka declares
cle - pretending the parking rou- AFP was unable to independ- Wang did not directly answer against IS-K. He was speaking
tine was an adventure - while ently verify Aimal’s account. The a question on whether China will after the UK and the US troops food emergency
Ezmarai watched from the side, US government said it was inves- recognise the Taliban govern- completed their withdrawal Taliban fighters sit in the cockpit of an Afghan Air Force aircraft at the airport in Kabul on Tuesday. AFP due to forex crisis
his brother told AFP. tigating media reports of civilian ment following US withdrawal from Afghanistan after the Tali- COLOMBO: Sri Lanka on
Then, according to Aimal, a casualties as a result of that air- from Afghanistan. He said China ban takeover. to the UK and our allies. Afghan- Since the fall of Kabul on have been a probe to test the val- Tuesday declared a state
missile came screeching down - strike. hopes Afghanistan will form a “The UK stands united with istan is probably one of the most August 15, Panjshir has been the ley’s defences, was repulsed with of emergency over food
striking the car with a terrible Aimal said he cannot believe widely representative govern- our coalition partners in mourn- inaccessible parts of the world, only province to hold out against eight Taliban killed and a similar shortages as private
force and obliterating the lives of his brother could be mistaken ment and pursue a moderate ing those killed by Daesh’s (IS) and we’re able to operate there,” the Taliban, although there has number wounded, while two banks ran out of foreign
10 people in an instant. for an IS group sympathiser, let domestic and foreign policy. horrific attack at Kabul airport said Wigston. been fighting in neighbouring members of the NRF forces were exchange to finance
The US said on Sunday it had alone an operative planning a Wang added that China will and in our unwavering collective Baghlan province between Tali- wounded. imports. With the
destroyed an explosive-laden deadly car bomb attack. continue to maintain close com- resolve to combat Daesh net- Several Taliban members ban and local militia forces. worsening economic
vehicle in an airstrike, thwarting Ezmarai, his brother said, was munication with all parties in works by all means available, killed in Panjshir clashes Fahim Dashti, a spokesman crisis, President
a bid by the Islamic State to deto-
nate a car bomb at Kabul airport.
On Monday, Aimal said he lost
10 members of his family in the
an engineer working with a non-
governmental organisation.
Rashid Noori, who told AFP
he was Aimal’s neighbour, said
Afghanistan, saying Beijing will
“provide support and assistance
within its capacity in order to
restore peace, rebuild the econ-
wherever they operate.
“If there’s an opportunity for
us to contribute, I am in no
doubt that we will be ready to.
Taliban forces clashed with mili-
tia fighters in the Panjshir valley
north of the Afghan capital
Kabul on Monday night, with
for the National Resistance For-
ces (NRF), a group loyal to local
leader Ahmad Massoud, said the
fighting occurred on the western
READ: We will
not forget them:
Gotabaya Rajapaksa
said he ordered
emergency regulations
to counter the hoarding
strike, including his own daugh- he too had rushed to the scene of omy, combat all terrorist organi- That will be anywhere where several killed, two members of entrance to the valley where he of sugar, rice and other
ter and five other children. the strike. “Do they all think our sations... and integrate into the violent extremism raises its head the main anti-Taliban opposition Taliban attacked NRF positions. Nato chief on Afghans left behind essential foods. AFP
“The rocket came and hit the children are terrorists?” international community”. and is a direct or indirect threat group said on Tuesday. He said the attack, which may

4 LET TERRORISTS HC seeks detailed affidavit { }

HELD OVER J&K AFGHANISTAN 200, “likely closer to 100,” and and armoured vehicles – as well to leave Afghanistan in the mission is over, a new diplo-

GRENADE BLAST from govt on surveillance “execution of the dangerous ret-

rograde from Afghanistan as
said the State Department would
keep working to get them out.
as a high-tech rocket defence
system – at the airport, a US gen-
weeks and months ahead.”
Taliban spokesperson Zabi-
matic mission has begun.” He
went on to unveil a seven-point
HT Correspondent Monitoring System, Network scheduled”. The closing hours of the evac- eral said. Cockpit windows were hullah Mujahid celebrated the plan for the relationship with
SRINAGAR: Four terrorist associ- Traffic Analysis and National Hours before Biden’s Tuesday uation were marked by extraor- shattered, instrument panels completion of the US pull-out. Afghanistan that was predicated
ated with the Lashkar-e-Taiba Intelligence Grid. deadline for shutting down a dinary drama. American troops smashed, and aircraft tyres shot. “The last American occupier chiefly on the Taliban govern-
(LeT) were arrested for their NEW DELHI: The Delhi high “Time to file detailed affidavit final airlift, air force transport faced the daunting task of get- The US left behind but disa- withdrew from (Kabul Airport) ment’s ability to deliver on an
alleged involvement in a grenade court on Tuesday asked the Cen- granted to Union of India. Point planes carried a remaining con- ting final evacuees onto planes bled the C-RAM system – coun- at 12 o’clock, and our country entire range of assurance they
attack on a sarpanch’s residence tre to file a detailed affidavit on a out in detail the law and proce- tingent of troops from Kabul air- while getting themselves and ter rocket, artillery, and mortar – gained its full independence,” he have given the Americans pri-
in Baramulla district, police said plea by an NGO challenging the dure followed by the Union of port late on Monday. Thousands some of their equipment out. that was used to protect the air- wrote in a tweet. “Praise and vately and publicly such as not
on Tuesday. use generalised surveillance sys- India for monitoring and inter- of troops spent two weeks pro- McKenzie said 73 aircraft port from rocket attacks. The gratitude be to God.” allowing Afghanistan to be used
During the investigation into tems by the authorities while ception of phones,” the bench tecting the airlift of tens of thou- were “demilitarised”, or ren- system helped fend off a five- Hours after the final foreign by terrorists to attack the US or
the attack on sarpanch Narinder also seeking details of procedure said posting the matter for Sep- sands of Afghans, Americans dered useless, before American rocket barrage from the jihadist forces flew out of Afghanistan, a its allies, respecting rights of
Kaur’s residence, the police in relation to the monitoring and tember 30. and others seeking to escape a troops wrapped up the evacua- Islamic State group on Monday. group of Taliban leaders walked girls and women to study and
found that two men, Moham- interception of phones. Appearing for the NGOs, country once again ruled by the tion. He said the Pentagon, The US President said, in victorious through the airport, work, and allowing every Afghan
mad Saleem Khan and Sajad A bench of Chief Justice DN advocate Prashant Bhushan Taliban. which built up a force of nearly defence of his decision to end the flanked by their elite “Badri 313” who has the paperwork to leave
Ahmad Mir, were involved, a Patel and Justice Jyoti Singh urged the court to constitute a An image from the Pentagon 6,000 troops to occupy and oper- mission on schedule, that it was guards, to inspect what had been the country if they so want.
police spokesperson said. granted time to the Centre to file committee under a retired judge taken with night-vision optics ate Kabul’s airport when the air- “the unanimous recommenda- left behind. Mujahid – tipped to The final pull-out fulfilled
He said they were arrested its reply while hearing a plea by of the HC or the Supreme Court showed the last US soldier to lift began on August 14, left tion” of the military leadership be minister of information when Biden’s pledge to end what he
and questioned. “Both the two societies-- Centre for Public to “find out what the govern- step aboard the final evacuation behind around 70 MRAP on the ground to end our airlift a new government is named – called a “forever war” that began
accused persons confessed that Interest Litigation (CPIL) and ment was doing” and that the flight out of Kabul – Major Gen- armoured tactical vehicles – mission as planned. “Their view led a group of officials onto the in response to the attacks of Sep-
they were working as terrorist Software Freedom Law Centre government reply in the present eral Chris Donahue, commander which can cost up to $1 million a was that ending our military runway. The special forces unit tember 11, 2001, that killed nearly
associates for the proscribed ter- (SFLC)—contending that citi- case was “bald”. “They filed an of the 82nd Airborne Division. piece – that it disabled before mission was the best way to pro- posed for pictures, brandishing 3,000 people in New York, Wash-
ror outfit, LeT, on the behest of a zens’ right to privacy was being affidavit saying everything is in Secretary of State Antony leaving, and 27 Humvees. tect the lives of our troops, and US M-16 rifles and flying the Tali- ington and rural Pennsylvania.
Pakistan-based handler namely “endangered” by surveillance accordance with law. Govern- Blinken put number of Ameri- Before the last US troops left, secure the prospects of civilian ban’s white flag.
Ali Bhai. PTI programmes like the Centralised ment’s reply is a bald reply.” cans still in Afghanistan at under they disabled scores of aircraft departures for those who want Blinken said: “The military (With inputs from agencies)
14 corporate buzz
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

buzz President visits Ayodhya, travelling on Minister of Tribal Affairs reviews

Insurgent surrenders in Changlang,
Arunachal special train from Lucknow projects in Chhattisgarh
Inputs related to extortion activi-
ties of Limtu Kelym Mossang SS President Ram Nath Kovind visit-
PVT of NSCN/R (Later defected ed revered town of Ayodhya trav-
to ENNG) were being received elling from Lucknow by a special
from CRPF intelligence sources. train. The Presidential entourage
Based on inputs, close surveillance after spending the day at Ayodhya
was being kept by troops of 171 took the train back to Lucknow
Battalion CRPF, Changlang police. in the evening. The Presidential
Several counter insurgency joint Train commenced its journey from
operations were conducted, due to the historic Charbagh station of
which, on August 26 Miao Limtu Lucknow, the capital city of Uttar
Mossang S/O Chanlon Mossang Pradesh in the morning to reach Arjun Munda, Minister of Tribal began with a meeting with a re-
surrendered at Miao PS in pres- Ayodhya station at 11.27 am. At Affairs, accompanied by Pravir view meeting in Raipur to review
ence of troops of 171 Bn CRPF, the Charbagh station the President Jardosh, Dy CM of UP and other President was received by Chief Krishna, MD, TRIFED and other the progress of implementation of
District Police Changlang (ACP) was welcomed by Governor of senior officials of state adminis- Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi senior officials, embarked upon tribal development programmes
and troops of Rajput Regiment. Uttar Pradesh, Anandiben Patel, tration and Railways. On reach- Adityanath and senior officials of a two-day visit of Chhattisgarh (MFP, VDSHGs and TRIFOOD
MoS Railways, Darshana Vikram ing Ayodhya railway station, the Northern Railway. on August 27. The two-day visit projects) in the state.
ESIC’s Bhavina Patel shocks World
No.2 at Tokyo Paralympics
NIOS organises two day national NTPC recruits first Sashastra Seema Bal Delhi Power Minister visits
all-Female EETs batch organises cycle rally Tata Power DDL’s BESS
workshop on NEP 2020

Bhavina Patel shocked world No.2

Borislav Rankovic Peric 11-5, 11-
6, 11-7 to assure herself a medal On Women’s Equality Day, NTPC Prof Jagdish Mukhi, Governor, To understand capability of Tata
after reaching semifinals of Tokyo Ltd recruited its first all-Female Assam flagged off SSB’s Cycle Power-DDL’s BESS set up in part-
Paralympics Table Tennis event. Engineering Executive Trainees Rally from Raj Bhawan, Guwa- nership with AES and Mitsubishi
Bhavina Patel of ESIC, qualified National Institute of Open School- 2020 focusing on teacher educa- (EETs) batch to reaffirm its stand hati on August 28 in presence and to discuss the way forward
for quarters, after losing 1st match ing in collaboration with Shiksha tion. The Minister of Education on diversity and inclusion. Out of Kumar Rajesh Chandra, IPS, to scale up usage for different ap-
against top seeded Chinese player. Sanskriti Utthan Nyas, New Delhi for State Annpurna Devi inau- of 50 offers sent by NTPC, 30 DG, Sashastra Seema Bal. The plications, Satyendar Jain, Power
DVC organises Power Supply organised a National Level work- gurated the workshop. Atul Bhai Female Executive Trainees (ETs) cycle rally is being organised by Minister, Govt of NCT of Delhi,
Connection Mela shop for two days (August 26-27) Kothari, Secy Shiksha Sanskrit have already joined the company Sashastra Seema Bal as a part of visited South Asia’s Largest Grid-
on National Education Policy Utthan Nyas, chaired the session. between July 31 and August 6. ‘Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav’. Scale BESS in Rohini, New Delhi.

DVC organised Power Supply

Connection Mela for new con-
sumers at Barhi Sub-Station on
August 17 and at Ramgarh Sub-
Station on August 18. Prospective
consumers reponsed positively
and interacted with DVC execu-
 Tata Power DDL inaugurated 2 RO plants at Delhi Government Schools, Government Girls Senior  THDC India Ltd issued Secured Corporate Bonds Series-V with a base size of Rs 400 crore with green
tives to get their queries clarified. Secondary School, F- Block, Indepruri and Sarvodaya Kanya Vidyalaya, C-Block, Naraina, respec- shoe option of Rs 800 crore with total issue size amounting to Rs 1200 crore having a tenor of 10 years.
tively. The plants were inaugurated by Raghav Chadha, MLA, Rajinder Nagar in presence of Ganesh The bond proceeds shall be used to partly meet debt requirement of ongoing and under construction
Defence Minister dedicates Vigraha Srinivasan, CEO, Tata Power-DDL, and Amit Kumar Garg, CEO, Tata Power Trading Company Ltd. projects. The bidding for the above issue was done on August 23 at THDCIL’s Ghaziabad office.
ship to the nation

Defence Minister, Rajnath Singh

dedicated to nation, indigenously
built Coast Guard Ship ‘Vigraha.’
Calling it one of the important steps
towards Atma Nirbhar Bharat, he  IREDA opened 4th branch office in the country in Bhubaneswar, Odisha for facilitation of its customer, bor-  Satish Upadhyay took oath as Member and Vice-Chairman of NDMC in a special meeting for oath tak-
said, newly commissioned vessel rowers, and other stakeholders. Pradip Kumar Das, CMD, IREDA inaugurated the new office in presence ing held at NDCC Convention Centre, New Delhi. Meenakashi Lekhi, MoS for External Affairs and Cul-
is indigenous from its design con- of Chintan Shah, Director (Technical), IREDA; MD, GRIDCO; Director (Finance), GRIDCO; Director (Fi- ture, Govt of India, MP (New Delhi) and Member NDMC as Presiding Officer of Council Meeting admin-
nance) OPTCL; State Head of REC & HUDCO, IREDA’s borrowers & stakeholders and other senior officials. istered the oath to Satish Upadhyay as Member and Vice Chairman along with other three members.
ception to development.

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SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 15
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Fiscal deficit limited to 21.3% till now PayU to acquire

BillDesk in
Data showed that
the revenue deficit at Core sector output $4.7 billion deal
the end of the period
stood at ₹2 lakh crore grows 9.4% in July Tarush Bhalla
Gireesh Chandra Prasad Gireesh Chandra Prasad
Course correction
BENGALURU: Prosus NV, the
This is the fifth consecutive
NEW DELHI: Aided by a healthy NEW DELHI: The output of eight Dutch unit of Naspers Ltd, has
growth in revenues, India’s fis- core sectors grew 9.4% in July month of core sector growth. acquired Indian payment servi-
cal deficit or gap between due to strong growth in refin- CORE SECTOR ces provider BillDesk for $4.7
(Year-on-year change in %)
receipts and spending met ery throughput, electricity gen- billion in cash in its largest
through borrowing stood at a eration, and steel and cement 60 acquisition.
modest ₹3.2 lakh crore at the production, official data 40 The Amsterdam-based com-
end of July, accounting for showed on Tuesday. 9.4 pany’s PayU unit agreed to buy
21.3% of the full-year target This is the fifth consecutive 20 BillDesk to create a company
In the corresponding period month of growth in the core 0 that will handle a total transac-
last year, the fiscal deficit had sector. tion volume (TPV) of $147 bil-
scaled ₹8.2 lakh crore, exceed- Core sector had seen a 9.3% -20 lion in India. The acquisition Bob van Dijk, chief executive
ing the target. Official data increase in June. -40 will also give PayU access to officer, Prosus.
released by the Controller Gen- In July, cement production Jan 2020 Jul 2021 BillDesk’s large customer base
eral of Accounts (CGA) on grew 21.8% annually, while Source: NSO of small merchants in India. approval from the Competition
Tuesday showed that the Cen- The deficit figures appear much better than the previous financial year, when it soared to 103.1% of steel output went up by 9.3% On completing the transac- Commission of India (CCI), is
tre’s revenue deficit at the end the estimate, mainly on account of a jump in expenditure to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic. and coal output by 18.7%, data tion, Prosus’s cumulative expected to close by the first
of the period stood at ₹2 lakh released by the commerce and Kumar Pant, chief economist at investment in India will nearly half of 2022.
crore or about 18% of the bud- ago period. industry ministry showed. India Ratings & Research. double to more than $10 billion. BillDesk, founded in 2000 by
get estimate. This was around Experts pointed out that the Sensex hits 57,000; Nifty crosses 17,000 Refinery products and electric- “The recovery post the sec- The deal is the second-larg- M.N. Srinivasu, Ajay Kaushal
₹7.1 lakh crore or 117% in the government could meet the full ity grew at 6.7% and 9% respec- ond Covid wave has been est inbound acquisition in the and Karthik Ganapathy, has
same time a year ago. year tax collection target but India’s equity markets hit a new high of 17,132.20 tively in July, showed the data. swifter than the first wave. This tech space after Walmart Inc.’s raised more than $240 million
In the first four months of meeting disinvestment target extended gains for the sev- points, up 1.19%. Both indices The figures indicate a strong implies that the core segment acquisition of Flipkart for $16 to date and was last valued at
this fiscal, Centre’s gross tax was a challenge. enth straight session with the took 19 trading sessions for output recovery although a which, carries a weight of billion in 2018. It’s also the larg- $1.8 billion in 2018.
revenue stood at ₹6.9 lakh “With low receipts of ₹8,371 benchmark 30-share Sensex the latest 1,000 points rally. part of it is due to the statistical 40.27% in the Index of Indus- est acquisition in India’s fin- BillDesk founders will con-
crore, aided by healthy income crore so far, it is likely that the index surpassing the 57,000 Both Sensex and Nifty rose effect of a contraction seen in trial Production, will also pro- tech sector. tinue with the firm.
tax and goods and services tax disinvestment target of ₹1.75 mark while the 50-share for the fourth straight month the same month a year ago. vide cushion to the industrial Prosus has been strengthen- The BillDesk acquisition will
(GST) collections. lakh crore will be missed by a Nifty index touched 17,000 climbing 9.5% and 8.7%, The production levels of five sector recovery,” said Pant. ing its position in India’s pay- make PayU one of the largest
CGA data also showed that considerable margin, causing for the first time on Tuesday. respectively in August, the core sector segments—crude He also said that given the ments industry through PayU players in India’s fintech pay-
capital spending remained at the government of India’s fiscal At closing, the Sensex rose best monthly gains for the oil, natural gas, fertilizer, steel uncertainty around a third India. BillDesk marks PayU’s ment ecosystem.
₹1.28 lakh crore in the first four deficit to overshoot the FY22 1.16% to a fresh record high of indices since November and electricity—are now higher wave, it was still early days in fourth acquisition in the last In addition, it will provide
months of this fiscal, compared budget estimate,” said Aditi 57,552.39 points while Nifty 2020. RAVINDRA SONAVANE than the pre-Covid levels (Feb- calling out a meaningful recov- five years after it snapped up PayU access to BillDesk’s large
to ₹1.11 lakh crore in the year Nayar, chief economist, Icra. ruary 2020), said Devendra ery, from the latest numbers. payments technology company merchant base, as the former
CitrusPay in 2016 for $160 mil- looks to cross-sell products,
lion. including business lending.
It then acquired digital Prosus has invested close to

Go after big fish if concerned about NPAs: SC to PSBs

credit platform Paysense in $6 billion in India and backed
2020 for $185 million, which several companies, including
now powers its consumer lend- online classifieds platform
ing aspirations in India. OLX, online tutoring company
Utkarsh Anand by Justice Dhananjaya Y Chan- Tamil Nadu, liable for repaying assure repayment of loans from going after the society?” the such as this.” “The acquisition cements Byju’s, food delivery service
drachud, told Canara Bank. an amount of Rs 48.8 lakh, the borrowers and that it was bench asked Mehta. Mehta said that the bank has our position as the leading pay- provider Swiggy, and e-com-
Loans are deemed non-per- which was given to 1,540 individ- only on this assurance, the The bench added: “Giving come in an appeal since a peti- ments provider in India and is merce giant Flipkart.
NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court, forming once they are left uals as loans in 1994-95. The amounts were released. loans to certain sections of soci- tion under Article 136 (special the strong example of the eco- While PayU largely powers
on Tuesday, said public sector unpaid for at least 90 days high court had held that Canara But the bench noted that the ety is also a social function. It is leave petition with wide discre- system we are building to serve online payments for e-com-
banks should focus their energy beyond the due date and bor- Bank cannot recover its out- loan was given by the bank not only an economic function. tionary power) is a ‘Brahmastra’. various communities,” Bob van merce companies, BillDesk’s
on recovering loans from “big rowers are likely to default on standing loan from the society’s under the DIR (what is this?) You should also bear a moral “The Constitution has Dijk, group chief executive offi- strength lies in the bill pay-
fish” and “big corporate debtors” these debts. fixed deposit since there was no scheme to financially assist low- responsibility.” entrusted us with this Brahmas- cer of Prosus, said in a confer- ments and small merchant eco-
instead of running after those The bench, which also formal contract or express income groups. “These amounts At this, Mehta replied that the tra only to make sure we use this ence call with reporters on system.
who have petty loans of a few included justices MR Shah and agreement of recovery from the were given to those involved in banks were already suffering only in suitable cases. And this is Tuesday. Together, the two expect to
thousand rupees. Hima Kohli, was hearing an society in case of failure by the small farming, poultry, dairy, or from the problem of NPAs and not the one,” said the bench, Prosus’s latest investment is create a financial ecosystem
“You should focus on catching appeal by Canara Bank against a borrowers to repay the loans. to tradesmen and artisans. that recoveries had to be made to rejecting Canara Bank’s appeal. expected to give exits to handling four billion transac-
big fish. If you are really con- judgment of the Madras high Representing the bank, senior These are marginalised sec- tide over it. It also upheld the high court founders who own 30.84% in tions annually, four times what
cerned about rising NPAs (non- court in March this year. advocate Dhruv Mehta argued tions...some of them cannot even The court, however, retorted: order, stating that the bank BillDesk along with key inves- PayU processes in India.
performing assets) of the public The high court had repelled before the top court that the pay ₹10 for their photos on these “These are not the people to go should desist from contesting a tors, including General Atlan- Payments for domestic and
sector banks, concentrate on big an attempt by the public sector Tiruchirapalli Multipurpose forms. And the society, admit- after. You should go after the big matter like this and should tic, TA Associates, Temasek cross border transactions is
corporate debtors...not on such bank to hold a social service Social Service Society gave let- tedly, helped you to identify fish. Canara Bank should not instead channelise its energy and Clearstone. one of the major revenue units
small loanees,” a bench, headed society from Tiruchirapalli, ters of guarantee that they will these people. Why are you now come in appeal against a society and resources on better cases. The transaction, subject to for PayU globally.

BRING VANGUARD NCLT orders freeze CRYPTIC CLUES PUZZLE 16015 © Gemini Crosswords 2018 All rights reserved

on accounts, assets
FUNDS TO INDIA 1Succession of command (5)

It is important to Neil Borate

Trifling, perhaps, with one’s affections? (8)
Legally prevent poets being translated (5)
appreciate role of
G-sec market in overall

MUMBAI: Flipkart co-founder

of Videocon group 10
Office location (8)
A boring couple (5)
To sum up briefly a religious scholar (3)
Sachin Bansal’s Navi Mutual 16 Fitting task for a puzzle addict? (6)
macro interest rate Fund (MF) has filed papers with
the markets regulator seeking
Gopika Gopakumar Videocon Industries Ltd under
Section 241 and 242 of the Com-
17 Subjected to decreasing pressure? (6)
18 Left with a thousand to beat (3)
environment of approval for a ‘Total US Stock
panies Act that deals with 23 Tito’s upset the Italian singing-master (5)
Market’ fund-of-funds (FoF). oppression and mismanagement
24 Scratch game (8)
The proposed scheme will MUMBAI: The Mumbai bench of in the company. 25 Untrue statement about an essential part of
feed into Vanguard Total Stock the National Company Law Tri- The court noted that the one’s diet (5)
Market Index Fund ETF. Van- bunal (NCLT) on Tuesday reserves and surpluses of Video- 26 Tales of the Camerons in trouble (8)
guard, founded by John Bogle, is ordered the Videocon group’s con Industries, as declared in the 27 A word in one’s ear from aides (5)
a pioneer in passive investing in bank accounts frozen and prop- financial statements in 2014,
the US and the second-largest erties attached following a peti- stood at ₹10,028.09 crore and for DOWN

Swiggy looks to expand money manager after Blackrock.

Vanguard Total Stock Market
Index Fund has an expense ratio
tion by the ministry of corporate
In an order issued late in the
fiscal year 2019 at ₹2,972.73
crore, showing a steep fall in just
five years. During the same
Check the others before wet weather (8)
He acts in a dispiriting way (8)
Old man chopped down tree (6) QUICK CLUES
basket with Dunzo buy of just 0.03% and has delivered
annual average returns of
44.33%, 18.75% and 14.7% CAGR
evening, the tribunal has asked
the promoter, Venugopal Dhoot,
to disclose the moveable and
period secured loans rose from
₹20,149.23 crore to ₹28,586.87
Something growing in the wood (5)
One of five who understand it (5)
Get involved with an intermediary (5)
1 Stylish (5)
2 Cooked thoroughly (4-4)
8 Legendary baseball player (4,4) 3 Italian island (8)
the bourses at a valuation of over the past 1, 3 and 10 years in immovable properties and bank “The Bench is surprised with 12 It helps a cobbler break the law (3)
Ranjani Raghavan and 9 Renown (5) 4 African hunting trip (6)
around $13 billion. dollar terms. accounts belonging to the group the manner in which the finan- 13 Ten cents is pointlessly stupid (3) 10 West Indian island (8) 5 Cope (3,2)
Tarush Bhalla 14 Unimportant persons, found after 11 Perform without preparation (2-3) 6 Cash resources (5)
“Swiggy is in preliminary Under the Securities and in India and abroad. The court cial institution has come for- well-planned murders (8) 12 Offer at auction (3) 7 Pursuit (5)
talks, but there is no definitive Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has also directed the Central ward to grant loans to a sinking 15 Shakespearean clown, blushing, was
16 Violet-blue dye (6) 12 Sound of disapproval (3)
BENGALURU: Food ordering plat- agreement signed as yet,” one of rules, the expense ratio of the Depository Services Ltd (CSDL), ship and again come forward to 17 Illusory (6) 13 Firework that fails to go off (3)
rotten (8)
18 Strange (3) 14 Island country in South Asia (3,5)
form Swiggy is in initial talks to the two people said on condition Indian fund house cannot be National Securities Depository file a petition under Section 7 of 19 They fight with one another (6) 23 Good-naturedly frank (5) 15 Widely scattered (3-5)
acquire hyperlocal delivery ser- of anonymity. The firm is rais- more than twice the underlying Ltd (NSDL), Central Board of the IBC and again supports this 20 Appropriate (5) 24 For the whole time (3,5) 19 Utterly exhausted (4,2)
vices startup Dunzo even as it is ing a large round, which is fund. This would cap the Direct Taxes (CBDT), Reserve petition. This certainly raises the 25 Excessive (5) 20 Quick (5)
21 An act that violates an act (5)
26 Smallest state of Australia (8) 21 Conflict (5)
in separate discussions with expected to take its valuation to expense ratio of the Navi Total Bank of India (RBI) and Indian eyebrows of the common man in 22 Timber re-ordered by one (5) 27 Latin American dance (5) 22 Offering little or no hope (5)
investors to raise a fairly large $10-12 billion, the second person US Stock Market FoF to just Banks’ Association (IBA) among the public,” read the order.
sum that will double its valua- said, also requesting anonymity. 0.09%. others to name the Videocon The order said that transac-
tion from about $5.5 billion to In a written response, Dunzo Bansal’s Navi Mutual Fund assets under their watch and for tion audit reports also reveal { SUDOKU } DIFFICULTY LEVEL
$10-12 billion, two people famil- founder Kabeer Biswas said that also focuses on passive invest- them to be frozen with immedi- fraudulent transactions by the

iar with the deal said. his company does not respond to ing. Alongside its Total US Stock ate effect in order to be used for promoters.
If the deal goes through, it will hearsay and that his focus con- Market filing, the fund house recovery of dues. The latest order by the NCLT
help Swiggy expand its delivery tinues to be on the fast growth of also filed for a NASDAQ 100 FoF. The ministry had approached has put further roadblocks on
basket to offer non-food services the business. An email sent to However, this scheme will invest the Mumbai bench against Ven- the potential transaction
and help it compete with rival Swiggy went unanswered at the in other asset managers in the ugopal Dhoot and other former between Anil Agarwal-backed
Zomato, which recently listed on time of going to press. US. directors and senior officials of Twin Star Technologies and VIL.

Tesla moves a step closer to making India debut


Malyaban Ghosh based company has also started query on Twitter. Earlier, he also
hiring senior executives to pre- said high taxes on imported elec-
pare the ground before a possi- tric vehicles in India is hindering
NEW DELHI: Electric cars from ble launch. Tesla’s plan to sell its products
Tesla Inc. may soon be on Indian “Tesla has completed homolo- here.
roads, with the Union transport gation and received approval for India levies import duty as Fill in all the squares in the grid so that each row, column and
ministry approving four of its 4 of its vehicle variants in India. high as 100% on completely built each of the 9X9 squares contains all the digits from 1 to 9.
models for introduction in the While we don’t have any confor- vehicles. Those assembled from
country. The ministry’s Vahan mation on names as yet, these imported knocked-down kits
portal, however, did not identify are probably Model 3 and Model attract a lower tax. Global auto-
the models that received the nod. 4 variants,” Tesla Fan Club India makers such as Tesla and Hyun- { WEATHER } ALMANAC TEMPERATURE IN
All automobile manufactur- tweeted. dai have been urging the govern- TEMPERATURE HIGH LOW Today is FOUR METROS
1st September 2021
ers, both Indian and foreign, A Tesla spokesperson did not ment to reduce the import duty l 22 Muharram 1443
need to get their vehicles locally respond to emailed queries. to create a thriving market for l Bhadrapada, Krishna 30°c I 24°c
Paksha, 10
certified before a formal launch. The approval does not neces- electric vehicles. l Samvat 2078
Tesla last year set up its Indian sarily imply an immediate The Elon Musk-led company has been asking India for a cut in Meanwhile, premium vehicle Generally cloudy Generally cloudy Generally cloudy
Sunset: Wednesday
at 06:42 p.m.
unit, Tesla India Motors and launch. The Elon Musk-led com- import duty on electric vehicles and related parts. makers such as Mercedes Benz sky with moderate sky with light rain sky with light rain Sunrise: Thursday Kolkata
Energy Pvt. Ltd, marking its pany has been asking India for a and Audi have already launched rain at 05:59 a.m. 32°c I 27°c
Moonrise: Thursday
intention for an entry into its cut in import duty on electric vehicles as fully built units. that the company will enter their electric vehicles in India by at 01:07 a.m. Chennai
Moonset: Thursday 34°c I 25°c
potential growth market for vehicles and related parts as it is Tesla co-founder and chief India in 2021. “Next year for importing them as fully built 30°c I 24°c 32°c I 25°c 34°c I 26°c at 03:39 p.m.
electric cars. The California- expected to initially import its executive Musk said last year sure,” he said, while replying to a units.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

Singhraj bronze stops
Chinese clean sweep
Mariyappan, Sharad brave
Avishek Roy

NEW DELHI : A quirk of fate

made Adhana Singhraj a
rain, pain to clinch medals
shooter. Singhraj, who won Rain spoils Rio 2016
bronze in the men’s 10m air
pistol event in the Paralympics champ Mariyappan’s
on Tuesday, had taken his chil- quest for gold; painful
dren and nephews for admis-
sion in a sports complex in Far- knee restricts Sharad
idabad. His children enrolled in in high jump event
swimming and the nephews
joined shooting. It meant Sing-
hraj, then 35, would spend Rutvick Mehta
three to four hours at the com-
“My kids asked me, ‘why MUMBAI: Just when the men’s
don’t you learn how to swim?”. high jump T63 final of the 2020
I thought it was a good idea Paralympics kicked off under
instead of wasting my time. But lights at the Tokyo Olympic Sta-
even to take off my clothes it dium, it began to drizzle. As the
took me three days because it Adhana Singhraj during the 10m air pistol event. PCI bar kept rising, so did the down-
used to be in my mind, what pour. Sharad Kumar, who
would people think,” said Sing- fought through and I was not the time to get disap- injured his meniscus the day
hraj, who had polio when he aware of what was going pointed but to fight it out,” said before the event, wasn’t sure if he
was one but has learnt to walk wrong, I discussed with the Singhraj. would be fit enough to jump in
unaided. coaches, did some meditation In 2018, Singhraj won bronze the first place. Mariyappan
The swimming coach told and left it behind. I just fol- from the 2018 Para Asian Thangavelu, the defending cham-
Singhraj to come in the evening lowed the process in the final,” Games and silver and team pion with a leap of 1.89m at the
when there are fewer people. “I Singhraj said in a conversation gold at Chateauroux World Cup 2016 Rio Paralympics, wasn’t
went one evening and finally with Eurosport. in France. He won bronze in sure if his target of 1.90m was
took a dip and I was not able to In the final, fighting three the P4 team event at Sydney quite as achievable anymore.
pick myself up even in two feet Chinese for a medal, Singhraj World Championships in 2019, “Every jump felt like war,”
water. I thought swimming was fourth at one point. “I but his training was hampered Kumar said.
could be dangerous for me,” he could not have made a bad shot in 2020 because ranges were Against this far-from-ideal Mariyappan Thangavelu on way to winning silver in T63 high jump at the Tokyo Paralympics on Tuesday. REUTERS
said. from there. My coaches have closed during the first lock- conditions that tested their men-
It was then that he decided taught me: one shot, perfect down. tal resolve as well as physical 1.86m in his third attempt on were better. I had started well right leg. Despite his mother the pain, and the rain. It was one
to try the sport of his nephews’ shot. I kissed my gun and So, Singhraj built his own skills, the Indians delivered two Tuesday, both went for 1.88m. before the rain picked up,” Mari- being the sole earner of the fam- crazy ride. I cried the whole of
choice. “They asked me… I aimed for a perfect shot, and it range at home. medals, a silver and bronze, from Mariyappan had already been yappan said in a press confer- ily after his father had abandoned last night. I had lost all hope of
went in the range and saw the went well,” he said. “I was not getting sleep one eventful final on Tuesday. there in Rio, Grewe hadn’t. In ence, adding his socks started get- them, Mariyappan wanted to competing. But I I just said to
coach instructing the kids. It Singhraj kept his calm in the thinking about how I will start The two medals also pushed Tokyo, the tables turned. Mari- ting wet which hampered his complete his schooling. It was myself, ‘whatever has to happen
looked easy to me and I last couple of shots and totalled my training for the Tokyo Para- India’s overall tally into double yappan touched the bar in all his take-off after the impressive start there that his PE teacher insisted in life will happen. I have no con-
laughed. The coach told me 216.8 in the final, edging Xia- lympics. That’s when I got the figures at the Paralympics for the three tries, Grewe leapt over it where he cleared four attempts he try high jump. The teacher’s trol over it’. And that’s how I
why I was laughing, ‘you try if long Lou to fourth. China’s idea from my coach and over- first time ever. After a record with his final shot. Grewe, who including 1.83m without needing hunch proved to be right as Mari- entered the track today.”
you think it’s so Yang Chao (237.9) night I made a plan and haul of five medals on Monday was diagnosed with osteosar- a second invitation. yappan finished second in his Kumar’s entry into high jump
easy. I picked up the and Huang Xing designed a layout and told my that swelled the tally to seven, coma, a type of bone cancer that Drama followed him in Tokyo. first competition that also had was thanks to his brother. The
pistol and out of five (237.5) won gold and family. Indians backed it up with three led to his leg being amputated, He was chosen as India’s flag- able-bodied kids. With national boy from Motipur in Bihar was
shots I hit four 10s. silver respectively in “At first, my family did not more on Tuesday with shooter then tried to better his own world bearer for the opening ceremony coach Satyanarayana spotting infected with polio at the age of
They were very P1 men’s air pistol approve. They said it would Adhana Singhraj opening the record, 1.90m, but could not clear before being replaced at the last him in 2013 and taking him under two that paralysed his left leg, but
impressed and final of the SH1 cate- cost lakhs and in the lockdown honours with a bronze in men’s the bar set at 1.91m. minute after being identified as a his wings at SAI Bengaluru from that didn’t stop his father from
asked him to try
para shooting.” Tokyo gory. In this category,
an athlete has impair-
people have no jobs. (But) My
family knows that I am ‘ziddi’
10mair pistol SH1 (lower body
impairment) before Mariyappan
Mariyappan couldn’t defend
his title, but he backed up his
close contact of a Covid positive
person on his flight. He was made
2015, the Rajinikanth fan’s stellar
run on the international stage
enrolling him in the same board-
ing school as his brother—St.
That’s how it Paralympics ment in an arm and/ (stubborn). My mother only and Kumar took over. 2016 gold with a silver medal in to isolate and train separately. “It took off: gold in 2016 Paralym- Paul’s School in Darjeeling.
began for Singhraj or the legs. P1 is a told me to make sure that we The T63 classification is for his second Paralympics. The was an upsetting moment for me. pics, bronze in 2018 Asian Para Kumar’s brother shone in
and soon after he classification for the don’t get into a financial crisis.” athletes with a leg deficiency, leg 26-year-old has not returned But I somehow wanted to win a Games, bronze in 2019 Worlds. pretty much everything, from
got to know about Paralympics. men’s 10 air pistol competition. Singhraj made a 10m and length difference, impaired mus- from the Paralympics without a medal for India,” he said. At the same World Champion- academics to cricket to athletics.
He shoots from a sitting posi- Shooters can compete in seated 50m range at his home and cle power or impaired passive medal to show in his young and Mariyappan was five when, ships in Dubai, Kumar had won “He would return home with so
tion learning first from coach or standing position. trained there. “I wanted to range of movement in the legs. already illustrious career, deliver- while on his way to school, he silver. It came a year after the many certificates, while I would
Om Prakash before honing The other Indian in fray, make a good range so that I can The athletes compete in a stand- ing on the biggest stage in sun- was run over by a vehicle in his gold at the 2018 Asiad, but a spot have a story book,” he laughs.
skills under JP Nautiyal and young Manish Narwal, a world train even in future for the ing position. kissed Rio as well as rain- village in Salem, at the podium had eluded him in He wanted to change that.
national coach Subhash Rana. championship medallist Paris Paralympics,” he said. Kumar won bronze with a drenched Tokyo. “I was confident Tamil Nadu. It Rio, where he was sixth. Shifting Kumar thought of emulating his
Singhraj, who is also a social and strong podium contender, After a childhood and more jump of 1.83m in his first attempt of clearing 1.90m if the conditions crushed his his training base to Ukraine brother by taking up high jump,
activist and has worked in edu- had topped the qualification of depending on crutches, at before failing to clear 1.86m. Mar- under foreign coach Nikitin where he did well. His first
cation sector and for rights of (575 points) but couldn’t 39, Singhraj is living his dream. iyappan did clear 1.86m, in his Yevhen thereafter, Kumar reset encounter with the sport was in
the differently-abled, said it
was an opportunity for him to
recover from a poor first series
in the final and finished sev-
“A para-athlete has a tough life.
I had polio when I was one year
third and final attempt, lifting his
right arm and glancing towards
P his goal: a medal in Tokyo.
Things seemed well on track
the 4th standard. Three years
later, during a lunch break, when
do something for the country. enth. old and learnt to walk with the Indian contingent cheering I said to myself, ‘whatever has until Monday, when Kumar no one was looking, Kumar ran
That dream was fulfilled on “Manish was a medal con- crutches. My mother used to on. The medal was in, but the to happen in life will happen. I had a tear in his meniscus after and sailed over the bar. “I was
Tuesday. tender. He is so good he is tell me, ‘if you have to stand up fight for gold was still on. landing on his knee during a like, ‘wow, I can do this’. A week
He battled hard in the quali- always on top in international and walk on your legs, you Joining him in that battle was have no control over it’. That’s training session. “I was in a later in our intra-school competi-
fication and made the eight- competitions. After he was have to have confidence in American Sam Grewe, who had lot of pain,” Kumar tion, I broke the house record and
shooter final in sixth position eliminated, I felt sad. The pres- yourself. You will be good,’” he finished behind Mariyappan in
how I approached it today said over the won a medal,” he recalled.
with a score of 569. “The quali- sure was on me. But immedi- said. Singhraj said he discarded 2016 with a silver-winning 1.86m SHARAD KUMAR, high jumper phone. “I had Years later, that medal was a
fication did not go well but I ately I got my focus back. It was crutches when he was 15. jump. After also having cleared to manage Paralympic bronze.

{ }
GDP GROWTH collections for the month of pandemic. This is borne out by crore to the Emerald Court er-17 were given by NOIDA too late and not raising grievan- court, asserting the RWA’s right
advisor Krishnamurthy V Sub- July suggest economic transac- sector-wise GVA numbers in Owner Resident Welfare Associ- (New Okhla Industrial Develop- ces when Supertech was to maintain the case.
ramanian chose to focus only tions did not pick up. The Cen- the latest GDP statistics. Nei- ation (RWA), which had led the ment Authority) in contraven- increasing flats and floors in It noted that illegal construc-
on the growth (and not the base tre’s GST collections in July ther industry, nor service sec- legal battle against erection of tion of the minimum distance this project with each succes- tions were carried out under
effect) and said strong fiscal 2021 were ₹51,952 crore, lower tor GVA managed to cross pre- the twin towers on a green area requirement provided by the sive building plan. Supertech’s “the collusion between NOIDA
measures announced in the than the ₹57,725 crores col- pandemic (June 2019 quarter) and in breach of the minimum building regulations... the original building plan of June and the appellant (Supertech) to
past year-and-half, and the lected in July 2019. Even union levels in the June quarter . But distance norms. record of this case is replete 2005 provided 550 flats and 14 avoid complying with the provi-
pace of India’s vaccination excise duty collections, prima- services (12.5%) have a much The Supreme Court has also with instances which highlight towers. This was increased to sions of the applicable statutes
drive have helped faster eco- rily from sale of petroleum larger deficit vis-a-vis the June ordered prosecution of officials the collusion between the offi- 689 flats in the revised plan in and regulations for monetary
nomic recovery. The growth products, in July were lower 2019 numbers than industry of Supertech and the Noida cers of NOIDA with the appel- December 2006. The Apex and gain, at the cost of the rights of
number “reaffirms the govern- than the July 2020 figures. (6.2%). Within services, the authority under the Uttar Pra- lant and its management. The Ceyane towers with 24 floors the flat purchasers”. Asaram
ment’s prediction of an immi- The other big drag on the trade, hotel and restaurants desh Urban Development Act case has revealed a nefarious came in the third revised plan of One of the homeowners, SK
nent V-shaped recovery made
last year in August,” he said.
GDP numbers was the net
exports category, which con-
sub-sector, which is among the
largest sources of employment
for flouting the laws and acting
in collusion with each other.
complicity of the planning
authority in the violation by the
November 2009. And in the
final plan of March 2012, these
Sharma, who was an office
bearer in the RWA when the
Central government spend- tracted by a massive 282% even outside agriculture, saw the The two towers facing demo- developer of the provisions of two towers were increased from case was filed, said that his faith PLEA TO SUSPEND
ing numbers from the Control- on a year-on-year basis, thanks biggest deficit (30.2%) when lition have 915 flats of which law,” it held. 24 to 40 floors. The authority in the Indian judiciary has been
ler General of Accounts (CGA), a rise in imports (even though compared to June 2019 quarter 633 were booked. Of them, 252 The Noida authority said it also said that regulations do not restored. “It has been a tiresome HIS PRISON TERM
which works under the minis- exports increased) as economic GVA numbers. flat buyers still remain as 133 will abide with the Supreme prescribe the minimum dis- fight since 2012 but we have HT Correspondent
try of finance, show that capital activity picked up momentum Agricultural GVA grew at homebuyers have reinvested in Court judgment, adding that it tance between two towers but finally emerged victorious.
expenditure of the government compared the low levels during 4.5% in the June quarter, an other Supertech projects while will take strong action against only to the distance between Many people told us that we will
was ₹1.11 lakh crore in the quar- last year’s lockdown. And the improvement over the 3.5% 248 have taken a refund. the builder and the officers building blocks. lose in front of a such a big NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court
ter ending June compared to government’s consumption growth in June 2020. A quar- Welcoming the court’s deci- involved. According to author- Representing Supertech, sen- builder. But we did not quit and on Tuesday declined to suspend
₹88,273 crores in the same expenditure, measured by Gov- ter-on-quarter comparison of sion, RWA president Rajesh ity’s press release, it has already ior advocate Vikas Singh cited were undeterred in our fight.” the jail term of self-styled god-
period last year. The capex ernment Final Consumption GVA numbers shows that the Rana said, “We are thankful to initiated action against the offi- other housing projects in Noida On August 4, the top court man Asaram for undergoing
momentum seems to have Expenditure (GFCE) contracted second wave affected all sec- the Indian judiciary for passing cers of the planning department which had a distance of six to had reserved its verdict on the ayurvedic treatment, observing
slowed down in the month of by 4.8% on a year-on-year basis tors. The respective contrac- the judgment in favour of the for not apprising the senior offi- nine metres between towers. He batch of pleas while observing that the crime for which he was
July (the latest available num- and 7.6% on a quarter-on-quar- tion in agriculture, industry homeowners.” cials of complete facts during added that it is the discretion of that the conduct of the Noida convicted and sentenced to life
bers), with the government ter basis. and services was 10.7%, 17.1% RK Arora, chairman of the the court proceedings. the builder to create a building authority “reeks of corruption term is “no ordinary crime at
spending ₹16,932 crore in July While GFCE measures gov- and 11.8%. Supertech Group, told HT that Affirming the judgment of block by keeping the buildings from the eyes, ears and nose”. It all”.
compared to ₹23,576 crore in ernment’s consumption What was the impact of sec- the developer will file a review the Allahabad high court of adjacent to each other or sepa- pointed out that when the home A bench, headed by justice
July 2020. expenditure, public spending ond wave of Covid-19 on the petition, asking for a reconsid- April 2014, the court ruled that rate so long as the FAR (floor buyers asked for the plan, the Indira Banerjee, dismissed Asa-
The latest GDP numbers seems to have played a role in economy? eration of the judgment to the construction was also in vio- area ratio) permits. Singh sub- authority wrote to the developer ram’s petition seeking suspen-
support the argument that the giving some boost to invest- The best way to answer this demolish the two towers. lation of the Uttar Pradesh mitted that Towers 16 and 17 on whether to share it and sion of his sentence for six weeks
pandemic, especially its second ment spending in the June question is to look at the quar- In its 140-page judgment, the Apartment Act since the con- were part of Tower 1 and had to refused to give the plan to them to pursue suitable ayurvedic and
wave has damaged household quarter. Gross Fixed Capital ter-on-quarter rather than top court was emphatic that the sent of the flat owners was not be treated as a singular block, at the developer’s behest. The alternative therapy outside
balance sheets and therefore Formation (GFCF), which year-on-year trend in the GDP construction of twin towers sought before modifying the not requiring to follow the mini- court had said that it was only Jodhpur jail where he is cur-
their purchasing power. measures investment spending numbers. There was a 16.9% flouted various building regula- plan promised to them. mum distance criteria. after the high court expressly rently lodged. “Taking an overall
Private final consumption in the economy, grew at 55.3% contraction in the June 2021 tions and that they were The bench maintained that Supertech further contended directed the authority to give view, this is not an ordinary
expenditure (PFCE) contracted in the June 2021 quarter, quarter GDP numbers com- allowed to be raised due to the construction also breached that there was no question of the plan that it did so. crime at all. You will get all your
by 17.4%, more than the overall against a 46.6% contraction in pared to March 2021 quarter. Noida authority’s complicity fire safety norms while depriv- seeking consent of the flat own- Amit Modi, secretary of con- ayurvedic treatment in the jail
GDP number on a quarter-on- the June 2020 quarter. While this was much lower with the developer. ing residents of ventilation, light ers in 2009 when the sanction federation of real estate devel- itself,” the bench said.
quarter basis in the June quar- “The main disappointment than the 29.7% quarter on The bench pointed out that and air, and thus their quality of plan was approved since the opers association of India for Asaram is serving varying jail
ter. Even the year-on-year comes from the contribution of quarter contraction in June the authority cleared sanction life. RWA was formed only in 2013. Western UP, said, “We can only terms, including life sentences in
numbers show that private the government sector, both 2020, when the lockdown was plans for the towers in 2009 and The court’s verdict came on a But the bench shot down all comment on this judgement two sexual assault cases.
consumption has a bigger defi- from the demand and output far more crippling than during 2012 in breach of the regula- clutch of petitions moved by these contentions, holding that once SC’s written order is avail- The self-styled godman had
cit with pre-pandemic levels. side,” said DK Srivastava, chief the second wave, it was not tions which mandates a mini- homebuyers for and against the the arguments by Supertech able. But as it seems it is unfor- challenged in the top court a
PFCE grew only 19.3% in the policy advisor at EY India. “On insignificant by any means. The mum distance of 16 metres 2014 verdict of the high court. and the authority were an “aft- tunate.” Rajasthan HC order wherein his
quarter against a 26.2% con- the demand side, GFCE con- June 2021 quarter GDP num- between two buildings whereas On April 11, 2014, the Allahabad erthought” to subvert the A CREDAI official, requesting plea seeking temporary suspen-
traction in the quarter ending tracted by 4.8%, the only bers were also lower than the it was only 9 metres in the high court had ordered demoli- requirements of minimum dis- anonymity, said, “If penalty had sion of sentences to pursue med-
June 2020. demand segment that con- September 2020 quarter num- present case. Since the height of tion of the two buildings and tance, fire safety and prior con- been imposed it would have ical treatment in Uttarakhand
Other high frequency indica- tracted. On the output side, bers, which is when the first the towers were allowed to refund of money to apartment sent of the residents. been better for realty market for was dismissed. His counsel and
tors for the month of July sug- public administration, defence, wave of Covid-19 peaked in increase from 24 floors to 40 buyers. The high court had also “A breach by the planning Noida because demolition is a senior advocate R Basant told
gest that private consumption etc showed a growth of 5.8% India. floors (121 metres) in 2012, the ordered prosecution of Noida authority of its obligation to national loss.” the bench that an interim bail for
might not have revived even over the first quarter of court said, the minimum dis- officers concerned for collusion ensure compliance with build- Thousands of homebuyers a period of two months can be
after the second wave of Cov- 2020-21, but a contraction of 5% SC ORDERS tance between two buildings with the developer. In May 2014, ing regulations is actionable at have been left in the lurch with considered for allowing the
id-19 infections. The Consumer over the first quarter of DEMOLITION OF had to be 20.45 metres under the top court stayed the demoli- the instance of residents whose their life savings stuck as sev- former to get the treatment.
Confidence Survey of RBI did 2019-20.” NOIDA TWIN TOWERS the national building code but tion after the reality firm and rights are infringed by the viola- eral prominent builders such as Senior Advocate Manish
not show any significant Given the contact intensive months, along with an interest the authority did not ensure the Noida authority moved an tion of law. Their quality of life Amrapali, Jaypee Infratech and Singhvi, representing the state,
improvement in consumer sen- nature of most service sector of 12% per annum from the date such compliance. appeal. is directly affected by the failure Unitech have failed to finish said the convict has been getting
timent between the May and activities, they have suffered of their deposits. Besides, the “The sanction for the con- The authority blamed the of the planning authority to hundreds of residential projects the best possible treatment in jail
July 2021 rounds. Indirect tax the biggest damage during the developer shall shell out ₹2 struction of Tower-16 and Tow- home buyers for complaining enforce compliance,” held the across Noida and Greater Noida. and urged dismissal of the plea.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 Sport 17

Oval’s history, Root’s form

Vinesh Phogat. AFP
call for Ashwin in playing XI
VINESH PULLS Kohli and Shastri will national selector said.
OUT MIDWAY have to change their If Ashwin gets in, his battle


tactics of picking four
pacers to include the
with Root will be keenly
watched. In Australia, the ace
spinner won the battle against
Steve Smith. In 2018, he got Ala-
Root mantra: Let
Press Trust of India
spinner in line-up
Sanjjeev K Samyal
stair Cook cheaply in both
innings of the first Test at Edg-
baston, where batting was a let-
Shami, Bumrah
go, milk the rest
down in India’s narrow loss.
NEW DELHI: There was no end to Root though will be a tougher
Vinesh Phogat’s woes as the MUMBAI: The Oval, venue of challenge.
wrestler withdrew midway from India’s fourth Test against “Ashwin likes his challenges,
the World Championship trials England, has seen some highs he’s got those variations, Sanjjeev K Samyal not Root. The England No 4 has
even as her cousin Sangeeta by spinners. Shane Warne took enough ammunition and he’s scored freely against India’s
(62kg) made a stupendous come- 32 wickets in four Tests; in his done that before. The spin third and fourth pacers as well
back after three years by sealing only Test there, Muttiah Murali- option should be the guy who MUMBAI: England skipper Joe as spinner Ravindra Jadeja.
her spot in the Indian team, here tharan captured 16 wickets. Of can give you breakthroughs and Root has stamped his authority It is why India need to change
on Tuesday. the top four wicket-takers at the pick up wickets. They tried a in the ongoing series against the bowling combination, to
All eyes were on Vinesh, who venue, two are spinners— combination for three games, it India with two Tests still left. apply sustained pressure on
was suspended by WFI earlier England left-arm Derek Under- is time he got a chance,” said Three successive hundreds in Root when Bumrah and Shami
this month for indiscipline wood (45 wkts, 10 Tests) and off- Raju. three Tests and 507 runs at an take a breather.
before being let off with a warn- spinner Jim Laker (40, 8). For Ashwin’s challenge will be average of 126.75 make for stun- His attack percentage (Att%)
ing, but she looked vulnerable Indian fans, leg-spinner BS shaking off the rust, the 34-year- ning returns. He single-hand- against Bumrah is 17.5 (99 runs
from the beginning. Vinesh, one Chandrasekhar took eight wick- old having warmed the bench edly kept England in the game off 171 balls) and Shami is 23.7
of the most successful woman ets to bowl India to a historic till now. Getting into rhythm in the first two Tests before the (86 runs off 139 balls). (Att% is
wrestlers in India, was far from win in 1971. straightaway won’t be easy. top-order rallied around him to not runs scored against balls
her dominant self in her 10-5 win If the pitch curator sticks to That is also why he had the Sur- win the third Test, levelling the faced off a bowler but the
in the opening bout against Anju tradition, spin will be a factor in rey game in the build-up to this series 1-1. attacking shots played).
in the 55kg category and did not the game starting on Thursday series. As the Indian think tank pre- While India skipper Virat
take mat against Pinki, who with the team tied 1-1. Root though is at his best, pares its strategy for the fourth Kohli has looked to attack Root
eventually sealed her place for It remains to be seen if Virat having aggregated 507 runs at Test starting on Thursday, find- with Mohammed Siraj’s incom-
the Championships, scheduled Kohli and Ravi Shastri deviate an average of 126.75. The off- ing a way to stop Root will dom- ing balls, the batsman has con-
to be held from Oct 2-10. from their tactics of picking spinner will have to bring in all inate the bowlers’ meeting. His tinued to attack the bowler (142
Anju employed the same four pacers till now in the series his guile to win this battle. record at the Oval against India runs off 203 balls –Att% 28). He
head-lock technique that Bela- tied 1-1. Cricket logic suggests Former England skipper Alec is intimidating—two hundreds has especially targeted Sharma
rus’s Vanesa had applied against off-spinner R Ashwin should get Stewart, Surrey’s long-serving in two Tests—149* in 2014 and with an Att% of 39 (62 runs off
Vinesh in the Tokyo Olympics, his first game. Even if Ravindra director of cricket, told The 125 in 2018. In the other five 82 balls). A fine player of spin,
never allowing the Asian cham- Jadeja retains his place as the Guardian that unlike the Surrey Tests, and 10 innings, he has his Att% against Jadeja is 27.8
pion play her game. Much to spin-bowling all-rounder, game Ashwin played on, the only managed three fifties. (88 runs off 169 balls).
everyone’s surprise, Vinesh did there’s a good chance India will pitch for the Test won’t offer On Tuesday, Root attributed
not take mat in the next round. “I select two spinners. much spin. England opener Joe his fine run to clear thinking. Kiwi planning
don’t know what happened to It is not just the venue that Burns was Ashwin’s captain in “My decision making probably India can learn from how New
me. It’s not injury. I felt dizzy,” could make India alter their that game. (is the key), I feel like I have Zealand stopped Root while
Vinesh said, sitting in the prac- playing eleven. Despite taking “That was seven weeks ago,” managed the innings pretty well winning the two-Test series in
tice arena. Vinesh had said she 20 wickets in the first two Tests, Stewart said. “Whatever he did throughout the course of this England before their World Test
went blank in her Olympic quar- their bowlers have not found a then will have no bearing on series… I feel like I have a nice Championship final success
terfinal and even struggled to way to check Joe Root’s prolific now, though if Burns gets a Test balance between attack and over India. The Kiwis restricted
complete a take down move. She scoring. hundred after a long time defence. I am picking the length Root to a top score of 42 in four
was still smiling but could not The bowling strategy found watching him bowl in the field, pretty well. These things pretty innings.
hide her disappointment. success at Trent Bridge—drawn I might get a pat on the back.” stand out. Hopefully I can carry Root’s percentage of attack-
“My body is not the same. I am after the last day was aban- Root was asked the Ashwin out these for the rest of this ing strokes against Tim Southee
consulting a doctor for this. doned due to rain—and Lord’s— question in Tuesday’s pre-Test series and beyond,” he said. (5.8) and Kyle Jamieson (12.1)
Maybe the Covid infection has India won by 151 runs—though media conference. shows how he was tied down.
affected my body,” she said. the England skipper has made “His record speaks for itself,” Simple tactics There was no respite against the
Sangeeta returned to the mat the difference, scoring a hun- he said. “He is a world class According to CricViz Analyst, others too.
after two knee surgeries and sur- dred in each Test. player, we have seen him score Root has been cautious against His Att% was 18.1 against
prised herself with confident vic- Kohli has pointed to pitch In his last match at the Oval, Ashwin took six wickets in the 2nd inning to help Surrey win. AP runs and take wickets against strike bowlers Jasprit Bumrah Colin de Grandhomme, 19.4
tories. She beat junior world conditions to justify keeping out us. We will certainly make sure and Mohammed Shami and against Neil Wagner, 22.7
championship silver medallist Ashwin. The off-spinner though rey to get game before this ners, Maninder Singh and Ven- much support. Ashwin was my we are prepared for the challen- successfully targeted the others. against Matt Henry and 27.2
Sanju Devi by technical superi- is in form. His record in series. He took six wickets in the katapathy Raju feel Ashwin will first choice spinner anyway; if I ges he poses coming into this Of the four times he has been against left-arm spinner Ajaz
ority and then overcame Man- England is average but experi- second innings to bowl Surrey be a handy addition to the bowl- had to play one spinner, I would Test along with the other possi- dismissed in this series, Bumrah Patel. Only against the other
isha 9-5 in the 62kg final. enced bowler is on a high after to victory. ing at the Oval as well as Old go with Ashwin,” said Manin- ble combinations India might has got him thrice but early only left-arm spinner Mitchell Sant-
The trials opened with confu- correcting his record in Austra- In the past, to adapt to Trafford, the final Test venue. der. throw at us. Ultimately, you can once—for 33 in the Lord’s sec- ner did he bat freely in the
sion when WFI president Brij- lia on the 2020-21 tour. English conditions, he has “Ideally, I would now go in Raju felt Ashwin will like the get wrapped up and end up ond innings. Lord’s Test (Att% 61.7).
bhushan Sharan Singh In seven Tests in England, played for Worcestershire and with a 3-2 pace-spin combina- bounce at the Oval. “It’s a big playing the player, but it is “He’s generally not looked to “He attacked Patel roughly
announced that only those who Ashwin has 18 wickets at an Nottinghamshire. His ability to tion. The first three pitches ground, different soil with really important to play the situ- attack Bumrah or Shami as the same as Jadeja, but was
submit a copy of their contracts average of 28.11. In the only adapt to typical English condi- helped the fast bowlers, so I can decent bounce and Ashwin has ation and play the delivery.” much as the change bowlers, unable to score against him,”
with private sponsors will be innings in which he bowled at tions showed in the World Test understand the team going in the ammunition. Basically, you Time is running out for Ash- and has been particularly suc- CricViz says while underlining
allowed to compete. Soon, it was the Oval, in 2014, he took 3/72 in Championship final against with four fast bowlers. Now the need to look for a guy who can win in more than one sense. In cessful against Ishant how Root picks the bowlers to
announced that wrestlers who 21.3 overs. New Zealand at Southampton in pitches that are there are better pick wickets. You don’t have to two weeks he will turn 35. (Sharma),” says the analyst. attack. The onus thus will be on
did not have a copy of their con- His last competitive match June when he took two wickets for batting; you might as well take five wickets, he can give These could be the final two In other words, India’s strat- India’s back-up bowlers to stop
tracts can give an undertaking was at The Oval, when he in each innings. have two spinners because your crucial breakthroughs. He is a Tests to set the record straight egy to field five bowlers has Root from running away with
that they will submit it later. played a County game for Sur- Former India left-arm spin- fast bowlers won’t get that decent bat too,” the former in England. worked against the others but the series.

Ayaz Memon BCCI calls bids for 2 new IPL teams
England series could shape Eligibility conditions
Rasesh Mandani sponsorship rights adds up to too lasted one season after their
over ₹800 crore of extra reve- contract was terminated by the
nue. “74 matches are what we BCCI, which was then legally
MUMBAI: The next edition of the PRICE AT WHICH TEAMS are promising at the moment. challenged.
Kohli’s legacy as captain
Indian Premier League (2022) When the new rights cycle kicks An arbitration award has
will feature 10 teams. Eight
WERE BOUGHT in 2023, we will try to expand to gone against the board. The new
months after the Board of Con- with an annual IN 2010 EXPANSION IN 2012 FOR 5 YEARS 94 matches a season, after con- teams are expected to be
trol for Cricket in India (BCCI) FOR 10 YEARS sulting with other cricket boards announced soon after scrutiny,
gave its approval to add two
turnover upwards
of ₨3,000cr will be
~1,700cr ~425cr regarding an expanded playing well in time for the mega auction
irat Kohli faces the most AFTER TWO HORRID denying that India start at Oval more teams to the league, bids allowed Sunrisers Hyderabad window,” the BCCI official that is likely to be held in Decem-

V challenging fortnight of
his career when the last
two Tests of this tanta-
lizing series are played out. He
will be put through a searching
on the back foot. Why the situa-
tion should be so shaky is of the
There is no dearth of experi-
ence, often touted as reason for
have been invited through a ten-
der process on Tuesday to kick-
start the league’s expansion
“The Governing Council of the
3 Consortiums
of not more
than 3 business
Sahara Warriors

~1,500cr ~2,000cr
Kochi Tuskers Base price in 2021
quoted earlier said.

Eligibility rules
BCCI has made the Invitation to
Tender more stringent this time.
The Ahmedabad-based Adani
Group, who lost out in the 2010
bidding war, are favourites to
bid again. The RP Sanjiv Goenka
examination in multiple aspects. TO DRAW LEVEL IN struggle in England. Of the 11 IPL invites bids to acquire the It is learnt that only companies group who owned the Rising
After low-to-modest run-scor- THE SERIES, THE that played at Leeds, Ishant is on right to own and operate new known to be valued at ₹1,850 expansion. We have carefully with an annual turnover Pune Supergiants franchise in
ing over a protracted period, PORTENTS HAVE his fourth tour, Kohli, Pujara, teams proposed to be introduced crore after adding new inves- built the brand over the years. upwards of ₹3,000 crore will be 2016-17 also want to make a
Kohli needs to reinvigorate his Ajinkya Rahane, Shami and to take part from IPL 2022 sea- tors—US-based RedBird Capital Just the way the existing fran- allowed to bid. Another condi- re-entry. The newly refurbished
reputation as one of the most TURNED OMINOUS. Ravindra Jadeja on their third, son,” a BCCI statement said. Partners, a couple of months chises have moved to profit mak- tion that has been added to the Narendra Modi cricket stadium
dazzling batsmen in contempo- Rohit Sharma, KL Rahul, Ris- The Invitation to Tender has back. While the Royals don’t ing, so will the new teams. IPL is bid document is a limit on not in Ahmedabad and the Atal
rary cricket. But even more than ting. This had kept the win-loss habh Pant and Bumrah on their been made available for pur- generate as much revenue as a property to stay invested in.” more than three businesses to Bihari Vajpayee Ekana stadium
runs, he needs to show tactical equation overseas in the deficit, second. This is Mohammed chase till October 5. some of the more successful come together to form a consor- in Lucknow are favourites to
nous and sharp leadership skills till that dramatic tour of Austra- Siraj’s first Test series, but he has Though the bidding regula- teams, a former IPL official who More matches tium. become home bases of the two
to quell a resurgent England side lia in 2018 and an even more been to England with the India A tions have not been made public did not wish to be named said For BCCI, expanding its most In 2010, Sahara Warriors and new teams.
that had looked so weak and explosive tour last season. From team. yet, it is learnt that the base price that the notional value of leading profitable property signals wind- Kochi Tuskers were added to the The BCCI has a set list of
easy to overcome in the absence never having won a series in Fluctuating performances— for the new teams has been set at teams like Mumbai Indians, fall gains. More teams also trans- IPL fold for a massive ₹1,700 and cities from where the winning
of star players like Ben Stokes Australia in 70 years, India had especially in the batting, where ₹2,000 crore. This is a big jump Chennai Super Kings and Kolk- late into more matches and ₹1,500 crore, respectively. While bidders get to pick one they want
and Joffra Archer when the rub- two successive victorious tours. top-order players have been los- from the ₹850 crore that Sunris- ata Knight Riders would all be more media rights revenue. As Sahara withdrew after a year cit- to call home. Apart from
ber began. The second one so remarkable— ing their wickets in the same ers Hyderabad, the last team to upwards of ₹2,500 crore. reported in this space earlier, ing bank guarantee disputes Ahmedabad and Lucknow that
If India win the series from after being bowled out for 36 and fashion repeatedly—throw up join IPL via a tender process, “We are expecting bids above next year’s IPL will be a with BCCI, the little-known list includes Pune, Visakhapat-
here, Kohli’s standing in the losing the first Test—it had the issues about preparations before paid in 2012. The base amount ₹3,000 crore for each team,” a 74-match tournament instead of Kochi consortium of seven sepa- nam, Guwahati and Cuttack
game will see a massive uptick. cricket world agog. Whether this and during the tour. Lack of a reflects the latest benchmark set BCCI official who did not wish to the usual 60. The additional rate investors remained neck among others. The full list of cit-
He will have created a magnifi- was the best Indian team ever genuine swing bowler in the by Rajasthan Royals, who are be named said. “IPL is ripe for matches at current media and deep in controversy. This team ies is not known.
cent legacy: of shaping not just went from question to truism. squad provokes a query about
the best team ever in Indian Well, almost. selection strategy. Above all, the
cricket, but possibly among the This tour of England was to absence of R Ashwin, India’s
finest in Test history.
It’s almost six years since he
became captain. Statistically —
and I am restricting this to just
determine what new heights
Indian cricket could scale. There
was the World Test Champion-
ship final, and a five Test series
most valuable player in the pre-
ceding 10 months, was flummox-
ing even if conditions were
loaded heavily in favour of fast
Tsitsipas survives Murray onslaught, Kyrgios out
Tests — Kohli is India’s most suc- against England. Only thrice ear- bowlers. Agencies come easy,” Tsitsipas said. Tsitsi- Roberto Bautista Agut made it
cessful captain. He’s not lost a lier (1971, 1986 and 2007) had This seemingly grim situation
pas, this year’s French Open run- a short stay for Nick Kyrgios, { ANDY MURRAY } WORLD NO 112
single home series. But when India won in England, so this can still be turned on its head if ner-up, took a long break before who had enough time to fit in
you think of legacy, overseas
wins carry greater weight. For
was a stellar opportunity to leave
an impact for the ages.
India play to potential in the
remaining Tests. It will need
NEW YORK: Defending champion
Naomi Osaka stretched her
the final set, frustrating Murray,
who surrendered a break in the
plenty of complaining in three
sets. Bautista Agut, the No. 18 P
India, it is winning in Australia The WTC final was a setback introspection, resolve, some Grand Slam win streak to 16 opening game. Delay tactics seed from Spain, won 6-3, 6-4,
and England. This has been the where a hardier and better pre- tweaking of tactics as well as the matches on Monday at the US brought a frosty reception at the 6-0. Kyrgios fell into a foul mood I have zero time for
team goal and has led to some
flip-flop selections, some diaboli-
pared New Zealand got the bet-
ter of India in an agonizingly
playing XI. This team has some
great wins to its credit. Yet, Kohli
Open while Greek third seed Ste-
fanos Tsitsipas struggled past
net after the match. “I have zero
time for that stuff at all and I lost
early, bickering with the chair
umpire about having to walk his
that stuff at all and I
cal tactics and some spectacular close match. would know that truly great Andy Murray in five sets. respect for him,” Murray said. towel to the corners of the court lost respect for him.
cricket: Initially by Kohli him- There was recompense to be teams can’t be mercurial and Osaka defeated Czech Marie “It’s nonsense. And he knows it.” instead of throwing it where he
self, then the likes of Cheteshwar had from the series against inconsistent so frequently. Bouzkova 6-4, 6-1 to book a sec- Tsitsipas, who plays French- wanted. He also muttered about It’s nonsense. And he
Pujara, Ishant Sharma, Moham- England. But after two horrid ond-round matchup with Ser- man Adrian Mannarino next, having to be on the court so late knows it, as well.
med Shami and Jasprit Bumrah.
With Indian cricket throwing
up skillful, wicket-taking fast
collapses at Leeds which allowed
England to draw level, the por-
tents have turned ominous. w
READ: Time for
bian qualifier Olga Danilovic.
Tsitsipas outlasted Britain’s
Murray 2-6, 7-6 (9/7), 3-6, 6-3,
said he followed ATP rules on
breaks and medical timeouts,
even as Murray questioned the
at night and Bautista Agut’s
bathroom break after the second
set. Kyrgios was penalized a first
after his first-round loss to Greek third seed
Stefanos Tsitsipas, who took a long break

bowlers in big numbers, Kohli From a neutral position, the 6-4 after four hours and 49 min- length and timing. “I’m playing serve midway through the third before the fifth and final set
had the arsenal to compete unpredictable contest has been Rishabh Pant to utes. Murray, ranked 112th, lost by the rules and sticking to what set for a repeated time violation
aggressively away from home— great advertisement for Test trust his defence more for the first time in 15 first-round the ATP says is fair,” said Tsitsi- but by then it was clear he wasn’t
often to be let down by the bat- cricket. However, there’s no US Open matches. “It didn’t pas. “Then the rest is fine.” coming back. NEW DELHI/METRO
Wednesday, September 01, 2021

6 PAGES Wednesday, September 01, 2021


Govt directs central Centre to supply more

doses to vaccinate teachers
institutions to fill up Prashant K Nanda
earlier this year.
Schools and colleges were
allowed to reopen in phases by

vacant posts by Sep ’22 The Centre seeks to vaccinate all

teachers before Teachers’ Day
on 5 September and will supply
20 million more doses in addi-
tion to the states’ quota for
August, as schools in most parts
several states including Karna-
taka, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar
Pradesh, Odisha, Gujarat and
Punjab. An expert committee
has also submitted its report to
Delhi chief minister Arvind Kej-
Prashant K Nanda Ratnoo, an expert on OBC of India have resumed physical riwal advising him to reopen
issues, and a lawyer. classes for secondary and senior schools in the national capital.
On 23 August, members of secondary students. Though immunizing teachers
In a letter to varsities, IITs, All-India OBC Students Associa- Officials from the health and has been considered a priority,
Indian Institutes of Manage- tion, and a few experts met edu- education ministries said the non-availability of vaccines for
ment and National Institutes of cation minister Dharmendra move will facilitate smooth students have been a concern.
Technology, higher education Pradhan, and he assured to look operation of physical schools, However, once covid-19 vacci-
secretary Amit Khare said insti- after the welfare of the OBC by providing a safe environment nes are available for those
tutions must strictly comply community. for both teachers and students. above 12 years by the end of Sep-
with the Centre’s decision. The In July the government had States are gradually allowing tember, the drive is expected to
higher education secretary will said that it was planning to raise schools to open for Classes IX to pick up pace. The plan to open
be monitoring the appoint- the annual income ceiling for XII. Education minister Dhar- schools for students below 12
ments every month to ensure the so-called creamy layer mendra Pradhan said the vacci- Unesco urges countries to prioritize teachers for jabbing FILE/HT years is yet to be considered as a
the target is achieved within 12 among OBCs from the existing nation drive for teachers will vaccine for them is not yet avail-
months beginning September ₹8 lakh, and expanding the ben- help the sector, which was Wednesday. to prioritize teachers in their able.
2021. efits of reservations in jobs and severely impacted since mid- While India has over 9.5 mil- inoculation drive. “While the Schools in India were closed
“I’m writing in connection FIlling up vacant seats will be a beneficial move for all FILE/HT education to more individuals. March 2020, to recover. lion teachers in schools and few protection of teachers is essen- from 15 March 2020 following
with faculty position that are Currently, 27% of government “Besides the scheme of pro- millions more in higher educa- tial for schools to reopen safely, the outbreak of the pandemic.
lying vacant, especially for heads of central institutions to ing the backlog vacancies”. jobs and seats in educational viding vaccines to every state tional institutes, a majority was just 21 out of 197 countries— Subsequently, most schools
scheduled caste (SC), scheduled send a “monthly report to the HT Mint has reviewed a copy of institutions are reserved for this month, over 20 million reported to have already been accounting for 18 million pri- started delivering lessons via
tribe (ST), other backward higher education secretary the letter. OBCs, but those with an annual additional doses of vaccine are vaccinated. Though the Centre mary and secondary teachers— online classes, but the digital
classes (OBC) and EWS category starting September apprising Out of the 8,000 vacancies, family income of above ₹8 lakh being made available. We have did not declare teachers as prioritized teachers in the first divide, especially in rural India,
in central higher education the status of action taken”. 6,500 posts of professors were are considered the ‘creamy requested all states to try to get frontline workers, some states phase of vaccination efforts. led to many students falling off
institutions, functioning under Khare asked institutions to vacant in central universities. Of layer’ and excluded from the all school teachers vaccinated immunized teachers on a prior- Another 37 countries included the grid, leading to loss in aca-
the administrative control of the include “a separate chapter in these, at least 60% were for benefits. on priority by 5 September– ity considering their role in teachers as a priority group for demic outcomes for those who
ministry of education. In order their annual report starting reserved categories, including The income is supposed to be Teachers’ Day,” health minister resuming physical classes. the second phase of vaccina- did not have access to digital
to clear the backlog, it has been 2021-22, depicting the status of 1,684 for OBCs and 1,084 SCs. raised every three years. During Mansukh Mandaviya said on Even Unesco urged countries tions,” the UN body had said devices or the internet.
decided that all central institu- filling up of backlog vacancies “Filling up vacant seats at the last revision, in 2017, the
tions should fill these vacancies in a tabular format”. Besides, universities and institutions will threshold was raised from ₹6
in a mission mode within a
period of one year starting 5
September 2021 to 4 September
institutes must have an agenda
item for every meeting of the
finance committee, board of
be good for reserved category
candidates, the community and
higher educational institutes,
lakh to ₹8 lakh. Demand for a
caste census to finalize on the
extent of reservation for OBCs
India’s first indigenous motorized wheelchair
2022,” Khare said.
The ministry has also asked
governors and board of man-
agement, “giving status and fil-
which are facing a sizable short-
age of faculty,” said Shashank
beyond the 27% has been on the
rise. vehicle for all terrains developed at IIT Madras
HT Correspondent engineering, IIT Madras, and and world-class wheelchair 600 users across 28 States in

UGC asks colleges to boost cybersecurity letters@hindustantimes,com

The Indian Institute of Technol-

has been commercialized
through a startup called ‘Neo-
Motion.’ The Startup has been
products designed and made in
India – for India and the world.”
The start-up has also devel-
India. The feedback has been
positive. The demo units are
available in 15 dealer outlets and
ogy Madras has developed co-founded by Prof. Sujatha oped and commercially four rehabilitation centres in
Prashant K Nanda also asked higher educational istry itself is speaking about the crimes point to an increasing India’s first indigenous motor- Srinivasan and an IIT Madras launched ‘NeoFly,’ a personal- major cities, pan India. With
institutions, numbering over value of technology in educa- risk across the board and more ized wheelchair vehicle that can alumnus Swostik Sourav Dash, ized wheelchair designed to our unique NeoFit system, the
50,000, to be on the guard and tion to increase access and bet- so in three sectors—education, be used not only on roads but who is the CEO of NeoMotion. enhance health and lifestyle. As entire customization is done
With online education becom- report cybersecurity incidents. ter use of resources. health and finance. even on uneven terrains. Highlighting the vision much as 18 customizations remotely, so that a well-fitting
ing a new normal, India’s apex UGC, in a letter to institu- Cybersecurity incidents have India saw a surge in cyberat- Called ‘NeoBolt’, it has a max- behind developing these prod- ensure a perfect fit to the user’s NeoFly lands at the user’s door-
higher education regulator Uni- tions, told them its effort is to been rising of late. tacks amid a rapid adoption of imum speed of 25 kmph and ucts, Srinivasan who is also fac- requirements. step.”
versity Grants Commission draw their attention and action Barracuda Networks, a digital services across the coun- travels up to 25 km per charge. ulty head, TTK Center for Reha- “NeoFly is the first Indian Further, Dash said, “Along
(UGC) has asked colleges, insti- “to strengthen cybersecurity cybersecurity firm, found more try following the lockdown It empowers wheelchair users bilitation Research and Device Wheelchair that is customised with product warranty, we pro-
tutions and universities to and to tackle the unforeseen than 1,000 spear-phishing imposed in the wake of covid-19. with a convenient, safe and low- Development (R2D2), IIT to the user. It is built to provide vide spare parts and after-sales
strengthen the cybersecurity challenges of cybercrime and attacks targeting educational About 1.16 million cases of cost mode of outdoor mobility Madras, said, “Our centre’s comfort, efficient propulsion, service so that our users can use
mechanism and put in place a develop an ecosystem for cyber institutions in India between cyberattacks were reported in when compared to cars, auto vision is to transform the disa- higher manoeuvrability and the products hassle-free. Our
cybersecurity ecosystem. security in HEIs (higher educa- July and September 2020, Mint 2020, a nearly three-fold jump rickshaws or modified scooters. bility landscape in India by cre- superior ergonomics. The immediate focus is to ramp up
This comes as India battles a tion institutions)”. HT Mint has reported in November. from 2019. NeoBolt is powered by a Lithi- ating functional and affordable motor-powered attachment, production and make NeoFly
surge in cybersecurity incidents seen a copy of the letter. The lack of awareness, tight On average, 3,137 cybersecu- um-Ion Battery that will give 25 assistive devices. How often do NeoBolt converts NeoFly into a and NeoBolt available to users
post the pandemic as several The education regulator said budgets and limited resources rity-related issues were Kms for every charge. you see a wheelchair user at a safe, road-worthy vehicle that across India. NeoFly personal-
services, including education, institutions must sensitize staff make institutions and schools reported every day during 2020, Throughout the development school, an office, a shop or a can navigate any kind of terrain ized wheelchair is available at
have shifted online. and students to the Indian easy targets for cyberattacks the Union government told Par- process, the IIT-M Researchers theatre? Wheelchair users are that we may normally encoun- Rs. 39,900 and NeoBolt motor-
Education is a key target for Cyber Crime Coordination Cen- and “unfortunately, make liament in March. collaborated extensively with typically restricted to the four ter - drive through unpaved ized add-on is available at Rs.
cyber frauds as it deals with a tre and initiatives take by the attacks more effective”, Murali In July, the Centre told Parlia- organizations and hospitals walls of their home, which streets or climb a steep gradi- 55,000. We offer convenient
huge amount of data on demo- home ministry to prevent cyber- Urs, country manager, India, of ment that “Indian Computer working among people with affects their community partici- ent. And do this comfortably as EMI options. Users can pre-
graphic and professional crimes. Barracuda Networks, said at the Emergency Response Team locomotor disability and built pation and their ability to con- it has suspensions to absorb the book their orders with us for
records of students, staff and The regulator’s directive may time. (CERT-In)... has reported that a the products factoring in their tribute to the economy.” shocks,” added Srinivasan. just Rs. 1,000 by registering on
allied education sector. It is also work as a template for the over- A government official, who total number of 394,499, experiences and making con- Further, Srinivasan said, Elaborating on the current our website.”
a big user of online financial all education sector at a time did not want to be named, said 1,158,208 and 607,220 cyberse- stant design adjustments. “NeoMotion, the start-up from status, Swostik Sourav Dash, It is estimated that around
transactions, becoming an easy usage and integration of tech- while data relating to the educa- curity incidents are observed NeoBolt was developed by a R2D2 incubated at IIT Madras, co-founder and CEO of NeoMo- three lakh wheelchairs are sold
target for cybercriminals. nology in education is going to tion sector is not readily availa- during the year 2019, 2020 and team led by Prof. Sujatha Sriniv- is here to transform the land- tion, said, “NeoFly and NeoBolt annually in India, of which 2.5
The education regulator has increase and the education min- ble, growing incidents of cyber- 2021 (up to June) respectively”. asan, department of mechanical scape through game-changing are presently being used by over lakh are imported.

Govt unveils virtual school to How can hospitality education respond to new challenges
resolve access-related issues Mariana Palmeiro
health-related data from guests,
and a more science-driven
approach, alongside input from
Prashant K Nanda The global wellness economy, alternative medicine practition-
valued at $4.5 trillion, is rapidly ers. This will see the birth of a
outpacing the growth of the new breed of wellness-focused
The Union government on global economy, with ever-in- hospitality brand, and we can
Tuesday formally launched the creasing demand attributed to expect companies outside the
virtual school concept that will several contributory factors. hospitality industry, such as
allow millions of eligible stu- Ageing populations, fast-paced ecological fitness organisations
dents outside the school system lives and high-pressure jobs are and tech-driven start-ups, to
to complete their studies with- resulting in an increase in jump on the bandwagon.
out physically attending a brick- chronic conditions, stress, Meanwhile, an online well-
and-mortar school. depression and sleep problems. ness offer will remain, even
This will be implemented People are also generally more after we can confidently step
through the National Institute conscious than ever of their foot in a hotel gym or spa with-
of Open Schooling (NIOS) but mental and physical well-being, out concerns. They will become
will be entirely digital in nature, and are increasingly open to an customer-centric and more tar-
said education minister Dhar- expanding range of available geted, offering support to clients
mendra Pradhan. The government is pushing for digital adoption in learning FILE/HT treatments provided outside of before, during and after their
The availability of digital standard healthcare systems. hotel stays to ensure a seamless
schooling will benefit those who the results will also be declared comes, themes and chapters Add in the impact of covid on The pandemic facilitated the transition of the hospitality industry to digitization FILE/HT and rounded offer, and serve as
are out of the existing system, digitally. taken from syllabus or text- our health, freedom and access a reminder to return.
the minister said. According to NIOS, the vir- book”. to the people and things we amenities than other guests, placed on relaxation, fitness and As the world begins its recovery The Covid-19 pandemic facili-
The move underscores the tual school is like an online plat- He said the National Educa- love, and our personal well-be- and that’s only going to rise in rejuvenation by all department from the pandemic, the demand tated the adoption of digitiza-
government’s push towards form “with a mission to enable tion Policy has suggested the ing has never been more central the ‘new normal’. managers. for wellness tourism will con- tion in the hospitality industry
increasing adoption of technol- access to affordable, world-class adoption of digital and physical to our behaviour as consumers. In a 2020 consumer survey by tinue to increase, supporting and has opened multiple
ogy in the education sector. education to enhance learning modes of education and his Wellness tourism is one of the World Tourism Association, Integrating wellness people’s quests to live longer employment opportunities for
“This school is a new model outcomes”. ministry is trying to build the the leading revenue growth a quarter of respondents said into new hotel design and healthier lives. Hotels and the newly graduates. The global
of learning and is an example Students will “attend live required infrastructure and areas in the wellness economy. they will focus their first post- Hotel developers need to ensure spas have the infrastructure and crisis has also given the tradi-
how leveraging technology and interactive classes, watch enabling environment to offer Consumers travelling for both pandemic trip on wellness, with that wellness-focused environ- service culture to help guests tional hospitality industry a
innovation can facilitate greater recorded sessions, submit tutor education in all three modes— work and leisure purposes want 78% indicating that they already ments and experiences are pri- find these wellness solutions chance to innovate reinvent and
inclusion in education,” Prad- marked assignments (TMAs), physical, digital and hybrid. to access well-being services include wellness activities when oritised in their designs. When and maintain their new habits transform itself. This means
han said. “The school is the assessments and exams”. The pandemic has led to a when they stay in hotels, and for travelling. booking, guests are making pro- when they travel. The recovery institutes offering hospitality
first-of-its-kind initiative in The virtual or digital school surge in the adoption of tech- a growing percentage of travel- The impact of the pandemic, active choices to align their stay of many hotels will derive from degrees must adapt to the
India, which will provide will also offer certifications to nology in delivering education. lers, it’s the primary reason for combined with the increasing with their lifestyle habits, hotels embracing these new guest changing times and offer aca-
advanced digital learning plat- enhance student employability To be sure, just 24% of Indian their trip. The Global Wellness appetite for improved wellness, should be seizing this opportu- needs and demands, or simply demic knowledge along with
forms via virtual live class- and may be offered access to job households have internet con- Institute defines these individu- presents a substantial opportu- nity to support their guests’ by capturing a more active, training in hard and soft skills.
rooms and labs, etc.” boards and job portals for nections to access e-education, als as primary wellness tourists nity for hoteliers to benefit wellbeing, to both improve the wellness-driven market seg- Guidance and training given at
School education secretary career-related issues. and there is a large rural-urban and they make up 11% of the from, and broaden, their well- customer experience and build ment. graduation level, paired with
Anita Karwal said students’ Pradhan also unveiled an and gender divide that is likely wellness tourism market. being offer. More than a consid- stronger relationships. Most general hospitality the industry’s evolving require-
assessments and examinations alternative academic calendar to widen the learning gap across “The impact of the pandemic, eration, wellness should now be Whilst traditionally we may brands will begin to provide tai- ments, prepare today’s youth to
will also happen via remote developed by the National high, middle and low-income combined with the increasing a theme that pervades every have viewed the spa as a hotel’s lored services for this new mar- be tomorrow’s leaders.
proctoring under this initiative. Council of Educational families, as per a Unicef report appetite for improved wellness, department, from F&B and wellness facility, wellness is ket, bringing the offer into hotel
She said that students in Classes Research and Training (NCERT) released in August 2020. presents a substantial opportu- guest services, to room design becoming integrated into other rooms and focusing on the The author leads the consultancy
9 to 12 will have options to join a to “facilitate teachers and par- The education ministry also nity for hoteliers to benefit and even the hiring of new staff areas of the guest stay, and this holistic customer experience. and advisory company Well Culture
virtual school. In such schools, ents to assess the progress in unveiled an initiative to boost from, and broaden, their well- with additional fitness/well-be- will continue to progress in a Other more niche operations and is also the co-founder of Field, a
classes will be conducted virtu- the learning of children. This early childhood learning from being offer.” ing skillsets. As customer post COVID-19 world. and destinations will introduce brain-driven wellness company. She
ally but will be activity based, initiative contains week-wise preschool to Class 5 to improve Prior to COVID-19, health- expectations of a hotel experi- wellness therapies with doctors is also a visiting lecturer at both
textbook based and experiential plan of “challenging activities, literacy and numeracy skills conscious travellers already ence rapidly evolve, a greater The future of hospitality on hand, offering medical tests Glion Institute of Higher Education
in nature, she said, adding that with reference to learning out- among early graders. spent up to 130% more on hotel emphasis should be being education and examinations to collect and Les Roches
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

What have we learnt about neuro- Two-week preparation strategy to ace the NEET 2021
diversity during the pandemic Saurabh Kumar NTA’s amendments towards
this year’s exam, the pen &
the toughest of all sections for
them with plenty of numerical
clear concept base. tions in quick time.
Reena Gupta paper (offline) mode of the and concept-based questions. In Go for NCERT text books General tips
After the confirmation of the exam will consist of four sec- biology, zoology was found to Choosing the best and simple Having a shorter span of time,
National Testing Agency (NTA) tions (physics, chemistry, bot- be easier than the botany sec- study material will assist in aspirants need to quickly ana-
Neurodiversity has gained a lot and central Government’s deci- any and zoology). Each subject tion. Even though highly com- strengthening the concepts and lyse their preparedness and
of attention recently. More voi- sion to conduct the NEET UG will consist of 2 sections A & B petitive scoring is necessary to NCERT text books are always focus for the Go for the upcom-
ces, better representation, examinations on 12 September, with compulsory 35 questions get the college of choice, it is the first priority instead of refer- ing NEET exam. The following
increased social media plat- aspirants are already ramped in section A to attempt, section important to be prepared right ring to too many books. aspects will assist them towards
forms have moved the lens up for a cut-throat competition. B in all the subjects will have an from today and understand Since NEET syllabus for the betterment of their competi-
towards neurodiverse learners – It is evident from past years that option to attempt any 10 ques- what and how to study within physics section has almost tiveness during the D-day.
amongst students and profes- around 16 lakh applicants enter tions out of 5, providing some the given time. equal weightage from both Consistent revision - Consist-
sionals, alike. Tesla CEO Elon for the pragmatic race for sigh of relief. This make the Class XI and XII, in order to ent revision is the key as of now,
Musk’s recent revelation of hav- admissions into 1.5 lakh seats exam a total of 180 questions Physics: A potential enhance the preparation out- that will play a major role in
ing Asperger’s Syndrome fueled across various medical colleges combined, which need to be nightmare for many comes, focus wisely to cover all deciding the performance. It is
the dialogue around the topic. in India. completed within 3 hours, the Having a wide range of mathe- the topics. Though mechanics advised that aspirants must
In fact, to write this article is With hardly a month left, the total marks being unchanged matical problems and theoreti- seems to be a low soring topic revise all the topics and chap-
also one of the live examples of Students with disabilities need to feel empowered SHUTTERSTOCK medial aspirants are already on (720). cal questions, physics is still a (suggested by various experts) ters that they have already stud-
it being an area of increased the verge of top-notch prepara- Comparatively, many aspi- nightmare for many NEET aspi- but carries almost a major 35% ied in order to remember them
interest. Interestingly enough, some look for resources. tion strategies. Aspirants rants last year suggested that rants and find it hard to clear share in terms of marks alloca- for a longer time. Weekly revi-
But why now? What has students with disabilities and expecting a tougher competi- the overall difficulty level was this section. tion, and thus is a must topic. sion of all the subjects enhances
changed? Did the ongoing pan- neurodiverse needs have Bottomline tion this year are at a forefront moderate with physics being When one opts for biology in Other scoring topics include the conceptual clarity thereby
demic situation trigger it? thrived on online learning. Many students with disabilities in preparing a smart work plan class XI, the learning approach electricity & Magnetism, Optics aiding them for a better per-
March 2020! The world of At-home learning proved to be and neurodiverse needs were towards success by covering the LEARN & REVISE is of better assistance for the helping in betterment of the formance and ranking.
education came to a halt! With a superior to its “physical classes” not equipped with tools to inde- entire syllabus on time. Pro- aspirants with the botany and overall scores without any diffi- Speed up on accuracy – Tak-
crisis like situation, it was counterpart for these learners. pendently address their own vided the high stakes nature of
FORMULAS zoology section but devoid of culty. ing regular mock tests will help
quickly established that tech- Flexibility of schedules, no learning needs, in an unfamiliar the exam amid the pandemic, CONSISTENTLY AS mathematics as a subject, Learn & revise formulas con- in betterment of completing the
nology could be the only lifeline direct peer pressure along with situation. Not that the other stu- radar of nervousness and anxi- THE PHYSICS understanding the application sistently as the physics section sections well within the stipu-
for students – neurotypical and the emotional comforts of home dents were prepared; but since ety has clouded over the minds of concepts in problem solving involves more of mathematical lated time duration. After revis-
neurodiverse alike - some of environment worked for them. students with specific learning of the aspirants. Beating out
SECTION TENDS TO and lack of practical edge and numerical questions, the ing the topics aspirants must
whom were at a critical junc- It became easier for them to needs are uniquely vulnerable stress is one of the best possible HAVE MORE towards the preparation plan best trick is to learn the formu- take up as many mock tests as
ture of their college and career reach out to their teachers and to stress and anxiety, the dis- ways to focus efficiently on the NUMERICAL AND may pull you back to success- las on regular basis by making possible in order to better up
choices. While that period professors, who were willingly ruption in daily structure spe- revision plan. fully solve physics section. It is short hand notes. their speed.
surely gave a business boost to spending extra hours learning cifically exacerbated their abil-
MATHEMATICAL thus of very much importance This will help the aspirants
many ideas lost in the hum- new technological aids to make ity to focus and continue to What’s new this year QUESTIONS to devote more time for this sec- with an upper edge will The author is Academics Director,
drum of daily work and ‘work- every teaching session count for learn without direct interven- It is known by now that the tion while preparing and have a attempting concept-based ques- Vidyamandir Classes
ing-on-it’ priority status, the each student, with or without tion and support facilities.
need for quick revival of learn- learning differences. Moreover, This brings us to two impor-
ing at educational institutions
led to innovations far beyond.
Millions of learners across the
with the fact that neurodiverse
people tend to be more techno-
logically inclined and detail ori-
tant questions – do we think of
preparing our students with dis-
abilities to be independent and
Podcasting is the future of knowledge delivery in youth
world were left in lurch when ented, some of them experi- be future-ready? Do these stu-
the pandemic had started. Sens- enced the situation as a blessing dents have a platform to advo- Dushyantt Kohli India is 1.4 billion, and 1.1 billion forms with a variety of content. sidering the 19,500 different lan- empowering students from
ing a huge need and market, the in disguise. cate for themselves? have mobile devices or smart- Moreover, with the fast adapta- guages/dialects prevalent in our even the remotest parts of India
technology providers reignited On the other hand, it’s been a Students with disabilities phones. Out of 1.1 billion people, tion of digital content consump- country. It is because audio con- to receive a quality education.
their ‘under-construction’ ideas heavy lift for others who must need to feel empowered and In the ancient times, audio was 622 million are active internet tion and impressive growth of tent is faster to create and can When it comes to passive learn-
at full throttle and revived the manage through their learning parents more energized to self- the only means by which people users. That makes 43% of the OTT platforms in the past two be accessed in a low-bandwidth ing, audio has its peculiar bene-
learning in schools and colleges. challenges without the struc- advocate and to communicate learned and passed on learning. population. All these people years, people got habitual of area even on a basic mobile fits ensuring that students get a
As it turns out, many of these tured approach they had learnt confidently about their needs. In fact, even before the TV was using the internet can listen to consuming content on their phone, unlike other mediums holistic understanding and
‘under-construction’ ideas had all these years. Moreover, it was realized that invented, wireless radio com- audio as all it requires is a basic personal devices at the time of where the screen plays an more time for learning. Audio
an origin in accessibility for stu- Many of them had to sud- training in technological solu- munication was a part of every- mobile handset and minimal their choice. important role. contents can also be easily
dents with disabilities. Some of denly work much harder to tions during and post pandemic day life to communicate and internet bandwidth. Consider- At the same time, knowing understood by anyone; includ-
these firms were already work- adapt to new situations and is a necessity for effective life- share information. ing the convenience of minimal the ill effects of increasing Benefits of podcasts/ ing children.
ing on educational technology stressors with the constraints of long learning. Students can then Cut to today. infrastructural need to be able screen time, people are now audio content For ages, listening has been a
products to make learning eas- available resources. Not every- use their distinctive strengths to Can audio still playing a vital to consume audio content and turning to audio content espe- So, the podcast-based platforms key element in the learning
ier for neurodiverse learners. one’s home environment is con- create a niche for themselves role in literacy? Will listening to fast-growing internet penetra- cially for gaining knowledge or audio content are addressing process. But when compared to
Within a few weeks into lock- ducive to learning and the para- and not always try to ‘fit-in’. audio or podcasts help students tion in tier 3 and 4 markets of and fulfilling their learning the digital learning need-gap conventional formats such as
down, the complete social cut- phernalia required to be able to With the world beginning to become better readers? Or will India, one can appreciate that need through podcasts, audio- with their innovation-driven radio, interactivity has also
off led the technological prod- access online classes is not re-open, the shift to a somewhat it simply be a more passive way the potential of content con- books, etc. In fact, India’s pod- approach. These are bringing become a significant feature of
ucts to be elevated into ‘immedi- available to all. Using advanced familiar, yet another kind of to consume content. Currently, sumption through audio is bet- cast market is growing at 34.5% about the desired change, cater- this digital advancement. Audio
ate’ priority. technological tools also needed uncertainty and unpredictabil- research highlights that a grow- ter. Therefore, the opportunity CAGR and will continue to grow ing to a large number of content is mostly engaging and
Following this, various tech- training. ity is set to pose a new kind of ing number of young minds are and possibility of audio-led digi- at the same rate till 2023 as per learners, especially from the has the potential to increase the
nological products were further Many educational institu- challenge to the neurodiverse choosing to listen to audio sto- tal education in our country are a KPMG report. rural parts of India, who are concentration power of the stu-
designed, detailed out for neu- tions went ahead with online community. However, this time ries or content, when traveling immense. Moreover, the demand for only acquainted with vernacu- dents. Overall, it has made
rotypical learners too and classes without paying any heed hopefully, the unnecessary bar- or in their leisure time, instead Let’s take a look at another audio content in Indian regional lar languages. On the other learning an easy and joyful
released in the market. Students to their specific needs. School riers to learning, literally and of reading books. aspect; 850 million people are languages has increased consid- hand, it is also true that people experience. The cost-effective-
were back into their classes and teachers and college professors metaphorically, will be Having said that, now the below 35 years old and 70% of erably in the last few years. The enjoy listening to the news and ness of podcasts is also an
the ‘new normal’ of online edu- didn’t know what to do when it removed. Let neurodiversity question that arises here is, can them live in rural India. If we pandemic-induced lockdown stories in their regional langua- added advantage.
cation was invented. came to address a specific learn- prevail, in its positive avatar! audio learning become the talk about educating this lot, has been a driving factor. Now ges. Thus, audio content pro- Therefore, the large-scale
To quote Haben Girma, disa- ing challenge of a student in the future of knowledge delivery for digital mediums with a focus on more people are opting for pod- vides that benefit and can be adoption of audio content can
bility rights lawyer and activist, online mode. Students didn’t The author is Educational Thera- these young and growing audio platforms are the way for- casts that offer relevant content easily tapped via various digital be the ‘revolution in education’
“Disability is an opportunity for know what to ask for, whom to pist, Director, Office of Learning minds? ward. in regional languages for devices which is an added in India. And so, we must
innovation.” approach for training, where to Support, Ashoka University At present, the population of e-learning and entertainment advantage. rethink education and develop
Rising demand for audio purposes. There is also a wide range of more innovative ways of learn-
content Further, considering the big- options available to choose ing with audio in mind. This
At present, India is witnessing a ger challenge of infrastructure from according to the listening format is already showing its
rapid digital revolution. A large and limited availability of interests and needs of people potential to cater to the needs of
part of our country’s population resources to the rural popula- like educational, inspirational, digital learning. It has paved its
is getting accustomed to the use tion of India, audio is becoming news, stories, entertainment, way in delivering knowledge for
of several digital platforms. the most convenient way of con- and so on. All these are enough India’s diverse, young and
Access to smartphones and suming content for any pur- to provide the required expo- growing brains.
affordable mobile data has pose. Similarly, for education, sure that anyone might need.
acted as a catalyst in this proc- audio has the potential to pro- It is not just eliminating the The author is co-founder & Chief
ess. It has flooded online plat- vide maximum coverage, con- language barrier, but further Operating Officer, Khabri

EDUCATION/ ADMISSIONS Basic online certifications can help one

acquire diverse skills to boost their profile
P C Chhabra panies like Google, as well as
other US companies. It will also
lead you to a hike in your posi-
The new era of digital space has tion or new job opportunity.
changed the environment to
think and work, getting gradua- Foreign language
tion certificates from university Everyone looks for a hike and
is not sufficient nowadays to get good opportunity in their career
employable in today’s competi- which may lead you to a hand-
tive market. Enhancement in some amount as per your
skills with a new set of online desire, therefore this can be
certificate courses as per the achieved if you get some new
choice will give your career a language in your resume. There
power booster whether you are are many multinational compa-
a fresher start-up or looking to nies where they hire candidates
advance your next level for pro- having their command over
motion. preferred foreign language; this
There is a huge demand for Pursuing a certification course gives an added advantage FILE/HT can be beneficial to those who
technical certificate courses like are having certified courses in a
IT certifications. This adds up as follows: Pursuing a certification course different language. This makes
MD/ MS MBBS NEET-UG/PG Coaching your value while approaching with an advanced excel course your profile different from other
Guidance Admission Pvt/Govt College
NRI Foreign Mgnt Quota Ind/Abroad any company which demon- Digital marketing will give you a good chance to candidates as well as makes you
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& Consulting Center Ph: 7827251689 towards your chosen work. tion course in the market is digi- course will lead you to grab the growth.
Nowadays, there is a queue in tal marketing which is prefera- knowledge in Excel as well as
EMPLOYMENT front of companies for getting ble to lead online business other Microsoft office knowl- Graphic designing
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ACCOUNTS/FINANCE therefore having some unique strategies. Every company secure your jobs in the company
qualities in your resume will wants to acquire a brand pres- Google Analytics where digital or production
REQUIRED FRESHER Article make you compete against ence digitally for generating The course given by Google is work is done such as video pro-
Audit Asstt/ A/C Asstt 12th Pass/ other candidates. additional revenues and secur- always a good career opportu- duction company, Media Com-
Doing B.Com. Contact :-9899065713. Due to the COVID situation, ing a good financial position in nity where a degree or experi- pany, film production, etc. This
Email :-
many companies have faced the market. This is the course ence is not required much as course will help you to under-
financial issues which turn out where one gets too familiar with this certified training course is stand the basics of designing
SALES & MARKETING to shut down companies perma- digital tools of traffic increasing provided by Google itself. The tools like image-maker, color
URGENTLY REQUIRED field nently. and sales on webpage. There is USP of pursuing this course is shaping, GIF, technical tools,
executives for Real estate company This situation gave birth to high demand in the market for getting the opportunity to learn typography, etc. The main thing
age-20-40yrs salary 12k to 15k + scarcity of employment and digital marketing job profiles in new things from Google which makes anyone a graphic
office at Rohini Contact Mr.
Dushyant Goyal 9810027832. race to get worthy employment. almost all sectors of the econ- employees who are masters in designer is understanding basic
The situation of uncertainty omy. So utilizing this skillful data analytics. Data analytics principles of shapes, color, and
WORK FROM HOME arises in the market but getting certification course(s) will lead certification course comprises pattern which can be under-
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EXCELLENT OPPRTUNITY Work priority in everyone’s life, there- growth in the career. structuring the data for predict- you want to make a career in
From Home,if you have a good Hand fore, making oneself a deserving ing or giving the conclusion for this field, you can learn the new
Writing then U can Earn 50,000/- to
1,00,000/-per month. Call Now # candidate for securing a job in Advanced Excel any decision-making work; the techniques and basic things
9599178317, 9811730307 (Ltd. Seats) the company needs little extra Microsoft Excel is well known duration of the course is less during this certification course.
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Some online certification work if you are looking for an and pass this course, you can The author is Executive Director,
courses to boost your career are Analyst or Business profile role. directly apply to work in com- Sanskriti University

New advanced executive programme in cybersecurity

Simplilearn, a global digital program has been designed to basics of cybersecurity. With Learners will also be offered a
skills training provider, meet the skills requirement of 90+ hours of learning, the pro- virtual internship with NPCI
announced its partnership with mid-level management profes- gram consists of a comprehen- along with 3-4 mentoring ses-
IIIT Bangalore and National sionals working in banking, sive curriculum co-created by sions by NPCI experts. Upon
Payments Corporation of India cybersecurity, and finance IIIT Bangalore and Simplilearn completion, learners will
to offer an advanced executive domains who come with prior that focuses on industry-rele- receive a completion certificate
program in cybersecurity. The technical knowledge on the vant skills in cybersecurity. from IIIT Bangalore. HTC
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021 03
Higher education in regional The pandemic has yielded
more than a learning crisis
languages may not be easy Rohan Sandhu

A plethora of recent articles

“provide them five hours of pos-
itive energy.” This aspect of her
job will only become more
important post the pandemic.
bureaucracy finds. Instead,
Honig finds motivation-driven
reforms to be more effective:
empowering agents and spark-
Parul Gupta For this purpose, the All India tion technology; however, cod- have called for reopening Much of the recent commen- ing internal motivation through
Council of Technical Education ing, which primarily uses schools and addressing the tary also seems to take teachers supportive practices like giving
(AICTE) has launched an artifi- English syntax, would require learning crisis, particularly in for granted, expecting them to employees autonomy.
A quick search on YouTube, cial intelligence-powered tool to faculty training for the satisfac- developing countries. These seamlessly transition to new While the word ‘re-imagine’
home to several educational translate books, academic jour- tory delivery of regional-lan- recommendations share several pedagogies and practices as has often been used for educa-
channels, reveals a high viewer- nals and videos. However, qual- guage instruction. There are common elements—most nota- schools reopen. It’s problematic tion, the first step is to trans-
ship count for content explain- ity control of these translations also globalization trends to con- bly, the need to prioritize early- to ignore, however, that teach- form governance. Covid may
ing math and science concepts will be of utmost importance to sider. The NEP encourages the grade learning or foundational ers have inhabited the same have sparked some bright spots.
in Hindi and other Indian lan- keep semantic irregularities at internationalization of educa- skills. Economist Karthik universe these past 18 months The pandemic has invigorated
guages. This indicates substan- bay. We need further efforts in tion by facilitating the move- Muralidharan writes, “A large while also having to acquire what Hannon et al call “local
tial demand for vernacular-lan- linguistics and machine learn- ment of faculty across borders, body of evidence highlights the new skills to perform their day- learning ecosystems”, with
guage educational material. ing to serve the cause. but regional-medium students importance of early years in the to-day jobs. Even in the US, Eliz- stronger partnerships among
Several edtech startups have Also, industry placements of may be unable to reap the bene- formation of human capital and abeth Steiner and Ashley Woo local stakeholders (students,
also tapped this market. graduates trained in regional fits of knowledge transfers on our school opening priorities find that teachers reported teachers and others). As Emili-
In this year’s Independence languages might remain a ques- account of a language barrier. should reflect this.” Mary more frequent job-related stress ana Vegas and Rebecca Win-
Day speech, Prime Minister tion mark. Many public sector Finally, delivering technical Goretti Nakabugo, writing on and symptoms of depression throp write, “Schools at the cen-
Narendra Modi highlighted pro- Small children quickly grasp new languages GETTY IMAGES/VETTA units accept Graduate Aptitude courses in regional languages behalf of the RISE Community than the general adult popula- ter of a community ecosystem
posed reforms under The Test in Engineering (GATE, con- may prevent students from of Practice, reinforces this, tion. The primary stress points of learning and support is an
National Education Policy (NEP) science and math, in particular, “mother tongue versus English” ducted in English) scores for competing in global labour and while also emphasizing the included modes of instruction idea whose time has come.”
and emphasized the use of has been found to be better paradigm towards a “mother entry-level positions. Given the education markets, where flu- “urgent need to measure chil- and health. Research from Chile Appropriately, Pratham Educa-
regional languages for instruc- among students studying in tongue plus English” approach. already lamentable employabil- ency in English yields a distinct dren’s learning levels.” It is hard similarly concludes that teach- tion Foundation’s Rukmini
tion at the primary and higher their native language compared Research in cognitive psychol- ity of college-educated individu- edge. A lack of opportunities for to dispute the technical correct- ers’ perception of their quality Banerji and the Centre for Pol-
education levels. This focus has to English, other things being ogy has shown that small chil- als, studying in a regional lan- Indian students at the interna- ness of these directives. of life has reduced since the icy Research’s Yamini Aiyar
led to the launch of technical equal. Further, educational psy- dren quickly grasp new langua- guage could further inhibit job tional level may prove counter- Research previously found that pandemic, owing to work over- highlight the role of local inno-
courses in five Indian languages chology literature reports addi- ges, given their neuroplasticity opportunities, sharpening productive to the policy aim of there exists a ‘100-year gap’ in load, loneliness and covid-re- vations and call for decentrali-
by 14 engineering colleges for tional benefits of instruction in in early years; hence this is an India’s language divide and bridging the gap between elites the education attainment of lated fears. zation—greater financial
the new academic year. While the native language, including appropriate age to be exposed going against the envisioned and the rest. As mentioned developed versus developing Now, from an administrative resources, expenditure discre-
imparting primary education in higher attendance and motiva- to a foreign language as a goal of instilling confidence in above, this also goes against the countries. School closures over perspective, imagine how pro- tion and autonomy to make
native languages has docu- tion among students and means of communication. students from disadvantaged vision of promoting the interna- the past 18 months have likely posals to make foundational decisions at the school level.
mented benefits, it is yet to be improved parental involvement As for higher education, backgrounds. tionalization of education. widened this gap. However, learning a priority might play Our learning crisis is undeni-
seen whether it is practical to and support in studies, possibly while the launch of engineering Another bottleneck may be The language policy of the from an implementation point out. My recent research on ably real. But the language we
precipitate a regional-medium because of familiarity with the courses in regional languages the availability of faculty for NEP has attracted bouquets as of view, we must put these rec- project management units in use to implement reforms is
shift in higher education, espe- mother tongue. This is espe- can narrow the divide in access regional-medium courses. well as brickbats, and the intro- ommendations in perspective. education departments in crucial. If reopening schools is
cially in the face of a largely dys- cially relevant for disadvan- to higher education between the Given the English-medium leg- duction of higher education We are faced with more than Indian states offers some framed just in terms of a learn-
functional public education sys- taged students such as first-gen- marginalized and the privi- acy of higher education in India, courses in regional languages is a ‘learning’ crisis. A recent sur- insight. ing crisis, we are likely to ignore
tem. eration learners, who may feel leged, this path is paved with attracting and retaining quality a particularly contentious issue. vey commissioned by the Well-meaning foundations the massive social and emo-
Several studies in India and intimidated by unfamiliar con- practical concerns. These chal- teachers who are willing and A holistic approach is war- Lemann Foundation in Brazil and consulting firms will get tional crises students and teach-
other Asian countries suggest a cepts in an alien language. lenges may explain Indian Insti- able to teach in regional langua- ranted and the implications of finds that school closures have involved and reinforce the top- ers face. Poorly designed gov-
positive impact on learning out- The arguments above do not tutes of Technology (IITs) shy- ges would be a challenge. The native-language instruction in had adverse effects on chil- down structure of bureaucra- ernance structures focusing on
comes for students at schools preclude the teaching of English ing away from it. The foremost AICTE, for example, has an increasingly globalized dren’s sociability, psychology, cies, create new assessment sys- thin metrics will only exacer-
using a regional medium, com- as a language. In the words of challenge is the availability of approved regional language world need deep deliberation and health. tems, impose new remediation bate this.
pared to their English medium Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu, study material such as text- teaching for disciplines such as for India to achieve its equity Children have gained weight, requirements and implement As schools reopen, the imme-
counterparts. Performance in we need to move from a books and scholarly literature. computer science and informa- objectives. become sadder, lonelier, more management information sys- diate focus should be to ensure
afraid, and at least a third have tems and accountability mecha- access, both to get students back
lost interest in school. Other nisms to ensure that frontline in class and prevent drop-outs,

The class divide that threatens to thwart our growth goals research points to a web of
socioeconomic and emotional
turmoil generated by the pan-
officials comply. In bureau-
cratic systems steeped in the
language of compliance, even
as the pandemic’s effects con-
tinue to play out. School sys-
tems must prioritize addressing
demic: job losses, economic well-intentioned formative the social, emotional and
Anurag Behar required. I hope that at least middle-class homes (especially instability, fear of the virus, assessments end up taking the health-related challenges of
these people will get their act upper) have better access to dig- domestic violence and social form of high-stakes exams covid. Simultaneously, we must
together before schools open. ital tools, which are augmented isolation. among teachers, students and recalibrate structures of govern-
Which class do you go to? I But what is going on? by personal tutoring and other Even in normal times, officials. ance by empowering frontline
asked him. I don’t go to school, The inflexibility and poor learning resources. Critically, schools represent much more It is critical to be mindful of agents and local stakeholders.
he said. Why? Why should I go, coordination of our system is these students also have the than their pedagogic function, the norms and cultures of exist- This will foster the culture
I like to play. Before the pan- stalling the alignment of all ele- support of family members. So, especially in high-deprivation ing systems before trying to needed to facilitate a solution to
demic, you were going to ments needed for the recovery their loss of learning has been contexts. A teacher from a gov- superimpose new requirements the learning crisis..
school? Yes, class 3; now the of lost learning as top priority. less. Even more importantly, ernment school in Delhi once on them. Top-down, control-
school is shut any way. But Such a sudden, all-encompass- these children go to schools that told me how she thought of her- driven systems are rarely suc- The author is former associate
today they have opened, so why ing crisis has never confronted are well resourced; parents self as a “social worker”. Given cessful in inducing perform- director at the International Inno-
won’t you go? I will not go. With our system ever before. Both expect these schools to ensure her students’ socioeconomic ance, as economist Dan Honig’s vation Corps and currently at the
that, he lost patience, riding his these are part explanations. As that a substantial part of the backgrounds, her role was to work on mission-driven Harvard Kennedy School
cycle recklessly fast in the mon- is the poor grasp of many lead- loss is recovered with the extra
soon slush of clean mud just ers of the scale and depth of this efforts that their resources ena-
outside the school compound. I
went in.
On that first day of school
emergency, fed by their discon-
nection from ground reality
along with an unwillingness to
ble once they reopen.
India’s top 10% are not
engulfed by this crisis as far as
New strides in quantum computing
after a 16-month hiatus, 50% listen to those on the real front- they understand. So, most of HT Correspondent in India. participating agencies. It was
children had been called from a line. them either don’t notice or are Besides, the QSim toolkit is in supported & funded by MeitY.
few batches, with classes held in Indian education is ablaze with a pandemic-induced crisis PTI But, with Indian education apathetic to the ravaging of the alignment with Prime Minister QSim allows researchers and
an open corridor. The state had ablaze with a crisis which even educational future of 210-220 The Ministry of Electronics and Narendra Modi’s vision for students to write and debug
let panchayats decide whether systemic effort to recover this pen? Even the few states that the deaf can hear, blind can see, million children. Many are pro- Information Technology transforming India into a self- Quantum Code that is essential
or not to open local schools; this lost learning. This learning loss are trying to address this matter and the heat of which would active in countering actions (MeitY), Government of India, reliant nation by 2022, which is for developing quantum algo-
one had decided to re-begin. I is the product of two factors: are doing so in a grossly inade- awaken the dead, how can the towards the most fundamental has launched the country’s first part of the central government’s rithms. QSim equips research-
sat with class 9. what should have been taught quate manner. Not recovering country be this delusional? requirement for any solution in ‘Quantum Computer Simulator flagship programme called ers to explore quantum algo-
When did you last come to and learnt in the past 17 months this lost learning undermines The answer is not compli- this situation—that after (QSim) Toolkit’ on August 27. Aatma Nirbhar Bharat. It is a rithms under idealised condi-
school? I asked. March 2020. and what children knew in all future education of our chil- cated. Our actions and inac- schools open, many months or Quantum computing is a rap- proud moment for the entire tions and assists them in
What class were you in then? March 2020 but have forgotten dren. Do we need any fancy rea- tions, and narratives, are under- perhaps the entire year must be idly emerging computational QSim Toolkit team, who have making necessary arrange-
Class 7. What do you remember because of an extended school soning or research to under- girded by a class divide. spent on recovering lost learn- paradigm which can perform a worked relentlessly on the initi- ments for experiments to run
from class 7? Squeals of laugh- break. stand that if a child has not Of India’s 250 million school ing. They raise the bogey of a variety of tasks with greater ative to enable a toolkit for on actual quantum hardware.
ter ricocheted across the group, This learning loss in all its learnt the class 6 syllabus and children, perhaps 20-30 million ‘lost year’. In this cruelly ironic speed and efficiency than advancing Quantum Computing QSim can serve as an essential
with two boys at the back actu- severity was anticipatable and is forgotten much of what she children have continued with a equation, the lost future of 210- present day digital computers research in India. educational/research tool pro-
ally rolling on the ground. The apparent now. Even if you knew in class 5, she cannot semblance of education in these 220 million children becomes a by harnessing the power of It is the country’s first collab- viding an excellent way to
serious types, right in front, observe children cursorily, you learn the class 7 syllabus; the 17 months. Online education is non-issue. quantum mechanics. In areas orative initiative in this field, attract students/researchers to
tried to comfort me: Thoda to can see it. The phenomenon is loss will get compounded with ineffective for children because The catastrophic deepening such as cryptography, computa- brought together by IISc Banga- the field of quantum technol-
yaad hai, sir, we do remember a much written about and each year beyond. Why then of the nature of education and and hardening of every aspect tional chemistry and machine lore, IIT Roorkee and C-DAC to ogy. The toolkit creates a plat-
bit. researched, but the point needs this travesty with the future of how they learn; nevertheless, of inequity and injustice in our learning, Quantum computing address the common challenge form that helps students and
In the past 15 days, I have had to be made clear. If children over 200 million children? country because of the pan- promises exponential growth in of advancing the Quantum users acquire the skills of ‘pro-
20 similar conversations with don’t go to school for 17 months, The education ministers of demic is for all to see. Not doing computing power. QSim is a Computing research frontiers in gramming’ and ‘designing’ real
children in schools which have they will not learn what they two states and administrative THIS LEARNING everything to recover this lost first-of-its-kind toolkit to be India. It will enable researchers quantum hardware. The team
started, if only partially, across should have learnt in that leaders of a few more, of the 15 learning for 210-220 million indigenously developed and is and students to research Quan- from IIT Roorkee helped the
several states. The ‘learning period and will also forget that I have some feedback from,
LOSS IN ALL ITS children will be an outrageous intended to be a vital tool in tum Computing in a cost-effec- teams from the Indian Institute
loss’ from school closures of the much of what they knew earlier. are acutely conscious of this cri- SEVERITY WAS exacerbation of this tragedy. learning and understanding the tive manner. of Science, CDAC-Bangalore,
past 17 months is obvious with- Why is it then that most sis and are far from apathetic. ANTICIPATABLE And we will all be complicit. practical aspects of program- The project was conceptual- CDAC-Hyderabad, in providing
out even talking to children, but states are preparing to start or But, as of now, even they have ming using quantum computers ised through a multi-institu- the required expertise in quan-
if you do, you cannot but be are starting schools as though not been able to act with the
AND IS APPARENT The author is CEO, Azim Premji and thus herald a new era of tional approach by IISc Benga- tum computing and developing
astounded by the absence of any this learning loss did not hap- comprehensiveness that is NOW Foundation Quantum computing research luru, IIT Roorkee and C-DAC as programs to be tested.

Reopening schools as children Lack of time prevents

remain unvaccinated may not be safe women from upskilling
Sanjay Tyagi schools has taken a toll on infected. HT Correspondent When it comes to upskilling
learning capability of children. Moreover serological studies courses, the majority of women
Though online teaching is intro- have shown that the exposure of i.e., 64.29% and 60.71% have
Although COVID cases have duced it has its limitations. children to COVID-19 has been It’s a no-brainer that organiza- demonstrated interest in opting
started declining government Schools are not only places of similar to adults. More intense tions that are providing their for courses in artificial intelli-
should not hurry to reopen edu- learning and teaching but a cen- contact and mixing among the employees the knowledge of gence & machine learning, and
cational institutions as the tre for socialising too. Students children and adolescents in tech-savvy skills today, are data analytics respectively.
move is ladened with several caged indoors for so long time schools increase susceptibility. likely to thrive and attract These interest areas were fol-
implications for students and must be excited to get back to Transmission in school set- promising talent. For firms, lowed by product management
parents. Going by the experi- their normal routine . Opening tings is conspicuous when pre- upskilling is one of the signifi- i.e., 46.43%, full stack develop-
ence of the past, the impact of the schools after such a long ventive strategies are not imple- cant ways to build a future- ment (35.71%), cloud computing
the third wave could be disas- social isolation will encourage mented or followed. ready workforce; and for profes- (25%), cybersecurity (21.43%),
trous . Hence it is better to wait students to socialise more with The complete set of layered sionals, it is a way to keep them- fintech (17.86%), and blockchain
and watch how COVID-19 pan- their peers and it will be diffi- prevention strategies include selves and their skills updated technology (14.29%). When
demic eventuate. We should not cult for them to follow all promoting vaccination, consist- in alignment with the industry asked about what holds back
take risk till all youngsters are COVID protocols. Students will ent and correct use of masks, and market demand. Unfortu- women from taking up tech
vaccinated. The government then be the transmission agent. physical distancing, screening nately, women all across the courses, surprisingly, ‘lack of
cannot afford to take risks when Nothing should be taken casu- testing for early identification of globe face varied challenges and interest’ was not the reason for
students’ lives are at stake. Med- ally when danger is crouched cases, improved ventilation, issues in upskilling themselves, any of the women professionals.
ical experts are of the opinion around. If Covid-19 cases are hand washing, respiratory eti- especially when it comes to The real challenge, as high-
that the third COVID wave is actually showing declining quette , staying home when sick emerging and new-age technol- lighted by approximately 36% of
imminent so there is no room trend with low fatality, the and getting tested, and contact ogies. Wiley’s innovative bridge women is the lack of time.
for complacency and illusions. opening of the educational insti- tracing etc. Several elements learning solution, WileyNXT Almost 47.83% said that the
Till the conditions become con- tutions for senior classes can be need to shape COVID related surveyed women professionals absence of flexible workplace
ducive to restore physical experimented on a trial basis. safety in schools. This in turn to understand the scope, inter- policies acts as a hurdle, 18%
classes, online lectures should But again amidst fears of an requires significant strengthen- est, and challenges in regard chose lack of opportunities,
continue. The fact that children impending third wave it will be ing of school level infrastruc- with women upskilling in 14.29% selected lack of resour-
are not vaccinated increases the a wise decision on the part of ture and resources. emerging technologies. The sur- ces and lack of support from the
risk of contracting COVID . the government to wait for No doubt all decisions will vey also aims to find out how employer, whereas 7.14%
Teachers will have a challeng- some more time as the matter is have implications on children, new-age technology courses are expressed their inability to
ing task trying to balance teach- concerned with students’ health parents and teachers and other helping women professionals to upskill themselves as they are
ing with maintenance of COVID and well-being. staff So the policy makers, edu- carve their own career trajecto- not the decision-maker for their
appropriate behaviour. Parents strongly feel that cators will have a tough job ries. investment or career choices.
The prolonged closure of they cannot afford to take chan- before them. Here are the important high- Almost 75% of women pro-
ces with children given the risks Even if all palliation strate- lights of the report — Women fessionals said that the motiva-
THE PROLONGED and unknowns to Covid-19. gies are in place and well imple- Empowerment Through Upskil- tion to take up upskilling
They feel the spread will mented it is not possible to ling. Approximately 79% of courses is driven by their desire
CLOSURE OF increase if the schools reopen. eliminate the risk of COVID-19 female respondents have shown to get better opportunities out-
SCHOOLS HAS In early May, Israel became the in schools. interest in emerging tech side the organization and to get
TAKEN A TOLL ON first country to restart schools courses and 21.43% feel that better raise within as well as
and within few days hundreds The author is Chairman, St. Froebel there are not enough options outside their current compa-
STUDENTS AS WELL teachers and students got School available to upskill themselves. nies.
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

Meet the professors doubling up as entrepreneurs

Prashant K Nanda date teachers with experience But an initial thrust came as divided lot and have to juggle
and ideas. early as 2009, when India’s between academic work and
Professors at the IITs and startup culture was still rela- entrepreneurship. Second,
Sitting at his workstation on a other top institutions have tively young—Flipkart started in entrepreneurship efforts do not,
Friday evening, A. Thillai Rajan started ventures ranging from October 2007. The department in general, work as a catalyst in
was scheduling his weekend. It deep tech and robotics to com- of science and technology, in their academic promotion. Not
was packed—a video conference panies that map brain neurons 2009, for the first time pro- as yet.
with his chief executive officer, and dabble in biomedicine. moted the idea of supporting An innovation guideline
the head of business develop- “Some of India’s top institu- innovation by faculties and aca- issued by the Union education
ment and the chief technology tions like the IITs have reached demicians at top scientific insti- ministry in 2019 actually does
officer. Also, a separate confer- a stage where they must pro- tutions, which took off over a not encourage faculty members
ence call with a group of inves- mote creation of a larger entre- period of time. to take up entrepreneurship full
tors. preneurship ecosystem in the Now, the Union ministry of time. “Institutes should work on
Rajan is an entrepreneur. country. Faculties are best electronics and information developing a policy on ‘conflict
Nonetheless, he is not the typi- placed to do so because they technology (MeitY) has a Tech- of interests’ to ensure that the
cal startup entrepreneur— often understand the market need, nology Incubation and Develop- regular duties of the faculty
characterized as a ‘young’, mar- and also know that their ment of Entrepreneurs (TIDE don’t suffer owing to his/her
ket-driven individual with a sin- research and development 2.0) scheme for strengthening involvement in startup activi-
gular focus on product or ser- (R&D) work can be converted to startups that use emerging tech- ties. Faculty must clearly sepa-
vice. Rajan’s loyalties are sort of companies,” Narayanan Ramas- nologies such as the internet of rate and distinguish on-going
divided. He is also a professor at wamy, national leader (educa- things (IoT), AI, blockchain and research at the institute from
the Indian Institute of Technol- tion practice) at consulting firm robotics. This scheme, imple- the work conducted at the
ogy (IIT), Madras, where he KPMG India, said. “The best mented through 51 incubators, startup/company,” the faculty
teaches financial management. part is that there is almost no aims to “handhold close to startup norms of the education
His research work is focused on entry barrier. They have the 2,000 tech start-ups over a ministry state.
venture capital, startups, infra- labs and a young pool of tal- period of five years”. Many argue that the dual
structure, finance, and public ented professionals to rope in as Similarly, the Biotechnology workload is counterproductive
private partnerships. In short, co-workers, co-founders and As professors turn entrepreneurs, institutions such as the various IITs have stepped up support Industry Research Assistance when it comes to accelerating
Rajan is a ‘professor entrepre- growth drivers,” he added. Council (BIRAC) initiative of the growth. “The problem begins
neur’. The trend of professors turn- d and ONGC (Oil and Natural IIT Delhi professor Manan Suri ber around 70. early 1990s and around 2000, Union department of biotech- after 4-5 years, when the ven-
His startup, YNOS Venture, is ing entrepreneurs might be rel- Gas Corp. Ltd) to deal with is using technology to map “Research and development, many of the top universities nology works as an industry-ac- ture reaches a stage of growth
a business intelligence plat- atively recent in India but is an effluent-related problems at brain neurons for building ener- patent, commercialization and used entrepreneurship as a met- ademia interface to “empower and has certain products in the
form, a search engine that established practice in the US, their operation sites. gy-efficient artificial intelli- startups are all part of the eco- ric for measuring success, he the emerging biotech enter- shelf. That’s when you need
throws up information on about where academics and busi- At the Indian Institute of Sci- gence (AI) system. The team led system at our IIT. If we can explained. prises to undertake strategic funds, more time and more
76,000 startups, 5,100 angel nesses often feed off each other. ence Education and Research by Suri has invented a new spik- solve a problem for (the) soci- The ‘Small Business Innova- research and innovation, manpower to fuel its next
investors and 1,080 incubators “The entrepreneurship eco- (IISER), Bhopal, professor Vis- ing neuron model named ety, create a product and ser- tion Research Program’ of the addressing nationally relevant phase,” said Purkait of IIT Guw-
among several sliced and system in the US is primarily a hal Rai’s biomedical startup Pla- DEXAT or double exponential vice, it will have a larger impact. US aided this shift and “became product development needs”. ahati.
nuanced information nuggets. university and institutionled beltech is working to help medi- adaptive threshold neuron. And our faculty scientists are a big phenomenon in the world IITs that already have a sizea- Besides, small firms started
“I could have written few more ecosystem where industries, cal research and targeted drug According to IIT Delhi’s official increasingly doing that,” said of academia and small business ble number of professor entre- by professors are not eligible to
research papers on the startup professors, scholars, research- delivery. website, the invention will help Anil Wali, managing director of environment” said Balasubra- preneurs are now inspiring participate in government tend-
ecosystem as an academician,” ers and students work to create Electronic vehicles (EVs) are build “accurate, fast and energy- the Foundation of Innovation manian while adding that Qual- other institutes. ers due to their size of revenue,
Rajan, calm and articulate, said. a huge success story,” Ramas- the flavour of the season and efficient neuromorphic artificial and Technology Transfer, the comm was a good example of “Four to six professors at IIT age and other factors.
But then, creating a product wamy said. “It aids their econ- academicians don’t want to be intelligence (AI) systems for entrepreneurship wing of IIT this trend. Gandhinagar are exploring “You can hit a roadblock. If
was more satisfying for him. “It omy, solves problem, betters the left behind. Nishanth Dongari, real world applications like Delhi. Rajat Agarwal, a professor at opportunities to set up ventures. one cannot manufacture prod-
will aid the young startup institutions’ global standing an associate professor at IIT speech recognition”. “Deep technology is a big IIT Roorkee, who also heads the Gradually the entrepreneurship ucts in large numbers, the mar-
founders in finding a match while positively influencing the Hyderabad, has co-founded area. Biotechnology, clean tech incubation and entrepreneur- pipeline is getting strength- ket price cannot come down
with investors and mentors creation of an entrepreneurial ‘Pure EV’ an electric two- SUPPORT AGENTS are all shaping up. Faculty sci- ship initiative of the institute, ened,” said Anand Pandey, and the competitiveness gets
while giving them a better pipeline.” wheeler firm that also produces As professors turn entrepre- entists having years of expertise said that the entrepreneurship assistant manager (commercial- impacted. This is where you
understanding of the funding lithium batteries. Another neurs, institutions such as the and experience, have the advan- ecosystem has gained momen- ization) at IIT Gandhinagar need support from authorities,”
ecosystem, which is a tough WHAT ARE THEY startup, The ePlane Company, IITs at Mumbai, Delhi, Madras, tage of converting them to ven- tum over the past few years. Innovation and Entrepreneur- he said.
task,” he added. BUILDING? co-founded by a professor-stu- Roorkee, Kanpur and Guwahati tures,” Wali added. “There is a growing acceptance ship Centre. Similarly, Prashant A senior administrator at an
He has raised two rounds of Similar to the diversity of India’s dent duo of Satya Chakravarthy have stepped up support. They Krishnan Balasubramanian among institutions like the IITs, Bhalla, president of Manav IIT felt that startup ventures
investments and runs a team of startup ecosystem, the profes- (a professor of aerospace engi- are offering seed funds, helping of IIT Madras concurred. “Most in the industry and among peo- Rachna International University should be considered as a crite-
11 professionals. sors are working on a wide neering) and Pranjal Mehta (a them bag projects from the gov- of my startups have originated ple that faculties can establish in Haryana, has also observed a rion for promotion and those
Like Rajan, his colleague range of products and solutions graduate from IIT Madras in ernment as well as the private from research work,” he said, firms and solve problems along growing trend in campus entre- who are working in developing
Krishnan Balasubramanian is with technology as the clear 2019) is working on electric fly- sector. The institutes are also emphasizing that an ecosystem with their academic responsi- preneurship. products and solutions should
the co-founder of at least nine driver. ing taxis to cut down urban connecting them with private is brewing at the IITs. Many pro- bilities. be given some respite from their
start-ups including an underwa- One such startup at IIT Roor- commute time by 10 times. equity funds. fessors with exposure to the US Nearly 18 to 20 of our facul- THE CHALLENGES regular teaching and adminis-
ter robots company that can kee maps the seismic impact on These taxis will have seats for Some of them, like IIT Delhi, entrepreneurial ecosystem, ties have established 11 startups The growth of the ecosystem is tration responsibilities. “The
help in ocean exploration. Uttarakhand and seeks to put in two, a payload capacity of have a vision to convert 10 to directly or indirectly, are at the individually and collectively, no doubt encouraging. How- aim shouldn’t be to create
Rajan and Krishnan are no place an early warning system 200kg, and operate in a hybrid 15% of their faculties into entre- forefront of this change. and this is not (the) same as the ever, there are multiple challen- dwarfs, but large, mass impact
longer isolated case studies in for earthquakes in the Himala- configuration involving both preneurs. “I came back to India (from student-run startups. Things ges these professor entrepre- firms. Here, faculties should get
the Indian academic world. yan state. fixed wings and rotors. The This could potentially boost the US) in February 2000. The are changing for the better and neurs will have to face. a certain degree of freedom,”
They are part of a growing trend IIT Guwahati professor Mihir entire vehicle would be pow- research and industry collabo- US went through a similar governments across states as One, such entrepreneurs still the official said. Overcoming
of professors turning entrepre- Purkait, who co-founded the ered by a battery pack and fly at rations, besides making a signif- metamorphosis—in early to well as the Centre are now more have to be a professor first— these hurdles can help Indian
neurs. startup—RD Grow Green India an altitude of 1,500 feet from the icant contribution towards mid1980s,” Balasubramanian supportive,” he said. while working with a startup or educational institutes produce
The incubation cells of Pvt. Ltd—is working on mem- ground level at a maximum development of marketable said. Back then, entrepreneur- Several ministries and even starting a company, they cannot more technocrat-entrepreneurs,
India’s top tech institutes, brane technology. He is building speed of 150-200km an hour. products instead of lab proto- ship in an academic environ- public sector undertakings forgo teaching, research and and by extension, benefit the
where young minds once hur- water treatment plants to pro- Of course, there is the famil- types. At IIT Madras, the num- ment was not something that (PSUs) are now supporting aca- other student-related responsi- economy.
dled to write codes in small cab- vide arsenic-free water, besides iar sprinkling of deep-tech start- ber of faculty-led and faculty- was liked or appreciated much, demic R&D and deep research bilities.
ins, have evolved to accommo- aiding firms such a s N T P C L t ups. A company co-founded by mentored startups today num- even in the US. It changed by the work at institutional startups. This implies they are a

How has the pandemic reshaped

education and related sectors
Alicia Procello cant number of students will for schools to equip teachers
attend classes from home. with latest technology updates
However, there are few limi- so that they are able to conduct
The unprecedented situation tations of online education. their online classes seamlessly.
due to Covid 19 has resulted in Firstly, there is less social inter- Also teachers have to be crea-
large scale disruptions in the action since in the traditional tive in how they tech and
education system. The impact classroom, some students find engage with students to gain the
on education sector has been comfort in group studies, lively attention of their students. The
significant given the shift from group discussions, and easy traditional role of teachers has
traditional classroom learning access to teachers. However, been disrupted and there is a
to virtual learning. From dis- this is not possible in online need for teacher training in ped-
ruption of academic schedules education. Also, the teachers agogy as well as in the use of
to evaluation, the role of tech- could hardly tell how well the modern tools and aids to make
nology and human interface are students comprehend and teaching more effective and
all being re-imagined. understand the concepts of the engaging.
Educational institutes are subjects as they themselves are Moreover, few educational
continuously exploring ways to teaching from behind a screen. institutes in smaller towns have
keep students engaged virtually Secondly, there are few tech- not been able to adopt this
even if they are confined to their nical difficulties which might mode of teaching due to infra-
homes. arise during online education as structural challenges and large
The pandemic has acceler- these are largely dependent on number of students are suffer-
ated the adoption of technology proper internet connectivity. ing due to this. Therefore, steps
in education sector and online And, in smaller cities and must be taken to make remote
learning has enabled students towns, a consistent connection learning more accessible to
to work through the learning is a problem. Without a consist- ensure that every student bene-
material at their own pace and ent internet connection, there fit from this mode.
time. It has also demonstrated can be lack of continuity in The pandemic has made us
that people can be educated learning for the students. This is think about the skills students
anywhere regardless of their detrimental to the education need in this uncertain environ-
geographies and infrastructural process. ment such as creative problem
challenges. Virtual classrooms Thirdly, online learning solving, active decision making
and various online tools are requires teachers to have a and most importantly adapta-
helping to continue and basic understanding of using bility. Therefore, resilience
enhance the engagement digital forms of learning. How- must be integrated into the edu-
between the teachers and stu- ever, it is not always possible cational system in order to
dents. that every teacher has the basic ensure that these skills continue
Moving forward, digital edu- understanding of technology. to be a priority for all students.
cation has a bright future ahead Some might don’t have the nec-
and will continue to play deci- essary resources and tools to The author is Vice President, Cor-
sive role in education. And the conduct online classes. In order porate Social Responsibility & Presi-
new normal will be that signifi- to overcome this, it is important dent, Avery Dennison Foundation

DST grant for III-T Delhi project

HT Correspondent will build a strong tripartite col- and playing a leadership role in
laboration between industries, the region. The Institute has set
academia and government up iHub Anubhuti, a Technol-
HUB Anubhuti at IIIT-Delhi has agencies and become both an ogy Innovation Hub (TiH),
been funded by the Department aggregator as well as a custo- under the National Mission on
of Science and Technology, Gov- dian of the roadmap in its areas Interdisciplinary Cyber-Physical
ernment of India, to the tune of of cognitive computing & social Systems supported by DST. The
about INR 100 crore for a period sensing.” said Prof. Ashutosh TiH intends to establish itself as
of 5 years. Formed under Sec- Sharma, secretary, Department a hub of research, innovation,
tion 8, the company has been of Science and Technology and entrepreneurship in the
created under National Mission (DST). TiH has been set up to area of Cognitive Computing
on Interdisciplinary Cyber- create a collaboration between and Social Sensing and also
Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) of industries, academic institu- build a nationwide shared facil-
the GOI. “The National Mission tions and government agencies ity for public research and com-
on Interdisciplinary Cyber- to innovate and develop data- mercialization.”, said Prof. Ran-
Physical Systems (NM-ICPS) driven cognitive computing jan Bose, Director IIIT-Delhi
being implemented by the solutions. It aims to provide and Principal Investigator at
Department of science & tech- these solutions to four main iHub Anubhuti-IIITD Founda-
nology (DST) is creating a seam- sectors viz. health, law enforce- tion. The hub will also nurture
less ecosystem for CPS technol- ment & security, education and start-ups that were born out of
ogies including basic and environmental sustainability. TIH projects for furthering their
applied knowledge generation, “IIIT-Delhi has always entrepreneurial efforts. The
human resources, technologies, believed in creating and nurtur- project courage entrepreneur-
startups and industry connect. ing the spirit of innovation ship and in turn yield results on
iHUB Anubhuti at IIIT-Delhi among its faculty and students, a national scale.

Akshay Kumar plays a RAW officer in

the espionage thriller PHOTO: HTCS

City Delhi Akshay Kumar’s

BellBottom has
I have missed
spelled cheer, say
my friends’
birthdays and
cinema hall owners
other parties Sugandha Rawal hope that the momentum built picture of course correction, trickling down to single
because I was by the fantastic response to instead of profits. “The film screens, too. Raj Kumar

BellBottom would mark the comes with a potential to cross Mehrotra, general manager at
practising all onsidering the theatres onset of our revival,” asserts ₹150 crore, and the producers Delhi’s Delite Cinema, shares,
the time.
C are still running in
limited capacity, or even
Rajender Singh Jyala, chief
programming officer, INOX
knew that they wouldn’t be able
to reach that mark with all the
“The film had packed shows
this weekend. All the safety

AVANI LEKHARA, para shut in some places, the Leisure Ltd. restrictions. Yet, they took the precautions are being
shooter release of Akshay Kumar’s Co-starring Vaani Kapoor, risk,” he says. followed.” Officials from
BellBottom was a huge risk. Lara Dutta Bhupathi and BellBottom’s growing Rajmandir Cinema,
However, the gamble has paid Huma S Qureshi, the Ranjit collections are likely to Jaipur, thanked the team
off well, with the film spinning M Tewari directorial, produced encourage other production on Twitter for choosing a

the box-office wheel in the by Pooja Entertainment, houses and exhibitors as well. big-screen release.
right direction, paving the path released on August 19. “When good content comes to a In South India, trade guru
for big screen revival. BellBottom is inching close cinema hall, collections follow. Sreedhar Pillai from Chennai
As the first big Hindi film to ₹30 crore in India, with The film’s second Sunday tells us, “The film had houseful

to release theatrically after business growing overseas collection was the same as shows in the first week itself.
the pandemic slump, it has as well, especially in the UK the first Sunday. It instills Akshay Kumar ne bahut
brought hope and confidence and North America. confidence in the exhibition confidence se apni film
among theatre owners. “This Trade expert Joginder Tuteja sector,” says Devang Sampat, theatres ko di. It’s a great
step by Akshay Kumar, hails the team for their CEO, Cinepolis. beginning.”

(producers) Vashu and Jackky decision to look at the larger The success of the film is also Now, theatre owners in
Bhagnani will be seen as a Maharashtra are waiting for
groundbreaking one. It
helped revive the cinema
THEATRE EMPLOYEES REJOICE the green signal to bring
life back into cinema halls.
exhibition business. The Alongside cinema owners, Satish Gole, cinema manager “Looking at this success story,
film is holding strong in the even the employees are happy at a single-screen theatre in we want theatres to open in
Avani Lekhara’s feat comes after numerous sacrifices, second week,” shares Kamal
Gianchandani, CEO of PVR
with the positivity that
BellBottom has brought
Delhi, says, that it’s because of
the efforts of the film’s team
our state as well,” says Arvind
Chaphalkar from Pune’s City
and she hopes that this will inspire generations to come Pictures and president of
the Multiplex Association of
about. Galib Khan, ticket
counter official, JP Cinemas,
that people aren’t hesitant to
step out of their home to
Pride multiplexes. Manoj
Desai, executive director of
India (MAI). Madhya Pradesh, says, “Kaam watch a film on the big screen Mumbai’s G7 Multiplex (Gaiety
Aprajita Sharad attended my college because of wanted to win a gold medal just Theatre owners were ki bahut shortage chal rahi thi. now. “It’s a good sign for the Galaxy) and Maratha Mandir
my training. To put aside my like him,” she adds. eagerly waiting for the magic Now, with BellBottom theatres and company, which Cinema, adds, “Hum bol bol ke
studies and focus completely on Lekhara says when she took the of the big screen to be back. reviving business, we can helps us, the employees, as thak chuke hain. We hope

ll eyes were glued to the the sport has been the hardest winning shot, she “wasn’t “We’re glad that Akshay kicked expect regular income.” well,” he says. we’re allowed to open with
television, as 19-year- sacrifice. I’ve missed my friends’ thinking about the medal”. “I was off this recovery process. We 50% capacity.”
old para shooter reunions, birthdays and other just focusing on my shot. But to
Avani Lekhara scripted parties. But it was my parents and win gold on my debut in the
history on Monday by
becoming the first Indian woman
brother who were my biggest
support system throughout all
Games feels special,” she says.
The gold medallist feels glad
One should celebrate
to win a gold medal at the this,” she adds. to be put on an equal pedestal
and not just certain o
Paralympics. A delighted Lekhara She’s received a lot of as other athletes. She says,
says, “I want people to look at me congratulatory calls and “The treatment to Paralympians Gautami
and feel that if Avani can do it,
then why can’t we? No one should
feel sad about their disability.
messages on her win. But the
“most special congratulatory call
came from our Prime Minister”.
has been on a par with other
athletes. We are treated equally
in terms of getting endorsements,
Kapoor with
Ram Kapoor ccasions
This medal proves that no She adds, “(Narendra) Modi ji ads sponsorships and financial
disability can stop me from congratulated me and wished me aids.” Kavita Awaasthi
excelling in what I want to do.” luck for the future. It felt like a Ask her about the first thing
same time. The roles and
A student of BA LLB, Lekhara moment of a lifetime,” shares she wants to do upon reaching projects are wonderful
juggled sports and academics to the 19-year-old rifle shooter India, and she replies, “I’ll take am Kapoor will be and I’m happy with the work
reach where she’s today. “I’ve
been training for the past six
years. Amid the pandemic, I built
from Jaipur, adding that her
inspiration on the field has
been Olympian Abhinav Bindra.
rest, meet my friends and family
and give my college exams. I want
to have my favourite kadhi
R pulling all-nighters
shooting, including
his birthday. For the actor,
that I am doing.”
Kapoor has finished
shooting for Vipul Shah’s
a target set-up at home. I’ve not “He is my inspiration. I’ve always chawal when I reach home.” who turns 48 today, birthdays web show, Human, and is
are no big deal. shooting for Vikramaditya
“At my age, we don’t Motwane’s Stardust, Masaba
do anything really for my Masaba season 2 and another
birthday. My dad believed this web show.
and so do I that one should With releases like A Suitable

Indians need celebrate life and not just

certain dates or occasions,” he
says. His father passed away
Boy, Abhay season 2 and Big
Bull on OTT, Kapoor is
delighted that he has been
mithaas in four months ago and Kapoor
admits that he remembers
getting a variety of roles on
the digital platform.

music, rock is him often.

The actor had a packed
schedule this year, with
“OTT is one of the best
things to have happened to
our industry. Films and TV

distortion P
four projects to shoot for.
He wrapped up one, but
after the second lockdown,
will always have their place,
but OTT is the future. This is
one of the most enjoyable
for them, says At my age, we had to juggle his dates for
the rest.
times of my career. And not
just me, whoever is doing
don’t do
Leslee Lewis anything really
He explains, “Now, I am
working on three projects
at the same time. It has
interesting work on OTT is
getting to experiment and
grow. I know of a lot of actors
for my birthday. been challenging, as I am from TV, who are desperately
running from one to the trying to get good work in
RAM KAPOOR, other. No actor wants to OTT, but are not really
Actor take on so much at the managing,” says Kapoor.

S Teachers in a fix as Delhi schools gear PHOTO: PTI (FOR REPRESENTATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY)

Rishabh Suri the hit number Yaaron and his

up to reopen P debut album, Colonial Cousins,
with Hariharan, believes
Anjuri Nayar Singh
inger Leslee Lewis grew up People weren’t that people in India prefer

S with Bollywood around

him, as he likes to put
it, but he admits he always
getting western
music in 1980s,
sweetness in music. “Indians
need mithaas. Rock, for them,
is distortion, something A
ll schools were asked to shut
down when the pandemic hit
last year, and most of them
wanted to dabble in western abrasive. By the time I got have stayed shut. With Covid-19
music, too. Recently, he came so I had to down to Aapki Dua in my cases being on an all-time low, the
out with an English song, simplify it. album Pal, it was a sweet rock Delhi government has allowed
Entourage, in collaboration
with rapper-singer Omar LESLEE LEWIS, Singer
kind of thing,” says Lewis.
Talking about Entourage, he
On schools to reopen in a phased
manner, from today, alongside
Gooding. says that he is “probably the Monday, actor providing a long list of SOPs. This
Leslee feels that a large only Indian” singing in has made parents wonder whether
section of people in India didn’t Hollywood, in English. Lewis is Jacqueline Fernandez was or not to send their children to Dhaula Kuan, also sees some having to physically go to the school.
embrace western music back
in the day. “Nobody got it in the
a popular choreographer; he
had worked in films such as
happy that his music is being
embraced across the world.
questioned by the school right away. And school
teachers are in a bigger dilemma, as
difficulty on the way. “We are asked
to take online and offline classes
Ruchika Bagai, a teacher from
Shalimar Bagh, adds, “Besides
’80s, when I did it here. People Sholay (1975) and Don (1978). I “I have started my own label, Enforcement Directorate (ED) as they need to make arrangements at together, which is tough. We ensure teaching, we will have to resume
said, ‘English mein samajh grew up with Helen aunty and which is all about global home, before gearing up for work. that students follow social distancing other duties. To follow precautions,
nahi aata, do lines ke aage kya Laxmikant-Pyarelal. I wanted music in Hindi. I released a a witness in a ₹200-crore money “I need to start hunting for a house in school, but what about the time school buses won’t ply, so if all
gaa rahe ho, kya bol rahe ho’,” to do other things. People song in June called Chhoda laundering case. Bollywood help, who can assist my mother-in- when they go out of the building? parents come to drop off and pick up
he recounts, adding, “I would weren’t getting western music Tune, which did well. It made law in taking care of my two-year-old Last time, when schools reopened, their kids in private vehicles, there
listen to English and Hindi, in 80s, so I had to simplify it.” to three playlists in India, Hungama reported that she and help with other chores. It’s great teachers were put on duties even on will be a major traffic jam.”
both. My dad (late PL Raj) was The 61-year-old, known for Brazil and Argentina,” he says.
recorded her statement for that schools are reopening, because
children were having a difficult time,
the road outside the school to ensure
social distancing was maintained.
Some teachers feel that parents
have a huge role to play in this case.
over five hours. but for teachers, this means more This becomes taxing after a day-long “Parents need to have discussions
hurdles,” says Manisha Verma, a work shift,” she says. with their children, especially the
NOTE TO READERS: Some of the coverage that appears on our pages is paid for by the concerned brands. No teacher from Model Town. The work load will certainly younger ones, about being Covid-19-
sponsored content does or shall appear in any part of HT without it being declared as such to our valued readers. Neha Mathur, a teacher from increase, opine teachers about compliant in school,” says Verma.
02 time out NEW DELHI
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021


Shankar Mahadevan: UT
Never thought my ‘W IT H O
life’s story could be E S,
shown on screen A R T IST
Soumya Vajpayee

omposer-singer Shankar

C Mahadevan has many hit

soundtracks to his credit over
the years. But now, the musician
finds himself associated with laurels
of a different kind. A documentary
andanap u feels that now,
on his life, titled Decoding Shankar,
Avantika V
has won two awards at the Cannes
p en ed for actors of colour
more doors have o
World Film Festival. Directed by
Deepti Pillay Sivan, it won in the
Best Indian Film and Best
Biographical Film categories.
Asked if he saw this coming, he
P Juhi Chakraborty who has been a part
says, “We did not think it will make When she (Deepti
of television series
such a massive impact on audiences Diary of a Future
Pillay Sivan)

and critics alike. I never thought my ndian-origin American President (2020) and
life’s story could be captured in a Deepti Pillay Sivan narrated her idea, I actor Avantika animated children’s “Absolutely, without the
book or on the screen.” Vandanapu is all praise television series Mira, Royal work and activism of so has evolved, especially with
When the director reached out to to complete the film, which has won was amused. But, for the work that many Detective (2020), admits many BIPOC (Black and the rise in digital content and
Mahadevan with the idea, he wasn’t at nine festivals so far. “It’s every when I thought actors of colour have there’s still a long way to go. Indigenous People Of Colour) OTT platforms.
sure how it would shape up. “But as filmmaker’s dream to win at done in the West, as she feels “We are still at a point and coloured artistes, we “Bollywood’s definition of
the film started taking shape, I knew Cannes, Berlin or Oscars,” she says. about her idea, that it has opened up a where we can count the would have no opportunities cinema has taken a turn, and
it would be one of the greatest
experiences of my life,” he says.
Besides Mahadevan and his
family, the film also sees actors
intention, belief number of opportunities for
people like her.
number of times South
Asians have been positively
in this industry. All of that
hard work is beginning to
for the better. Hindi films
and content have begun to
While he had to play himself in Amitabh Bachchan and Aamir and research on “With movies such as showcased in Hollywood, on come to fruition. Though we highlight marginalised
the project, he is open to more
acting offers. “I’m used to being in
Khan, former cricketer Sachin
Tendulkar, writer-lyricists Javed
me, the project Sound of Metal (2019) and
shows such as Never Have I
our fingers. Hopefully, these
projects will pave the way for
still have a long way to go, it’s
equally important to
communities and placed
women in more challenging,
front of the camera. Years of music Akhtar and Gulzar, actor-filmmaker began to make Ever, we are seeing an many more to come,” she acknowledge the doors that humanised roles. There is
videos, reality TV shows, and Farhan Akhtar, and musicians Zakir improvement in the way expresses. have opened for us now.” still a lot of room for
cameos have taught me that. I’ve Hussain and Louis Banks speak
sense. South Asian stories are being Asked if portrayal of Not just the West, improvement, but I think the
acted in a Marathi film, Katyar about their association with him. “I SHANKAR MAHADEVAN, told,” she shares. Indian characters has Vandanapu feels even industry is on the right
Kaljat Ghusali (2015),” he shares. am grateful to them,” Mahadevan Musician However, the 16-year-old, changed, Vandanapu says, content in Bollywood films track,” she concludes.
It took Sivan two-and-a-half years adds.

Rishabh Suri All praise for the efforts
being taken by the producers,
Kumar, 34, goes on to add,
andemic or not, actor “They’re very sensible

P Darshan Kumar has

faith in safety measures
being taken on shoot
people, they’ll plan things
extremely carefully. Hence,
I’m only focusing on good
P locations. And that’s subjects and good web shows { DAILY HOROSCOPE }
ction why he’ll not let and not giving up work
Produ and the fear of Covid because of any such fear.” Wednesday, September 01, 2021
house e taking
prevent him And his choices are
Dr Prem Kumar Sharma (Astrologer and Vaastu expert) can be contacted at: Delhi: 011-47033152, 40532026 (Sat
from taking up certainly paying off. The
ors ar
to Mon); Panchkula: 91-172-2562832, 2572874 (Tues to Thurs); Mumbai: 09716145644 (Last week of every month)
direct ngs very
any kind of second season of The Family
work. Man worked very well and
thi sly. “Production fetched him good reviews. He
seriou houses and played the antagonist, Major ARIES LEO
MAR, directors are Sameer, but people began SAGITTARIUS
A R S H AN KU taking things very thinking he’s from Pakistan.
MAR 21-APR 20 JUL 23-AUG 23
D Actor NOV 23-DEC 21

seriously, choosing He tells us, “The audience The month opens on a You are likely to achieve

locations according to has been divided into two positive note. Prospects something you have only You may receive news that
the situation. That’s what parts. One loved my attitude look bright for those dreamt of on the career will elate you. Students

Why Darshan
happened with The Family and personality on the show searching for a suitable front. A miraculous recov- are likely to perform well.
Man 2 and Aashram,” says — my social media was filled job. Prospects on the property front ery is indicated for those down with a Your straightforwardness
the actor. with messages saying they are set to brighten. Those ailing may serious ailment. A phone call is set to may impress an influential like-

Kumar is ready
Recalling an incident he loved my work. The other show signs of improvement. revive an old friendship. minded person.
says, “On April 4, Prakash ji side thought I’m an ISI agent. LOVE FOCUS: Your romantic endeav- LOVE FOCUS: Try and not get on the LOVE FOCUS: Take all steps that make
(Jha, director) took the They started abusing me, ours are likely to bear fruit. wrong side of partner today. your partner happy.
decision that we’re not going saying ‘Hindustan ki taraf LUCKY NUMBER: 6 LUCKY NUMBER: 9 LUCKY NUMBER: 6

take up projects
into the shoot of the next dekhoge toh cheer denge’. I LUCKY COLOUR: Peach LUCKY COLOUR: Parrot Green LUCKY COLOUR: White
season. We loved it and said, take that as a compliment.
‘Thank God we cancelled at Getting appreciation, people

en in Covid tim es that time’. Otherwise there loving your work, be it in a TAURUS VIRGO CAPRICORN
would’ve been something film or web series, that’s
e drastic.” what an actor wants.”
APR 21-MAY 20 AUG 24-SEP 23 DEC 22-JAN 21

T I c
A pat on the back is You are likely to get pam- An excellent day for pro-
expected at work for pered by someone special. fessionals, as bagging new
something you have Travelling with loved ones projects is a distinct possi-
achieved. Those sitting for is indicated. Investing in bility. Students will find
PHOTO: JITU SAVLANI an exam or facing an interview will new venture is indicated. Don’t be too the day specially rewarding. A seri-

It’s Russia find the day fruitful. Don’t take things

lying down,
LOVE FOCUS: Raising a sensitive issue
trusting of people.
LOVE FOCUS: Partner seems all lovey-
dovey today, so make the most of
ously ill family member is likely to
show marked improvement.
LOVE FOCUS: Take care not to offend

calling for with partner can lead to a big fight.

what the opportunity offers!
your partner and vitiate the day.



MAY 21-JUN 21
SEP 24-OCT 23 JAN 22-FEB 19

ctor-director Ajay Financial gains are indi-

l a
Devgn has turned all cated for those in the Someone’s insistence on It is best to face the truth
his attention to his share market and trading doing a thing you don’t and not remain in denial.
aviation thriller Mayday, business. Someone you approve of now, may turn This will not only save you
and is in Russia to plan had given loan to is likely to return it into a blessing in disguise the blushes, but also make
the shoot’s final leg. with interest. Those under the for you at a later date. you think realistically. A child may
A Mid-day report weather may show quick recovery. LOVE FOCUS: Suspicion ruins mental need your guidance, so be available.
said Devgn headed to LOVE FOCUS: The day is promising for peace, so discuss any apprehensions LOVE FOCUS: Your marital life is likely
Moscow with cinema- those romantically involved. you have, with your lover. to hit choppy waters today.
tographer Aseem Bajaj, LUCKY NUMBER: 3 LUCKY NUMBER: 18 LUCKY NUMBER: 8
line producer Vikrant LUCKY COLOUR: Red LUCKY COLOUR: Yellow LUCKY COLOUR: Electric Blue
Sharma, first assistant
director Sameer Sad-
wani and director’s
assistant Daanish Gan-
JUN 22-JUL 22 OCT 24-NOV 22 FEB 20-MAR 20
dhi over the weekend,

for a recce. He will be in A property you have been Your headstrong ways Months of planning finally
the Russian capital for a eyeing for long may finally may not go down well comes to fruition, but
week with the team. come within your reach. A with your co-workers, so apprehensions remain.
PHOTO: PTI “After they finalise the long-standing marital dis- be open to ideas. An Professionals are likely to
locations, they will take pute is likely to have a happy ending. investment that seems lucrative now enter something new and carve out
about 45 days to prep for You may go on a short vacation and may not be so, so vet it thoroughly their own niche.

Deepika Padukone to the schedule. Post that,

Ajay, Rakul Preet, Boman
Irani, writer Sandeep Kewl-
enjoy every bit of it.
LOVE FOCUS: The day augurs well for
those looking for a life partner.
before parting with your money.
LOVE FOCUS: Romance is in the air, so
make the most of it.
LOVE FOCUS: A chance meeting with
an ex-flame may come as a pleasant

return to Hollywood, P
ani and the core unit will fly
to Moscow in mid-October
for the eight-day shoot. Some
crucial airport scenes will

the cross-cultural way The film’s

core unit will fly
be canned at one of the
five airports in the city,”
reveals a trade source.

ctor Deepika Padukone is set to STXfilms is also in talks with Temple to Moscow in The film is inspired by

A return to Hollywood, with a

cross-cultural romantic comedy,
which she will also co-produce.
Hill Productions’ Wyck Godfrey and
Marty Bowen, of the Twilight franchise
and The Fault in Our Stars fame, to
a real-life incident in
2015, when a flight from a
Middle Eastern country
“My production banner was founded develop the project, reports had a close shave due to
with the aim to develop and produce poor visibility and had to be
purposeful content with global appeal. Padukone made her English- diverted to Thiruvananthapu-
I’m thrilled to partner with STXfilms language film debut as the female lead ram. Most of the portion of project has
and Temple Hill Productions, who in xXx: The Return of Xander Cage, been shot in Hyderabad.
share Ka’s ambition and creative vision co-starring with Vin Diesel. She will The team will shoot in Russia in a bio-bub-
and look forward to bringing impactful next be seen in ’83 and the Indian ble. “Only the fully vaccinated have travelled to
and dynamic cross-cultural stories to remake of The Intern, and is also Russia as Ajay is strict about following safety
the world,” says Padukone, who turned working on untitled films by Shakun measures,” adds the source.
producer with Chhapaak (2020). Batra and Siddharth Anand. HTC HTC
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021
lifestyle 03
#instastyle From the
Malik with son
Ekbir Malik diaries

ng th e u ntir in g
t o f fi re -fig h te rs ◄


Kaur with Janhvi
son Hunar Kapoor
Singh starts
Stars celebrated Janmashtami with soon for
their newborns and old friends. Mili
Actor Aditi Shirwaikar Malik and
musician Harshdeep Kaur extended
wishes with their little ones dressed Neha
as Krishna. Karanvir Bohra attended hutterbugs captured stars Dhupia
Krishna darshan with kids, wife
Teejay Sidhu and friends Puja
Banerjee and Kunal Verma. Kajal
S going about their day in
style. Neha Dhupia was
spotted at a Mumbai studio in
will be
seen in A
Aggarwal posed in an ethnic outfit. a summery maternity wear. next,
And, Mouni Roy shared a pic and Janhvi Kapoor was spotted playing
Fire-fighters at the cyclothon wrote, “Just the perfect day to start outside her gym. Saif Ali a cop
reading Srimad Bhagvatam.” Khan kept it casual for a film
promotion. And Rashmika
Mandanna was in an emerald
o honour duties and Fire Control Room. pant suit. HTC

T responsibilities of
fire-fighters, Delhi Fire
Services came together for a
“It is a matter of pride that
the fire-fighters and control
room officials are working
cyclothon at Connaught shoulder-to-shoulder to
Place as part of Azadi ka uphold the motto ‘We Serve ▲ (L-R) Teejay Sidhu with Vienna, Karanvir

Amrit Mahotsav. The event to Save’, said Atul Garg, Bohra with Bella, Kunal Verma with Gia
saw participation from fire- director, Delhi Fire Service. Vanessa Snow and Puja Banerjee
fighters and officials of the HTC Kajal Aggarwal


Saif Ali
Let go of myths and fears Khan
will be
surrounding the vaccine... seen in
Mouni Roy Rashmika
go and take one if you PHOTOS: Mandanna
haven’t yet... INSTAGRAM recently

up Mission
On vaccination being the need of Majnu
the hour to fight Covid-19
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021


SEPTEMBER 01, 2021


WITH RELAXATION romance with
on Wednesday
Nothing keeps the sparks flying quite like travelling together. So rekindle your
Scan here
to visit
post-vaccination travel to these amazing destinations that are perfect for the
monsoon season
Swati Chaturvedi customer engagement, InterMiles.
Travelling with the person you love is
the best way to rediscover your passion.

rom the past one and half year, India is full of such choices, but what
travel plans have largely eluded matters most is to know what brings a
us. But as the world slowly magical smile to your partner’s face.
opens up again, travellers are “Right from isolated Andaman beaches
looking to quench their wan- to temple sculptures in Khajuraho, the
derlust. Indeed for couples searching options are enormous. If you are a
for the perfect travel destination, a beach lover, you can surely add
romantic getaway can be the right romance in the air by sipping together
option to unwind, relax and make your favourite margarita, with white
memories together. sand beneath your feet at the beautiful
There is something very special — huts in South Goa. Or experience living
and beautiful — about travelling with like a royal in a luxury houseboat at
someone you’re head over heels in love Kumarakom backwaters in Kerala,”
with. From a beach excursion to a city says Saurabh Tuteja, travel influencer
that twinkles under the glow of stars, and general secretary of enterprising
there are many charming spots to con- travel agents association (North India).
sider for couples, who love to explore With its pink-hued palaces overlook-
through rose-coloured glasses. ing a series of placid lakes, Udaipur in
“As travel sentiment continues to Rajasthan is one of India’s most roman-
revive, we believe spontaneous, experi- tic cities. Sparkling serene lakes, hills
ential but relaxed trips will be favoured and the vibrant markets add a certain
by couples who are seeking to not only aura and magic to the royal city. “Udai-
spend quality time together but to also pur is a place of majestic beauty. I love
rejuvenate and shrug off the pandemic that you are seated in the centre of his-
fatigue,” says Ashish Dhruva, senior tory, where battles were fought, vows
vice president – marketing and were made, and love stories founded.
It’s this fabric of life that makes our Amp up your romance by
Hill, holiday and romance
are a match made in
existence romantic. The grandeur of the
palaces is captivating and you find
P going on a couple’s
getaway to destinations
heaven, as the green yourself lost in a fantasy world,” says If you are a beach lover, that offer comfort,
valleys and aromatic
ambiance will set the
Shivali Bhammer, contemporary
devotional singer and travel enthusiast.
you can add romance in intimacy and a plethora
of delightful experiences
mood just right! If tremendous landscapes set your the air by sipping together PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTOCK (FOR
heart aflutter, there isn’t a better way to
celebrate your love than exploring the
your favourite margarita, REPRESENTATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY)

high altitudes. “Manali and Shimla have with soft white sand
the pahadi cozy vibe. Experiences such
as the small dhabas and the markets are beneath your feet at the
so much fun,” says Sheelaa M Bajaj, life huts in South Goa.
coach and relationship expert.
Tuteja feels when it comes to SAURABH TUTEJA, Travel influencer
romantic destinations, one can’t ignore
the charm of Jammu and Kashmir,
“Enjoying a steaming hot Kahwah with
someone you love in snowing Gulmarg
is an experience of lifetime,” he adds.
So pick your choice as its time to seek
a getaway built for two, and finally put
that ‘do not disturb’ sign to use.

Admire the blue water and take a

walk hand in hand on miles of
Choose the Don’t let work Explore and pristine beaches in Goa or
Andaman and Nicobar islands
destination kill the vibe innovate
wisely Never bring work to a couple Infuse new experiences in the
holiday. Switch off those office trip to make it memorable.
As we all have different choices, emails and make time to Try new cuisines, tandem
it mighty be a bit difficult to find connect with each other. “The biking, paragliding together,
a location that work beautifully most romantic getaways are off or just take long walks.
for both partners. However, a beat locations with limited “Wake up to the sight of a
little creativity and flexibility access to technology which beachside sunrise or unwind
would help to find the sweet gives you time to unwind and in snow covered mountains,
With grand palaces and picturesque locations, Udaipur spot. So consider all factors reconnect with partner,” says thus creating memories to
has its unique romantic ambiance PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTOCK before planning your travel. Jubie Jain , travel influencer.. cherish forever,” adds Jain.


A lesson from For the perfect

How to pack the ocean scenic beauty
smart for travel Gauahar Khan is enjoying her
holiday in Maldives and as the
In order to boost tourism, Indian
Railways (Northeast Frontier
ocean brings her both joy and Railway) will soon start trains
during monsoon? calmness, the actor also seems to
be reflecting on different aspects
of life. Recently, she took to
with vistadome coaches running
through the lush green Dooars in
North Bengal. These special
With the second wave of the pandemic behind us, this is Instagram to share a picture amid coaches will be operation atleast
an opportune time for wanderlust to recoup and travel. the blue waters of Maldives and for the three days, Friday,
Unfortunately, with it being the monsoon season in most through her caption expressed Saturday and Sunday, according
parts of India, and international travel almost ruled out, how the vast ocean makes us feel to reports. The 360-degree
the only way forward is to make peace with moist air, really small. “The ocean makes viewing system of vistadome
interrupted movement and muddy puddles. you feel so small , imagine how coaches gives best views of the
So when your travel plans coincide with monsoon, small a part u are in this entire surroundings. Large windows and
make sure to carry a solid pair of boots and hiking sneaker universe created by the transparent plexiglass roofs will
as backup. Your backpack must have high quality rain Almighty! Yet we keep pride and enable passengers to see the
cover and should be full of synthetic clothes. Waterproof arrogance for our existence!” she scenic beauty of Dooars, which is
phone case and a slick rain jacket with hoodie are other wrote. famed for its rich flora and fauna.
basic necessities. And top it all with a colourful, but sturdy
one or two-litre water flask.
If you’re travelling by own car, PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
make sure your car tyres’ tread is
preserved for better gripping UAE eases travel restrictions Air bubble to
power. Do inspect windshield
wipers too. United Arab Emirates has eased AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson, Uttarakhand enable India,
Jobs fill your pocket, but
adventures fill your soul. Well,
restrictions and announced it will
issue visa to all fully vaccinated
Moderna etc. Covishield, which is
the Indian brand of AstraZeneca, to develop an Bangladesh
most of us haven’t really loosened
those pockets for last 18
tourists, who have got any Covid
vaccine approved by the World
produced under licence in the
country, will also be accepted. Astro Village flights
months, so go have some Health Organisation, at least 14 However, those who have taken
revenge monsoon days before travel. The vaccines Covaxin or Sputnik V are not yet With a close view of stars,
travel! that are recognised include eligible for travel to the UAE. planets, and astronomical
events, Benital in Uttarakhand,
Disclaimer: The view PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK at an altitude of 2,600 metres
expressed here are above sea level, will be
author’ personal. developed as an astro-village.
According to reports, a team India and Bangladesh will resume
headed by district magistrate flights under air bubble
Himanshu Khurana visited arrangement from September 3.
Benital to explore the area and “Passengers travelling from
Mohit Goyal finalise details of the upcoming Bangladesh to India shall be
Author project. Large telescopes and a mandatorily subjected to self-
night-vision dome, cottages, paid confirmatory molecular tests
pathways, and parking lots will on arrival at the Indian airports,”
be built as part of facilities. said the Ministry of Civil Aviation.

SEPTEMBER 01, 2021
my city 05

Extending a helping ‘KAVITAYEIN

hand to the vulnerable, JAMA HOTI
one drive at a time GAYIN, I
Manav Kaul
talks about
his love for
poetry and
the evolving
Manisha Bhatia (centre)
distributes sanitary napkins at writing
one of the recent drives in the
Capital habits in the
Naina Arora about the taboos, and educate them
age of social
ne might think that since the
in the right language.”
Bhatia’s organisation also runs a
O number of Covid-19 cases
have declined in the Capital,
the work of pandemic
heroes would have eased. But that’s
just an assumption. Take for
school at GRP Police Station, Hazrat
Nizamuddin Railway Station. When
the first lockdown jolted the city,
Bhatia swung into action to provide
meals to children and their families.
instance, Delhi-based educationist “The first lockdown was very
Manisha Bhatia, whose work goes difficult as we lost touch with some
beyond the lockdown phase. Her of the kids. But we managed to
consistent efforts are aimed at connect with most of them, to fulfil
making women and young girls
aware about the significance of
their basic needs. The children who
study in this school are like family to Naina Arora entries and do small write-
sanitation and hygiene. us... In the second lockdown, we
ups about the books I’ve I called up my
During one of the recent drives in were better equipped to deal with it. read, or the experience I was
mother and
the Capital, she, along with some
P We were ready financially, with ar writer pehle having. Woh aisa hua ki woh
volunteers, educated sex workers
about hygiene, and distributed
sanitary napkins among them.
Bhatia, founder of Abhinandan, an
educational and welfare society,
says, “Our target is to reach
We mark areas
where we’ve to work
for welfare, in vocation,
medical supplies, and had made a
WhatsApp group for distress calls,”
she recalls, adding that they are now
getting back to conducting classes
Bhatia’s team has also been
H kavitayein likhna
shuru karta hai,”
says actor-author
Manav Kaul, who
has recently come up with
his seventh book, but this is
kavitayein ek folder mein
jama hoti gayin. I ventured
into plays and short stories,
but poetry was a constant. It
was very close to me... Kuch
logon ko sunata tha,”
said, ‘I will be
naked on the
cover...’ She
said, ‘Prakriti
young girls who are about to
experience menstruation. We
education or financial urging people to get vaccinated
against Covid-19. She adds, “We
his first published collection
of poems. Titled Karta Ne
reminisces Kaul, who is
inspired by the works of toh naked hai.
try to inform them about how to help. Our primary work is don’t want to restrict our work to Karm Se, the poetry Hindi writers Vasant Dev Hum hi kapde
maintain hygiene and the just a few camps. We mark areas collection has left him and Vinod Kumar Shukla.
correct way to dispose used
in education, but welfare where we have to work for thrilled. Kaul says, “I’m very Ask him about the pehente hain’.
sanitary napkins. Illiteracy plays a means one has to be welfare, in education, vocation or happy ki ek kavita agar 1999 thought-provoking cover for
major negative role in their minds, financial help. Our primary work is ki hai, toh kuch kavitayein the book, and he shares how
making it a difficult phase for them available all times. in education, but welfare means that 2021 ki hain. Ek bada the idea of being naked on

to accept that menstruation is a MANISHA BHATIA, one has to be available all times, so spectrum hai.” the cover stemmed in his
natural phenomenon. We even bring Educationist that people get the confidence to The actor, who was seen mind. He explains, “All my
in young doctors to speak to them reach out to us.” playing a strict coach in writings — plays, poetry, and said, ‘This is my idea, I fact has only picked up more
Saina, a biopic on ace short stories and memoir — will be naked on the cover, during the lockdowns, Kaul
shuttler Saina Nehwal, have been brutally honest, toh kya aap woh kitaab says, “Mujhe lagta tha youth
recalls how he started almost like a conversation loge?’ Maa ne jawab diya, doesn’t read that much these

A 200-year-old
writing poetry in 1998-99, for with the reader. Mujhe lagta ‘Prakriti toh naked hai. Hum days. We don’t see them
himself. “I also started out as hai there is a nakedness in hi kapde pehente hain’. So carrying books, they are
a poet, putting this word and my writing. I also felt we it’s the way you use it... I’m always on their phones. But
that word together and should do something surprised that not a single yeh idea galat tha... Meri
thinking, ‘Oh it’s poetry’. Jab interestingly artistic and comment, mail or anything writing youth padhta hai.

art form comes aap Mumbai aate ho and you

start doing theatre, reading
literature, you think about
putting words here and
different with Hindi books.
And I had a good designer,
Varun Chawla. Mere
publisher thoda darr gaye
that has negative
connotations has come.
People have loved it!”
Happy to see that the habit
Social media has also pushed
it as people are writing on
Facebook, Twitter... People
are also appreciating each

alive in Delhi
there. I used to write diary the. So I called up my mother of reading hasn’t died, and in other’s writings.”


evolution of Balucharis makes a fascinating

story, an amazing repository of social history
intermingling with aspects of art, economy,
politics, culture and fashion,” adds Dhamija.
The Baluchari weave has come a long Painting the town red!
way since its first era, featuring life of the
nawabs, women smoking hookahs, and Look, another Red Fort coming up in the city! Well yes, but only as a street art on one of the
even officers of the East India Company. city’s boundary walls. Spotted here are street artists, painting a Red Fort in one part of the
Now, the designs include glimpses city, whereas in Old Delhi, the stretch in front of the fort has witnessed a complete revamp.
from epics such as the Ramayana,
Mahabharata, and even Odisha folk
art. Tagore says, “Textiles are coming
up in a big way now. Interestingly, the { BHAVINA PATEL }
present generation is looking into PARALYMPIAN
textile art where Baluchari figures

Naina Arora
Curated by Puneet Kaushik and P
Gaurav Kumar, the exhibition displays
here’s no denying that a saree is a India’s textile history. Kaushik adds, “Our I have learnt to see
T piece of art. And Baluchari sarees —
made from the finest, locally cultivated
mulberry silk — are some of the most
country is one of the richest in its textile
heritage and craft traditions. If we don’t
create an awareness among youth, we’ll lose
my problems in a
unforgettable ones. Bringing this experience them forever. That would be tragic, because positive light. It
alive is an ongoing exhibition in the Capital, the woven art and crafts are a matter of
gives me the

titled The Woven Art of Baluchar. national pride.”
The show features rare Baluchari sarees
from Murshidabad, Varanasi and Gujarat, courage to
collected by gallerist Siddhartha Tagore. The CATCH IT LIVE
exhibition is dedicated to textile art What: The Woven Art of Baluchar work
historian, Jasleen Dhamija, whose favourites
include the Balucharis from Murshidabad,
Where: Art Konsult, A/22, Hauz Khas Village
On till: September 18 harder.
especially the ones featuring the Kalkas Time: 11am to 6.30pm On overcoming

(paisleys) — an intricate embossed interplay Nearest Metro Station: Hauz Khas on challenges
in shades of pink and purple, set off with Yellow and Magenta Lines
natural malda shining like dull gold. “The
06 showstopper NEW DELHI
SEPTEMBER 01, 2021

WHAT’S IN A NAME? Jungle Cruise

sequel reunites
Jungle Cruise sequel is already in the
Stars of Hollywood love reinventing themselves. From lifestyles
to names — no change is too big. As Kanye West begins legal A works. And actors Dwayne Johnson
and Emily Blunt are set to return for
the second instalment of the adventure
movie based on the theme park ride.
proceedings to change his name, we look at some such celebs. As per Variety, Johnson and Blunt will
reprise their roles as the pun-obsessed
riverboat captain Frank Wolff and the
brave explorer Dr Lily Houghton,
respectively. Director Jaume Collet-Serra is
expected to return, too.
Michael Green, who co-wrote Jungle
Cruise with Glenn Ficarra and John Requa,
will write the second instalment. After a
simultaneous OTT and big screen release,
the film had collected $34.2 million in
ticket sales from theatres and $30 million
from web views, on its opening weekend.
At the worldwide box office, its total was
$187 million, reportedly.
The first instalment, which was in
development for more than 15 years before
finally making its way to the screen, is
Snoop Dogg based on a popular amusement park ride.
The story follows a researcher (Blunt) as
she travels down the Amazon in search of
Kanye West When it comes to stage names, rapper
Snoop Dogg, 49, has a long list. Back in a powerful ancient tree with the help of a
2012, he changed his name to Snoop Lion. skipper (Johnson). ANI
Back in 2018, rapper Kanye West announced that he’d be One year later, ahead of an album with
changing his stage name to Ye, after the release of his Dam-Funk, he took up the name Snoopzilla.
album titled Ye. Three years later, the 44-year-old has
begun the legal proceedings to change his official name PHOTO: SHUTTERSTOCK
from Kanye Omari West to Ye, according to People. PHOTOS: SHUTTERSTOCK, AP, REUTERS

Bridget Regan to
Jonathan Cheban
Entrepreneur Jonathan Cheban, who
play Poison Ivy in
Sean ‘Diddy’ frequently appears on Keeping Up
with the Kardashians with his best
friend, Kim Kardashian West, has
Batwoman series
Combs legally changed his name to Foodgod,
according to TMZ. The documents ctor Bridget Regan The star who was
Puff Daddy, P Diddy, Puffy,
and Diddy — after a series of
stage name changes, the 51-
were filed by Cheban, 45, in 2019.
A has joined the cast of
Batwoman for its
upcoming third season.
previously seen on The Last
Ship, Jane the Virgin, and
White Collar, shared the
year-old rapper officially has a As per Variety, Regan will news on her Instagram
new name, which he essay the role of Pamela account with a caption,
announced earlier this year.
He changed his middle name
Drake Bell Isley, also known as Poison
Ivy, in the superhero series.
“this is going to be fun”.
The 39-year-old is the
from John to Love, and posted In an attempt to rebrand himself The recurring character latest actor to essay a
a photo of his new driver’s in November 2019, the actor- has been described as a live-action version of Poison
license on the gram. “Look singer tweeted that moving “brilliant and passionate Ivy. Earlier actor Uma
what I just got in the mail. IT’S forward, his social media pages scientist with a mind for Thurman had portrayed the
OFFICIAL!!! WELCOME TO THE would only be in Spanish. And his changing the world for the character in the 1997 film
LOVE ERA,” he captioned the surname was changed to better”. But her plans shift Batman and Robin while
photo of the Florida ID. Campana — the Spanish word for when she was injected with several actors played her in
Bell. The 35-year-old posted a various plant toxins by her the small-screen adaptaion
photo on Instagram of his ID card colleague, which turned her Gotham, which ran for five
Text by: Juhi Chakraborty where the name change was into the infamous villain of seasons.
visible, according to Insider. Gotham city. ANI
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