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Artifact number 1 is a wanted poster of the wolf. I thought this would t well because the wolf
ultimately killed both little red riding hood and granny in the original. Ironically he also
committed fraud by pretending to be little red and granny which is also illegal. The original
story does not discuss what happens after the wolf eats the two of them, so I thought it might
be important to expand on that idea.

Artifact number 2 is a word collage. I took the words that are most prominent from the story
and turned them into a collage that is the shape of a wolf. A big part of little red riding hood is
the moral of the story. It’s main moral is to stay away from strangers but also that what seems
nice may be dangerous. The words that exempli ed this moral were made notably larger than
the rest.

Artifact number 3 is a Kahoot. Since the Grimm brothers and Charles Perrault wrote the story
within 2 years of each other it is often confused as to who gets credit. The Kahoot is designed
to teach that Charles Perrault is the original author. His version of the story is also not as well
known as the Grimm brothers, so it is also designed to tell about his story.

Artifact number 4 is a news paper article. This was more of a modern take on the story. It goes
over the moral of the story, as well as the actually story itself. I added in some additional
questions such as is this the same wolf from the three little pigs? I also made it slightly more
realistic and set in reality.

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