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Directory of Research Journals December2013, P.P.1801-1808
ISSN 0974-5904, Volume 06, No. 06(02)

Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Waste Disposal Site

Selection and Environmental Impact Assessment around Mysore
City, Karnataka, India
Department of Studies in Earth Science, University of Mysore, Manasagangothri, Mysore-570006, India

Abstract: Landfill site selection is a complex process involving the interplay of geological, hydrological,
environmental and geotechnical parameters incorporating government regulations. As such, it requires the
processing of a good amount of geospatial data. Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) involving the
required ground level data is suitable to find the best locations for such identification which use multiple criteria
analysis. For the Site Selection of an industrial waste disposal (or) the dumping of and normal daily urban wastes of
a city, combining GIS with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) will be more appropriate. The method is innovative
and establishes general indices to quantify overall environmental impact as well as individual indices for specific
environmental components i.e. surface water, groundwater, atmosphere, soil and human health. To automate the
processes of establishing composite evaluation criteria, performing multiple criteria analysis and carrying out spatial
clustering, a suitable methodology was developed. The feasibility of site selection in the study area based on
different criteria was used to obtain the layered data by integrating Remote Sensing and GIS. This methodology is
suitable for all practical applications in other cities.
Keywords: Landfill siting, Mysore city, Remote Sensing and GIS.

Introduction: disposal sites are indicated as lake, ponds, rivers,

groundwater table, air quality index, geology, fault line,
The rapid growth of population in a city needs larger
elevation, land use, habitation, highways and sensitive
area for disposal of effluent and toxic waste which
sites (Sumathi, 2006; Basavarajappa et al, 2012).GIS
becomes the major environmental issues posing threats
has been proved to be a tool that provides the alternative
to the existence of human being (Allen et al; 1997). A
method of minimizing operational costs (Kyessi and
secure Landfill is a carefully engineered depression in
Mwakalinga, 2009) and also provides a digital data
the ground into which wastes are dumped to avoid any
bank for future monitoring program of the site (Miles
hydraulic connection between the wastes and the
S.B et al; 1999). GIS combines spatial data (maps, aerial
surrounding environment, particularly groundwater.
photographs, and satellite images) with quantitative,
Presently most of the municipal solid waste in India is
qualitative, and descriptive information database, which
being disposed unscientifically (Akolkar, A.B; 2005).
can support a wide range of spatial queries
The increasing development of any city and population
(Malczewski, 2004). All of these factors have made GIS
growth caused a tremendous amount of municipal solid
an indispensable tool for location studies, particularly
wastes generation and arising a major problem in the
for Landfill siting (Kontos et al; 2003). GIS is a
surrounding environment (Kontos et al, 2005). Solid
decision making method based on the Analytic
waste management can be identified by solid waste
Hierarchy Process (AHP) fuzzy set theory (Saaty 1980,
disposal which remains a critical management issue and
Padmaja et al. 2006). GIS can be used to combine
should be based on a number of considerations
various diverse social and environmental fields, such as
(Dipanjan et al., 1997). The waste disposal and its
soil science, engineering, hydro-geology, topography,
pollution around major cities in Karnataka are important
land use, sociology and economics (Chang et al, 2008;
problems affecting the environment. The Mysore is one
Rahman et al, 2008; Lunkapis 2010; Nishanth 2010) to
of the major cities in Karnataka and produces over
apply Landfill criteria, and find suitable areas to place a
6,000 tonnes of solid waste daily that need more landfill
Landfill for Waste Disposal (Church 2002).
sites. The main factors considered for selecting the

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1802 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Waste Disposal Site Selection and
Environmental Impact Assessment around Mysore City, Karnataka, India

The spatial method can integrate both multiple criteria Field studies were carried out by ground truth check to
analysis by GIS spatial analysis and statistics with a collect indivisual parcel level information, such as
view to evaluate a region for Landfill siting. It Built-up area, Geology, Soil type, Vegetation,
establishes a general index to quantify overall lineaments, drainage were collected based on ground
environmental impact as well as individual indices for check.
specific environmental components i.e. surface water,
GIS Analysis:
groundwater, atmosphere, soil, and human health
Various thematic layers were generated and integrated
(Siddiqui et al 1996). Quantification variables and
to obtain information such as such as, soil type,
impact indicators represent indices more precisely as
drainage pattern, geology, topography, structure,
well as make the results more objective.
network and built up area to access best locations for
Location: landfill.
The study area is around Mysore city with 15km radius GPS Points:
from the city centre (KRCIRCLE) of 760 39’ 11” A GPS (Garmin-12) was used in the process to extract
latitude and 120 18’ 31” longitudes. The study area is the exact coordinates of selected locations for landfill.
divided into 2 zones viz., core zone and buffer zone.  Satellite Imagery - TM & ETM+ (year-2000 & 2009),
The buffer zone comprises an area of 20.51 sqkm and Path-144, Row-51 and 52m resolution (USGS).
the parcel level information is collected for the core  Toposheet maps - TIFF Images of 57 D/11, 57 D/12,
zone (fig.1). 57 D/15, 57 D/16.
Climate:  GIS Tools - ERDAS IMAGINE 9.2 & ARCGIS 9.2

The study area is under the influence of the Monsoon, Geomorphology:

winter and summer. The maximum annual rainfall was The study area exhibits more or less flat to gently
1295mm in the year-1903 and the minimum was 412 undulating topography varying from 700-725 m above
mm (1967) while at present the normal annual rainfall MSL with a gentle slope towards the south. There are
exceeds 832mm (2012). It is often classified under the small mounds in the study area. The perennial river
sub humid type of climate. However, the hydrology of Kaveri flows through the study area. The majority of the
the region is rather more of the semiarid type. The area is covered by agricultural fields with moderate
temperature ranges from 16.40 C (January) to 34.0C plantations and the Mysore city is center of the study
(April). The average wind velocity of 10.6 km /hr and area.
the average annual humidity is 65%.
Buffer and Core Zones:
Materials and Methods:
The spectral signature of satellite images (7 bands) of
The work was carried out using latest high-tech tools of ETM+ and TM was processed by the help of GIS
Remote Sensing and GIS. The approach helps in an analysis to classify the study area into two zones viz.,
effective data base collection in the Land Information buffer zone and core zone in which the extensive study
Satellite System (LISS). Methods and materials used is carried out for buffer zone while intensive study for
are: core zone.
Preparation of Thematic Layers: Buffer zone: The buffer zone encounters a total area of
Satellite imagery was merged on 1:50,000 scale 706.5 sq. km.By visual image interpretation of these
toposheet to create lineament layer using GIS analysis thematic layers were carried out for the 500m buffer
& the obtained layer is updated for 1:2,00,000 scale zone (Adeofun et al 2006 and Sani et al 2010).
through visual image interpretation (TM & ETM+). Core zone: The core zone occupies an area of 31,400
Toposheet: ha in core zone, intensive work is done at the cadastral
level to collect parcel level data.
The collected toposheets were digitized by GIS analysis
to create different layers and interpreted (fig.1). The City centre: K.R. circle was taken as centre of the city
digitizing process involves the incorporation of all data in the study area.
such as parcels, roads, streams, village settlement, Transportation Network:
drainage, water bodies, and its encroachment which
forms the polygonal features and it helps to detect Various features like Railways, National Highway, and
errors. State Highway can be identified in the study area
(fig.2). Transportation facilities like metalled and un-
Field Data Collection: metalled roads, cart tracks were digitized by satellite
data (USGS) for 15m resolution (ETM+) to network

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06(02), December 2013, pp. 1801-1808

analysis (Sani et al, 2010). For waste disposal site, 801-880ft, 761-800ft, 721-760ft, 681-720ft and 640-
transportation services is very essential in order to 680ft respectively.
reduce travel costs and increase efficiency in
Topography (SRTM): These are the topography
transferring wastes to disposal sites (Ogra, 2003). A
acquired from Shuttle Radar Topography Mission in
radius of 300m has marked to avoid landfill near by any
which the elevation ranges from 32 ft to 2,674 ft. Gentle
transport network. The length of Railway in buffer and
and steep slopes should be avoided for landfill site
core zone measures totally about 49.045 km and
selection, so that during heavy rainfall the run-off water
National Highway is 3.15 km (s) also State Roads is
may carry these toxic and effluents polluting
96km. The basic mapping ideas for site suitability
groundwater as well as surrounding environment
analysis involve delineating the best route connecting to
(Azadhe and Basavarajappa 2011 & 2012).
different points or identifying the best location for a
The encountered elevation in feet in the study area as
specific function (McHarg 1969).
Drainage and Tanks: a) 1,006.1 to 2,674, b) 867.1 to 1,006.1, c) 728.2 to
867.1 and d) 32.768 to 728.2 ft.
The drainage pattern of the study area was digitized
using satellite data, produced by USGS (ETM+), the Geology:
sheet no. path 144, row 52 and resolution of 30m. Water
Geology of the study area (fig.7) represents four major
bodies like tanks, ponds, streams, lakes and rivers were
formations, as:
identified and digitized. The waste disposal areas should
• Peninsular Gneiss at the bottom
not be in the vicinity of rivers, lakes, or swamps where
• Ultramafic-mafic complex
the underground water level is high. A landfill must not
• Amphibolites and younger formation
be kept away about 100m from drainage channels
• Granite (pink color-Chamundi hill).
(Lunkapis 2003; Agnes 2007; Despotakis 2007). The
total water bodies cover an area of 29,328.1 ha where Structure and Lineaments:
as the perennial Cauvery river covers about 15,098.4 ha
The landfill site should be away from faults, fissures,
in the study area (fig.3). Drainage forms the basic
joints and other shear zones to avoid any natural and
geological features which easily identifies the nature of
structural damages. The numbers of minor, medium and
lithology of particular area and demarcating the Ground
major lineaments were identified & digitized and these
water potential zones in the satellite imagery. Almost all
lineaments should be kept away about 100m for landfill.
the drains are of dendritic type along the South-East and
The average direction of these lineaments is towards
North-East directions and are demarcated as a line
NW or SE, but the two major lineaments have an
feature. The total length of drainages is 11.02 sq km
average direction towards NE or SW (fig. 8 & 9),
representing most of the excellent and moderate ground
(Basavarajappa et al, 2008).
water potential zones in the study area.
Soil Types:
The soil map was prepared using satellite imagery IRS-
The study area covers an area of 18.53 sqkm of
D of LISS-III and toposheet as base map with GIS
vegetation such as forest cover, agricultural and
analysis. The soil of the study area can be classified into
irrigated lands. So a 100 m is suggested to keep away
types, such as,
from landfill sites. Buffer zone covers an area is36,530
ha of vegetation which is a sensitive place for landfill 1. Clay: The soil type is deep and moderately, well
site harming the surrounding environment and living drained and slight salinity in particles.
beings in it. These areas are noticed on the satellite
2. Clay-Mixed: The soil type is deep and moderately,
imageries as red in color due to high chlorophyll
well drained with clayey soils of valleys and slight
content. The main crops grown in the study area are
salinity in particles. It is associated with deep,
Sugarcane, Maize, Ragi, Paddy, Jowar, Vegetables etc.
imperfectly drained, clayey over sandy soils.
Topography of the Study Area:
3. Clay-Skeletal: The soil type is found to be very deep
The elevation in the study area illustrates five numbers which is well- rained and has clayey soils on undulating
of classes. Topography and elevation data are the interfluves with slight erosion. It is associated with
additional information for landfill site by the help of shallow to excessively drained, gravelly clay soil which
slope topographic data. The elevation at Eastern side is moderately eroded.
varies from 720-800ft, Western side 761- 880ft and
4. Rocky Land: The soil is associated with deep and
Southern elevation is 640-720ft above MSL (fig.5 & 6).
moderately, gravelly clay soil on gently sloping
Topography (Contour lines) are classified into 7
interfluves and also slightly eroded in particles. Clay
elevations (in feet) which are 961- 1020ft, 881-960ft,

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06, December 2013, pp. 1801-1808
1804 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Waste Disposal Site Selection and
Environmental Impact Assessment around Mysore City, Karnataka, India

soil is one of the best soil types for landfill site fractures and lineament zones around Mysore city. The
preventing leachate problems. Leachate migration from following are the suitable locations for waste disposal.
the landfill could be a potential source for surface
andgroundwater contaminations. Mapping soil types in
vegetated terrain from satellite imagery is one of the The increasing development of any city and population
advantages of Remote Sensing. It demands wider area growth caused a tremendous amount of municipal solid
coverage to obtain more than three types of soil in a wastes generation and arising a major problem in the
study. Clay pits are more suitable for depression ype surrounding environment.
landfills whereas sand gravel pits should be avoided
Geologically, Geo-environmentally, Geo-
according to permeability, except when the bottom
morphologically, the upper limit of feasibility of waste
formations are impermeable (Schwartz, 1997; Azadhe et
disposal site selection contributes to a high technique of
al, 2009).
investigation to obtained accurate results. Site selection
Built-Up Area: criteria for underground waste disposal are more
appropriate based on geological, geotechnical, Remote
The built-up area of the study area was digitized using
Sensing and GIS study for rocky soil areas like Mysore
satellite data with the path no.144, row no 52 with 52m
city. Based on tectonic in homogeneity, hydrogeological
resolution by GIS analysis (fig.11). It exhibits building,
condition, mining setup of the area, Seismic conditions
settlements and industries. The landfill site should be
and Geomorphological with lateral extent,
away about 500m from any built-up area and for
sedimentation age of the rock covered with the slope
industrial place just 300m is suitable. It has been
and lineaments also contributes for landfill site
observed that the development of built up area is less
selection. Now-a-days, the aim is to protect the
towards North-South and more towards West-East. But
environment, ground water pollution and soil from the
the southern region of the study area offers suitable sites
harmful toxic and effluents present in the huge wastes.
for landfill due to less built-up availability.
The best benefits of landfill is making GAS, BOOM
Integration Of Layers: energy and compost in low cost and other benefit to
prevents Greenhouse gases being emitted into the
The combination of different thematic layers helps to
atmosphere. The principal aims of the overall Site
obtain best locations for proper way of scientific waste
Selection process from an environmental perspective to
disposal of in the study area. Best locations for landfill
find a best site, which will safeguard public health, have
were identified and interpreted to keep effluents and
minimal impact on the environment, and provide
toxic wastes away from Drainage, Tanks, Soil,
information about safe disposal of waste.
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International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06, December 2013, pp. 1801-1808
1806 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Waste Disposal Site Selection and
Environmental Impact Assessment around Mysore City, Karnataka, India

Fig1: Location map of the study area

Table.1 Source: Regional Statistical Office, Mysore (2005-10)

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06(02), December 2013, pp. 1801-1808

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06, December 2013, pp. 1801-1808
1808 Application of Remote Sensing and GIS on Waste Disposal Site Selection and
Environmental Impact Assessment around Mysore City, Karnataka, India

International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering

ISSN 0974-5904, Vol. 06, No. 06(02), December 2013, pp. 1801-1808

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