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Analyzing the Timeline

A.D. 445-1485
British and World Events

1. (a) What was the earliest date given for the introduction of
Christianity to England?
(b) Why is this date important?
2. (a) When did the Vikings attack a site in Britain?
(b) What may have happened to this seafaring, warlike
3. (a) What important military campaign occurred in France a
year after Bede completed his ​History​?
(b) If those who lost the battle had won it, how might the
history of Britain have been different?
4. (a) When did the Normans conquer England?
(b) Does the timeline suggest that they were eventually
expelled, or that they were assimilated (married local
people and eventually lost their distinct identity)? Explain.
5. (a) What two dramatic events occurred in Britain in the
1330s and 1340s?
(b) How might these events have affected the population of
the British Isles?

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