3.01 Could You Be An Entrepreneur

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Choosing Your Entrepreneur

You may select a person from the list below, or obtain pre-approval from your instructor to choose
someone else.


● James Chu—innovator in computer monitors

Presenting Your Research

You may choose the format for your presentation; examples include PowerPoint, blog, video, or
podcast. In your presentation, be sure to include:

1. A brief biography (minimum one paragraph of text or audio). Include answers to the
following questions:
1. When and where was the person born?
2. What kind of opportunities did the person have growing up?
3. What is the social, cultural, and ethnic background of the person?
4. How did the person's background influence his or her choices or outcomes?
2. A description of the person's contributions (minimum two paragraphs of text or audio).
Include answers to the following questions:
1. What did the person do that is memorable?
2. How has their work helped shape American society?
3. Did the person have to alter his or her plans along the way? Explain.
4. What did you learn about this person that will affect or inspire your own life in
some way?
3. An example of how the person followed the "HUNT"—provide one example for each of
the four parts.
4. A "Works Cited" page. Include a list of the books, websites, or other references where
you found information. For this course please use the

1 Biography,
James Chu was born 1957, in Southern Taiwan, And he is the founder of viewsonic which is a
computer monitor company. He has also launched the Keypoint technology company, and he is an
entrepreneur. He was born in a small town called Pington in a military base, he was one of 6 kids
who was not a very social child and did not have too many friends growing up, he was not the best in
school either, before he came to America he worked multiple sales positions. He then came to
america in 1986 to become the u.s president of a keyboard manufacturer, and during his time
growing up being shy, and he overcame his shyness while working in a company, and James
believes you can make your own opportunities, beginning in 1987 he started his corporation, which
soon turned into viewsonic.

2 - a description of the person's contribution

Something James Chu did that is very memorable is that he started the biggest computer
display manufacturer in the world . His work helped American society because he was in a
famous book, called American Comeback, which is him talking about sharing wisdom, to help
other people with wanting to become an entrepreneur, Through his determination and charisma
he became a billionaire. He served in the Taiwan military, and that did not stop him from
reaching his goals. And, Something that inspired me about his story is that he was shy, and that
did not stop him from reaching his goals, that even though he had a somewhat of a setback he
finally overcame his setback, and moved on and made a huge company that specializes in
computer monitors.

3- Hunt

H - James started his own business, Self made

U - he was soon forced into the military, he also had to borrow money. From his sister to start
his business

N - he was a friendly man. Everyone enjoyed being around him in the company, and when he
wanted his own company he went over to his competitor and started selling for them

T - he made his way in the entrepreneur world by selling for many different companies, and then
he used the money his sisters loaned him to begin his own company

Works cited -

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