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Topic: You are a guest at Macbeth’s coronation; during dinner, Macbeth sees Banquo’s ghost.

Using a first person point of view, write a narrative that tells a story about the events at the

Today is the coronation of King Macbeth and Queen Lady Macbeth, As i get ready to set
off to the castle. As this is a big day for everyone since the last king has passed, we have been
waiting for news of a new king and we finally know. The Thane of Cawdor is picking up the role.
It is going to be a long way to the castle. So I set off as I walked through the village and saw
many people getting ready to leave so we all came together to talk about the current news
spreading of our new king as we made our way to the castle. And as we come upon the castle
we see it strut up over the rocks, These impenetrable walls and we are being allowed in to
appraise our new king and queen. The castle is beautiful. It peaks over the rocks, you can say it
reaches the heavens. It was crafted with the utmost care. As if it was crafted by god-hands, as
all the others began to enter the castle we see gorgeous wooden long tables, with tea plates,
and wonderful Handcrafted silverware, and the beautiful hand sewn curtains are drawn open so
we can gaze upon the view that we all were so graciously invited to see. And as all of us
commoners soon began to talk and catch up and talk about the amazing scenery we were
blessed to gaze upon. The room suddenly goes quiet. We soon hear a door open, King
Macbeth and Queen Lady Macbeth enter the room. The king is in his ceremonial garments a
beautiful kilt with a royal blue that fills me with a sense of royalty and makes me gasp as I see
the accessories on his garments a beautiful gold sewn in between, And lady macbeth in a blue
silk gown she was like a ghost moving through the crowds greeting everyone. There is a
presence here that wasn’t, It feels off. The king doesn't seem too fond of his new roles, and the
Queen keeps checking her surroundings. And soon we are all seated, and the coronation
begins, and at the head of the room is sat the king and queen, and through Lady Macbeth’s
speech we see the king turn to his left and begin talking to a chair as if someone is there.
Everyone seems to notice except the queen. Almost as if she is ignoring it. I ask my peers if this
is a normal occasion, And as the room began to crawl with voices, As a whisper from one end
finally reached me that, Lady macbeth requested that we all act normal as Macbeth has
occasional visions, and to ignore his irrational behavior as it happens, But as dinner soon began
to pregrese I am unable to avoid the strange behavior coming from Macbeth he has been
talking to himself, and just seems he isn’t here. But I can see him he is there, as if he has lost
his way he is not himself something is wrong, and on every strange thing to happen tonight you
would believe Banquo would show up to a Coronation, And Macbeth it almost seems he is
becoming more insane throughout the night, But Lady Macbeth reassures everyone that this is
normal behavior, at this point me and the others just want to make it through dinner, And the
room of the coronation has slowly fell from excitement to, Feeling uncomfortable with spurts of
the Kings weird behavior, And as dinner soon comes to an end he has been talking to someone
who is not there all night so we came to the assumption that he is talking to a ghost, certainly
Macbeth has lost his mind, And unable to comprehend what has already happened tonight, As
the room suddenly goes quiet we all look to the front of the room Macbeth's face is as pale as
the dim as the moon, it was almost as if he actually saw a ghost, He begins to act sporadic, and
starts yelling at the people in the coronation whoever casted this witchcraft upon him to remove
this spell, and that it was torture but soon the room turns into panic, We dont know what is
happening and the Queen seems to not know either, This behaivior does not seem to happen
occasionallty, he is new. This has never happened in public, Something changed tonight, The
Queen soon ends the coronation abruptly as she tries to calm down Macbeth, he is staring
down at his hands chanting something but I am being pushed by everyone behind me further
and further away from the current issue at hand as everyone is running from the castle. And all I
can see is him wiping his hands on a washcloth as if there is something on his hands but I can
see there is nothing he has surely lost his mind or what was left of it. And as we are all outside
of the castle we hear bloodcurdling yelling from the queen that what has been done can not be
reversed, the blood is now on his hands and will never be washed away. And soon leaves
everyone outside the castle worried. It was time to soon return home and the Queen soon
greeted everyone at the gate and apologized and I was able to get a peek through the castle
doors, Macbeth was on his knees rubbing his eyes as if he had witnessed something. But the
queen reassured us again that this was his normal behavior and asked us all to return home.

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