Brosur Seminar Internasional Series1

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Center for Biodiversity &

Environmental Study Assosiasi Profesor Indonesia


International Seminar 2021

Update Biodiversity in Kalimantan
Series of webinar

Series#1 International Seminar

Status of Ichtyofauna Biodiversity in the Kayan
Delta Sembakung North Kalimantan, Indonesia
Virtual Seminar, July 12 th 2021

Opening Speech Speakers

Prof. Adri Patton Dr. Ir. Siti Nurbaya Bakar Prof. Martin Zimmer
Rektor UBT (tentative) Professor für
Minister of KLHK RI Mangrovenökologie
(Universität Bremen)

Prof. Ari Purbayanto Tunggul Butarbutar

Ketua Asosiasi Profesor Principal Advisor GIZ
Prof. Iwan Suyatna
Prof. Sulistiono
Professor of the Faculty of
The Center for Biodiversity & Environmental Studies is a Professor of the Faculty of Fisheries and Marine
research center under the UBT Research and Community Fisheries and Marine
Service Institute. This research center serves as a forum for Sciences Unmul
Sciences IPB
the study of biodiversity and environmental ecosystems in
North Kalimantan. The main activities at this study center is
to mainstream research and innovation in developing based
on the potential of Kalimantan's biodiversity, tourism
including Pharmacy

Dr. Heppi Iromo, M.Si Ricky Febrinaldy S, M.Si

Lecturer and Researcher of Lecturer and Researcher of
the Faculty of Fisheries and the Faculty of Fisheries and
Marine Sciences UBT Marine Sciences UBT
Dr. Etty Wahyuni, MP

#Narahubung : Rica Sari Dewi : 08134742122

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