Insight Paper Iv

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Face-to-face meetings are no longer encouraged nowadays due to the present

health situation of the country. Thus, virtual meetings become the ultimate recourse of
every organization to keep their business agenda going. The same applies to all other
agencies and offices in the country. The use of technology in this case is truly
beneficial. Take for example schools that are conducting online teaching as a distance
learning modality to protect learners from the threat of the COVID-19 virus. Although
there are those school that used printed modular approach. Strict compliance to health
protocols is observed. In addition, teachers under this modality still use online
communication such as group chat and video chat to inform students of their concerns.
On the other hand, students under this modality also use their cellphones to take videos
of their activities in MAPEH and TLE subjects. These videos are sent to their respective
teachers in the subject as part of their performance. Hence, cellular phones are very
useful gadget to use for student’s studies. The birth of technology and the internet bring
people’s lives to a level of discovery and growth especially this time of the pandemic. In
all these situations, communication is always present. As human beings, we are bound
to communicate to our fellow human beings however difficult we find it. For instance,
when we communicate verbally, we do it in relax manner since communication may be
by phone, radio, television, or sign language. However, when we do it orally, we find it
differently. Speaking in front of my students is something that I really enjoy doing but the
thought of speaking in front of professionals and people with high positions brings a chill
in my spine and gives me a lot of butterflies in my stomach. But this situation is
unavoidable especially in meetings and conferences wherein teachers are assigned to
take part in the program as speaker or emcee that requires speaking and exposure. But
that was me before as a new teacher. As years went by, I tried to overcome this
shyness and nervousness I felt every time my turn to speak came up. I learned that Oral
Communication such as public speaking is a skill that teachers need to possess
because of the exposure we get as front liners in the field. It would really be awkward to
hold a microphone with a trembling hand and feel the blood on my face went down to
my feet. I discovered that what I need is to be ready with the message or topic I have to
discuss before the speaking engagement and really, practicing in front of the mirror
helps. Confidence also plays a vital role to deliver your speech successfully. So, I was
able to conquer my fear and become a guide to other younger teachers who experience
the same dilemma when it comes to public speaking. Educators must be well-versed in
all kinds of communication because that is what teaching is all about.

Prepared by:

Katlyn Jan N. Evia

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