5 Ways To Reduce Stress

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Dr. Lum Frundi, MD

We are all too familiar with stress in this day and time. Our bodies
respond to acute stress by increasing our heart rate and preparing
us to face or avoid danger. When we remain constant state of
stress, our muscles become tight and we start experiencing
physical symptoms like headache, neck pain, back pain, heartburn,
abdominal cramps, and diarrhea.

Over time, it increases the

risk for high blood
pressure and heart
disease and it suppresses
the immune system
reducing our ability to
fight disease. Managing
stress is critical not only
to improve your energy
level but also to help
prevent chronic disease
and fight colds and acute
When you take slow deep breaths through your nose while

BREATHE feeling your belly rise as you breathe in, it slows your rate of
breathing down, helps your body relax, and you be present


How to practice deep breathing

Sit or lie in a comfortable position

Place one hand on your belly so you can feel your hand
move up and down with each breath.

Take a slow deep breath through your nose feeling your

stomach fills with air and hand rise as your lungs fill up

Hold your breath for a few seconds.

Let the air out slowly through your nose or mouth

Repeat about 5- 10 times until you feel your body

While doing this breathing exercise it is helpful to focus

on a positive affirming words that will help you relax.
Few examples are “ I am enough, I am worthy, I can do
hard things, I have the strength to remain calm in the
face of change…”

Finding time to reflect and pay attention to the good things

in life can improve health and wellbeing. It redirects the
mind from dwelling on the past and lack and focuses on
things that bring joy. This sense of joy and happiness builds
up a reserve of positive feelings that can be drawn on
during the rough patches in life. This leads to a less GRATITUDE
stressful state and a more positive and hopeful life

You can practice by starting a routine for gratitude

i. Make it a habit of talking about one thing you are grateful

for with your family each day
ii. Create a gratitude journal: Spending a few minutes each
night before bedtime writing down the things you are
grateful for helps the body relax and improves the quality
of sleep
iii. Regularly express gratitude in person to others

What we eat can either provide the nutrients our body

needs to regulate the stress response, or act as a stimulant

and increase the body's perception of stress.


b. Foods that help decrease stress include

i. Foods rich in vitamin C: Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale,

kiwifruit, lemon, oranges, strawberries, parsley, thyme
ii. Turmeric: Can be added with a pinch of black pepper to
salads, soups, and teas
iii. Cherries are high in serotonin and a good snack for
stress relief

iv. Healthy fats like avocados and wild-caught fish like

salmon and sardines help balance inflammation and

regulate stress hormone cortisol

c. Avoid foods that will increase inflammation and stress

hormones like caffeine, sugars, refined carbohydrates,
breakfast cereals, artificial sweeteners, processed meats,
sodas and alcohol, processed vegetables oils (canola,
sunflower, safflower, corn, grapeseed

a. Exercise reduces stress hormones such as adrenaline

and cortisol and increases the production of endorphins EXERCISE
that helps the body to relax and elevate mood.

Simple activities include :
i. Going for a run, walk, or hike
ii. Yoga or stretching
iii. Dancing to your favorite music
iv. Bouncing or kicking a ball, jump rope, or hula hoop

a. A strong support system provides the positive encouragement

COMMUNITY we need to become our best selves. According to research, our

genes can be turned on or off depending on our social
environment. Social stress is a strong predictor for chronic

disease, alcohol use, smoking, and inactivity. Community is more
effective than medication in the treatment of chronic diseases
like obesity and diabetes. Joining a community with similar
health values and culture can go a long way to reduce stress
and prevent chronic disease.

b. Create a community by
i. Starting an accountability group with your friends and family
ii. Joining an exercise class
iii. Finding an online community or starting your own



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