My - Logistics Biblioteka Logistyka

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My Logistics Jezyk angielski dla logistykow ‘Wydawea: Instytut Lopsty i Magazynowani ‘ul Extkowshiego 6 61-755 Poza’ tel, 061 850 4922, faks 061 852 63 76, ‘wore, bibliozkalogistyka. pl "tm." FD” soe iN ISBN 978-83-87344-34-4 W OZ/ZOP Copyright ©by nstytut Logstyki i Magazynowania Poznas 2010 ‘Wszelkieprowa zastrezone Fotografie: Artur Olejnizak -oktadka, st. 106, 110,123, 140, 142 Tomasz Janiak- ste 12, 14,29, 106,117,123, 139,140 ‘Adam Wojciechowski st. 131, 132 Piotr Kazmlerss - st. 36 Ageneja STOCK XCHNG - ste. 12,36, 77,78, 82 91, 97,105, 106,123, 139 GSI - str. 12, 14,19, 123, 138, Biblioteka PRP Cargo st. 91 weltligts! Marcin Hajdl- sx 106 ecient rin Ps, 5 Konsultajajgzykows: dr John Catlow Konsultaca metodyezns: dr Witostaw Awedyk Opracowanie redakeyine: Toms Janik ‘Skladitamanie: Piotr Kaémierski Opracowanie graficane okladki Piotr Ksémierski ‘Drak i oprawa: Zaktad Polgrafcary Moé & Luczak, ul. Piva I, 60-375 Poznai PIs TRESCI 04 autordw Unit. Unit Unie Unie unit Unit. unit 7 Unit Unit Unie 20, Unie a Unica Unie a3. Unit a4 units. rie 6, Unie a7 Unie 8 Unie 39. Unit 20, Uni 20 Unie 22, unie23, unit 24, unit 25, Logistics in general My work. Job interview My company In the office Prcoists and business offers, part Pricelists and business offers, part 2 Involcing Financial sttements Forwarding Transport of goods ‘Transport of passengers Rall ranspotation Road transportation Sea transportation {Air transporation Intermedal transport Handling of goods. Warehousing Warehousing equipment Loading and unloading {Goods ident fation Supply chaies Logistes ane the Internet Recycling in ogistes Annex 1. Numbers ‘annex 2. Logistes Uosuments Stowniczek polsko = engelski ‘Sfowniczek angelsko~ polski 14 19 38 39 48 st 37 75 79 86 m8 9 07 112 3 vs 130 135; 142 147 356 163 168 178 182 196 OD AUTOROW ‘Ksigia jest zbiorem angielskich tekstiw érédlowych 0 tematyce loglty- cane},uzupetnlonych éwiczeniamileksykalnymiorazzadantamirozwijajacymi spravnoéé pisania 1 swobodnego wypowladania sig na tematy 2wiazane 2 logistyka, Katdy 2 25 rozdzialiw tematyeenyeh (units) rozpoczyna sig caytank, do ktre} zostat praygotowany glosariusz podstawowych termindw wrniel wystepujacych. Kolejnym elementem sq éwiezenia leksykalne, majace na celu utrwalanie stownictwa wiytego w czytankach, a take Gwiczenia Bi mdwieule 1 redegowanie poublawowyeh pisit ¢ eakrest logstykt. W niektérych rozdalalach éwiczenla zostaly uzupelnione biorem przy- datnych 2wrot6w | wyraied, ktére maja na celu zautomatyzowanie tych ompetencil. Autorzy poloiyli nacisk na éwiezenia aktywizujgce uczniSw do komunikacj, doskonalenie sprawnoscl méwienia, stosowanla zwrotsw griecznoSclowych i potocznych, prowadzenia rocméw towarzyskich I stuibowych. Na kovicu ksig#ki zamleszcaono dwa stownlczkt logisty- cane: angielsko-polski i polsko-angielski, Zataceniki zawierajq min, w20- ry wybranych dokument6w (w jez. angielskim) stosowanych w logistyce. Autorzy starali sig ujaé w Ksigice najbardaie] podstawowa terminologig logistyezng obejmujgca min. takle zagadniena jak: dziatalnosé firm logisty canych, galgzietransportu, spedycia, operacje magazynowe,identyfikacia toward, Podrecanik jest preeznaczony dla osbb praygotowujacych sig do pracy ‘wbrandy logistycane) praede wszystkim uczniéwksztatcacych sigw zawodzie technik logistyk oraz student6w logistyki - shuchacay lektoratéw jgzyka angielskiego. Cel, jaki postawillsobie autorzy, to praygotowanie uczniGw do prowadzenia rozm6w i korespondenciiz anglojezycanymi kontrahenta- ‘mi praculacym w dzlatach logistyki przedsigbiorstw handlowych i produk- cyinych, firmach logistycanych 1 spedycylnych. Prayswojenie materiatu "uletego w ksigzce pozwoli na wzupetnienie i podniesienie znajomose! jezyka angielskiego, a w saczeg6lnoéei doskonalenie postugiwania si terminologiq, Togistyceng. Dla lepszego zrozumienia specyfila stownlctwa logistyez- nego, w ksigice wykorzystano oryginalne teksty 2 prasy fachowe) oraz fagmenty material6w informacyjnych firm logistycznych. Ze wagledu na ‘wykorzystanie w ksigice takst6w frédlowych ~ uproszczonyeh w bardzo jgraniczonym zakresie - jest ona przeznaczona dla osdb znajgcych jgzyk angielski na poriomie praynajmnie) érednio zaawansowanyt. Autorzy wyraiaja nadzieje,2e wiedza i umiejetnosci nabyte dzieki zapozna- niu sl zaprezentowanym materialem pozwola na swobodng komunikaclg ‘w jezyle anglelskim w pracy zawodowe| w logistyce, zardwno w kraju jake {a granica Aleksandra i Marek Matulewscy Pomnat, uty 2010 r ne ane UNIT 1. LOGISTICS IN GENERAL (Dimesdiog exercise 1. Read the text and answer the questions 1, What does loglstics manage? 2. What are the main objective of logistics? 3, What does logistics involve? 44 Whats logistics management? 5, What do logistics management activites include? 6. Why I lgisties management an integrating function? 7, What ae logistics activites integrated with? Definition of Logistics {Logistic isthe planning, execution and control ofthe movement and place ment of people and/or goods Logistics aims at supplying "The right product inthe right quantity, ofthe right value, tothe right pace, atthe right ime tothe right customer, atthe right price. Definition of Logistics Management Logistics managements that part of supply chain management that plans, Imple ‘ments, and controls the efficient, efective forward and reverse flow and storage of goods, services and related Information between the point of origin and the point of consumption in order to met customers’ requirements Logistics management activites typically include inbound and eutbound tran. portation management, leet management, warehousing, materials handling, oF der fulfliment, logistics network design inventory management, supply/demand planning, and management of third-party logistics service providers. To varying degrees, the logistics function alo Includes sourcing and procurement, produc ‘on planning and scheduling, packaging and assembly, and customer service. is Involved inal levels of plansing and execution «strategic, operational and tact cal. Logistics management isan integrating function, which coordinates and op timiaes al logistics activites, as wall as integrating lglstis activites with other 9 a A functions Including marketing, sales manufacturing, france, and information | grer fulfilment realeacjazaméwienia technology (defined bythe Counc od Supply Chain Management) lost network Sie logityena inventory management rariganie stanami magpeynony, Glosary rarsgdeanie sapasami spp iiteran planing planowanie podaty/popytu logistics logisyka third-party soba tec management srgizanie hc servic providers dostewey usu loestyeaneh ow of goods prepiyw towaréw tovarying degrees we ring stor flow of people prepiy iad function funk, zadanie point of rain mmieSce pochodenia sourcing veysukwanie tel zaopatrenia Poin of consumption miejsce Konsum procurement _aopatrtenie, zopatrywanie Point of destraton miesce premacenia production planing planowanie produc to supply dostarerae scheduling Planowarie sporzactanleplinow right product \Wlaseiwy prosukt packaging pakowarie right quantity ase lost sembly mmontat Fightvalue wiageiny stan customer service obstuga klenta rightplace wlaseiwe mice aallievels ra wsysthienpoxlomach figetime wlascny czas planning Planowanie Fightcustomer wiascivy ent execution veykonanie rightprice waéeiny koset strates strategicny to indud obejmowae operational cperaeviey supporting activites “afoia wspomagaiace tactical takeyerny twachive cviggné Integrating function 2adanieintegrulac,fnicaintearayina 7Rs 7 asada 70) to coordinate koordynowat logistics management zaraadzani lolstyeine toooptimize optymalizowaé suppy chain fan dostaw logistics activity diitanelogstycne suppiy chain management __zarzadranetacuchem dostaw tointegrate integrowa topan plonowae sales spredat to implement waraiae manufacturing produtla tocowrel kontroiowaé Information teehrology Informatika efficient Sorawny sprawnie dialer effecive skatecamy,efektywny eae —s—“—CsCSCSCSCS forward and reverse flow wukierunkowy przepyw ‘ecshuiary sore of goods prechowani toward rere 1, Transat into Engh low of services reap us tomeet tha reuoments prose magnon 1 prep tara Gr actvty tae 2 faficuch dostaw 7. planowanie produkt fleet management zareadzaniefota 3, mieisce pochodzenia ees 4. wymogistawiane prez klentéw 9. magazynowanietowaréw 5. pope, pepesenporgebeursmitettonlstoneate ‘Exercise 2. Supply the missing prepositions. ___-theflow______ goods and people, ‘origin and the point _ consumption meet the requirements —___ consumers. Information, Wansportation, Logistics i the management _ the point order logistics Tnvolves the Integration Inventory, warehousing, materiat-handling, and packaging. Spesking _ ‘Exercise 1. Look at the pitures and say what the people are doing. From: Joh. Smithioglstis pl. uk Tetaaien@lays.comik Subject Enquiry ‘Our company is interested in ordering ive pallets of evap onion and cream. Before placing un cra we woud ike 1 know the delivery dates, the pce | ‘he goos and shipment Liverpel ad possible scouts ‘elon fran to esi frm 308 000, ‘on Sith Key Account Manager, Logins ple Write an e-mall stating the folowing delivery date~5 days from the placing of an order + price £500 {1 Shipment depends on the destination, usually about £400 1 S86 discounts on orders exceeding £500, and 10% on orders exceeding £1500. ‘Bank of useful phrases and expressions Salutation and cose Dear Sir or Madam ~ Yours sincerely ‘Dear Me Smith Yours sincerly/kind regards/Best regards “whom it may concern Yours sincerely/Knd regards/Best regards Dear Robert ~ Best regards/Best wishes Opening sentence {famust weting to inform you { am|ust writing to confirm .. | amjust writing to reply to ‘Thankyou very much for youre Replying to an enquiry Yim sending you Please find. attached. Thank you very much for your Interest in our services. We hope that you are satisied with . Ending Hook forward to hearing from you soon. Hook forward t hearing fom you ASAP. Hope to hear from you soon, 2 UNIT 2. MY WORK Reading | Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the 1. Who works fo a ogistes company? 2. Wha deals with delivering goods? 3. Who has driving experience? | Who works ina warehouse? vim Robert Brown. | work fora loglties company. My Work involves transporting goods. To be eae, run the Transportation Department. | am a transporta tion manager. Fifteen people work under me. | am responsible for preparing transportation schedules ‘and shipping goods. Our Department is responsible {or providing transportation services. 'My name is John Smith. work for Aus. am logistics specialist. lam responsible for managing the logistics via rll and road carers for incoming ingredients for ‘te production plants within the region | am also responsible for the purchasing and logisties of ready products and timely delivery of ingredients to plants Hi im Ed, fm a driver. have four yeas’ pickup and delivery experience driving 2 24f truck. I work for Prolegs. On average, | drive about 8000 km per ‘month. | pick up goods from our warehouse and deliver them to consignees Hm George Blackwell. ma warehouse assistant. am responsible for picking items for shipment from the warehouse. | work with a computer a lot. My jb requires using bar code scanners and keep Ing inventory reports up-to-date. (etessan os ‘to work for sb towork on sth ‘towork under sb torun ‘to be responsible for sth logistics company experience in sth goods transportation manager ‘Transportation Department toprepare schedule ‘oship dalvery lek up pekup and delivery truck onaverage ft permonth topick warehouse todeliver consignee loristics specialist, totransport transportation carer ralleariee road carier Incoming ingredient production topurchase pracowaé dia pracowaé nad caymé pedlega¢ komus, pracowaé dla kogos Kerowa€ cxyms, byészefem czegot byéodpowiedsialnym 2a firma logistycana,spétka lglstycena jobal each and expertisn, Our Global Logistics Network covers more than: + 100 countries + 900 offices + 55,000 logistics specialists uehnevNagel delivers. end-to-end! supply chain solutions for many major industries, including hightech, real, fastmoving consumer gcods, pharma- ceutieaVhealthcare, Indtstril,chemi- ea, aviation and automotive, Kuehne+Nagel cooperates with some! of the largest and best-known compe ies inthe world The company’s warehouses are icalyloested in areas that can maxi mite the effcleney of distrlbution, lo] istics and light manufacturing ~ near seaports sirports, major highways and other stetegic transportation inf structure But the Protogis platform covers more than buicings alone. It includes ex- tensive land holdings ~ and global r- Tationshipe with leading manufactur er, retalis, logistics companies and) other large-scale users of distribution space’ Exercise 2. Dscuss, 4. What te of loses company would you tke to work for? 2. 0 youknow any logistics comparies operating in Poland? 3 What are the problems connected with transportation of dangerous goods and substances? 4. Which typeof substances do you consider mos dificult to transport? Why? 7 ems erm ego 2 Feo htpowmatueeraelcom Exercise 1. Read the text and answer the question: Which objects are used in the ofice bya secretary ofa logistics manage”? Sora works as 2 secretary ofthe logistics manage In a big international company "rly with Us", She Is responsible for cantats with customers both reslonal and Intemational Her responsible include 4. Correspondence with clients (email and snail mal) 2. Direct contacts (meetings with custom's) 3. Preparing materials for the PR Department on new projects Sara speaks two languages. She i fluent in English and Russian. Her German is very basic. This year Sara takes language clases every Monday evening, Sara \works from 8.30 to 1700. She has a lunch break during which she goes to her favourite pub “Black Duck”. Sara is very well organized. She prepares mail using documents from difer tent files. Working in the office, sending ard receiving correspondence, she ses a lt of office equipment such as a date stamp, a paper punch or asta ler. Before meeting customers she call them and writes on 3 memo pad the time of the meeting. Documents are prapared by all logistic department ‘workers: there are many copies on her desk. Some papers are bound and Some are only clipped by paper clips. Once a month Sara prepares mater- als concerning a new project to be included in PR Department brochure. She ‘ites short reports with pens and pencis sting long hours inthe armchar, Promation is very Important for her. Speaking Exercise 1 Look tthe pictures. ‘What can you see? ‘What are these things used for? [Where can you find them? ‘What typeof jb do you associate them with? (Liiiins Exerelse 1. You have received an order in which your customer. + wants to buy 10 forkifts, catalogue number 3445, + wants a 10% ascount + wants to settle accounts on a documents against acceptance basis with payment by 30-day bill of exchange + wants the forkifts delivered before 10 May ‘wants them packed in crates + wants them delivered by s€3 and road Write # letter acknowledging the order, State thatthe goods were dispatched yesterday (chip from Shanghai to Hamburg, in 19 days’ time they will be reloaded. ‘onto trucks and wil be delivered to your customer in Zabrze within the three following days by road). Ifnecessary use phrases from other writing folders Bank of useful phrases and expressions ‘Acknowledging an order + Thankyoutor your order No. 3456 which we received today. We ae now dealing with tand you may expect delivery within the next three weeks. Your order, No. 3456, is now being processed and should be ready for despatch by next week. + We are pleased to say that we have already made up your order, No. 3856 for 50 forklifts, and are now making arrangements for shipment ‘0 Géars. + Your order, No. 3456, has now been placed on board the POMERANIA sling from Szczecin on 16 November 2002 and arriving in London on 12 December. The shipping documents have already been sent to your bank in London for collection * We are pleased to advise you thatthe bar code scanners you ordered = No. 3456 — were out on fight 8A 245 leaving Hamburg 11.00 a.m, 410 October arriving Warsaw 1.45 p.m. Please find enclosed ar waybil ‘AC'34567/2 and copies of invoice WE123/2003, Exercise 2. Match the words and phrases from the box tothe pictures above, date stamp + rubber stamp + paper punch binder # memo pad + phone + ball pon + pencil « photocopier + notebook + armchair « staple remover « drawing pins «eraser paper bin » paper clips «fle «stapler Exercise 3 Discuss 1. What doesa secretary do in a logistics company? 2. What type of office work does running a logistics company require? 3. What ae the advantages and dadvantages of office work? 4. Compare the jobs ofa secretary, a warehouse assistant, a professional driver, and 2 president ofa logistics compary, * Your order, No. 3456, has now been placed on board the POMERAMA sailing from Szczecin on 26 November 2002 and arivng at London on 42 December. The shipping documents have already been sent to your bank in London for collection. ‘+ We are pleased to advise you that the barcode scanners you ordered = No. 3456 ~ were out on flight BA 345 leaving Hamburg 31.00 am, 40 October ariving Warsaw 1.45 pun. Please find enclosed alr waybill ‘AC.34567/2 and copies of invoice WE123/2003. Dekysin detivery + | was surprised and sorry to hear that your consignment (Order No, 3456) had not reached you. On enguity found that It had been delayed by local dispute onthe cargo vessel Hamburg on whichithad been loaded. [am now trying to get the goods transferred tothe SS Ham- ‘burg which should sll for Bejing before the end ofnext week. However, I shall keep you informes. + Lam writing to tell you that there willbe a three-week delay n delivery. ‘This i due toa fie at our Skawina plant which destroyed most ofthe machinery Nevertheless, your order has been transferred to our Ohwa factory and being processed there. | apologize forthe delay which was ‘due to circumstances beyond our contol + We regret ta inform you that there will be ahold up in getting your con- signment to you. This is due tothe cut In supplies from Lebanon where cul war suddenly broke out last week. We have contacted @ posible supplie in Tunisia and he wile us know ifhe can help us. fou with to ‘cancel your order, you may, but think you wl find mast manufacturers are experiencing the same ciffcites at present. 38 T UNIT 6. PRICELISTS AND BUSINESS OFFERS, PART 1 fiex | ee ead the text and answer the questions |. How much does an express parce of 1kg to London cost? 2) How much is the fuel surplus charge? 5 How much is the expesition fee added to non-documented ddepatches? 4, What Is the price forthe volume package? ‘5. What is the extra charge for parcels over 20 kg? Pricelist Delivery prices from Poland to Great Britain (2009) ‘OxFORD TORDON OMER TIES Ts [prong | epee | paar me oftaivey | 1 23 z 3a | Panes ty Ostg | Mex | Rew | Wer | ier [Wen 101g | sew] ater [ster | ter | Ser 20k, | en | ew | eter | Ser | @ar 0k Gear | eu | tse | ober | Ser 00ig | ew | Gewr_[ 1isewr | Ole Rear peeadionlie| Seu | Geur| Ieur | Ser | T0cur Delveryprees fom Warsaw PO Bovor Wom local ORTEKOMES wrx Pick up charge in Finland 4S euros per dispatch (up to 10 kg, 0.6 euros per adational kg). From other counties, please use your ocalcourieror post delivery 1 Finland, 9% fuel surplus charge will be added to all transport costs, excluding ‘expedition and remailing services. An expedition fee of 30 euros wll be added ‘wall non documental dispatches and parcels over 2 kg, 50 eure for multiple package dspatch. “The delivery price for volume packages willbe charged on the basis of thie volume weight. 1 rm = 167 kg, Extra charge 20 eur for parcels over 20 kg 39 (Gisssary time of del cose dostamy express praesylka ekspresowa priority presyikapriorytetowa livery price cena dostawy office biue pick up odbiér charge opata dispatch praesylka, wysvka additional osatkowy courier kurer post delivery dostawa poctta fuel surplus charge odatkowa oplatapaliwowa toadd dotawae transport costs onty transportu excluding _wylaczeniem, wylaczajac expedition wysyha mailing services ustgl pocztowe fee opiata parcel paztka ‘multiple package dlspatch ‘pres alotona zkiku paczek volume objetose, rozmiar weight waa extra dodatkowy Voeabil Exercise 1 Provide definition forthe following words use adctionaryifneces- sary ° 1. charge 7. parcel 2 cost 8. delivery 3. lispateh 9. package 4. trancportes 10. delivery pice 5. fee 11 pricelist 6. price 12. quotation raerelse2. Supply the missing words into the correct form. Noun vers T [detvery east pay, ransport 2 3 5 6 supply 7 aiscount a pack 3 order 10 [enclose xercee 3. Supply the missing words and phrases. 1, Endosedisa_ (egremplare)ofourlatest______haralog) together with our (cnn 2, Enclosed are_______{probhi) of various patterns 3 “arya wil have no problem in Iwyprodu- i, the 6,000 hhave asked for in your enquiry. 4, Weean supply from_ {22apasu/magazynu) and will haveno trouble In meeting our date dostawy) 5. 1 am pleased to say that we will be able to _______{towary) you have ordered. 6. Tregrt to say that we no longer offer the lust) you refer to, since we find there is no longer sufficient _____(popyt for them. ma (potwierdeam) thatthe product you requie is one of ours, but since we are only able to deal with ___ {hurtowniey) not {etalic, may | refer you to ABC ple. ____-[napisaé) to us again if you have any {aadrweni) us atthe above Apalet) _ Iriesigcznia) you _léostarcyé) (oytana), or, (numer tletonah 2. We __{sugeryjemy) youvisitouragent’s_. a of our products 10, We hope to hear from you soon, and can _ that your leaméwiene) willbe dealt with natychmiastowe). _trapewnié) you, s2ybkof (Seeskine ‘perlse 2. Discuss Pie Exercise 4. Translate into English 1, Drighujemy 2a Paitwa lit 212 grudhia 2008r. 2. Wzatgcaenu ina Pafstwo nase najnowszy katalog i cennik 43. Oferujeny stercki wachiarzustug logistycanych “4. Nase fabryka produkje 10 000 paletchipséw miesigenie 5. Moiemy zapewnié, 4 wézek widlony lunghelnrich Ap10 jest najnowszym rozwlazzniem tego typ na rynku. 6, Tentyp nézka widlowego zostatostatnio ulepszony 1. Z praykroscia zawiadamiamy, 2 Jut nie produkujemy tego modelu wézka widlowego 1 Pracze pedaé numer katalogowy produktu ory sKadaniu zaméwiena, 9. Jestesmy w staniezainstalowaé spragt w ciagu trech miesiecy od zlotenia zaméwienia, 10, Niecerswie czckamy na Pafstwa odpowied. Exercise 5. Transat into Polish |. Thankyou for your enquiry of 12 October 2008 in which you asked about our | + 2. Enclosed is a copy of our latest catalogue and terms of discounts. e 3. With erence to your telephone enguiry today, we can provide the following logisteservices. 4. With relerence to your enquiry of 27 September 2008, we can offer you the following services st the prices stated. 5. We offera wide range of forwarding services. 6. We can supply all goods fram stock and will have no problem in meeting Your delivery dates. 7. 1am pleased to inform you that we willbe able to deliver the dispatch tothe destination within the next 5 days. 8, When ordering could you pease quote the catalogue numbers? 9. The samples you asked for will be sent by separate post. 10. look forward to receiving your order soon, 2 je that you are the drector ofa 200. You want to orgarize the transport of tao elephants from Arica tothe zo in Pouraf Olscuss with your colleague what Kind of logistics company you need, and what kind of questions you should ask prepare alist of questions together phase 2. ‘Youre the director and your colleague sa representative of logistics company. Jak bim the questions and discus the terms and conditions ofthe contract for transporting the elephants. (Coie Youhave received an order in which your customer: wants to buy 15 forks, catalogue number 3445, wants 15% discount wants to settle accounts on a documents against acceprance basis wth payment by 30-day bill of exchange Wants the forks delivered before the 10th of May wants them packed in crates wants them delivered by sea and road ete 2 fetter refusing the order, Inform him that You can deliver only forklifts now, and the remaining 10 canbe delvered on 30 May, because you are out of stock ofthis type because of the two dispatches the customer will have topay transportation costs twice Its uneconomical for you to offer products ata discount of 15%. You can coffer upto 10% discount if the payment is made by banktransfer before the 000s are dispatched 6k the customer to let you know about his decision a

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