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METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATIONS 2012 PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE BOOKLET At Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Do not turn over this page until you are told to do so. Follow all instructions carefully. Answer all questiors. ‘Shade your answers in the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided. Name’ Class: Primary 6. Date: 11 October 2012 , ‘This booklet consists of 15 printed pages including this page. at For each quetion from 1 to 30, four options ace gven. One of them i the corect answer. Make your choice and shade te oval (1,2, oF) on the Opel Answer Shoat (eo marke) 1. The dagram below shows the location of Plant A, Plant B and Plant © near tee Brana | @ Plant \Which one ofthe follwing sets matches the plants and their seeds correcty? (0) [mia [pene Pe ® © Rena [Bane [Pinte ia" | Plant Plant © (Pama [Fae Ba fem, | : | io eoentsrenatean 34 2 Study he flowchart below Cale ‘Does Rave ahaa shape? =e Goss toveciaosaat? | [Does have na? le ho es ° @ R Whatis P, 2, Rand S? ten Svea Chak Cat Reina at 2 Leaf Cell Root Gall “Sperm Coil Egg Cait (3) | Onion Skin Cet Teal Cel Red Biood Call | Sperm Cat | [Racer | “cama —Eap Cesk Ca] (Goontothe next page) ‘An experiment scared out on both te onlon and ted blood col to nd out whet happons when thay sbaorb too much weler. Both eels are placed in pur ater total thai ell menbranes abeorb as mich watar a possi “The iagram below shows the resus of the experiment 2 hour later. Si. wget pecdta Dod ra ond on placed in lon ce atone ut aor soury ena ope atoxe® Four students, Ace, rende, Candy and Debora; each gave 2 reason why tho ‘ed blood cet bust 3 hours latr but not the onion eel when too much wate centers ice: Unite the blood cl, the onion call has ace wa that eupports ‘and gues the enon clits chope. Brenda: Unie the blood cel the orion cel has a nucleus tat prevents \waterrom belng absorbed inf the cl ‘Candy: Unk the blood cel, the onion cel has chloroplasts that allows ‘hotorynhose to take place \Wno made the correct reasoning? (1) oe only Candy only @) Brenda only (@) Brenda and Candy onty (Goon the next page) a 4. The graph below shows the concenration of oxygen in blood samples taken fom four diferent places in fo human Sreuatry system, Which blood vessel P,Q, Ror SIs most ely to cany bled fom the body to theheat? me @a @R 8 (Go onto therext page) 6. 6 “The diagram below shows how blood flows within a human heat. oomarprece toy wich ofthe folowing dserbos the blood found n each ofthese parts ‘somectly? E rap Tee o ‘blood rich in| blood rich in ‘blood rich in| ‘blood rch in | Somer,” | angen” | canenocce | eaten dose | @ | Paesananin” | paorrern | “Goad iene] Baa en raven” | cater dove | camon aoade | oxygen co) aisarnanin~ | -aooavan | Bana en | Bid ee cater docs | cabondoe | "ong | oxgen co Pasian} -asncan | oesiren a Bisa eh orca | “avon” | “agee” | crtoncoice (Go onto the next pape) XB 6 ‘Study the flow chat below. (Go onto thenext page) Three gis, Phi, Min Ann and VI YI wete observing the coss-sectons of two ferent lowers a shown below. ower Each gi made slatement about what she observed about flowers. Pia: Flower A has male parts ony. Nin Ann: Polination can tke pace in bon Flower A and Flower B. vie Bott Flowor A and Flower B wl most Ikaly rw io is ‘Who made the coneet statements? (1) Phila and YY only Min Ann and¥i¥ionly @) Phila and Min An only (Phi, Min Ann and Yi Yb (Gocntothe next page) 45 & _Thofamily tree below shows the chien and grandehiken ofa female cate of colourbincness anda male who fs not colours, Fae a = aS | a 1 o[o;le| ma —— How many ofthe dauphters or granddaughters are not exlour bind? M7 @ 5 @ 3 wo 4 (Goontothe next page) 10 ‘Study the two groups of animals below. Soap [Sane Eagle Goat | Sparow Sauivet Kingfisher Leopard 4 ails, Ginny, Held, babel and Jenny, made the following statements about the {wo groups of animals. cnay Hi leabel A batean be classified in Group Abocaute can fy A bee can be classiiedin Group B because thas six logs A guppy can be classed in Group B because it gles bith to tive young. An ottich canbe classed in Group A because thas an otter coveing of feathers. Who made he gore statements? 0 @ ° ® Ginny and Heit ‘Heid and oak Hold, eabel and Jer ‘Ginny, Isabel and Jenny {Go ontothe next page) oo 10. " Phoobe wanted to examine the effec of area in some plants. Sho placed 4 ‘mar plans, P,Q, R and, in dential pots ed wit the same ameunt apd ‘ype of ol as shown n the diagram bp. ‘The same qui fetser was used each tine, However, the amount of water and fertser given to eae plant were varied as shaem nthe Information Below ian [Anau of waier hen pot”| Aout of eer an ay). (ere) P 0 ° a 30 ‘S drops every 5 days & “0 ‘B drops daily” st ~ o a) Aor 18 days, the resis are shown nthe gram balow, #822 tala wou 5 to—t—P hich ofthe plants cbove ste contro fr this experiment? (Plant 2 Planta Plant . Plants (Goontothe next page) " “The iagram below shows the human respiratory system, he ‘A represents the air fom the surroundings that errs the respicatry system ‘ino B represents the a tat eaves the reeprtory system ito he. Suroundings Four pups, Ann, Ben, Cath and Don, made the following statements about A and ann B can rake imewator tun chalky, Bon B contains 9 much amount of carbon dioxide ae oxygen, cath ‘A contains the sare amount of nirogen and re gases ae B, Don ‘A onters the nose and travels down the windsipe but ony oxygen centers the ngs \Who made the gorrectstatemonts? (1) Ann and Cath only (@) Ann, Ben and Don enty (@) Bon, Cath and Lon ent (Ann, Ben, Cath and Don (Goonto the next page) 4a 12, 8 ‘The diagram below tows part ofa smal intestine found nthe human digestive system. Miccovilis are agente structures fund inthe small intestine and digested food 's absorbed by thom. Based onthe nformaton above, tee gts, Rachel, Levina and Hannah made the folowing statements. Rachek The sutures prosde a greater surface area to abeor the gested food io the bloodeream at fate rato Lovina: The steture does not have any effect onthe absorption of gested food ino the bloodstream. Hannah: The suture speeds up the rate of absorption of digested food ‘Who mado the eomect statements? (1) Levina only 2) Hannah ery (Rachel and Lew only (4) Rachel and Harnah only (Goonto the next page) 2 14 “ Four gts, Kya, Lac, Mona and Nell, made the following statements about how te body reaciad when a person exorcised, ya: ore exygen ib prodvced. Lotsa: Bld seeing at a faster rat, Mona: The hearts beating ata fastor rate Nelle; The bedy needs more Blcod and food to provide energy. ‘Who made the gore statements? (1) Kyla.and Mons only Leticia ana Mena only @ Mona, Nee nd Kya ont @) Kya, Leticia, Mona aed Nello ‘Tho table bolow shows the characteris ofthe mango that 4 mango tees, Tee A,B, Cand, boar. ‘Based on the table, wich of th flowing pair of toes should be used to carry ‘out genetic election obiain the most desirable mango produced? © D ‘al, Sweet |g 8] ofits fruts | sndjicy | andjuicy | andery | andy () Aaa ) Aando @) Banac, Cando (Go ontothe next page) of 6 45. The dlagram below shows ve plane, growing in and near a pond. Which of he plants shown above, A, B,D, E,F, Gor H, would not grow plant © ‘mutipied raphy? (1) AandB only 2) Bend Deny, ©) F.GandH ony ” 4,8, D,F,G anit only (Go onto the next page) METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATIONS 2012 PRIMARY 5. SCIENCE, BOOKLET A2 Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 46 minutes: INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Follow all instructions carefully. Answer all questions. ‘Shade your answers in the Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided. Name: Class: Primary 5. Date: 11 October 2012 This booklet consists of 16 printed pages including this page, 53 For each question fom 1 t2 2, four opine are given. One ofthem isthe correct answer. “Make your choice and shale the ova (1, 2,30r8) on he Optical Answer Sheet, {60 matks) 16. The lagram below shams two containers filed wth wster at diferent temperatires Whe fn orp ow saety stows he ompertr oho contre of ator a tine (Go onto the next page) 17. Hod, sabe, Jessica and Katherine were instcted to study tho setup of four slectcereuts as shonin the diagram below. Each batory supp 15 units of lectical energy to fe cre ‘After studying the set ups, thoy made the fling statement, Hei “Tho bub in Diagram C wil be he brightest. Isabot The bbe in Diagram D willbe the brights Jessica: Thebulbsin Diagram B willbe the dimes. Katherine: The bubs in Diagram D willbe as bright as tat n Diagram A. Who made the coret statements? (1) sabe only 2) sessies ony (@) Hole and Jessica only (4) Hei, Jessi and Katherine only (Goonto the next page) ss 18. The creat below has sx bub holders, labelled, A,B,C, D, E and F, connected to each ater In which two bulb heldors should bulbs be fied such that both the bulbs woul ght uptogener? ) Fendo @ Emde @) Danie 4 Bande (Go on'o the next page) 18, -essica, Katetine and Mar prepared the set-up s shown in Diagram A below te prow the presenco of magnsticfore in an elacromagnot. X and Y represent the two poles of the electomagnat Dagan Ort commana —£ a \whan they closed tho cr, they observe that the compass neesie moved sighy an below 1 aly ported to Postion N ofthe compass as shown Diagram 8 Disa cayenne Font “Through ter observation they mads the fotowing statements: Jessica Katherine Mary represents the North Pole of he electromagnet Y represen the South Poe of te elecromagnet “The compaseis used to indicate the presence of @ magnetic force ‘Who made the crac statements? (1) Jessica onty 2) Katherine only Maryan Jessica only () Jessica, Katherine and Mary (Go.en to tha next page) ES 20. The diagram below shows an intial setup gen to Gienda for her to conduct an experiment Using the appari ised below, she was instructed fo obtain fresh water rom the cop in the container of sea water, Apparat given ‘+ acloar plastic sheet + 210g paper weigit + some sticky tape + anighintonsty amp “Th following senlensos st down the steps she should ake to obtsin fash water ‘tom the container of sea water, However, they are notin order, ‘A Putte 109 waght onthe plastic shee, placed above the cup. Be Collect restmatrn the cup, Use some ste tape and stick the clear plate sheet onto the op ofthe container. ©: Waitfor tho water to dop into the cup, Use a highintonsty lamp and shine tat tesa vat Which ofthe folowing shows the correct order of steps that she should take to ‘obian fresh water om tha container of a water? © AGBOE @ Acoes @ GAEDE CAEB,0 {(Go.ento henest page) 21. Jamie soup an sxsrimant using ght sensorto count the numberof idoncal ‘Object W, oh a moving bot as shown Inthe Gaga below, ght sensorconcte ‘The belt moves at aconstat speed. When an Object Wis between the light source and ight sersor, blocks off the light ram reaching the ght censor. The ata recorded fs shown inthe bar graph blow. pian Pre Based on the graph, how many of Object W passed through the sensor in 22 ‘sconce? o 6 @ 6 -@ on ® 2 {G0 on othe next page) 4 22. _YiYiflled some communicating vessels with coloured water. She then covered ‘Vessel © tty with» stopper as shown below ‘Then she continued to pour wate ito B ‘Which ofthe flowig would show the water evel A B,C, D and Egorecty? a caremuncsing ves rareruneaingeesete (Go0ntothenext page) ‘The picture below shcws a metal ball and rng apparatus, The ng was big ‘eno forthe balto pase through athe cart o the experiment. Tivee gis, Netie, eta and Phi, suggested the folowing procedures to proven the ball fom passing tough the eg. Nelle: oat up the rng Odea: Cool hering Phifa: Heat upthe metal ba, Who gave the corset suggestions? (1) Nelle and Osete @) deta and Pita @) Nelle ane Phita (8) Nelle, Odea Pita (Co onto the next page) bt 2, 10 {iin An propared the setup 28 shown nthe kara low to \ahether the type of mater the gloves are made of aft the amount of water ‘She measured the mass of each pair of loves before placing them ina container ‘of uster. She measured the mass of each pair of gloves again afer taking fem ‘ou the water ‘Tho following table shows tho results of her investigation, Pale Mass of gloves ce lace water (a) | Aer aka out a war) x 305, 80 a B05. 308 c 305. 486 B, 505. 518 ‘Nin An rats that she had made a mistzke dung the Investigation, ah wich pair of gloves di in Ann make the mistake and what i the mot ily reason for er risk? ls Sve seen 0 the change in mass ofthe gloves was too great ® Tass ofthe goves a not ange ° ‘ass of he gloves decreased o i ange n aes oh Slows was te (Goon tothe next page) " 125, Theciout card shown inthe lagram below has a metal thumblack at each of the points A,B, Cand D. Some ofthe thumblacks are connected by wires bshind the cad a) eS ad - creikond creak “To find out how these thmbtacks are connected, the two end ofthe out {ester as shown nthe dagram above, are connected (02 diferent thambtacks ‘cach ime, “Tho resus are ‘shown nthe table below. ircat tester connected to — | Does the bulb in the circuit ‘thumbtacks at tester light up? ‘AandB No Renee Yes ana Yer [Ba ri oaeD We From the results shownin the table above, which one ofthe folowing isa possible arrangoment ofthe wires behind the cre care? o @ {Goonto the next page) 63 Pe Jamie poured an eq. amount of water nto two measuring onder. She ‘soled fie large epoonfla of santo one ofthe eyinders and placed both bnders iro a rez. ‘Alter 6 hours, she removed both eyinders rom the freezer andthe ests are shown in the diagram below. amie then poured an equal amount of water into two pots. She dissolved fve large spoonfuls fsa to one of tho pots and heated both pots under he same hea intent unt water in one ofthe pos bolle. The ress are shown in the » — s (Go ontothe next page) _Baybara wanted tof cut how temperature affects the rate of evaporation of ‘water, She poured 200 of water on two Karta lta, each witha mace of 250g. She hung the sits on a beam balarce. The 2 ends ofthe beam balance ‘ate balanced a the sat ofthe experiment. She placed identical ighted lamps at diferent tances rom He skirts as shown in the igure below. ‘Sho recarded her resltsin the table below. Wass of aS a] eo) | Barteitie empainon 20 End afte opener | — 250 20 12) Whatis the purpose of the lighted lamp? (im) 1b) What wi happen to th'Beai balanc® a the cid a he xprion? ‘am ©) Bated on hr results what can Barbara coriluds about he eect ot temporare on he fle of evaporation of water? ) (Go ontothe next pape) wr 38. The diagram bolo shows parts ofthe female human reproductive system, labelled, A,B and. ‘Based on the diagram above, the folowing statements were made, Puta tick (1) inthe appropiate boxes fo inicata whether each ofthe statements is "rue o False, for anormal procoss. 2m) Statement Tras | Fates ay | Theage waves om CA By | A Tata oa Vloasea om 6 every month | Tha spar tos wi he ogg atA aig Trisaton. a te i arse waa] || ‘The diagram below shows the male reproductive system. Hy ©) Namo the par lebeled P and Q respectively im a P » a 1) Which part ofa flowering plant has a siniar function ae 07 (Hn (Gocnto te next page) * Ea ‘The dagrams below show two leaves, A and B Toot A was packed tom heathy | Leaf was plucked fom a healty | ‘br war ening weeden | "pont had been the un ‘lgbos torte sa, two eye. Immaciataly, the colours ofthese leaves wate fst removed by Boling the leaves ‘and soaking thom in alcohol, then they were tested forthe presence of starch ting fone. Toate sa yaton-enloured soliton that ture dark luo when ‘comes ito contact win starch, which fs excess sugar produced by leaves thats pot used by the pant cm) 1) When afew drops ofodne were added to Lea A, the iodine remained yew. Epa why the fone solution dd not ura dark ue? (tm) ©) When few drop of odie were aed tothe green and the pipe pars of Lea , the eine tumed dar blue. What could be lnerred from ‘Bis observation? ‘cim) (Goonto he nex page) METHODIST GIRLS’ SCHOOL, END-OF-YEAR EXAMINATIONS 2012 PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE BOOKLET B2 Total Time for Booklets A and B: 1 hour 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES Follow all instructiors carefully Answer all questions. ‘Write your answers in this booklet. Name: Class: Primary 5. Date: 11 October 2012 BookletB2 | 1 120 | “This booklet consists of 12 printed pages including this page at For questions 38 to 45, wre your answers in the space provide. (20 mars) 38, The diagram below shows a bimetalic sp made of steel and brass fastened together: “The bimolalic ep cooled in the freezer at a temperature of 10°C for 2 hour. 2) Brass expands ad contracts more than steel. What wou the bimetalie stip look ik, ster thas been inmecitoy taken out rom the freezer? “Tek (0 your answer the correct box below. am Pron, | FH | Biagam A Diagram 8 ‘Te same binetalic sip used a a themostat in an eect iron. The ‘thermostat regulates ho Wor's temperature while is boing used, Keeping Kat {he desired tomperaue of BOC. ‘The lagram below shows a simple setup ofthe thermostat na crutin an ction at 26°, “The bimoale sip ouchos the screw to allow elecrcy fo few and hest up the heating co, (Co onto the next page) “The picture below show the reactions ofthe bimetallc rp to the change in temperature. Wate ‘No under each peur to Indicate ifthe bimetalic stip thas reacted ote change mn tomperaixe correct. Gm) » » » sip st 5° Rescion of at soe Doesihosip reared ‘othe terrae? easton ot sparc Dosihestie readeonecy ‘ote, esclenot spat 16°C Doss sip readtcarecly seperate? (Go onto the next pane) 3 38, Lota cared out an experiment oid out whether a lemon conducts elec, ‘She connocid almer fo an elctic cet aa shown Inte diagram blow. = Leticia sald that forthe bulb fo ight up, Red X an Rod ¥ must bea conductr of locity. 9) Do you agree wih Leticia? Give @ reason for your answer. (im) ®)Thelemon, wth Rod X and Hoa ¥ placed int, when connected othe ‘eal, serves as an electrical component Which etetreal component foes serve 28? (im) (Goon to the next page} ‘0. ‘Angeline accdentaly dropped a emal plate brocch ito along neck bot led ‘vith some water as svown in the diagram below, Sho wanted to remove the brooch rom te Bote whou powing tho watar out EE water Hor sister suggested that dropping some marbles nt the ott would help to remove the brooch 2) Doyoutink her sst’s suggestion would work? cam “The diagram below shows a water tark used for Mushing a tole bow. The fishing and refling sytam is rat sbown i the diagram. ‘Alter fusing, wate eters and 6th tank. The tank wisp fing when the ‘water reaches level ® In order ta use las water to refi the water tank, some pebbles were placed into the water tank. 1») Explain ow this method woud help reduce the amount of water used to esl the water tank, ‘Goim) (©) What propery of alters the suggestion (a) andthe metiod in (by paced on? (im) (Go on tote nest page) aq a Amanda bull toy tan as shown inthe degra below. ot ate S e ‘ty “The train's heaight operated by a baton, wich wl ony ight up when the tran enter. pesto hnnel. The pose inna has a roof, which ie trod with & thin copper sheet ae shown inthe dagram below 7 Sept Wen the tain enters the tunel, Rod A and B ouch the root ned with the ‘Copper sheet Thu, he contact Between the train and the tunel causes the bulb tohont up 4) Inthe space grovded below, draw and ibe! a simple chu clagram of ‘Amanda's oy Van. ‘am 1») plain wy the headlight ony ohis up when the whole tan inside the ‘uae am) (Go onto ns nent page) “The setup below consis of three ring magnets, X,Y and 2 oan! above one arate rough a wocsen ed Th ended par oft ogre Xa Noh seeking pole, ssn 2) entity the pos of Magnet Z thats facing magnet Y in the setup above (1m) ‘A Maglev tain is special tran tha Hosts a few centimetres above he rack whi itis moving ris made posible by the use cf very strong mags Glenda wanted to make model of @Magio train. She stuck two bution magnets atthe base ofa rectangular box as show nthe diagram below to represent her tain. ‘yon mepnee ‘Next, she stuck a longagnetis stip onto a cardboard to make a track or the {usin 28 shown inthe eagram below |When Glenda placed th train above the track as shown inthe diagram below, ‘he train could oat above the rack, a 1») Explain how Gienda must place the button magnets onthe ba tran such that ne Wain wae abl to “loot above tho whol (Go onto the next pane) 4 Fanny could se the candle ame through the holes onthe peces of cardboard ut Brenda could not. 2) Name the proprty of tight tha alowe Fanny bu rc Brenda to s0e the cand fame, (im) ‘Brenda remeved the cardboard in the mile and used shall tube to lok at the ight 38 shown boon. By placing fourmirsinsie the holow tube, Brenda was abo to soe tho candle fame. (Go sto the nest page) 1») Inthe diagram below, raw 3 thick ines to show where she had placed the minors tohelp her se he candle fame. One ofthe mirors has been srawn for you im) ©) Inthe same dagram above, draw arrows to show the path of ght rom the candi fame to her eye ‘cm (Go onto the nex pa90) ty 10 PPolton in a river can be detected by testing he water fom the river. ‘The map below shows the land uee around vr andthe locaton of eoveral water tetng ste, A,B,C, D,E,F,G, Hand. Polhton was frst descted in water samples a se J. Scientists investigated to fad the sourco ofthe polaion. Thay conclased Farm ¥ was the soure othe poten. For the scents to reach thi concasion, ©) Atwhich oher hee tet sites were politon detected? (am) 1») Assuming that there was no other source of pon but Farm Y, at ‘which test ites were clear of poluton? (sm (Goontothe next page) ct Ho f = if aa ee | 6 > a ae ON 8 Pe 8) Inthe classfeaten table below, place the Circuits, A,B,C, D,E,F, Gand Hint the conect group. ‘am Groute Paral Greats ‘Svies Grits (Go on tothe next page) 2 Maria designed and sonsinicted her afi ight cuit using colored bibs 28 shown ine dagran below. fy 8) Based on her dosign, do you think ght up? Expn you answer. Gm) ©) Is there any way ber dosign could be improved? Explain your answer ‘am End of Secon 82, GM PAPERDOIZ SUBJECT: PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE TERM: saa Tees ‘SST a oer ope ap as OB Lao GTO Se Sa Paya Ta '31)a)Organism x has chloroplasts which only plant cell have. ‘Organism X does not have a cell wall buta plant cell has a cell wall ‘}The function of the fagelia isto help the cell move about faster and easily. 32)a)Oxygen_—_—jeabon dioxide by) s00er 100m: ‘Rebecca in creased the numberof times she breathes in 10 seconds, From ‘the graph, there are more curves when she iedolng exercise than when she fe resting. 33)a)Group R belongs tothe group of Insects, ye animals in Group R have six lege whereas the animals in Group Shas ight legs. ‘)E will put Animal Xin Group R. Animal X has sx legs anda pair of feelers, 34)a})Mass of each shorea fruit. ‘pHeight at which the shorea fruit was dropped. bye time taken for the shorea fruits to land on the ground. ass page 1103 + poet ay 35)a)To increase the temperature of the surrounding. D)Te wil tt down wards atthe end of Side A. ‘The higher the temperature, the faster the rate of evaporation of water 36)ayr FOF ar ‘eM)Penis i}Testes ‘The anthers 37)ayThe chloroplasts, byThe starch was absent as leat A was placed ina wooden cupboard, since there is no sunlight forthe plant to make food, the presence of starch is aheent. ‘IThe purple part of est B contains chlorophyll so it can make food. 38)e}Diagram A DYDNO No HNO Wyves 39)a)¥es. These rods, X and Y, have to be conductors of electricity 20 that te a closed cireuit and electreity can pass through them lighting the bulb up. ‘The batteries, 40)2)¥es, her sister's suggestion would work, bythe pebbles wil fake up space side the water tank. The water level In the water tank wl be higher. Thus, less water Is needed to reach level a9 soe oa 3 aA 1 ite — wie 4+ Li pret ytecnedsoues When the train enters the tunnel Rod A and 8 will be touch the copper shec, which isan electrical conductor then the circuit will be come a closed Circuit, enabling the head ight to light up. age? 42)a)North-seeking pole, byShe must ensure thatthe poles ofthe button magnets facing downard ‘nthe train and the poles facing up ward on the track are like poles so that they repel each other causieg the tala to float. 43)a)Light travels in a straight fine. aa af ‘44)a)Sites B, and F. Dysites C,D,H, Aand G. 45)a)Circut A circuit c Circuit iret D Gireuit ireuit Greuit F Cireuit - byNo. there is no switch rear the red bulb so she will ot be able to do"= combination 3 and 4. ‘Yes there i, by putting a swlteh at the left side of the red bulb. This way, ‘she could do combination 3 and 4 by closing ether switch 1 or switch 2 and ‘opening the switch near the red bulb, Pages 4

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