P5 Science - 2012 - SA2 Nan Hua

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soso @ ae NAN HUA PRIMARY SCHOOL, ‘SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2 — 2012 PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE BOOKLET A ‘20Multiple Chofco Questions (60 marks) ‘Total Timo for Booklets A and 6: hour 48 minutes. INSTRUCTIONS To CANDIDATES 41. White your name and index number in the space provided. 2. Do not tum over the page unt you are told to do so. 3, Follow alt instructons caret 4, Answer all questions. ‘5. Shade your answers Inthe Optical Answer Sheet (OAS) provided, Marks Obtained Booklet A Booktet 4 Totat 1100, Name: —( ) Glass: PS Daie:23.Octobée 2012 Parent's Signature:_ Section A: (30 x 2marks= GOmarks) For each question from 1 to 20, four options are given. One of them isthe correct answer. Make your choice (1, 2, 3 or 4). Shade the corect oval (1,2, 3 or 4) on the Optical Answer Sheet 1. Which of the following staiement(s) about the importance of water to plans sfre true? ‘A. Water helps keep the plant fan, B Plants need water fo make food during photosynthesis, © Water helps dissolve mineral sails in the Sol) which are then absorbed by the plant () Aonly @Q Bony () Band C only @ ABande 2. Inthe foes, the rin tee obtains energy tom the while monkey gets its energy from [Teac rain Foy — Hinge [leat hier — 3. Farmers woukt remove the adult banana plant aller harvesting the frst ‘bunch of rut, Hows tis beneficial to the new banana plants? (1) Animals would not be attracted to eat it rut, @)_Thetfuits ofthe banana plant could be dispersed quicky, @) _Theadult banana plant would be able to reproduce more quickly. (@) The adult banana plant would not compete with te young for water, space and sunlight 4. Which of the fotowing statements about the respiratory system are correct? A The nose hais trap dust. 8 Thelungs are made up of air sacs, The windpipe leads othe stomach 2s well 1 Thenose, windpipe and lungs are lined with has. () Aand B only @ Aand C only @ABandD enly @) B,Cand D only ‘Which one ofthe flowing statements not true? ‘cali the smallest bulding block of ite Diffcent cote are diferent in size and function. Call division allows damaged or old calls to be replaced. Plant and animal cols ae sinilar because both have a cof wal ‘Gopal sets up a ctcull as shown in the diagram, Four now batteries are putin abattry holder. The bulb does not ight up ‘What should he doto make the bub ght up? Rearrange the batteries. Connect the wir to Z instead of Y. Connect the switch arm to Xinstead of Z. Connect one end of the wire to tip ofthe bub. ‘A.and ¢ ony @) Cand Donly B,CandD only (4) A.BandD only {A potted plant was latin a dark room for 1 day. Then i was put under ‘sunlight and watered every day. Thre leaves were wrapped with diferent ‘matotials. A few ver tiny holes were pierced in all the materials for sir to cnier. Leaf wrapped with Leaf wrapped with ‘lear plastic sheet aluminium fot Leaf wrapped + with Back paper \When {ested wih iofine solution, on wtih leafleaves would the lodine solution remain yelovish brown? () Dony (Rend ¢ onty @) Band Donly @) —ABandCony Look atthe part marbed "ofthe gingor plant. ‘Which one ofthe follwing Hontis the part and its function? 7 Fanetion ia |For mating food @ ~For absorbing water | @ For stoing bod | @ For reproduction a. ‘The diagram below shows the human digestive system. “Which ofthe folowing correctly describes the processes of digestion at A, B,Cand 0? ENT i a Saivamues TDi Food ismoved | Digested food +. | with te food n | juices softon | fo Dfo be [1s abserpod into ‘the mouth | thefood | the bloodstream | bloodstream _| r- Ton | Foed broken’ Digestion ends | Water a Digestion down into | with food being | some miryat 2. | begins withthe ‘simpler absorbed into salts are help of sav ” We | substances _| tho bloodstream | absorbed Sawa | Didesied ood | Food i futher | Waste _ la] potas, | ‘absored | broken down | mates ore shoduced'o | iptotho | iniosimple | passed out of |_| bloadstoam | _substances_| "the body Food ts moved Chewed feats | Foodiomices | {tH@O 122 | Digest fod, ‘swalowed | wih the blood | stsorbed int |b absodbod _ _steam, 10, 14 2 Jane had a container with a capacity of 500 ém*. She then fited a pump ‘om the container, Each time she pushed the piston completely, 100 om? of Sirwould ont the on _ emp ne piston J — water (60 om beaker (500 om’) What would be the wdlume of air inthe beaker if Jane pressed the purip 3 times? (8) 300.6% 2) 480i (8) 500em @) 7500" (On a hiking ip, @ group of scouts came across a stream. After observing ‘the water in the stream, the scoute decided thatthe water wasstkely to be Lunsafe for coneumpton. Which of Une following observations they made Jed them to this conchision? ‘A The water was not clear B Notch was spotted inthe water. © There were bids near the siream. 1D Twodrainage pipes from neatby factories ed into tie stream, () Band G only 2) Canddony B ABanad ony (@)-ACand 0 only ‘Study the diagrams tetow caret 8 -F 6 a —H e ‘Which pats produce the male reproductive cells? (1) Parts C and i @) Patis Dand G @) PaitsC, Dani G @) Parts AB, Eand F 18, The giaph above shows the average pulse rate ofa ten-year-old git What ‘wal she most tkely doing from 3.00 pn, t0 5.00 pm? 70 | > 490 200 3:00 4:00 pM PM OPM PM (1) She was reading a book. (2) Shewas jonging inthe park. G)__Shewas having swimming lessons. (4) She was playing tenis wth her dad. 14, Nurse Jacki collected four blood samples, A, B, C and D, from four dliferent blood vessels in the buman body system. The amount of carbon ‘dioxide in each blood somple was represented in the graph below, ‘a soe ea ) of Carbon R s ss mn fo B — Se NB e preg, Bicod Samples. Where do you think Nurse Jackie had most likely colected blood sample B wer @ T ou 18, F Sen A VN Ca 16 ‘The diagram below shows 3 important systems inthe human body. Whict ofthe folowing statements about these systems are tae? ‘A System C gives support and shape to the body. 5 System B orygenates tho Mud that i brought to itby Sytem C. © System A provides the glucose needed by the body for respiration, D Fluid in System C hips to transport oxygen, water and minerals to Various parts of the body. (1) Rand c oniy @) Band Donly @ ABandC caly @ BCandDony [Mei Ling cut a cross-section of a stom of a plant and dipped it in fodine solution. Which one af the following shows what she ls Keely to observe? o @ 17. A farmer wanted to find out i the types of fertiizr used will affoct the ‘number of plants grown. He used 3 sinilar plots of land, P, @ and Rand applied the same amount of friizers to two ofthe plots. Ho used feritzer ‘Ae plot Q and feriizer B in plot R. He recorded the numberof plants at the end of his tect. ‘Which ofthe following graphe shows the resuls atthe end of his test? Oo @ Numbor umber ofplanis of plants plants Number of days, 18, The table below provides some information on threo colle X, Y and Z. ‘A tck (9) indicates the presence of the part ofa cel ‘can —| cay, eailZ v v - — Where are colle X,Y and Z ely to be found? + eax cally cailZ G_| chook Lea Foot 2. teat | Root | “Chast oe. Root a a) Rott — teat | ore] 18. P and Q ate natural substances found in two animal cells X and Y. The ‘wo calls, X and Y, ae placad in some water. Afler a few minutes, James removed the calls om the watot and éxamined them under a microscope, ‘Before = cett Alter CY ‘Basel on fis observations, Jamiesiéame to tiolldwing conthasions. “The coll membrane of Cell X is thicker than that of Col’ ‘Substance @ cannot pass through the cell membrane of Cel Y. ‘The coll merbrane of Cell X allows both substances P and Q to o Ou> pase trough . $bstanoe G's abe to passtoughte et ert of ClhX at ft ao tan hat of Col Which ofthe above contusions made-b) James are incorrect? (1) Aand Deny Bani only @) ABandDonly ® ABCandD 20. Study the crcuitbebw, GP, represents a buzzer comected to the Grout. There ae 4 sees i the eeu Li Lf Which of the folloing wil result in the soutdig of the zz, but with ‘only one Bu ited ur? a = ese | ape @) {open dosed. 2). | alesed salad: (@)—} aoses [cored Bile" Stushyte cit singram boon, ‘Which of the bulb) wil remain it when bu Y fuses? @) Xenly + @ Zenly (@) XandZ (8) None-of th bulbs. 10 wu 22. Which one ofthe foiewing circuit arrangements is mest key tised for trafic ight? ey, Fe Red ight ‘A: Amber fight : Green fight 5: Switch 0 s @ elect |_S.7 ‘supply — See 2a, 24. “The diagram below shows a ckcult and what happons to the bub when {our rode, A,B, Cand D, se placed, one ata tine, cross PO. 1 permea er RRS] das Pa Bab Qs & . In another experiment, some wax was placed on the.top end of the same four rods, A'B, C and D. The four rode were then placed on top of a hot ‘surface a8 shown below. Rod A Rod& Rod, feed D Based on tho resis of tho fest examen sada in the oder Sr casual taken Satopia A680 8 Bay @ GARE BABE Mre Lee alfonded 2 seminar and leamt some ways 10 minimize the wastage of eloctriciy. Which of the folowing ways are not effective in Saving electicily? Use air-conditioners instead of fans on a hot day. ‘Clearthe dit fom ar iters-of ei-ondilloucr=segulady. Use energy-cficiont electrical apptances and energy-saving amps. {Use paint of dark colour for iteror walls, so that alow intensity lamp can be used, coa> () And Dory @ BandConty @)A.BandC ony @) ACand Deny 2 ° 25. aw In an experiment to fin out i detergent affects the amount of oxygen produced by the water plant. The apparatus shown below was used ‘Ongen “Tesetube and beaker ‘antaining 800 int oF water and 20 mi of detergent |_— Fier funnel —50 g of water plant Lio the folowing would Be a. sulable contol setip for he above _expsioont “Amout of | Amount of detergent “The diagrams below shaw ihe cross-sections of 2-iferent typed of flower. TV Flower A Flowec 6 Which statonion{s) about both floworsisfare true? A Both Rowe can grow into fruits. B_Pélihaion takes place in oth flowers. © Both flowers have mate and female pats. () Bony 2) AandC only @) AandBonly @) ABanoc 2. 28. ‘Study the classification diagram below. bron Silver Stee! Copper Whiéh one ofthe felowing desériptons about A, B and Cis correct? x e ] CH ttagets ‘Cannot bs arated by amagnet _ BH [wetas fo [wetais | Matera [Date 7 Su {se | nfo a pupa 79 June: "The pupa became an ait 26 June. Based on the date above, which ofthe folowing statements are wus? A The adultinsect is able to ty B There ae stages ints fe cyte C The animal to bea deagory 1B tookmor tan 3 weak fo compete the le ye, () Aand coniy Bi Baew @ ABandDenly (4) B.CandD on'y “ 28, Equal number of bean seeds wore placed in ve iertical bottles. Light Datk box: LLLL Liguia i toe fo, cation ston com “cota aboot “woo! “ool “woot ‘woot ‘woo! ‘oxygen SotupA — SetupB Setup SetupD Setup E ‘Which 2 setups should be used to find out if fight is needed for ‘germination of the bean seeds? () AanaD 2) CansD @) Bande (@) Cande. 30, Glass tube Basinx & ‘An experiment was set up as shown below. 7 EL fae {A drop of rod ink is placed in the glass tubo which connects the 2 empty bots in 2 basins, X and ¥. Each emply bottle is then placed in a basin of| water. Which one of the folowing setups wil make the drop of ink move the longest distance towards the empty batt Y? BasinX Jasin Ti] | Wator at °F Water at 0 [@) [Wiser at <0°6 Water at oom tanperatre [| Water at 60°c- Water st [4)__ Water st room Temperature | Water at 15°C ~~ 15 @ mi NAN HUA PRIMARY SCHOOL. ‘SEMESTRAL ASSESSMENT 2— 2012 PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE BOOKLET 44Open-ended questions (40 marks) ‘Total Time for Booklets A and B :1 hour 45 minutes INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘Wie your name and index number inthe space provided. Do not tin over the page unl you ar told odo so. Follow al insbuctions carefully Answer all questions. te your answers inthis booklet. Marks Obtained section B [ Name: ‘Glass: PS. Date : 23 October 2012 Parent's Signature: ‘Section B: (40marks) ‘Wile your answers to quéstion 31 to 44 in the spaces provided, ‘The number of marks avallable 6 shown in brackets [ Jat the end of each question or pat question. 31. Flask A contained some salt oluion atthe beginning of the experiment. Then the salt solution was heated and boled continuously over a period of time. As a result, ‘water vapour was accumulated inskle Flask A waterout —_gondenser fe ES Sa lass tube Flak A with salt —~ nee gine state | (@) What happened to the water vapour as it passed down the glass tube in the condenser? a (0) Water at 5°C entered the condenser at X. Will the temperature of the water which left the condenser at Y be higher or lower than 5°C? Explain the change of temporatue, 1 (2) Wout water cotectedin Beaker B be saty? Give areanon fo yor anew. 32. Study the diagram below. (2) Each labelled part of the plant above has a ciforont function. Inthe table below, ‘write the lots ofthe correct part next tots function. io} (©) The diagram below shows a dandelion plant growing ina fed 88." Ssindy measured the velume of ar she breathed In and out of her tng. “The graphs below reprocanttho volume of sr Sandy breathed in and out with each breath before and dung exaccie. vetoes hg sxreto 2000 Leone volun key gwen 1000 oof Tecan a | II arn f \ oe ll of Pi a) to (soi) (coe) (2) During exercise, Sandy breathed more air in and out of her lungs than before exercising. How much more air did Sandy breathe in with each broath during exorcise? oT (©) Explain clearly why Sandy nsodéd to breathe in more airduringexercise. (2) @ o 35, The ogra blow shes cal and so fs pars m “Tom said thai Cell Aisa plant col. His brother tld hin that he was wrong. Do you agree with his brother? Explain your answer. tm ‘Study the circuits below careful. sol lead oy Puta tick (9) in the table below to indicate If the matorials (A, 8, C and D) ate ‘conductors or insulators of electriy oF not possible fo fl a ‘96. Jane poured 250 ml of icy col water into a cup and placed it on a weighing ‘machine 2s shown bolow. The mass of the cup of ey cold water was 270g at the boginning ofthe experiment. ‘She’ recorded the miass at etety 10-minute interval and plotted the results in the ‘graph below, Mass(a) a re ee ot 5 Time (minutes) (@) What caused thie mass cf the cup of ice-cold water to increase during the first 10 ‘minutes? Explain your answer cleat. 2 (©) What caused the mass to decrease after 10 minutos? 0 Seore ‘37a. The diagrams in Column A ofthe table below show various foms of reproduction In Column B, elrele the form of reproduction (asexual or sexual) shown by each of ‘the diagrams. i Cota B= Asexual Sexual const Sexual ‘37b, The diagratn below shows the semial reproduction of an organism. StageA StageB StageC Stage D Stage E (9 Wentiy the sex colts shown at Stage A. mn (i) Wihatis the process thats occuring at Stage A and between Stages C and 0? a ‘Stage A: Stages C & D: ELA 38, The drawing below shows part of an Arizona poppy plant (@) _Photosytthetis takes place in the eaves ofthe Arizona poppy plant. Compt te wad ston fr photos. i os chop fous Water | + ca] =. | + [es (©) Qian Qian’ studied an Arizona poppy plant growing in o. shady place and an ‘Arizona’ poppy pant in 2 sunny place. She found that the poppyeelat in the shady place has leaves: wilh'a diferent surface area, as compared to the poppy plant ‘ound in a sunny place. ‘Do you thnk the feaves inthe shady place have a bigger o smaller surface area? Explain your answer. ea 39. @ ®) Iskander sel up an experiment to investigate the effect of diferent light intensity on the rate of photosynibesis, He carried out his investigation as follows. He changed “dl, the iitance between the lighted bulb and beaker, and recorded {the number of bubbles produced per minute at each position inthe table below. Highfed bulb and 40 [35 olafaf=[e|s ‘Nafuiber of Gubbio pot minut ope fele pele fe fe What conclusion can youdaw from the results of Iskidér’s eipetiment? [1] ‘Of the axes, draw a in, graph to show the felationship between the number of ‘ubties perminute and ight intensiy. Label the axes. el 8 ‘Soore 3 a 40. tan carried out an experinent as shown in the diagram below. He tumed on the ‘Bunsen bumer and tumed off afer 5 minutes. cardboard metal ros S — thermometer fame Bunsen Beaker of bummer water (0) Whatis the aim ofan's experiment? a (b) What data does fan have to collect and record in his experiment before he can make his conssion? a 44, Sam built acral wth 3 ential bulbs and two batteries. He covered the ‘connections to the bulbs with 2 piece of card as shown below. The bulbs could be 4il-— ‘20en through holes in the cad ‘Allthe bulbs were it butthelr rightness was different ‘Sam removed bubs A.B and C one ata time. Before connecting each bulb back into the ercul, he observed and recorded the effect onthe other two bulbs. Bab oR] — Saar. a ‘and € remain 8 ‘Cisame unitand A ia a) Draw circuit cagcam to show how th 3 bulbs could be connected. ei 10 (©) Sam wanted to put 3 bubs in 3 diferent rooms. Construct anathor ect to hap ‘Sam insal the bulbs in the 3 diferent rooms such that he could contel the bulbs. independenty. 2) Score 2 nu 42. Mandy usei the apparatus below to Investigate the strength ofan electromagnet. ‘pring balance: ton die (@) pin cea what vl ppen oto rn ac when a cuen pastes through he cal, a 2 (0) Mandy made two electomagnets, one with 100 tums of wre in the coll and cine ‘with 200 turns. She vaied the current through the col of each electromagnet. She ‘measured the florea of each ‘eléctromagnet on the iron disc using the spring balance. The graph ofthe nest page shows her resus Magnetic force on 24 Iron ise (Newton) 2.2 20. 18 1 14 12 1 os os: 04 02. ° ttt 6 08 10 15-20-25 30 35 40 45 So 85 ‘Current through the coil (© ‘Based on the resus, mite down two conclusions that Mainly could make? [2] B ‘43. The diagram shows a meal paperclip altached tothe base ofa ring stand with a sing. A magnotia attached to the fing stand with a clamp. Ring stand camp [— Moanet Ring stan fF Metat pavers L— sting Ring stand base (a) _ Explain why the metal lip is floating inthe air as shown in the diagram? [1], (©) Exglain.what would happen to the metal paper dip if apiece of kon sheet is placed bbatwoen the magnet and the metal paper cp. a a a. @ © “The diagram below shows an expedment conducted fo see how quily water ‘moves through diferent-sized parices ofthe same substance. ‘Two identical calumns contained equal volumes of diferent-sized partes: The same amount of waler was added fo the top of each column. Wich setup, A or B, wil llow water to pass through more quickly? Explain your anewor. eI) ‘Another skvilar experiment was conducted to find out how quickly walor passes ‘trough 3 types of sol. Tre diferent types of sail also have diferentsized soil particles, The data table below shows the resulls io} _ ANSWER SHEET AM PAPERDOIZ ‘SCHOOL : NAN HUA SUBJECT: PRIMARY 5 SCIENCE TERM: a2 71S Le Tenn on TaRpaM las [aero Pee ee Ts STO] | as [GH [aw [TOT [oo Te fee triste ete te te TSE 31)ayThe water vapourlose heat to the cold water and condense into water droplets, byThe temperature wil be higher. The water had gain heat from the hot ‘ater vapour and increased in temperature, ‘cJNo. Only pure water can evaporate and the water from the salt solution ill evaporate leaving the salt behind, 32)9)0 B bb)Grass requires sunlight to make food but the big leaves of the dandelion ‘wil prevent sunlight frem passing tough, hence there is hardly any grass ‘rowing under the leaves, '33)9)10000m2 ‘)When Sandy exercise, she needed more oxygen to break down digested food into energy as her muscles needed more energy, when she breathe ny she ‘would obtain oxygen frim the ar and wil give out more carbon dioxide, therefore she needed to breathe in more air during exercise to take in more ‘oxygen, 34)a)Nuctous. b)Yes. Allplantcellshave a cell wall but cell A does not have a cell wall hence itis nota plant cel page 103 eget 32 35)A: Conductor Br Insulator C: Conductor: Not '36)a)The hot water vapcur from the surroundings lose heat to the cooler outer Surface of the cup, condensing Into woter droplets and the water droplets has ‘maze, therefore Increasing the mass. ‘the ley cold water gain heat from the surroundings and was not cool anymoreand the water droplets will not be there to Increase the mass and ome ofthe water in the cup evaporating, causing the decrease. 37ja)asexual Sexual pyiSperm and Egg. Ar Fertilisation CBD: Cel Division 38)a)Carbon Dioxide Glucose ‘Larger shody plocehas low light intensity. The leaves havetobe bigger to capture more sunlight for photosynthesis. ‘9)a)te can conclude that the greater the light intensity, the greater the rate ‘of phatosymthests unt Sem after that, the late If photosynthesis remains the » 40)ayo find out ithe meta rod conduct heat. "ae nav wa ecodnc temperature of water tthe tart ofthe experiment and neck the temperature of water every 5 minutes ad reord 4898); th A re Lge. Pade? 42)a)When a current posses through the col, the iron rod will become ant Glectromagnet and atract the Iron disc which ie made of a magnetic material. ‘The greater the nember of turns inthe ol the stronger the electromagnet. The greater the current, the stronger the electromagnet. {43)9)Since magnetism can ac from a distance, the metal paper clip is attracted to the magnet. ‘D)Magnetiom cannat pase through the iron sheet which Is a magnetic ‘material, hence the metal paper cip will not be attracted to the magnet and Will drop tothe ring base. '48)a)Setup A, Setup Ahas larger particles than B, Larger particles have more ‘ir spaces between them, hence water can low through more quickly. byclayey soll has ths smallest soil particles and allows the water to pass through the slowest.

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