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Complete the drug study of the ordered drug below. You may use a drug handbook such as Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide as your reference.

Dr. Postrano ordered the drug: Cotrimoxazole 500mg tab PO TID x 7 days
Patient HRN: 1234567 Age/Gender: 30/F Rm: 102
Admitting Diagnosis: Urinary Tract Infection Birthday: 10/24/1990

Drug Mechanism of Action Indications or Purpose Contraindications Side Effects  Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities 

 Uncomplicated UTIs  Dermatologic: Rash,  Inform patient of potential

Generic Name: caused by pruritus, exfoliative adverse reactions.
susceptible strains of dermatitis
Eschirichia coli,  Contraindicated  Tell patient to take drug as
Proteus mirabilis, with allergy to prescribed, even if he feels
 Inhibits folic acid Klebsiella trimethoprim,  GI: Epigastric distress,
nausea, vomiting, better.
 Trimethoprim reduction to pneumoniae, pregnancy
tetrahydrofolate in Enterobacter species, (teratogenic in glossitis
 Instruct patient to take oral
 Sulfamethoxazo susceptible bacteria; and coagulase- preclinical studies),  Hypersensitivity
the bacterial enzyme reactions – pain,  dose with 8 oz (240 ml) of
le negative megaloblastic Hematologic:
involved in this local irritation, water on an empty
Staphylococcus anemia due to
Thrombocytopenia, stomach.
reaction is more species, including S. folate deficiency. inflammation, and
readily inhibited than leukopenia,
saprophyticus rarely
the mammalian thrombophlebitis neutropenia,  Contraindicated in patients with
Brand Name: enzyme. megaloblastic anemia, known hypersensitivity to
 Treatment of acute
methemoglobinemia, trimethoprim or sulfonamides,
otitis media due to
susceptible strains of  Use cautiously with elevated serum or with documented
Streptococcus hepatic or renal transaminase and megaloblastic anemia
 Actrim Septra, pneumonia and impairment, bilirubin, increased secondary to folate deficiency.
Bactrim, Haemophilus lactation. BUN and serum Dilute each 5 mL ampoule with
influenzae in children creatinine levels, 125 mL of D5W or NS, the
hyperkalemia, prepared solution must be kept
 Sulfatrim at room temperature (solution
 Unlabeled uses: With hyponatremia
stable for 24 hours) in fluid
dapsone for restriction: each 5 mL ampule
treatment of initial
 Other: Fever
episodes of may be diluted with 75 mL D5W
Pneumocystis jiroveci or NS (solution stable for a total
(carinii) pneumonia in of 3 hours, including infusion
patients who cannot period) –each 5 mL ampule
tolerate co- may be diluted with 50 mL D5W
Classification: trimoxazole; or NS (Solution stable for a
treatment and total of 1.5 hours, including
prevention of infusion period)- discard if there
traveler’s diarrhea is cloudiness or precipitation.

Dose, Route & Timing:

100 mg PO every 12
hr or 200 mg every
24 hr fo 10 days for

Reference/s: Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide


Complete the drug study of the ordered drug below. You may use a drug handbook such as Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide as your reference.

Dr. Postrano ordered the drug: Rimantidine 100mg PO BID x 5 days

Patient HRN: 1234567 Age/Gender: 30/F Rm: 102
Admitting Diagnosis: Influenza A Birthday: 10/24/1990

Drug Mechanism of Action Indications or Purpose Contraindications Side Effects  Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities 

 Advise patient to take medication

Generic Name:  Trouble sleeping as directed at evenly spaced
 Prophylaxis and times for full course of therapy,
treatment of illness  Contraindicated
 nausea even if feeling well. Take missed
caused by influenza with allergy to
Rimantidine A virus in adults amantadine,  CNS: Light- doses as soon as possible unless
 Synthetic antiviral rimantadine; headedness, almost time for next dose; do not
agent that inhibits viral  Prophylaxis against lactation.  vomiting dizziness, insomnia,
double up on missed doses.
replication, possibly by influenza A virus in confusion, irritability,
Brand Name: preventing the ataxia, psychosis,  May cause dizziness. Advice
uncoating of the virus. depression, patient to avoid driving or other
 loss of appetite
 Use cautiously with hallucinations,
 Unlabeled uses: seizures, liver or seizures
activities that require alertness until
Treatment and renal disease, response to the drug is known.
Flumadine prophylaxis of H1N1 pregnancy.  dry mouth  Inform patient that frequent mouth
(swine flu) infection,  CV: HF, orthostatic
rinses, good oral hygiene, and
treatment of influenza hypotension, dyspnea
A in children  weakness sugarless gum or candy may
Classification: decrease dry mouth.
 GI: Nausea,
 Instruct patient and family to notify
 dizziness
health care professional if influenza

Antiviral symptoms occur.

 Drowsiness or
nervousness may

Dose, Route & Timing: occur.

Prophylaxis: 100
mg/day PO bid. for
7 days from initial
onset of symptoms.

Reference/s: Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide


Complete the drug study of the ordered drug below. You may use a drug handbook such as Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide as your reference.

Dr. Postrano ordered the drug: Doxorubicin 60–75 mg/m2 as a single IV dose; repeat every 21 d
Patient HRN: 1234567 Age/Gender: 30/F Rm: 102
Admitting Diagnosis: Leukemia Birthday: 10/24/1990

Drug Mechanism of Action Indications or Purpose Contraindications Side Effects  Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities 

 Contraindicated  CV: Cardiac toxicity,

Generic Name: with allergy to heart failure,
doxorubicin phlebosclerosis
hydrochloride,  Dermatologic:
 To produce malignant Complete but
regression in the melanoma, kidney reversible alopecia,
DOXOrubicin following neoplasms: carcinoma, large  Nausea hyperpigmentation of
ALL, AML, Wilms bowel carcinoma, nailbeds and dermal
hydrochloride tumor, brain tumors, CNS creases, facial flushing
neuroblastoma, soft metastases,  GI: Nausea, vomiting,
tissue and bone myelosuppression,  Vomiting mucositis, anorexia,
sarcoma, breast cardiac disease diarrhea
carcinoma, ovarian (may predispose to
Brand Name:  GU: Red urine
carcinoma, cardiac toxicity),
transitional cell  Hematologic:
pregnancy, Myelosuppression,
bladder carcinoma, lactation.  Diarrhea
thyroid carcinoma, hyperuricemia due to
 Use cautiously with cell lysis
Adriamycin Hodgkin and non- impaired hepatic
Hodgkin lymphomas,  Hypersensitivity:
function, previous Fever, chills, urticaria,
 Cytotoxic: Binds to bronchogenic courses of
carcinoma  Stomatitis anaphylaxis
DNA and inhibits DNA doxorubicin or  Local: Severe local  Stop infusion, remove IV
synthesis in daunorubicin needle, and notify physician
Classification:  Liposomal form: cellulitis, vesication
susceptible cells, therapy (may promptly if patient complains of
Treatment of AIDS- and tissue necrosis if
causing cell death. predispose to stinging or burning sensation at
related Kaposi extravasation occurs
cardiac toxicity),  Esophagitis the injection site. Monitor any
sarcoma, ovarian  Other: Carcinogenesis
prior mediastinal (documented in area of extravasation closely for
Antibiotic cancer that has irradiation,
progressed or experimental models) 3–4 wk. If ulceration begins
concurrent (usually 1–4 weeks after
recurred after cyclophosphamide
Antineoplastic extravasation), a plastic
platinum-based therapy (predispose
chemotherapy surgeon should be consulted.
to cardiac toxicity).
Dose, Route & Timing:

60–75 mg/m2 as a
single IV injection
administered at 21-
day intervals.
Alternate schedule:
30 mg/m2 IV on
each of 3
successive days,

repeated every 4

Reference/s: Lippincott’s Nursing Drug Guide

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