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Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring

Article  in  Diabetes Care · April 1997

DOI: 10.2337/diacare.20.3.433 · Source: PubMed


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1 author:

David C Klonoff
Mills-Peninsula Health Services


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Noninvasive Blood Glucose Monitoring

DAVID C. KLONOFF, MD, FACP source can pass through or be reflected by
a body part. Glucose and other body con-
stituents absorb a small amount of the light
at each wavelength (3). Spectroscopy, an
established technology used to measure
The concentration of glucose in the blood may soon be measured noninvasively, without punc- energy containing many wavelengths,
turing the ringer to obtain a drop of blood. Current prototype devices for this purpose require detects the amount of NIR absorbed at each
greater accuracy and miniaturization to be commercially viable. No such device has been wavelength by comparing a reference beam
approved for marketing by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The technology used for with the detection beam that has passed
noninvasive blood glucose monitoring involves either radiation or fluid extraction. With radi- through or is reflected by the body (4,*)).
ation technology, an energy beam is 1) applied to the body, 2) modified proportionate to the With spectroscopy, a data processing tech-
concentration of glucose in the blood, and 3) measured. The blood glucose concentration is nique known as chemometrics or multi-
then calculated. With fluid extraction technology, a body fluid containing glucose in a con-
centration proportionate to the blood glucose concentration is extracted and measured. The variate analysis simultaneously analyzes the
blood glucose concentration is then calculated. The most promising technologies are 1) near- amount of light absorption at selected
infrared light spectroscopy, 2) far-infrared radiation spectroscopy, 3) radio wave impedance, 4) wavelengths for each blood glucose level. A
optical rotation of polarized light, 5) fluid extraction from skin, and 6) interstitial fluid har- polynomial formula is generated that con-
vesting. Each method has features predictive of commercial viability, as well as technical prob- verts the sum of the relative contributions
lems to overcome. of absorption at the selected wavelengths to
the blood glucose concentration (6). This
technology is used in oximetry to measure
the oxygen saturation of blood.

ew technology could lead to a revo- of performance data for each device that
lutionary advance in the treatment of becomes licensed is anticipated. This article The major problem with using NIR
diabetes. Innovative methods for describes the principles behind, but not the spectroscopy for blood glucose monitoring
noninvasive blood glucose monitoring are efficacy of, each promising method for non- is the necessity for frequent recalibration.
being developed. Noninvasive blood glu- invasive blood glucose monitoring. These NIR spectroscopy does not measure one
cose measurements are based on one of two technologies are described because they signal specific for glucose, but rather many
types of technology: 1) radiation (Fig. 1) or are inherently worth understanding, even signals that are neither specific for glucose
2) fluid extraction (Fig. 2). The most in the absence of an actual analysis of their nor linked to glucose levels in a linear fash-
promising technologies for use in a nonin- efficacy. ion. Glucose is responsible for <0.1% of
vasive blood glucose monitoring system NIR absorbed by the body (7). Water, fat,
are I) near-infrared light (NIR) spec- skin, muscle, and bone account for the
troscopy, 2) far-infrared radiation (FIR) TECHNOLOGY vast majority of NIR absorption. Perturba-
spectroscopy, 3) radio wave impedance, 4) tions in the amounts of these substances
optical rotation of polarized light, 5) fluid NIR spectroscopy can alter NIR absorption and thus invali-
extraction from skin, and 6) interstitial fluid NIR spectroscopy is the only noninvasive date the calibration formula for correlating
harvesting. Other technologies are being blood glucose monitoring technology ever light absorption with blood glucose con-
evaluated but appear less practical. Meth- reviewed by a public Food and Drug centrations that was generated during the
ods 1-4 use radiation technology and Administration (FDA) panel for marketing calibration process. Other situations that
methods 5-6 use fluid extraction technol- approval. Although approval was not could also require recalibration include: I)
ogy (Table 1). granted, press coverage of the hearing in use of medications that absorb NIR, 2)
The physicochemical basis for these 1996 (1) resulted in heightened public alterations in blood levels of hemoglobin or
noninvasive blood glucose monitoring awareness of the competition to produce a other proteins that absorb NIR, 3) alter-
technologies is well described, but almost noninvasive blood glucose monitoring sys- ations in body temperature, and 4) alter-
no data has been published supporting tem and of NIR spectroscopy as a technol- ations in state of hydration or nutrition
their efficacy. The dearth of data that ogy that might make such monitoring (6,7). Studies of glucose measurement in
describe the accuracy, precision, and relia- possible (2). vivo using NIR spectroscopy have been
bility of these technologies, let alone that The term "near-infrared light" refers to disappointing.
compare these technologies, has led to the use of an external light source with
skepticism about the concept of noninva- wavelengths in the infrared spectrum near FIR spectroscopy
sive blood glucose monitoring. Publication the wavelengths of visible light. An NIR A second technology for noninvasive blood
glucose monitoring spectroscopically meas-
ures absorption of FIR contained in natural
From the Department of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, California. thermal emissions or body heat. FIR spec-
Address correspondence to David C. Klonoff, MD, FACP, Metabolic Research Unit, Room HSW-1141, Uni-
versity of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA 94143-0540.
troscopy is the only type of radiation tech-
Received for publication 21 June 1996 and accepted in revised form 24 October 1996. nology that does not require an external
F'DA, Food and Drug Administration; FIR, far-infrared radiation; NIR, near-infrared light. energy source.


Noninvasi\e blood glucose monitoring

blood glucose concentration. The percent- Table 1—Types of technology used for non-
Energy age of thermal energy absorption can be invasive blood glucose monitoring
arithmetically converted to a blood glucose
concentration. No in vivo data has been
Name Type
published about the accuracy of this
method for measuring blood glucose. This 1. Near infrared Radiation
technology is used in tympanic thermom- light spectroscopy
Measure interaction etry to measure body temperature. 2. Far infrared Radiation
FIR spectroscopy for blood glucose radiation spectroscopy
monitoring has two problems. First, the sig- 3. Radio wave impedance Radiation
Calculate glucose concentration 4. Optical rotation of Radiation
nal size of human thermal emissions is very
small. Second, the prototype device incor- polarized light
Figure 1—Mechanism of radiation technology. 5. Fluid extraction Fluid extraction
porates cryogenically cooled infrared detec- from skin
tors. Replenishment of the cryogenic fluid, 6. Interstitial fluid Fluid extraction
currently liquid nitrogen, is inconvenient. harvesting
The term "thermal emissions" refers to
deep layers of the human body emitting Radio wave impedance
thermal radiation or body heat with wave- A third technology for noninvasive blood
lengths in the FAR spectrum far from the glucose monitoring measures the imped-
wavelengths of visible light. The peak ance of radio waves. The components of a Optical rotation of polarized light
wavelengths of thermal energy emitted by device using this technology will be inex- A fourth technology for noninvasive blood
a 37° human body are 5,000-12,000 nm, pensive because they will be off-the-shelf glucose monitoring measures the optical
in the FIR range of the electromagnetic and not custom miniaturized versions of rotation of polarized light. This process is
spectrum. Among these wavelengths, glu- bench-top equipment. known as polarimetry. When polarized
cose strongly absorbs energy in a band (the Impedance is the total opposition to an light passes through a fluid that contains
FIR "glucose band") around 9,400 nm (8). alternating current flowing through a mate- glucose, the plane of polarization rotates
When FIR passes out of the body, glucose rial. Impedance is proportional to the differ- proportionate to the glucose concentration
in the blood absorbs part of the radiation. ences in both amplitude and phase of a (12). A beam of infrared polarized light can
Absorption of thermal energy in the FIR detection beam compared to a reference be passed through a body compartment,
glucose band by blood glucose in tissue is beam (10). When a radio wave beam is and the amount of optical rotation can then
related in a linear fashion to blood glucose applied to an aqueous solution, a nonionic be measured. This method would be used
concentration. Thermal energy absorption solute such as glucose interacts with the to measure the glucose content of the aque-
of FIR in the glucose band by blood glucose energy to attenuate the amplitude and shift ous humor of the eye (13). In rabbits the
can be spectroscopically determined by the phase of the beam, resulting in increased aqueous humor glucose concentration has
comparing measured and predicted impedance proportionate to the solute con- been demonstrated to correlate with the
amounts of thermal energy at the skin sur- centration. In blood, glucose is the nonionic blood glucose concentration (14).
face. The predicted amount of thermal solute present at the highest molar concen- In polarimetry, a beam splitter divides
energy radiated can be calculated by the tration. With the use of a conversion factor, a polarized light beam into a reference
Planck distribution function (9). Simulta- the concentration of glucose in blood can be beam and a detection beam that passes
neous measurement of thermal energy calculated from a measurement of the through the body. The beams are then com-
absorption outside the FIR glucose band impedance to radio wave energy of a body pared to determine the amount of phase
determines the reference intensity, which is appendage such as a fingertip. No in vivo shift produced by passage through the
a necessary variable for calculating the data has been published about the accuracy body. A blood glucose level is calculated by
of this method for measuring blood glu- applying a conversion factor to the phase
cose. This technology is used to measure the shift. No in vivo data has been published
moisture content of agricultural crops (11). on the accuracy of such a method for meas-
Radio wave impedance technology for uring blood glucose. This technology is
Energy used industrially to measure the concen-
blood glucose monitoring has two prob-
lems. First, impedance is also affected by tration of sugar in foods and dextrose in
factors other than glucose, which must be intravenous solutions.
accounted for to determine the relationship There are two problems with polarime-
Collect fluid between impedance and blood glucose try for blood glucose measurement. First,
concentration. These factors include con- the signal size is small. The angle of rotation
centration of electrolytes in the blood, fin- for a 1 cm thick tissue compartment would
Measure glucose concentration ger width, and body temperature. Second, be <0.00004° per 1 mg/dl increment in
I an inexpensive disposable finger clip may glucose concentration. Second, there is a
Convert to blood glucose be necessary to conduct the radio waves. potential lag time between blood and aque-
The recurring costs of any disposable ous humor glucose concentrations during
Figure 2—Mechanism of fluid extraction tech- attachment could be a psychological deter- periods of rapidly shifting blood glucose
nology. rent to frequent use of a monitor. concentrations (15).



Figure 3—Schematic diagram of the glucose monitoring system. Figure provided by Cygnus Therapeutic Systems.

Fluid extraction from skin glucose measurement. First, there is a lag patients with diabetic thick skin or during
A fifth technology for noninvasive blood time of at least 20 min from the beginning exercise-induced sweating, where the fluid
glucose monitoring extracts and measures of a fluid extraction cycle until a blood glu- extraction rate could be altered. Sixth, wrist
tissue fluid from skin. This technology, also cose level can be reported. If the blood skin could be adversely affected by pro-
known as reverse iontophoresis, is accurate glucose level is falling rapidly, severe hypo- longed reverse iontophoresis. Seventh, the
and produces multiple measurements over a glycemia may not be ascertained and a prototype device is currently too large for
24-h period (16). A device using this tech- patient might fail to take corrective action. commercial use and must be miniaturized.
nology would measure trends in blood glu- Delayed recognition of a rapidly rising A noninvasive blood glucose monitor-
cose concentrations and could be blood glucose level is less dangerous. The ing system is being developed that will
programmed to control an insulin delivery time required to complete a measurement resemble a wristwatch (Fig. 3). The device
system, which would create an artificial pan- makes the technology unsuitable for a will consist of J) a display unit that shows
creas. Fluid extraction from skin is the only physician's office or hospital, where rapid the time and the blood glucose level (Fig.
noninvasive blood glucose monitoring tech- screening of blood glucose levels is desired. 4); 2) a glucose pad, which is a disposable
nology capable of measuring blood glucose Second, the technology necessary to meas- pad in which extracted fluid glucose trig-
levels continuously without patient effort. ure extracted fluid glucose levels must be gers an electrochemical reaction and that
Reverse iontophoresis involves creation very accurate because the glucose concen- must be replaced every 24 h; 3) a pair of
of an electrical current applied to the skin. tration in this fluid is —1/1,000 that of electrodes that transmit current to the skin;
The current pulls out salt, which carries blood glucose and the fluid glucose level is 4) a biosensor that measures electron emis-
water, which in turn carries glucose. Thus, converted to blood glucose with a conver- sions; and 5) a computer that stores data.
glucose is extracted from the skin, where it sion factor. Third, the prototype device This system will extract fluid from skin
can be absorbed and its concentration requires recalibration at least weekly and using reverse iontophoresis. A blood glu-
measured. The glucose concentration of cannot be shared by a second person with- cose level could be reported as often as
this extracted fluid is proportionate to that out a 60-min equilibration period followed three times per hour. A programmable
of blood (17,18). Iontophoresis, from by recalibration. Fourth, there may be a few alarm will sound if high or low panic values
which reverse iontophoresis derives, is an minutes of mild discomfort or formication are exceeded. The device will be powered
effective drug-delivery technology. on first applying such a device to the skin, by a single AAA battery. A prototype of the
There are several problems with fluid but these symptoms should then resolve. reverse iontophoresis system has been
extraction from skin as a method for blood Fifth, the device has not been tested in reported to produce clinically acceptable


Noninvasive blood glucose monitoring

Table 2—Blood glucose monitoring technologies compared according to invasiveness

Indwelling site restricted Fluid
Technology Skin trauma Pain catheter to fingertips waste
Noninvasive 0 0 0
Nearly noninvasive 0 0 Interstitial
Minimally invasive ++ 0 Interstitial
Invasive 0 +++ Blood
0, absent; +, nearly absent; + + , minimal; + + + , present.

ther skin trauma nor pain, transcutaneous monitoring. First, most interstitialfluidsys-
harvesting of interstitial fluid may be tems use disposable assay systems intended
accomplished with nearly no skin trauma for one-time use. The expense of these dis-
and with minimal sensation. This technol- posables could impede frequent use of the
ogy is therefore classified not as noninva- monitor. Second, because of the potential
sive, but rather as nearly noninvasive (20). lag time, as with extracted skin fluid tech-
Transcutaneous harvesting of interstitial nology, some treatment decisions may be
fluid produces no significant breaks in the based on inaccurate measurements if blood
skin surface, in contrast to minimally inva- glucose levels are shifting rapidly.
sive technology, which involves insertion of
an indwelling subcutaneous glucose sensor
(21,22) (Table 2). There is such similarity CONCLUSIONS — Six promising tech-
between transcutaneous interstitial fluid nologies are being intensively evaluated as
harvesting technology and noninvasive tools to detect blood glucose levels nonin-
technologies that this nearly noninvasive vasively These technologies include: 1) NIR
technology is being included in the present spectroscopy 2) FIR spectroscopy 3) radio
review of noninvasive monitoring. The wave impedance, 4) optical rotation of
process of collecting interstitial fluid, com- polarized light, 5) fluid extraction from
pared to blood, is less inconvenient in skin, and 6) interstitial fluid harvesting.
Figure 4—Display unit of the glucose monitor-
ing system. Figure provided by Cygnus Thera-
terms of 1) pain, 2) skin trauma, 3) site There are technical problems to solve before
peutic Systems. restriction (sampling is not limited to the any of these methods can become commer-
fingertips), and 4) risk of contamination by cially viable. Large prototype devices must
a pathogenic agent into or from the circu- be made more accurate and small enough
lation (23). Furthermore, it is simpler to for use initially as a home or office device
results for 95% of its measurements (16). assay glucose in interstitial fluid than in and eventually as a portable device. A non-
Such accuracy is comparable to that of cur- blood because with interstitial fluid an ery- invasive blood glucose monitor would be a
rently available blood glucose monitors throcyte sequestration step is not necessary powerful new tool for improving the lives of
(19). The mean absolute error of the meas- Interstitial fluid harvesting involves people with diabetes.
urements was 13%, and there was a corre- extraction offluidfrom the skin followed by
lation coefficient of 0.89. Measurements direct measurement of thefluidglucose con-
were performed during a glucose tolerance centration. If the sample volume is greater Acknowledgments— Richard Kahn, PhD,
test and an insulin infusion to determine than 3 pi, then currently available blood and Michael D.L. O'Connor, MD, PhD, pro-
whether rapidly rising or falling extracted- glucose measurement technologies may be vided helpful advice. Linda Rossi provided
fluid glucose levels significantly lag behind used. In the future, the minimum sample expert editorial assistance.
serum glucose levels. Such a problem was volume for commercial blood glucose mon-
not apparent in this series (16). itors may be as little as 1 ul. The concentra-
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